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Multiproduct Pricing Made Simple Mark Armstrong John Vickers Oxford University September 2016 Armstrong & Vickers () Multiproduct Pricing September 2016 1 / 21

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Multiproduct Pricing Made Simple

Mark Armstrong John VickersOxford University

September 2016

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Multiproduct pricing important for:

unregulated monopolyoligopolymost effi cient prices which cover fixed costs or generate tax revenue(Ramsey prices)optimal regulation when costs are private information

Key feature is that firm(s)/regulator must decide about pricestructure as well as overall price level

This paper:

derives simple formulas using notion of consumer surplus as function ofquantitiesdemonstrates equivalence between symmetric Cournot equilibria andRamsey pricesdescribes generalized form of homothetic preferences so that pricingdecisions can be decomposed into “relative”and “average”decisionsfirms then have good incentives to choose relative quantities

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Some (old) literature

Baumol & Bradford (1970): principles of Ramsey pricing“plausible that damage to welfare minimized if quantities areproportional to the effi cient quantities”

Gorman (1961): conditions on preferences to get linear Engel curvesBergstrom & Varian (1985), Slade (1994), Moderer & Shapley(1996): what does an oligopoly maximize?

we show it maximizes a Ramsey objective (and vice versa)

Bliss (1988) and Armstrong & Vickers (2001): multiproductcompetition with one-stop shopping

firms first decide how much surplus to offer customers, then solveRamsey problem of maximizing profit subject to this constraint

Marketing literature: patterns of cost passthrough in retailingown-cost passthrough is positive, cross-cost passthrough ambiguous

Baron & Myerson (1982): optimal regulation of single-product firmwith unobserved costs

we can sometimes extend this to the multiproduct caseArmstrong & Vickers () Multiproduct Pricing September 2016 3 / 21

General framework

There are n products

quantity of product i is xivector of quantities is x = (x1, ..., xn)

Consumers have quasi-linear preferences

there is representative consumer with concave gross utility u(x), whomaximizes u(x)− p · x when price vector is pinverse demand function is pi (x) ≡ ∂u(x)/∂xi or in vector notationp(x) ≡ ∇u(x)total revenue with quantities x is r(x) = x · ∇u(x)so consumer surplus with quantities x is

s(x) ≡ u(x)− x · ∇u(x)

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Ramsey monopoly problem

Products supplied by monopolist with convex cost function c(x)

Ramsey objective with weight 0 ≤ α ≤ 1 is

[r(x)− c(x)] + αs(x) = [u(x)− c(x)]− (1− α)s(x)

α = 0 corresponds to profit maximizationα = 1 corresponds to total surplus maximization

First-order condition for maximizing Ramsey objective is

p(x) = ∇c(x) + (1− α)∇s(x)

price above [below] cost for product i if s is increasing [decreasing] in xiwhen c(x) is homogeneous degree 1 and α ≈ 1 Ramsey problem issolved by x ≈ αxw , where xw is effi cient quantity vector (withp = ∇c)so equiproportionate quantity reductions a good rule of thumb forsmall deviations

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Ramsey quantities as weight on consumers varies



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Cournot competition

Consider symmetric Cournot market where each multiproduct firmhas cost function c(x)

then symmetric equilibrium (if it exists) has first-order condition fortotal quantities x

p(x) = ∇c( 1m x) +1m∇s(x)

this coincides with optimal quantities in the Ramsey problem ofmaximizing

u(x)−mc( 1m x)− (1− α)s(x)

when α = m−1m

TheoremIf m firms have the same convex cost function, there exists a symmetricCournot equilibrium in which quantities maximize the Ramsey objectivewith α = m−1

m . There are no asymmetric equilibria.

