mcbride.effective teaching & afl

Effec%ve Teaching and AFL – Making a difference for all students May 6, 2011 McBride Faye Brownlie

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full day K-12 sessionWhat are the elements of effective teaching for all students?How can we continue to embed AFL practices into our daily work?


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Effec%ve  Teaching  and    AFL  –  Making  a  difference  for  all  


May  6,  2011  McBride  

Faye  Brownlie  

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Learning  Inten%ons  

•  I  can  name  and  describe  the  6  AFL  strategies.  •  I  can  name  and  describe  components  of  effec%ve  teaching.  

•  I  can  iden%fy  some  of  the  AFL  strategies  and  effec%ve  teaching  strategies  in  my  prac%ce.  

•  I  can  plan  a  next  step.  

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It’s All about Thinking – Brownlie & Schnellert, 2009

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Universal Design for Learning

Mul%ple  means:  -­‐to  tap  into  background  knowledge,  to  ac%vate  prior  knowledge,  to  increase  engagement  and  mo%va%on  

-­‐to  acquire  the  informa%on  and  knowledge  to  process  new  ideas  and  informa%on  

-­‐to  express  what  they  know.  

                     Rose  &  Meyer,  2002  

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Backwards Design

•  What  important  ideas  and  enduring  understandings  do  you  want  the  students  to  know?  

•  What  thinking  strategies  will  students  need  to  demonstrate  these  understandings?    

                 McTighe  &  Wiggins,  2001  

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Assessment for Learning Purpose   Guide  learning,  inform  


Audience     Teachers  and  students  

Timing     On-­‐going,  minute  by  minute,  day  by  day  

Form     Descrip%ve  Feedback  ¶what’s  working?  •what’s  not?  •what’s  next?  

Black  &  Wiliam,  1998   Ha[e  &  Timperley,  2007  

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Assessment for Learning

•  Learning  inten%ons  •  Criteria  •  Descrip%ve  feedback  •  Ques%oning  •  Peer  and  self  assessment  

•  Ownership  

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Model Guided practice Independent practice Independent application  

Pearson  &  Gallagher  (1983)  

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Teaching  Content  to  All  

Open-­‐ended          teaching  



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Open-ended strategies:

Connect-activate Process-acquire

Personalize/transform- apply

(Brownlie, Feniak & Schnellert, 2006; Buehl, 2001; Cook, 2005; Gear, 2006; Harvey & Goudvis, 2007; Kame'enui & Carnine, 2002)

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The teeter totter


kids curriculum

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Essential Lesson Components

•  Essen%al  ques%on/learning  inten%on/a  big  idea  •  Open-­‐ended  strategies:    connect-­‐process-­‐transform  •  Differen%a%on  –  choice,  choice,  choice  •  Assessment  for  learning  •  Gradual  release  of  responsibility  

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Ques%oning  –  gr.  2/3  Goal:    crea%ng  real  ques%ons,  using  ques%ons  to  

link  background  knowledge  with  new  informa%on,  create  curiosity  

•  Present  an  image.  •  Ader  each  image,  ask  students  to  pose  ques%ons  about  the  image  and  to  resist  the  urge  to  answer  someone  else’s  ques%on.  

•  Repeat  with  3-­‐4  images.  

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Salmon  Creek  –  Annege  LeBox  &  Karen  Reczuch          2002,  Douglas  &  McIntyre  

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Questioning – Joni Tsui •  Introduc%on  to  earthquakes  in  geology  12.    •  Students  have  all  seen  earthquakes  in  previous  classes  (some  more  than  others).  

•  We  completed  the  ac%vity  and  I  made  sure  every  student  in  class  wondered  at  least  one  thing.  


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• Math  

•  Closed  vs  open  

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•  1  +  4  =    

•  2  +  3  =  

•  4  +  1  =  

•  0  +  5  =  

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How can you show your number for our number


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• Who  is  answering  your  ques%ons?  

• Who  is  asking  the  ques%ons?  

