mac gregor golf moves to · macgregor...

JACK L. DARAY Golf Architect Designing and building fine golf courses for more than 25 year* Consultant on postwar remodeling. Cherry Hills Golf Club, Flossmoor, 111. Phone Hometcood 781 M. J. SULKA GOLF COURSES OF DISTINCTION DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED 41 L E O N A R D AVENUE ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS, N. J. ESTABLISHED 1920 MAC GREGOR GOLF MOVES TO CINCINNATI MacGregor Golf, Inc., in Dayton since 1897, will move to Cincinnati, Ohio, on April I, where more space and new streamlined manufacturing units will be available, it was announced by Henry P. Cowen, pres. The new address will be 4861 Spring Grove Ave. The new home, see photo, is a block-long four-story building with 150,000 sq. ft. of floor space on a 4y 2 acre tract representing an investment of $1,000,000. An entirely new manufacturing unit for producing golf balls is being installed under the experienced direction of C. C. Ryden, with hopes of deliveries to pros beginning by mid-summer. Tennis and badminton racket production started last year in the new plant following MacGregor's pur- chase of Hall Manufacturing Company, patents, ma- chinery, etc. Tennis racket deliveries currently are being made. Reflecting valuable experience gained in war work, considerable new machinery has been purchased for the better production of MacGregor Golf's Tourney golf clubs and for streamlining its production of iron clubs and wood c|ubs. In their spacious new plant, MacGregor will carry on the tradition of golf equipment manufacture which b^gan in Dayton in 1897, when the first golf club in America was made. MacGregor's complete line will include Tourney golf clubs and balls, golf bags and accessories, MacGregor tennis and badminton rackets, balls and equipment, and Craig Wood Authentic sportswear. Although the history of the firm dates back to 1829, the name MacGregor was first associated with the business in 1874, just 23 years before the first golf club was made in the factory. Credit for making the head of the first c|ub in the MacGregor plant belongs to George Mattern, a young man who dropped out of Coxey's army in Dayton, to look for a job. The head was made of persimmon and was turned out on a machine used in the manufacture of shoe lasts. MacGregor pioneered in making the first set of perfectly matched clubs; was first to insert a keystone plate for better club balance; first to market a four- club set of woods; and first to use a steel shaft and a protective sheath finish. Also moving to Cincinnati are the gold-badge Mac- Gregor craftsmen, many of whom have been making golf clubs most of their lives. These craftsmen, in recent war years, made golf equipment used in rehabil- itation of returned veterans. Each day after their eight hours war work elsewhere they went to the Mac- Gregor plant and produced clubs for wounded vets. No key changes will be made in the Cincinnati setup comprising a personnel of 400 including the following executives: Henry Cowen, president; Stanley M. Clark, secretary and credit manager; William J. McNulty, general merchandise manager; Robert D. Rickey and Paul J. Smith of the sales dept.; Allen Heeter, general factory supt. and Robert Lysaght, production manager. Cowen will be in familiar territory in Cincinnati hav- ing entered the sporting goods business there after graduating from Cornell in 1930. He advanced rapid- ly through merchandising and sales to become vice pres. and ass't. general manager, in a cooperative capacity with the late Clarence H. Rickey. Until the letter's death he shared the duties and responsibilities of all the company's activities in the manufacture and distribution of all products. Cowen, well-known by professionals across the coun- try, says, "The latch-string will always be out at 4861 Spring Grove Ave., where pros will see the newest and most modern golf and tennis plant in the world." New Home of MacGregor Golf, Inc., at Cincinnati

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Page 1: MAC GREGOR GOLF MOVES TO · MacGregor Golf, Inc., in Dayton since 1897, will move to Cincinnati, Ohio, on April I, where

JACK L. DARAY Golf Architect

Designing and bu i l d i n g fine go l f courses fo r more

than 25 year* Consu l tant on postwar remode l i ng .

Cherry Hills Gol f Club, Flossmoor, 111.

Phone Hometcood 781





M a c G r e g o r Go l f , Inc., in Day ton s ince 1897, will move to C i nc i nna t i , Oh io , on Ap r i l I, where more

space and new streaml ined manufactu r ing units will be ava i lab le, it was announced by Henry P. C o w e n , pres. The new addres s wil l be 4861 Sp r i n g G r o v e Ave .