Comparative statics for m straightforward when c(x) is CRS.Armstrong & Vickers () Multiproduct Pricing September 2016 7 / 21

Sketch proof of existence of Cournot equilibrium

When α = m−1m , the Ramsey objective when firm j chooses quantity

vector x j is1m r(Σjx

j ) + m−1m u(Σjx j )− Σjc(x j )

which has symmetric solution x j ≡ x , sayIn particular, choosing y = x maximizes the function

ρ(y) ≡ 1m r([m− 1]x + y) +

m−1m u([m− 1]x + y)− c(y)

A Cournot firm’s best response when its rivals each supply x is tochoose quantity vector y to maximize

π(y) ≡ y · p([m− 1]x + y)− c(y) ≤ ρ(y)− m−1m u(mx)

(inequality follows from concavity of u)Hence

π(x)− π(y) ≥ ρ(x)− ρ(y) ≥ 0and it is an equilibrium for each firm to supply x

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Homothetic consumer surplus

TheoremConsumer surplus s(x) is homothetic in x if and only if

u(x) = h(x) + g(q(x))

where h(x) and q(x) are both homogeneous degree 1

“If”: We have

p(x) = ∇h(x) + g ′(q(x))∇q(x)

sor(x) = h(x) + g ′(q(x))q(x)

and hence consumer surplus is

s(x) = g(q(x))− g ′(q(x))q(x)

which depends only on q(x)

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Homothetic consumer surplus

We can write quantities in “polar coordinates” form

x = q(x) · xq(x)

x/q(x) is homogeneous degree 0, depends only on the ray from originq(x) measures how far along that ray x liesrefer to q(x) as “composite quantity”and x/q(x) as “relativequantities”we know consumer surplus s(x) depends only on the q(x) coordinate

Three degrees of freedom in the family: q(x), h(x) and g(q)

this is a much wider class than those where consumer surplus ishomothetic in pricessuch preferences must have homothetic u(x), so h ≡ 0

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Linear demand: An example with linear h(x) is

u(x) = a · x − 12xTMx ; p(x) = a−Mx

where a > 0 and M is a positive definite matrix, so that

h(x) = a · x , q(x) =√xTMx , g(q) = − 12q


Logit demand: An example with linear q(x) has demand function

xi (p) =eai−pi

1+∑j eaj−pj

which corresponds to the utility function

u(x) = a · x +∑ixi log

q(x)xi︸ ︷︷ ︸

h(x )

+ g(q(x))

where q(x) ≡ ∑j xj and g(q) = −q log q − (1− q) log(1− q)Armstrong & Vickers () Multiproduct Pricing September 2016 11 / 21


Strictly complementary products:

In some natural settings consumption requires prior purchase of a baseproduct (“access”)Suppose all who buy access (e.g. to theme park) get gross utility U(y)from complementary services (rides) y .If x1 consumers acquire access, and each then buys complementaryservices y = x2/x1, where x2 is the total supply of complementaryservices, gross utility has the form

u(x1, x2) = x1U(y) + g(x1)

= x1U(x2/x1) + g(x1)

This is an example with q(x) = x1 so consumer surplus is simply afunction of the number of consumers that buy accessSo services are priced at marginal cost

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Consumer optimization

Consumer surplus with price vector p and quantities x is

u(x)− p · x = g(q(x))− q(x)p · x − h(x)q(x)

expressed in terms of the two coordinates q(x) and x/q(x)for all q(x) surplus is maximized by minimizing [p · x − h(x)]/q(x)this determines the optimal relative quantities given price vector p, sayx∗(p)let

φ(p) ≡ minx≥0

:p · x − h(x)


which is concave in p and x∗(p) ≡ ∇φ(p)

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Consumer optimization

The consumer then optimizes her composite quantity, say Q

Q(φ) maximizes g(Q)−Qφ(p)

and so consumer demand as function of p is

x(p) = Q(φ(p))x∗(p)

Thus φ(p) is the “composite price”

all prices with the same φ(p) induce the same composite quantity q(x)inverse demand for composite quantity is φ = g ′(Q)

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Market analysis

Suppose a monopoly or oligopoly supplies the n products

with constant-returns-to-scale cost function c(x)

We know Cournot equilibrium coincides with Ramsey optimum, sostudy the latter objective which is