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Math Centres – gr. 1/2 Michelle Hikada, Tait

•  4  groups  •  1  with  Michelle,  working  on  graphing  (direct  teaching,  new  material)  

•  1  making  pagerns  with  different  materials  (prac%ce)  

•  1  making  pagerns  with  s%ckers  (prac%ce)  

•  1  graphing  in  partners  (prac%ce)  

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•  With  your  partner,  choose  a  bucket  of  materials  and  make  a  bar  graph.  

•  Ask  (and  answer)  at  least  3  ques%ons  about  your  graph.  

•  Make  another  graph  with  a  different  material.  

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Critical thinking & Problem-Solving

•  How  much  forest  must  be  removed  to  create  a  4-­‐lane  highway  15  km  long?  

•  How  can  you  figure  it  out?  

•  What  thinking  skills  do  you  use?  

It’s  all  about  thinking  in  math  &  science  –  Brownlie,  Fullerton,  Schnellert  

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•  How  much  forest  must  be  removed  to  create  a  4-­‐lane  highway  15  km  long?  

•  How  can  you  figure  it  out?  

Critical thinking & Problem-Solving

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•  How  is  this  effec%ve  teaching?  

•  How  is  this  assessment  for  learning?  

•  How  could  I  adapt  this  to  use  with  my  students,  in  my  context?  

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Grade  9  Science,  Insulators  &  Conductors  

•  Learning  Inten%ons:  –  I  can  iden%fy  and  explain  the  key  vocabulary  necessary  to  understand  insulators  and  conductors  

–  I  can  read  to  determine  the  accuracy  of  key  statements  about  insulators  and  conductors  

–  I  can  provide  evidence  from  the  text  to  support  my  choices.  

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•  proton  •  neutron  •  electron  •  ion  •  atom  •  nucleus  •  charge  •  posi%ve  •  nega%ve  •  neutral  

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An%cipa%on  Guide  Electrons  in  an  insulator  are  not  %ghtly  bound  to  the  atoms  making  up  the  material.

Pure  water  is  an  insulator;  tap  water  is  a  conductor.

A  maple-­‐leaf  electroscope  determines  the  presence  of  electric  charges.

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Building  Stories  –  gr.  1/2  

•  Learning  Inten%ons:  –  I  can  make  a  story  from  a  word  clue  

–  I  can  add  on  and  change  my  story  from  other  word  clues  

–  I  can  explain  the  strategies  I  use  to  figure  out  new  words  

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• Students,  in  pairs,  receive  a  phrase  from  the  text    • Students  read  the  phrase,  decide  on  what  strategies  they  used  to  ‘read’  it  and  what  story  would  have  this  phrase  in  it  • Students  share  their  phrases,  their  strategies  and  their  stories  • Students  note  how  their  thinking  changes  as  they  hear  new  stories.  

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•  Students  can  write  their  own  story  before  reading  

•  Process  the  text  with  a  thinking  paper  –  4  boxes  

Predict   Predict  

Predict   Big  Idea:    Why  is  he  a  good  knight?  

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deep  dark  cave  

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shimmery,  glimmery  sword  

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King’s  forest  

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very  tall  wall  

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dense  forest  

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crumbly,  tumbly  tower  

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very  loud  roar  

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in  his  jammies  

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very  lonely  

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Good  Night,  Good  Knight  -­‐  

Shelly  Moore  Thomas  

Pictures  -­‐  Jennifer  Plecas  

Dugon  Children’s  Books  

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•  How  are  these  effec%ve  teaching?  

•  How  is  this  assessment  for  learning?  

•  How  could  I  adapt  this  to  use  with  my  students,  in  my  context?  

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How  can  I  help  my  students  develop  more  depth  in  their  responses?    They  are  wri%ng  with  no  voice  when  I  ask  them  to  imagine  themselves  as  a  demi-­‐god  in  the  novel.  

