marketing strategic on reliance money

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    I hereby declare that this summer project report titled Marketing

    Strategy of Reliance Money is the result of my own effort in the

    training, which I did as a part of the curriculum for the fulfillment of Master

    of Business Administration (MBA) degree. It has not been duplicated from

    any other earlier works and all information provided in this report is

    genuine.This report submitted for the partial fulfillment of MBA program. It has not

    been submitted to any other university or for any other degree.

    Place : - Kalandi Mohanty

    Date : - Regd no:- 521072030

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    First and foremost I thank god, my friend for blessing showered on me. All

    my efforts will remain meaningful authorities, who helped me more than I

    expected, while I working on my project.

    I have project privilege of undergoing major concurrent project for one

    month at Reliance Money Rourkela. I would like to express my sincere gratitude

    to Sir. Sunil Kumar (Senior Manager) for providing me an opportunity to under

    take major concurrent project and guidance through out the project to complete


    I extend my sincere thanks and acknowledgement to all the

    Officer/Executive of Reliance Money, Rourkela, who extended their wholehearted

    guidelines and their co-operation, in spit of their schedule in completing my

    project work successfully.

    I would like extend my sincere feeling of gratitude to Sri RK Hota (GM), Dr.

    Nilachal Sahoo (Sr.General Manager) and Prof. Sunil Kumar. Finally I thank to all

    the faculty member of our institute who have given me their valuable suggestions

    from time to time

    Name: Kalandi Mohanty

    Branch: MBA (marketing)

    Session: (2010-2012)


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    This is to certify that Mr. Kalandi Mohanty has done his project entitled

    Marketing Strategy of Reliance Money.

    He has done his project with much sincerity and wish him good luck in


    Mr. Sunil Kumar

    (Senior Manager)

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    This is to certify that the project report entitled Marketing Strategy of

    Reliance Money submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

    for the degree of Master of Business Administration of Sikkim

    Manipal University of Health, Medical & Technological Sciences.

    Kalandi Mohantyhas worked under my supervision and guidance

    and that no part of this project report has been submitted for any

    award of any other Degree, Diploma, Fellowships or any other similar

    titles and that work has been published in any journal or magazine.

    Reg. No: 521072030 Certified

    Place: Rourkela Mr. Manas Ranjan Pattanaik

    Date : MBA

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    The Project report of Kalandi Mohanty Marketing Strategy of

    Reliance Moneyis approved and acceptable in quality and form.

    Internal Examiner External Examiner

    Name : Name :

    Qualification: Qualification :


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    CHAPTER VII Suggestions & recommendations 84 - 86






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    Online trading refers to the buying and selling of shares /bonds/stocks/contracts

    with the use of internet. In this the shares are not issued in the physical form

    rather they are transferred in the dematerialized form to the Demat account


    In India, a Demataccount, the abbreviation for dematerialisedaccount, is a type

    of banking account which dematerializes paper-based physical stock shares. The

    dematerialised account is used to avoid holding physical shares: the shares are

    bought and sold through a stock broker.

    If we want to save our money, then we have to open a savings account with a

    Bank. Such like that if we want to bye and sell shares, then we need to open a

    Demat account with a depositary participant registered with SEBI, NSE, and BSE.

    Demat denotes the dematerialization of shares. Demat account along with a

    trading account from a DP facilitate us to bye and sell shares online and to store

    the shares online without any bonded paper stuffs. Demat account facilitates

    faster transaction when compared with the older traditional trading method, (i.e.)

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    the share buyer have to inform to the broker regarding his purchase decision and

    then the broker forward it to the stock exchange, then they allot the shares to the

    respective buyer and send him a registered share certificate via postal

    department. The investor has to wait for 5 days for his transaction. But now due

    to the entry of Demat account and online share trading platforms the investors

    can buy and sell any volume of shares online by one mouse click!

    This account is popular in India. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)

    mandates a demat account for share trading above 500 shares. As of April 2006, it

    became mandatory that any person holding a demat account should possess a

    Permanent Account Number (PAN), and the deadline for submission of PAN

    details to the depository lapsed on January 2007.Under Section 68 B of the

    Companies Act, inserted by the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2000, it is

    mandated that every Initial Public Offer (IPO) made by a listed company in the

    excess of Rs. 10 Crores has to be issued in dematerialized form by complying with

    the requisite provisions of the Depositories Act, 1996.

    Until the late eighties, the common man kept away from capital market and thus

    the quantum of funds mobilized through the market was meager. A major

    problem, however, continued to plague the market. The Indian markets were

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    drowned in shares in the form of paper and hence it was problematic to handle

    them. Fake and stolen shares, fake signatures and signature mismatch,

    duplication and mutilation of shares, transfer problems, etc. The investors were

    scared and were under compensated for the risk borne by them. The century old

    system of trading and settlement requires handling of huge volumes of paper

    work. This has made the investors, both retail and institutional, wary of entering

    the capital market. However, lack of modernization become a hindrance to

    growth and resulted in creation of cumbersome procedures and paper work.

    However, the real growth and change occurred from mid-eighties in the wake of

    liberalization initiatives of the Government. The reforms in the financial sector

    were envisaged in the banking sector, capital market, securities market

    regulation, mutual funds, foreign investments and Government control. These

    institutions and stock exchanges experienced that the certificates are the main

    cause of investors` disputes and arbitration cases. Since the paper work was not

    matching the rapid growth so there was a need for a better system to ensure

    removal of these impediments.

    Government of India decided to set up a fully automated and high technology

    based model exchange that could offer screen-based trading and depositories as

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    the ultimate answer to all such reforms and eliminate various bottlenecks in the

    capital market, particularly, the clearing and settlement system in stock

    exchanges. A depository in very simple terms is a pool of pre-verified shares held

    in electronic mode which offers settlement of transactions in an efficient and


    Advantages of Demat a/c are as follows:

    SEBI has made it compulsory for trades in almost all scrips to be

    settled in Demat mode. Although, trades up to 500 shares can be

    settled in physical form, physical settlement is virtually not taking

    place for the apprehension of bad

    delivery on account of mismatch of signatures, forgery of signatures,

    fake certificates, etc.

    No stamp duty is levied on transfer of securities held in Demat form.

    Instantaneous transfer of securities enhances liquidity.

    It eliminates delays, thefts, interceptions and subsequent misuse of


    Change of name, address, registration of power of attorney, deletion

    of deceased's name, etc. - can be effected across companies by one

    single instruction to the DP.

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    Each share is a market lot for the purpose of transactions - so no odd

    lot problem.

    Any number of securities can be transferred/delivered with one

    delivery order. Therefore, paperwork and signing of multiple transfer

    forms is done away with. It facilitates taking advances against

    securities on low margin/low interest.

    Demat system not only provides smooth and hassle-free way of

    dealing in shares, it also does away with all the associated tensions.

    Bad deliveries are minimized.

    Postal delays and loss of shares in transit is prevented.

    Immediate transfer of shares and securities.

    Less paper work (reduction in huge volumes).

