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The way city living should be ASHMONT OUTLOOK Ashmont Hill Association Monthly Meeting Thursday, March 22 7:30 p.m. 60 Roslin Street hosted by Will and Grace Cleveland Light supper at 7, desserts appreciated Agenda: Nastacia Grant-Forbes, Greater Ashmont MS Krishna Horrigan, Health Resources in Action Eileen Donovan, EMK Institute for the US Senate C-11 Monthly Report New Business & Announcements Community Calendar DHS Trivia Night Thursday, March 15, 7:30 p.m. Dorchester Brewing Co., 1250 Mass. Ave. Winter Farmers Market Sundays through March 31 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Great Hall, Codman Square AHCM Concert: Mana Tokuno Sunday, March 18, 4 p.m. Peabody Hall, All Saints’ Church 48th April Year! 2018 Published at Dorchester, Massachusetts by the Ashmont Hill Association, Established 1970 (continued on page 4) (continued on page 4) (continued on page 2) April Showers (or it is March snowstorms?) Thanks to Mike and Carole Horne for hosting the well-attended February meeting; see meeting notes on page 2. AHA’s next monthly meeting is on Thursday, March 22, at 7:30 p.m., at 60 Roslin Street, hosted by Will and Grace Cleveland. On the agenda: Nastacia Grant-Forbes, a senior eco- nomics major at UMass Boston who is interning for the spring at Greater Ash- mont Main Street, will talk about the single-use plastic bag ban that will go into effect in Boston next year and her project to get local merchants ready for this change. Krishna Horrigan from Health Resources in Action is recruit- ing Dorchester residents for an air quality study to learn about how aspects of the home environment affect health. And Eileen Donovan from the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate, on Columbia Point, will describe the Institute’s programs and volunteer opportunities. C-11 will give the regular monthly report as well. Supper at 7 as always and desserts appreciated. Do you live on Talbot Avenue? The neighbor who has faithfully delivered the Ashmont Outlook to Talbot Avenue residents each month for many years is moving. For delivery to continue beyond this issue, we need someone to Greater Ashmont Main Street holds its annual Coattails & Cocktails gala on Sunday, April 8, 7 - 10 p.m., at Tavolo Ristorante, 1918 Dorchester Avenue in The Carruth. Neighbors are invited to a fabulous evening of deli- cious food and lots of fun, to support and celebrate the work of our local Main Street organization. “Creative black tie” attire is optional. The evening’s events feature cocktail music by local jazz musicians Andy Voelker and friend, on sax and guitar; a look at Greater Ashmont Main Street’s past and future; an enticing assortment of silent auction items; and a photo booth by Mike Ritter of Ritterbin Pho- tography, with accessory adornments from Streamline Antiques (feather boa, anyone?). Intrepid local reporter Jen- nifer Smith, from the Dorchester Reporter, will be MC for the evening. Guests will enjoy Tavolo‘s renowned dinner-by-the-bite, a welcoming glass of prosecco, and non-alcoholic beverages, plus desserts from Steel & Rye, with a cash bar for other cocktail creations.

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  • The way city living should be


    Ashmont Hill AssociationMonthly MeetingThursday, March 22

    7:30 p.m.

    60 Roslin Streethosted by

    Will and Grace ClevelandLight supper at 7,

    desserts appreciated

    Agenda:Nastacia Grant-Forbes, Greater

    Ashmont MSKrishna Horrigan, Health Resources

    in ActionEileen Donovan, EMK Institute for

    the US SenateC-11 Monthly ReportNew Business & Announcements

    Community CalendarDHS Trivia Night

    Thursday, March 15, 7:30 p.m.Dorchester Brewing Co., 1250 Mass.


    Winter Farmers MarketSundays through March 31

    10 a.m. - 1 p.m.Great Hall, Codman Square

    AHCM Concert: Mana TokunoSunday, March 18, 4 p.m.

