mainsheet - · 3 mainsheet ... photos of us foolish idiots). ... now, for those of you...

December 2013 Volume 13, Issue 11 The Corinthian Yacht Club of Tacoma Newsletter Mainsheet inside I GOT NOTHING!— Page 2 Gary Ballentine: The man who was king— Page 5 2014 CYCT Race Calen- dar — Page 10 All is Misplaced — Page 16

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Page 1: Mainsheet - ·  3 MAINSHEET ... photos of us foolish idiots). ... Now, for those of you who saw the movie “All is Lost”,

December 2013 Volume 13, Issue 11

The Corinthian Yacht Club of Tacoma Newsletter





Gary Ballentine: The

man who was king—

Page 5

2014 CYCT Race Calen-

dar — Page 10

All is Misplaced — Page


Page 2: Mainsheet - ·  3 MAINSHEET ... photos of us foolish idiots). ... Now, for those of you who saw the movie “All is Lost”,

November 2013


Commodore’s Comments 2013 CYCT Officers & Board Members


Commodore: Gary Ballentine

Vice Commodore: Steve Ryan

Rear Commodore: Paul Case


Recording Secretary: Joy Ballentine

Treasurer: Dana Gage

Membership Chair: Ed and Sue Pinkham

Fleet Captain-Cruising:

Brock and Janice VanRavensway

Fleet Captain-Racing: Billy Carter

Past Commodore: Cheryl White


Club Merchandise: Linda Case

Mainsheet Editor: Ken St. John

Sunshine: Julie St. John

Tyee Liaison: Jo Seward

Web Site: Greg Sandwick & Brock Van-


Social: Ross and Barbara Demmel

Education: Chuck Welter

Historian: TBD

Long Range Planning: Joe Salz

Floating Asset Chair: Jerry Brennan

Publicity: Don McAdams

Trophies: Steve Wagner


PHRF Handicapper: Eric Nelson

PHRF Director: Eric Nelson

PIYA Representative: Eric Nelson

Dinghy Program: Brian White


A publication of The Corinthian Yacht Club

of Tacoma

5624 Marine View Drive

Tacoma, WA 98422

Email the editor:

[email protected]

Continued on page 3...

Unbelievable! This is the thirty sixth

article I have sat down to write. Been

writing once a month for the three

years as your Vice, Rear and Commo-

dore. Every one of them starts out the

same way. I GOT NOTHING. Then

with a little reflection on the month that

has just passed the fingers start to

move. So here we go.

How about that Commodores Cruise to Gig Harbor? It is always

fun to watch the start of the Lemans Race from the docks. With

the crews starting below deck and the boats anchored, the starting

gun goes off. It is a race from the starting gun to see who can

raise their anchors and sails first. Before you know it they are all

headed for that little, tiny entrance to the Harbor. That was fun to

watch. CYCT was well represented by a hand full of boats and the

shore spectators rooted them on.

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November 2013


Latter in the day the festivities were underway in the party

room at Arabella’s. Everyone was dressed up so nice. We

had mink stoles, bow ties and everything else you would

expect at a Commodores cruise. With the Chowder cook

off, best dressed and games there was plenty of laughter

and prizes handed out. We had a great showing of boats

and for that your Commodores thank-you!

Billy had one race on the calendar in November. It was

scheduled for November 2nd

, which

was a very nasty, windy day. Alt-

hough Billy had a good number of

boats on the course, he made the

right call in calling the race. Joy and

I were watching Romeo Charlie

bouncing around like a toy boat and

all of the boats attempting to prepare

if the race went off. I don’t think

there was a skipper or crew that real-

ly wanted this race to go off.

We had our annual review of the fi-

nances of our club. Dana got to the meeting early and laid

out each month’s receipts with a copy of the budget for re-

view. After the audit team reviewed statements, and asked

lots of questions it was determined that the bookkeeping

was impeccable again this year. I would like to thank our

audit volunteers Greg and Elise Sandwick, and Ken and

Julie St. John. I would also like to thank Joy for the deli-

cious homemade stew she made for our gathering. Nice

job Dana! You have no idea how much we appreciate what

you do for us.

