measurements of thermally induced stress waves in a thin rod using birefringent coatings

Measurements of Thermally Induced Stress Waves in a Thin Rod Using Birefringent Coatings Investigation aimed at developing and utilizing a technique for transient measurement of the inertial stresses induced by rapid heating of a structure by Arthur L. Austin ABS~ACT--When an elastic body is heated rapidly, significant inertial stresses are developed if the imposed heating rates cause a substantial temperature change in times which are short relative to the mechanical response time of the body. This work describes a method for inducing and measuring the thermally induced elastic stress waves in an unxestrained thin rod. Rapid heating was accomplished electrically by discharging a low- inductance capacitor bank (0.1 ~H, 2800 J) through the rod. Utilizing the frozen-stress technique, an initial fringe pattern was introduced into thin strips of a bire- fringent material securely bonded to each side of the rod. The longitudinal strain oscillations were measured by direct observation of the movement of the fringe patterns with a high-speed framing camera. Interpretation of these measurements required a dynamic calibration and application of a dynamic correction factor for the rein- forcing effect of the coating. Oscillations with periods from 35 to 250 psec and stress amplitudes up to 9000 psi were measured and compared with the uncoupled thermo- elastic theory. Good agreement was obtained, and it was concluded that this technique is suitable for transient measurements in the presence of large magnetic fields which normally restrict the use of electronic methods. Nomenclature A = cross-sectional area, in. 2 a = sonic velocity, in./sec c = specific heat, Btu/lb/~ F C = capacitance, t~F E = elastic modulus, lb/in. 2 f~ = strain-optic coefficient, in./in./fringe/in. f~ = stress-optic coefficient, lb/in.2/fringe/in. h = thickness of blrefringent coating, m. i = current, amp l = half-length of "free-free" rod, in. L = inductance, henries N = fringe order q = heating rate, Btu/sec/in. 3 R = electrical resistance, ohms t = time, sec T = temperature, o F V = voltage, v W = total weight of heated bar, lb x, y, z = rectangular Cartesian coordinates, in. = coefficient of thermal expansion, in./in./~ F = specific weight, lb/in. = strain, in./in. u = Poisson's ratio p = mass density, lb-sec~/in. 4 = stress, lb/in. 2 T = fundamental period of longitudinal oscillation, sec Arthur L. Austin is Project Engineer, University of California, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Livermore, Calif. Paper was presented at 1964 SESA Annual Meeting held in Cleveland, Ohio, on October 28-30. Subscripts x, y, z = x, y, z directions O = initial ST = static Dyn = dynamic s = specimen c = coating m = maximum Introduction The effect of high heating rates on the behavior of mechanical systems is becoming a problem of greater and greater engineering importance in nuclear tech- nology. In addition to problems of temperature gradients and the resulting quasi-static thermal and contact stresses, the designer must also consider the initial inertia effects which govern the response dur- ing the rapid temperature change. In order for significant inertial stresses to be developed, it has been shown I-4 that the imposed heating rates must cause a substantial temperature change in a struc- ture in times short compared to the mechanical- response time. Hence, the ratio of a characteristic heating time to a characteristic mechanical time will'govern the amplitude of the dynamic overstress caused by rapid heating. Since the mechanical- response times, or periods of free vibration, for struc- tural members such as beams, plates, shells, and rods usually vary anywhere from 10-4 to 10-1 sec, inertial effects become important for heating times which may vary from less than 10-6 sec to as high as 10-2 sec. It is evident, then, that even though heating times may be long in an absolute sense, serious de- sign problems may still exist. A literature review previously performed by the author 4 indicates that only within the last ten years has considerable attention been given to these prob- lems. Most of this work has been restricted to theoretical development in the dynamical theory of thermoelasticity and to solutions of problems which illustrate the nature of the theory. Specifically, rigorous investigations have been performed which include the thermomechanical coupling between the elastic and thermal field equations, i.e., where the state of deformation of a body affects the tempera- ture field such that the heat-conduction equation is Experimental Mechanics I 1

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Page 1: Measurements of thermally induced stress waves in a thin rod using birefringent coatings

Measurements of Thermally Induced Stress Waves in a Thin Rod

Using Birefringent Coatings

Investigation aimed at developing and utilizing a technique for transient measurement of the inertial stresses induced by rapid heating of a structure

by Arthur L. Austin

ABS~ACT--When an elastic body is heated rapidly, significant inertial stresses are developed if the imposed heating rates cause a substantial temperature change in times which are short relative to the mechanical response time of the body. This work describes a method for inducing and measuring the thermally induced elastic stress waves in an unxestrained thin rod. Rapid heating was accomplished electrically by discharging a low- inductance capacitor bank (0.1 ~H, 2800 J) through the rod. Utilizing the frozen-stress technique, an initial fringe pattern was introduced into thin strips of a bire- fringent material securely bonded to each side of the rod. The longitudinal strain oscillations were measured by direct observation of the movement of the fringe patterns with a high-speed framing camera. Interpretation of these measurements required a dynamic calibration and application of a dynamic correction factor for the rein- forcing effect of the coating. Oscillations with periods from 35 to 250 psec and stress amplitudes up to 9000 psi were measured and compared with the uncoupled thermo- elastic theory. Good agreement was obtained, and it was concluded that this technique is suitable for transient measurements in the presence of large magnetic fields which normally restrict the use of electronic methods.