The new home, see photo, is a b l o c k - l ong four-story bu i l d ing with 150,000 sq. ft. of f loor s p a c e on a 4 y 2

acre tract represent ing an investment of $1,000,000. A n entirely new manufactur ing unit for p r o d u c i n g

go l f bal l s is be i ng installed under the exper ienced d i rect ion of C . C . Ryden, with hopes of del iver ies to pros b e g i n n i n g by mid- summer.

Tennis a n d b a d m i n t o n racket p r oduc t i on started last year in the new plant fo l lowing M a c G r e g o r ' s pur-chase of H a l l Manu fac tu r i n g C o m p a n y , patents, ma-chinery, etc. Tennis racket del iver ies currently are be ing m a d e .

Reflecting v a l u ab l e experience g a i n e d in war work, cons iderab le new mach inery has been pu r cha sed for the better p r oduc t i on of M a c G r e g o r G o l f ' s Tourney gol f c lubs a n d for streamlin ing its p r oduc t i on of iron c lubs and w o o d c|ubs.

In their spac ious new plant, M a c G r e g o r will carry on the t rad i t ion of go l f equ i pmen t manufacture which b ^ g a n in Dayton in 1897, when the first go l f c l ub in A m e r i c a was made. M a c G r e g o r ' s complete line will inc lude Tourney go l f c lubs and balls, go l f b a g s and accessor ies, M a c G r e g o r tennis a n d badmin ton rackets, bal ls a nd equ ipment, a nd C r a i g W o o d Authent ic sportswear.

A l t h o u g h the history of the f i rm dates back to 1829, the name M a c G r e g o r was first assoc iated with the business in 1874, just 23 years before the first g o l f c lub was m a d e in the factory. C r e d i t for mak i n g the head of the first c|ub in the M a c G r e g o r plant b e l o n g s to G e o r g e Mattern, a y o u n g m a n who d r o p p e d out of C o x e y ' s a rmy in Dayton, to look for a job. The h e a d was m a d e of pe r s immon and was turned out on a mach ine used in the manufacture of shoe lasts.

M a c G r e g o r p ioneered in m a k i n g the first set of perfectly matched c lubs; was first to insert a keystone p late for better c lub ba lance ; first to market a four -c lub set of woods ; and first to use a steel shaft a n d a protect ive sheath finish.

A l s o m o v i n g to C inc innat i are the g o l d - b a d g e M a c -G r e g o r craftsmen, many of w h o m have been m a k i n g go l f c l ub s most of their lives. These craftsmen, in recent war years, m a d e go l f equ i pment used in rehab i l -i tat ion of returned veterans. Each day after their e ight hours war work elsewhere they went to the M a c -G r e g o r p l an t and p r o d u c e d c l ub s for wounded vets.

N o key change s will be m a d e in the C inc inna t i setup c o m p r i s i n g a personnel of 400 i nc lud ing the f o l l ow ing execut ives: Hen ry C o w e n , pres ident ; Stanley M . C l a r k , secretary and credit m a n a g e r ; W i l l i a m J. M c N u l t y , genera l merchand i se m a n a g e r ; Robert D. Rickey a n d Paul J. Sm i th of the sales dept . ; A l l en Heeter, genera l factory supt. and Rober t Ly saght , p roduc t i on m a n a g e r .

C o w e n will be in fami l iar terr itory in C inc innat i hav-ing entered the spor t ing g o o d s business there after g r a d u a t i n g f rom Corne l l in 1930. H e a d v a n c e d r a p i d -ly t h r o u g h merchand i s i ng and sales to b e c o m e v ice pres. a n d ass ' t. genera l m a n a g e r , in a coope ra t i ve capac i t y with the late C l a r e n c e H . Rickey. Until the letter ' s dea th he shared the dut ies and respons ib i l i t ies of al l the c o m p a n y ' s activit ies in the manufacture a n d d i s t r ibut ion of all p roducts .

C o w e n , well-known by profess iona l s across the coun -try, says, " T h e latch-string will a lways be out at 4861 S p r i n g G r o v e Ave., where p r o s will see the newest and most m o d e r n gol f a nd tennis p lant in the w o r l d . "

New Home of MacGregor Golf, Inc., at Cincinnati

Page 2: MAC GREGOR GOLF MOVES TO · MacGregor Golf, Inc., in Dayton since 1897, will move to Cincinnati, Ohio, on April I, where

BEAN BUYS W A R P L A N T — A Lansing Mich, war plant has been bought by John Bean Mfg. Co., div., of Food Machinery Corp., and pioneer manufacturer of sprayers and other agricultural machinery. Acquisition of the factory, which has lO'/j-acres of floor space, will provide John Bean Mfg. Co. with more than three times the space available in the 32-year-old original factory building, according to Howard C. Lisle, Bean's gen. mgr. Among other products Bean is making 2 new sprayers.

