micro worlds power point

Micro worlds Shapes

Upload: yr05

Post on 10-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Micro worlds power point

Micro worldsShapes

Page 2: Micro worlds power point

What is micro worlds and how do I use it?

Micro worlds is an online programing site. You basically get a turtle and the turtle draws when it moves, you tell it how to move in a code for example.To make the turtle go forwarded you type in fd Right turn is rt left turn is lt You also have to put in an amount the higher number you put in the more it will go. You can also use a repeat procedure this will make your turtle do something more than once. To do this you have to write repeat then put in the amount of times you want the turtle to repeat it then in square brackets write the procedure. You can make shapes and patens with micro worlds here are some I have made.

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This is the square I made on micro worlds. My procedure was:Repeat 4 [fd 50 rt 90]

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Rectangle I also made a rectangle this is what it looks like. This was the procedure:Repeat 2 [fd 100 rt 90 fd 50 rt 90]

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Triangles I also made two triangles here they are.Triangle 1s procedure was:Fd 50Rt 90fd 50rt 135fd 70Triangle 2s procedure was:Fd 50Rt 98Rt 130home

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pentagonI also made a pentagon the procedure I used was: Repeat 5[fd 50 rt 75}

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RhombusI also made a rhombus the procedure was:Rt 50 fd 45 lt 50 fd 50 lt 135 lt 50 fd 45

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Trapezium I also made a trapezium the procedure was:Rt 15 fd 50 rt 70 fd 50 rt 110 fd 85

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Patten I made a Patten to finish it all off the procedure was:

fd 125 repeat 1000 [lt 147 fd 68 lt 53 fd 123 rt 341 fd 157]