Nomenclature A = cross-sectional area, in. 2 a = sonic velocity, in./sec c = specific heat, B t u / l b / ~ F C = capacitance, t~F E = elastic modulus, lb/ in . 2 f~ = strain-optic coefficient, in . / in. / fr inge/in. f~ = stress-optic coefficient, lb/in.2/fringe/in. h = thickness of blrefringent coating, m. i = current, amp l = half-length of "free-free" rod, in.

L = inductance, henries N = fringe order q = heating rate, Btu/sec/ in. 3

R = electrical resistance, ohms t = time, sec

T = temperature, o F V = voltage, v W = total weight of heated bar, lb

x, y , z = rectangular Cartesian coordinates, in. = coefficient of thermal expansion, in . / in . /~ F = specific weight, lb/ in. = strain, in./ in.

u = Poisson's ratio p = mass density, lb-sec~/in. 4

= stress, lb/ in. 2 T = fundamental period of longitudinal oscillation,

s e c

Arthur L. Austin is Project Engineer, University of California, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Livermore, Calif. Paper was presented at 1964 S E S A Annual Meeting held in Cleveland, Ohio, on October 28-30.

Subscripts x, y, z = x, y, z directions

O = initial S T = static

D y n = dynamic s = specimen c = coating

m = maximum

Introduction The effect of high hea t ing ra tes on the behavior of mechanica l sys tems is becoming a p rob lem of greater and greater engineer ing impor tance in nuclear tech- nology. I n add i t ion to problems of t e mpe ra tu r e gradients and the resul t ing quasi -s ta t ic t he r ma l and con tac t stresses, the designer m u s t also consider the in i t ia l iner t ia effects which govern the response dur- ing the rapid t empera tu re change. I n order for significant iner t ia l stresses to be developed, i t has been shown I-4 t h a t the imposed hea t ing ra tes m u s t cause a subs t an t i a l t empera tu re change in a s truc- tu re in t imes shor t compared to the mechanica l - response t ime. Hence, the ra t io of a character is t ic hea t ing t ime to a character is t ic mechanica l t ime wi l l 'govern the ampl i tude of the d y n a m i c overstress caused by rap id heat ing. Since the mechanical - response t imes, or periods of free v ibra t ion , for s t ruc- tu ra l members such as beams, plates, shells, and rods usual ly v a r y anywhere from 10-4 to 10-1 sec, iner t ia l effects become i m p o r t a n t for hea t ing t imes which m a y va ry f rom less t h a n 10-6 sec to as high as 10-2 sec. I t is evident , then, t h a t even though hea t ing t imes m a y be long in an absolute sense, serious de- sign problems m a y still exist.

A l i te ra ture review previously performed b y the au thor 4 indicates t h a t only wi th in the last t e n years has considerable a t t e n t i on been given to these prob- lems. Mos t of this work has been res t r ic ted to theoret ical deve lopment in the d y n a m i c a l theory of thermoelas t ic i ty and to solut ions of problems which i l lustrate the n a t u r e of the theory. Specifically, r igorous inves t iga t ions have been performed which include the the rmomechan ica l coupling be tween the elastic and the rma l field equat ions , i.e., where the s ta te of deformat ion of a body affects the tempera- tu re field such t h a t the hea t - conduc t ion equa t ion is

E x p e r i m e n t a l M e c h a n i c s I 1

Page 2: Measurements of thermally induced stress waves in a thin rod using birefringent coatings

c r o ~ I % , ~ Y " ' , i , .L / T_ I J l r

L . . . . . . J L . . . . . . . ~ L . . . . J

t = 0 t= 0 . 0 5 v t=O. lO v


~ST- I L _ _ ~ _ ~ t :O .15T f : O . 2 5 T t : 0 .50"C

~__o ~_J~-~ UST_I t= 0 . 5 5 r t = 0 . 4 0 r t : 0 . 5 0 r

CTST I t = 0 . 5 5 T t = 0 . 6 0 v t = 0 . 7 0 T

'I t _ ~ L _ _ A L _ _ _ _ J

t = O.80r t = 0.85r t= 0 . 9 0 r

O-o , ~ I ~ , " ' ' ' ~ C

t : l , O r t = l . 2 r


O-ST = Ecz T M tl/T= 0.10

Fig. 1--Elastic stress distribution sequence in a rapidly heated rod



-I.O |



o / / ~ p o.I0

/ A 0'25

/ / /

-:so -0.5




tl - u Fig. 2--Stress histories in a rapidly heated rod

coupled to the equations of equilibrium. However, for most engineering design purposes it has been demonstrated tha t coupling can be neglected. 4-7 This allows considerable simplification of solutions to dynamic problems in thermoelastici ty since the tempera ture field can be determined independently of the state of stress or strain. However, even within the scope of this simplification, experimental verifica- tions of theoretical results have been noticeably absent.

To this author ' s knowledge, there have been only two experimental investigations reported. In 1961, Michaels 8 investigated the effect of high-intensity thermal-radiat ion pulses applied to the end o f a cylindrical rod. He successfully demonstrated the existence of the resulting elastic wave and obtained good agreement with the uncoupled theory. Lind- holm, 9 in 1962, designed an arc-image furnace which was used to produce an extremely high, short-dura- tion thermal flux on the surface of a thin spherical cap. His results consisted primarily of subjective observations of the gross effects of the rapid heating, but were generally inconclusive. In view of this situation, it is evident tha t additional experimenta- tion in the field of thermoelastic dynamics is highly desirable. Hence, the purpose of the present s tudy is to develop and utilize a technique for measuring the inertial stresses induced by rapid, but uniform, heating of an unrestrained elastic solid. This work consists of observations of the behavior of a long, thin rod subjected to high internal heat-generation

(3-ma X %T

,oF, :o5 O'8t ~ 0.6 Max,steady stale tension

o o'z d4 os d8 ,.'o ,:2 ,:4 ,.'G ,/8 - 0 . 2 . / . . - ~

-0"4i / / / Max. steady state compression sleiO,,,o,o c: -0"61 I// "~'--Mox. initial compression o ly -I . 0 ~

Fig. 3--Variation of stress ampl i tudes with ratio of heating period to fundamenta l period

i ~ t.AL ~.o T

rates accomplished by discharge of a low-inductance capacitor bank through the rod. The transient axial stress is measured by observation of the movement of the isochromatic fringe pa t te rn in a birefringent coating on the rod. A suitable calibration technique was developed and used, and a one-dimensional analy- sis provided a theoretical comparison for the experi- mental measurements. The results of these activi- ties are shown and discussed in the following.

