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Title: English Papers About Genetaurinary System

Prepared By:



1. Anik Yuliani

2. Arif rahman hakim

3. Dwi Abdul Rohman

4. Guruh wijiantoro

5. Khoiro Fatim

6. Nadia Masita

7. Shela Aprilia

8. Silvi amaliah

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Mojokerto, 11 September 2012


Puteri Indah D, S.Kep.Ners


Page 3: Makalah Analysis Journal of Nursing Research d


Praise be to God who has helped his servant finish this paper with

great ease. Without immediate constituent He may not be able to finish


The paper is organized so that readers can expand knowledge about

the English language paper on which we present genetaurinary system

based from multiple sources. The paper was compiled by the authors in a

variety of obstacles. Whether it will come from authors as well as those

coming from outside. But with patience and the help of God, especially the

end of this paper can be resolved.

This paper contains about english paper on genetaurinary system.

Although this paper may be less than perfect but also has a clear enough

details for the reader.

Hopefully, this paper can provide greater insight to the reader.

Although this paper has advantages and disadvantages. Authors ask for

suggestions and criticism. Thank you.

Mojokerto, 11 September 2012



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Title …..…………………………………………………………. i

Page Validation …………………………………………………………. ii

Introduction ................................................ ...................................... iii

Table of Contents ................................................ ............................ iv


1.1 Background ............................................... ............................... 5

1.2 Formulation of the problem ........................................... ....................... 5

1.3 Objectives and benefits .............................................. .......................... 5


2.1 An introduction to the urinary sytem .............................. ................................ 6

2.2 Renal System …………………………………………………………….. 7

2.3 Structure of the kidney ……………………………………………………. 8

2.4 Structure of the Nephron ……………………………………………………. 9

2.5 Sectional anatomy of the kidneys …………………………………………. 10




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1.1 Background

Most physiological wastes are removed by the urinary system. In this chapter, we

will consider the functional organization of the urinary system and describe how the

kidneys remove metabolic waste products from the circulation to produce urine. We also

explain the major regulatory mechanisms controlling urine production and concentration,

and identify how urine is transported to the urinary bladder and released from the body

through the urinary tract passageways.

1.2 Problem Formulation

Formulation of the problem in this paper are:

1. What introductory urinary system?

2. What renal system

1.3 Objectives and Benefits

The purpose and benefits of the author a paper on the basic concept of Nursing clients

with impaired respiratory system are:

1. The author can explain and describe the basic concept of English Papers About

Genetaurinary System

2. The author can explain English Papers About Genetaurinary System

3. The author can describe the real explanation.

4. Add insight or knowledge, especially for the author's own and common for these dear


5. Writers can learn and sharpen the brain from what we see, we hear, and we read to give

rise to a thought or idea in creating / developing a talent / ability.

Thus, the purpose and benefits that may be mentioned by the author.


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2.1 An introduction to the urinary sytem

Most physiological wastes are removed by the urinary system. In this chapter , we

will consider the functional organization of the urinary system and describe how the

kidneys remove metabolic waste product from the circulation to produce urine. We also

explain the major regulatory mechanisms controlling urine production and concentration,

and identify how urine is transported to the urinary bladder and released from the body

through the urinary tract passageways.

Consisting of the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra, the urinary system

has three primary functiors.

The urinary system has three major lunctions :

(1) excretion, the removal of organic waste products from body fluids,

(2) elimination, the discharge of these waste product into the environment, and

(3) homeostatic regulation of the volume and solute concentration of blood plasma. The

excretory function of the urinary system are performed by the two kidneys- organs that

produce urine, a fluid containing water, ions, and small soluble compounds. Urine leaving

the kidneys flows along the urinary tract, which consists of paired tubes called ureters , to

the urinary bladder, a muscular sac for temporary storage of urine. On leaving the urinary

bladder, urine passes through the urethra, which conducts the urine to the exterior. The

urinary bladder and the urethra are responsible for the elimination of urine, a process called

urination or micturition. In this process, contraction of the muscular urinary bladder forces

urine through the urethra and out of the body.

