major coverage across the globe. 2 clarity/commit global media coverage march 22, 2005

Major Coverage Across the Globe

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Major Coverage Across the Globe


CLARITY/COMMITGlobal Media Coverage

March 22, 2005



Online: ~10 M

Television: ~ 5 M

Radio: ~15 M

Total: ~ 42 Million

# of impressions (hits)

U.S.U.S.Print: ~33 M

Online: ~10 M

Television: ~ 16 M

Radio: ~22 M

Total: ~ 81 Million

Total : 123 Million impressions in 6 days vs. 57 Million Print/Broadcast impressions with CURE

CLARITY/COMMIT Media Coverage Summary

(Through 3/15/05)


“Adding Plavix to other anti-clotting drugs typically given to heart attack patients saves lives and prevents second heart attacks…”

“Patients whose clot-clogged arteries were treated with standard drugs, including aspirin, following serious heart attacks were more likely to maintain opened arteries and live longer if they also took the anti-clotting drug Plavix.”

“…researchers have found that adding the blood-thinner Plavix to the usual emergency drug regimen can help save lives and prevent second heart attacks…the addition of Plavix proved safe.”

“…the first new treatment in a decade for heart attacks…clopidogrel, when used in combination with other standard treatments, could prevent repeat heart attacks and reduce death rates by as much as 36%…”

“…Plavix, when added to a treatment that includes aspirin, helped keep arteries clear in patients who survived sever heart attacks…”

“Patients with myocardial infarction and ST-segment elevation, with a complete blockage of a coronary artery, benefit from a loading dose of clopidogrel followed by daily dosing in addition to antiplatelet therapy with aspirin…”

“Adding a cheap, widely available clot-blocking pill to the standard medical treatment for massive heart attacks helps clear clogged arteries and save lives…”

“The low-cost and simple treatment of using Plavix will have major effects in community hospitals, where most Americans obtain care…”


“Bristol-Myers Squibb and sanofi aventis report a study on Plavix that says it can save lives after heart attacks…results came out in the online version of the New England Journal of Medicine and at the American College of Cardiology Conference…”

“…new studies report significant progress in heart attack…adding the drug Plavix can help prevent a second heart attack…this approach is being called the first big advance in heart attack care in more than a decade…”

“Adding the blood thinner Plavix to standard heart attack treatments could cut deaths from severe heart attacks by more than a third…patients who took Plavix as part of their heart attack treatment were also 20% less likely to need heart bypass surgery.”

“The two trials have several differences, but together show convincing evidence of efficacy and safety of using clopidogrel in acute-MI patients…”

“Studies looking at thousands of heart attack patients around the world conclude that giving patients the cheap, widely available clot-blocking drug Plavix can improve a patient's chances of survival dramatically.”

"The Pink Sheet"

“Administration of clopidogrel reduced by 20% the risk of cardiovascular death, MI or need for urgent revascularization through the 30-day period.”

“…anti-clotting drug Plavix prevents second heart attack when combined with aspirin or other clot busters.”


“£1 pill’s a heart saver. DOCTORS have discovered a new heart attack pill which could save thousands of lives a year - and it costs just £1 a day.”

“Le Plavix bénéfique après un infarctus, Selon sanofi-aventis, les conclusions de deux essais cliniques majeurs révèlent que l'anti-agrégeant plaquettaire qu'est

le clopidogrel” “ Le Plavix associé à l'aspirine peut sauver des victimes de crises cardiaques” 

“El clopidogrel, junto con Aspirina, reduce un 10% el riesgo de muerte y repetición del infarto, según un estudio”

“Le clopidogrel sacre en post-infarctus”


“El clopidogrel benficia el prognostico del IAM con ST alto”

“Emergency Clopidogrel could save 1000’s of lives. Results of two major clinical trials showed that the antiplatelet agent clopidogrel (Plavix), given on top of standard therapy, provided significant benefits to patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI)…”

“Addition of Clopidogrel to Aspirin and fibrinolytic therapy proves beneficial for myocardial infarction”

“l'étude…concernant un autre médicament de la firme, l'anticoagulant Plavix, également porteuse de bons résultats…”

“Drug treatment could prevent heart attacks”

“Un antiplaquetario da la sorpresa en el infarto

agudo ”


“Deux etudes sur le clopidogrel presentées à l’ACC”“Coeur: la médecine



“Plavix shown to be effective in heart attack cases”

“Studies show better medication for heart attacks. Adding a widely available, blood thinning drug to the standard anti-clotting medication for heart attack patients can help keep arteries open and reduce the number of deaths, researchers

have said. ”

“Studies show better medication for heart attacks. Adding Plavix to the standard anti-clotting medication for heart attack patients can help keep arteries open and reduce deaths,

researchers said Wednesday.”

“Anticoagulante ajudaria a impedir ataque cardiaco”

“Outros trabalhos, porem, mostraram que o consumo de Aspirina em conjunto com um anticoagulante (Plavix) ajuda a prevenir ataques nas pesseas que ja passaram por problema no coracao…”


“Estudo diz que anticoagulante ajuda a impedir ataques cadiacos”

“Dois dos maiores estudios clientificos ja realizados sobre doencas cardiacas, o CLARITY, e o COMMIT, mostraram que o antiplaquetario Plavix (clopidogrel) quando associado a terapia padrao oferece beneficios significativos aos pacientes que sofreram infarto agudo do miocardio. Ambos avaliaram aproximadamente 50 mil pacientes.”

“Health: Doctors Hail New Drug Treatment for Heart Attack Victims” “Sanofi-aventis's Plavix Touted as Heart-Attack Deterrent”

“Clopidogrel improved coronary perfusion and reduced mortality in acute heart attack”


Appendix Methodology

All U.S. print coverage is calculated by multiplying circulation figures for each publication by 2.5.

All European and international coverage is calculated by multiplying circulation figures for each publication by 3.

Worldwide broadcast and online coverage is measured by the actual coverage figures ascertained from the media outlet. No calculation is used.