    Peabody Hall, All Saints’ Church

    48th AprilYear! 2018

    Published at Dorchester, Massachusetts by the Ashmont Hill Association, Established 1970

    (continued on page 4)(continued on page 4) (continued on page 2)

    April Showers (or it isMarch snowstorms?)Thanks to Mike and Carole Horne

    for hosting the well-attended Februarymeeting; see meeting notes on page 2.AHA’s next monthly meeting is on

    Thursday, March 22, at 7:30 p.m., at 60Roslin Street, hosted by Will andGrace Cleveland. On the agenda:Nastacia Grant-Forbes, a senior eco-nomics major at UMass Boston who isinterning for the spring at Greater Ash-mont Main Street, will talk about thesingle-use plastic bag ban that will gointo effect in Boston next year and herproject to get local merchants ready forthis change. Krishna Horrigan fromHealth Resources in Action is recruit-ing Dorchester residents for an airquality study to learn about howaspects of the home environment affecthealth. And Eileen Donovan from theEdward M. Kennedy Institute for theUnited States Senate, on ColumbiaPoint, will describe the Institute’s programs and volunteer opportunities.C-11 will give the regular monthlyreport as well. Supper at 7 as alwaysand desserts appreciated.Do you live on Talbot Avenue? The

    neighbor who has faithfully deliveredthe Ashmont Outlook to Talbot Avenueresidents each month for many years ismoving. For delivery to continuebeyond this issue, we need someone to

    Greater Ashmont Main Street holdsits annual Coattails & Cocktails galaon Sunday, April 8, 7 - 10 p.m., atTavolo Ristorante, 1918 DorchesterAvenue in The Carruth. Neighbors areinvited to a fabulous evening of deli-cious food and lots of fun, to supportand celebrate the work of our localMain Street organization. “Creativeblack tie” attire is optional. The evening’s events feature cocktail

    music by local jazz musicians AndyVoelker and friend, on sax and guitar; alook at Greater Ashmont Main Street’spast and future; an enticing assortmentof silent auction items; and a photobooth by Mike Ritter of Ritterbin Pho-tography, with accessory adornmentsfrom Streamline Antiques (feather boa,anyone?). Intrepid local reporter Jen-nifer Smith, from the DorchesterReporter, will be MC for the evening.Guests will enjoy Tavolo‘s renowneddinner-by-the-bite, a welcoming glass ofprosecco, and non-alcoholic beverages,plus desserts from Steel & Rye, with acash bar for other cocktail creations.

  • 2 Ashmont Outlook • April 2018

    The way city living should be

    The Ashmont HillAssociation

    was established in 1970. A non-profit 501(c)3 organ-ization, its mission is to provide a forum to enhancethe quality of life in and around Dorchester’s historicAshmont Hill neighborhood by fostering a strongsense of community among all residents. We welcome news items of neighborhood inter-

    est, space permitting. Submis sions (no longer than250 words and including a contact name and phonenumber) should be sent to P.O. Box 240217, Dorch-ester, MA 02124, or left on the Message Line. Wereserve the right to edit submissions for clarity andlength.

    AdvertisingClassified: $10/insertion for headingand four lines of copy.Business ads: $30/insertion or $250for full year (10 issues).Leave ad info request on Message Line.

    News and advertising deadlines:April 13, May 11The Outlook is distributed approximatelyone week after each deadline.The Ashmont Hill Association neither endorsesnor warrants the products or services ofAshmont Outlook advertisers.

    AHA Board of Directors2017 - 2018David Mooney, PresidentVicki Rugo, Vice President Leo Bray, Clerk Christina Metcalfe, Assistant ClerkLianne Ames, TreasurerPat Burson, At-largeShawn Duhamel, At-largeCarlos Romay, At-largeSean Wheeler, At-large

    Outlook staffLianne Ames, layout/productionVicki Rugo, writer/editorAndrea Barsomian-Dietrich, webmaster

    Ashmont Hill AssociationP.O. Box 240217Dorchester, MA 02124

    Message Line: 617-822-8178Email: [email protected] is grateful to the Codman SquareHealth Center for providing the MessageLine. Like us on Facebook

    To subscribe to the Ashmont Hill list-serve, send email request with your fullname and street address to [email protected]

    ple of variances relating to setbacksfrom the Board of Appeals; the AHAmembers present voted unanimously tosend a letter of support from the asso-ciation to the ZBA.State Rep. Evandro Carvalho, who

    was running for State Senate to fillLinda Dorcena Forry’s seat, introducedhimself. He came to the US from CapeVerde at age 15, attended UMassAmherst and Howard University LawSchool, worked as an assistant districtattorney, and was elected state rep in2014. He wants to give opportunities totroubled youth, opposes mandatoryminimums, supports CORI reform,wants more economic development andbetter transportation in the district, andputs opiate abuse high on the list ofconcerns. (Note: When Suffolk CountyDA Dan Conley announced that hewould not run for re-election, Rep.Carvalho decided to run for that posi-tion instead.)C-11 Report: The individual respon-

    sible for numerous robberies of localbusinesses over the last couple ofmonths was finally identified, after alot of good detective work, and wasarrested in front of his home while inthe process of trying to carjack and robhis drug dealer. Some neighbors had afrightening encounter with someonemaking a delivery to O’Brien’s andreported it to C-11; charges were filedand the individual was expected to losehis job. Several arrests have been madein connection with the death of ayoung man in Codman Square. The Ashmont Hill Yard Sale will be

    on Saturday, May 19. Full details willbe in the next Outlook, but anyonewanting to sign up early should contactyard sale guru Joe Gildea at 617-288-6626 or [email protected].