Don’t forget our Christmas Party on the 13th of December.

It is always a lot of fun as we combine a regular General

Meeting with the festivities of the evening. Your current

Chair and Trustee Officers will give their last reports of the

year. And then soon to be Commodore Steve Ryan will

introduce his team for 2014! Who will it be? The perpet-

ual trophies will also be presented to their respective win-

ners. I would like to thank Connie Holbrook for helping

me total up the votes after the November Meeting. I can

tell you that several of the trophies were won by one

vote. We had some great nominees and they all de-

served to win. Then last but not least is the White Ele-

phant gift exchange. During this event there are two peo-

ple we really need to keep an eye on as their presents

always creates some controversy. First of all Dan Walk-

er, whom I was told was presented a Pirates License to

cheat and steal as he pleases. I also heard that Denny

Flannigan will be there. We all remember what he is ca-

pable of from the casino cruises!

I would also like to Thank Steve Hucke who asked me to

be your Commodore. He promised to be by my side as I

made this journey. I can tell you that between Tatoosh

and First Dance we had a boat in every opening day

parade in Tacoma and Seattle the last three years!

And no matter which boat was in the parade the oth-

er boat was there to keep them company. We also

had more than one “what do you think” conversation

in the parking lot of the marina, and for that I thank

you. I would also like to thank Joy who made sure I

made it to all of those meetings. My only question

to her was “do I wear a tie to this one”?

Well, I GOT NOTHING, so it is time to wrap this final

article up. It has been my pleasure sitting down

once a month to reflect with you on our club and the

wonderful memories we have shared together.

Heck, we’re just getting started!

See you all soon:

Gary Ballentine


S/V Tatoosh

Commodore's report continued...

Page 4: Mainsheet - ·  3 MAINSHEET ... photos of us foolish idiots). ... Now, for those of you who saw the movie “All is Lost”,

November 2013


Vice Commodore’s Comments The Big Blow and the Whisper


Incredible that we have had such

extremes in weather lately! It all

started with the November 2nd

Browns Point Race…..yes, the

weatherman predicted it would

be windy, but heck, I have a

heavy boat….perhaps I could

finally do well when the winds

picked up!

Heading out of TYEE marina, it

was only blowing a trifle 30 knots, so we reefed the main,

and got the #3 out on the deck (with 20/20 hindsight, it

should have been the storm jib) and headed out. Others

racers were arriving from TYEE and the City waterway as

well (I hear that the wise one’s were on the beach taking

photos of us foolish idiots).

At Browns Point, Billy and the RC had done a great job in

getting a start line established, as the waves were now 2 –

3 feet, and wind gusts were hitting us hard. Anxiety was

rampant as we struggled to get the #3 up (looking around I

should have noticed that no one else was that foolish). We

had to bear off from the line area to get the sail to fill, and

then the 48 knot gust hit! Finally getting the sheets re-

leased to keep ourselves from capsizing, my foredeck

yelled that the genoa was torn! Crap! that point we

noticed that everyone was headed home…had the race

been cancelled? It was so windy that we had not heard

the horns, radio, or taken the time to look at the RC flags!

A wise decision on Billy’s part! Getting the sails down and

getting the boat back into the slip was a challenge! Fabu-

lous crew work resulted in no blood on the boat, a sure

sign of a successful return! Now off to the sail maker for


Conversely, the Gig Harbor Lemans race wasn‘t so terri-

fying. Fog and mist in the starting box at Gig Harbor was

the opening scene, and CYCT was proudly represented,

including a good peanut gallery at Arrabellas landing! A

great start by us, but the winds held in the 2 – 5 knot

range for the whole race! Heavy boats like Obsession

were slowly left behind.

