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Post on 02-Apr-2016




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Since 1988 Wonder Travel Publishing has become one of the most trusted names in media, and now in 2013 we bring you the new Weekend Getaway magazine where “Unforgettable happens!”. This magazine will serve as a complete, up-to-date and reliable worldwide travel guide, and will be the premier travel magazine in print and digital. Here’s a preview of what you can expect to read about in our upcoming issues.

Lake Tahoe is a popular vacation and recre- ation region straddling the border between California and Nevada. The closest large city is Reno, Neva-da. It is especially pop- ular in the summer and winter. Summer activities include golf, boating and hiking. Winter activities include world class skiing, snowmobiling and ice skating. Year round activities include shopping, gambling, eat- ing and taking in the scenery.

Lake Tahoe is a beautiful, crystal-clear blue lake nestled among mountain peaks. It has depths of up to 1,600 feet and the mountain peaks are in the 8,000 to 10,000 foot range. During the summer, boating, camping, and hiking are popular activi-ties. Winter sports are popular during the cold- er months (December-April).

Lake Tahoe has been a tourist destination since the turn of the 20th century, when steam trains and improving roads made it possible to visit with ease. The 1960 Win- ter Olympics, held at Squaw Valley, popu- larized winter sports at Tahoe.