marsham village news (39th edition)

7/23/2019 Marsham Village News (39th Edition) 1/8 Marsham Village News 39th Edition December 2015 The deadline for the next edition is Monday 18 th  January 2016. Any articles, letters or adverts should be sent to [email protected] or, if anything needs typing, to Linda and Eric at 3 Cranes Lane. Please note that this edition will be the last one before February. A reminder that you can view the Newsletter online at Village-News/521859914553706 or by Googling ‘Marsham Village News’ and follow the link to our Facebook page. to all our readers from the editorial team of Hazel, Jennie, Linda, Polly, Phil and Adrian A belated thank you to those people who took part in our online survey a few months ago. If you remember we were trying to find out how many people would be happy to read their copy of the newsletter online, rather than receiving a paper copy. As we secured continued funding for the newsletter we don’t need to take it any further for the moment but it is undoubtedly something we will consider in the future. Part of the survey had asked people for ways in which we could improve the newsletter and it would be interesting to hear other people’s views. If you have any ideas on how we can improve the Newsletter please let us know, either by e mail ([email protected] ), telephone (734488) or by delivering to 12 Old Norwich Road. Please take a few moments to let us know what you think.

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MarshamVillage News39th Edition December 2015

The deadline for the next edition is Monday 18th January 2016. Any articles, letters or adverts should

be sent to [email protected]  or, if anything needs typing, to Linda and Eric at 3 Cranes Lane.

Please note that this edition will be the last one before February. 

A reminder that you can view the Newsletter online at

Village-News/521859914553706 or by Googling ‘Marsham Village News’ and follow the link to our

Facebook page.

to all our readersfrom the editorial team of Hazel, Jennie, Linda, Polly, Phil and Adrian

A belated thank you to those people who took part in our online survey a few months ago. If you

remember we were trying to find out how many people would be happy to read their copy of the

newsletter online, rather than receiving a paper copy. As we secured continued funding for the

newsletter we don’t need to take it any further for the moment but it is undoubtedly something we

will consider in the future.

Part of the survey had asked people for ways in which we could improve the newsletter and it would

be interesting to hear other people’s views. If you have any ideas on how we can improve the

Newsletter please let us know, either by e mail ([email protected] ), telephone (734488) orby delivering to 12 Old Norwich Road. Please take a few moments to let us know what you think.

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Don’t forget to let us have details of any up and coming events which we will include on this page.

Send to [email protected] or deliver to 12 Old Norwich Road.


Mobile library in Marsham

The Norfolk County Council mobile library van

will be in Marsham on Mondays 21st December

and 18th January.

The stop-off points are – 

Le Neve Road - 15.30 to 15.45

Wathen Way - 15.50 to 16.05

Marsham Belles will be holding just

one rehearsal this month on Wednesday 2nd 

December. Everyone welcome to listen to the

bells, have a cup of tea and a chat.

Marsham Meet and Mardle

Our next meet up will be on Friday 4th December from 10am till 12. We will be having a Christmas

themed event. We would love to welcome any younger Marsham residents so if you would like a cuppa

and some interesting conversation do pop in. Babies and toddlers (with an adult and some toys) are very


Next year Friday January 8th 10 till 12 - “How to avoid scamming” We will be joined by PCSO Bill Kerr

who will share some important advice on avoiding scamming on the phone or through email.

Friday February 5th  – one of the health trainers from Aylsham will be coming along with lots of tips on

keeping fit and active.

If you have any ideas for future Fridays; for example activities you would like to try or organisations you

would like to invite let us know when we meet, or contact Nicola Hibberd on 01263 733557 or by

email at [email protected]

Everyone is very welcome. If you need any help with transport please let us know.

Marsham SchoolChristmas Fayre

Friday 4th December3.30 until 5.30

at the village hall

raffle tombola gift stalls

games toys refreshments

Father Christmas visitingEveryone welcome 

Carol singing in Marsham

A group of children and adults from Marsham will be Carol singing by

lanterns around the village on Saturday 12th December from 4-7pm.We will

be raising funds for the church tower project. If you would like to get involved please contact Karina at

[email protected] or on 07723388782. Thank you for your support.

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Letters to the Editor

The letters in this section are published unedited and do not necessarily reflect the views of the

editing committee. We see the Village Newsletter as a channel for people in the village to air their

views – positive and negative.

Marsham Parish Council News 

The last meeting of the Parish Council took place on Monday 9th November, where it was revealed

that the Summer Show had raised £6000 to be given to various charities such as the East Anglian Air

Ambulance, Holding Hands with Courageous Children, Marsham Parish Church, and Buxton Scouts

amongst others. It was recognised by the Parish Council and others present that this was a fantastic


Maintenance around the village had been completed such as trees trimmed on the A140 to allow

easier exit from Fengate, reflective posts have been put into the grass triangle at the top of the High

Street and rubbish had been cleared from various places around the village where it had been

dumped. It was reported that there had been increase around the Village of dog fouling. Parishionerswere asked to consider others in the Village and to make sure that dog mess was cleared and put in

the appropriate bins. The Council do have the power to prosecute if the offenders are caught. Thanks

to everyone for their cooperation.