Kudos to Gardyloo, Special Purpose and Tigger for

their great performances!

Now, for those of you who saw the movie “All is Lost”,

name 12 things you would have done differently than

Robert Redford! Answers in next mainsheet!

Carve those waves!

Steve Ryan

CYCT Vice Commodore


Page 5: Mainsheet - ·  3 MAINSHEET ... photos of us foolish idiots). ... Now, for those of you who saw the movie “All is Lost”,

November 2013


Rear Commodore’s Comments

Gary Ballentine, the Man Who

Was King —or at least Commo-


“Go through the chairs and be-

come a past Commodore; that’s

something that lasts forever.”

Denny Flannigan, Celebrity Cruiser

and CYCT Past Commodore

The Commodore’s Ball is the one event we hold every year

that is really only about our club. It’s a formal event, which

is fitting, because we are meeting to show respect for our

club, for each other and especially to the new Commodore.

Often the Commodore’s Ball has been the setting for choos-

ing, quite behind the scenes, the next Rear Commodore

and by extension our Commodore in three years. In 2010, at

the Ball, Gary Ballentine, like many before him, received a

tap on the shoulder and was asked if he would step out onto

the deck.

For Linda and me, Gary and Joy Ballentine have been such

an integral part of our experience with CYCT that we have

always just sort of considered them to be CYCT. It’s hard for

us to imagine our club pre-Ballentine. For us, this interview

took on the feeling one might have listening to their mother

and father talk about their first date. Yes, we know it must

have happened, but how strange!

Linda and I met our current Commodore and Secretary near

their home at the Browns Point Diner. I wanted to find out a

little about Gary and Joy’s early years—how they got into

sailing and our club. I was also hoping that Gary would

share his insights into the Commodore experience.

In 1997, Gary and Joy’s neighbor, Jim, sat with Gary enjoy-

ing a beer on Gary’s deck overlooking the Sound. Jim want-

ed to know if Gary would be interested in becoming a part-

ner and fellow owner of Tatoosh, a beautiful, 36-foot, blue-

hulled Islander. Gary stuck his head though the opening of

the sliding door and called to Joy working in the kitchen.

“Joy, can I buy a sailboat?” “Sure!” Joy called back. We

should all be grateful that Joy loves an adventure!

Tatoosh was Gary and Joy’s first sailboat, and they learned

to sail her in Windseekers. They knew that there was a club

which hosted Windseekers, but they did their best to keep a

low profile—they were in no hurry to join. I asked Gary and

Joy to tell me what brought them into the club. “We sailed

over to Gig Harbor one day and noticed all these boats raft-

ed together. We knew that it was a CYCT gathering. Not

being members, we moored away from the raft-up. A

while later we saw two men rowing over to our boat from

the CYCT group. It was Pat Nelson and Denny Flanni-

gan. As they neared our boat, Denny called over, ‘You

know, if you were in the club you could raft over there

with us!’ They came aboard and drank all our beer! A

short time later, in 2006, we joined the club.”

Soon after becoming members, Gary and Joy had their

first CYCT cruise experience. As luck would have it, it

was a Pirate Cruise to McMicken Island hosted by CYC-

T’s resident pirates, Roger and Judy Anderson. “We did-

n’t know what to expect,” Gary said. “We rounded the

point and saw all these pirate flags and people dressed

up. After rafting up, we found ourselves in a hysterical

treasure hunt that Roger and Judy had put together,

complete with maps and clues. We were hooked!”

Just as Linda and I were getting a handle on Gary and

Joy’s first dates with CYCT, Gary mentioned that when

they began sailing, Bryan and Cheryl White used to crew

on Tatoosh! Linda coughed on a piece of salad while I

interrupted with an involuntary “What? Bryan and Cheryl

of Grace E?” “Yeah, they were great and we learned a

lot about sailing from them. Poor Bryan, he was so in-

tense and the boat, just wasn’t!” Gary said. This was

like learning that before Ahab had it in for Moby Dick, the

fanatical captain was in a quilting group with a friend of

yours. Strange!

