madagascar chess federation report to fide...madagascar introduction the international chess...

MADAGASCAR INTRODUCTION The International Chess Fede FMJE : - US $10.000 for organ April 26th to May 4th in - US $ 15.000 for « Dev event » during the peri The first grant was especially has also sent the report conce The second grant is for develo For this, FMJE has conducted - sales prospection in re - many communication, - organizing and particip - promoting chess in sch The FMJE expected to reach - 6 regional town prospe - 10 candidates in FIDE - 6 delegates trainer in C - 1800 learners in Ches - 50 players rated,. 1 CHESS FEDERATION REPOR eration FIDE has allocated to the Madagas nizing 2019 Africa Zone 4.3 Individual Che n Antananarivo, Madagascar velopment project and Assistance project for iod March 5 th to December 31 st 2019. y for the championships and the FIDE arbiter erning these events. oping chess and assisting FMJE for local and d the following activities: egional town, pating in local and international events hool. the followings outcomes in 2019: ected, E arbiter’s seminar Chess In School, ss In school, RT TO FIDE scar Chess Federation ess Championships on local and international r’s seminar. The FMJE d international event.

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Post on 24-Oct-2020




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    The International Chess Federation FIDE has allocated

    FMJE :

    - US $10.000 for organizing 2019 Africa Zone 4.3 Individual Chess Championships on

    April 26th to May 4th in Antananarivo, Madagascar

    - US $ 15.000 for « Development project an

    event » during the period March 5

    The first grant was especially for the championships and the FIDE arbiter’s seminar. The FMJE

    has also sent the report concerning these events.

    The second grant is for developing chess and assisting FMJE for local and international event

    For this, FMJE has conducted the following activities:

    - sales prospection in regional town

    - many communication,

    - organizing and participating in

    - promoting chess in school.

    The FMJE expected to reach the followings outcomes

    - 6 regional town prospected

    - 10 candidates in FIDE arbiter’s seminar

    - 6 delegates trainer in Chess In School,

    - 1800 learners in Chess In school,

    - 50 players rated,.



    The International Chess Federation FIDE has allocated to the Madagas

    organizing 2019 Africa Zone 4.3 Individual Chess Championships on

    April 26th to May 4th in Antananarivo, Madagascar

    Development project and Assistance project for local and in

    during the period March 5th to December 31st 2019.

    The first grant was especially for the championships and the FIDE arbiter’s seminar. The FMJE

    has also sent the report concerning these events.

    The second grant is for developing chess and assisting FMJE for local and international event

    s, FMJE has conducted the following activities:

    in regional town,

    organizing and participating in local and international events

    chess in school.

    The FMJE expected to reach the followings outcomes in 2019:

    regional town prospected,

    10 candidates in FIDE arbiter’s seminar

    6 delegates trainer in Chess In School,

    1800 learners in Chess In school,


    Madagascar Chess Federation

    organizing 2019 Africa Zone 4.3 Individual Chess Championships on

    stance project for local and international

    The first grant was especially for the championships and the FIDE arbiter’s seminar. The FMJE

    The second grant is for developing chess and assisting FMJE for local and international event.

  • 2


    1. Sales prospectionand popularizingactivity

    12 cities have been visited and more than 40 public and private schools prospected during

    2019 :Arivonimamo, Miarinarivo, Tsiroanomandidy, Ambatolampy, Antsirabe, Ambositra, Ihosy,

    Fianarantsoa, Ihosy, Toliara, Majunga, Nosy-Be, Moramanga and Toamasina.

    The mission consists of finding facilitators and schools, future beneficiaries of the Mada Chess


    2. FIDE arbiter’sseminar

    16 candidates participated in FIDE arbiter’s seminar during 2019 Zone4.3 individual chess

    championships and 8 of 16 haveobtained certificate.

    3. Chess In school

    26 private and public schools follow the MadaChess Program. There are 5119 new learners and

    11 new trainers/facilitators.

    4. Tournament organization and participating in international tournament

    The FMJE has organized :

    - 7 Elo FIDE tournaments. These allowed 32 players obtaining rate.