    Faster settlement cycles and payouts.

    The demat system totally avoids the associated heartburns arising

    from theft of shares, mutilation, forgery, counterfeit shares and loss of

    shares during a natural calamity.

    Nomination facility.

    Holding investments in equity and debt instruments in a single


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    MUTUAL FUNDHistory of Indian Mutual Fund

    The mutual fund industry in India started in 1963 with the formation of Unit Trust of India, at

    the initiative of the Government of India and Reserve Bank of India. The history of mutual funds

    in India can be broadly divided into four distinct phases.

    First Phase1964-87

    Unit Trust of India (UTI) was established on 1963 by an Act of Parliament. It was

    set up by the Reserve Bank of India and functioned under the Regulatory and

    administrative control of the Reserve Bank of India. In 1978 UTI was de-linked

    from the RBI and the Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI) took over the

    regulatory and administrative control in place of RBI. The first scheme launched

    by UTI was Unit Scheme 1964. At the end of 1988 UTI had Rs.6,700 crores of

    assets under management.

    Second Phase1987-1993 (Entry of Public Sector Funds)

    1987 marked the entry of non- UTI, public sector mutual funds set up by public

    sector banks and Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) and General Insurance

    Corporation of India (GIC). SBI Mutual Fund was the first non- UTI Mutual Fund

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    established in June 1987 followed by Canbank Mutual Fund (Dec 87), Punjab

    National Bank Mutual Fund (Aug 89), Indian Bank Mutual Fund (Nov 89), Bank of

    India (Jun 90), Bank of Baroda Mutual Fund (Oct 92). LIC established its mutual

    fund in June 1989 while GIC had set up its mutual fund in December 1990. At the

    end of 1993, the mutual fund industry had assets under management of

    Rs.47,004 Crores

    Third Phase1993-2003 (Entry of Private Sector Funds)

    With the entry of private sector funds in 1993, a new era started in the Indian

    mutual fund industry, giving the Indian investors a wider choice of fund families.

    Also, 1993 was the year in which the first Mutual Fund Regulations came into

    being, under which all mutual funds, except

    UTI were to be registered and governed. The erstwhile Kothari Pioneer (now

    merged with Franklin Templeton) was the first private sector mutual fund

    registered in July 1993.

    The 1993 SEBI (Mutual Fund) Regulations were substituted by a more

    comprehensive and revised Mutual Fund Regulations in 1996. The industry now

    functions under the SEBI (Mutual Fund) Regulations 1996.

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    The number of mutual fund houses went on increasing, with many foreign mutual

    funds setting up funds in India and also the industry has witnessed several

    mergers and acquisitions. As at the end of January 2003, there were 33 mutual

    funds with total assets of Rs. 1,21,805 crores. The Unit Trust of India with

    Rs.44,541 crores of assets under management was way ahead of other mutual


    Fourth Phasesince February 2003

    In February 2003, following the repeal of the Unit Trust of India Act 1963 UTI was

    bifurcated into two separate entities. One is the Specified Undertaking of the Unit

    Trust of India with assets under management of Rs.29,835 crores as at the end of

    January 2003, representing broadly, the assets of US 64 scheme, assured return

    and certain other schemes. The Specified Undertaking of Unit Trust of India,

    functioning under an administrator and under the rules framed by Government of

    India and does not come under the purview of the Mutual Fund Regulations.

    The second is the UTI Mutual Fund, sponsored by SBI, PNB, BOB and LIC. It is

    registered with SEBI and functions under the Mutual Fund Regulations. With the

    bifurcation of the erstwhile UTI which had in March 2000 more than Rs.76,000

    crores of assets under management and with the setting up of a UTI Mutual Fund,

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    conforming to the SEBI Mutual Fund Regulations, and with recent mergers taking

    place among different private sector funds, the mutual fund industry has entered

    its current phase of consolidation and growth.

    The graph indicates the growth of assets over the years.

    Concept of Mutual Fund

    A Mutual Fund is a trust that pools the savings of a number of investors who

    share a common financial goal. The money thus collected is then invested in

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    capital market instruments such as shares, debentures and other securities. The

    income earned through these investments and the capital appreciations realized

    are shared by its unit holders in proportion to the number of units owned by

    them. Thus a Mutual Fund is the most suitable investment for the common man

    as it offers an opportunity to invest in a diversified, professionally managed

    basket of securities at a relatively low cost. The flow chart below describes

    broadly the working of a mutual fund:

    Mutual Fund Operation Flow Chart

    Organization of a Mutual Fund

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    There are many entities involved and the diagram below illustrates the

    organisational set up of a mutual fund. They are as follows


    The sponsor is the company which sets up the mutual fund. It means anybody

    corporate acting alone or in combination with another body corporate

    established a mutual fund after initiating and completing the formalities.


    The management of the mutual fund is subject to the control of the board of

    trustees of the fund. They guide the operations of the fund and carry the crucial

    responsibility to see that AMC always act in the best interest of the investors.

    Asset Management Company (AMC)

    The mutual fund is operated by a separately established asset management

    company (AMC).It manages the funds of the various schemes. It is entrusted with

    the specific task of mobilizing funds under the scheme.


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    A custodian is a person carrying on the activities of the safekeeping of the

    securities or participating in any clearing system on behalf of the clients to effect

    deliveries of the securities.

    (Mutual Fund Operation Flow Chart)


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    Wide varieties of Mutual Fund Schemes exist to cater to the needs such as

    financial position, risk tolerance and return expectations etc. The table below

    gives an overview into the existing types of schemes in the Industry.

    By Structure ;

    Open-Ended Schemes

    Close-Ended Schemes

    Interval Schemes

    By Investment Objective;

    Growth Schemes/Equity Schemes

    Income Schemes/Debt Schemes

    Balanced Schemes

    Money Market Schemes

    Investment by Structure

    Open-ended Schemes:

    An open-end scheme accepts funds from investors by offering its units or shares

    on a continuing basis i.e. an investor can invest in an open-ended schemes

    whenever he wants and he can purchase units at the market price at that

    moment. Open-end scheme permits investors to withdraw funds on a continuing

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    basis under a re-purchase arrangement. Open-end scheme has no maturity

    period. The open-end schemes are ordinarily not list on the secondary market.

    Close-ended Schemes:

    The subscription to a closed-end scheme is kept open only for a limited period

    (usually one month to three months). After that he cannot invest in that fund. A

    closed-end scheme does not allow investors to withdraw funds as and when they

    like. A closed-end scheme has a fixed maturity period (usually five to fifteen

    years). The closed-end schemes are listed on the secondary market.

    Interval Schemes:

    Interval funds combine the features of open-ended and close-ended schemes.

    They are open for sale or redemption during pre-determined intervals at NAV

    related prices.