In addition to removing waste products generated by cells throughout the body, the

urinary system has several other essential homeostatic functions that are often over

loocked, including the following:

Regulating blood volume and blood pressure, by adjusting the volume of water lost in

urine, releasing erythropoietin, and releasing renin.

Regulating plasma concentrations of sodium, potassium, chloride, and other ions, by

influencing the quantities lost urine and controlling calcium ion levels through the

synthesis of calcitriol.


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Helping to stabilize blood pH, by controlling the loss of hydrogen ions and bicarbonate

ions in urine.

Conserving valuable nutrients, by preventing their excretion in urine while excreting

organic waste products-espencially nitrogenous wastes such as urea and uric acid.

Assisting the liver in detoxifying poisons and, during starvation, deaminating amino acids

so that other tissues can metabolize them down.

These activities are carefully regulated to keep the composition of blood within

acceptable limits. A discruption of any one them has immediate and potentially fatal


Kidneys are higly vascular structures containing functional units called

nephrons,which perform filtration ,reabsorption,and secretion.

The kidneys are located on either side of the vertebral column,between vertebran T12

and L3 (figure 26-2a). The left kinday lies slightly superior to the right kindays.

The superior surface of each kinday is capped by a suprarenal gland.The kinday and

suprarenal gland lie between the muscles of the dorsal body wall and the pariental

peritonium,in a retroperitoneal position

The position of the kidneys in the abdominal cavity is maintained by (1) the

overlying peritoneum, (2) contact with adjacent visceral organs, and (3) supporting

connective tisues. Each kidneyis protected and stabilized by three concentric layers of

connective tissue.

1. The fibrous capsule, a layer of collagen fibers that covers the outer surface of the entire


2. The perinephric fat capsule, a thick layer of adipose tissue that surrounds the fibrous


3. The renal fascia, a dense, fibrous outer layer that anchors the kidney to surrounding

structures. Collagen fibers extend outward from the fibrous capsule through the

perinephric fat to this layer. Posteriorly, the renal fascia fuses with the deep fascia

surrounding the muscles of the body wall. Anteriorly, the renal fascia forms a thick layer

that fuses with the peritoneum.

In effect, each kidney hangs suspended by collagen fibers from the renal fascia and is

packed in a soft cushion of adipose tissue. This arrangement prevents the jolts and shocks

of day-to-day living from disturbing normal kidney function. If the suspensory fibers break

or become detached, a slight bump or jar can displace the kidney and sterss the attached


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vessels and ureter. This condition, called a floating kidney,may cause pain or other

problems from the distortion of the ureter or blood vessels during movement.

A typical adult kidney is reddishbrown and about 10 cm (4 in) long 5,5 cm (2,2 in)

wide, and 3 cm (1,2 in) thick. Each kidney weighs about 150 g (5,25 oz). The hilum, a

prominent medial indentation, is the point of entry for the renal artery and renal nerves,

and the point of exit for the renal vein and the ureter.

2.2 Renal System

The kidneys are essentially regulatory organs which maintain the volume and

composition of body fluid by filtration of the blood and selective reabsorption or secretion

of filtered solutes.

The kidneys are retroperitoneal organs (ie located

behind the peritoneum) situated on the posterior wall of the

abdomen on each side of the vertebral column, at about the

level of the twelfth rib. The left kidney is lightly higher in

the abdomen than the right, due to the presence of the liver

pushing the right kidney down.

The kidneys take their blood supply directly from the

aorta via the renal arteries; blood is returned to the inferior

vena cava via the renal veins. Urine (the filtered product containing waste materials and

water) excreted from the kidneys passes down the fibromuscular ureters and collects in

the bladder. The bladder muscle (the detrusor muscle) is capable of distending to accept

urine without increasing the pressure inside; this means that large volumes can be collected

(700-1000ml) without high-pressure damage to the renal system occuring. When urine is

passed, the urethral sphincter at the base of the bladder relaxes, the detrusor contracts,

and urine is voided via the urethra.