Continued on page 6

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November 2013


One of

the most frightening experiences Gary and Joy have had

while sailing happened early-on during a simple trip to

Gig Harbor.

Joy began, “It was really a nice day and then all of a sud-

den a wind came up that was so strong it knocked our

boat over!”

Gary continued, “A rogue gust! I was hanging on to the

wheel but I wasn’t steering! The boat rounded up and we

took the sails down immediately and went directly to the

Tides! That experience taught us a lot. First, the boat

won’t capsize, and second, we can handle it.”

Gary and Joy love racing, “casual racing,” and they really

love Windseekers, but it’s their relationship with cruising

that has a special appeal for them. Gary and Joy de-

scribed raising their two boys on the boat, going on cruis-

es to the San Juans and occasionally bringing along their

sons’ friends.

“Sometimes we weren’t sure about how much fun the

boys were having, but then years later they or their

friends would still be bringing up the fun they had. The

cruises were incredible family time,” Joy said.

As a testament to this, recently Gary and Joy’s younger

son, Sean, came home from the Marines for a few days.

Gary and Joy asked him what he’d like to do and he said,

“Does the club have a cruise planned?”

Continued from page 5 Gary and Joy have been going to the San Juans every oth-

er year for the last 15 years, their favorite spot being Echo

Bay on Sucia Island with Reed Harbor on Stuart Island run-

ning a close second.

“Sailing makes you slow down and really see things; you

really see the islands when there’s no hurry. If you see a

deer swimming between the islands, you can just watch—

it’s amazing,” Gary said.

They also talked about how much fun they had in the old

days taking out their charts the night before and plotting

their course for the next day with an old time GPS.

“The new chart plotters are kind of a letdown; they’re too

easy!” Gary laughed.

“It’s Billy Carter’s fault!” Gary blurted out after putting down

his beer.

He was answering my question about how he decided to

step up and become involved with CYCT’s leadership. Billy

Carter, of course, is CYCT’s Fleet Captain of Racing and a

man who’s logged more hours on CYCT’s race officiating

boat, RC Charlie, than Noah spent on the ark.

“Billy called us up and asked if we would be CYCT’s Mem-

bership Chair. How do you say ‘No’ to Billy?” Gary said.

“We were the Membership Chairs for two years and we had

a great time doing it. We always felt that we’d end up going

through the chairs—Rear Commodore, Vice Commodore

and then Commodore. Still, when they tapped me on the

shoulder, I had to think about it. I knew that on the year I’d

be Commodore, I’d have a son graduating from High

School, and we knew that we’d have to spend a lot of time

taking care of our parents, too. I wondered if we’d have

time for everything that being Commodore would entail? I

asked a number of people what they thought. Denny Flan-

nigan said, ‘Go through the chairs and become a Past

Commodore; that’s something that lasts forever.’ That ad-

vice stuck. I asked my boat partner Jim what he thought

and he just said, ‘Well, somebody’s got to do it!’ That stuck

too. In the end, I found out that the adage ‘Surround your-

self with good people and then get out of the way’ was


I wanted Gary to talk a little more about his experience of

being Commodore, and he began by telling us about how

great it was to represent our club at events like Opening

Day in Seattle. “You know, at first we were intimidated by

all the pomp and circumstance, but then you find yourself in

a room with all these other Commodores from other clubs

and you start talking with them and you find out that they

are fighting the very same battles that you are. I was

Continued on page 7

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November 2013



that some of the clubs were represented by Past Com-

modores, and in other clubs the same person had been

Commodore for a number of years because no one

would step up. I realized that our club has a lot going for

it. I’ve been most impressed with the commitment that

our people show. Joy and I used to just show up for a

cruise and have a good time. but as Commodore you

really learn to appreciate how much some of our people

give to our club.”

