micro/nano encapsulation via electrified coaxial liquid jets

DOI: 10.1126/science.1067595 , 1695 (2002); 295 Science et al. I. G. Loscertales Micro/Nano Encapsulation via Electrified Coaxial Liquid Jets This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. clicking here. colleagues, clients, or customers by , you can order high-quality copies for your If you wish to distribute this article to others here. following the guidelines can be obtained by Permission to republish or repurpose articles or portions of articles ): January 12, 2014 www.sciencemag.org (this information is current as of The following resources related to this article are available online at http://www.sciencemag.org/content/295/5560/1695.full.html version of this article at: including high-resolution figures, can be found in the online Updated information and services, 254 article(s) on the ISI Web of Science cited by This article has been http://www.sciencemag.org/content/295/5560/1695.full.html#related-urls 11 articles hosted by HighWire Press; see: cited by This article has been http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/collection/app_physics Physics, Applied subject collections: This article appears in the following registered trademark of AAAS. is a Science 2002 by the American Association for the Advancement of Science; all rights reserved. The title Copyright American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1200 New York Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20005. (print ISSN 0036-8075; online ISSN 1095-9203) is published weekly, except the last week in December, by the Science on January 12, 2014 www.sciencemag.org Downloaded from on January 12, 2014 www.sciencemag.org Downloaded from on January 12, 2014 www.sciencemag.org Downloaded from on January 12, 2014 www.sciencemag.org Downloaded from on January 12, 2014 www.sciencemag.org Downloaded from

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Page 2: Micro/Nano Encapsulation via Electrified Coaxial Liquid Jets

concentrations and temperature, and arrive atthe unexpected conclusion that Eq. 2, andespecially the heuristic crossover form Eq. 3,provide an excellent description of our data.

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10. R. J. Birgeneau, R. A. Cowley, G. Shirane, H. Yoshizawa,J. Stat. Phys. 34, 817 (1984) and references therein.

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(1991).33. O.P.V. and M.G. thank A. Aharony, A. H. Castro

Neto, A. L. Chernyshev, A. W. Sandvik, and E. F.Shender for helpful discussions. The work at Stan-ford was supported by the U.S. Department ofEnergy under contract nos. DE-FG03-99ER45773and DE-AC03-76SF00515, by NSF CAREER Awardno. DMR9400372, and by the by the A.P. SloanFoundation.

15 October 2001; accepted 23 January 2002

Micro/Nano Encapsulation viaElectrified Coaxial Liquid Jets

I. G. Loscertales,1* A. Barrero,2* I. Guerrero,2 R. Cortijo,1

M. Marquez,3,4 A. M. Ganan-Calvo2

We report a method to generate steady coaxial jets of immiscible liquids withdiameters in the range of micrometer/nanometer size. This compound jet isgenerated by the action of electro-hydrodynamic (EHD) forces with a diameterthat ranges from tens of nanometers to tens of micrometers. The eventual jetbreakup results in an aerosol of monodisperse compound droplets with theouter liquid surrounding or encapsulating the inner one. Following this ap-proach, we have produced monodisperse capsules with diameters varying be-tween 10 and 0.15 micrometers, depending on the running parameters.

Production and control of droplets and parti-cles of micrometer or even nanometer sizewith a narrow size distribution are of interestfor many applications in science and technol-ogy. Usually, these particles are formed aseither an aerosol or a hydrosol phase. Aero-sols and hydrosols of compound particles,such that each particle is made of a smallamount of a certain substance surrounded byanother one, are of particular importance forencapsulation of food additives (1–3), target-ed drug delivery (4–10), and special materialprocessing (11, 12), among other technolog-ical fields. All of them resort to encapsulation

to provide such compound particles in theappropriate size range.

The interest in encapsulation may be mo-tivated by a broad spectrum of reasons: toisolate an unstable component from an ag-gressive environment, to avoid decomposi-tion of a labile compound under a certainatmosphere, to deliver a given substance to aparticular receptor, and so forth. Although thesubstance to be encapsulated may be eithersolid or liquid, the encapsulating agent isusually a polymer carrying solution or a melt-ed polymer. The key issue is the way to formthe micrometer/nanometer-sized capsulesfrom the bulk components, with controllableand adjustable coating thickness.