    — Leo Bray, notetaker

    Coattails and CocktailsContinued from page 2The event is Greater Ashmont Main

    Street’s biggest fundraiser; proceedshelp make possible the programs andactivities that support and enhancebusinesses in the district’s 1.1- milestretch of Dorchester Avenue. Ticketsare $80 ($40 tax-deductible); payonline at do not need a PayPal account topay there), pay by phone with creditcard at 617-825-3846 during businesshours, or mail check to Greater Ash-mont Main Street, 1914 DorchesterAve., Dorchester 02124. The event soldout last year, so do plan ahead!

    February Meeting NotesJames Baker, the developer for 500

    Talbot Avenue (Our Saviour’s LutheranChurch), gave an update on the project.It will include 40 residential units, 23parking spaces, and two commercialspaces, one to be used by the church;there is local interest in a “New York-style” grocery or other retail in thecommercial space. Working with thechurch to determine how they woulduse their space in the building hastaken a lot of time; they are now think-ing of a coffee shop or co-workingspace. The project will likely be sub-mitted to the BPDA in April, and theirformal process will begin. Projectplans and a way to comment can befound at You do need to login to comment.Allan Robinson and Ashley Yeats of

    11R Alban Street presented their plansto remove an existing back deck andreplace it with a smaller one that givesbetter access to their small back patio.They also plan to swap the positions ofa window and back door, preservingthe double-hung sash, moulding andtrim, and to add a window on the southside. The columns and railings of thenew deck would reflect the details onthe front porch, and the space underthe deck would be attractivelyscreened. Their project requires a cou-

  • Ashmont Outlook • April 2018 3

    The way city living should be

    About theNeighborhood

    Ashmont Hill ChamberMusic Presents…

    Pianist Mana Tokuno performsmusic of Beethoven, Schumann,Takashi Yoshimatsu, and Debussy onSunday, March 18, at 4 p.m. inPeabody Hall at All Saints’ Church.Ms. Tokuno has received widespreadacclaim for her sensitive and insightfulinterpretations and her brilliant virtuos-ity. Known for her ability to bring avast array of styles to life, she has per-formed throughout Europe, and innumerous recitals and chamber con-certs in the United States, including atSymphony Hall and Jordan Hall inBoston. Then on Sunday, April 8, at 4:30

    p.m., the Armida Quartet performsworks by Smetana, Prokofiev, andBeethoven, also in Peabody Hall. Thisyoung string quartet, founded in Berlinand already recognized as “one oftoday’s greatest chamber musicgroups,” has toured widely in Europe,has received numerous awards, andperforms at All Saints’ Church as partof their debut US tour. Tickets for both concerts are $25 and

    are available at the door or;children under 13 are admitted free,EBT cardholders $3 at the door.

    It’s Trivial 2! The Englewood Diner was a popular

    spot in Peabody Square for manyyears. What is the title of the award-winning movie in which it laterappeared, and who starred in themovie? The Dorchester Historical Soci-ety challenges you to test your knowl-edge of all things Dorchester at“Dorchester Trivia Night, Episode II,”on Thursday, March 15, 7:30 p.m., atthe Dorchester Brewing Company,1250 Massachusetts Avenue. Put

    together a team, compete on your own,or just enjoy the fun. Suggested dona-tion $5. Sample partner and in-housebrews from DBco’s Tap Room (cashbar) while you compete or watch.Answer: The Road to Perdition (2002),with Tom Hanks, Paul Newman, DanielCraig, Jennifer Jason Leigh.

    Meet the Candidates forState SenateThe special primary election for the

    First Suffolk Senatorial District seatpreviously held by Linda DorcenaForry is on Tuesday, April 3. (AshmontHill is in that district.) A number ofDorchester neighborhood and civicassociations, including AHA, are spon-soring a Candidates Night on Monday,March 19, from 6 to 8 p.m., at FirstParish Dorchester on MeetinghouseHill, to meet the candidates running forthat seat: Nick Collins (D), Althea Gar-rison (I), and Donald Osgood (I). Thediscussion will be moderated by Jen-nifer Smith from the DorchesterReporter and will include questionsfrom the audience. Address of thechurch is 10 Parish Street; there’s plen-ty of parking in the area.

