media handling in drupal (drupalcamp leuven 2013)

44 @PureSign Media handling in Drupal Sven Decabooter Media handling in Drupal

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Drupal provides various ways to enrich your dull textual content by adding pictures, video's and other media. All of the available solutions come with their advantages and disadvantages or pitfalls to take into account. This presentation will give you an overview of the media landscape in Drupal and walk through the options that are available to you. Topics include: * Media handling in Drupal core * Module comparison: Media, Scald, Asset * WYSIWYG integration * oEmbed


Page 1: Media handling in Drupal (Drupalcamp Leuven 2013)

Media handling in Drupal

Sven Decabooter

Media handling in Drupal

Page 2: Media handling in Drupal (Drupalcamp Leuven 2013)

Media handling in Drupal

About me• Sven Decabooter


• @sdecabooter

• Manager & Drupal developer @ Pure Sign

• President DUG BE vzw

• Organiser of (almost) monthly Drupal meetings


Page 3: Media handling in Drupal (Drupalcamp Leuven 2013)

Media handling in Drupal

Overview1. Media in Drupal core

2. Media module

3. Scald module

4. Asset module

5. oEmbed


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Media handling in Drupal

1. Media in Drupal core

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Media handling in Drupal

Media in Drupal core • Drupal core modules:

• Field + Field UI

• File

• Image


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Media handling in Drupal

Media in Drupal core • Basic file upload widget


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Media handling in Drupal

Media in Drupal core • Image styles

• Create image variants

• Scale, crop, add effects, ...

• a.k.a. Imagecache module in Drupal 6


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Media handling in Drupal

2. Media module

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Media handling in Drupal

Media module

• Manage and reuse media assets

• From local and 3rd party sources

• Depends on file_entity module

• Files become fieldable entities

• D7 usage: +/- 120.000 installs


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Media handling in Drupal

Media module • 2 different branches: 1.x & 2.x

• 1.x - more stable, but no new developments

• 2.x - still under heavy development - more features

• Advantages of 2.x branch:

• file_entity module abstracted out on its own

• Library is Views-based and more flexible

• Support HTML attributes, such as alt & title text (accessibility)


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Media handling in Drupal

Media module

• Media module

• core API

• Media browser

• Media file selector File field widget

• Media Internet Sources module

• API for accessing media on 3rd party services

• Media field module

• deprecated in favor of core File field


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Media handling in Drupal

Media module • File entity module defines different kind of

file types


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Media handling in Drupal

Media module

Demo: working with Media browser


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Media handling in Drupal

Media module 14

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Media handling in Drupal

Media module

Demo: adding 3rd party media

(with media_youtube module)


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Media handling in Drupal

Media module


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Media handling in Drupal

Media module • Advantages of Media:

• Widespread adoption and lots of plugins / providers

• Files are entities: good integration with Views, can contain additional metadata through Field API, etc...

• Allows to reuse media

• Disadvantages

• Tricky to set up exactly right, with file type & display settings

• Still no stable 2.x release


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Media handling in Drupal

Media module • Additional modules:

• Integration modules for 3rd party services (YouTube, Flickr, Vimeo, Dailymotion, ...)


• Avoids deletion of ‘unused’ files


• Use external files without saving them locally


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Media handling in Drupal

Media module

• Additional modules:


• Specify a language for files and bundle them in translation sets

• And lots more integration modules

• See


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Media handling in Drupal

3. Scald module

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Media handling in Drupal

Scald module • Started on Drupal 6

• Rewritten for Drupal 7 using its new APIs (Entities)

• Used by some big (French) media companies

• Manages a broad set of media types

• images, video, audio, files, tweets, facebook statuses, ...

• D7 usage: +/- 700 installs


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Media handling in Drupal

Scald module

• Custom entity: Scald atom

• defines a single digital asset

• Scald Galaxy: installation profile for easy testing/setup of Scald + related modules

• Scald core

• Multimedia Editorial Element

• DnD library

• Atom Reference

• ...


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Media handling in Drupal

Scald module • Atom Reference field type

• much like an Entity Reference

• added drag & drop functionality

• Views integration

• Scald library is a View and can be changed

• Integrates with Plupload module for uploading multiple files at once

• Retrieve tags automatically


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Media handling in Drupal

Scald module

Demo: Scald - Wysiwyg drag & drop + Atom Reference


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Media handling in Drupal

Scald module


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Media handling in Drupal

Scald module

Demo: Youtube & Twitter providers


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Media handling in Drupal

Scald module


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Media handling in Drupal

Scald module • Advantages

• Easily add & search media from within current page

• Drag & drop interface

• Lots of common providers supported + extensible

• Disadvantages

• Sidebar widget: no typical Drupal UI pattern

• Custom entity type - might be limiting when interacting with File related contrib modules


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Media handling in Drupal

4. Asset module

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Media handling in Drupal

Asset module • Started in Drupal 5

• Rewritten by Adyax for Drupal 7

• Provides a Media asset entity type

• Tightly integrated with CKEditor module

• Comes with CKEditor buttons

• Depends on emvideo module for 3rd party video integrations

• D7 usage: +/- 360 installs


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Media handling in Drupal

Asset module • Asset Widget module for sidebar widget

• comparable to Scald module

• Provides following media types:

• images (upload)

• video (3rd party)

• documents (upload)

• audio (upload)

• gallery

• free HTML


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Media handling in Drupal

Asset module

Demo: Asset module


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Media handling in Drupal

Asset module


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Media handling in Drupal

Asset module • Advantages

• Simple interface

• Drag & drop functionality

• Disadvantages

• Sidebar widget: no typical Drupal UI pattern

• Limited interaction with 3rd party services (no Flickr, Soundcloud, ...)

• Installation instructions need some more work


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Media handling in Drupal

5. oEmbed

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Media handling in Drupal

oEmbedWhat is oEmbed?

oEmbed is a format for allowing an embedded representation of a URL on third party sites. The simple API allows a website to display embedded content (such as photos or videos) when a user posts a link to that resource, without having to parse the resource directly.


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Media handling in Drupal

oEmbedWhat is oEmbed?

oEmbed is a format for allowing an embedded representation of a URL on third party sites. The simple API allows a website to display embedded content (such as photos or videos) when a user posts a link to that resource, without having to parse the resource directly.


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Media handling in Drupal



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Media handling in Drupal

oEmbed • It takes a URL, and renders the content in an embeddable way

• Supported by major online services

• YouTube

• Flickr

• Vimeo

• Slideshare

• (provides embedding services for 250+ online services)


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Media handling in Drupal

oEmbed • Integration in Drupal:


• Contains modules:

• oEmbed Core

• oEmbed Field - Link field formatter

• oEmbed Filter - Input filter: converts links in body

• oEmbed - Definitions for providers

• oEmbed Provider - Turn your Drupal into oEmbed provider

• Media: oEmbed - Integration with Media module


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Media handling in Drupal


Demo: configuring oEmbed module


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Media handling in Drupal



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Media handling in Drupal

oEmbed • Advantages:

• Quick way to embed media onto your Drupal site

• No huge suite of modules needed

• Provides hooks to extend functionality

• Allows your Drupal site to quickly provide embeddable content to other parties

• Disadvantages:

• No reusable entities - not suited for a media library

• Not all providers support oEmbed


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Media handling in Drupal


Sven [email protected] - @sdecabooter

Pure Signhttp://[email protected]@PureSign