Next year Gary will serve in the very important position

of Past Commodore while Joy will be our Secretary for

another year. In the distant future, though, they would

love to voyage up the inside passage. I’ve heard this

dream expressed by so many of our club members that I

think we should all go! Make it a cruise and get the club

to pay for it! Gary and Joy will be looking for a bigger boat,


“We want doors!” Joy said.

Gary clarified: “We’re just looking for a little more cruising

comfort.” “The hardest part about buying a new boat would

be leaving an old friend,” Gary said. “Tatoosh has always

started and She’s always got us to where we wanted to


This seemed so true to me; our boats do become our

friends, if not more.

Thanks for the interview, Gary and Joy, and for your com-

mitment to our club. Thanks for being such good friends.

Paul Case

Rear Commodore

S/V Lucia

Continued from page 6

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November 2013


Commodore’s Cruise

Photos by Gary Ballentine

Page 9: Mainsheet - ·  3 MAINSHEET ... photos of us foolish idiots). ... Now, for those of you who saw the movie “All is Lost”,

November 2013


Cruising Report

Join us New Year’s Eve

for the annual “Un-


Bring some food to share and

your favorite libation and join

us the evening of January 31st

at the Tyee CYCT Clubhouse

Festivities start at around

9:15 PM and go until January






Bev and Lew Channing

S/V Suzanne


Dennis and Becky Flannigan

S/V Kokomo

After 10 years of dream-ing we are off. Follow along as we move about the globe fixing our boat in different cultures and exotic places.


CYCT Abroad

Page 10: Mainsheet - ·  3 MAINSHEET ... photos of us foolish idiots). ... Now, for those of you who saw the movie “All is Lost”,

November 2013


Racing Fleet Report


January 18 Quartermaster Harbor Mid Distance

February 1 Tramp Harbor Mid Distance

February 15 Gig Harbor Mid Distance

April 2 Racing Rules of Sailing Seminar RRS

April 9 WS SPRING #1 Wednesday Night

April 16 WS SPRING #2 Wednesday Night

April 23 WS SPRING #3 Wednesday Night

April 26 Spring Singlehand/Doublehand Mid Distance

April 30 WS SPRING #4 Wednesday Night

May 7 WS SPRING #5 Wednesday Night

May 14 WS LATE SPRING #1 Wednesday Night

May 21 WS LATE SPRING #2 Wednesday Night

May 28 WS LATE SPRING #3 Wednesday Night

June 4 WS LATE SPRING #4 Wednesday Night

June 11 WS LATE SPRING #5 Wednesday Night

June 14 Fun-On Saturday Buoy Race Regatta

June 18 WS SUMMER #1 Wednesday Night

June 25 WS SUMMER #2 Wednesday Night

June 28 Fun-On-Saturday Too Buoy Race Regatta

July 2 WS SUMMER #3 Wednesday Night

July 9 WS SUMMER #4 Wednesday Night

July 16 WS SUMMER #5 Wednesday Night

July 23 WS LATE SUMMER #1 Wednesday Night

July 26 Manzanita Margarita 3 hour tour #1 Mid Distance

July 30 WS LATE SUMMER #2 Wednesday Night

August 6 WS LATE SUMMER #3 Wednesday Night

August 9&10 T Town Sailing Championships Buoy Race Regatta

August 13 WS LATE SUMMER #4 Wednesday Night

August 16 Vashon Challenge Singlehand/Doublehand Mid Distance

August 20 WS LATE SUMMER #5 Wednesday Night

August 23 Maritime Fest 3 hour tour #2 Mid Distance

September 6 Awards Race 3 hour tour series #3 Mid Distance

September 20 Point Beals Point series #1 Mid Distance

October 4 Command Point Point Series #2 Mid Distance

October 11 Sailors Memorial Singlehand Mid Distance

October 18 Point Defiance Point Series #3 Mid Distance

November 1 Browns Point Point Series #4 Mid Distance


Corinthian Yacht Club of Tacoma

Racing Calendar

Page 11: Mainsheet - ·  3 MAINSHEET ... photos of us foolish idiots). ... Now, for those of you who saw the movie “All is Lost”,

November 2013


Saw it on facebook Sunshine A get well card was sent to Steve Hucke

who had foot surgery.