    Alzheimer’s Support GroupCommunity members are welcome

    to attend the Alzheimer’s SupportGroup on Wednesday, March 21, at 4 p.m., at Standish Village AssistedLiving and Memory Support Commu-nity, 1190 Adams Street in LowerMills. Enjoy light refreshments and achance to share your personal experi-ences and strategies for communicatingwith your loved one. The group meetsthe third Wednesday of the month.RSVP to Julie Platz or Erica Curcio at617-298-5656.

    Ashmont Hill Book GroupBook Group’s next meeting is on

    Wednesday, April 4, 7:15 p.m., at 85Ocean Street, hosted by Pat Curran.April’s book is Americanah, by Chima-manda Ngozi Adichie. Everyone is

    welcome to Book Group, whetheryou’ve read the book or not. Info: LilKonowitz, [email protected].

    All Dorchester Sports &Leadership Cold Night, Hot Stove Fundraiser,

    Friday, March 23, 7 to 10:30 p.m., atFirst Parish Dorchester, 10 ParishStreet. Tickets, $20 (pre-purchaseonline), $25 at the door. Spring/Summer 2018 Baseball &

    Softball League Registration, withprograms for all ages, is now openonline. Spring/Summer Rugby Registra-

    tion is also open online, for ages 8 -10, cost $40. Season starts April 4 atTown Field.Spring/Summer Basketball Regis-

    tration is now open online, for ages 7- 10, cost $45. Season starts in May atTown Field. Summer Enrichment Program

    Registration is now open online, forages 6 -13, Monday through Friday, 9a.m. to 4 p.m., for six weeks, startingJuly 9. Program cost: $300 plus $15for the required T-shirt. Programincludes free lunch and snack each day,weekly field trips, job training opportu-nities for ages 11-13, plus skill-build-ing activities for math, finance, writ-ing, music and more. Early drop-offand late pick-up options available forsmall additional fee. Early registrationis encouraged, as spaces are limitedand fill up quickly.Go to to

    sign up, register, pay, and get moreinformation about all ADSL activities;call 617-287-1601 with questions.

    Codman Square Library690 Washington Street617-436-8214Monday & Thursday 12-8Tuesday & Wednesday 10-6Friday & Saturday 9-5

  • 4 Ashmont Outlook • April 2018

    The way city living should be

    donald e. vaughan

    Representing Individuals and Businesses

    [email protected]

    Dedicated to making YOGA


    accessible to EVERYONE



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    D O R C H E S T E R

    3 3 6 wa s h i n gt o n s t r e e t

    [email protected]

    Community CalendarContinued from page 1

    First Suffolk State SenateCandidates Night

    Monday, March 19, 6-8 p.m.First Parish Dorchester, 10 Parish St.

    Alzheimers Support GroupWednesday, March 21, 4 p.m.

    Standish Village, 1190 Adams Street

    ADSL Cold Night, Hot Stove Fundraiser

    Friday, March 23, 7 - 10:30 p.m.First Parish Dorchester, 10 Parish St.

    AHA Cleans Peabody SquareSaturday, March 24, 9 a.m.

    (weather permitting)Plaza by Ashmont Grill

    State Senate Primary ElectionTuesday, April 3, 7 a.m. - 8 p.m.

    Ashmont Hill Book GroupWednesday, April 4, 7:15 p.m.

    85 Ocean Street

    Free Hatha YogaWednesday, April 4, 11 and 18

    6:30 - 8 p.m.Fields Corner Library

    AHCM Concert: Armida QuartetSunday, April 8, 4:30 p.m.

    Peabody Hall, All Saints’ Church

    AHA Monthly MeetingThursday, April 26, 7:30 p.m.


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    April ShowersContinued from page 1step into this easy volunteer task. Theroute is the west side only of TalbotAvenue, between Brent Street and Ash-mont Street; it could be covered by oneperson or shared, whatever works bestfor those who volunteer. If you canhelp or need more information, pleaseemail [email protected] as soon aspossible. Thank you!

    David H. Mooneyfor the AHA Board

    Help keep our neighborhood safe:

    Porch lights on from dusk to dawn
