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Marketing and Communications Plan 2014-2015

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Marketing and Communications Plan


2 | P a g e Blinn College Marketing and Communications Plan│2014-2015

Introduction The purpose of the Blinn College Marketing and Communications Plan is to support the College mission by enhancing our visibility and reinforcing our brand and reputation as the premier two-year college, particularly to our audiences: current students, prospective students, alumni, friends, donors, businesses and industry, parents, faculty, staff and the general public. This marketing plan aims to increase individual and community awareness about and participation in the College’s programs, services and activities, thus helping to ensure the growth, prosperity and future of the college. This document provides an overview of the activities of the Marketing and Communications Department at Blinn College for the fiscal year 2014-2015. The emphasis of this marketing plan is to maximize resources through improved coordination of efforts. Blinn College Mission Statement (Revised for 2014-2015) Blinn College is a comprehensive community college committed to educational excellence and to individual and community enhancement. Blinn College Vision Statement (Revised for 2014-2015) Blinn College will be the leading educational, cultural and economic resource for our stakeholders. Historical Statement Blinn College, the Junior College District of Washington County, is located in Brenham, Texas, and serves a 13 county service area with campuses in Bryan, Sealy and Schulenburg. The school was founded in 1883 by the Southern German Conference of the Methodist denomination under the name of Mission Institution. In 1889 the name was changed to Blinn Memorial College in honor of the Reverend Christian Blinn of New York who had donated a considerable sum of money to make the school possible. The institution was originally founded for the purpose of training young men for the ministry, but in the course of time, to meet the demands of the public, academic courses were added. After operating for five years as an institution for men only, Blinn College was made coeducational in 1888. Until 1927 the school was of academy rank. In 1927 the Board of Trustees, under leadership of President Philip Deschner, organized a junior college. In 1930 the school was merged with Southwestern University (Georgetown, Texas). In 1934, a new charter was procured by the citizens of Brenham, and a private nonsectarian junior college, under the name of Blinn College, was organized with nine regents as the board of control. In February, 1937, all connection with Southwestern University and the Methodist denominations were severed. An election held in Washington County on June 8, 1937, for the purposes of creating a public junior college district and for levying a small tax, was successful. Blinn thus became the first county-owned junior college district in Texas. The college continues to operate as one of the largest of the state’s 50 public junior/community college districts.

3 | P a g e Blinn College Marketing and Communications Plan│2014-2015

2014-2015 SWOT, Strategic Priorities and Goals

To maintain our place as one of the premier community colleges in the nation, we must continue to plan for the future with both short- and long-term planning and a clear, streamlined vision for our College’s future. Through a process involving students, faculty, staff, and community stakeholders, we have identified the following institutional priorities for the period of 2013-2016. Blinn College SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) The purpose of a SWOT Analysis is to examine the internal strengths and weaknesses embodied by Blinn College, and to create an awareness of the external opportunities and threats that are present that could have an impact on our overall success.

SWOT Analysis for Blinn College Strengths

Unique partnership with Texas A&M University

Affordable Strong academic environment Student success culture Four diverse campus offerings Dedicated faculty and staff High transfer rate Partnerships with four-year institutions

Weaknesses Internal and external communication Culture of reaction, not pro-active Facility use and scheduling Lack of strategic planning for facilities,

disaster recovery, technology Lack of processes Need for accountability Targeted recruiting for campuses

Opportunities Expanded opportunities with four-year

institutions, particularly Texas A&M, including 25 x 25

Stronger partnerships with school districts Expansion of workforce efforts, growth of

technical and health trades Expansion of distance learning Location

Threats Competitive institutions Finances and financial aid Strain on facilities and faculty, lack of

Human Capital Program Virtual program expansion at other

institutions Decreased state funding Tax structure

Competition An important element in marketing Blinn College is to understand not only our own strengths and opportunities, but the same characteristics for our following competitors:

• Nearby community colleges • Four-year public/private universities • Online colleges and universities

4 | P a g e Blinn College Marketing and Communications Plan│2014-2015

Strategic Priorities and Goals

Student Success

Blinn College provides excellent learning experiences and services for students. Goals:

1. Improve processes to support a seamless student experience 2. Enhance student skills to support academic achievement 3. Prepare students to meet workforce needs 4. Foster personal responsibility, social responsibility, and teamwork among students