    - 3 tournaments especially for young players.

    - 6 local championships (regional and national) : open, female, youth, per team,

    The FMJE sent delegation for participating in Africa Individual Championsihips in Tunisia, in

    Word Cup in Russia and in the YACC in Namibia

    5. Financial report in US $


    FIDE'sgrant 15 000,00

    Total Income 15 000,00


    sales prospection 2 696,63

    communication 855,57

    local events 4 251,22

    international events 2 608,47

    chess in school 4 588,11

    Total spending 15 000,00

  • 3


    The FIDE allocated US $ 15 000 to the FMJE during 2019 :$ 5 000 in March, $ 5 000 in July

    and $ 5 000 in October 2019.


    Expenses amounted to US $ 15 000 during the period from March 5th to December 31st,


    - Sales prospection

    This includes travel (flight, fuel, location, lodging, food, workshop…) fees during the


    - Communication

    This includes all communication support : flyers, banners, media, internet connexion


    - Local events

    It includes expenses during 7 Elo FIDE tournaments and 6 regional and national

    championships : prize, accommodation, travel cost, logistic, organization fees……

    - International events

    This includes flight cost for the delegation participating in Africa Chess Championships,

    Word Cup and YACC.

    - Chess in school

    This includes expenses during 3 tournaments for young, expenses for training

    facilitators for chess in school (Mada chess), license for learning chess, facilitators’

    prestation fees…


    The FMJE would like to thank the FIDE for the grant. Without this aid, FMJE can’t reach his

    objectives. We hope that this year 2020, The FIDE will aid again all engaged federation.

    Gens UnaSumus

    On behalf of FEDERATION




    Date: January 20th, 2020

  • 4

    Youth Tournament in March and in April

  • 5

    Youth Tournament in June

  • 6

    Youth Madagascar Championship and Youth Africa Championship

  • 7

    Youth ELO FIDE Tournament

    Individual National Championship

  • 8

    Women Championship – Team championship

  • 9

    Visit to Tulear

  • 10

    LeaChess in Mada

    Visit to Majunga





    Please complete ALL requested fields in this report.

    1. Program/Project Name:

    Development project and Assistance project for local and international event

    2. Program/Project Dates:

    From March 5th until December 31

    3. Summary of Project Outcomes:

    Sales prospection : 12 regional townChess In School : 5.119 new lear

    4. Breakdown of Funding Usage (Please provide supporting documents as far as possible):

    Sales prospection : 2 696,63$ ----International events : 2 608,47$

    5. Any funds not yet used? Yes _

    If No, please provide reasons

    6. Lessons Learned/Future Improvements:

    The assistance allowed us to increase the number of CIS participate at different local and international eventOur limit is the lack of communication, the skill of female and youth players, and the research of private sponsor. The new funding will allow us to reinforce the strengthening of our players

    On behalf of FEDERATION

    _____________________ RAKOTOMAHARO Yves André President

    Date: January 27th, 2020



    : AFRICA

    : 3

    Please complete ALL requested fields in this report.

    and Assistance project for local and international event

    December 31st 2019

    Summary of Project Outcomes:

    regional towns ---- Arbiter’s seminar : 16 participants rners ------- Rated Players : 159 players

    Funding Usage (Please provide supporting documents as far as possible):

    ---- Communication : 855,57$ ------local events : 4 251,22$608,47$ ------- Chess In School : 4 588,11$

    Any funds not yet used? Yes _X_ No_____

    reasons and details on how and when the funds will be

    Lessons Learned/Future Improvements:

    to increase the number of CIS learners , and also to organize and to participate at different local and international event.

    lack of communication, the skill of female and youth players, and the research of

    allow us to reinforce the strengthening of our players


    Funding Usage (Please provide supporting documents as far as possible):


    when the funds will be utilised:

    to organize and to

    lack of communication, the skill of female and youth players, and the research of




    Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)


    The NCF is required to measure the effectiveness of its programmes using the KPIs listed below.

    possible that a Federation may not be able to report on a particular KPI and this will be taken into

    consideration at the end of the repo

    required. The NCF is also allowed to include any additional KPIs that it

    reporting purposes.