2 ] January 1965

Page 3: Measurements of thermally induced stress waves in a thin rod using birefringent coatings


+~'~ e

a s s

)gse 12

Fig. 41Heating jig

Theoretical Results The transient stress distribution in a long, un-

restrained elastic rod subjected to uniform rapid internal-heat generation has been worked out for several types of heat inputs.4 Of interest here is the the solution for a rod subjected to a very high heating ra te such tha t the tempera ture rise is uniform along the rod and has the t ime dependence given by

T - To = Tin(1 - e-t/h). (1)

The one-dimensional axial-stress distribution in the rod of length 2l with origin of coordinates a t the center with the x-axis coincident with the axis of the bar, was found to be

a ( x , t ) 2_ s ( - 1 ) n cos (n - ~ )

I c ~ - ~ ) t ~ +

47r (n --12) (~)sin _ I


zzT = EaT,~ = "static" stress if bar were restrained axially and heated slowly to tempera- ture T~,

r = 4l /a = fundamental period of free longitu- dinal vibration,

t1 = heating time constant.

In order to illustrate the physical nature of this solution, the series in eq (2) was evaluated with the I B M 650 digital computer a t the Lawrence Radia- t ion Laboratory. The results of these calcula-

tions are shown in where, respectively, the transi- ent axial-stress distribution as a function of time, the stress histories a t points x = 1/2 and x = 0, and the ampli tude dependence upon t l /T are shown. The most significant result is the dependence of stress ampli tude upon the ratio of a characteristic heating t ime to the mechanical response t ime as shown in Fig. 3. I f the heating is instantaneous, i.e., tl = 0, the stress ampli tude is a max imum and is given by E a T m . This condition is identical to restraining the rod, heating it slowly to T~, with free oscilla- tion resulting from sudden release of the ends. As t l / r increases, the stress decreases and approaches zero. Hence, the meaning of "rapid heat ing" is made clear since inertial effects become impor tan t only when the heating t ime is significantly less than the mechanical-response time.

I t should be pointed out tha t the theoretical result shown here was obtained by neglecting the thermomechanical coupling as well as damping in the rod. Further, it was assumed tha t material properties are constant and the motion remained entirely elastic. This was done in order to provide an accurate theoretical comparison for verification of the experimental technique and results. Hence, the temperature changes in the experiment are pur- posely kept low to insure validi ty of these assump- tions.

Experimental Equipment and Procedures In experimental studies of the inertial effects of

rapid heating, the pr imary difficulty is obtaining very high heat rates which can be applied in short times. Hea t sources such as solar energy, plasma jets, and propellents produce high thermal fluxes, but the heating t imes are necessarily long (about 10 -~ sec), demanding excessive natural periods o f the heated test specimens. I t was decided, therefore, to make use of Joule heating by the oscillatory dis- charge of a capacitor bank through the rod. I f the rod cross-sectional dimensions are less than twice the current skin depth, the tempera ture is nearly uni- form until heat transfer away from the bar takes place. In order to obtain short heating times, the electrical system mus t have very low inductance for minimum energy deposition t ime and also the capabili ty of high-charge voltage to allow high- energy storage while maintaining a reasonably low capacitance. In addition, for max imum energy transfer to the test specimen, the circuit resistance must be low. At the Lawrence Radiat ion Labora- tory researchers have designed and built several types of low-inductance, high-energy, mobile capaci- tor banks for use in other activities involving similar requirements. These units have inductances on the order of 10 -7 H, resistances as low as 10-2 ~, and provide reproducible discharge times. Hence, one of these units was selected for use in this work.

Spec imen Geometry and H e a t i n g Method

Due to the spatial symmet ry exhibited by the

Experimental Mechanics I 3

Page 4: Measurements of thermally induced stress waves in a thin rod using birefringent coatings

theoretical solution [eq (2) ], the results for a "fixed- free" rod of length l are identical for a "free-free" rod of length 2l. Hence, the test specimen was chosen to be a rod clamped a t one end and submerged a t the other in a shallow pool of mercury for the neces- sary electrical continuity. Heat ing was accom- plished with a Lawrence Radiat ion Labora tory "Mosqui toe t te" capacitor bank having a capaci ty of 14 #F, inductance of about 0.1 ~H, internal resist- ance of about 0.02 ~, and a voltage-control system for charging to any voltage up to 20 kv giving a maximum energy storage of 2800 J.

The heating jig is shown schematically in Fig. 4. This arrangement was chosen in order to equalize the magnetic forces on the specimen during discharge, and to allow control of circuit inductance, if neces- sary, by varying the distance between the return conductor rods. The specimens were fabricated from Type 304 stainless steel, rectangular in cross section with dimensions of 0.05 X 0.250 and 0.125 X 0.250 in., with lengths varying f rom 1.50 in. to 12 in. In order to maximize the i~R heating and the t ime for heat conduction out the ends, stainless steel was chosen for its high electrical resistivity and low thermal conductivity. Also, all other physical and mechanical properties of this stainless steel are well known.