Please be sure to contact Julie with any

sunshine items!

Julie St. John

[email protected]


S/V Naughty By Nature

CYCT has a facebook page open only to

members of the CYCT! To join, search for the

group “Corinthian Yacht Club Tacoma” and

request membership.


Happy Birthday to our CYCT Members

Bev Channing December 2

Sarah Earl December 5

Steve Stambaugh December 7

Ken St. John December 8

Jack Harris December 10

Don Kimball December 10

Jack Hovey December 15

Marilyn Thordarson December 19

Julie St. John December 20

Elena Wagner December 23

Brock VanRavenswaay December 26

Donette Parry December 31

Karen Walker December 31

Page 12: Mainsheet - ·  3 MAINSHEET ... photos of us foolish idiots). ... Now, for those of you who saw the movie “All is Lost”,

November 2013


Check for additional information on meetings and races

December 2013 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30 31


Winter Vashon Race

9:00 AM Skip-per’s Meeting

Christmas Party Totem Yacht Club

Un-Cruise At Tyee Marina

CYCT Clubhouse 9:15 PM


January 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

26 27 28 29 30 31

7 PM General Meeting


6 PM Dinner 7 PM Board Meeting (Johnny’s in Fife)

Quartermas-ter Harbor


Page 13: Mainsheet - ·  3 MAINSHEET ... photos of us foolish idiots). ... Now, for those of you who saw the movie “All is Lost”,

November 2013


Basic Rules

You must be a CYCT member or sponsored by a CYCT member to post an item.

Each month the CYCT posting member must submit their items for sale before the last week of each month (send your post to

[email protected] ).

Items must be submitted each month or they will not be reposted.

You are responsible to sell your item so you must include your contact information (items without contact information will not be posted).

The CYCT Boatyard

Gardyloo Consulting LLC

Eric Nelson - Manager

253-380-3947 [email protected]

Residential and Commercial New and Renovation Work

Construction Management and Estimating, Constructability Reviews, Site

Planning, Work Scope Development

Erosion and Sediment Control Design, Review, and Monitoring

2014 CYCT calendars are being printed now and I'm hoping I will have them to sell at the Christmas Party next Friday. They will be $20. All proceeds go to the club at the discretion of the board. I have 20 to sell, but can order more!!

Contact Cheryl White

Page 14: Mainsheet - ·  3 MAINSHEET ... photos of us foolish idiots). ... Now, for those of you who saw the movie “All is Lost”,

November 2013


Secretary’s Report CYCT General Meeting

Month: October 14, 2013

Meeting was called to order at 7 pm, by Gary Ballentine

Motion was made by Joe Salz and seconded by Deb McAdams to approve the prior month’s minutes as posted in the



Vice Commodore: Steve Ryan –Planned Speaker had to go out of town.

Rear Commodore: Paul Case—No Report

Past Commodore: Cheryl White—Not Present, Holiday Party December 13th at Totem Yacht Club. Cheryl may

want some help with the ham and turkey.

Treasurer: Dana Bachellerie Gage—Income exceeds expenses. Racing program is paying for itself.

Secretary: Joy Ballentine—No Report

Membership Chair: Ed and Sue Pinkham—Announced Birthdays. Buy raffle tickets. Talk to your friends to join

the club.

