michael wald - inv-eng.cominv-eng.com/docs/wald.pdf · michael wald background electrical...

MICHAEL WALD Background Electrical Engineering Consultant specializing in the investigation of fires and explosions, electrical equipment failures, electrical injury incidents, and accidents involving biomedical equipment. Specific expertise in the analysis of causation of fires, electrical equipment damage, electrocution and electric shock, accident reconstruction, biomedical device failures, and codes and standards for electrical and biomedical equipment installation and maintenance. Testifying experience in all of the above areas, both plaintiff and defense. Over 20 years experience in the installation, maintenance, testing and repair of complex electro-mechanical equipment. Knowledgeable in the application of a variety of medical equipment, devices, and procedures. Over two thousand investigations performed involving consumer products, wiring and cabling, medical devices, and residential, commercial, and industrial electrical equipment. Technical management of large loss fire and explosion investigations involving multi-disciplinary teams of investigating engineers across the United States and abroad. Education Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. - 1977 Double Major in Pre-med. and Electrical Engineering Master of Science (M.S.), George Washington University, Washington, D.C. - 1983 Electrical Engineering with minors in Medical Engineering and Computer Science Certificate of Participation, Hughes Institute, Fire Chemistry and Arson Investigation, 1992 Professional Experience President, Electrical Engineering Consultant, IEI Consulting, Inc., 1999 to Present Management of forensic engineering consulting company, and principle investigator. Perform technical investigations, direct the investigations of sub-contracted services, and oversee all company operations. Electrical Engineering Consultant, 1995 to 1999 Consulting services to various clients on the cause and origin of electrical equipment malfunctions and failures, fire and explosion investigations, personal injuries involving electrical equipment, and medical device incidents. Senior Engineer / Department Director, FTI Corporation, 1990 to 1995 Investigation of engineering incidents relating to fires, explosions, personal injuries, medical device failures, property damage, equipment malfunctions, and insurance claim evaluations. Technical direction and management of electrical and biomedical departments. On-site management of large loss fire and explosion investigations involving multi-disciplinary teams of engineers. President/Owner, Miga Development, 1987 to 2000 Site development and construction of single family homes, additions and renovations, and consulting services. Experience in modular and stick-built construction, electrical, mechanical and plumbing system installations, grading and foundations, and permitting and inspection procedures.

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Page 1: MICHAEL WALD - inv-eng.cominv-eng.com/docs/wald.pdf · MICHAEL WALD Background Electrical Engineering Consultant specializing in the investigation of fires and explosions, electrical


