marpol annex vi - african refiners association · • residue hydrotreating (short / long residues)...

Marpol Annex VI 13 March 2017

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Page 1: Marpol Annex VI - African Refiners Association · • Residue hydrotreating (short / long residues) prompts further configuration questions ... • Submission by IPIECA to PPR notes

Marpol Annex VI

13 March 2017

Page 2: Marpol Annex VI - African Refiners Association · • Residue hydrotreating (short / long residues) prompts further configuration questions ... • Submission by IPIECA to PPR notes


The South African Petroleum Industry Association (SAPIA) represents the

collective interests of the South African petroleum industry. The Association

plays a strategic role in addressing a range of common issues relating to the

refining, distribution and marketing of petroleum products, as well as

promoting the industry’s environmental and socio-economic progress. SAPIA

fulfils this role by contributing to the development of regulation in certain areas

of South African policy; proactively engaging with key stakeholders; sharing

research information; providing expert advice; and communicating the

industry’s views to government, members of the public and the media.

November 2016

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The annex is about GHGs (efficiency)












2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025







% (



Sulphur cap of fuel oil used on board ships – MARPOL Annex VI Reg 14

Sulphur limit requirement in

emission control areas

All shipping subject to IMO


Limit enforced by 2020


• Annex VI first adopted in 1997 and focused on the prevention of air pollution from ships

and to limit SOx, NOx, ODS and VOCs - subsequently expanded to include energy

efficiency measures for shipping

• S14 (1) regulates the maximum sulphur content for fuel oil used on board ships

• At Marine Environmental Committee Protection Committee (MEPC 70) a sulphur cap of

0.5% from 1 January 2020 was mandated

• Decision based after studies to assess the fuel oil availability in terms of S14 (8)

• Terms of reference drawn up and contract awarded to CE Delft / Stratas consortium

• Supplementary study following the same terms conducted by Ensys / Navigistics

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Options for compliance


Ultra low

sulphur fuel oil




• Annex VI provides for the use of scrubbers

• ROI ? – vessel size / price delta / installation capacity

• Not all ex - ECA ships ready by 2020 (penetration ~20%)

• Requires plot space (cargo, stability, power impacts)

• Availability would be an issue by 2020 (Ensys study)

• New market potential for ULSFO at significant margins

• Supply may increase with investments if margin sustained

• LNG holds potential but significant investment for

conversion of the existing fleet and provision of port

infrastructure required in areas where LNG available• Other alternatives (biofuels) not considered viable

• Decommission for older vessels - hasten phase out

• Increase in number of eco ships with improved efficiencies

• Likely upward push to freight rates

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Fuel Oil / Bunker quality

• Fuel Oil quality is a direct consequence of the processing route chosen to

upgrade residue

• Crude oil also obviously has a major impact - South Africa’s crude oil diet has

been ‘sour’ – high sulphur originating from the Middle East

– Middle East crudes formed original basis of design

– Changed over the years to include ‘sweeter’ West African grades for lower sulphur

transportation fuels production

• Result - South African heavy fuel oil tends to be high sulphur

– Sulphur content has reduced over the years due to the processing of West African

crudes – but insufficient to met the sulphur cap

• Distillate bunker fuels - sulphur quality varies

– Dependent on each facility and local plant / port logistics

– But not seen as a major stumbling block to Annex VI implementation (replacement with

current diesel quality – road fuels supply impacts ?)

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Sulphur handling

• South African imported crude diet is now ~50% ME / ~50% WAF

• Sulphur is distributed unevenly throughout crude oil with the highest levels in the

heavier components making up the bulk of heavy fuel oil

– Requires targeted refining to remove sulphur - else it remains in the product

• Heavy oil treatment has generally followed two paths worldwide

– Coking – conversion to solid coke for use in alternate markets

– Visbreaking – reduction of fuel oil viscosity

– Dependent on local and regional markets for coke and fuel oil

• Further sulphur reduction of heavy oils by hydrodesulphurisation techniques are

typically used

– Treatment with hydrogen at pressure and temperature over a catalyst

– Expensive and uneconomic in the current environment ($1 billion)

– Uncertainty as to whether SA oil refinery’s are able to meet the sulphur cap for HFO –

potential for closures ?

– Likely major switch to distillates – potential for regional shortfalls ?

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Heavy oil treatment

• Residue hydrotreating (short / long residues) prompts further configuration questions –

fuel oil only ? RFCC ? distillate production ? hydrogen availability ? sulphur plant ?…

• Solvent deasphalting also available but often used in conjunction with base oil plants –

processing options for DAO ? pitch quality / production ?

• Likely SA refiners will not respond by reconfiguration of facilities but will wait and see

• Severe thermal cracking of residue into

solid coke and liquid fractions

• Liquid fractions require upgrading

• Coke aimed to two primary markets

• Fuel – cement / boilers

• Anode – metallurgical (Al, Fe etc)

• Coke calcining dependent on markets

• Most of the deleterious products (sulphur

etc) end up in the solid coke

• ‘Primary’ route chosen by US Gulf Coast

refineries to upgrade residual crude oil -

domestic demand for coke

• Mild thermal cracking of residue to reduce

FO viscosity and produce lighter fractions

• Liquid fractions require upgrading

• Reduces the amount of high quality fuel

(diesel) to be blended into fuel oil to meet


• Deleterious products remain in the fuel oil

• ‘Primary’ route chosen by European

refiners to meet demand for bunker fuels

in Europe

• All SA refiners followed this processing

scheme in original designs and retained


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Options for production

• Shift to increased WAF processing to balance fuel oil sulphur requirements ?

