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    WdWdVol. 9, No. 6 May 22, 2012

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    Your Community Connection

    Tel: (506) 832-5613 Fax: (506) 832-3353 email: [email protected]


    Locally Owned & Operated by Debbie & Mike Hickey

    242 Main St. Hampton, NB E5N 5L9

    Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm

    West Branch Library621 Fairville Blvd.

    Tue., Fri. & Sat. 9am-5pmWed. & Thur. 9am-8:30pm,

    For your convenience youcan drop off ads and editorial

    at the following locations;

    payment by cheque

    or exact change.

    RAVINGSBy Mike Hickey


    Photo Submitted by

    Janette MacDonald

    Pubished BiWeeNext Issue: June 5Deadine: Ma 29


    Well, lets see what is going on!! I have a couple o loads o woodthat I cut over the winter, while doing some thinning, that is nowall cut and split. I have also been out this spring doing a bit morethinning and patch cutting. I am going to take it easy thoughuntil we get a woodlot management plan in place, because thatwill help set the priorities in terms o what should be done rst.

    For those individuals who own woodlots and want to takesome proactive measures to improve the quality and quantity owood that is growing, there are remarkably inexpensive servicesavailable by joining a local wood co-op. For those who just wantto sit on their property and let mother nature do her thingthat is ne also, just consider protecting the property throughland trusts or easements that will stop uture owners rom clearcutting what has taken many, many years to develop.

    Tanks to the dry spells we have had this spring, I have gottenout to do some more work on my woods road. Unortunatelyaer just one heavy rain it takes about a week or it to dry outand useable again. My biggest hope, is that beore winter, I willhave all o the ditching done so that it should only take a airlyshort time to dry out and be usable aer a heavy downpour.

    Back in the woods, we are scouting along the roadside ordesirable small trees such as spruce, pine and some cedar, andreplanting them in areas that are exclusively r and/or birchIn just a hundred or so short years, the orest makeup o treesshould be signicantly better.

    Every time I walk by my dead hemlock remains, I wonder ithere is such a thing as ree CPR. I there is, I suspect that thetime or which it might work is long past. Oh Sigh!!

    Outside o the woods, we are doing a bit more landscapingand planting, but nothing major so ar. Te grand-grand kids areboth very cute and lovable, the missus is still annoying and TeJet seems to be ollowing in her oot steps. (Maybe more later.)On the lighter side:

    1. Light travels aster than sound. Tis is why some peopleappear bright until you hear them speak2. He who laughs last, thinks the slowest.3. Change is inevitable, except rom a vending machine.4. Tose who live by the sword get shot by those who dont.5. Nothing is oolproo to a suciently talented ool. 800

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    WAlkS N AlkS MAREllo oWERA series o three ree talks on the eect o the War o 1812 onSaint John will be given at Martello tower this summer by locahistory bu David Goss, with the rst being held on SundaJune 17th at 2:30pm. Sponsored by Parks Canada, the talk is reeto the public, and will be held on the grounds o the tower which

    provides a panoramic view o many o the city sites that will betalked in the quest to understand what Saint John was like rom1783 to the outbreak o the war in 1812.

    Te second talk will be held on Sunda, Ju 22nd and thethird on Sunda, August 19th, and will urther explore the warperiod until its end in 1815 using diaries, books, columns, andrecollections rom archival sources.Full details by calling 636- 4011. 602

    MAGIcAl MUSIc & DIvINE DESSERSA undraiser or Fresh Start Community Outreach Services isbeing held n Saturda, June 2nd 7:00pm at the Hillcrest BaptistChurch (476 Lancaster Avenue). Te evening will eature DebbieHarrity; Free Spirits (om & Mary Noel, Harvey Arbeau, LarryWalsh); SJHS Concert Choir; Doug Losier; Callie Cobham &Sue Du; Hillcrest Choir; Yeauen Kim Junior Star, NB MusicFestival.

    ickets ($20 each) can be purchased by calling 635-4122(payment by VISA, Mastercard, Debit or cash).

    Te mission o Fresh Start is to reduce poverty and homelessnessby oering support, education and advocacy to those in need.Tank you or your support. 605

    v.o.N. HoME SUPPoR SERvIcESVictorian Order o Nurses oers a wide rangeo community health care solutions that meetthe needs o Canadians. Home Support Servicesenhance an individuals quality o lie by providingthem with the personal assistance and supportneeded to make them comortable in their home.

    Specially trained Home Support workers providehomemaking, personal care and respite care: Homemaking

    includes laundry, grocery shopping, light house keeping andmeal preparation; Personal Care consists o bathing, skin care,dressing, grooming, eeding, exercise & medical supervision;Respite Care: Gives relie to amily members or riends who arecaregivers to their loved ones.

    We provide services to clients in the Greater Saint Johnarea. Iyou are interested in nding out more about our Home SupportServices please call our oce at 635-1530. 603

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    DRAGoN BoA EAM INvIING PADDlERSTe Breasts Ahoy Dragon Boat team invites those diagnosedwith breast cancer to join us. We paddle once a week in a smalllake in East Saint John rom May through September. Tis typeo exercise has been proven to increase upper body strength andmobility aer breast cancer surgery and treatment in both menand women. Our boat seats 20 paddlers and we are planningRookie Nights or those with no paddling experience.

