mangrove pwr point 1


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Post on 25-Jun-2015



Entertainment & Humor

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Page 1: Mangrove pwr point 1
Page 2: Mangrove pwr point 1

We discussed the importance of Pigeon Mt to the Maori. How they used the Wakaaranga creek to paddle to the mountain, using it as a resting place.

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We talked about what

the creek used to look

like and how it looks


We also ta

lked about the


nce of the

vegetation on th

e side of

the creek.

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We discussed the old jetty’s boats used to use. We talked about why the mangroves now grow.

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We found lots of wild life


crabs, fish and birds.

We had soooooo many questions.

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We also found lots of rubbish.

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Mrs Warburton told us about the plants, how they grow, breathe, help the wild life etc.

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