One of the most widely adopted methodsto obtain micrometer/nanometer capsules isbased on emulsion technology (13–15). Twoimmiscible fluids, one carrying the substanceto be encapsulated and the other one carryingthe polymer for the shell, are stirred to forman emulsion. This emulsion is stabilized bypouring it into a third solution (double emul-sion process; DE), thereby extracting the

polymer solvent and solidifying the polymeras a capsule. Related methods also incorpo-rate phase separation and similar physical orchemical phenomena (16, 17).

Other approaches for encapsulation resortto the formation and control of liquid jetswith diameters in the micrometer/nanometerrange. In the electrospray (ES) technique, aconducting liquid is slowly injected throughan electrified capillary tube. When the elec-tric potential between the liquid and its sur-roundings rises to a few kilovolts, the menis-cus at the tube exit develops a conical shape,commonly referred to as the Taylor cone. Athin microthread of liquid is issued from thetip of the Taylor cone, which eventually frag-ments to form a spray of highly chargeddroplets (18). Its most well-known applica-tion has been in mass spectrometry, where ithas been successfully exploited as a way toproduce multiply charged gas phase ions ofhuge biomolecules present in the liquid phase(19). Another outstanding feature of the elec-trospray is its ability to generate monodis-perse droplets whose size can be varied be-tween hundred of micrometers and tens ofnanometers, independent of the diameter ofthe capillary tube (20, 21).

In the simplest version of selective with-drawal (SW), the exit of a tube is located at aheight S above the interface separating twoimmiscible liquids (or liquid gas). For lowrates of fluid withdrawal Q, only the upperfluid is sucked through the tube. A sufficientincrease in Q, or decrease in S, gives rise to athin spout of the lower liquid surrounded bythe outer fluid (22–24).

In the flow focusing (FF) technique (25,26), a liquid is injected through a capillarytube whose exit is located close to a smallhole drilled in a thin plate. A stream ofanother fluid (gas or liquid) surrounding thetube is forced through the hole. The mechan-

1Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales,Universidad de Malaga, Plaza El Ejido, S/N Malaga29013, Spain. 2Escuela Superior de Ingenieros, Univer-sidad de Sevilla, Camino de los Descubrimientos S/N,41092 Seville, Spain. 3Kraft Foods R&D, The Nano-technology Lab, 801 Waukegan Road, Glenview, IL60025, USA. 4Los Alamos National Laboratory, Chem-ical Sciences and Technology Division, Los Alamos,NM 87545, USA.

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]


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Page 3: Micro/Nano Encapsulation via Electrified Coaxial Liquid Jets

ical stresses exerted by this stream deform themeniscus attached to the tube exit. Then, themeniscus develops a cusplike shape fromwhose vertex a thin jet is issued. As in theelectrospray case, the jet diameter is alsoindependent of the much larger diameter ofthe capillary tube.

In the DE methods, the capsules consist of apolymer matrix in which the encapsulated sub-stance is somehow randomly distributed in tinypackets. The mean size of the capsules mayvary between hundreds of nanometers and hun-dreds of micrometers, although the dispersionin sizes presents a relatively high standard de-viation (usually larger than 100%).

Although each of these methods is able toproduce encapsulated particles with a well-defined size range, good control over thethickness of the coating, or a specific size ofcoated particle, they are unable to accomplishall three of the desired parameters.

We report a technique that uses electro-hydrodynamic (EHD) forces to generate co-axial jets of immiscible liquids with diame-ters in the nanometer range (27). The spraygenerated from the varicose breakup of the jetconsists of monodisperse compound droplets,which can reach sizes well below the micro-meter range. The basic experimental setup forthe technique is sketched in Fig. 1. Twoimmiscible liquids, red and blue, are injectedat appropriate flow rates through two concen-trically located needles. The inner diameter ofthe inner needle ranges from the order of 1mm to tens of micrometers, whereas its outerdiameter sets limits to the cross section of theouter needle. The outer needle is connected toan electrical potential of several kilovolts rel-ative to a ground electrode (the extractor).The inner needle is kept to an electrical po-tential that, depending on the conductivity ofthe outer liquid, can be varied from that of theouter needle to that of the extractor. For a

certain range of values of the electrical po-tential and flow rates (28), a structured Taylorcone is formed at the exit of the needles withan outer meniscus surrounding the inner one(see Fig. 2A). A liquid thread is issued fromthe vertex of each one of the two menisci,giving rise to a compound jet of two coflow-ing liquids (see Fig. 2B). At the minimum jetsection, the two-layered jet shown in Fig. 2Bhas an outer diameter of 4 mm.