Electrical-heating Measurements

Since the system is simply an R L C circuit, the current in the bar is

i = C~Vb~ (a ~ + b 2) e -~t sin bt (3)


R / 1 R 2

a = 2L; b = ~ : C 4L~. (4)

In order to calculate the heating time, it is assumed tha t the current is uniform throughout the specimen, whose dimensions were chosen to be approximately twice the skin depth. Using standard formulas, the skin effect was evaluated, and it was found tha t the high-frequency resistance was only about 5 percent

higher than the d-c value. Hence, the temperature history can be obtained directly f rom

q = i2R~ = y c b T bt.

Substi tuting (3) and integrating with the assump- tion of constant properties, i.e., small temperature changes, the tempera ture is

~ x

E1 - ~ b=/2a~ " bt + basin2bt + 1 ) e-2at~. (5)

For the particular system constants used in this work, it can be shown tha t the terms in parentheses total nearly unity, giving the close approximation

T - To = T,~(1 - - e - t / t O (6)



T~ = - ~ - ~ (7)

t1 = L / R . (8)

Hence, the characteristic heating t ime can be con- trolled by the inductance and tota l circuit resistance of the system, and since the mechanical-response t ime varies as the length of the bar, experimentation at any desired ratio t l /r is allowed. Also, within the energy capabili ty of the bank, the heat capacity of the specimen, and the ratio of bar to circuit resist- ance, the desired test temperature can be selected. With the capacitance, bar resistance, and charge voltage known, only the inductance and total resist-

I Mvl Probe

) ' i k

Load induc lonce

Vs= - M d i L



I0 : I V o l t a g e d i v i d e r

Fig. 5--1nductive probe circuitry


T RC = 60p-sec

To osci l loscope

To osci I loscope

r . 3 I I I I I I I I I I I L /

Fig. 6--Output of the inductive probe

4 I January1965

Page 5: Measurements of thermally induced stress waves in a thin rod using birefringent coatings

Fig. 7--Fringe pattern in prestressed beam

ance require measurement. This was done with an inductive probe consisting of a small coil wound around a glass tube placed next to the specimen. The current induced in the coil was measured with a dual-beam Tektronix 551 oscilloscope fitted with Type L preamplifiers. The coil output is propor- tional to the first t ime derivative of the current in the bar. Hence a measurement of the period of oscillation 2~r/b and the logarithmic decrement - a of the probe signal allows a calculation of L and R from eq (4). The circuitry is shown in Fig. 5, and sample oscilloscope traces are shown in Fig. 6. The calculated tempera ture was checked with a thermo- couple mounted on the bar. The tempera ture cool- ing curve was plotted on semi-log paper, and extrap- olation back to zero t ime came within 5 percent of the calculated value.

Measurement of Axial Strain in the Heated Rod

Since high-voltage electrical heating provided the the only convenient method of rapid heating, any electronic measurement of axial strain was com- plicated by shielding difficulties. The use of strain gages mounted on the bar was a t tempted, but with bank voltages above 5 kv, arcing occurred and de- stroyed gage continuity. Hence, some optical means was sought to record the small elastic strains in the bar. Normal "PhotoStress" 11-i~ techniques proved to be too insensitive since the birefringent coating mus t be necessarily thin, which-l imits the fringe order and the resul tant accuracy. Hence, this tech- nique was modified in the following manner.

A 0.250-in.-thick by 1.00-in.-deep beam of bire- fringent material (Bakelite E R L 2774) was loaded in pure bending. The resulting fringe pa t te rn was frozen into the loaded beam by holding it at a tem- perature of 165 o F for four hours and then allowing slow cooling. The stressed beam as shown in Fig. 7 was polished and then carefully cut by hand into 0.050-in. strips which were polished in successive stages by using emery cloth of decreasing grit size mounted on plate glass. As shown in Fig. 8, a strip was bonded to each side of the rod with an epoxy- resin glue. I f careful a t tent ion was given to the cutt ing and polishing, the fringe pa t te rn remained unaltered.

With the birefringent coating mounted in this manner, it was possible to use incident ra ther than reflected light, and the initial fringe pa t te rn allowed accurate determinat ion of fractional fringe-order changes. Also, by observing the entire fringe pat- tern, a complete stress distribution over the coating length could be obtained, if desired. This tech- nique is discussed in some detail by Zandman 13 who,

Mx }x M cr-_ T

Thickness 0.250 (+) ~ ,, Fringe pattern viewed Lood(e:)beom ~ with a POlbr)iscope

~ " \ \ \ \ \ ~,/~mest specimen (c] \ \ ~l \ \ \\\

\ \ ~ .~,~ Coating

"'~ I'-cdl Fig. 8--Specimen preparation

in addition, discusses other interesting variat ions and uses of the photoelastic stress gage utilizing incident light. In order to observe the fr inge-pattern mo- tion during, and after, the rapid heating, a Model 601 high-speed framing camera 14 was used with a crossed circular polariscope and white light. The light source consisted of an Edgerton, Germeshausen, and Grier FX-1 Xenon flash tube mounted a t the focus of a cylindrical parabolic reflector and powered by the discharge of a bank of nine 1.0-#F, 4-kv capaci- tors connected in parallel through 1.0-mH induct- ances. This sys tem provided approximately 250 gsec of sufficient light with a 2-#sec rise t ime to ex- pose 35-mm Kodak high-speed Ektachrome film with camera speeds of about 350,000 frames/sec a t f: 23.