Fleet Captain Cruising: Brock and Janice VanRavenswaay—Thanks to the Holbrooks for hosting the October-

fest cruise. Next Cruise is a Commodore’s cruise, it is a mandatory cruise. November cruise will be at Arabel-

la’s. It’s like the Commodore’s ball but more tacky. Call Arabella’s for reservations

Fleet Captain Racing: Billy Carter—9:55 first scheduled warning for the race this weekend. J-30s will be there.

Education: Chuck Welter-Not Present

Social: Ross and Barbara Demmel—Not Present

Club Merchandise: Linda Case—2nd

order is going in, They were able to get the discount.

Mainsheet: Ken St. John— Keep articles coming

Sunshine: Julie St. John—Sent a card to Tom O’Hara for back surgery.

Webmaster: Greg Sandwick—No Report


Long Range Planning: Joe Salz—Handed out voting ballots to people who hadn’t voted yet.

Floating Assets: Jerry Brennan—Not present

Publicity: Don McAdams—No Report

Women’s Sailing—We had a successful oil changing party. Need to have a fireball seminar, November 30th

around 3pm at Red Splash at Johnny’s Dock.

Trophies: Steve Wagner—Bring perpetual trophies to the next meeting.

Racing Protests: Eric Nelson—No report

PHRF Director: Eric Nelson—Going to a PHRF meeting on November 3rd


PIYA Representative: Eric Nelson—No Report

PHRF Handicapper: Eric Nelson—No Report

Dingy Program: Brian White/Dana Gage/Chuck Queen—Eric Nelson and Brian White have been working on a

place to keep the dinghies. They will bring it to the board at the next meeting

Commodore’s Report: Gary Ballentine—Cruise, Trophies, and Vote

Old Business--None

Continued on page 15

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November 2013


New Business—Ed Pinkham brought his remote control sailboat. The kit is about $350.00. Group races in Seat-

tle, Bainbridge Island. Boats are made by Tippeecanoe boats. T37 is the one to buy. Get a big group together to

watch the New Robert Redford Movie “All is Lost.”


Raffle Prizes:

Jack Daniels: Friends of the Sandwicks, Red Wine 1: Julie St. John

Red Wine 2: Steve Ryan Red Wine 3: Don Kimball

Red Wine 4: Ken St. John given back, Julie St. John given back, Jerry McKay finally won

Red Wine 5: Don Kimball given back, Gary Sandwick

Red Wine 6: Dan White Red Wine 7: Janice Vansravenwaay

Halloween Display: Ken St. John

Vice Commodore to introduce Guest Speaker—Not tonight

Motion to Adjourn Meeting was made by Janice VansRavenswaay and Seconded by Debbie McAdams.

Joy Ballentine


S/V Tatoosh

Secretary’s report continued...

Page 16: Mainsheet - ·  3 MAINSHEET ... photos of us foolish idiots). ... Now, for those of you who saw the movie “All is Lost”,

November 2013


The View From the Rear (Musings of a Casual Racer)

All is Misplaced

"I'm sorry. I know that means

little at this point, but I tried. In

my usual half-assed way I tried.

To be true, to be strong, to be

kind, to love, to be dynamite

and out of sight. But I wasn't.

All is misplaced."

Day 1: The Straight of Juan de

Fuca. Alone. It seems I’ve been out here for weeks. I’m below,

answering the call of nature, reading Three Sheets on my iphone

when BAM! Water is pouring in to the cabin. Throwing aside

the companionway slats I see that I’ve struck a crab float. Turn-

ing I remove the companionway slats and go below to stuff my

wife’s throw pillows into the hole.

Day 2: Although two miles from

Port Townsend, I head back into the

straight placing the boat on a port

tack. The heel lifts the hole above

the water line so that I can affect

repairs. Making a past from pan-

cake mix and using past issues of

48° North, I am able to patch the hole using papier-mâché.

Day 3: With the hole patched, I must get rid of the water. The

bilge pump is dead. All electrical is dead. I toss aside the slat

boards and go above to search the lazerette. Tossing aside two

buckets and a portable bilge pump I find a bailing sponge. Per-

fect! Later I feast on a giant bar of chocolate won on the last

club cruise.