In the case of the experiment in Fig. 2, Aand B, the outer liquid was DuPont pho-topolymer Somos 6120, and the inner onewas colored ethylene glycol (EG). To devel-op this structure, we injected Somos, whichflowed through the annular gap between thetwo needles. We then increased the electricalpotential of the outer needle V1 until theliquid meniscus jumped into a stable cone-jetmode. In this particular example, the electri-cal potential of the inner needle was main-tained at V2 5 V1. The viscosity of the outerliquid is sufficiently high to diffuse the elec-trical stresses acting on the surface into thebulk. Consequently, the liquid motion insidethe Taylor cone is dominated by viscosity, sothat the liquid velocity inside the cone iseverywhere pointing toward the cone apex(29). The second liquid flowed through theinner needle to form a new meniscus insidethe Somos one. The motion of Somos de-formed the EG meniscus to a conical shapeand sucked it from the meniscus’s tip to forma thin microthread. This microthread of EGmerged with that of Somos at the tip of theTaylor cone to finally form a two-concentriclayered micro/nano jet.

To obtain a structured Taylor cone, theEHD forces must act on at least one liquid,although they may act on both. We shall call thedriving liquid the one upon which the EHDforces act to form the Taylor cone. We intro-duced a configuration in which the driving liq-uid flows through the needle’s annular gap (see

Fig. 1). However, there is an alternative config-uration in which the driving liquid flowsthrough T2, whereas the second one flowsthrough the annular gap between T1 and T2.That is the case shown in Fig. 2, C and D,where a Taylor cone of water is formed insidea meniscus of a nonconducting liquid such asolive oil. The electrical stresses acting on thecharged water–olive oil interface, which areefficiently transmitted by viscosity toward theolive oil bulk, set the olive oil into motion,toward the water cone vertex. These two co-flowing streams eventually give rise to a coax-ial jet of water coated by oil. As in regularelectrosprays, the motion of the driving liquidin this second configuration does not need to bedominated by viscosity. Olive oil (or any otherliquid insulator) cannot be electrosprayed on itsown in the cone-jet mode, because the lack ofsurface charge density prevents the formationof a steady Taylor cone (30).

The stability of the structured Taylorcones and the electrified compound jetsstrongly depends on the physical propertiesof the working fluids as well as the liquidflow rates and applied voltages. This com-plex electro-fluid-mechanical scenario israther poorly understood, so that the stabilitydomains for most liquid couples remain to beinvestigated. In the absence of better knowl-edge, we should point out that stable struc-tured Taylor cones have been obtained forliquids satisfying the condition si . so,where s is the liquid-dielectric atmospheresurface tension and subscripts i and o refer tothe inner and outer liquid, respectively.

Experiments show that the scaling laws(electrical current and droplet diameter as afunction of flow rate) that govern regularelectrosprays (20, 31, 32) also apply to thesecompound electrosprays. In this situation, theflow rate must be that of the driving liquid.For example, data in Fig. 3A, obtained byelectrospraying water coated with oil, show a

4, HighVoltageSupply


T1, OuterLiquid

T2, InnerLiquid

Fig. 1. Typical experimental setup for a struc-tured Taylor cone.

Fig. 2. (A) StructuredTaylor cone and (B)downstream detail ofthe two coaxial jetsemitted from the ver-texes of the two me-nisci. A Taylor cone ofwater coated by (C) athin shell of olive oiland by (D) a thickshell of olive oil.


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remarkable agreement with the well-knownI ; Q1/2 law, where I is the current and theflow rate Q 5 Qin is, in this case, that ofwater (the driving liquid). Furthermore, asshown in Fig. 3B, the value of the current isnot substantially affected by changes on theother liquid’s flow rate, as far as both flowrates are comparable.

This behavior as regular electrospray isexpected because, from the electrical point ofview, the role played by the olive oil (insu-

lator) is exactly that played by air in regularelectrosprays. The oil reduces the intensity ofthe electric field felt by the driving liquid(water) by a factor proportional to its dielec-tric constant, but, as with air, it makes nocontribution to the net charge transport.Nonetheless, for much lower values of the oilflow rate, strong variations of I with Qout

have been found.We applied this technique to microencap-

sulate aqueous solutions. An outer jet of So-

mos and a coflowing water inner jet weregenerated as described before. Compounddroplets of water coated by Somos resultedfrom the jet breakup, so that a spray of com-pound droplets was formed and collected on aplate damped with water. In this case, theouter shell of the droplets was hardened withan ultraviolet light reactor. Before the hard-ening process, the charged aerosol was neu-tralized by corona discharge, so that losseswere minimized. The liquid flow rates in thisexperiment were selected to obtain capsulesin the micrometer range, because capsules inthis range can be optically recorded to allowfor visual observation (Fig. 4).