    Investment by Objective

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    A DEBT FUND invests mainly in debt instruments like bonds and

    debentures, with high and consistent dividend payout. These funds give

    decent returns but the capital appreciation is not much. There are a variety

    of ways in which a debt portfolio can be created for investors. Retired

    people and others with a need for stability and regular income. Investors

    who need some income to supplement their earnings. There are thus the

    following choices in debt funds:

    Liquid and Money market funds

    Gilt Funds

    Monthly Income Plan

    Floating rate funds

    Balanced Schemes

    A BALANCED FUND invests in both equity and debt instruments. It aims to

    generate growth and income by periodically distributing its assets over both types

    of securities. These funds are ideal for investors looking for a combination of

    income and moderate growth.

    Money Market Schemes

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    This type of fund's main objective is to hold investment instruments that are

    liquid and secure. This type of fund is usually held on a short-term basis, and the

    NAV is often fixed at $10. Examples: Treasury bills, banker's acceptances, and

    short term notes.

    One thing an investor should be aware of is that these funds are NOT guaranteed

    like a GIC, and hold NO fixed return, but are low risk and do pay interest.


    Reduction of risk

    Professional Management

    Tax benefits

    Low transaction costs

    Well regulated



    Return potential



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    Choice of schemes


    No control over costs


    No tailor made portfolio

    Managing a portfolio of funds


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    Insurance has been known to exist in some form or other since 3000 BC. The

    Chinese traders, travelling treacherous river would distribute their goods among

    several vessels, so that the loss from any one vessel being lost, would be partial

    and shared, and not total. The Babylonia traders would agree to pay additional

    sums to lenders, as the price for writing off the loans, in case of shipment being

    stolen. The inhabitants of Rhodes adopted the principle of general average,

    whereby, if goods are shipped together, the owner would bear the losses in

    proportion, if loss occurs, due to jettisoning during distress. The Greeks had

    started benevolent societies in the late 7thcentury AD, to take care of the funeral

    and families of members who died. The friendly societies of England were

    similarly constituted. The Great Fire of London in 1666, in which more than 13000

    houses were lost, gave a boost to insurance and the first fire insurance company,

    called the Fire Office, was started in 1680.The origin of insurance business as in

    vogue at present is traced to the Lloyds Coffee House in London. Traders, who

    used to gather in the Lloyds coffee house in London, agreed to share the losses to

    their goods while being carried by ship. The losses used to occur because of

    pirates who rubbed on the high seas or because of bad weather spoiling the

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    goods or sinking the ship. In India, insurance began in 1818 with life insurance

    being transacted by an English company, the Oriental Life Insurance Co. Ltd. In

    Calcutta. The first Indian insurance company was the Bombay Mutual Assurance

    Society Ltd.

    Formed in 1870 in Mumbai this was followed by the Bharat Insurance Co. in

    1896in Delhi, The Empire of India in 1897 in Mumbai, the United India in Chennai,

    the National Indian and the Hindustan Cooperative in Kolkata.First attempts at

    regulation of the industry were made with the introduction of the Indian Life

    Assurance Companies Act in 1912. A number of amendments to this Act were

    made until the Insurance Act was drawn up in 1938. Noteworthy features in the

    Act were the power given to the Government to collect statistical information

    about the insured and the high level of protection the Act gave to the public

    through regulation and control. When the Act was changed in 1950, this meant

    far reaching changes in the industry. The extra requirements included a statutory

    requirement of a certain level of equity capital, a ceiling on share holdings in such

    companies to prevent dominant control (to protect the public from any

    adversarial policies from one single party), stricter control on investments and,

    generally, much tighter control. In 1956, the market contained 154 Indian and 16

    foreign life insurance companies. Business was heavily concentrated in urban

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    areas and targeted the higher echelons of society. Unethical practices adopted

    by some of the players against the interests of the consumers then led the Indian

    government to nationalize the industry. In September 1956, nationalization was

    completed, merging all these companies into the so-called Life Insurance

    Corporation (LIC). It was felt that nationalization has lent the industry fairness,

    solidity, growth and reach.

    Some of the important milestones in the life insurance business in

    India are:

    1912 - The Indian Life Assurance Companies Act enacted as the first statute

    to regulate the life insurance business.

    1928 - The Indian Insurance Companies Act enacted to enable the

    government to collect statistical information about both life and non-life

    insurance businesses.

    1938 - Earlier legislation consolidated and amended to by the Insurance Act

    with the objective of protecting the interests of the insuring public.

    1956 - 245 Indian and foreign insurers and provident societies taken over

    by the central government and nationalized. LIC formed by an Act of

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    Parliament, viz. LIC Act, 1956, with a capital contribution of Rs. 5 crore from

    the Government of India.

    Some facts about insurance industry in India

    The domestic insurance industry in India is estimated to be around US$ 60.5

    billion by 2010, of which US$ 35 billion will come from rural and semi-urban

    areas. While the life insurance market is expected to grow to US$ 35 billion, non-

    life insurance market will touch an estimated US$ 25 billion.

    With the largest number of life insurance policies in force in the world, Indias

    insurance sector accounted for 4.1 per cent of GDP in 2006-07, up from 1.2 per

    cent in 1999-2000, far ahead of China where insurance accounts for just 1.7 per

    cent of the GDP and even the US where insurance penetration stands at 4 per

    cent of the GDP. One area that continues to cause concern is the number of

    customer grievances in insurance, especially in a few specific classes. This calls for

    more transparency in designing the contract wording and on insisting that the

    applicant is sufficiently informed about the coverage and more particularly the

    exclusions. In addition, the legislation itself requires to be transformed to meet

    the needs of the emerging markets. The Law Commission of India which has gone

    extensively into the various insurance laws has submitted its report. Further, the

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    expert committee headed by Mr. K.P. Narasimhan has also submitted its

    proposals requiring amendments to the laws. The demand for health insurance

    covers has seen a healthy increase, and today the sector is the fastest growing

    segment in the non-life insurance industry in India, which grew at over 40% last

    year. It is also emerging as an increasingly significant line of business for life

    insurance companies. During the last five years, the premium from health

    insurance products in non-life companies has grown from 675 crore in 2001-02 to

    Rs 3200 crore in 2006-07, almost 5 times its level 5 years back. While this rate of

    growth appears to be very healthy, it is on a low base, and health insurance

    penetration in the country continues to be low. Only about 25 million persons are

    presently covered for health through commercial insurance, in a country of over

    1.1 billion people. Overall, the Indian health sector is still characterized by the

    near absence of any significant risk protection against major health-related

    expenditure, as insurance and other organized forms of payment for health

    services, including ESIS, CGHS and other such schemes barely constitute a tenth of

    all health expenditure in the country. Almost four-fifths of the health spending in

    the country is private, out-of-pocket expenditure. In the absence of such

    protection, the financial impact of hospitalization can be very pronounced, and

    indeed is reported as one of the leading causes of impoverishment in the country.

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    Indian insurance companies recorded a 19.9 per cent growth in premium in dollar

    terms (adjusted for inflation) in 2006-07, compared to the world market growth

    rate of 2.9 per cent. This rate of growth of the industry looks particularly

    impressive when seen against the fact that the combined penetration of both life

    and non-life is less than 2 per cent of the GDP compared to world average of 7.52

    per cent. Clearly, the scope for growth is enormous.