2.3 Structure of the kidney

On sectioning, the kidney has a pale outer region- the cortex- and a darker inner region- the

medulla.The medulla is divided into 8-18 conical regions, called the renal pyramids; the base

of each pyramid starts at the corticomedullary border, and the apex ends in the renal papilla

which merges to form the renal pelvis and then on to form the ureter. In humans, the renal pelvis


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is divided into two or three spaces -the major calyces- which in turn divide into further minor

calyces. The walls of the calyces, pelvis and ureters are lined with smooth muscle that can

contract to force urine towards the bladder by peristalisis.

The cortex and the medulla are made up of nephrons; these are the functional units of the

kidney, and each kidney contains about 1.3 million of them.

2.4 Structure of the Nephron

The nephron is the unit of the kidney responsible for ultrafiltration of the blood and

reabsorption or excretion of products in the subsequent filtrate. Each nephron is made up


A filtering unit- the glomerulus. 125ml/min of filtrate is formed by the kidneys as

blood is filtered through this sieve-like structure. This

filtration is uncontrolled.

The proximal convoluted tubule. Controlled

absorption of glucose, sodium, and other solutes goes

on in this region.

The loop of Henle. This region is responsible for

concentration and dilution of urine by utilising a

counter-current multiplying mechanism- basically, it is water-impermeable but can pump

sodium out, which in turn affects the osmolarity of the surrounding tissues and will affect

the subsequent movement of water in or out of the water-permeable collecting duct.

The distal convoluted tubule. This region is responsible, along with the collecting

duct that it joins, for absorbing water back into the body- simple maths will tell you that

the kidney doesn't produce 125ml of urine every minute. 99% of the water is normally

reabsorbed, leaving highly concentrated urine to flow into the collecting duct and then into

the renal pelvis.


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2.5 Sectional anatomy of the kidneys

The fibrous capsule covering the outher surface of the kidney also lines the renal

sinusw, an internal cavity within the kidney. The fibrous capsule is bound to the

outhersurface of the structures within the renal sinus, stabilizing the positions of the ureter

and of the renal blood vessels and nerves.

The kidney it self has an outer cortex and an inner medulla. The renal cortex is the

superficial portion of the kidney, in contact with the fibrous capsule. The cortex is reddish

brown and granula. The renal medulla consists of 6 to 18 distinct conical or trigular

structures called renal pyramids. The base of each pyramid abuts the cortex, and the tip of

each a pyramid a region known as the renal papilla projects into the renal sinus. Each

pyramid has a series of fine grooves that converge at the papilla. Adjacent renal pyramids

are separated by bands of cortical tissue called renal columns, which extend into the

medulla. The collumns have a distinctly granular texture , similar to that of the cortex. A

renal lobe consists of a renal pyramid, the overlying area of renal cortex and adjacent

tissues of the renal columns.

Urine productions occurs in the renal lobes. Dutcs within each renal papilla discharge

urine into a cup shaped drain called a minor calyx. Four or five minor calyces merge to

form a major calyx and two or three major calyces combine to form the renal pelvis a large

funnel shaped chamber. The renal pelvis , which fills most of the renal sinus, is connected

to the ureter, which drains the kidney.

Urine production begins in microscopic, tubular structures called nephrons in the

cortex of each renal lobe. Each kidney has roughly 1.25 million nephrons, with a combined

leght of about 145 km (85 milles).

Blood Supply and Innervation of the Kidneys

Your kidneys receive 20-25 percent of your total cardiac output. In normal,

healthyindividuals, about 1200 mL of blood flow throught the kidneys each minute a

phenomenal amount of blood for organs with a combined weight of less than 300 g.