Encapsulation, tested within the nanome-ter range, has been carried out via aerosoltechniques, because they allow for on-linecharacterization of the airborne particles. Inparticular, we resorted to mobility analysiswith a differential mobility analyzer (DMA)described elsewhere (33). Electrospray drop-lets, when subject to sufficient liquid evapo-ration, lead to the formation of gas phase ionsof substances previously dissolved in the liq-uid (34, 35), as in the case of aqueous solu-tions of salts.

In Fig. 5A, we show the differential mobil-ity spectra recorded from an electrospray of anaqueous solution of NaCl. The liquid flow ratethrough the electrospray was 18 nl s21. Thescale on the horizontal axis is proportional toI/Z, where Z is the electrical mobility in cm2

V21 s21. The leftmost peak is due to ions ofsodium (Na1) at different solvation states. Thepeak in the middle is mostly due to clusters ofsalt plus sodium ions at different states ofcharge and solvation (35). The third peak is dueto the solid residues left after solvent evapora-tion from the droplets. Because the initiallyelectrosprayed droplets evaporate and undergoCoulombic explosions, the sizes of the solidresidues bear little relation to the initial dropletsize, if any at all. In Fig. 5B, we show thedifferential mobility spectra gathered from thesame aqueous solution, flowing at the samerate, but with 27% (in flow rate) of nonvolatileolive oil coflowing on the outside. The result ismarkedly different. The peaks associated withions and ionic clusters have completely disap-peared. There is only a single dominant peak,associated to the monodisperse electrospraycompound droplets. Indeed, the size of suchdroplets, as inferred from the measured electriccurrent and the liquid flow rate emitted from theelectrospray, scales as those predicted by elec-trospray laws. Thus, the absence of ionic spe-cies and Coulomb explosions, together with thematching of predictions in size and charge,strongly supports the picture that the waterdroplets do not evaporate, so a thin shell ofnonvolatile olive oil must surround them.

Figure 6 shows the diameter of the cap-sules generated from structured jets of oliveoil (outer fluid) and water solutions (inner

Fig. 3. (A) Current I as a function of the water flow rate Qin for a given value of the oil flow rateQout. (B) Plot showing the independence of the current from Qout.

Fig. 4. Collection of near monodisperse capsules. Magnified views of two capsules formed underdifferent parametrical conditions are also given in the figure. In (A), the outer diameter is 10 mm,whereas the diameter of the capsule shown in (B) is 8 mm. The hardening process can also bethermally or chemically initiated under the use of appropriate reagents.

Fig. 5. Differential mobility spectra of (A) electrosprays of water solutions and (B) a compoundelectrospray of the same water solutions (inner) and olive oil (outer).


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fluid) with different electrical conductivi-ties (0.14, 0.05, and 0.01 S m21). Thehorizontal axis represents the ratio Qout/Qw,where Qw is the water flow rate and Qout isthe oil flow rate. The diameter is calculatedfrom the measured current, flow rates, andelectrical mobility. Filled symbols repre-sent situations in which the flow rate ofwater is kept constant while the flow rate ofolive oil is varied. Open symbols representsituations where both flow rates have beenvaried. The smallest capsule diameter at-tained during these exploratory experi-ments is about 0.150 mm, corresponding toa sphere of water of about 100 nm indiameter covered by a layer of oil whosethickness is about 25 nm. The dispersion ofsizes, for each experiment, remains below7%, except in the case of the smallest cap-sules (0.150 mm), because of limitations toproperly controlling the flow rate of oil inthis extreme case.

We have presented a technique to generatecoaxial electrified liquid jets in the micrometerand submicrometer ranges by EHD. This meth-od allows for a precise tailoring of both theouter and the outer-to-inner radius ratio by con-trolling the flow rates of both liquids and theapplied voltage. A direct application to the pro-duction of monodisperse capsules in the micro-meter range has been included. Although in thisparticular example, the outer fluid consists of aphotopolymer, which is solidified under ultra-violet light, the use of different polymerizationschemes is also applicable with this technique.Also, monodisperse compound droplets of wa-ter coated by olive oil, with sizes well in thesubmicrometer range, have been obtained. Boththe amount of water and thickness of the coat-ing oil layer can be well controlled.