    Led by the Life Insurance Corporation (LIC), the life insurance industry registered a

    growth of 110 per cent in fiscal 2006-07, taking the total business to US$ 19.2

    billion from the previous years US$ 9.1 billion. The life insurance market has

    grown rapidly over the past six years, with new business premiums growing at

    over 40 per cent per year owing to the entry of a host of new players with

    significant growth aspirations and capital commitments.

    The total life insurance market premiums is likely to more than double from the

    current US$ 40 billion to US$ 80-US$100 billion by 2012, says a study by

    McKinsey. The study titled India Insurance 2012: Fortune Favors the Bold,

    expects a rise in premiums between 5.1 and 6.2 per cent of the GDP in 2012 from

    the current 4.1 per cent driven by greater insurance intensity per capita as the

    average per capita income increases and rise in penetration in urban and rural

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    areas. The life insurance premium contributions per capita have jumped from a

    little over US$ 7 in 1999-2000 (pre-liberalization) to US$ 38.5 in 2006-07.

    Life insurance penetration in India - which was less than 1 per cent till 1990-91 -

    increased to 2.53 per cent in 2005, and to 3 per cent in 2006-07. While the

    impetus for growth has come from both public and private insurers, the number

    of players in this segment have also increased to 16 (15 in private sector), with

    Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) being the dominant player (market share of over

    74 per cent).

    Major players in the Life Insurance industry

    Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC)

    HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Ltd.

    Max New York Life Insurance Co. Ltd.

    Reliance Life Insurance Company Ltd.

    ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd.

    Om Kotak Mahindra life Insurance Co. Ltd.

    Birla Sun Life Insurance Co. Ltd.

    Tata AIG Life Insurance Company Ltd.

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    SBI Life Insurance Company Limited

    ING Vysya Life Insurance Company Pvt. Ltd.

    Allianz Bajaj Life Insurance Company Ltd.

    MetLife India Insurance Company Pvt. Ltd.

    AMP SANMAR Assurance Company Ltd.

    Dabur CGU Life Insurance Company Pvt. Ltd.



    The General Insurance industry in India dates back to the Industrial Revolution

    and the subsequent increase in trade across the oceans in the 17th century. As for

    Life Insurance, the British brought General Insurance to India, and a similar path

    was followed in the development of this industry. A number of private companies

    were in existence for years and years until, in 1971, the Indian Government

    decided that the public interest would be served by nationalizing the industry,

    merging all the 107 companies into four companies, depending on the sort of

    business transacted (Marine, Fire, Miscellaneous). These were the National

    Insurance Company Ltd., the Oriental Insurance Company Ltd., the New India

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    Assurance Company Ltd., and the United India Insurance Company Ltd. located in

    Calcutta, New Delhi, Bombay and Madras respectively. The General Insurance

    Corporation (GIC) was set up in 1972 as a holding company, having these four

    companies as its subsidiaries.

    Some of the important milestones in the general insurance business in

    India are:

    1907 - The Indian Mercantile Insurance Ltd. set up, the first company to

    transact all classes of general insurance business.

    1957 - General Insurance Council, a wing of the Insurance Association of

    India, frames a code of conduct for ensuring fair conduct and sound

    business practices.

    1968 - The Insurance Act amended to regulate investments and set

    minimum solvency margins and the Tariff Advisory Committee set up.

    1972 - The General Insurance Business (Nationalization) Act, 1972

    nationalized the general insurance business in India with effect from 1st

    January 1973. 107 insurers amalgamated and grouped into four companies

    viz. the National Insurance Company Ltd., the New India Assurance

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    Company Ltd., the Oriental Insurance Company Ltd. and the United India

    Insurance Company Ltd. GIC incorporated as a company.

    The general insurance industry grew 11.6 per cent between April and November

    in 2007-08 with robust performances by private players. The 13 non-life insurers

    collected US$ 4.7 billion in premium against US$ 4.2 billion in the same period last

    year. While the public sector could increase its premiums by just 3.57 per cent, 9

    private sector players clocked premium growth of 26.49 per cent. Private sector

    players market share has grown to about 40 per cent in FY08 as compared to the

    public sectors 60 per cent.

    Major players in the General Insurance industry

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    General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC)

    Royal Sundaram Alliance Insurance Co. Ltd.

    Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Co. Ltd.

    Reliance General Insurance Co. Ltd.

    ICICI Lombard General Insurance Co. Ltd.

    Cholamandalam General Insurance Co. Ltd.

    TATA AIG General Insurance Co. Ltd.

    IFFCO Tokio General Insurance Co. Ltd.

    Export Credit Guarantee Corporation Ltd.

    HDFC-Chubb General Insurance Co. Ltd.


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    Reliance Money is a group company of Reliance Capital; one of India's leading and

    fastest growing private sector financial services companies, ranking among the

    top 3 private sector financial services and banking companies, in terms of net

    worth. Reliance Capital is a part of the Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group.

    Reliance Money, the financial products distribution company of Anil Dhirubhai

    Ambani Group, today unveiled the new brand identity for Travelmate Services

    and announced major business plans for its Money Changing Services and Full-

    Fledged Money Transfer business. Travelmate Services, a part of Kuoni Group,

    was acquired by Reliance in November 2006 and is now a wholly owned

    subsidiary of Reliance Capital. The company has been in the Money Transfer

    Services (MTS) and Full-Fledged Money Changing (FFMC) business in the country

    since 1993. Reliance Money, which started operations in April 2007, is adding

    about 2,000 to 2,500 customers every day. It currently has about 1.65 lakh

    customers. And the traded volumes have crossed about Rs 1,200 crore.

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    Reliance Money is a comprehensive electronic transaction platform offering a

    wide range of asset classes. Its endeavor is to change the way India transacts in

    financial markets and avails financial services. Reliance Money is a single window,

    enabling you to access, amongst others in Equities, Equity & Commodities

    Derivatives, Mutual Funds, IPOs, Life Insurance, General Insurance, Offshore

    Investments, Money Transfer, Money Changing and Credit Cards.

    Reliance Money, the financial products retail arm of Reliance Capital, a company

    owned by the Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group (ADAG), has decided to expand

    distribution network in rural areas. In a massive inclusive growth initiative, first

    of its kind in Indian corporate history, which would provide employment to

    50,000 rural youth, the company has decided to extend its rural reach this fiscal

    by setting up 10,000 franchised outlets in 5,165 of the 5,645 tehsils (talukas) of

    the country, according to a Hindu Business Line. Reliance Money has already

    identified and appointed franchisee partners in 1,001 tehsils with the help of

    Rural Relations, a rural consumer-focused organization. Reliance ADAG expects to

    garner 10 to 20% of its total business through this rural thrust.

    Reliance Money plans to provide insurance plans for cattle, crop, bullock cart and

    tractor, term insurances (Rs 25 to Rs 50 pay out for a years coverage), and

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    Systematic Investment Plans (monthly installment of Rs 50 to100). While the

    company has already established its presence in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh,

    Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and West Bengal, it is now expanding into

    Uttaranchal, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Orissa.