Operation Procedure

The experiment a lapparatus is shown schemati- cally in Fig. 9 with the corresponding block diagram shown in Fig. 10. With the room darkened, the camera was brought up to the desired speed with the mechanical shut ter held open manually. Closure of the "Fi re" switch on the control unit dispatched a 500-v synchronization pulse which triggered the oscilloscopes, discharged a capacitor unit to explode a bridge-wire next to the specimen, discharged the main capacitor bank through the specimen, and trig- gered the flash-lamp unit. T ime delay units were available, bu t were not needed since the inherent de- lays in the system proved satisfactory. The oscillo- scopes triggered first, a t 5 ~sec the bridge-wire and flash lamp discharged, and a t 12 to 20 usec the main capacitor bank discharged. Since both the

Experimental Mechanics [ 5

Page 6: Measurements of thermally induced stress waves in a thin rod using birefringent coatings

light source and bridge-wire light outputs had rise- times of about 2 ~sec, both appeared on the "zero" frame of the film strip. The oscilloscope traces were recorded with Dumont oscillograph cameras loaded with Type 400 Polaroid film. The inductive probe signal is shown in Fig. 6, and the camera rotor speed was measured with a 535 Tektronix oscilloscope fitted with a Type H preamplifier to record the out- put of a reluctance pickup mounted on the camera rotor. Several tests were run in this manner; how- ever, some difficulty was experienced with the clamp- ing at the fixed end of the specimen. Hence, sep- arate tests were performed on bars with both ends immersed in shallow mercury pools which closely simulated the condition of "free-free" end conditions. The complete data-reduction procedure for two sample runs is given in the following.

Data-reduction Procedure Since white light was used, the positions of the

Light source Diffuser- FQuarter wave plate Polarizer / ~ " ,

~. \ , j

V _~,a J dark field)

Fixed c r o s s h a l r J ~ / ~ c(]mero

Fig. 9--Experimental apparatus

zero and two first-order fringes were always clearly visible. The zero order is always black, and the two first orders are always marked by the passage from red to blue. With 5461-.~ green light and black and white film, the entire fringe pattern could have been observed to obtain the stress distribution over the coating length. However, difficulty was experienced in following the zero order from frame to frame on the film strip. Hence, white light and color film were chosen since it was considered sufficient to obtain only the stress at a point to obtain verification of the experimental procedure.

The color film was scanned with a 10 X Bausch and Lomb binocular microscope fitted with an "x-y" traveling stage graduated to 0.001 mm. The posi- tions of the zero- and two first-order fringes in the coatings were measured in each frame with respect to the fixed calibration scribe marks on a piece of Polaroid mounted next to the specimen which allowed light to pass through the crossed polariscope. Also, the known calibration length between scribe marks provided a correction for film shrinkage. Hence, the measurements per frame consisted of six fringe positions and a calibration length, giving a total of seven separate measurements per frame. In order to eliminate lateral bending effects, the meas- urements of fringe movements in the coatings glued on each side of the specimen were averaged and plotted as function of time as shown in Fig. 11. Hence, only measurement of longitudinal motion was insured. With these plots, the change in fringe order at the initial position of the zero-order fringe was calculated graphically for as many points in time as desired, and the stress-optic law used to calculate the stress as a function of time. The derivation of the relationships are given in the following section.





Fig. lO--Block diagram

6 I January1965

Page 7: Measurements of thermally induced stress waves in a thin rod using birefringent coatings

Calculation of Stress f rom Exper imen ta l Data

Following the result given previously, the heated rod is assumed to be in a s tate of uniaxial stress ~ , with lateral inertial effects neglected. The axial strain at any t ime in the specimen is

6x s e~. = ~== 4- aT(t) .

I f the coating, of thickness h, is securely bonded to the specimen, then the strain in the birefringent coat- ing is equal to the strain in the specimen. Hence,

exs : exc




2.0 I ~ Zero order (O1

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I .o ~ , ' ~ - J _ ~ . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

0 20 qO 60 80 I00 120 140 t60 180 ~OO ~20 Time (/zsec)

Fig. ll--Observed fringe movements


25OO,~ oscilloscope F----

Photoelost coating

2- 550 ~'Z ..~---~. M601 cumeru

semi -conductor ~1 [I 4 A strain gages

series connected

T C~pacitor bunk

O.16in, music wire / 15in,

~ l Weight

Fig. 12--Dynamic calibration of photoelastic coating

and the stress in the coating is

E~ ~=o = E ... . = ~ 6=, + E~aT(t)

which gives

E, 6~ = ~ 6=~ - - E~aT(t) (9)

where the subscripts s and c refer to the specimen and coating, respectively. The observed birefring- ence N~ in the coating is related to the stress by the stress-optic law

61 - - 62 = fh ~ N x

where z~ and z2 are the largest and smallest principal stresses acting in the plane of observation. The stress z2 results from inertial loading of the coating by the lateral displacement. A simple calculation using Newton 's second law and the lateral accelera- tion obtained f rom the theoretical solution showed tha t z2 is very small and can be neglected." Hence,

L 6, - 6~ = ~ N ~


6=~ = ~ N= -- E~aT(t).