    Lie jackets and instruction will be provided. For more detailsplease contact Joyce at 738-3247 or [email protected] . 604

    cANADA DAy A PUBlIc lANDINGCome out and help us celebrate Canada Day! Please come joinin on the un, Sunda, Ju 1st at the Public Landing WharTere will be something or everyone - starting with a yard salerom 8:00am-2:00pm, ollowed by bingo rom 3:00-5:00pm. Wewill have ace & nail painting or the kids, along with a reasureHunt. Tere will also be having a BBQ starting at 11:00am and

    the grand nale - reworks over the river at 10:00pm.ables or the yard sale are $10. I interested in renting a table,

    call Bonnie at 757-8793. 722



    St. MatthewsWomens Society,Grand Bay, holdscard parties (45s)every Tursdaystarting at 7:30pm.$3 admissionand $2 or 50/50.A light lunch isserved. Note: Ma 31stwill be the lastevening or cardsuntil Fall. 713

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    coNcER A HARBoUR vIEW HIGHIODE Saint John and the 3rd Field Artillery Regiment arepleased to announce a very special concert in honour o theDiamond Jubilee o Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II to be heldon Tursda, Ma 24th. Tis concert will eature the 3rd FieldArtillery Regiment Band with special guests including studento Harbour View High School, Christopher Lane, MarilynWilliams and others perorming music directly connected to theQueens coronation and music with a somewhat more indirectconnection to Her Majesty.

    Te proceeds o the concert will be or a very special Jubileeproject to be announced at the concert. Te concert is beingheld at Harbour View High School beginning at 7:30pm. ickets($10) are available by calling 847-3609 or at the door. Wheelchairaccess is available. 730

    S. JUDES coEE HoUSETe Saturday Night Alive Band will be eatured at the CoeeHouse to be held at St. Judes Church (319 Lancaster Street atSt. John Street) on Saturda, June 2nd starting at 7:00pm. Terewill be coee (provided by Java Moose), sweets and sweet music.Admission by ree-will oering.

    For more inormation contact Rev. Rob Salloum at 672-4301.All are welcome, come and bring a riend. 735

    DISRIc 8 SRING PRoGRAMAttention all music lovers with agreen thumb! Te School District8 String Program is holding itsannual Perennial Sale undraiseron Saturda, June 2nd at the Family

    Centre behind St. Rose School rom 9:00am-12:00noon. Terewill be a huge selection o perennials available at great prices, aswell as resh baked goods on the Bake Sale table.

    Plant donations are welcomed (672-4042 or details). Alremaining plants will be 50% o between 11:00am and12:00noon.

    Bring a riend to the Plant Sale on June 2nd, enjoy a coee anda mun while you browse and support string music in SchoolDistrict 8! 721

    koc BRUNcH & cRIBBAGETe Knights O Columbus Council 9176 will be holding theirnext Brunch on Sunda, Ma 27th rom 10:00am-1:00pm Weare hoping all our patrons return or a scrumptious meal at $6/adults and $4/child and $20/amily o ve. 702

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    lANcASER lEGIoN # 69Wilson Street, Saint John, Phone 635-8095, 1:00pm, Crib (last Sunday o month, $40/team) in the Upper Hall.uesdays 7:30pm, doubles Crib ($20/team) in theUpper Hall.rida, Ma 25th - 9:00pm, Karaoke in the LowerBar with Norm Boucher (last or the season).Saturda, Ma 26th; June 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th 1:00pm, Dancewith Donny & Delbert in the Lower Bar.Sunda, Ma 27th; June 10th, 24th 8:00pm, dance with Johnny& Sonny in the Upper Hall.Sunda, June 3rd, 17th 8:00pm, dance with Albert & Sam in theUpper Hall.Mnda, Ma 28th 7:00pm, May-Hem with Delbert & Friends($6), dance in the Upper Hall. 710

    BoWlERS WANEDTe Good ime Bowling League is looking or bowlers or theup-coming season starting September 2012. Singles or couples

    welcome - we bowl every Tursday night rom 6:30-9:00pmat the Saint John Bowlarama, Lancaster Ave. Dues, includingyour bowling per week and the annual banquet held in May arecurrently $14.

    We are a un league only and do not compete outside our ownleague. I you are not able to commit to the 33 weeks o bowlingperhaps you could put your name on our spare list, to ll in orbowlers that are unable to attend a night(or two).For urther inormation, please call me (Mike) at 738-8619. 71


    Come join us or a Spaghetti Dinner in supporto the Katie Hazen Mackay Chapter IODE,which will be held on Saturda, Ma 26th rom4:00-6:00pm at the Lancaster Baptist Church (87Church Avenue West). Te Menu will include:salad, spaghetti and meat sauce (vegetarian sauceoptional), resh bread/roll and dessert French vanilla ice creamwith Mandarin orange sauce.

    ickets ($10/person, $5/children 12 and under) are availablerom any chapter member or at the Benjamin Moore ColourCentre (20 Plaza Ave. Unit 2, near Sobeys West). 737

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    CongratulationsJulia Naomi Marie Finniemore

    Clifton Royal

    Graduating May 17, 2012 from UNBLaw and having maintained the LordBeaverbrook Scholarship for 3 years,Julia will receive her J.D. (Juris Doctor).

    She has accepted a position articlingwith Stewart McKelvey in Saint John.Throughout her 3 years at UNB Law,Julia volunteered with Pro BonoStudents Canada, The Student LegalInformation Clinic, The Family LawLegal Information Program and theFredericton Legal Advice Clinic.

    Well done Julia!Love from family and friends.

    An open house will be heldMay 26 from 1:00pm 4:00pm

    at 81 Centreton Road, Clifton Royal.