B ackground E lectr ica l E ng ineering C onsu ltan t spec ia liz ing in the investiga tion o f fires and exp los ions, e lec trica l equ ipm ent fa ilu res , e lec trica l in ju ry inc idents , and acc iden ts invo lv ing b iom edica l equ ipm ent. S pec ific expertise in the ana lys is o f causation o f fires , e lec trica l equ ipm ent dam age, e lec trocu tion and e lec tric shock , acc ident reconstruc tion , b iom edica l dev ice fa ilu res , and codes and s tandards fo r e lec tr ica l and b iom edica l equ ipm ent ins ta lla tion and m ain tenance. T estifying experience in a ll o f the above areas, bo th p la in tiff and de fense. O ver 20 years experience in the ins ta lla tion , m a in tenance, tes ting and repa ir o f com plex e lec tro -m echan ica l equ ipm ent. K now ledgeab le in the app lica tion o f a varie ty o f m ed ica l equ ipm ent, devices, and procedures. O ver tw o thousand investiga tions perfo rm ed invo lv ing consum er products , w ir ing and cab ling , m ed ica l devices, and res identia l, com m erc ia l, and industria l e lec trica l equ ipm ent. T echn ica l m anagem ent o f la rge loss fire and exp los ion investiga tions invo lv ing m ulti-d isc ip linary team s of investiga ting eng ineers across the U n ited S ta tes and abroad. E ducation ♦ B ache lor o f S c ience (B .S .), C orne ll U n ivers ity, Ithaca , N .Y . - 1977 D oub le M ajor in P re -m ed. and E lec trica l E ng ineering ♦ M aster o f S c ience (M .S .), G eorge W ash ing ton U n ivers ity, W ash ing ton , D .C . - 1983 E lec trica l E ng ineering w ith m inors in M ed ica l E ng ineering and C om puter S c ience ♦ C ertifica te o f P artic ipa tion , H ughes Ins titu te , F ire C hem is try and A rson Inve stiga tion , 1992 P rofess iona l Experience P residen t, E lectrica l E ng ineering C on su ltan t, IE I C onsu lting , Inc ., 1999 to P resen t M anagem ent o f fo rens ic eng ineering consu lting com pany, and princ ip le investiga tor. P erfo rm techn ica l investiga tions, d irec t the in vestiga tions o f sub-contrac ted serv ices , and oversee a ll com pany opera tions. E lectrica l E ng in eering C o nsu ltan t, 1995 to 1999 C onsu lting serv ices to various c lien ts on the cause and orig in o f e lec trica l equ ipm ent m a lfunctions and fa ilu res , fire and exp los ion investiga tions, persona l in ju ries invo lv ing e lec trica l equ ipm ent, and m ed ica l device inc iden ts . S en io r E ng ineer / D epartm ent D irecto r, FT I C orporation , 1990 to 1995 Investiga tion o f eng ineering inc idents re la ting to fires , exp los ions, persona l in ju ries , m ed ica l device fa ilu res , p roperty dam age, equ ipm ent m a lfunctions, and insurance c la im eva lua tions. T echn ica l d irec tion and m anagem ent of e lec trica l and b iom edica l departm ents . O n -s ite m anagem ent o f la rge loss fire and exp los ion investiga tions invo lv ing m ulti-d isc ip linary team s of eng ineers . P residen t/O w ner, M iga D evelopm ent, 1987 to 2000 S ite deve lopm ent and construc tion o f s ing le fam ily hom es, add itions and renovations, and consu lting services . E xperience in m odu lar and s tick -bu ilt construc tion , e lec tr ica l, m echan ica l and p lum bing s ys tem ins ta lla tions , g rad ing and foundations, and perm itting and inspection procedures.

Page 2: MICHAEL WALD - inv-eng.cominv-eng.com/docs/wald.pdf · MICHAEL WALD Background Electrical Engineering Consultant specializing in the investigation of fires and explosions, electrical

IE I C onsu lting , Inc . M ichae l W ald , R esum e P age T w o P rofess iona l Experience (continued) D irecto r o f F ie ld S erv ice , M acD onald D etw iler and A ssociates, 1985 to 1987 H iring , tra in ing , and m anagem ent o f a team of eng ineers ins ta lling and m ain ta in ing laser pho top lo tting equ ipm ent fo r cus tom ers th roughout N orth A m erica . H ands -on troub leshooting o f com plex sys tem prob lem s and partic ipa tion in p roduct deve lopm ent eva lua tions and tes ting . E astern R eg ion S erv ice M anager, G ou ld , Incorporated , 1982 to 1985 E ng ineering and m anagem ent o f the eastern reg ion se rvice opera tion fo r the ins ta lla tion and m ain tenance o f h igh speed im age process ing equ ipm ent in m ilita ry, m ed ica l, and com m erc ia l ins ta lla tions . E astern R eg ion E ng ineer, G enera l E lectric M ed ical S ystem s, 1979 to 1982 Ins ta lla tion , m a in tenance, and app lica tions tra in ing fo r pa tien t m on ito r ing sys tem s used in in tens ive care un its , coronary care un its , em ergency and opera ting room s. A dd itiona l experience in X -ray, C A T -scanners , and N uc lear-scann ing equ ipm ent. B iom ed ica l T echn ic ian , G reate r S outheast C om m u nity H osp ita l, 1977 to 1979 M ain tenance o f a varie ty o f hosp ita l m ed ica l equ ipm ent inc lud ing therapeutic , d iagnostic , labora tory, surg ica l, and pa tien t m on ito ring . E xperience in O pera ting R oom , In tens ive C are , C ritica l C are , and N eo -N ata l In tens ive C are equ ipm ent sys tem s. P ro fess iona l A ssociations ♦ Ins titu te o f E lec trica l and E lec tron ic E ng ineers ♦ N ationa l F ire P ro tec tion A ssoc ia tion Revised - February 2007