    To build a global enterprise for all our stakeholders and a great future for our

    country by giving millions of young Indians the power to shape their destiny: The

    means to realize their full potential.


    To create and nurture a world-class, high performance environment aimed at

    delighting our customers by providing endless financial products in all part of the


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    Reliance Money is a distribution house. Along with the products of reliance capital

    it also sells the financial products of other companies like ICICI, HDFC, TATA AIG,

    Birla sunlife, etc. Its main product is Demat account. Along with the Demat

    account it also sells life insurance, general insurance, mutual fund, gold coins etc.


















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    National Level : National Head

    Zonal Level : Zonal Head

    Regional Level : Regional head

    Divisional leve : Cluster Head

    Branch Level : Center Manager

    Area Level : Business Development Managers (BDM) (previously

    BDMs .


    1. Trading Portal(with almost negligible brokerage )

    Equity Broking

    Commodity Broking

    Derivatives ( Futures & Options )

    Offshore Investments (Contract For Differences)

    D-Mat Account.

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    2. Financial Products

    Mutual Funds

    Life Insurance

    ULIP plan

    Term Plan

    Money Back Plan

    General Insurance

    o Vehicle/Motor Insuranceo Health Insuranceo House insurance



    3. Value-Added Services

    Retirement Planning

    Financial Planning

    Tax Saving

    Children Future Planning

    4. Credit Cards

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    There are many broking houses doing business in India and they charge a

    brokerage on every transaction made online or offline. (Buying and Selling are

    treated as separate transaction). Reliance Moneys advantage over others is that

    its charging the lowestbrokerage in the market which is just 1 paisa on every

    executive trade irrespective of the volume traded. Reliance Money, the brokerage

    and distribution arm of Reliance ADA Group, aims to tap investors in the smaller

    towns and cities through a flat fee structure. The current leaders in the retail

    broking segment like ICICI Direct, India Infoline and India bulls offer a pay per

    use model where the customer pays a percentage of the amount transacted by

    him. Reliance Moneys brokerage rates are quite competitive.

    The new wonder is Reliance Money's pre-paid card for stock market brokerage.

    Reliance Money, the financial services division of Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group-

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    promoted Reliance Capital, is bringing to the market pre-paid cards in

    denominations of Rs500, Rs1,350 and Rs2,500 with validity period of two months,

    six months and twelve months respectively.

    These cards would offer brokerage at one-third of the rate being charged by

    institutional and individual brokerage houses. Sample this. For a pre-paid card

    worth Rs500, an investor can trade up to Rs90 lakh in futures and option segment

    or can undertake intra-day trade of similar amount. Besides, an investor can

    undertake a delivery-based activity of Rs10 lakh.

    The Rs1350 worth pre-paid card, total trading limit would reach Rs 3 crore, of

    which Rs 2.70 crore is for the F&O segment and balance Rs30 lakh for delivery-

    based activities.

    For Rs2500 pre-paid card, total trading limit is fixed at Rs16 crore, that include

    F&O limit of Rs15.40 crore and balance Rs 60 lakh for delivery-based broking.

    Converted to percentage terms - Reliance Money offers most competitive

    brokerage rates - 0.01% for delivery trades and 0.001% for non-delivery trades

    (fixed fee of Rs500/- for delivery trades up to Rs10lacs and/or non-delivery trades

    up to Rs1 crore). Industry rates vary between 0.4% to 0.85% for delivery trades and

    between 0.05% and 0.10% for non delivery trades. Target low level of retail penetration

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    in India - less than 3 per cent of household financing savings makes it into equity

    markets. Reliance Money consumers can trade in equities, commodities and offshore

    Investments ,

    IPOs, Mutual Funds, Insurance, Money transfer and Money Changing - all through

    single window, both off-line and online.

    Reliance Money has already tied-up with CMC Capital Plc UK to offer offshore

    Investment products to Indian consumers as per guidelines.

    Fee structure and validity limits (+ Rs. 750/- as registration)

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    Fees (Rs.)


    (Whichever is earlier)

    Turnover Limit

    Time Validity Turnover






    500 12 months 1 lac Rs. 2 lac

    1000 2 months 2 cr Rs. 90 lac Rs. 10 lac

    1500 6 months 3 cr Rs. 2.7 cr Rs. 30 lac

    2000 12 months 6 cr Rs. 5.4 cr Rs. 60 lac

    Unutilised delivery limit may be added to intraday limit

    2000 12 months 6 cr Rs. 5.4 cr Rs. 60 lac

    Unutilised delivery limit may be added to intraday limit

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    1. Two way authentication: Reliance offers its customers with a token (an

    electronic gadget) that generates a password, which are a third level of security

    in addition to the customer log in and a password provided. The password

    generated by the token is valid only for a period of 20 seconds. If the web page

    expires, for the fresh login, a new password generated by the token has to be

    keyed in by the customer.

    2. Lowest brokerage:Reliance offers the lowest brokerage of 1 paisa which is

    very less with respect to the other DPs in the market.

    3. User friendly software:The portal offered is very easy to understand and use.

    4. Forex and offshore investment:Reliance provides the offshore facility which

    no other AMC is providing in the market.

    5. Better research and news: Reliance offers news from the DOW JONES and


    "Reliance Mutual Fund schemes are managed by Reliance Capital Asset

    Management Limited., a subsidiary of Reliance Capital Limited, which holds

    93.37% of the paid-up capital of RCAM, the balance paid up capital being held by

    minority shareholders."

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    Reliance Capital Asset Management Limited (RCAM) was approved as the Asset

    Management Company for the Mutual Fund by SEBI vide their letter no

    IIMARP/1264/95 dated June 30, 1995. The Mutual Fund has entered into an

    Investment Management Agreement (IMA) with RCAM dated May 12, 1995 and

    was amended on August 12, 1997 in line with SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations,

    1996. Pursuant to this IMA,


    The different schemes offered to various kinds of investors by Reliance mutual

    fund can be broadly classified into three categories Equity, Debt and sector

    specific. Each of these categories has different investment objectives and

    therefore has different portfolio.

    Equity Schemes

    Reliance Growth Fund

    Reliance Vision Fund

    Reliance NRI Equity Fund

    Reliance Equity Opportunities Fund

    Reliance Quant Plus Fund (formerly Reliance Index Fund)

    Reliance Tax Saver Fund

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    Reliance Pharma Fund

    Reliance Media and Entertainment Fund

    Reliance Diversified Power Sector Fund

    Along with the mutual funds of Reliance, Reliance Money also sells the mutual funds of

    other companies like ICICI, HDFC, Kotak Mahindra, Birla Sunlife, cholamandalam, etc.

    Reliance Mutual Fund has launched Forty Three Schemes till date, namely:


    Reliance Life Insurance is an associate company of Reliance Capital Ltd., a part of

    Reliance - Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group. Reliance Capital is one of Indias leading

    private sector financial services companies, and ranks among the top 3 private

    sector financial services and banking companies, in terms of net worth. Reliance

    Capital has interests in asset management and mutual funds, stock broking, life

    and general insurance, proprietary investments, private equity and other

    activities in financial services.