Objectives for Goal #1 - Improve processes to support a seamless student experience

1. Improve student satisfaction ratings in the following areas: a. Timely communication from Blinn to students b. Clear communication from Blinn to students c. Admissions application process time d. Financial Aid process time

2. Improve facilities utilization as measured by the facilities usage report 3. Reduce process time between students’ application for admissions and registration 4. Increase student satisfaction with registration

Objectives for Goal #2 - Enhance student skills to support academic achievement

1. Increase the percentage of students who complete 15 and 30 academic credits 2. Increase student success rates in courses 3. Increase the utilization of the Center for Teaching and Learning by faculty 4. Increase the proportion of students utilizing academic support services 5. Increase the proportion of sections using electronic grade book, with 100% utilization by

the fall 2015 semester 6. Increase the proportion of students with a degree plan on file, with 100% of students

having a plan by the fall of 2015 semester Objectives for Goal #3 - Prepare students to meet workforce needs

1. Increase career and technical offerings to meet regional labor market needs 2. Increase latticed career pathways from noncredit to AAS degrees (badges, marketable

skills awards, certificates, and degrees) Objectives for Goal #4 - Foster personal responsibility, social responsibility, and teamwork among students

1. Increase the proportion of students participating in service learning 2. Increase the proportion of courses that include service learning components 3. Increase the proportion of students participating in co-curricular activities 4. Increase the proportion of students meeting student learning objectives related to

personal responsibility, social responsibility, and teamwork core objectives

5 | P a g e Blinn College Marketing and Communications Plan│2014-2015

Community Enhancement

Blinn College enriches the communities we serve. Goals:

1. Be an economic resource in the communities we serve 2. Provide cultural enrichment in the communities we serve 3. Promote educational opportunities in the communities we serve

Objectives for Goal #1- Be an economic resource in the communities we serve:

1. Increase preparation of students in workforce and applied sciences 2. Increase attendance at Blinn College programs and events that have a positive economic

impact Objectives for Goal #2-Provide cultural enrichment in the communities we serve:

1. Expand awareness of Blinn College programs that have a positive cultural impact 2. Develop new culturally enriching programs

Objectives for Goal #3-Promote educational opportunities in the communities we serve:

1. Increase number of service area and non-traditional students attending Blinn College 2. Increase number of scholarships available for students to attend Blinn College 3. Expand dual-credit partnerships with area high schools and articulation agreements with

four-year institutions

Human Capital

Blinn College invests in employees and improves its processes. Goals:

1. Enhance the culture of employee recognition 2. Expand opportunities for ongoing professional development 3. Improve communication between departments and across levels

Objective for Goal #1 – Enhance the culture of employee recognition

1. Improve external pay equity 2. Improve employee awareness of benefits 3. Improve employee evaluation process 4. Improve employee satisfaction with recognition

6 | P a g e Blinn College Marketing and Communications Plan│2014-2015

Objective for Goal #2 –Expand opportunities for ongoing professional development 1. Increase proportion of employees participating in professional development (non-

mandatory training) 2. Increase proportion of new role incumbents (new to Blinn or employees with new role)

participating in mentoring program 3. Increase proportion of administrators participating in Leadership Institute 4. Increase proportion of new hires completing orientation/on-boarding

Objective for Goal #3 – Improve communication between departments and across levels 1. Improve employee satisfaction with communication 2. Expand Quarterly Lunch program 3. Increase usage of myBlinn for communication

2014-2015 Marketing & Communication Goals Internally, the Office of Marketing & Communications set our goals each year with intended outcomes that tie-in to the overall strategic plan of the College.

1. Lead the design and implementation of a newly designed college website. 2. Continue to improve Blinn’s brand identity and enhance the reputation and awareness

to both our internal and external audiences. 3. Evaluate the effectiveness of marketing activities and communication through data-

informed research methods. 4. Lead the development, design, publication and distribution of periodic reports with an

audience of external stakeholders such as our local communities, legislators and potential donors.