    Key Performance Indicators(KPIs)

    No. of FIDE rated players

    Certified Arbiters

    Certified Trainers

    Average rating of top 10 players

    Average no. of rated games by top 10 players

    No. of participants in international chess tournaments

    No. of Players on FIDE List

    No. of Affiliated clubs




    3 2019

    Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)1 are the critical (key) indicators of progress toward an

    The NCF is required to measure the effectiveness of its programmes using the KPIs listed below.

    possible that a Federation may not be able to report on a particular KPI and this will be taken into

    consideration at the end of the reporting period. NCFs can also make use of the ‘

    The NCF is also allowed to include any additional KPIs that it considers to be

    Baseline- 2018[1]

    End of Period


    127 200 159 We organize a local fide tournament each 2 month

    4 12 12 Arbiter’s seminar, zone 4.3 with one title FA

    4 8 4

    Average rating of top 10 2130 2180 2148 Average on 1st January 2020

    Average no. of rated games 3 6 6 National Championship, Zonal 4,3, many local tournament

    15 30 25 Zonal 4,3, African Youth AYCC 2019, African Junior 2019, AIDEF 2019, World Cup 2019, Isle Of Man 2019.

    440 600 512 We organize a local fide tournament each 2 month

    32 40 38 This number includeinside the school

    Classification: Public

    are the critical (key) indicators of progress toward an intended

    The NCF is required to measure the effectiveness of its programmes using the KPIs listed below. It is

    possible that a Federation may not be able to report on a particular KPI and this will be taken into

    make use of the ‘Comments’ field as

    considers to be relevant for


    We organize a local fide tournament each 2 months

    Arbiter’s seminar, zone 4.3 with one title FA

    Average on 1st January 2020

    National Championship, Zonal 4,3, many local tournaments

    Zonal 4,3, African Youth AYCC 2019, African Junior 2019, AIDEF 2019, World Cup 2019, Isle Of Man 2019.

    We organize a local fide tournament each 2 months

    This number includes some club inside the school


    Key Performance Indicators(KPIs)

    No. of School Chess Teachers

    No. of schools with chess programmes

    No. of students in chess in school programmes

    No. of Positive or neutral articles& media coverage incl social media

    No. of chess sponsors

    No. Of Strategic Partners e.g. NOC

    OTHER- Indian Ocean Chess Project (online and physical tournament event)

    On behalf of FEDERATION




    Date: 17 January 2020


    Baseline- 2018[1]

    End of Period


    No. of School Chess Teachers 12 20 22

    22 35 51

    No. of students in chess in 2300 3500 7900 Many student using the local CIS program and Minichess program.

    No. of Positive or neutral & media coverage incl

    4 16 10

    1 3 1 KCF Francophone on

    No. Of Strategic Partners e.g. 0 2 1 Minister of sport with limited grant depending of performance result from tournament

    Indian Ocean Chess Project (online and physical

    30 150 150 5 tournament on line organized for the Indian Ocean region


    Classification: Public


    Many student using the local CIS program and Minichess program.

    KCF Francophone on CIS product

    Minister of sport with limited grant depending of performance result from tournament

    5 tournament on line organized for the Indian Ocean region


    Antananarivo-Madagascar from April26thtoMay 5th2019


  • 1

    INTRODUCTION Firstwe would like to extend a warm thanks to :

    - African Chess Confederation President to agreethe request of Madagascar Chess

    Federation (FMJE) for awarding the contract of the organization of the 2019 zone 4.3

    African Chess Championships which took place in Antananarivo, Madagascar from April

    26th to May 5th2019,

    - The International Chess Federation (FIDE) for their financial support andfor providing an

    International arbiter,

    - These firms like Orange Madagascar, TAF, and theMinistry of Youth and Sports for their

    logistic support and for giving prize award.

    - Madagascar Chess players and spectatorsfor their moral support to the local players.

    - All African Federations for their participation: Botswana, Mozambique,Angola, Malawi,

    Zambia, Mauritiusand Zimbabwe.