    Best wishes only.

    voN WEllNESS clINIcVON (Victorian Order o Nurses) will be holdingree Exercise and Wellness Clinics at the KingstonParish Hall on Tursda, June 21st and TursdaJu 19th rom 11:30am-1:30pm. Tere will alsobe exercise classes rom 10:30-11:30am. Teseclasses will be geared to arthritics and seniors. FreeWellness Screening Clinics blood pressure, glucoseand cholesterol testing rom 11:30am-1:00pm

    VON Foot clinics will also be held on these dates rom 1:00-4:00pm ($35). All the VON Oce to book oot care appointmentsat 635-1530. 807

    Reminder: oRANGE cEMEERy AGMTe Annual Meeting o the Orange Cemetery in Kars will beheld on Wednesda, Ma 30th 7:30pm at 3044 Rte 124 Kars

    Everyone welcome.We would like to bring to your attention that the Cemetery is

    very low on unds or upkeep and mowing. I you have amilyinterred in the Cemetery and could make a donation towardsmaintenance, it would be greatly appreciated. Some o the nameson the headstones include: Reicker, Akerley, Brown, UrquhartWillagar, Logue, Morrell, Day, Jones, etc. Tank you or anyassistance you can provide and hope to see you at the meeting.For more inormation please call 485-2198. 803

    HHS 2002 clASS REUNIoNYes, it is that time already! en years have goneby and the Hampton High School Grad ClassCommittee o 2002 would like to invite allgraduates rom that year to our 10 year reunion tobe held on Saturda, June 23rd. Bring your amilyto our BBQ and games at the own Square in theaernoon (tentatively 1:00-3:00pm) and then

    come to an evening o reminiscing at Tandis,33 Canterbury Street in Saint John, at 7:00pm. It will be agreat night o sharing memories and catching up with our oldclassmates rom HHS.

    Please RSVP to [email protected] byJune 9th, so wecan get accurate numbers and check out our Facebook page orupdates at HHS Class o 2002. Cant wait to see everyone! 813

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    SyMPHoNy NB PlAN SAlEOur Annual Plant Sale, a undraiser or Symphony NewBrunswick, will be held on Saturda, June 9th at St Pauls ChurchHall on Rothesay Common, between 9:00am-12:00noon. Comeand buy rom our large selection o perennials, shrubs and trees.We will also accept donations o plants on rida, June 8th at St.

    Pauls Church Hall between 6:00-8:00pm. For more inormationplease call: 693-6819, 672-4042 or 635-4156. 808

    SINGlES & RIENDS EvENSSingles and Friends will be hosting a dance, with music by theband Sidekick, on Saturda, Ma 26th at the Chinese CommerceCentre on Coburg Street, Saint John. Doors open at 8:30pmwith music starting at 9:00. Te dance is open to anyone overthe age o 19. Admission $5/members and $7/non-members.Phone 696-1914 or e-mail: [email protected] or moreino about our group.

    Breakast or Singles continues every Sunday 10:00am at HollysRestaurant in Hampton and weekly volleyball on Wednesdayevenings 8:00-10:00pm at Rothesay Park Middle School (cost$4) open to all adults - married or single.

    Te purpose o the Singles group is to organize activities orsingle people to participate in and we welcome your input andsuggestions. Our phone line is 696-1914 or updates as to what ishappening and our email is [email protected]. 819

    IUS HIll cEMEERy AGMTe Annual Meeting o the itus Hill Cemetery, itusville willbe held in the chapel at the cemetery on Mnda, June 11th at7:00pm. 818

    SUPPER IN MARkHAMvIllEA Roast Bee Supper will be held at the Markhamville Hall (oRte 111) on Sunda, June 3rd rom 3:30-6:00pm. Cost or thesupper is $10/adults and $5/children. 840

    co-oPERAIvE PREScHool UNDRAISERDo you know what Cooperative means? Well, a Co-operativeis a group o people who come together in order to share ideasand work towards a common goal. In the West Side CooperativePreschools case, our common goal is our kids and our parentsWe want to help all members get a leg up in the world, no matterwhere they are coming rom! All o our parents have gis theybring to the Co-op in order to help all o our group thrive!

    David Dow, Principal clarinetist with Symphony NewBrunswick, along with Jennier Shea and Cindy Dutton on pianowill share their love o classical music in an evening o romanticclarinet on Saturda, Ma 26th 7:30pm at St. Marks Church (50Dexter Drive). David is oering up his talents to help his son,Liams (and Davids too!) preschool earn some extra unds inorder to purchase new classroom materials: you know - glitter

    glue, paint, brightly coloured paper lots o itsy bitsy beads ando course Kool-Aid or that most awesome Co-op preschool playdough - all the things you are grateul are preschool items, nothome items!Please join us and see what cooperation is all about! ickets are

    $10 and are available through Co-Operative members and at theSaint Marks Church oce. Check us out on Facebook, or call ormore inormation 635-8294. 719

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    HElP NEEDED2014 marked the 100 anniversary o the outbreak o World WarI. New Brunswickers were drawn into that enormous globaconict. Many men and women (nurses) rom the arms, villagesmills, towns and shing villages o New Brunswick joined upand served in the Canadian War eort. Tese individuals wroteletters home and kept diaries o their extraordinary experiences

    I ask or your help in preserving those memorable letters anddiaries. I am hoping to gather these documents or a book I amresearching. Letters and diaries would be borrowed or researchand then returned to their owners. I you have any such lettersplease contact me at: [email protected]; 506-450-9687 or bymail Dr. Ross Hebb, 3 Southlawn Drive, Islandview, NB E3E1A2. 820

    PWAc SWNB WRIING coNESTe Southwest New Brunswick Chapter o the ProessionalWriters Association o Canada is holding its rst ever postcardstory competition. Writers rom Atlantic Canada are invitedto submit a piece o writing (ction or creative non-ction) ono more than 250 words on the theme o Canada: A PostcardHome.

    Submission deadline is rida, June 1st

    and there is a $5/entryee, payable by cheque or money order made payable to: PWACSWNB.