Each kidney receives blood throgh a renal artery, which originates along the lateral

surface of the abdominal aorta near the level of the superior mesenteric artery. As in enters

the renal sinus, the renal artery provides blood to the segmental arteries. Segmental arteries


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further divide into a series of interlobal arteries, which radiate outward throught the renal

columns between the renal pyramids. The interlobar arteries supply blood to the arcuate

arteries, which arch along the boundary betweenthe cortex and medulla of the kidney. Each

arcuate artery gives ris to a number of cortical radiate arteries also called interlobular

arteries, which supply the cortical portions of the adjacent renal lobes. Branching from

each cortical radiate artery are numerous afferent arterioles which deliver blood to the

capillaries supplying individual nephrons.

From the capillaries of the nephrons, blood enters a network of venules and small

veins that converge on the cortical radiate veins, also called interlobular veins. The cortical

radiate veins deliver blood to arcuate veins these in turn empty into interlobar veins, which

drain directly into the renal vein there are no segmental veins.

The kidneys and ureters are innervated by renal nerves. Most of the nerve fibers

involved are sympathetics postganglionic fibers from the celiac plexus and the inferior

splanchnic nerve. A renal nerve enters each kidney at the hilum and follows the tributaries

of the renal arteries to reach individual nephrons. The sympathetic innervation (1) adjusts

rates of urine formations by changing blood flow and blood pressure at the nephron and (2)

stimulates the release of renin, which ultimately restricts losses of water and salt in the

urine by stimulating reabsorption at the nephron.


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For readers and other colleagues, if you want to broaden the horizon and want to

know more, the writer humbly hope for more to read scientific books and other books

relating to the title "English Papers About Genetaurinary System"

Criticism and constructive suggestions that we always hoped for improvement and

perfection of our paper.

Make this paper as a means to encourage students to think actively and creatively.


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1.1 Pengantar sistim kemih

Sebagian besar limbah fisiologis dihapus oleh sistem kemih. Dalam bab ini, kita akan mempertimbangkan organisasi fungsional dari sistem urin dan menggambarkan bagaimana ginjal membuang produk sisa metabolisme dari peredaran untuk menghasilkan urin. Kami juga menjelaskan mekanisme peraturan utama mengendalikan produksi urin dan konsentrasi, dan mengidentifikasi bagaimana urin diangkut ke kandung kemih dan dilepaskan dari tubuh melalui lorong saluran kemih.Terdiri dari ginjal, ureter, kandung kemih, dan uretra, sistem kemih memiliki tiga functiors utama.Sistem kemih memiliki tiga lunctions utama:(1) ekskresi, penghapusan produk limbah organik dari cairan tubuh,(2) eliminasi, debit ini produk limbah ke lingkungan, dan(3)  homeostatik regulasi volume dan konsentrasi zat terlarut dari plasma darah. Fungsi

ekskretoris dari sistem urin yang dilakukan oleh dua ginjal-organ yang menghasilkan urin, air yang mengandung cairan, ion, dan senyawa larut kecil. Urin meninggalkan ginjal mengalir di sepanjang saluran kemih, yang terdiri dari tabung dipasangkan disebut ureter, ke kandung kemih, kantung otot untuk penyimpanan sementara urin. Pada meninggalkan kandung kemih, urin melewati uretra, yang melakukan urin ke luar. Kandung kemih dan uretra bertanggung jawab atas penghapusan urin, proses yang disebut buang air kecil atau berkemih. Dalam proses ini, kontraksi kandung kemih urin kekuatan otot melalui uretra dan keluar dari tubuh.Selain melepas produk-produk limbah yang dihasilkan oleh sel-sel di seluruh tubuh, sistem kemih memiliki beberapa fungsi lain homeostatik penting yang sering lebih loocked, termasuk yang berikut:• Pengaturan volume darah dan tekanan darah, dengan menyesuaikan volume air yang hilang dalam urin, melepaskan eritropoietin, dan melepaskan renin.• Mengatur konsentrasi plasma natrium, kalium, klorida, dan ion lainnya, dengan mempengaruhi jumlah kehilangan urin dan mengendalikan kadar ion kalsium melalui sintesis calcitriol.• Membantu menstabilkan pH darah, dengan mengendalikan hilangnya ion hidrogen dan ion bikarbonat dalam urin.• nutrisi yang berharga Pelestarian, dengan mencegah ekskresi dalam urin mereka, sementara buang sampah organik produk-espencially limbah nitrogen seperti urea dan asam urat.• Membantu hati dalam mendetoksifikasi racun dan, selama kelaparan, deaminating asam amino sehingga jaringan lain dapat memetabolisme mereka turun.Kegiatan ini secara hati-hati diatur untuk menjaga komposisi darah dalam batas yang