    - National TV and every local media for their video and audio support to the event during

    these some days.

    - FMJEteam for their aid and Malagasy Team for their hard work to defend Madagascar

    These actors have madesuccessfulthe event.

    This tournament is the second Zone 4.3 championship organized by the FMJE in Madagascar whose main objective is to demonstrate to the world failures of the ability of Malagasy to host and organize an international tournament.The second objective is to allow Malagasy players to compete against foreign players and to have an international title, and the third objective is the possibility of holding the seminar of arbitrator allowing the Malagasy to acquire a title of arbitrator FIDE.

  • 2

    This report contains the technical part and the evaluation of the tournament.

    Malagasy Team

    The Malagasy team was made up of 12 people including 7 male players, 4 female players, 1


    TECHNICAL PART Participants

    26 players from 8 federations have participated to the championships:

    Federation Male Female

    Botswana 2 3

    Mozambique 1

    Angola 2 1

    Malawi 1 1

    Zambie 1 1

    Maurice 1

    Zimbabwe 1

    Madagascar 7 4

    TOTAL 16 10

    Several selection tournaments have been organized to determine the Malagasy players

    qualified for this event. The selection criteria were well determined in advance.

  • 3

    Logisticand Program

    The foreign guests arrived on April 26 and 27, 2019. They are all lodging at the Hotel

    LavillaVerte in Ambatomirahavavy except the Mauritian player. Part of the Malagasy players

    are also lodging at the Hotel LavillaVerte while others preferred to go back home and come

    with the car every morning.

    A technical meeting was scheduled on April 12, 2019 by the FMJE team and led by the

    Chiefarbiter to explain and redefine the rules of the game.

    Given the number of guests who came, Madagascar had to increase its number of participants

    from 7 to 8 for men, and from 2 to 4 for women. The technical meeting was based on Tie

    break rules, pairing rules, and a few specific rules.

    The tournament follows the 9 round Swiss system for the open category and the all-round

    system for the women category, with a time control of 90 minutes x 2 for the first 40 moves,

    followed by the 30 minutes x 2 KO for the rest of the game, with an increment of 30 seconds

    starting from move one (1).

    The FIDE arbiter’s seminar for the 17 candidates took place in the mornings (15 hours in

    total) from April 29th to May 3rd, 2019. This seminar is followed by a 2-hours final exam on

    May 3rd, 2019 to allow candidates to have the diploma and to put themselves at the rank of

    FIDE arbiter after obtaining a score of 80/100.

    Schedule and result

    The rounds were played for 7 days on April 27, 28, 29, May 1, 2, 3 and 4: one round per day

    except of April 28 and May 1, 2 rounds. The day off was the April 30 to visit the town. The

    1st round started on April 27, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. (local time).

    The game was played with a total "fair play" during these 8 days of competition. Each game

    lasted five hours a day and required a maximum concentration from each participant.

    Each game was entered in data base at the end of the day to allow each player to analyze their

    game and prepare for the next rounds.

    The Orange Madagascar company provided the internet connection to allow live broadcasting

    of the first 4 DGT chessboards.

    The awards were presented during the closing ceremony on May 4, 2019 followed by a


    The IM FyRakotomaharo (Malagasy N°1) was crowned African Champion zone 4.3 - 2019

    edition and this victory will allow him to participate automatically in the World Chess Cup in

    September in Russia. Master FIDE RALISON Harifidy, won the bronze medaland its second

    International Master Norm.

    In the women category, the palm went to CaxitaEsperanca (Angola N°1) with a score of 8.5 /

    9. The Malagasy player Andriatsiferana Irina was classified 4th with a score of 5.5 / 9,

    promoted to a FIDE Master Norm.

  • 4

    The final result are the following.