αg(q(x)) + (1− α)q(x)g ′(q(x))− q(x)c(x)− h(x)q(x)

again, a function of the two coordinates q(x) and x/q(x)regardless of composite quantity, choose relative quantities x∗ tominimize [c(x)− h(x)]/q(x)so relative quantities the same for all α in Ramsey problemthis implies relative price-cost margins also the same for all α

Monopolist has good incentives to choose its relative quantities

sole ineffi ciency stems from it supplying too little composite quantity

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Market analysis


κ = minx≥0

:c(x)− h(x)


then optimal composite quantity Q maximizes

αg(Q) + (1− α)Qg ′(Q)− κQ

which satisfies the Lerner formula

g ′(Q)− κ

g ′(Q)= (1− α)η(Q), where η(Q) ≡ −Qg

′′(Q)g ′(Q)

TheoremAs α increases (or number of Cournot competitors increases), compositequantity increases, composite price decreases, each individual quantityincreases equiproportionately, and each price-cost margin contractsequiproportionately

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Cost passthrough

Suppose c(x) ≡ c · x , so that κ = φ(c) and x∗ = x∗(c)all vectors c with the same “composite cost”φ(c) induce seller tosupply same composite quantity and same composite price

If ci increases, φ(c) increases, and so composite quantity decreasesalong with consumer surplus

so our class not rich enough to permit the “Edgeworth paradox”, wherea higher cost for a product induces firm to reduce all prices

When h(x) = a · x the Ramsey prices are

pi =ci − (1− α)η(Q)ai1− (1− α)η(Q)

So with constant η there is zero “cross-cost”passthrough in prices(though quantities are affected unless demands are independent)For instance, profit-maximizing (α = 0) prices and quantities withlinear demand (η = −1) are

p = 12 (a+ c)

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Optimal monopoly regulation

Suppose monopolist has private information about its vector ofconstant marginal costs, c

regulator puts weight 0 ≤ β ≤ 1 on profit relative to consumer surpluscan make transfer to firm to encourage higher quantity

Look for situations where firm is given discretion over choice ofrelative quantities

cf. Armstrong (1996) and Armstrong & Vickers (2001)

Consider hypothetical case:

regulator knows the effi cient relative quantities x∗ corresponding to thefirm’s costs, but not the (scalar) average level of costs, κ = φ(c)set of c with the same x∗ = x∗(c) is a straight line

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Optimal monopoly regulation

This scalar screening problem can be solved as Baron & Myerson

suppose regulator’s prior for κ on this iso-x∗ line has CDF F (κ | x∗)and density f (κ | x∗)then optimal quantities for type-κ firm are


κ + (1− β)F (κ | x∗)f (κ | x∗)

)︸ ︷︷ ︸

composite price

× x∗

each firm supplies the effi cient relative quantities x∗

If this regulatory scheme does not depend on x∗ it is valid even whenregulator cannot observe x∗

i.e., if distribution for cost vector c is such that φ(c) and x∗(c) arestochastically independent the regulation problem can be solvedincentive scheme depends only on the firm’s composite quantityfirm has freedom to choose its relative quantities

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Optimal monopoly regulation

To illustrate, suppose u(x) =√x1 +

√x2, so q(x) = (

√x1 +


h(x) ≡ 0, g(Q) =√Q and

κ = φ(c) =1

1c1+ 1


method works if 1c1 +1c2and c2

c1are stochastically independent

e.g., if each 1ciindependently comes from exponential distribution (so

ci comes from inverse-χ2 distribution) optimal prices are

pi = ci × [1+ (1− β)κ(1+ κ)]

even very high-cost firms produce (so no “exclusion”), thoughregulated prices can be above unregulated monopoly pricesprice for one product increases with other product’s cost, even thoughcosts are i.i.d.

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Insightful to consider multiproduct pricing problems by way ofconsumer surplus as a function of quantities

Ramsey-Cournot equivalence result

(Surprisingly?) broad class of demand systems with consumer surplusas a homothetic function of quantities is quite tractable

Relative quantities are effi cient

Multiproduct cost passthrough results

Conditions identified for optimal monopoly regulation to focus on thelevel but not the pattern of prices

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