marketingjobs candidate interview success

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Post on 18-Oct-2014




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Tips For interview

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Purpose of the interview

How to Prepare

Types of interviews

The Interview Process


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To determine if This position & Your skills are a GOOD MATCH

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Types of Interviews

• Traditional• Behavioral• Pre-screening• Case (scenarios)• Technical (math, computer)• Stress (dead space)• Phone• Presentation to audience• Committee or group • Dining Interview

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Why Should I Hire You?

Quality of ResumeQuality of Cover Letter Interview PerformanceProfessionalismReferencesYears of Relevant Work ExperienceFit with Company CultureRelevant SkillsInternal CandidateCandidate’s Familiarity with the Organization

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Before the Interview

PREPPrepare 3-5 questions for the interviewer

Review 3-6 key skills about yourself that fit the position

Establish 10 examples to showcase yourself

Practice, Practice, Practice!!!

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Before the Interview


Know yourself

Be very familiar with your resumeBe able to articulate your goals and strengths

Have your presentation ready to go. Include:

Your current positionRelevant experience Your fit for this positionInclude recent and relevant accomplishmentsWhy you have applied for the position

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Before the Interview


Know the company and job description:

# employees, culture, philosophy, news,


primary & secondary functions of opportunity

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Before the Interview

Role Play

Role playing or Rehearsing the interview is key.

Work on possible questions your new employer may ask, and develop clear and concise answers.

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Sample Interview Questions

Tell me about yourself? ( Try and hold response to 2 mins)What do you know about our company?Why should I hire you?What can you do for us that someone else can’t?What do you look for in a job?What skills are essential for success in the position of ?If you took the job what would you accomplish in the first year?Can you work well under deadlines or Pressure?How Does this assignment fit into your overall career plan?How long would it take for you to make a meaningful contribution?Describe your management style?What do you believe is the most difficult part of being a supervisor of people?What are you looking for in a new career?How would your colleagues describe you?How would your boss describe you?How would you describe yourself?What do you think of your present or past boss?

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Sample Interview Questions X2

How much do you expect if we offer you this position?Why do you want to work for us?What other positions are you considering?Have you kept up in your field with additional training?What are your career goals?What are your strong points?What are your weak points?How did you do in school?What position do you expect to have in 2 to 5 years?What was wrong with your current or last position?What were the five most significant accomplishments in your last assignments?What were the five most significant accomplishments in your career so far?What kind of hours are you used to working or would you like to work?Do you have your reference list with you? (Remember don’t give it say Bigedo will provide it as soon as all process its ok).

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Questions You may ask employers

You MUST ASK ATLEAST 1 - 2 during interview


• What significant changes do you foresee in the near future?

• What would you like done differently by the next person who fills this position?

• I looked at your website yesterday researching your company and I most say your website is fantastic. It did explain a lot about your company.. But I was just wondering In what ways has the company been most successful in terms of products and services over the years?

By practicing your responses to some of these questions, hopefully you will not be taken off guard if asked one of them. Most importantly, relax, go with the flow, and before you know it, you’ll be in your next opportunity!

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The Phone Interview

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The Phone Interview


1. Place a “Do not Disturb” note on your door2. Turn off your stereo, TV, and any other potential

Distraction3. Warm up your voice while waiting for the call 4. Have a glass of water handy, since you will not have

a chance to take a break during the call5. Speaking of breaks, if your phone interview is at a

set time, make sure you answer “nature’s call” first6. Turn off call waiting on the phone

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The Phone Interview

The Secret

A major advantage one has during the phone interview is not being seen and we must use this to our advantage.

Have all materials on ourselves and employers in front of us on the desk while speaking on the phone and not just our resume, but a “cheat sheet” about compelling stories, accomplishments, and topics one would like to bring up.

This portrays a well-informed, well-prepared interviewee. Keep in mind that this preparation is not “cheating” at all. It is preparation, pure and simple.