    A prize ($25 gi card rom Benjamin Books) will be awardedFor more inormation please Email ino@trudykellyorsythecom or rules or visit the PWAC-SWNB Facebook page. 833

    SAlMoN SUPPER - kINGSoNA Salmon Supper will be servedon Saturda, June 16th at theKingston Parish Hall with sittingsat 4:30pm and 6:00pm. Cost orthe supper is $12/adults and $6/youth under 12. Advance ticketsadvised only a limited number o tickets will be available atthe door.Please contact the Kingston Parish Oce to reserve your seat at

    763-3183 or by Email [email protected]. 826

    lADIES vollEyBAllLadies Volleyball League plays at the Carlton CommunityCentre on Sundays rom 3:00-9:00pm (one hour play), or ages18 and up. For more inormation contact Jennier LeBlanc at755-9081. 606

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    yARD, BAkE, & PlAN SAlETe Ladies Group o Saint Columba Presbyterian Church will beholding the annual Yard, Bake & Plant Sale on Saturda, June2nd rom 8:30am-12:00noon at the Church (1454 ManawagonishRoad). 720

    2012 SRIDE oR SUccESS EvENIts that time again! 4Gs Future Focus Foundation and PortageAtlantic are recruiting participants or this summers Stride orSuccess charity relay. Stride or Success is the charity portion oSaint Johns annual Run Trough History: celebration o green

    space marathon event, and will take place this year on Sunda,Ju 15th.Portage Atlantic is a not-or-prot organization dedicated to

    helping Atlantic Canadian youth to nd reedom rom addiction.Funds raised through Stride or Success are used to developa 3.8km trail at the Cassidy Lake youth residential treatmentcentre. Here, young people undergoing rehabilitation can getsome exercise, breathe in the resh air, and take some time toreect on their dicult journey. Physical activity is an integralpart the therapeutic program at Portage, and the Recoveryrail will provide a wonderul venue or biking, snowshoeing,running, and other outdoor activities in every season.

    People o all ages and tness levels are encouraged to join inthis event. Te goal is simply to get out, have un, and support

    local youth who are working hard each day to turn their livesaround. Participants will also have a chance to win some greatprizes.

    Tis project has received wonderul support rom thecommunity over the past two years and is nearing its goal butit still needs your help to be successul. In order to bring thisdream to ruition, Portage Atlantic and 4G are now calling oncommunity members to lace up their sneakers and run or walkon Ju 15th in support o at-risk Atlantic Canadian youth.

    For inormation on how to get involved, contact PortageAtlantic at 472-4847 or 4Gs Karlene Wall at 632-2520. 838

    kc HISoRIcAl SocIEy MEEING

    Te Kings County Historical & Archival Society, Inc., willhold its next meeting on Saturda, Ma 26th at the BelleisleCommunity Hall in Belleisle Creek, starting at 2:00pm. Aninteresting program is planned, and all are welcome to attend.830

    Sponsored by Ossekeag Publishing

    Grand Bay-WestfieldRelay For Life June 8th, 2012

    Light the Night

    Karen Hobart757-8875 or at

    Luminaries are special candles that bear the names of cancersurvivors or those who have lost their battle to cancer. At dusk,

    these luminaries are lit in a moving ceremony honouring loved onestouched by cancer. Buy your luminary today!

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    SPRING coIN SHoWTe local Saint John Coin Club is hosting the Spring Coin Showon Sunda, Ma 27th rom 9:30-3:30pm at the Howard JohnsonHotel on Main Street in Saint John. Te General public iswelcome to bring all coins, gold or paper money in or appraisaor or sale.

    For more inormation please contact om at [email protected] or 650-0669. See you there! 936

    AENIoN NAURE lovERS!I you have an interest in wild birds, mammals, sh, wildowersgeology, astronomy or any other aspect o our natural world, whynot consider attending a meeting o the Saint John NaturalistsClub (SJNC) or taking part in our diverse selection o workshopsand eld trips? Te meetings take place on the secondMondayo each month at the NB Museum at Market Square beginningat 7:30pm and eature ascinating presentations. Meetings beginagain in September.

    Te annual Nature NB Festival o Nature will be held in theSaint John region on the weekend o June 1st3rd. Tere will bemore than 20 eld trips with botanists, geologists and naturalistsaround the Fundy region ocusing on everything rom insectsbirds and butteries to lichens seaweeds and bog lie. Tere wilbe workshops on nature photography and trips to gardens andorchards on the Kingston Peninsula, to salmon, sturgeon andmarine science centers in St. George and St. Andrews and tounique wateralls o southern NB. Tere will be special activitiesor the provinces young naturalists.

    Join us or: an all purpose nature walk in Rockwood Park onSaturda, June 16th, leaving the Lily Lake Pavilion at 8:30ama buttery/dragony outing on Saturda, Ju 21st and awildower outing on uesda, August 7th. Details to ollow on

    our website.Tere is no need to be a member - all SJNC meetings, workshopsand outings are open to one-and-all. For more inormationincluding memberships, contact Hank Scarth at 216-0624 or

    visit the website at: 927

    MARIGolD PRoJEc PHooSTe Marigold Project is looking or pictures rom studentsschools, parents, communities, sponsors ormer students etc othe last 15 years at any o the 50 sites in South Western NewBrunswick (Sussex to St. Stephen) to post on our new

