marine biome

Marine Marine Biome Biome

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Post on 14-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Marine biome

Marine Marine BiomeBiome

Page 2: Marine biome

Marine BiomeMarine BiomeThe marine biome is the biggest biome in the The marine biome is the biggest biome in the world! It covers about 70% of the earth. world! It covers about 70% of the earth. The marine biome includes all  bodies of water that The marine biome includes all  bodies of water that are salty, such as oceans.  There are 7 major oceans in are salty, such as oceans.  There are 7 major oceans in the marine biome, along with smaller bodies, known the marine biome, along with smaller bodies, known as gulfs and bays.  The ocean is divided into 3 layers.  as gulfs and bays.  The ocean is divided into 3 layers.  The top layer is called the euphotic layer, and it is The top layer is called the euphotic layer, and it is shallow enough for light to reach it.  The disphotic shallow enough for light to reach it.  The disphotic zone lets enough light through for it to look light zone lets enough light through for it to look light twilight.  The final zone, the apotic zone, is so deep, twilight.  The final zone, the apotic zone, is so deep, that no light can reach it. that no light can reach it.

Page 3: Marine biome

Marine FloraMarine FloraSeaweedsSeaweeds

Page 4: Marine biome


Page 5: Marine biome


Page 6: Marine biome

Sea anemonesSea anemones

Page 7: Marine biome

Sea CabbageSea Cabbage

Page 8: Marine biome

Marine FaunaMarine FaunaClamClam

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Page 11: Marine biome


Page 12: Marine biome

Sea SnakeSea Snake