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25. A. M. Ganan-Calvo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 285 (1997).26. iiii , A. Barrero, J. Aerosol Sci. 30, 117 (1999).27. I. G. Loscertales, R. Cortijo, A. Barrero, A. M. Ganan-

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and injected flow rates required to obtain a structuredTaylor cone depends on the physical properties of theliquids (mainly electrical conductivities, viscosities, andsurface tensions; 6.2 3 1025 S m21 and 0.6 kg m21 s21

are the electrical conductivity and viscosity of Somos,and 43 mN m21 is the Somos-air interfacial tension)and the geometry of the system (mainly the needle-to-collector distance). In our experiments, the diameters ofthe needles were 1 mm outer diameter (OD) and 0.7mm inner diameter (ID) (outer needle) and 0.4 mm ODand 0.25 mm ID (inner needle). Silica tubing (0.35 mmOD, 0.075 mm ID) was also used as the inner needle inthe experiments with water-oil. The needle-to-collectordistance ranged between about 0.8 and 1.4 mm. Typicalvalues of the voltages used in the experiments shown inFigs. 2 to 6 range between 3 and 5 kV. Typical values ofthe liquid flow rates are given in Figs. 3 and 6.

29. The use of liquids with much less viscosity may leadto intense flow recirculations inside the Taylor cone(36).

30. The only way liquid insulators can be electrosprayedin the cone-jet mode is by artificially increasing theirelectrical conductivity via additives.

31. J. Fernandez de la Mora, I. G. Loscertales, J. FluidMech. 260, 155 (1994).

32. J. Rosell-Llompart, J. Fernandez de la Mora, J. AerosolSci. 25, 1093 (1994).

33. J. Rosell-Lompart, I. G. Loscertales, D. Bingham, J.Fernandez de la Mora, J. Aerosol Sci. 27, 695 (1996).

34. I. G. Loscertales, J. Fernandez de la Mora, J. Chem.Phys. 103, 5041 (1995).

35. M. Gamero-Castano, J. Fernandez de la Mora, Anal.Chim. Acta 406, 67 (2000).

36. A. Barrero, A. M. Ganan-Calvo, J. Davila, A. Palacio, E.Gomez-Gonzalez, Phys. Rev. E 58, 7309 (1998).

37. Two of the authors (I.G.L.) and (A.B.) thank J. Fernan-dez de la Mora, J. M. Lopez-Herrera, A. Garrido, and M.Gonzalez for their valuable assistance. One of theauthors (M.M.) dedicates this work to G. Chuchani onhis 77th anniversary.

31 October 2001; accepted 24 January 2002

A Thermally Re-mendableCross-Linked Polymeric Material

Xiangxu Chen,1 Matheus A. Dam,1 Kanji Ono,2 Ajit Mal,3

Hongbin Shen,4 Steven R. Nutt,4 Kevin Sheran,1 Fred Wudl1*

We have developed a transparent organic polymeric material that can repeatedlymend or “re-mend” itself under mild conditions. The material is a tough solid atroom temperature and below with mechanical properties equaling those of com-mercial epoxy resins. At temperatures above 120°C, approximately 30% (as de-termined by solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy) of “intermono-mer” linkages disconnect but then reconnect upon cooling, This process is fullyreversible and can be used to restore a fractured part of the polymer multiple times,and it does not require additional ingredients such as a catalyst, additional mono-mer, or special surface treatment of the fractured interface.

In past decades, highly cross-linked polymershave been studied widely as matrices forcomposites, foamed structures, structural ad-hesives, insulators for electronic packaging,etc. (1, 2). The densely cross-linked struc-tures are the basis of superior mechanical

properties such as high modulus, high fracturestrength, and solvent resistance. However, thesematerials are irreversibly damaged by highstresses (3, 4) due to the formation and prop-agation of cracks. The latter lead to danger-ous loss in the load-carrying capacity of poly-

Fig. 6. Typical sizes ofcapsules of watersurrounded by a thinshell of olive oil. f,Qw 5 39.8e-12 m3s21;Œ, Qw 5 26.0e-12 m3

s21; r, Qw 5 18.4e-12m3 s21; V, Qw 5 17.8e-12 m3 s21; ‚, Qw 525.5e-12 m3 s21; andM, Qw 5 1.5e-12 m3



1 MARCH 2002 VOL 295 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org1698