    Please contact our website or urther inormation. ens o

    thousands o children have planted over 2.5 million marigoldsin our communities! 822

    cARlEoN cHoRISERS coNcERTe Carleton Choristers are happy to present a lively concerto avourite Broadway songs. Well be doing Broadway OurWay. Please join us on uesda, Ma 29th 7:30pm at GracePresbyterian Church, 101 Coburg Street. Te Choristers areled by Claire Driscoll and accompanied by Christopher LaneFor this concert, the Choristers will be joined by the womenschorus, reble Cle, directed by John Hughes and accompaniedby Claire Driscoll.ickets are $12/adults and $10/seniors and students. Tey may

    be purchased rom choir members or at the door. For moreinormation call 638-9111. 935

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    PARENS GRIE SUPPoR GRoUPHealing and Hope or your broken heart ... i you have sueredthe loss o a precious son or daughter. Te parents supportgroup meets at Family Plus Lie Solutions, 199 Chesley Drive,2nd Floor, the last Wednesday o each month at 7:00pm.For more inormation call 634-8295. 915


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    INSRUMENS oR PEAcEInstruments or Peace is a group that meets every secondTursday o the month at the Church o the Good Shepherd,668 Manawagonish Road, to explore and promote non-violentsolutions to international conicts.All welcome! 715

    5 year guarantee

    308 Model Farm RdQuispamsis


    Springs Here...

    9am - 9pmGardeners Hours (7 days a week)

    Get set to Garden!




    VISIT US: www.b runswicknurseries.comGARDENING QUESTIONS?

    do c torduncan

    May 26:WINDOW BOXING WEEKEND Bring your own containers and window boxesSaturday or Sunday for expert advice on filling & planting containers. We supplydesign expertise & Free Potting Soil - just bring your gloves and containers & buy theplants from our great selection. This is also a BLOODY GOOD WEEKEND to get fancytrees: Bloodgood Maples one third off. Other bloody good deals on selected plants

    June 2: MAGNOLIA WEEKEND Lecture:Growing Magnolias in the KennebecasisValley. Duncan shows you how to plant and care for these magnificent floweringtrees. Free manure and bonemeal with each Magnolia purchased. Brand new

    varieties arriving for this weekend, some you may not have heard of!

    Messy bed? Let us make it for you:Pruning, edging, weeding, mulching, perennial

    care & transplanting.


    Landscape Design & Installation:Beds, lawns, walkways, walls & patios.

    No job too big or too small!

    Spring clean-ups & brush hauling!



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    RED TAG SPECIALSMay 19th - May 25th

    Come visit the Corral!

    Bring veggiesfor them, bread

    for the ducks.

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    Evening Primrose 1 gal.

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    Makamik Flowering Crab 6-7


    reg $9.99 50% OFF

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    Awesome plants: trees, shrubs, perennials, annuals...Every kind under the sun! 5YEAR GUARANTEE!


    MUlcH IME AGAINMulch sales abound at this time o year and along with them

    the hints rom most garden centers and landscape bods thatthe product will render your garden instantly weed ree andpractically work ree. Be not ooled!

    Quite rankly, working in my garden gives me great joy and areshly weeded bed provides a lot more satisaction than a newlyscrubbed kitchen oor ever could! Certainly the mulch has akilling eect when laid at about a three inch depth however itsprudent to bear in mind that what can kill the undesirables canalso wipe out the treasures. I your liestyle dictates the use omulch, care needs to be taken with the application; a space o atleast six inches around the plant or bush, should be le wherecompost mixed with some well rotted manure can be applied,this insures that theres enough nourishment or the plant tosurvive since the mulch will take a lot o nutrients rom the

    soil as it decomposes. Mulch should always be applied aer asoaking rain in order to trap the moisture in the soil. I use heavymulch on pathways and actually recycle the large plastic bagson the surace covered with layers o newspapers and toppedo with the mulch. Sadly this method is not suitable elsewherein the garden. With advancing years the plastic bagged type isinnitely more manageable than the great truck loads that I haveused in the pastBy not using mulch on the ower beds there is better opportunity

    or plants to expand and a greater likelihood o those wonderulvolunteer plants, blown in by the wind or dropped rom theheavens by passing aviators; they are always great un andoen provide treasures that could wreck the budget at the localnurseries.

    Tis is a great time o year to clean out ponds and care needs tobe taken to preserve the wild lie in them; a collection o watersnails is a valuable asset to keeping things ship shape, so its bestto li the leaves with a small plastic rake and sit them down onthe surround o the pond, giving suitable time or the livestockto return. Every pond gets overgrown with time and the plantlie needs to be reduced to a point where at least 1/3 o the pondis open water. I have just completed that task in a very smallpond and was rewarded with the sight o a pair o mallard duckstaking stock o the accommodations!

    So much good stu in lie is ree and it seems to me that themajor benets o hands on gardening are the pure joy o hearingthe birds sing and watching plant lie come into bloom. Celebratethe good stu! 805

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    SJ-kv RElAy oR lIEWe are hoping that your group will become involved inCanadian Cancer Societys, Relay or Lie. One in three peoplewill be diagnosed with cancer, so in all likelihood, we all knowsomeone aected by this disease. As the Luminaries chair orthe Relay or Lie, I am thankul to be here to help to with thisyears Relay or Lie - I am a survivor, and I hope you will joinme in this ght! Te Relay or Lie is an opportunity or all o usto celebrate cancer survivors, remember and honour loved oneslost to cancer and ght back against all cancers. Please considergetting your group involved.

    Te SJ-KV Relay or Lie will be held on June 9th rom7:00pm-7:00am at Rothesay High School. Anyone can help byparticipating as a team, selling luminaries, sponsoring the eventdonating products and services or volunteering.