T O R O K I N A C H A M P W I T H BURKE—George Fautsch, out of the Navy and now Chicago rep. for Burke Golf Co. is duration champion of Bougainville Island. He had 3 golf balls in his sea bag and discovered some clubs in the rec-reation hall. By using the only open areas, the ball field and the adjacent cub airfield, a 3-hole course was laid out; par 9. George holds course record with 8. The fellows on the island got up an open tournament. George won that.

IDEAL M O W E R TO SPRINGFIELD, M A S S . — Ideal Power Lawn Mower Co. has moved to Springfield, Mass. where the company now is located in the plant of the Indian Motorcycle Co. Late in 1945 the Ralph B. Rogers group of industries, of which Ideal is a member, ac-quired the Indian company and because of the greater and more modern facilities the manage-ment decided that the future of Ideal would be greatly enhanced by moving to the new location.

Backdrop below, of Ideal's exhibit at recent G S A convention, shows company's new plant.

W A L D R O N IN N E W OUTFIT—Lew Waldron, widely known former pro, with Lou Rane has formed Columbia Chemical Co., I I S. LaSalle, Chicago, 3. The company sells insecticides, 2, 4D, and club, factory and office building main-tenance supplies and equipment.

A I R - O - W A Y N E W B A G FEATURE—Golf In-novations, 210 Franklin St., Richmond, Va., has patented a mesh bottom for golf bags permit-ting drainage and dropping of debris through the mesh instead of remaining in the bag and facilitating circulation of air through the bag. It is planned to license use of Air-O-Way to bag makers.

KELITE A ID S CLEAN ING—Ke l i t e Products Inc., 909 E. 60th, Los Angeles, I., Cal. is expand-ing its golf club business in Kelite cleansing powders, especially its materials for use in dish, glassware and silverware washing machines which is extensively used by Pacific coast club man-agers. The company is also pushing its painted surface and floor cleaners on the basis of strong endorsements from club managers.

GRIP-T IGHT M E N D S H O S E — Erco Mfg. Co., 4010 W. Monroe, Chicago, 41, reports big jump in golf club spring orders for Grip-Tight cast bronze hose menders. The device has tapered ends making easy, tight fit, and is secured by wire bands that minimize injury to securely fastened hose.

C A D D I E S H O R T A G E CURE—That thing be-tween Linda Christian (left) and Ava Gardner, which you may notice eventually, is the Auto-Caddy, which its press agent says "weighs but 17 pounds," etc., etc., etc., and will relieve the caddie shortage. We think such exquisite devices a-, Linda and Ava are the best things ever in-vented for bringing caddies from the ages of 14 to 99 out to a golf course. Any guy who would not want to caddy for Ava and Linda as they are depicted prepared for a pleasant after-noon, we would not want to have anything to do with under any circumstances, any time.

Page 3: MAC GREGOR GOLF MOVES TO · MacGregor Golf, Inc., in Dayton since 1897, will move to Cincinnati, Ohio, on April I, where

Check off your Supply & Equipment Needs. Tear out and

mail this sheet to Golfdom, 407 S. Dearborn St., Chicago 5,

III. You' l l get prices, literature and delivery information

direct from the sources of supply.

Golf Course Architects Arsenate of lead Ball washers Bent grass stolons Brown-patch preventives Compost mixers Compost spreaders Cultivators: fway • green • Drinking fountains Fencing Fertilizers Fertilizer distributors Flags (greens) • Flag poles • Flood lights

Pro Shop Bags: canvas • leather • Bag carts, for players Bag racks Bag stands Balls CD Driving r a n g e d Ball markers • Painting kit • Bandages, adhesive Braces for canvas bags

Club House Adding machines Air conditioning equip. Athletes foot preventives Bars: fixed • portable • Bath slippers Cash registers China Disinfectants Fire protection equipment Floor coverings Glassware

