marni seminar proposal

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1THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING REALIA ON STUDENTS SPEAKING ABILITY AT ISLAMIC JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL AL-MUTTAQIN PEKANBARUThe TitleA. Some of students have lack of vocabulary.B. Some of students unable to use appropriate vocabulary.C. Some of students not enjoy in teaching and learning process.D. Some of students not able to pronounce the word accurately.E. Some of students unable to speak fluentlyF. Some of students unable to speak grammaticallyG.Some of students have difficulty expressing ideas spontaneous

THE BACKGROUND OF THE PROBLEMSTHE FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEMSA. How is the students speaking ability before being taught by using Realia at the eighth grade of Islamic Junior High School Al-Muttaqin pekanbaru?B. How is the students speaking ability after being taught using Realia at the eighth grade of Islamic Junior High School Al-Muttaqin pekanbaru?C. Is there any significant effect of using Realia on students speaking ability at the eighth grade of Islamic Junior High School Al-Muttaqin pekanbaru?

THE OBJECTIVE OF THE RESEARCHA. To find out the students speaking ability before being taught by using Realia of the eighth grade at Islamic Junior High School Al-Muttaqin Pekanbaru.B. To find out the students speaking ability after being taught using Realia of the eighth grade at Islamic Junior High School Al-Muttaqin Pekanbaru.C. To find out the significant difference between students speaking ability taught by using Realia and taught without using Realia of the eighth grade at Islamic Junior High School Al-Muttaqin Pekanbaru.D. To find out whether any effectiveness of Realia to improving students speaking ability at eighth grade at Islamic Junior High School Al-Muttaqin Pekanbaru.

The indicators of variable X

(Realia)The indicators of variable Y

(Students Speaking Ability)THE INDICATORS OF VARIABLE X(REALIA)A. The teacher introduces the lesson that they are going to do.B. The teacher has each learner bring a thing to a classroom.C. The teacher explains topic by using realia to the students. D. The teacher asks the students sit in pairs.E. The teacher asked the students to describe their thing in front of the class one by one.F. The teacher controls students performence while in learning process.

3SubjectObjectStudents at the eighth grade of at Islamic Junior High School Al-Muttaqin Pekanbaru

The effectiveness of using Realia on students speaking ability at the eighth grade of at Islamic Junior High School Al-Muttaqin Pekanbaru.

Subject and Object of the ResearchThe Population and Sample of the ResearchNo ClassTotal1VIII A32 Students2VIII B31 Students3VIII C31 Students4VIII D22 StudentsTotal116 StudentsThe Technique of Collecting Data1. Observation

2. Test (RECORD) Pre-testPost-TestThe Technique of Analyzing DataThe reasearch will used independent sample t- test and through SPSS 16 to analyze the data of the research.