    Open category

    2019 Zone 4.3 ChessChampionship (Open)

    Last update 04.05.2019 13:11:11 Final Rankingafter 9 Rounds

    Rk. SNo Name FED Rtg Pts. TB1 TB2 TB3

    1 1 IM Rakotomaharo Fy Antenaina MAD 2410 7,5 2282 44 47

    2 3 IM MakotoRodwell ZIM 2368 7 2279 43 46

    3 6 FM RalisonMilantoHarifidy MAD 2241 7 2268 43 46

    4 7 CM Miguel Sergio ANG 2238 5,5 2255 43 46

    5 2 IM Kayonde Andrew ZAM 2394 5,5 2243 43 46

    6 4 IM Oatlhotse Providence BOT 2326 5 2184 40 41

    7 10 IM Ranaivoharisoa Alain MAD 2203 4,5 2259 37 38

    8 15 AndrianiainaHeritiana MAD 2017 4,5 2253 40 40

    9 5 CM Mwale Joseph MAW 2281 4,5 2240 43 46

    10 11 CM Ramasindraibe Girard MAD 2135 4 2223 36 37

    11 9 CM Paiva Donaldo MOZ 2204 3,5 2198 40 40

    12 14 RandriamahefaFenitra Anthony MAD 2052 3,5 2188 34 34

    13 8 FM KhethoPhemelo BOT 2213 3,5 2138 33 33

    14 13 FM PaulinoDomingos ANG 2071 3 2251 38 39

    15 16 RazanadrakotoarisoaToavina MAD 2004 3 2235 38 38

    16 12 CM Li Ying Patrick MRI 2110 0,5 2153 32 35


    2019 Zone 4.3 ChessChampionship (Women)

    Last update 04.05.2019 16:53:10 Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

    Rk. Name Rtg FED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ## Pts.

    1 WIM CaxitaEsperanca 1794 ANG * ½ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8,5

    2 WIM Francis Onkemetse 1782 BOT ½ * 1 1 1 1 1 ½ 1 1 8

    3 WFM MarapeNaledi 1570 BOT 0 0 * ½ ½ 1 1 1 1 1 6

    4 WCM Andriantisiferana Irina 1569 MAD 0 0 ½ * 1 ½ ½ 1 1 1 5,5

    5 MululuLinah 1679 ZAM 0 0 ½ 0 * 1 1 1 1 1 5,5

    6 RakotoniainaTiana Johanna 1267 MAD 0 0 0 ½ 0 * 1 1 1 1 4,5

    7 WCM Mpinganjira Ellen 1493 MAW 0 0 0 ½ 0 0 * 1 1 ½ 3

    8 WCM Banda Natalie Katlo 1493 BOT 0 ½ 0 0 0 0 0 * ½ 1 2

    9 RazafindrabeBakoly 1170 MAD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ½ * 1 1,5

    10 RalivololonaHanitriniainaAndri 1383 MAD 0 0 0 0 0 0 ½ 0 0 * 0,5

    Two (2) male Malagasy players obtained a CM title and an IM norm which brings us to 3

    Malagasy players "International Master" while in the women category, a player obtained a

    conditional WCM title.

  • 5


    The Orange Madagascar Company has made available to the FMJE an unlimited connection

    to allow the live broadcast of all the games on the first 4 DGT tables. The connection also

    allowed the guests (players and head of delegation) to communicate with their relatives in

    their respective countries.

    The TAF Company granted donation of their products to all participants.

    FIDE arbiter’s seminar

    Regarding the arbiter’s seminar, it allowed the 17 candidates to have more ideas on:

    - the different types of arbitrator norm,

    - The game'srules

    - the administration of the tournament,

    - clockmanipulation

    - the Elocalculation,

    - Anti-cheatrules

    - Title obtention.

    8 out of 17 passed the exam and scored more than 80%.

    Having a FIDE arbiter will allow us to organize a FIDE approved tournament and also allow

    us to award international Elo to Malagasy players.


    Participation in number of Malagasy players: 11 in total

    Madagascar is well taken care at international level (reception, fair play,

    accommodation, logistics, ...)

    Live broadcast of the 9 rounds on the first 4 DGT tables,

    The weaknesses

    Lack of strong communication and sponsorship research team.

    Non-engagement of the State in such an event.