Fgrks, Tubular Tine Fungicides Golf Course Const'n Engineers Hole cutters Hose, y 4 " • I " • Insecticides Mole and gopher poisons Mowers: putting green Q

whirlwind • tee • fairway • rough • hand •

Mower grinders Pipe, water Playground equipment Pumps (gals, per minute7 ) Putting cups Rollers Scythes (motor driven)


Buffing motors Caddie badges • uniforms • Calks, for shoes Caps and hats Clubs: Woods • Irons • Club head covers Club repair supplies Dressing for grips • bags • Golf gloves Golf shoes Handicap racks • cards •


Kitchen equipment: Broilers Coffee makers Dish washers Dishwashing compounds Frozen food storage Ice cube machines Ovens • Food warmers • Ranges Refrigerators Slicing machines Toasters Vegetable peelers

Seed: fairway • green • Seed treatments Seeders Sod cutter Soilscreeners • Soil shreddersQ Soil testers Sprayers: power • hand • Spikers: greens • fairway • Sprinklers: fway • green • Swimming pool architects •

equipment • filtration • purfy. chemicals • paint •

Tennis court surface material Tractors Tractor tires Tractor wheel spuds Water systems, fairway Weed chemicals

Motion picture cameras Portable motor tool Practice driving nets Preserver for leather Score cards Sportswear: Shirts •

Slacks • Rain jackets • Windbreakers • Socks •

Tees Tennis nets Trophies

Heaters: club house • hot water •

Linens, dining room Lockers Runners for aisles • Rugs • Showers • Shower mixers • Shower clogs • Shower mats • Silverware Furniture Step treads Tables, dining • folding • Toilet seat covers (paper) Towels: bath • face D Uniforms

Send information Club to: Name Title

Club Address

Town Zone ( ) State

Page 4: MAC GREGOR GOLF MOVES TO · MacGregor Golf, Inc., in Dayton since 1897, will move to Cincinnati, Ohio, on April I, where

H E R E ' S k n o w IUUUL . . . TO HELP SOLVE THE PEAK-LOAD OPERATING PROBLEMS YOU'RE HEADING INTO! With golf club patronage heading for record heights you'll need operating teamwork and know-how more than ever before.

For 19 years G O L F D O M has been helping golf club officials and depart-ment heads solve their administrative and operating problems the practical, economical way. We'll get your "team" on the beam if you'll send us your club's operating line-up in the form below.


, , , Private Name of club: Dai ly Fee


Address Town:

Club Zone ( ) State By Position.

President's name


House Chrman's:


Add: Town:




Green Chrmn's:



Greenkeeper's name

Add: Town:.

Professional's name

Add: Town:







Page 5: MAC GREGOR GOLF MOVES TO · MacGregor Golf, Inc., in Dayton since 1897, will move to Cincinnati, Ohio, on April I, where


Position Wan ted — As Pro-Mgr. Greenkeeper. 23 years' experience in all phases of the game. Age 42. Available immediately. Wi fe can assist in Pro shop. An excellent instructor. Sober and industrious. Highest recommendations. Address: Ad. 311 % Golfdom.

Golf Professional with excellent record and highest recommendations desires position. 23 years experi-ence. H igh class instructor. Single. Class A mem-ber PGA. A-l credit references furnished. Address: Ad. 312 % Golfdom.

Golf Pro, single, seeks summer resort position in Wisconsin or Western Michigan district. Excellent instructor and expert greenkeeper wi th 30 years' experience. Address: Ad. 314 % Golfdom.

For Sale in Western Pennsylvania, 25 miles from Pittsburgh, an 18-hole daily fee golf course, two houses, clubhouse and machinery barn . Doing a f ine business and will show f ine net profit . Ap-proximately 150 acres of land in all. $75,000 includ-ing all equipment. Address: Ad. 315, % Golfdom. Golf Professional with fine record and recom-mendations. Age 34 ; married. Member of P G A with

A-l rat ing. Address: Ad. 316. % Golfdom.

Pro—Pro-Greenkeeper—Asst. Pro. Ex-serviceman, 27 years old. Excellent instructor and player. Wil l go anywhere. Box 563, Cheraw. S. C.

Pro-Mgr.—For the past 10 years, 16 years as^Prol desires position. 36 years of age. Available imme-diately. Address: Ad. 317, % Golfdom.

P R O F E S S I O N A L recently discharged from Armed Forces, would like to get re-established in golf. 15 years' experience, 33 years of age, marr ied. Practi-cal knowledge of club making, greenkeeping and club management . Teaching a specialty. Excellent references. Address: Ad. 318, % Golf do m.