    Luminaries are candles that are placed in special bags thatbear the names o cancer survivors and loved ones who havelost their battle with cancer. You can dedicate luminaries toremember and honour your loved ones. Luminaries can bepurchased at Rothesay High School on June 9th or online priorto the event. Even i you are unable to attend the event, you canstill purchase luminaries to pay tribute to your amily membersand riends who have experienced cancer. At each Relay or Lie

    event, the luminaries are lit during a moving ceremony at duskYour luminary and its message will provide light and inspirationor the participants all night long as they walk around the track

    Te proceeds raised rom this event helps und leading-edgecancer research that is improving cancer treatments, preventingcancer and saving lives; provide vital and up-to-date inormationon cancer, risk reduction and treatment; oer vital community-based support services or people living with cancer and theiramilies.

    For more inormation contact: Kim Spence, Luminary Chairat 849-3056 or [email protected]; Dan Fowlie, CanadianCancer Society at 634-6272 or [email protected]. Yoursupport is greatly appreciated. 601

    Reminder: WAlk oR MEMoRIESOn Saturda, Ma 27th the Alzheimer Societyo Saint John will be hosting their annualWalk or Memories at Wolastoq Park (behindReversing Falls) starting at 12:00noon. oregister and to request a Pledge orm pleasecontact the SJ Alzheimer Society in person at152 Westmorland Road or call 634-8722.

    Inormation also available on the website 827

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    SEA BEllES HoS coNvENIoN & coNESSea Belles Chorus is hosting Harmony, Inc.s annual AreaConvention & Contest in Saint John rom Ma 31stJune 3rd.Six choruses and 10 quartets rom the Maritime Provinceswill compete or the opportunity to represent our area at theInternational Competitions in Orlando, Florida in November.

    Competitions will be held at the Samuel de ChamplainCommunity Centre on Boars Head Road on June 1st. Te Quartetcontest will commence at 12:30pm and the Chorus contest at8:00pm. Tese competitions are open to the public. ickets are$10 or each event and may be purchased at Veronicas MusicStore and Novelties, 82 German Street or rom any Sea Belle.

    I you are looking or a wonderul hobby and love to sing, SeaBelles is the group to join. We practice everyuesday eveningat Forest Hills School rom 7:00-9:30pm and look orward tohaving new members join us. You do not need to read music,you just have to be able to carry a tune and love to sing. Youcan be a part o Sea Belles Chorus - ordinary women makingextraordinary music.

    For more inormation, please visit our website at: seabelles.caor our Facebook Page. 973

    SENIoRS GAMES IN SJTe 50+ Seniors Games will be held in Saint John June 3rd8th

    at various locations in the city. Events will include: Auction45s, Bowling, Bridge, Chess, Cribbage, Croquet, Euchre

    Gol, Horsehoes, Lawn Bowling, Pickle Ball, Pool, ScrabbleShufeboard, Swimming, imed Walk, Volleyball, WasherGames, Wizard. For the low cost o $25 you can participatein any number o these games, enjoy the Opening Ceremony complete with BBQ and musical entertainment, the AwardsBanquet, enjoy the company o old riends and meet new ones.

    For more inormation please contact the Seniors ResourceCentre (Brunswick Square, Level 3) at 633-8781. 955

    DENIS MoRRIS coMMUNIy cENREDabber Bingo - every Wednesday evening. Quarter games at5:30; early bird at 7:00; regular games at 7:30pm. Doors open at4:00pm. DMCC Seniors Club meets every Monday at 1:30pm, ViMatheson, President.Rentals available or all locations, 672-1046. 705

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    UNDRAISER oR JoSHUA GRoUPTe Joshua Group will be holding a Silent & Live Auction at thePhoenix Dinner Teatre rom 6:30 to 10:30pm on Saturda, Ma26th. Funds raised will be used to help purchase a permanenthome or the children served by the Joshua Group, who comerom a variety o backgrounds and could all be considered atrisk. Many o t Along with unds rom the auction, $20 romeach ticket purchased or the Borderline Crazy Dinner Show wilalso be donated to the Joshua Group that night. Tis is a greaopportunity to enjoy an evening out and support a local cause atthe same time these children and their amilies reside in unsaeenvironments where crime is as close as the next doorstep.

    For more inormation on the Joshua Group and the good thatthey do in our community, visit their website at - joshuagroupca. 607

    clASS o 1962 REUNIoN SJvSTe Saint John Vocational School Class o 62 will becelebrating its 50 Year Reunion on Saturda, Ju 21st. Its timeto get those registration orms lled out and returned as Ju 21stis coming quickly. I you misplaced your registration orm orwe missed you, contact us anyway!!! Classmates rom 1961 and1963 are also invited to come and renew old riendships. Teschool has an elevator i you nd stairs a bit daunting.

    I you attended Voc between 1961-1963 and would like tojoin us, please, contact om Sully 693-3657, e-mail [email protected] or check the schools web site at: and ollow the prompts (SJVS-Reunions-Class o1962-2012) or more inormation.Come and join us. Tere may be other Reunions, but there will

    only be one 50th or the Class o 62. We are looking orward tohearing rom you soon and seeing you in July. 825

    SPcA AR RADIo BINGoSPCA Animal Rescue Bingo has movedrom radio to Rogers Cable 10 V!!Join us Monday nights on Rogers Cable

    10 rom 6:30 to8:00pm. $1 Early

    Bird Specials, $5or a Book o 8 Games.Please continue to support the animals

    at the SPCA Animal Rescue. For moreinormation, please call 642-0929. 916

    yMcA HEAlHy kIDS DAyOn Sunda, June 3rd the Saint John Y ishosting its 3rd Annual YMCA HealthyKids Day together with YMCAs acrossCanada. Designed to help kids andamilies embrace healthy habits tha

    can become a lielong practice, this reecommunity event will ocus on un andengaging activities, practical inormationand simple ways to be healthier in spiritmind and body.

