matisse cutout lesson plan

Lesson-Activity Title: Matisse Cutouts Grade Level: 5th Name: Marissa Schaeffer Time: 45mins, 5 days Objective: To introduce the work of the artist Henri Matisse. Students will develop an understanding of collage making and the elements of color and shape. Aesthetics, Art Criticism, Art History: Henri Matisse was born in 1869 and died in 1954 at age 84 from cancer. He was a French artist known for his paintings and collages. He started painting with bright colors, which pushed him into fauvism. When Henri was diagnosed with cancer he had surgery and was put into a wheelchair but soon after he started making his collage works of art. Henri had assistants to help him create his collages. They would pin the pieces of paper against the wall for him so he could see how he would like to arrange the pieces of paper for the collages. Henri freely hand cut each piece of paper with big fabric scissors. He said, “ Its like painting with scissors.” Art Production Concept(s): Focal Point Colors Shapes Balance Abstract Teaching Strategies: Introduction: Henri Matisse PowerPoint Demonstrations: Cutting, placement of colors, and gluing Work Session Discussion Creative & Critical Abilities, Behaviors, & Skills Students will Enhance: Students will have an understanding of Henri Matisse’s work. Students will develop the use of balance of colors. Students will have an idea of placement of colors to be able to create a focal point. Students will apprehend organic and geomantic shapes. NJCCCS (Standards & Indicators) (one visual arts & one non-arts) Standard 1.1 The Creative Process All students will demonstrate an understanding of the elements and principles that govern the creation of

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Title: Matisse Cutouts Grade Level: 5thName: Marissa Schaeffer Time: 45mins, 5 days

Objective: To introduce the work of the artist Henri Matisse. Students will develop an understanding of collage making and the elements of color and shape.

Aesthetics, Art Criticism, Art History:Henri Matisse was born in 1869 and died in 1954 at age 84 from cancer. He was a French artist known for his paintings and collages. He started painting with bright colors, which pushed him into fauvism. When Henri was diagnosed with cancer he had surgery and was put into a wheelchair but soon after he started making his collage works of art. Henri had assistants to help him create his collages. They would pin the pieces of paper against the wall for him so he could see how he would like to arrange the pieces of paper for the collages. Henri freely hand cut each piece of paper with big fabric scissors. He said, “ Its like painting with scissors.”

Art Production Concept(s): Focal Point ColorsShapesBalanceAbstract

Teaching Strategies:Introduction: Henri Matisse PowerPoint Demonstrations: Cutting, placement of colors, and gluingWork SessionDiscussion

Creative & Critical Abilities, Behaviors, & Skills Students will Enhance: Students will have an understanding of Henri Matisse’s work. Students will develop the use of balance of colors. Students will have an idea of placement of colors to be able to create a focal point. Students will apprehend organic and geomantic shapes.

NJCCCS (Standards & Indicators) (one visual arts & one non-arts)

Standard 1.1 The Creative Process All students will demonstrate an understanding of the elements and principles that govern the creation of works of art in dance, music, theatre, and visual art. Indicator: 1.1.5.D.1: Identify elements of art and principles of design that are evident in everyday life.Non-Art Standard: 5.3 Life Science: All students will understand that life science principles are powerful conceptual tools for making sense of the complexity, diversity, and interconnectedness of life on Earth. Order in natural systems arises in accordance with rules that govern the physical world, and the order of natural systems can be modeled and predicted through the use of mathematics. Indicator: 5.3.4.E.2 Evaluate similar populations in an ecosystem with regard to their ability to thrive and grow. Art making Steps:1. Students will think of an environment. (Examples: jungle, desert, beach, or forest.) Student must incorporate animals from that environment or people. 2. Students will complete Matisse worksheet, which will help them practice drawing out ideas. 3. Students will then pick a colored piece of paper for their background.

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4. Students will pick 3 or 4 different sizes of rectangle or square color pieces of paper for background as well.4. Students will trace out objects from their sketches and then cut out the shapes out of scraped color pieces of paper.5. Finally students will then layout design and glue shapes to their paper.

Questions: PowerPoint1. What are some complementary colors?2. What are warm colors and cool colors?3. Where is your eye drawn to in the artwork?4. What does the objects look like to you?5. Do you see movement in this work and what is making it look like its showing movement?6. What type of shapes do you see in the artworks?7. Do colors look balanced in the artwork and why?8. What do you like about the artwork?

Adaptations/adjusting activities: If some students are behind I will give the class a catch up day. Students that are done can work on poster contest, free draw, or use clay. If students cannot complete work on catch up day they will have extra time to work on their work after the lesson and discussion.

Modifications for Students w. Learning Disabilities: Student will receive more time if needed to complete work. Teacher will communicate with aid and provide step-by-step help throughout project.

Materials: Color paper Cut rectangle and square color paper Scissors

Glue sticksScrap color paper.

Artwork Examples:

Henri Matisse, The Horse, the Rider, and the Clown, 1947 Henri Matisse,Sorrow of the King, 1952