5. Work for better buy-in and support from College constituents by implementing improved customer service strategies.

2014-2015 Marketing and Communications Initiatives:


Lead the design and implementation of a

newly designed college website

Set up faculty/staff/student focus groups

on each campus

Direct feedback from our current web users

to ensure we are providing everything our

"customers" need

* Faculty & Staff

* Administration

* Students

Fall/Spring $150 (Food)

Design and implementation of Website

Content Management System with

responsive technology

Launch of the new site * Marketing Department

* Academic Technology

* Faculty & Staff

* Administration

Summer 2015 $25,000

Implement web maintainence schedule Set schedule will allow our department to

take a proactive approach in having all

pages and information updated and current

* Faculty & Staff

* Administration

Ongoing $0

Continue to improve Blinn’s brand

identity and enhance the reputation and

awareness to both our internal and

external audiences

Examine new institutional marks and re-

examine current tagline

Ensure that we are current with our

branding and message

* Internal (Department) Fall $0

Examine wayfinding signage around

campuses to ensure proper branding and


Ensure that we are current with our

branding branding standards and that all

signage has a similar appearance

* Internal (Department)

* Administration

* Students

* Faculty & Staff

* Campus Visitors

Spring 2015 $0

Produce new Blinn TV spots New spots to focus on latest information

about the College to help attract new


All Spring 2015 $0

Evaluate the effectiveness of marketing

activities and communication through

data-informed research methods

Perform periodic marketing surveys Direct input from selected target audiences

to determine if marketing and advertising

strategy is current and relavent

* Students

* Alumni

* Faculty & Staff

* Advisory Committees

Ongoing $0

Look into social media platforms that help

track data throughout each of our outlets

Guage our social media interaction to help

better reach our target audiences and

assess current and future marketing


Internal (Department) March $6,000

Perform periodic marketing surveys Direct input from selected target audiences

to determine if marketing and advertising

strategy is current and relavent

* Students

* Alumni

* Faculty & Staff

* Advisory Committees

Ongoing $0

Lead the development, design, publication

and distribution of periodic reports with

an audience of external stakeholders such

as our local communities, legislators and

potential donors

Create periodic report that is distrubuted to

the local communities

Tool to communicate important information

about Blinn to all of our constituents

All Spring 2015 Not yet determined

Work for better buy-in and support from

College constituents by implementing

improved customer service strategies

Create division "liasons" that work directly

with the Office of Marketing &


More streamlined process and more

effective communications between


* Internal (Department)

* Faculty & Staff

Fall $0

2014-2015 Marketing and Communications Plan This plan supports the overall college marketing campaign that positions Blinn as the premier two-year college in Texas as well as providing targeted campaigns for fiscal year 2014-2015. Positioning Statement The positioning or about statement summarizes the reputation for which Blinn wishes to be known, stating what makes us unique and why we are relevant to the audience.

Founded in 1883, Blinn is a comprehensive community college committed to educational excellence and to individual and community enhancement. With an enrollment of 19,317 students, Blinn ranks among the nation’s leaders in transferring students to leading four-year universities and has received national recognition for its affordable educational excellence. Tagline A tagline is a frequently repeated phrase or statement that captures the essence of a brand's promise to its stakeholders. It is typically configured with the institution's identity and presented in a consistent manner. Taglines can be used throughout ongoing communication as a final closing statement in text or locked up with the institution's identity. It is an external statement that communicates value and builds the reputation of the college. Blinn’s tagline is Proven. Key Messages These are our “brag points” used in marketing materials and advertising campaigns. They are always in a short, punchy format for the viewer to quickly read and easily comprehend. Our key messages for 2014-2015 are:

Four distinct campuses to help you achieve academic success.

Small classes and caring instructors.

Academic transfer courses, technical/workforce programs and online classes to fit the needs of any student.

Blinn’s academic transfer rate regularly ranks among the highest in the state and nation and is approximately 20 percent higher than the state average.

Blinn was named one of the top community colleges in the state by in 2013 for its positive impact on the Texas economy. Blinn makes a $345.3 million economic impact in its service area each year, according to a study released in 2014.

Blinn students who take 30 credit hours will save approximately $4,000 in tuition compared to the average Texas public university.

Blinn graduates earn an average of $9,000 more per year than employees with only a high school diploma. Over the course of an average 30-year career, that’s $270,000.