So have Materials open and available when preparing for a phone interview. They are there to support and enhance your value to the employer who will greatly respect your ability to answer questions with focus and meaningful content

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The Phone Interview

The Secret – STAND UP.

A simple technique to increase the enthusiasm and positiveimage that you project over the telephone is to simply stand up

Whenever you are talking with a potential employer on the phone stand up, it gets the blood flowing, improves posture, and improves your response time

An interesting note that many telemarketing companies realized that standing up actually improves sales. So often these companies provide there employees with hands-free headsets that allow them to stand and pace back and forth. It gives an action perspective to an otherwise passive activity

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The Phone Interview

The Secret – With Mirror.

In preparing for a telephone interview, make sure that thereis a mirror within view.

Why? Because looking in the mirror consistently throughout the conversation will improve your telephone presence 110%. Just smiling will make one come off much friendlier, more interested, and more alert.

The mirror gives us instant feedback necessary to make instant modification toward a more positive presence.

Remember we’re standing, so a wall mirror usually works best!

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Face 2 Face


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Face 2 Face


• Necktie should be silk with a conservative pattern• Dark Shoes ( Black lace-ups are best)• Dark Socks• Get haircut; Short hair always fares best in interviews• If facial hair, make sure it is proper and well groomed• No rings other then wedding or college• No Earrings


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Face 2 Face


• Always wear a suit with a jacket; no dresses• Shoes with conservative heels• Conservative hosiery at or near skin color• No purses, small or large leave it in your car; • Carry a briefcase instead (Laptop)• If you wear nail polish (not required), use clear or a conservative color• Minimal use of makeup • No more than one ring one each hand• One set of earrings only

DRESS – FOR Women.

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Opening the Interview

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Opening the Interview

Last Minute Details

• Know where to go and where to park• Have gas in your car• Take a pen, notepad, and several resume copies • Be 10 minutes early • Look yourself over once before entering the office

Positive Body Language

• Positive Entrance and Enthusiasm• Relaxed Smile • Direct Eye Contact• Firm Handshake and Straight Posture• Leaning Slightly Forward• Use of Hand Movement• Feet Flat on Floor

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Opening the Interview

Please avoid this at all cost

• Lack of Enthusiasm or Curiosity• Frowning • Weak Handshake• Lack of Eye Contact • Staring• Nervous Movements• Arms Crossed• Hands Clenched• Looking at Watch

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The Interview

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In Any Interview

Be ready for: “Tell me about yourself”

Be honest, show your personality

Help the interviewer to know:• You are dependable and reliable!• You are a good worker!• You will you fit in here!

Take support documents, Notebook or portfolio if appropriate.. Very important

It’s OK to pause before answering a question

Give reasons to hire you over the 100 other applicants

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In Any Interview


• Listen and adapt• Be sensitive to the style of the interviewer• Pay attention to those details of dress, office furniture, and general décor which will afford helpful clues to assist you in tailoring your presentation

Relate and Encourage

• Try to relate your answers to the interviewer and his or her company. Focus on achievements relevant to the position.

•Encourage the interviewer to share information about his or her company.. Demonstrate your interest!

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Closing the Interview

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Closing the Interview

In the End

• Summarize key strengths and match for the position• Always ask questions • Thank the interviewer by name• Ask about the next step • Express an interest in hearing from them

After the interview

Contact your Bigedo immediately for them to give you feedback

Follow up with a Thank you note send it to Bigedo to forward it on your behalf.

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Customer Service:

Telephone: +49 69 678 678 38Telefax: +49 69 255 77 061E-mail: [email protected]

Account Dept:

Telephone: +49 69 678 678 38Telefax: +49 69 255 77 061E-mail: [email protected]

The Bigedo International (Deutschland).

Güntherstr 28 – 30Frankfurt and Main,60528.

Telephone: +49 69 678 678 38Telefax: +49 69 255 77 061E-mail: [email protected]


Finally, thank you for taking the time to get to understand the interview success better, we hope we have been able to demonstrate how and where interviewing process can be fun...

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