– Availability of types of WAF could be insufficient to meet demand

– Capability of refineries to process increased WAF not proven (acid ?)

– WAF not great for other products – distillates, bitumen and base oils

– Unlikely that sulphur cap will still be met for HFO

• Design and install units for fuel oil to meet sulphur requirements – unlikely

• Potential for blending back quantities of distillate into HFO to meet sulphur cap

– Large volumes could result in flash, viscosity, stability issues

• Export high sulphur fuel oil to international markets while maintain throughput

– Likely export into a long market at low prices

– Export infrastructure required for large scale exports of fuel oil

– Heavy fuel oil bunkering market significantly reduced unless imported

• Cut back refinery throughput to balance fuel oil production / sulphur / qualities?

– Throughput reduction would need to be met by increased imports for all fuels – port

logistics ?

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Refinery ops globally (Ensys)

• Crude runs would increase

– Higher rates due to increased intensity and associated higher F&L

– CO2e emissions will rise

• Lower sulphur FCC feedstock could be an attractive marine fuel blendstock

– FCC could then use high sulphur streams but will require addition of scrubbers to

control emissions

– However major investment requiring several years for planning and construction

• Higher hydrocracker utilisation – availability crucial

• Expected increase in catalytic reformer rates / severity – to address hydrogen

deficit but will impact gasoline and LPG pools

• Likely to be insufficient sulphur plant and hydrogen production capacity

– Incremental sulphur recovery estimated at ~15%

• Changes to regional crude runs and shifts in crude flows expected

• Initial compliance option open to shippers is a switch to marine distillates

– Potential for disruption to other distillate markets

– Safety / performance issues ?

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Focus shifting to implementation

• At MEPC 70 resolved that further consideration on what additional measures may

be developed to promote consistent implementation of the 0.50% global sulphur

limit to be considered at MEPC 71 in May 2017

• Joint submission by ICS, BIMCO, INTERTANKO et al to PPR (PPR 4/20/3)

suggest these should be grouped into four areas;

– Initial transitional issues arising from shift from 3.50% S to 0.50% S ‘overnight’

– Machinery impact with fuel oils of 0.50% S max and especially potential safety concerns

that may arise from the use of new fuel sources and blends;

– Verification - mechanisms necessary to ensure a level commercial landscape

– Any regulatory amendments or guidelines necessary to address these issues and

promote consistent implementation of the 0.50% m/m sulphur limit.

• Submission by IPIECA to PPR notes that not all ships for which scrubbers are

economic will be equipped by 2020

– Will cause transitional issues Initial transitional issues arising from shift from 3.50% S to

0.50% S ‘overnight’

– Machinery impact with fuel oils of 0.50% S max and especially potential safety concerns

that may arise from the use of new fuel sources and blends;

Sources: PPR 4/20/3; PPR 4/20/7

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South African activities

• South Africa is one of 10 pilot countries1 to implement the provisions of Annex VI

under the Global Maritime Energy Efficiency Partnership

• GloMEEP aimed at supporting the uptake of energy efficient measures for

shipping and supports the pilot countries through

– Advising on legal, policy and institutional reform

– Awareness raising and capacity building

– Establishment of public private partnerships to encourage technology transfer

• Local steering committee formed to implement aspects of Annex VI with

objectives, among others

– Domestication of Annex VI into local law

– Development of capacity for effective flag and port state control

– Reduction of atmospheric emissions from shipping

– Collection and sharing of data

– Improving energy efficiency of vessels

– Increased investment in R&D

• To date two steering committees have been held

1. Other countries: Argentina, China, Georgia, India, Jamaica, Malaysia, Morocco, Panama, Phillipines

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• The 0.5% S cap is set to be enforced from 2020

• Concerns by bunkering and ship owning industry

– Availability of compliant fuel

– Anticipated increased costs to shipping – distillate costs and / or scrubbing

– Safety / blending stability

– Installation / availability of scrubbers

• Likely to cause disruption to distillate and marine fuel oil markets

– Potential for major surplus of high sulphur fuel oil that will be required to be cleared into

other markets

• Will likely affect refining operations – changes to throughput and increased

severities with consequent shift in product pools

– Further potential for shift to sweeter crudes increasing sweet / sour differential

– Short term compliance operation is the increased supply of marine distillates

– Locally expect a wait and see approach

• The focus is now on transitioning to the 0.5% S cap

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What takes precedence ?

• Major focus in Africa to improve air

quality and reduce the incidence of

non-communicable chronic


• UNEP objective is to have

significant penetration of 50 ppm S

diesel by 2020 and 10 ppm S by

2025 across Africa

• Will require significant investment in

African refining infrastructure to

achieve this ambition – short of

closing refineries

• Priorities now lie where –

addressing the road transporting

issue or marine ?

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