    Between 2003 and 2006, the rateo obesity or children and youth inCanada increased 35.7%. Although theYMCA models and incorporates healthypractices into its programs and activitiesor children and youth year roundYMCA Healthy Kids Day places speciaemphasis on teaching children, youth andtheir amilies about exploring healthyliving habits that will make a dierencethroughout their lives.

    Te Saint John Y will be hosting YMCAHealthy Kids Day rom 10:00am unti2:00pm, at the Y Glenn Carpenter Centrelocated on the Foster Turston RoadFree activities will include a barbecueswimming, water trampoline, canoeingkayaking, hiking the trails, archeryrisbee gol, community booths, acepainting, draws or prizes & more!

    For additional inormation contact theSaint John Y at 693-YMCA. 925

    PARkINSoN SUPPoR GRoUPS IN NBParkinson Society Maritime Region now has seven chapters/support groups in New Brunswick. You are not alone.o nd the one nearest you call 1-800-663-2468. 930

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    WHy RElAy IS ovERNIGH?Cancer does not stop or nighttime.Relay For Lie starts at dusk and endsat the next days morning. Te lightand darkness o the day and nightparallel the physical eects, emotions,and mental state o a cancer patientwhile undergoing treatment.

    Te Relay begins when the sun is setting. Tis symbolizes thetime that the person has been diagnosed as having cancer. Teday is getting darker and this represents the cancer patients stateo mind as they eel that their lie is coming to an end.

    As the evening goes on it gets colder and darker, just as theemotions o the cancer patient do. Around 1:00 to 2:00amrepresents the time when the cancer patients start treatmentsTey become exhausted, some sick, not wanting to go onpossibly wanting to give up. As a participant, you have beenwalking and eel much the same way. You are tired, want tosleep, maybe even want to go home, but you cannot. You cannotstop or give up, just as the cancer patient cannot stop or give up.

    Around 4:00 to 5:00am symbolizes the coming o the end otreatment or the cancer patient. Once again they are tired, butthey know they will make it.

    Te sun rising represents the end o treatment or the cancerpatient. Tey see the light and know that lie will go on. Temorning light brings on a new day ull o lie and excitement ornew beginnings or the cancer patient. As a participant, you willeel the brightness o the morning and know that the end o theRelay is close at hand.

    When you leave the Relay, think o the cancer patient leavingtheir last treatment. Just as you are exhausted and weak, so isthat person aer treatment. But there is hope in the new day! Temoney raised at Relay will support patient services, liesavingresearch, prevention education, and advocacy eorts and thais why we Relay! Remember: Tere is no nish line until we nd a cure.

    Please join us on June 8th or night o un, riendship and

    undraising. For more inormation, please call Melanie Crowley738-8621 at or Liz Chisholm at 738-8976 or visit relayorlie.ca726

    SAlMoN AkE-oU A S. GEoRGESTe St. Georges Church (100 Watson Street West) Hand Bell/Chimes Choir is sponsoring a Salmon ake-out Dinner onSaturda, Ma 26th rom 3:30-5:00pm. ickets are $12 each andmust be pre-orderedby calling 738-2856. 731

    MIloRD coMMUNIy cENRE NEWSTe Milord Memorial Community Centre (248 Milord Road)will be holding a Flea Market on Saturda, June 9th rom9:00am-1:00pm. able rentals are available or $10 by calling theCentre at 672-2400 or 635-4822. Admission will be $1 at thedoor, children 12 and under are admitted or ree.

    Te Milord Memorial Community Centre is available to berented or your upcoming unctions, such as birthday, retiremenand anniversary parties, as well as weddings, undraisers andmore. For more inormation please call the Centre at 672-2400or 608-0329. 714

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    JoB ES GRAND PRIzE WINNERSchool Districts 6, 8 and 10 are proud to announce the winner othe April 2nd Job Fest Grand Prize. Amy Reid, a student at SussexRegional High School, was the lucky recipient o an IPad. Tis prizewas made available through the generosity and support o Job Festpartner, Innovatia.

    Job Fest is a virtual air, held annually, which allows studentsto learn about direct to work and post secondary educationopportunities. Te event is a joint venture between the districtsand Post Secondary Education, raining and Labour. Tis yearJob Fest saw over 2500 grade 11 students rom across the southernregion participate by visiting an interactive virtual exhibition hall.In addition many students were involved in live mock interviews.Job Fest is one more way or the districts to help prepare our youngadults or a bright uture in the world o work. 839

    L to R: racy Friars (Innovatia); Amy Reid (SRHS); LynnMacDonald (Job Fest 2012).

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    MAURE PRoESSIoNAlS NEWoRk IN SJMature Proessionals Network (MPN) a social networkingorganization or single adults over the age o 40 has been launchedin Saint John. MPN oers a orum to meet and exchange ideasdevelop riendships and share common interests. Tey have aMeet and Greet Social every Friday night, 5:30-7:30pm at theChateau Saint John, on Rockland Road. You will be warmlywelcomed by a MPNSJ greeter who will introduce you to othermembers. A group o them also go out to dinner aer the Meetand Greet. Tey have already participated in several dierentactivities and are looking orward to a lot more interestingthings to do through the seasons.We hope you can nd time to join us. 914

    SoPHIA REcovERy cENREAre you emale and needing help to deal with your addiction?Sophia Recovery Centre is a non-residential acility or emaleyouth and women recovering rom addiction. Our centre isthe only one o its kind in NB. Its a sae place or all womenand oers a 12 step spirituality-based program o recoveryproessional counseling and many other services. Tere are nowaiting lists and all services are ree o charge.Our mission at Sophia Recovery Centre is to help you overcome

    your diculties and get your lie back. We look orward tospeaking with you; 633-8783 and/or you can attend our regularwomens only open AA meetings on Wednesdays at 7:00pm andAlanon meetings Saturdays at 10:30 am - 83 Hazen Street, SaintJohn.