Dividing through by r = E~aT~, and dropping the subscripts,

1 (f~N) T(t) (10) 6s~ aT,~ E~ -- T~

The average axial strain would result if the bar were heated slowly to T~, and would be indicated by the birefringence Navg, i.e.,

L e:vg = aT~ = (E-)sT (N--~!~=). (ii)

Substi tuting eq (11) into eq (10) gives

6 ([~/E~)Dy~[ N ] T(t) (12)

The relation between the stress-optic coefficient and the strain-optic coefficient is

L L (13) E~ i + ~

and since Poisson's ratio is assumed to be rate in- dependent, substitution of eq (13) into eq (12) gives*

~ = (/~)D~ [ N ] T(t) (14) ~ST (f~)sr ~ -- T,~ "

I f T(t ) is given by eq (6), the stress in the bar can be calculated from the fringe movements shown in Fig. 11.

As pointed out by Goldsmith,~ the strain-optic coefficient may va ry appreciably with the rate of loading, and any interpretat ion of photoelastically obtained da ta must rely upon a calibration a t sub- stantially the same rates. Hence, in order to eval-

* I n order to account [or shear stresses in the coating, Z a n d m a n 18 has provided the correction factor

N 2 / ~ N ~ J- 4 h 2 ( A N / A x ) <

However, observations of the fr inge pat terns have shown that 4 M ( A N / A x ) 2 is small relative to N ~. Hence, eq (12) was used directly to calculate the stress f rom measured values of birefringence.

Experimental Mechanics I 7

Page 8: Measurements of thermally induced stress waves in a thin rod using birefringent coatings

uate the ratio of the dynamic to the static strain- optic coefficient in eq (14), a calibration was per- formed on the test specimens. This was done by clamping the rod at its upper end and loading it with a weight suspended by a thin wire fastened at the lower end as shown in Fig. 12. Sudden release of the weight was accomplished by using the capacitor bank to explode the lower portion of the wire. The resulting longitudinal oscillations of the rod were recorded photoelastically in the same manner as previously described. An independent measurement was obtained simultaneously from two 350a semi- conductor strain gages mounted on the uncoated sides of the bar next to the birefringent coating. These gages were series connected, to eliminate lateral bending strains, in a simple voltage divider circuit with the output recorded on a Tektronix 535 oscillo- scope fitted with a Type H preamplifier and a Du- mont oscillograph camera loaded with Type 400 Polaroid film. A sample of the data obtained in this manner is shown in Fig. 13. Since good agree- ment was obtained in these calibrations, it was con- cluded that the strain-optic coefficient was essentially constant for this frequency range and that the ratio of the dynamic to static coefficients in eq (14) could be taken as unity. Hence, all data were reduced by the relationship

N - (1 -- e-Rt/L), (15) O'~T _ ] V a v g

where eq (6) has been substituted for the tempera- lure function T(t), since no experimental method for measuring temperature rise during the rapid heating was available.

Actually, the coating reinforces the steel bar and a correction for this must be applied. Zandman, Redner, and Riegner ~6 have worked out correction factors for reinforcing effects, but confined their analysis to quasi-static stress-states. However, for dynamic loading, the inertia as well as the stiffness of the coating must be considered. Hence, the ana- lytical procedure of Zandman, et al., was modified to give an approximate dynamic correction factor. The results of this analysis ~7 showed that only the period of oscillation is affected such that the period r in the theoretical solution (2) must be replaced with the corrected period r ' , where

r' %[1 + Aop~/A~p~ (16) = ~ 4 - ~ ~ ~

Hence, with N and /V~ measured from the film record and R / L obtained from the inductive probe record, eq (15) was used to determine the inertial stress. This was compared with theory given by eq (2) modified by eq (16). The stress ~sr is ob- tained from a calculation of T~ from eq (7).

E x p e r i m e n t a l R e s u l t s a n d D i s c u s s i o n

The experimental results were obtained from tests on four bars of different sizes with two of the bars

each having two different coating sizes. All bars were fabricated from the same stock of 304 stainless steel, and all coatings cut from the same piece of Bakelite. The bars were rapidly heated to cause temperature changes of approximately 30 ~ F, and bar lengths varied to provide a range of heating ratios tl/r from 0.05 to 0.28. The test parameters are shown in Table 1 and sample data are shown in Figs. 14 and 15. A comparison of test results to the theoretical prediction for the dependence of the initial compressive-stress amplitude upon the heating ratio t l /r is shown in Fig. 16.

For the "fixed-free" specimens, agreement between the experimental data and theory is good over the first haft cycle of response, but gradually decreases with time. Since this subsequent disagreement ap-

t 140[- e, Photoelastic Coating Data

- -S t ra in Gage Data

i ~ , ~ 504 St. Steel Bar (Fixed-Free)

5. 80 i

Oo Z'O s ' 6'0 so ,DO ,20 ' Jo Time (,usecs.)

Fig. 13 - -Compar i son of pho toe las t i c -coa t ing da ta wi th s t ra in-gage da ta

Run 2 504 sl. steel bar ( f ixed- free) t l : 0,09 O. 125 x O. 250 x 5,00" 2- T m = 25=F, O'ST =6100 psi

_ ~ - = 0 , 5 0 ----O-- Experimental I o - . - - - - Theoretical

/7 \ / / \ ~ o , O~r , , '%~ , , .,'2 ~ , , \ ~ , , l . d , '?, .