9 | P a g e Blinn College Marketing and Communications Plan│2014-2015

Primary Audiences Blinn College’s marketing plan is focused on allocating resources in the mediums that will reach the largest potential number of students. Blinn defines its two primary target audiences as adults 18–21 and 22–34. Although Blinn’s marketing efforts primarily focus on the College in general, each of the four campuses has unique demographics that are taken into consideration when employing campus-specific targeting marketing.

Primary audiences include: • Students who live close to Blinn College, for whom Blinn is the most convenient choice. • Students within the larger geographic area who want a higher quality community

college option at an affordable price. • Potential co-enrollees from four-year institutions (Texas A&M and Sam Houston State). • Working adults in the service area who want a new career or to advance within their

current career paths. Secondary Audiences These are typically our “non-traditional students”, but an important group of influencers to our primary audience. We define our secondary audience as adults 35 and over. Secondary audiences include:

• Parents and influencers. • Leaders in education, business and civic organizations. • Financial donors and community partners. • Blinn Alumni. • Campus communities.

Blinn College Service Area Blinn College, the Junior College District of Washington County, serves all or part of a 13 county service area with four campuses in Brenham, Bryan, Schulenburg and Sealy. We look at trends in data, both inside and outside our service area to aide in our marketing decisions, specifically our advertising buys and placement. Katy ISD

10 | P a g e Blinn College Marketing and Communications Plan│2014-2015

Branding An effective brand strategy gives organizations an edge against competition. But what exactly is branding? In simple terms, branding is the process of creating a positive, consistent image of Blinn College through the use of effective marketing and advertising strategies (i.e. proper logo usage, consistency in all printed materials and clarity in our overall message, etc). It is our identity, and what helps us establish and maintain our unique presence in our market that allows us to differentiate Blinn from our competitors in higher education. Brand Identity Blinn’s brand identity is the most important element of its image. Because of its potential for credibility and influence, and the impression it has on the public, brand identity is the foundation of all of our marketing and communication efforts. Our brand identity demonstrates Blinn’s commitment to deliver a unique and enduring image that increases the number of students, parents, alumni, donors and influencers who are motivated to become partners in the College’s mission. Internally, branding efforts must be continually emphasized to help stakeholders understand that each interaction with external audiences defines the College. Externally, branding efforts increase audience awareness and establish positive audience attitudes toward the brand. Advertising, public relations, media relations and other communications tactics are coordinated over multiple platforms to maintain appropriate reach and frequency for effectiveness.

Primary marketing tools to reinforce our brand identity: • Website • Publications: viewbook, newsletters, brochures, fliers, etc. • Advertising: newspaper, radio, television, billboards, etc. • On-campus promotions • Community events

Official Marks The Office of Marketing and Communications will establish, create and oversee all official marks, or logos, for the college. As the primary brand identifier, specific marks will be used on all marketing materials and promotions to maintain consistency of our brand. Examples include:

11 | P a g e Blinn College Marketing and Communications Plan│2014-2015

Recent Branding Projects This past year, we were able to make some considerable improvements to our overall branding in some visible areas of the College including a new digital marquee board, fleet branding and light pole banners at all campus locations. This process will continue in 2014-2015 as we continue to make a consistent brand across the College district.

12 | P a g e Blinn College Marketing and Communications Plan│2014-2015

Marketing and Communications Priorities for 2014-2015 For 2014-2015, Blinn’s Executive Council has prioritized marketing and communication strategies related to the following areas/programs (in addition to the general marketing and communication strategy of the College). The Office of Marketing and Communications will focus additional resources to help increase enrollment and awareness to the following key areas:

• Distance Learning program o Include distance learning in all general College marketing materials o Continue to highlight on print and radio campaigns o Utilize promotional opportunities on campus (table toppers, vending machines,

display screens, etc.) o Extra promotional push on social media o Feature articles sent to media outlets o Explore promotional opportunities to draw additional students such as reduced

tuition and drawing for free iPad for students who register for distance learning courses

o Research feasibility of producing specific, targeted :30 TV and radio spot

• Workforce/Technical/Applied Science programs o Create additional marketing materials for Technical Education (packet, inserts,

posters, brochures, etc.) to help promote programs o Update website to highlight programs and course offerings o Highlight programs on print and radio campaigns o New course features and success stories sent to media outlets o Extra promotional push on social media to highlight specific programs