FOR S A L E — 246 G O L F L O C K E R S . Steel-grey finish, 66" h igh, 24" wide, 18" deep, built back to back—"Lyons"—used. Wi l l sell entire lot at $10.00 each F .O.B. Pit tsburgh or smaller quantities at slightly higher prices. Pittsburgh Office Furni ture & Equipment Co., 322 Blvd. of the Allies, Pitts-burgh, Pa.

Greenkeeper—Desires year around position. Honor-ably discharged from the Navy. Age 33; married and have one son. Prior to the Service was greens superintendent for 4 years for an 18-hole course and 2 years as assistant mainta inance man for a large air base. Desire greens refresher courses dur-ing winter months. Can furnish first-class refer-ences. Arnold V . Trible, 5200 Forestville Rd . S. E.,

Washington 10. D. C.

Wanted — Experienced Club Manager for South Texas Country Club. Must be capable of tak ing complete charge of Club House and D i n i n g Room. Address: Ad. 305. % Golfdom.

For Sa le—Driv ing range; l ight ing equipment. Wr i te for prices and description. Address Arno ld Mears, Colonial Country Club. Memphis 11. Tenn.

Professional-—18 hole Daily Fee Club in Northern Ohio has open ing for Pro and wife to sell Greens Fees, Merchandise and Refreshments. Honest, sober and industrious. L iv ing quarters and salary. Opportuni ty for young ambitious couple. Address: Ad. 309. % Golfdom.

Golf Balls Repainted—For Pros. Send me your golf balls to be repainted. We do an excellent job. Requires one week for repaint ing. Honest work ! The price is 7c per ball plus postage. Here the year round. L. Mason & Son, 610 N . W . 31st St., Miami 37. Florida.

Wan ted—A used gang set of approach mowers for an Overgreen Worth ington greens mower. Address: Ad. 307 % Golfdom.

LIVELY DAYS AHEAD! Seep posted on golf's most efficient operating

practices through


Wanted—Gol f course for purchase or lease. Inter-ested in course needing improvement in p lay ing condition or aggressive promotion to increase play. Address: Box 322, % Golfdom.

P G A member, released from service seeks club connection as pro, or pro-greenkeeper. Wide ex-perience in all depts. of pro shop and modern course maintenance. Address: Box 323, c/c Golfdom. Golf pro wanted for medium size club, with wife to handle clubhouse, meal service, etc. Comfortable house furnished. Oppor tun i ty for wil l ing worker. Address: Box 324, % Golfdom.

Wanted—Copies of Golf Course Common Sense. Wi l l pay $3.50 per copy. Address: Box GK, % Golfdom.

G O L F CLUB M A N A G E R — Y e a r s of experience. Munic ipa l Club. Wil l be available March 1st. W i f e is experienced restaurant and luncheonette operator. Both are 48 years of age. Address: Box 301, % Golfdom. Professional—48 years of age, single, temperate and courteous. 14 years' experience in golf shops. Good club repairman. Good player and teacher. Position wanted as Pro or assistant pro. Wi l l go anywhere in U.S. Address: Ad 302. % Golfdom. WTanted—Any quantity used golf balls, cut or other-wise State prices, grade and quantity available. Don Mackay. 1231 N . Ma in St. Dayton 5. Ohio. Greenkeeper—Desires position. College trained, understands all phases of greenkeeping. 20 years experience, married, age 40. Address: Ad 303. c/c Golfdom.

For Sale—Toro 7 un i t fa irway outfit, complete wi th tractor. Also Toro compost grinder and screener in excellent condition. Gracewil Lawns Country Club. R . No. 2. Grand Rapids 4, Michigan.

Professional and wife desire positions at medium-sized club. Pro 48 years old with years of experi-ence in all departments. W i f e thoroughly experi-enced in kitchen or d in ing room management Lat ter however not essential to pro position. Address.

Ad 304. c/c Golfdom. Wanted " T E R F E R A T O R " machine in good condi-t i o n Address: Wil lard G. Wilkinson, golf course architect, Bellevue Country Club, Syracuse, New

York . — Young Class A member of F U A d e s i r e s position as P ro at a club that would appreciate a sober, reliable man E ight years' experience in middle west. Good teacher and player. Married with one duML Can furnish A-l references. Address: Ad 320, % Ooi;-

dom. — Pro or Pro-Grcenkeeper, m a n and wife combination if desired, ex-serviceman, now nearing the close ot a very successful winter season, wi th a well known club in Florida. References can be sent upon re-quest. Box 1857. Delray Beach Florida.