    Check out our website:; email: [email protected] and you can nd/join us onFacebook. 907

    ADUl lEARNING PRoGRAMImprove your Math & English skills so you can: eel better abouyour skills; help your kids with homework; prepare to write theGED tests; prepare to take other training; nd a job or a better

    job.Te Community Adult learning program is or you ree

    classes in Math & English, rom lower levels up to GED; Smalclasses, ull-time or part-time; start at your own level and workat your own pace.

    For more inormation about a class in your community contacSaint John Kings Adult Learning Inc Paula (Regional Manager)at 333-5480, [email protected]. 902

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    E NEWS

    We recently sent out our very rst e-newsletter. Tis is somethingwe have talked about or some time and although the rst issuewas quite time consuming the response has been positive, withseveral o our customers even taking the time to email us to tellus so. It is our hope that our advertising customers will nd it auseul resource ull o all kinds o tips and inormation, much aswe hope these community magazines provide our readers witha whole community o interesting and useul news and events.

    I sometimes think o just 12 years ago when Mike and I rstbegan Ossekeag Publishing. We took on an oce with just threecomputers, two or creating the publications and one which washooked up the internet. Most o our editorial came in as hardcopy and had to be typed. Ad copy was a hand drawn sketch oroccasionally (rom companies with a national presence) an ad

    mat that could be scanned. Very little came to us via email.My six year old grand-daughter is always ascinated by howlittle connection to the bigger world Nana and Grumpy had askids. I was her age when our amily got our rst television, withall o one channel and a GREA test pattern or large parts othe 24-hour day. Interestingly, though, yesterday we watchedsome o those same cartoons that I saw as a kid . . . thanks toYouube. om & Jerry and Sylvester & weety were both bighits. She laughed . . . and then went back a bit to rewatch theunniest section again. Not only was that impossible when Isaw them, I also watched them in black and white, a conceptcompletely oreign to her. She is amazed that there was no Dora,no reehouse and no Barbie.Progress has lots o good in it, but not all change is positive. Te

    test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundanceof those who have much it is whether we provide enough for thosewho have little.~ Franklin D. Roosevelt. 801


    BE YOUR OWN BOSS! urn 5-10 hours/week into $1000+/month. Operate a mini oce outlet rom your computer, FREEevaluation.


    SPRINGIElD IREWooD, quality hardwood, cut, split,delivered. Call 485-2349.

    oR REN

    RENOVAED, LARGE, 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, Grand BayWesteld, $500 & $600/month, heat and lights not included. Formore inormation please call 650-3692.


    CRIMMINS POERY, Te pottery shop is now open or theseason! Shop hours: ue.- Sat. 10am-4pm. Spring Show and Saleon June 1, 2 and 3rd. 763-2324 or visit ouracebook page.

    SAIN JOHN COIN CLUB Coin Show May 27th, Howard JohnsonHotel, Main Street Saint John, 9:30am-3:30pm, ree admissionContact om, [email protected] or 506-650-0669.

    BASIC BAIK WORKSHOP - Learn and create. Day workshopwith Van Bree and Natalie Dechene. Lorneville CommunityCenter, June 9 & 10, 2012. Call 633-1250 or more inormationand registration.

    REcyclING BIN

    SONY 20 COLOUR V (not at screen), propane BBQ, workingcondition. 674-1222.


    FREE HEA, central boiler classic, outdoor wood urnace. Caltoday 506-435-1661.

    GEING MARRIED (BOOK EARLY). Civil weddings

    perormed when and where you choose. elephone 847-2079.ScRAP MEAl DRoP of Site. All car parts, car batteries, lawnmowers, washers & dryers, pots & pans, scrap metal etc. ree junar and tru rema. Open 7 days/week, 187 French VillageRoad. Phone 847-3569. God Bless you and thank you or yoursupport.

    D&J SMIH CONSRUCION Excavation Service. Drain tileseptic systems, new home excavation, garage slabs & oundationslandscaping etc., 30 years experience. 635-4059/333-3068.

    DAVES LIGH RUCKING & Cleaning Service, junk, garbageconstruction & roong materials, demolition, brush, decks, smalmoving jobs. 7 days a week. Also picking up unwanted vehicles832-3982 or 653-0026.

    SEWING JOBS DONE or ladies, gentlemen and children. Hemsdone on pants, dresses etc., other alterations. Non-smoker. Cal672-2599.

    GROUND BREAKING LD. Mini excavator, backhoe and dumptruck. Experienced crew with ull liability insurance. Drain tileseptic system, demolition, landscaping, shoreline work and moreChris 639-8766 or Matt 651-5172.

    HAUl AWAy o junk cars, trucks, tractors and arm equipmentSmall ee or appliances and small scrap. Drop o site 54 BacklandRoad, Kingston. 763-2933 or 333-9067.


    WAYNES AUO WORLD - In house nancing. Buy, sell, leaserent. Owner Wayne Ganong, bus. 738-6777, cell: 647-8777., 53 Epworth Park Road, Grand Bay

    - Westeld.WANED

    WANED .. LOGGING WINCH .. minimum o 5,000lbs pullMust be in good working order and sell or $2,000 or less. Tiswinch will have a good home and used or restoring the AcadianForest. No clear cutting or unsustainable practices will be usedCall Mike Hickey at 832-1977 and leave a message i I am nohome.

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