magazine cover analysis_worksheet 3


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Page 1: Magazine cover analysis_worksheet 3

Salford City College Eccles Centre AS Media Studies Foundation Portfolio


The masthead features the title of the magazine in

a simple bold white font. This stands out against

the grey background and despite being partially

covered by the cover image is still easy to read and


Main image

The main image features the cover band, The

Strokes, standing in a full body shot of the whole

band, stood close to one another and all striking

different poses. Some are looking in different

directions to one another in order to make the

image appear relaxed and natural, fitting with the

bands laid back and rebellious image.

Model credit


The model credit is featured in large italic font

across the main page, covering the main image

partially. The font is in hot pink, which is non

stereotypical way to represent a male band. This

adds to the rebellious and non-conformist image.


This magazine cover features a large variety of

cover lines dotted around the page. Most are

small compact paragraphs that briefly introduce

the cover story inside. There is also a large list of

different bands and artists that the magazine will

feature inside. One cover line uses a quote from

the article in order to grab the readers attention

and encourage them to read more.

Main cover line

The main cover line introduce the model band as a

‘world exclusive’ and also uses a quote from the

main story. The fact that the cover story is

introduced as a world exclusive make the story

sound exciting and rare, which will encourage the

reader to buy the magazine and find out more.


The magazine uses a colour scheme of white and hot

pink, which may be typically used for a pop magazine

or a female orientated magazine. However, this indie-

alternative magazine uses these colours in order to

break the stereotype and appear unique and quirky.


The typefaces used are all simple and basic sans

serif fonts. This is effective as it targets the young

audience and also makes the cover appear

uncomplicated due to the large number of cover

lines. If a serif font was used it may make the cover

to busy and complex to the eye.

Photography Lighting

The cover image uses high key lighting which make

the band appear positive and happy to be

‘returning’. It gives the image a playful and youthful

edge which fits the target audience of young people

with an interest in indie rock music.

Design Principles Used?

The Guttenberg Design Principle has been used, as

the masthead and important features have been

placed in the primary optical area and the terminal

area. A cover line has been featured in the strong

fallow area and smaller, less important cover lines

are included in the weak fallow area. This is

effective as the main stories and features that will

encourage people to buy the magazine and grab the

readers attention are featured in the area s the eye

observes first and last, which is where they

instinctively pay the most attention.

House Style

The house style of the magazine is contemporary and rebellious but with a fun and

youthful edge, making it appropriate for the target audience.

Page 2: Magazine cover analysis_worksheet 3

Salford City College Eccles Centre AS Media Studies Foundation Portfolio

Page 3: Magazine cover analysis_worksheet 3

Salford City College Eccles Centre AS Media Studies Foundation Portfolio