    Reliance Capital Limited (RCL) is a Non-Banking Financial

    Company (NBFC) registered with the Reserve Bank of India under

    section 45-IA of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934.

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    Reliance Capital sees immense potential in the rapidly growing

    financial services sector in India and aims to become a dominant

    player in this industry and offer fully integrated financial services.

    Reliance Life Insurance is another step forward for Reliance Capital

    Limited to offer need based Life Insurance solutions to individuals

    and Corporate.


    RLIC has been one of the fast gainers in market share in new

    business premium amongst the private players with an incremental

    market share of 4.1% in the Financial Year 2007-08from 3.9% in

    April 07 to 8% in Feb 08. ( Source: IRDA)

    Also continues to be amongst the fast growing Private Life

    Insurance Companies with a YOY growth of 195% in new business

    premium as of Mar08.

    A Company that has crossed 1.7 Million policies in just 2 years of

    operation, post takeover of AMP Sanmar business.

    Initiated Express LifeAn Unique Over the Countersales process

    for Unit Linked Insurance Policies in the Industry.

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    Accomplished a large distribution ramp-up in the Industry in a short

    span of time by opening 600 branches in 10 months taking the

    overall branch network above 740.

    RLIC continues to be one of the two Life Insurance companies in

    India to be certified ISO 9001:2000 for all the processes.

    Awarded the Jamnalal Bajaj Uchit Vyavahar Puraskar 2007-

    Certificate of Merit in the Financial Services category by Council

    for Fair Business Practices (CFBP).











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    In life, you have always given your family whatever they have wanted. Yet, there

    are some promises you have to fulfill, such as taking your family for a vacation, or

    buying that dream house. Set aside some money to achieve these specific goals

    with the help of Reliance Savings & Investment Plans. The plan allows you to

    experience the joys of life and provide for your familys needs. By this plan one

    can save the money while making an investment.


    You are a young and earning individual. The income you earn allows you to enjoy

    life, your only worry being whether you will be able to continue the same lifestyle

    after retirement. A Reliance Retirement Plan will help you save money for your

    retirement. It ensures that you continue to get some income after retirement

    thereby ensuring that you do not have to depend on any other person or make

    any compromises to maintain the same lifestyle.

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    Being a parent is one of the joys of life. Your child looks up to you and

    depends on you for love, protection and support. You want to provide your

    child with the best in life.

    The Reliance Child Plan helps you save systematically so that you can secure

    your childs future needs. Be it higher education,his or her first home or any

    other requirement, you will always be there for your child when he or she

    needs you.

    Protection plan Savings and investment


    Retirement plans Child plans

    1. Reliance Term Plan 1. Reliance Super

    InvestAssure Plan

    1. Reliance Total

    Investment Plan Series

    II- Pension

    1. Reliance Child Plan

    2. Reliance Simple Term


    2. Reliance Super

    InvestAssure Plan Plus

    2. Reliance Super Golden

    Years Plan

    2. Reliance Secure Ch


    3. Reliance Special Term


    3. Reliance Total

    Investment Plan Series I

    3. Reliance Super Golden

    Years Plan Value

    3. Reliance Super

    InvestAssure Plan

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    4. Reliance Credit

    Guardian Plan

    4. Reliance Wealth +

    Health Plan

    4. Reliance Super Golden

    Years Plan Plus

    4. Reliance Wealth +

    Health Plan

    5. Reliance special

    Credit Guardian Plan

    5. Reliance Super

    Automatic Investment


    5. Reliance Wealth +

    Health Plan

    6. Reliance Endowment


    6. Reliance Money

    Guarantee Plan

    6. Reliance Super

    Automatic Investment


    7. Reliance Special

    Endowment Plan

    7. Reliance Cash Flow


    7 Reliance Money

    Guarantee Plan

    8. Reliance Connect 2

    Life Plan

    8. Reliance Super

    Market Return Plan

    9. Reliance Whole Life


    9. Reliance Endowment


    10. Reliance Wealth +

    Health Plan

    10. Reliance Special

    Endowment Plan

    11.Reliance Cash Flow 11. Reliance Whole Life

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    Plan Plan

    12. Reliance Super

    Golden Years Plan

    13. Reliance Super

    Golden Years Plan Value

    14. Reliance Super

    Golden Years Plan Plus

    15. Reliance Connect 2

    Life Plan

    16. Reliance Imaan

    Investment Plan

    17. Reliance Savings

    Linked Insurance Plan

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    As an employer, you believe in providing the best opportunities for your

    employees while keeping the interests of the company in mind. How will you

    strike a balance between the two? Reliance Life Insurance offers you a win-win

    solution with Solutions for Groups. Not only are your employees covered for life

    from accidents and disablements, you can also efficiently manage their future

    with gratuity and pension plans.

    1. Employers Liability Solutions

    A. Group Superannuation

    B. Group Gratuity

    C. Group Leave Encashment Plan

    2. Employee Protection Solutions

    A. Reliance Group Credit Shield Plan

    B. Reliance Group Term Assurance Plan

    C. Group Term Insurance Plan- EDLI

    3. Employee Voluntary Solutions

    A. Group Savings Linked Insurance

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    Fundamentals of General Insurance companies are business houses. The product

    they sell is financial protection. To succeed and survive, they must cover their

    costs, which include payments to cover the losses of policyholders, as well as

    sales and administrative expenses, taxes and dividends. Insurance companies

    have two sources of income for covering these costs: premium and investment

    income. The premium are collected on a regular basis and invested in

    Government Bonds, Gift stocks, mutual funds, real estates and other conservative

    avenues. However, investment income depends on market conditions, interest

    rates, economy etc and varies from year to year. Because of the uncertainty

    associated with the investment income, insurance companies must generate

    enough income form premium to cover the bulk of their expenses. The primary

    function of insurance is to provide protection against financial losses caused by

    unforeseen events. This protection is available to individuals, businessmen and

    large companies alike.

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    Types of General Insurance


    Individual Mediclaim

    Group Mediclaim

    Reliance Health Wise Policy

    Personal Accident

    Personal Accident

    Group Personal Accident


    Standard Fire and Special Perils

    Consequential Loss (Fire)

    Industrial All Risks


    Erection All Risks/Storage-cum-Erection

    Contractors All Risks

    Contractors Plant and Machinery

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    Machinery Breakdown Insurance

    Machinery Loss of Profits Insurance

    Boiler and Pressure Plant Insurance

    Electronic Equipment Insurance


    Marine Cargo Insurance


    Private Car Comprehensive


    Directors and Officers Liability

    Public Liability (Act)

    Public Liability

    Product Liability

    Professional Indemnity

    Workmens compensation


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    Industry Care

    Commercial Care

    Office Package

    Fidelity Guarantee

    Burglary and Housebreaking

    Money Insurance

    Householders Package

    Shopkeepers Package


    Individual and Family





    Hospitalization Expenses

    Daycare Treatment

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    Domiciliary Hospitalization

    Pre and Post Hospitalization

    Coverage of Pre-Existing Diseases

    Critical Illness Cover

    Donor Expenses


    Expenses of accompanying person at the Hospital

    Local Road Ambulance Services

    Recovery Benefit

    Cost of Health Check up

    Nursing Allowance

    Hospital Daily Allowance


    Income Tax Benefit

    Sum Insured

    Pre-insurance Health Check up

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    What is marketing?