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dapat diterima. Sebuah discruption dari salah satu mereka memiliki konsekuensi langsung dan berpotensi fatal.

Ginjal merupakan struktur higly vaskular yang mengandung unit-unit fungsional yang disebut nefron, yang melakukan filtrasi, reabsorpsi, dan sekresi.     Ginjal terletak di kedua sisi tulang punggung, antara vertebran T12 dan L3 (gambar 26-2a). The kinday kiri terletak sedikit lebih unggul dengan kindays yang tepat.    Permukaan unggul kinday setiap dibatasi oleh kinday gland.The suprarenal dan kebohongan kelenjar suprarenal antara otot-otot dinding tubuh dorsal dan peritonium pariental, dalam posisi retroperitoneal

Posisi ginjal dalam rongga perut dikelola oleh (1) peritoneum atasnya, (2) kontak dengan organ visceral yang berdekatan, dan (3) mendukung tisues ikat. Setiap kidneyis dilindungi dan distabilkan oleh tiga lapisan konsentris dari jaringan ikat.1. Kapsul berserat, lapisan serat kolagen yang menutupi permukaan luar dari seluruh organ.2. Kapsul lemak perinephric, lapisan tebal dari jaringan adiposa yang mengelilingi kapsul fibrosa.3. Fasia ginjal, lapisan, padat luar fibrosa yang jangkar ginjal untuk struktur sekitarnya. Serat kolagen memperpanjang keluar dari kapsul fibrosa melalui lemak perinephric untuk lapisan ini. Posterior, fasia ginjal sekering dengan fasia profunda di sekitar otot-otot dinding tubuh. Anterior, fasia ginjal membentuk lapisan tebal yang sekering dengan peritoneum.

Akibatnya, setiap ginjal hang ditangguhkan oleh serat kolagen dari fasia ginjal dan dikemas dalam bantal lembut jaringan adiposa. Pengaturan ini mencegah guncangan dan guncangan dari sehari-hari hidup dari mengganggu fungsi ginjal normal. Jika serat suspensorium istirahat atau terlepas, benjolan sedikit atau jar dapat menggantikan ginjal dan pembuluh sterss terpasang dan ureter. Kondisi ini, disebut ginjal mengambang, dapat menyebabkan rasa sakit atau masalah lain dari distorsi dari ureter atau pembuluh darah selama gerakan.Sebuah ginjal dewasa khas reddishbrown dan sekitar 10 cm (4 in) panjang 5,5 cm (2,2 in) lebar, dan 3 cm (1,2 in) tebal. Setiap ginjal beratnya sekitar 150 g (5,25 oz). Hilus, lekukan medial yang menonjol, adalah titik masuk untuk arteri ginjal dan saraf ginjal, dan titik keluar untuk vena ginjal dan ureter.

Sistem ginjal

Ginjal adalah organ dasarnya peraturan yang mempertahankan volume dan komposisi cairan tubuh dengan penyaringan dari reabsorpsi darah dan selektif atau sekresi zat terlarut disaring.