The County Councillor reported that there had been an extraordinary Council meeting to agree the

funding for the Northern Distributor Route, and the budget savings proposals had been released for

public consultation. Parishioners were encouraged to express their views on the proposals by using

the Norfolk County Council website 

Nicola LeDain, Clerk to Parish Council, 07855947797, [email protected] 

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Upwards for Marsham

Part of looking up in Marsham has - for hundreds of years -

been symbolically expressed and helped by Marsham`s

amazing church tower - significant even by Norfolkstandards. The tower now needs our help. And so

"Upwards for Marsham" is our name for the cooperation of

the church, school and village to help strengthen both local

spirits and ancient structures, very much including the

church tower which badly needs attention.

The work to repair the tower and porch will cost in the

region of £320,000. We have just applied for a Heritage

Lottery Grant which could bring up to £250,000. As part of

the work we also hope to install a water supply to the

Church. At the moment water has to be carried to the Church in lots of containers- not aneasy task for the Church Wardens. Once this is installed we can then explore the possibility

of a permanent disabled toilet in the Church-currently we only have a portable toilet - and

also installing a new kitchen so that the Church can be become a venue for many more

community events.

In due course we will be asking people about what sort of fundraising may help - but

meanwhile we are looking at the possibility of doing more together in enjoying our church

for wider village events - such as possible...

* Easter Craft Fayre – Easter Monday

* Summer music concert* Talent show

* Flower festival

* Quiz

More information around the village from Jean George, Brenda Warman, Nicola Hibberd or

Ray Bourn or phone Revd Fergus on 01603 279 630.

We would appreciate your ideas and/or your comments on the ones above.

Prayers and best

Revd Fergus

An update on the Starting Handle Club Summer Show  

Following a committee meeting of the Starting Handle Club it has been decided to donate the

following amounts to local charities and organisations  –  

East Anglian Air Ambulance £2500

Holding Hands with Courageous Children £ 1500

Buxton Sea Scouts £500

Stroke Club, Beccles £300

Marsham Parish Church £300

Marsham Primary School £300

Marsham Pre-school Tots £300MACAW Club £300

Total of £6000

Cheques will be presented at the Starting Handle Club meeting at Bawburgh Village on the 2nd of

December at 7. 30. Thanks for your support.

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6th October 10.45am Harvest Festival

13th October 10.45am Holy Communion

20th October 10.45am Family Service

27th October 10.45am Family Service

Marsham Church Services for

December and January 

DECEMBER SERVICES 6th December 10.30am Group Service at BRAMPTON

13th December 2.30pm MARSHAM CAROL SERVICE

20th December 10.30am Group Service at BUXTON

27th December 10.30am Group Service at BURGH

Unfortunately there will not be a Christingle this year.

It is with regret that 20th December will be the last service with Rev Fergus Capie. He is going to

 New Zealand to live. He was married to a lady from New Zealand in 2014 and she hasn't been able

to get a permit to live here. While we are upset with this news we do understand and they have the

 blessings of all of us. In the meantime any queries you may have please contact Mrs George 735383or Mrs Warman 733241.

FLOODLIGHTS 1st November - 8th Sponsored by Mr and Mrs HENSBY and family in memory of COLLEEN.

8th November - 15th Sponsored by Mrs STEWART in memory of RON

15th November - 22nd Sponsored by Mr RAY BOURNE and family.

JANUARY SERVICES 2016 3rd January 10.30am Group Service at LAMMAS

17th January 10.30 am Group Service at BUXTON

24th January 10.30am Holy Communion MARSHAM

31st January 10.30am Group Service BADERSFIELD










01263 731555 Mobile 07780604279 

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Marsham WI

Twenty members of Erpingham with Thwaite WI joined us at Marsham for our annual

 joint meeting in October. Rachel Duffield came to entertain us; she is a historian

working at Gressenhall Rural Life Museum and is an experienced costumier and actor

as well as an educator in the Museum Service. Rachel arrived in costume dressed as

famous Marie Lloyd, “Queen of the Music Halls” in late Victorian and early Edwardian

times. She told us about Marie’s life on and off the stage and sang some of her well

known songs –  “The Boy I Love is up in the Gallery”, “Oh! Mr Porter”, “A Little of

What You Fancy” and the like. Marie Lloyd appeared at The Hippodrome in Norwich

in 1913.

In December we will be having our Christmas Supper meeting at the BanninghamCrown. Our first meeting of 2016 will be on Wednesday 27th January at 7.30pm in the

Village Hall when we hope we will be able to welcome some new members so that we

can ensure the continuation of Marsham WI as we head towards our 100 th Birthday in

2019. Perhaps you have some ideas for activities we could add to our programme, we

are always open to suggestions, so if you are a woman interested in joining us pleasecome along. Best wishes for a healthy and peaceful festive season.

Dorothy McCall

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Thank you to Stephen Cook of

Fengate for this poem -

Not Too Together

I just feel the signals

Are in liaison with the weather

Even when you are not too


Is this why I’m so down? 

Just a job but I feel like a clown.

I just wish to scramble my


Come out with the bits which fit:

Like a photo album, I’d flit 

‘Till, with the autumn maple leaf  

Peaceful squit, ol’ squit 

Someone can make sense of it… 

A little singing tit

Bluebird – the ingot

Of colours in my mind

Keeps us company,

When we are able;

Like all these guiding stars

When the ship is unstable;

Reaching for home….. 

Now we can sit in peace and quiet


Stephen Cook

October 2015

Please note that the Village Hall AGMwill be in the village hall at 7.00 p.m. on

Wednesday 13th January 2016.

Everyone is welcome.

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