    According to Kotler marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes

    for creating, communicating and delivering value to the customer and for

    managing customer relationship in ways that benefits the organization as well as

    its stakeholders. It is the art of choosing target markets and getting, keeping and

    growing customers through creating, delivering and communicating superior

    customer value.

    Definition of marketing depends upon the core concepts like needs, wants,

    demands, targeting, positioning, segmentation, products, services, value,


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    Aspects of good marketing

    STP concept

    Segmentation: Segmentation is essentially the identification of subsets of buyers

    within a market who share similar needs and who demonstrate similar buyer

    behavior. The world is made up from billions of buyers with their own sets of

    needs and behavior. Segmentation aims to match groups of purchasers with the

    same set of needs and buyer behavior. Such a group is known as a 'segment' .

    Segmentation is that part of the population on which the company gives its focus

    and tries to get its customers from that area. Reliance money mainly gives focus

    on people who are above 18 to 20 years.

    Create Awareness

    Induce Trial

    Demonstrate Benefits

    Build Brand Preference

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    It is the second stage of STP concept. After the market has been separated into

    its segments, the marketer will select a segment or series of segments and 'target'

    it/them. Resources and effort will be targeted at that segmentation. It targets the

    people whose income range is above Rs. 2.4 lacs and also to the business people.


    It is the process by which marketers try to create an image or identity in the

    minds of their target market for its product, brand, or organization. Reliance

    money tries to position it as the safest firm for equity, commodity, Forex

    transaction by providing additional security to its customers and also as the low

    cost brokerage firm.


    Marketing strategy is the process which allows the organization to concentrate its

    limited resources on the greatest opportunities to increase sales and achieve a

    sustainable competitive advantage. Reliance Moneys strategy is designed in such

    a way that which focuses on the customer satisfaction.

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    Marketing strategy is the written plan which combines product development,

    promotion, distribution, and pricing approach, identifies the firm's marketing

    goals, and explains how they will be achieved within a stated timeframe. It

    determines the target market segmentation, positioning, marketing mix and

    allocation of resources.

    According to market dominance it belongs to the challenger type. It follows the

    horizontal integration strategy. Because its main product is the demat account.

    But along with the demat account it also sells life insurance, general insurance,

    mutual funds of Reliance as well as of

    other companies. It is also known as the distribution house of Reliance Capital

    because it distributes the products of different organizations along with products

    of Reliance.

    Reliance Money provides its products to its different customers according to

    his/her needs. For example for a customer whose trading power is very low it

    gives him the demat account of Rs. 1250/- If a customer is a heavy trader than it

    gives him the demat account of Rs. 2750/- and if a customer is in between these

    two then it gives him the demat account of Rs. 1750/- or of Rs. 2350/- It also

    provides a token which gives the customer extra security because at the time of

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    login along with the user ID and password, the token key is also required. This

    token key number is a 7 digit number which changes after every 32 seconds. So

    another person cannot login to the account even if he knows the user ID and

    password as he does not have the token number. Because of this it is very secure.

    They are also providing the services at a lower cost. Reliance Money charges the

    least brokerage charges in India. They charge only 0.01% for delivery and 0.05%

    for intraday which very very less as compared to other brokerage firms in India.

    4Ps of Marketing

    Product:the product of Reliance Money is the Demat account. It also provides the

    Credit Card services. Along with the demat account it also sells other financial

    products like Life insurance , General insurance, Mutual Fund, Gold coins, Money

    transfer, Forex exchange, etc. it also provides the offline trading facilities through

    Reliance Money partners in 5000 cities across India and through phone calls by

    dialing 022-39886000. In Demat account one has various investment options line

    Equity Trading at NSE/BSE, Derivatives Trading, IPO Investment, Commodity

    Trading, Forex Trading, etc.

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    The price they charge to open the Demat account is Rs. 1250. Out of which Rs.

    750/- goes towards the administration and other charges and the rest Rs. 500/-

    goes towards the purchasing a limit card which determines the turnover limit and

    validity period of the account. If a customer is a heavy trader then he can opt for a

    higher limit card to increase his/her purchase limit and validity.


    Reliance Money branches are present all over India. Reliance Money has around

    10,000 branches in around 5,000 cities in India. Their main target is the metro

    cities and other big cities in India.


    The products are mainly sold because of the sales people. So Reliance Money

    mainly promotes or encourages its sales force to sell more. It also conducts

    monthly campaigns and rewards the sales

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    Distribution Channel/Channel Marketing

    There are three distribution channels to distribute the products and services of

    Reliance Money. They are as follows

    1. Capital market channel:

    This channel deals with the distribution of Demat accounts. In this channel

    there is a team leader who is responsible for the sales in that territory. He

    also assigns the tasks to his team members. So it is a group effort to attain

    the target.

    2. Emerging market channel:

    This channel deals with the distribution of products like life insurance,

    general insurance, mutual fund, etc. of Reliance Money. In this there is a

    team head who assigns the task to the subordinates.


    Capital MarketChannel

    EmergingMarket Channel

    Direct SalesChannel

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    3.Direct sales channels:

    This channel distributes the products like life insurance, general insurance,

    mutual fund of other companies like ICICI, HDFC, Cholamandalam, Birla life

    insurance, TATA AIG etc. in this there is no team leader. Everyone has to do

    the task individually.

    They have tie-up with the DTDC courier to fasten the delivery of their products and



    Telemarketing is a method of direct marketing in which a salesperson solicits to

    prospective customers to buy products and services over the phone. It makes lead

    generation for the business or if converted to sales builds business for the


    Reliance Money has tie-up with different banks like ICICI, HDFC, AXIS, IDBI and

    other banks. So it gets data about the customers of these banks. This also makes

    it easier for cold calling, lead generation and convert it to sales. First they

    segregate the data collected from these banks and then find out who could be the

    prospective customers. Then they call from the Reliance Money office and fix an

    appointment with them. During the meeting they tell about the product and

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    make the prospective customer to understand about the features of the

    product/service and clarify their doubts. Then they try to convert it to sales.


    Reliance Money sets up canopy at different places to make aware about its

    products to the people who are unaware about them. It is used as a promotional

    tool and also helps in brand awareness. I have also got a chance to attend a

    canopy for two days. It has also helped in lead generation.


    It makes its advertisement through news, press release, e-brochures and TV


    e-Sponsored programme : Reliance Money in partnership with CNBC

    Awaaz, NSE and NSDL presents Pehla Kadam a national - level

    investor education programme, focusing on guiding and educating first

    time investors on the hows and whys of investment. It is a one-stop

    destination providing solutions to all the dilemmas a new investor faces

    at the start of any investment.