    No state representative was present during the opening ceremony or the closing


    Few foreign countries responded to the invitation because the travel costs to come to

    Madagascar are very expensive compared to other countries.

    Financial report

    The International Chess Federation (FIDE) has awarded the Malagasy Chess Federation a

    grant of US $ 10,000 for the realization of this championship.

    The revenues are constituted by the FIDE’s grant, the registration classic tournament,


  • 6

    The financial report for this event is as follows:







    FIDE Tournament Grant 7 000,00 7 000,00 -

    FIDE Seminar Grant 3 000,00 3 000,00 -

    Registration Fees 2 400,00 1 192,94 1 207,06

    Players Twin Room Accommodation @ US$ 50 for 9 nights 9 000,00 2 675,44 6 324,56


    TOTAL INCOME (US$) 21 400,00 13 868,38 7 531,62


    ChiefArbiter Air Ticket 1 000,00 1 000,00 -

    Deputy Chief Arbiter Bus Fare 30,00 30,00 -

    Assistant Arbiter Air Fare 700,00 700,00

    ChiefArbiterStipend 850,00 850,00 -

    DeputyChiefArbiterStipend 550,00 382,35 167,65

    Assistant ArbiterStipend 1 200,00 529,41 670,59

    SeminarLecturerStipend 1 400,00 1 400,00 -

    Local OrganisingCommitteeCosts 500,00 500,00 -

    PlayersTwin Room Accommodation 7 200,00 6 385,29 814,71

    Officials Single Room Accommodation 2 520,00 535,88 1 984,12

    OfficialsTwin Room Accommodation 1 800,00 1 800,00

    Hire of Tournament Hall 1 125,00 926,47 198,53

    Hire of Seminar Room 400,00 400,00

    PrizeFund 4 700,00 4 700,00 -

    Trophies 500,00 150,00 350,00

    Medals 200,00 200,00

    Communication and media 1 000,00 800,00 200,00

    Batteries 1 500,00 1 500,00

    Transport and Logistics 500,00 970,59 -470,59

    Stationery (includingrecording books) 500,00 133,82 366,18

    Rating Fees 100,00 100,00





    TOTAL EXPENDITURE (US$) 28 775,00 19 293,82 9 481,18

    DEFICIT (US$) -7 375,00 -5 425,44

    The total income is US $13 868,38 and the total spending US $19 293,82. The US $ 5 425,44

    deficit can be explained by a lesser number of participants than expected.

    The FMJE will request this sum to the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

  • CONCLUSION We found that the chess Malagasy level is already recognized

    classified African Champion -

    The Federation was satisfied with the result and the

    this tournament.

    We can deduce that this is a second successful experience for our young players who

    high the color of our country.

    However, a lot of effort remains to be made both in terms of communication

    terms of organization.

    The next step is the participation of Madagascar in international tournaments such as: African

    games (Morocco), AIDEF (Paris), African youth championship (Mozambique), Continental

    African championship (Sudan), Junior World Championship (India), World Cup (Russia),

    Youth World Championship (India).

    Gens UnaSumus

    On behalf of FEDERATION




    Date: 17 January 2020

    Malagasy level is already recognized internationally by being

    - zone 4.3.

    The Federation was satisfied with the result and the Malagasy players’ performance during

    We can deduce that this is a second successful experience for our young players who

    However, a lot of effort remains to be made both in terms of communication

    The next step is the participation of Madagascar in international tournaments such as: African

    rocco), AIDEF (Paris), African youth championship (Mozambique), Continental

    African championship (Sudan), Junior World Championship (India), World Cup (Russia),

    Youth World Championship (India).



    internationally by being

    performance during

    We can deduce that this is a second successful experience for our young players who carried

    However, a lot of effort remains to be made both in terms of communication - media and in

    The next step is the participation of Madagascar in international tournaments such as: African

    rocco), AIDEF (Paris), African youth championship (Mozambique), Continental

    African championship (Sudan), Junior World Championship (India), World Cup (Russia),

    APPENDIX C-Key Performance Indicators -MAD2019_Africa_zone_43_Individual Championships Report