• Ag Science program (Brenham campus)

o Create general brochure for program o Update website to highlight programs, course offerings and new facilities o Additional advertising and promotion of specific events held at the new facility

(Ag show, training, etc.) o New course features and success stories sent to media outlets o Extra promotional push on social media to highlight specific programs

• STEM Program

o Create additional marketing materials for STEM (packet, inserts, posters, brochures, etc.) to help promote program

o Update website to highlight programs and course offerings o Highlight programs on print and radio campaigns o New course features and success stories sent to media outlets o Extra promotional push on social media to highlight specific programs

13 | P a g e Blinn College Marketing and Communications Plan│2014-2015

2014-2015 Marketing Campaign 1. Advertising The 2014-2015 marketing campaign combines television, radio and print ads to reach our primary audience. Mass marketing combined with targeted advertising campaigns are designed to maximize communication with the College’s audience and reach potential students.

Television Blinn utilizes general TV advertising to reach a wide audience. Additionally, through specific ad placement, we can target our core audience in a much more effective manner that other traditional advertising mediums.

The first of our current :30 TV spots, titled Education, targets our core audience with the general message stating that Blinn is “more than a campus.”

The second :30 TV spot, titled Technical, targets our core audience with the general message asking the question “what will our next challenge be?”

Blinn TV Spot - "Education"

Blinn TV Spot - "Technical"

14 | P a g e Blinn College Marketing and Communications Plan│2014-2015

For 2014-2015, we have expanded our portfolio and reach by including all stations in the Bryan/College Station market. Below is a brief description of the advertising packages we have with each:

KBTX (CBS Affiliate) - Classroom Champions Entering our fifth year as the sole sponsor of the Classroom Champions sponsorship. Ad package runs from Sept 2014-May 2015, and includes a minimum of 33 full length sports features to run on Thursdays at 6p featuring a new Classroom Champions each week, along with a total of 33 of Blinn ads during the 6p News each Thursday (Sept-May). In addition, we receive a custom ad schedule in two 6-week ad flights, with a minimum 1,250 ad spots placed in higher-rated programming that hits our target audiences. As an additional added value, we receive free production credit of $2,500.

Annual Sponsorship Investment: $45,000

KAGS (NBC Affiliate) - Further Your Education (FYE) Entering our second year as the sole sponsor of the FYE sponsorship. Ad package runs Sep 2014-Aug 2015 and includes one produced Blinn Educational Tip on the 6p and 10p news one night per week (4 weeks per month). In addition, we receive a custom ad schedule that runs our ad spot 34 times per week (M- Su 6a-6p (30) and 7p-10p (4)) placed in higher-rated programming that hits our target audiences. As an additional added value, we receive free production of a :30 ad spot.

Annual Sponsorship Investment: $15,000

KYLE (Fox Affiliate) We’ve run a few ad-hock campaigns in the past, but this year we are running two full flights during registration periods: Nov-Dec 2014 and Apr-Aug 2015. The buy is a custom ad schedule that includes 281 total spots, placed in higher-rated programming that hits our target audiences.

Annual Sponsorship Investment: $7,000

15 | P a g e Blinn College Marketing and Communications Plan│2014-2015

KRHD (ABC Affiliate) This is our first ad buy with ABC40. We are running one campaign during the Fall registration period Sept-Dec 2014. The buy is a custom ad schedule that includes 146 total spots, placed in higher-rated programming that hits our target audiences.

Annual Sponsorship Investment: $4,800

Suddenlink (Cable) – Zone Blitz This is our first full ad buy with SuddenLink. With cable, we are able to advertise in specific marketing, so we are targeting the Brenham/Navasota and LaGrange/Sealy/Schulenburg markets. The ad package runs Nov 2014-Aug 2015 and includes 3,300 total spots per month in these markets. Annual Sponsorship Investment: $5,900