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    The overall evaluation of a companys strength, weakness, opportunities and

    threats is called as SWOT analysis. Its a way of monitoring the external and

    internal marketing environment. Strength and Weakness are internal.

    Opportunity and Threat are external.


    Brand image RELIANCE

    Good database

    Low pricing

    Extra security

    Aggressive sales force


    Lack of loyal clients

    Long time for customer query


    Lack of any software for customers of

    Demat account


    Increased spending power of customers

    Rural markets are out of reach

    Only around 20% people are insured in

    the country

    Unpredictable SENSEX

    Changing mindset of people


    Competition from existing players

    Competition from emerging


    Unpredictable SENSEX

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    The objective of the study is to find out the investment pattern of customers and

    awareness about Reliance Money.

    Type of Research : Exploratory Research

    Size of sample : 50

    Area of research study : Bhubaneswar

    Sampling procedure : Convenient sampling


    Primary data:

    Procedure of data collection : Survey

    Tools for data collection : Questionnaire


    1. The sample size is very less, hence the response of just 50 respondents

    does not imply for the whole population.

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    2. The findings of the survey are based on the opinion of respondents and

    there is no way of assessing the truth of the statement.

    3. There are some respondents bias which cannot be overcome.


    Interpretation:it shows that most of the people are now investing in the share market rather

    than in the mutual funds. So the customers are more aware about the share market now-a-



    48%mutual funds






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    It shows that most of the people are aware about the online trading of shares.

    This all happened because of the development in the IT industry. People know

    about the computers and they are able to trade online.






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    Most of the people are aware about the Reliance Money as a brand. This brand

    awareness will help in the future to increase the market share of Reliance Money

    and it is a good sign for Reliance Money.






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    From the pie chart it is very much clear that ICICI and Reliance Money has equal market

    share in the market. Its closest competitors are ICICI and India Infoline.

    ICICI Direct


    Reliance Money


    India infoline


    kotak mahindra12%

    India bulls




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    From the graph it is very clear that around 1/3rd

    of the customers i.e. 30% are not

    satisfied with the present brokers. So there is a chance that Reliance Money can convert

    these people to its customers.






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    From the graph it is very much clear that satisfaction level of around 38% people are

    below 60%. Only 42% people have a satisfaction level of more than 80%. It will help in

    increasing the market share of the company.

    below 20%14%

    20% to 40%

    14%40% to 60%


    60% to 80%


    80% to 100%



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    Share market gives the maximum return in todays world. Maximum people are doing

    the trading daily and weekly manner. But 24% people are doing it in a monthly basis and

    10% on yearly basis. It shows that there are very less people who invest in share market

    for a longer period.









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    It clearly shows that half the people are investing around 10% to 25% of their earning.

    There are only few players who are investing more than 50% of their earning. This is

    because of the volatile nature of the share market 88% people are investing below the

    25% of their investment.

    below 10%


    10% TO 25%


    25% TO



    above 50%


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    Most of the people are investing in shares now-a-days. So there is a

    huge market for the brokerage firm.

    The people who invest in share they know about Reliance Money and

    most of the people are aware about Reliance Money.

    Reliance Money has a great market share in the area. It is around 22%

    which is a good sign. It can be a market leader.

    Nearly 30% of the people are not satisfied by their current brokers and

    satisfaction level is below 50% for 35%-40% customers. So they may

    change their brokerage firms. Reliance Money can acquire these


    Reliance Money provides the service at a cheaper cost as compared to

    other brokerage firms in India.

    They are present in all over India. They have around more than 10,000

    branches in all over India.

    The customers are happy with the brokerage cost.

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    During interaction with the customers of Reliance Money, I found that

    they are not happy with the customer service of Reliance Money.


    Based on the findings of the project I would like to suggest the following

    After sales services are very important for getting new references. So

    trained telesales should be appointed for this purpose.

    Reliance Money should mention in written that it charges only 1 paisa

    on selling and not on buying because people are thinking that there are

    some underlying charges involved.

    Along with the limit card they have to go for the percentage brokerage

    i.e. the charges should be charged based on the transaction amount or


    It should provide regular training programs for the advisors in order to

    update their knowledge.

    Reliance Money has different financial products like form Demat

    account to general insurance. Each advisor is not aware about all the

    products. So for them special training programs should be conducted.

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    Reliance Money does not provide any software to the customers. Its

    competitors are providing software to their customers. Also software

    makes the customers feel easy for trading. So Reliance Money should

    provide software to its customers.

    Many people are not aware about the ULIP plan of life insurance. So

    there is a huge scope to sell these ULIP policies to the customers.


    Based on the markets survey and SWOT analysis and other market conditions I

    have come to the following conclusions

    Although Reliance Money is a new entrant to the market it became able to hold a

    strong position in todays market. The sales force of Reliance Money mostly

    consists of youngsters. They can be motivated easily to do a good job as they have

    a long career to go for.

    The stock market is very buoyant in the past 2-3 years. It also gives the maximum

    return from all the investment options one have. So many people are interested

    in stock market. Because of the recession most of the people are now not

    investing in stock market. But as market going to stabilize the people will again

    invest in equity.

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    Till now people know about only two types of insurance plans i.e. term plan and

    endowment plan. They do not know about the ULIP plans. ULIP plan also provides

    the high return as compared to other plans. So there is a market for the ULIP plan.

    Also according to a survey only 18%-20% of people are insured. So there is a huge

    market potential for the insurance sector. Mutual Fund is also a good option for

    investment. It minimizes the risk with a higher return. Some people think that it a

    type of gambling.

    With FDI limit being relaxed a lot of avenues will open up in the insurance sector

    and insurance companies are expected to come up with new good plans with a

    great deal of customization and flexibility.

    Questionnaire Form

    1. In which of the financial instruments do you invest?

    a. Shares c. Bonds

    b. Mutual funds d. Derivatives

    2. Are you aware of online share trading?

    a. Yes b. No

    3. Have you heard about Reliance Money?

    a. Yes b. No

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    4. With which company do you have your demat account?

    a. ICICI d. Kotak Mahindra

    b. Reliance Money e. India Bulls

    c. India Infoline f. Others

    5. What differentiates your share trading company from others? (in regards of

    brokerage, satisfaction, services, products, etc.)

    6. Are you currently satisfied with your share trading company?

    a. Yes b. No

    7. What is your satisfaction level?

    a. Below 20% d. 60% to 80%

    b. 20% to 40% e. 80% to 100%

    c. 40% to 60%

    8. How often do you trade?

    a. Daily c. Monthly

    b. Weekly d. Yearly

    9. How do you rate these share trading companies? (from 1 to 5)(ICICI,

    Reliance Money, India infoline, Kotak Mahindra, India bulls, Others)

    10.What do you think you require with your Demat account?

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    Personal Data



    Sex M F

    Phone number


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