-- ....... ~\,-I T \ I ---~ \ y \J

- I .0 :~" ~ - - e" 0045~

Fig. 14--Stress h is tory a t a po in t

Run 6 5 0 4 st. s leel bar ( t r e e - free }

t, O. 125 x0 .25 x IOO ~ = 0 1 0 6 Tm = 2 2 o F O.ST=65OOpsi

I . O ~- __X~ : 0

e (/zsec)

x p e r i m e n t o l

heore t i ca l


- 0 . 5

- I . 0 ~

Fig. 15--Stress h is tory at a po in t

0 . 5

8 [ January1965

Page 9: Measurements of thermally induced stress waves in a thin rod using birefringent coatings


tl~ Run Specimen size* Coating sizet #sec

Capacitor r r, End voltage, T= ~sT

/~ sec x/I conditions (kv) (~ F) (psi)

1 0.125 X 0.25 X12.0 0.04 X l . 0 13.2 2 0.125X0.25X5.00 0.03 X0.56 9.4 3 0.050 X 0.25 X 2.47 0.05 X 1.0 7.1 4 0.050 X 0.25 X 1.46 0.03 X 0.657 7.45 5 0.050 X 0.25 X 1.46 0.03 X 1.0 9.2 6 0.125 X 0.25 X 10.0 0.035 X 1.0 11.1 7 0.125 X 0.25 X 5.00 0.05 X1.0 11.0

* All spec imens were fabr icated f rom Type 304 stainless steel. 1 All coat ing w id ths were 0.25 in.

254 O. 50 Fixed- Free 14.1 35 9300 105 0.50 Fixed-Free 10.3 23 6100

57.7 0.45 Fixed-Free 5.2 35 9450 32.6 0.38 Fixed-Free 4.2 27 7400 32.6 0.38 Fixed-Free 4.7 25 6800

105 0 Fixed-Free 12.6 22 6300 106 0.50 Fixed-Free 10.2 26 7000

Sizes g iven in inches,

pears as a deviation in ampli tude only, i t was ap- parent tha t some damping effect was present. A separate calculation indicated that , within the t ime of measurement, no heat was transferred to the coat- ing so tha t its t empera ture remained essentially constant a t the initial value, and the calibration in- dicated tha t accurate measurement of the dynamic strains were obtained. Hence, it was evident tha t the damping was the result of imperfect clamping of the rod. This was investigated experimentally by repeating the calibration procedure to observe m a n y cycles of oscillation. The strain-gage records so obtained were reproducible, and indicated tha t damp- ing was present. Hence, a damping factor, or loga- r i thmic decrement, Was calculated f rom these meas- urements and applied to the theory. The envelope of this exponential decay is shown by the dot ted lines superposed over the plots in Fig. 14. The ex- cellent agreement with the experimental amplitudes obtained f rom the coating indicates tha t the bar is not behaving as predicted by the analysis, which ex- cluded damping considerations, and tha t the photo- elastic coating provides accurate measurements of the dynamic strains in the bar.

In order to verify this further, a separate test was performed on a bar which was essentially free a t the ends. With some difficulty, end supports were designed which did not restrict motion of the bar. This was done by supporting the ends with Styro- foam cushions mounted in suitable copper electrodes. Mercury was used to achieve electrical continuity, and the entire assembly was mounted in the heating jig which had been rota ted 90 deg in the plane of the return conductor rods. The specimen was cu t from the 12-in. rod such tha t the coating was a t the center (x / l = 0) of a 10-in. rod. The results of this test are shown in Fig. 15, which shows the excellent agree- ment with theory, and indicates t ha t during the t ime of measurement very little damping was present. The difference of wave shape is due to the different location of the strain measurement, i.e., x / l = 0 in- stead of x / l = 0.5. This is also shown theoretically in Fig. 2.

Since the coating itself might induce some damp- ing, specimens of the same size but with different coating sizes were tested. Also, a separate calibra- t ion was performed in which a bar was loaded as

previously mentioned, bu t with and without a coat- ing. The strain-gage records f rom these tests showed tha t no significant difference in ampli tude occurred. Hence, it was concluded tha t the coatings used in this work introduced no observable damping. I t was found, however, t ha t the coating did affect the frequency of oscillation. The experimental data were first compared with theory given by eq (2) and it was found tha t periods of oscillation differed. Hence, the correction factor given by eq (16) was derived and applied to eq (2). The comparison between the data and the corrected theory shown in Figs. 14 and 15 illustrate the excellent agreement.

Seven different tests were run with rat ios of heat- ing t ime to mechanical-response t ime varying f rom 0.05 to 0.28. The results of these tests are shown in Fig. 16 where the max imum initial compressive stress in the rod is plotted as a function of ti/T. Be- cause of clamp damping, these results should logically lie below the predicted values. The only large dis- agreement occurs at t l /r = 0.05, and is probably






o-mQx O


- 0 . 4

-0 .6

-0 .8

- I ,O

I 1 02 0.4

o o / d


G) Exper imen ta l

. . . . Theoret ical (case ]3. )

x : 0 . 5 0

Fig. 16--Variation of initial compression amplitude with the ratio of heating period of fundamental period

0,6 0.8 I._O



Fig. 17--Specimens

Page 10: Measurements of thermally induced stress waves in a thin rod using birefringent coatings

due to the inability of the clamp to provide zero dis- placement a t the fixed end of the 12-in. specimen used in this run. Calibration tests on the larger specimens also indicted tha t erratic behavior oc- curred for specimen lengths greater than 10 in. A photograph of the specimens is shown in Fig. 17 which includes the calibration bar with the strain gages at tached.

Concluding Remarks In view of these experiments, it is evident tha t the

photoelastic-coating technique can provide accurate measurement of the dynamic stress distribution in rapidly heated specimens. In this work, only the stress at a point was measured, but this technique can provide measurements of the stress distribution over the coating length, and could provide measure- ments over the entire length of the specimen by spac- ing coatings along the bar. The only major difficulty arises in carrying out the mult i tude of measurements involved in using more than three fringes in each coating. In addition to the problem of following the zero-order fringe when black and white film is used, observation of a complete fringe pat tern would be an extremely tedious task. Visual scan- ning of only three fringe movements resulted in 7 measurements per frame, or a total of about 500 separate measurements for a complete film record.