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Students  need:  

•  to  ‘be’  a  character  •  support  in  ‘becoming’  that  character  •  to  use  specific  detail  and  precise  vocabulary  to  support  their  interpreta%on  

•  choice  •  prac%ce    •  to  develop  models  of  ‘what  works’  •  a  chance  to  revise  their  work  

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The  Plan  

•  Review  scene  from  novel  •  Review  criteria  for  powerful  journey  response  •  Brainstorm  who  you  could  be  in  this  scene  •  4  minute  write,  using  ‘I’  •  Writers’  mumble  •  Stand  if  you  can  share…  •  What  can  you  change/add/revise?  •  Share  your  wri%ng  with  a  partner  

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Stand  if  you  have…  

•  A  phrase  that  shows  strong  feeling…  •  A  phrase  that  uses  specific  names…  

•  A  par%cularly  descrip%ve  line  –  using  details  from  the  novel…  

•  An  effec%ve  first  line…  

•  Now,  what  will  you  change?    What  can  you  add,  delete,  revise?  

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•  Write  in  role  –  use  ‘I’  •  Use  specific  names  

•  Phrases/words  that  show  feeling  •  Par%cularly  descrip%ve  details  of  the  event  •  Powerful  first  line  

•  What  will  you  change  ader  listening  to  others?  

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•  How  is  this  effec%ve  teaching?  

•  How  is  this  assessment  for  learning?  

•  How  could  I  adapt  this  to  use  with  my  students,  in  my  context?  

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Gr. 3 Writing: Model – a small moment Establish criteria Kids write Descriptive feedback on

criteria  Pearson  &  Gallagher  (1983)  

Learning Intention: I can write and describe a small event from my morning.

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•  Choose a topic •  Write in front of the students •  Students describe ‘what works’ in your writing •  Students choose a ‘morning’ topic •  Students write •  Students self-assess •  Students meet with peers to share and provide


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All  alone,  I  stepped  into  my  car.    With  my  map  in  hand,  I  began  to  drive.    At  the  lights  I  turned  led,  then  the  map  said  to  turn  right.    “Oh,  no!”      The  sign  said,  “Road  closed”.          “Help,”  I  thought.    “What  am  I  going  to  do?”  

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•  Mystery

•  Opening

•  Detailed

•  Sounds like you (Voice)

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•  How  is  this  effec%ve  teaching?  

•  How  is  this  assessment  for  learning?  

•  How  could  I  adapt  this  to  use  with  my  students,  in  my  context?  

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Informa%on  Circles  

•  Select  4-­‐5  different  ar%cles,  focused  on  central  topic  or  theme.  

•  Present  ar%cles  and  have  students  choose  the  one  they  wish  to  read.  

•  Present  note-­‐taking  page.  •  Student  fill  in  all  boxes  EXCEPT  ‘key  ideas’  before  mee%ng  in  the  group.  

•  Students  meet  in  ‘like’  groups  and  discuss  their  ar%cle,  deciding  together  on  ‘key  ideas’.  

•  Students  meet  in  non-­‐alike  groups  and  present  their  informa%on  from  their  ar%cle.  

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Key  words   Images  

QuesEons   Significance  to  Canadians  

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Vocabulary/terms   Images  

QuesEons   Key  ideas  

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New  Resource!  

•  An  Integrated  Inquiry  Based  Unit  of  Study  using  Stz’uminus  Legends,  Stories  and  Heroes  as  a  focus  for  our  inquiry  –  Donna  Klockars  

•  PLOs  from  English  First  Peoples  Pilot  Program  10  

•  Lesson  sequences  applicable  anywhere  •  Core  Learning  Resources  •  

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The teeter totter


kids curriculum

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•  Student  Diversity,  2nd  ed.  –  Brownlie,  Feniak  and  Schnellert,  2006  

•  It’s  All  about  Thinking  (in  English,  Social  Studies  and  Humani%es)  –  Brownlie  and  Schnellert,  2009  

•  It’s  All  about  Thinking  (in  Math  and  Science  -­‐  Brownlie,  Fullerton  &  Schnellert,  in  press