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ginjal adalah organ retroperitoneal (yaitu terletak di belakang peritoneum) terletak di dinding posterior abdomen pada setiap sisi dari ruas tulang belakang, pada sekitar tingkat rusuk kedua belas. Ginjal kiri lebih tinggi ringan di perut daripada, tepat karena kehadiran hati mendorong ginjal kanan bawah.Ginjal mengambil suplai darah mereka langsung dari aorta melalui arteri ginjal, darah dikembalikan ke vena cava inferior melalui vena ginjal. Urine (produk disaring mengandung bahan limbah dan air) dikeluarkan dari ginjal melewati bawah ureter fibromuskular dan mengumpulkan di kandung kemih. Otot kandung kemih (otot detrusor) mampu distending menerima urin tanpa meningkatkan tekanan di dalamnya, ini berarti bahwa volume besar dapat dikumpulkan (700-1000ml) tanpa tekanan tinggi kerusakan pada ginjal yang terjadi sistem.Ketika urin dilewatkan, sphincter uretra di dasar kandung kemih melemaskan, kontrak detrusor, dan urin voided melalui uretra.

Struktur ginjalPada sectioning, ginjal memiliki daerah-bagian luar pucat korteks-dan gelap dalam wilayah-medula medulla.The dibagi menjadi 8-18 wilayah kerucut, disebut piramida ginjal, dasar piramida masing dimulai di perbatasan corticomedullary, dan puncak berakhir di papilla ginjal yang menggabungkan untuk membentuk pelvis ginjal dan kemudian untuk membentuk ureter. Pada manusia, pelvis ginjal dibagi menjadi dua atau tiga ruang-utama calyces-yang pada gilirannya dibagi menjadi calyces minor lanjut. Dinding calyces, pelvis dan ureter dilapisi dengan otot polos yang dapat berkontraksi untuk memaksa urin terhadap kandung kemih oleh peristalisis.Korteks dan medula terdiri dari nefron, ini adalah unit fungsional dari ginjal, dan ginjal masing-masing berisi sekitar 1,3 juta dari mereka.Struktur nefronNefron adalah unit ginjal bertanggung jawab untuk ultrafiltrasi dari darah dan reabsorpsi atau ekskresi produk dalam filtrat berikutnya. Setiap nefron terdiri dari:

    Sebuah unit-penyaringan glomerulus. 125ml/min filtrat dibentuk oleh ginjal sebagai darah disaring melalui saringan-struktur seperti. Filtrasi ini tidak terkendali.    Tubulus proksimal rumit. Controlled penyerapan glukosa, natrium, dan zat terlarut lainnya terjadi di wilayah ini.    Lengkung Henle. Wilayah ini bertanggung jawab untuk konsentrasi dan dilusi urin dengan memanfaatkan counter-saat mengalikan mekanisme-pada dasarnya, itu adalah air-kedap tetapi dapat memompa keluar sodium, yang pada gilirannya mempengaruhi osmolaritas jaringan sekitarnya dan akan mempengaruhi pergerakan selanjutnya air dalam atau keluar dari saluran air-permeabel mengumpulkan.    Tubulus distal berbelit-belit. Wilayah ini bertanggung jawab, bersama dengan duktus pengumpul yang bergabung, untuk menyerap air kembali ke dalam tubuh-sederhana matematika akan mengatakan bahwa ginjal tidak menghasilkan 125ml urin setiap menit. 99% dari air biasanya diserap, meninggalkan urin sangat terkonsentrasi untuk mengalir ke dalam saluran mengumpulkan dan kemudian ke pelvis ginjal.