Total TV investment for 2014-2015: $82,720

Radio Radio advertising is an extremely affordable and effective medium for delivery of advertising to both our core and specific targeted audiences. This flexibility allows us to personalize Blinn through the creation of specific campaigns using sounds and voices to reinforce the brand. Most spots are designed to reach our two core audiences (18–21 and 22–34). While stations are selected that best target each group, we also have a good crossover into large age categories, which is a benefit of advertising on radio. Now with the ability to produce professional, turn-key radio spots in-house, we are able to expand our capabilities and promote individual programs and events. The spots below were used to promote our Spring Registration and QEP initiative, strategically placed to reach all of our core audiences. Blinn Radio Spot - Registration Blinn Radio Spot - QEP

16 | P a g e Blinn College Marketing and Communications Plan│2014-2015

Print Although there are many other media options available in today’s increasingly technological world, print advertising is still an effective medium to reach a broad audience. In addition to advertising in our service area newspapers, our primary focus with print advertising are community chamber publications, high school athletic game programs and specialized area publications that complement our current programs. Our print ads are targeted for the age 35-plus audience (non-traditional students and parents of younger students).

17 | P a g e Blinn College Marketing and Communications Plan│2014-2015

On-Campus These internal promotions that keep students on our campuses informed of activities and important College happenings also serve as an outlet for faculty and staff to promote specific events. Means of promotion include:

LED display panel at Brenham Student Center and Bryan CPC

Display screen announcements (various locations throughout campuses)

Flyers, posters, banners and table toppers for display throughout the campuses

New Options to consider in 2014-2015

o Direct Mail o Email o Online advertising o Social media advertising o Vending machines/elevators

2014-15 Advertising Schedule

Outlet Aug Jan Feb Mar Apr July Aug

31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30



KTTX/KWHI (Brenham/Bryan)

WTAW (Bryan)


KTTX/KWHI (Brenham/Bryan)

WTAW (Bryan)

High School Sports Sponsorships

KTTX/KWHI (Brenham/Bryan)

KWBC (Navasota)

KVLG/KBUK (LaGrange)

KULM/KNRG (Columbus)

WTAW (A&M Consol, Rudder, Bry)





Suddenlink (Cable)



Brenham Banner-Press

Sealy News

Schulenburg Sticker


The Battallion (A&M Newspaper)

Print Publications

Blinn Connection

Alumni Newsletter

College Calendar Poster

Athletic Schedule Cards/Poster

Athletic Recruiting Guides


Spring Registration Campaign

Winter Minimester Campaign

Awareness Campaign Summer I, II and Fall Registration Campaign

OctSept DecNov May June

Awareness Campaign

May Minimester Campaign

Advertising Budget In 2008, all the advertising at the College was placed in the budget of the Director of Marketing & Communications to ensure consistency of message and branding in all advertising paid for by Blinn College. Currently, the advertising is split into two separate budgets – one for all the general College advertising, and one for the ads requested by individual divisions and/or departments. Below is a breakdown of those two budgets.

Proposed Advertising Budget for 2014-2015 (General College Advertising 7282)

Proposed Advertising Budget for 2014-2015(Departmental Advertising 7281)





FY15 Diff. % Chg

TOTAL RADIO $40,783.00 $44,000.00 $2,092.00 8%

TOTAL TV $78,650.00 $90,000.00 $26,420.00 14%

TOTAL PRINT $18,431.00 $22,000.00 $11,246.95 19%

TOTAL MISC. $5,712.00 $5,395.00 $22,500.00 -

TOTAL ADV. $143,576.00 $161,395.00 $62,258.95 12%

Title DivisionBudgeted



FY15Diff % Chg.

Institutional District President $5,000 $5,000 $0 0.0%

Sealy Admin District President $4,000 $5,000 $1,000 25.0%

Schulenburg Admin District President $7,500 $7,500 $0 0.0%

Athletics District President $1,000 $1,000 $0 0.0%

Foundation District President $10,000 $14,000 $4,000 40.0%

Bryan Brazos Campuses President $5,000 $5,000 $0 0.0%

Theatre Dept Academics $5,500 $5,500 $0 0.0%

Band Dept Academics $3,000 $3,000 $0 0.0%

Agriculture Sciences Academics $3,000 $3,000 $0 0.0%

Workforce Education Workforce Education $10,000 $10,000 $0 0.0%

Technical Education Center Workforce Education $6,000 $6,000 $0 0.0%

Allied Health Division Health Sciences $10,000 $5,000 -$5,000 -50.0%

Applied Business Division Health Sciences $5,000 $5,000 $0 0.0%

$75,000 $75,000 $0 0.00%

20 | P a g e Blinn College Marketing and Communications Plan│2014-2015

2. Publications The Office of Marketing and Communications develops a wide assortment of college promotional materials, both for internal and external distribution. In addition to specified program and department materials, our office produces:

The Connection 16-page newsletter for Blinn employees Distribution: Monthly

Alumni Newsletter Newsletter for the Ex-Students Association Distribution: Fall and Spring

Athletic Recruiting Guides Recruiting guides/game day programs for each of our six intercollegiate athletic teams Distribution: Fall (4) – Football, Volleyball, Men’s Basketball, Women’s Basketball; Spring (2) – Baseball, Softball

General College Viewbook Primary marketing piece for Prospective Student Relations Update as needed

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3. Media Relations The Office of Marketing and Communications works proactively with the media outlets in our service area to maintain a dynamic, positive image for Blinn College. All official news and sports releases are sent by the Office of Marketing and Communications to specific media outlets to ensure consistency of message. Department personnel write and actively pitch news stories, respond to media inquiries for experts, provide media coaching and assist with all aspects of news coverage.

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4. Social Media Still in its infancy stages, Blinn College utilizes various social media outlets to promote various programs and events taking place throughout the College. We’re able to reach each of our target audiences with this broad means of communication. Blinn’s campaign incorporates profiles on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to reinforce the College’s brand. In the past, individual departments and programs were not allowed to create official Blinn social media pages. In 2014-2015 we will implement a new policy that allows departments/programs to create their own social media pages with specific guidelines in place to protect Blinn's brand and overall message.

Blinn Facebook:

Blinn Twitter: YouTube:




Athletics Facebook:

Athletics Twitter:

23 | P a g e Blinn College Marketing and Communications Plan│2014-2015

Market Analysis Each year we research available enrollment data, trends and demographics to help guide us in determining our marketing priorities and developing the overall strategies for our marketing and communications plan. Fall 2013 Blinn student profile summary (all campuses):

Fall 2013 Fall 2012 % Change

Bryan 12,771 12,242 4.3%

Brenham 2,559 2,479 3.2%

Schulenburg 234 213 9.9%

Sealy 151 180 -16.1%

Distance Learning 1,019 984 3.6%

High Schools 1,575 1,670 -5.7%

Prisons 83 129 -35.7%

Other 34 180 -81.1%

TOTAL 18,413 17,945 2.6%

Contact Hours 3,532,448 3,427,792 3.0%

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Historical Enrollment Since 1947 Source: Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB), Enrollment Reports, Blinn College historical records Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Enrollment Management, August, 2014

Enrollment by Campus Fall 2013-Summer 2014 Source: Discoverer report, August 2014 Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Enrollment Management, August, 2014

25 | P a g e Blinn College Marketing and Communications Plan│2014-2015

Enrollment from Outside Service Area (Top 15 Counties) Fall 2009-Fall 2013

Top Out-of-State Enrollment Fall 2009-Fall 2013

Source: Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB), PREP Database, accessed August, 2014 Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Enrollment Management, August, 2014

26 | P a g e Blinn College Marketing and Communications Plan│2014-2015

Blinn College Service Area Enrollment Fall 2009-2013

Source: Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB), High School Graduates Enrolled in Higher Education the Following Fall by High School County, School District, High School (annual report) Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Enrollment Management, August, 2014

27 | P a g e Blinn College Marketing and Communications Plan│2014-2015

Top 25 Feeder High Schools by Number of Incoming Students Fall 2007-2011 1New school - first graduating class June 2011

2New school - first graduating class June 2008

3New school - first graduating class June 2009

Source: THECB, High School Graduates Enrolled in Higher Education the Following Fall by High School County, School District, High School (annual report)

Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Enrollment Management, August, 2014

28 | P a g e Blinn College Marketing and Communications Plan│2014-2015

Dual Credit Enrollment by Campus Fall 2012-2013

Other = high school, prison, etc. Note: Figures represent number of students registered for courses per campus. For example, "Bryan, Brenham, & Distance Education" indicates that students are registered for courses on all three campuses simultaneously for that semester. Source: Discoverer Report, August 2014 Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Enrollment Management, August, 2014