Day 4: I try the iPhone, but there is no signal. I decide to climb

the mast looking for

more bars. I make it

as far as the boom.

Still no signal, but a

rain cloud appears on

the horizon. Looks

like a blow. Tossing

aside the slat boards I

go below and eat

more chocolate. An

hour later the rain

begins to fall. I con-

sider closing the companionway hatch but it is too late for that.

The cushions are already wet.

Day 5: A sleepless night listening to the steady rain, being

tossed by the waves. I don’t know how much more I or the

boat can take. I should put up some sail, but not when it’s

windy. The mast is bound to come down sooner or later. I rea-

son that sooner would be better. Tossing aside the slat boards

I attack the shrouds with a rigging knife. Failing at that, I grab

the hack saw. This will take all day so using pliers, I pull the

pins and free the wires. The keel stepped mast will still not fall.

This is desperate.

Day 6: The holding tank is full. Rain continues to fall. Realizing

that I need a ditch bag, I upend a West Marine

bag full of flares and a new air horn. This will do

nicely. First in, a place mat that shows common

rocks in the San Juan’s and a compass, still in the

package. In the locker, under the life jackets I find

a bag of party favors from a cruise that we’d spon-

sored. Perfect! From the cupboards I grab a giant

chocolate bar, three Alaskan Ambers left behind

by friends and sunscreen. Finally I throw in my

Kindle, a laminated guide to shore birds of the

Pacific Northwest and a copy of the Washington

State fishing regulations. Tossing this all into my

inflatable, I reluctantly abandon ship.

Day 7: The rain has stopped and the sun has come out. Frus-

tratingly, the boat is less that 50 feet away. Waiting for it to

sink is agony. Taking the compass from the package, I try to

make sense of where I am on the place mat. I can’t. Thirsty, I

open an Alaskan Amber but after one swallow I decide to pour

it out and use the bottle to collect sea water. Thank goodness

there is no shortage of that.

Later in the day I spot a bulk carrier in the distance. I take a

party popper from the bag of party favors and pull the string.

The ship continues on and I am covered with confetti. The gay

colors cannot overcome my growing hopelessness.

Day 8: A seagull has stolen the chocolate bar.

Day 9: Consulting the com-

pass, I think I have reached

the soup stain on the place-

mat. Hungry I lick the stain

off and set to fashioning a

fishing rig using yarn from my

sweater, the clip from the

compass and confetti for a

Continued on page 17

Page 17: Mainsheet - ·  3 MAINSHEET ... photos of us foolish idiots). ... Now, for those of you who saw the movie “All is Lost”,

November 2013


lure. A bite and I catch a ling cod. Consulting the guide I find

that the season for ling cod is closed and I return the fish to the


Day 10: I am out of sunscreen and what was a nice tan is be-

coming a burn. My chocolate is gone. My sweater is gone. I

lost the placemat overboard. My will is fading with the daylight.

But wait. I see a ferry. I yell but the bells on the Port Townsend

number 2 red buoy drown me out. I search the bag for another

popper but I had pulled the string on the last one in a lame

attempt to cheer myself up. I do find a

box of birthday candles. Using the mag-

nifying glass on the compass and the last

rays of the sun, I light the candle and

from the candle, I light a crumpled pile

of the fishing regulations that I’d piled

high on the laminated field guide. The

ferry is not noticing. I go to blow out the

candle but it’s one of those gag candles; that kind that won’t

blow out. I had not counted on this. I set the candle on the Kin-

dle but there is confetti everywhere and it erupts into flames.

Choosing drowning over dying in a burning boat I jump over-


Hey! I can stand up here.

Ken St. John

S/V Naughty By Nature

On the Cover

Jeopardy, Obsession,

Special Purpose and


Photo by Ken St. John