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Sectional anatomi ginjalKapsul fibrosa menutupi permukaan outher ginjal juga melapisi sinusw ginjal, rongga internal dalam ginjal. Kapsul fibrosa terikat dengan outhersurface dari struktur dalam sinus ginjal, menstabilkan posisi ureter dan pembuluh darah ginjal dan saraf.Ginjal itu sendiri memiliki korteks luar dan medula batin. Korteks ginjal adalah bagian dangkal ginjal, kontak dengan kapsul fibrosa. Korteks berwarna coklat kemerahan dan granula. Medula ginjal terdiri dari 6 sampai 18 struktur kerucut atau trigular yang berbeda yang disebut piramida ginjal. Dasar piramida setiap berbatasan korteks, dan ujung setiap piramida wilayah yang dikenal sebagai proyek papilla ginjal ke dalam sinus ginjal. Piramida masing-masing memiliki serangkaian alur halus yang berkumpul di papilla. Piramida ginjal yang berdekatan dipisahkan oleh band-band dari jaringan kortikal disebut kolom ginjal, yang memperpanjang ke dalam medula. Para collumns memiliki tekstur granular jelas, mirip dengan korteks. Sebuah lobus ginjal terdiri dari piramida ginjal, daerah atasnya dari ginjal korteks dan jaringan yang berdekatan dari kolom ginjal.Produksi urin terjadi pada lobus ginjal. Dutcs dalam setiap urin debit papilla ginjal menjadi menguras cangkir berbentuk disebut calyx minor. Empat atau lima calyces kecil bergabung dan membentuk kelopak utama dan dua atau tiga calyces besar bergabung untuk membentuk pelvis ginjal ruang corong besar berbentuk. Pelvis ginjal, yang mengisi sebagian besar sinus ginjal, terhubung ke ureter, yang mengalir ginjal.Produksi urin dimulai di mikroskopis, struktur tubular yang disebut nefron dalam korteks masing-masing lobus ginjal. Setiap ginjal memiliki sekitar 1,25 juta nefron, dengan mengukur tinggi gabungan dari sekitar 145 km (85 Milles).

Darah Pasokan dan Persarafan dari GinjalGinjal Anda menerima 20-25 persen dari total output jantung Anda. Dalam normal, healthyindividuals, sekitar 1200 mL aliran darah pikir ginjal setiap menit jumlah fenomenal darah untuk organ dengan berat gabungan kurang dari 300 g.Setiap ginjal menerima darah arteri ginjal throgh, yang berasal sepanjang permukaan lateral aorta abdominal dekat tingkat arteri mesenterika superior. Seperti dalam memasuki sinus ginjal, arteri ginjal menyediakan darah ke arteri segmental. Segmental arteri lebih lanjut membagi menjadi serangkaian arteri interlobal, yang memancar keluar pikir kolom ginjal antara piramida ginjal. Arteri interlobar memasok darah ke arteri arkuata, yang melengkungkan sepanjang batas betweenthe korteks dan medula ginjal. Setiap arteri arkuata memberikan ris ke sejumlah arteri memancarkan kortikal juga disebut arteri interlobular, yang memasok bagian kortikal dari lobus ginjal yang berdekatan. Bercabang dari setiap arteri kortikal yang memancarkan arteriol aferen banyak yang memberikan darah ke kapiler memasok nefron individu.Dari kapiler dari nefron, darah memasuki jaringan venula dan vena kecil yang berkumpul pada vena memancarkan kortikal, juga disebut vena interlobular. Pembuluh darah kortikal memancarkan memberikan darah ke vena arkuata ini pada gilirannya kosong ke dalam pembuluh darah interlobar, yang mengalir langsung ke dalam vena ginjal tidak ada pembuluh darah segmental.Ginjal dan ureter yang diinervasi oleh saraf ginjal. Sebagian besar serat saraf yang terlibat adalah sympathetics serat postganglionik dari pleksus celiac dan saraf


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splanknikus rendah. Sebuah saraf ginjal memasuki setiap ginjal pada hilus dan mengikuti anak sungai dari arteri ginjal untuk mencapai nefron individu. The persarafan simpatis (1) menyesuaikan tingkat formasi urin dengan mengubah aliran darah dan tekanan darah pada nefron dan (2) merangsang pelepasan renin, yang pada akhirnya membatasi kerugian air dan garam dalam urin dengan merangsang reabsorpsi di nefron.