The major advantage of the birefringent-coating technique is that , since it is basically an optical tech- nique, measurements made in short t ime intervals are independent of environmental conditions, par- ticularly magnetic fields, which normally restrict the use of electronic methods. Hence, this method is useful for studies of the response of bodies subjected to rapid heating. In this work, tempera ture changes were kept below 30 o F, but additional experimenta- tion was performed in which the coated specimens were rapidly heated to as high a tempera ture as possi- ble with the 2800-J capacitor bank, and it was found tha t for temperature changes exceeding 500 o F, the coatings did not remain bonded. No actual photo- graphs were taken to determine the fringe move- ments a t the higher temperatures, but examination of the fringe pa t te rn and glue joint after heating showed no appreciable change for rapid tempera ture changes up to 500 ~ F. A heat-transfer analysis indicated tha t the tempera ture of the coating a t a distance of only 0.005 in. f rom the heated bar remains nearly a t the initial ambient value for a t least 10 msec. Hence, even for very high rapid tempera ture changes, accurate t ransient measurements are possible since significant heat transfer to the coating requires m a n y milliseconds. For tempera ture changes above 500 o F, however, maintaining a suitable bond pre- sents the only difficulty.

The pr imary restriction is tha t accurate measure- ment of the transient response during the heating depends upon an independent measurement of the temperature rise. In this work the temperature rise T(t) in eq (14) was calculated from an integration of

the i2R heating resulting from discharge of the capaci- tor bank since, to this author ' s knowledge, no suc- cessful temperature-measurement device with micro- second response t ime has been developed for use in the presence of large magnetic fields.* I t is of interest to note tha t the photoelastic-coating technique may have possible use to determine transient tempera- tures by measuring the fringe order with t ime and using the strain-optic law for calculation of the thermal strain. However, the temperature depend- ence of the coefficient of thermal expansion of the heated body and the dynamic strain-optic coefficient of the coating must be known in advance. The latter could easily be determined by a calibration a t the de- sired frequencies in the manner discussed previously.

Acknowledgments The author wishes to express his appreciation to

W. H. Giedt and J. Frisch of the University of California a t Berkeley for their encouragement and many stimulating discussions which added signific- antly to this research. This work was done at the Lawrence Radiat ion Laboratory, Livermore site, under the auspices of the U. S. Atomic Energy Com- mission. Among the members of this organization, grateful acknowledgment is extended to M. D. Mart in for his support and continued interest in this work. Special thanks are given to J. D. Lawrence who carried out the programming for machine compu- tat ion of the theoretical results, to J. Stone for his advice concerning the preparat ion of the birefringent coatings, and to the staff of the Technical Informa- tion Division for preparat ion of this manuscript .

References 1. Boley, B. A. , "'Thermally Induced Vibrations of Beams," J . Aeron.

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5. Boley, B. A. , and Weiner, g . H. , "'Theory of Thermal Stresses," John Wiley & Sons, lne., New York (1960). Chapters 1 and 2.

6. Chadwick, P., and Sneddon, 1. N . , "'Plane Waves in an Elastic Solid Conducting Heat," g. Mech. Phys. Solids, 6, 223-230 (19.58).

7. Lockett, F . g. , "Effects of Thermal Properties of a Solid on the Velocity of Rayleigh Waves," J . Mech. Phys. Solids, 7, 71-75 (1958).

8. Michaels, J . E., "Thermal Impact- -The Mechanical Response of Solids to Extreme Electromagnetic Radiation," Planetary and Space Sci., 7, 427-433 (1961).

9. Lindholm, U. S., "'Effects of Thermal Impact on a Thin Spherical Cap," EXPEI~I~rENTAL MEAHANICS, 2 (10), 303--306, October 1962.

10. Mesnager, M. , "Bur la Determination Optique des Tensions In- terieures dane les Solldes h Trois Dimensions," Comptes Rendes, 190, p. 1249 (1930).

11. D'Agostino, J . , Drueher, D. C., Liu, C. K . , and Mylonas, C., "'An Analysis of Plastic Behavior of Metals with Bonded Birefringent Plastic," Proc. of S E S A , X I I (2), 115-122 (1955).

12. Zandman, F. , and Wood, M . R. , "'PhotoStress,'" Prod. Eng. (9) 167-178, September 1956.

13. Zandman, F. , "Concepts of the Photoelastic Stress Gage," ~X:eE:aI- ~ E S T A L MECHAr~TCS, 2 (8), 225--233, August 1962.

14. Brixner, B., " A High-Speed Rotating-Mirror Frame Camera," J . Soc. Motion Picture Television Engs., 58, 503-511, December 1952.

15. Goldsmith, W., "'Dynamic Photoelasticity," Coll. on Experimental Techniques in Shock and Vibration, Appl . Mech. Div. A S M E , (11)25-54 November 1962.

16. Zandman, F. , Redner, S. S., and Riegner, E. 1., "Reinforcing Effects of Birefringent Coatings," EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, 2 ( 2 ) , 55-64, February 1962.

17. Austin, A. L. (to be published).

*Recently we have developed and used a suitable isolation circuit to provide thermocouple temperature data, as early as one millisecond after capacitor discharge. These measurements are now used to determine the maximum temperature rise.

10 I January 1965