map kibera elections monitoring at iccm by kepha ngito

Kepha Ngito @ @ Ngitok Ngitok

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Page 1: Map Kibera Elections Monitoring at ICCM by Kepha Ngito

Kepha Ngito@@NgitokNgitok

Page 2: Map Kibera Elections Monitoring at ICCM by Kepha Ngito

Map Kibera

Page 3: Map Kibera Elections Monitoring at ICCM by Kepha Ngito
Page 4: Map Kibera Elections Monitoring at ICCM by Kepha Ngito

Voice of Kibera

Page 5: Map Kibera Elections Monitoring at ICCM by Kepha Ngito

Voice of MathareMathare

Page 6: Map Kibera Elections Monitoring at ICCM by Kepha Ngito

Kenya Elections 2013

Page 7: Map Kibera Elections Monitoring at ICCM by Kepha Ngito

Elections monitoringMethodology

a.) Planning and training

b.) Data collection and editing (OSM)

c.) Mapping - Boundaries - Polling stations - Police posts/stations - Emergency Humanitarian centers

d.) Map printing and distribution

e.) SMS and video reporting.

f.) Offline engagement (wall paintings etc)

Page 8: Map Kibera Elections Monitoring at ICCM by Kepha Ngito

Elections monitoringMethodology

a.) Planning and training

b.) Data collection and editing (OSM)

c.) Mapping - Boundaries - Polling stations - Police posts/stations - Emergency Humanitarian centers

d.) Map printing and distribution

e.) SMS and video reporting.

f.) Offline engagement (wall paintings etc)


a.) Planning and training

b.) Data collection and editing (OSM)

c.) Mapping - Boundaries - Polling stations - Police posts/stations - Emergency Humanitarian centers

d.) Map printing and distribution

e.) SMS and video reporting.

f.) Offline engagement (wall paintings etc)

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Civic engagementMap Kibera joined other organizations to form the Kibera Civic Watch Consortium which among other things;

a.) Organized the first Kibera Parliamentary Candidates debate


b.) Interviewed all political candidates on camera about their commitments and promises.

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Community engagementa.) Regular community screening forums where short films were watched and debated by participants.

b.) Feed back forums where data and blog stories are shared offline to invited community members and leaders.

c.) Map printing and distribution to organizations and agencies that need them.

d.) Map painting on community walls and open spaces.

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Community engagementa.) Regular community screening forums where short films were watched and debated by participants.

b.) Feed back forums where data and blog stories are shared offline to invited community members and leaders.

c.) Map printing and distribution to organizations and agencies that need them.

d.) Map painting on community walls and open spaces.

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CollaborationsMap Kibera collaborated with the Uchaguzi elections Monitoring project and Ushahidi.

a.) Sharing workspaces

b.) Verifying information together and working with each other’s sources.

c.) Sharing data-bases of Humanitarian intervention institutions/agencies

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CollaborationsMap Kibera collaborated with the Uchaguzi elections Monitoring project and Ushahidi.

a.) Sharing workspaces

b.) Verifying information together and working with each other’s sources.

c.) Sharing data-bases of Humanitarian intervention institutions/agencies

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Success stories

• Map Kibera’s Security maps used by Police and Peace builders to enhance security and promote peace in the local neighborhoods.

Printed Maps were distributed to the Police, The local administration and the District Peace Committees in both locations.

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• Map Kibera successfully used its methodology and tools to monitor the 2013 general elections in Kibera, Mathare and partialy in Mukuru slums reducing likelihood of violence to almost zero in these election hotspot locations.

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• Since Map Kibera began focusing on dangerous or ‘black spots’ and mapping them in Kibera and Mathare, New police posts have been constructed in response.

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• Kibera and Mathare slums are now open more open and accessible than before. Generated map data has made development agencies and devolved government committees enhance their intervention approaches to minimize duplication of projects and design more relevant interventions.

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• Several agencies, researchers and organizations continue to approach Map Kibera for more data on various thematic subjects covered by Map Kibera’s mapping.

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“Your maps have saved my life, You should do this allover the country!”

Kilimani Police Station OCPD on receiving a copy of the new elections map in Kibera.

February 2013.

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Email: [email protected]