Man and wife to manage first class country club. Now employed. Excellent qualifications and refer-ences. Fine reputation for good food, liquor con-trol and good service at all times. Available Apr i l 15th. Address: Ad 308. % Golfdom.

Pro-Greenkeeper desires change, south preferred. 25 years' experience, member PGA and GSA . Ad-dress: Ad 319. % Golfdom.

Pro seeks employment at c lub needing experienced operator in all departments of golf shop manage-ment . Fine instructor, merchandiser and service operator. Present club being sold. S ingle; will go anywhere. Address: Box 321, % Golfdom.

Looking for a pro? I f you're looking for a pro who is unusually well qualified in service to mem-bers, shop operations, caddie management and a fine instructor, let me suggest you communicate with Andy Pryler, Ocean Springs, Miss. He's 34, grand disposition, up-to-date and a worker. H i s wi fe is a n able hostess. As my assistant I know he's 100%. Marty Walsh, pro.. Hickory Hills.

Nat ional ly known pro, in war work past 4 years, now open for club engagement. Teacher of many amateur and pro stars. Top credit rat ing. Real business man who stays on club job and gives pleas-ant , competent service to all members. Address: Ad. 310, % Golfdom.

Page 6: MAC GREGOR GOLF MOVES TO · MacGregor Golf, Inc., in Dayton since 1897, will move to Cincinnati, Ohio, on April I, where

CONTENTS M A R C H , 1 9 4 6


Swinging Around Golf Herb Graffis 3

Remember Your War t ime Lessons Dewey Longworth 11

Iowa Bent Trials Promise Better Strains H. L. Lantz 13

Pro Success Depends on Rep as Expert Jack Jolly 15

Gauge for Correct Machine Maintenance Kent Bradley 16

How to Control Rodents and Insects G. C. Decker 21

Hot Weather Creeping Red Fescue 26

Regional Cooperative Research Programs O. S. Aamodt 29

Design for Scenery and Service 32

War t ime Fertilizer Developments W . E. Lafkin 35

Postwar Maintenance Picture George Caskey 40

Modernize for Machine Maintenance T. T. Taylor 47

Turf Disease Materials H. L. Keil and F. L. Howard 49

Watch Drainage as Turf Problem Source James Tyson 53

Get Expert Engineering in Construction W . F. Gordon 70

ADVERTISERS Acushnet Proces; Sales C o 2nd Covei Alumicast Corporation 64 American Agri. Chemical Co . The 76 American Gol f Foundation 3rd Cover Associated Seed Growers, Inc 73 Balanced Gol f Bag 39 Berk & Co . Inc.. F. W 6 Buckner Manufacturing Co . 5 Burdett, Paul E 78 Burgett Co., The K. L 67 Burke Golf, Inc 28 Champion Manufacturing Co. 56 Ch i c ago Wheel & Mfg. C o 64 Ch ipman Chemical Co . Inc. 6 City Sales Company 78 C lapper Company ( The 71 C l i pon Sports Equipment, Inc 75 Consol idated Cover Co . 69 Oaray, Jack L 81 Davis, Inc., George A 5 Dennis Co., The Martin 67 Des Moines Glove & Mfg. C o 34 Dubow Mfg. Co. Inc., J. A 73 Dunlop Tire & Rubber Co rp 31 Ederer Co., R. J 61 Fate-Root-Heath C o 58 Fulname Company, The 80 Gallowhur Chemical Corp. 4 Golf & Garden Equipment C o 74 Golf Ball Manfacturers' Assn 25 Gol f Car t Supply C o 23 Go rdon Co., Wil l iam F. 75 Hagen Gol f Division... 42-43-44-45 Hanson & Co., Howard 77 Harris, Robert Bruce 76 Harrison, James Gilmore 81 Henderson & Co., Peter 79 Hillerich & Bradsby C o 10

Horner, R. S 73 Jacobsen Mfg . Co. 20 Johnson, J. Oliver 9 Jones, Robert Trent 77 Langford, Wil l iam B 78 Leavitt Corporation 76 Lewis Co., G . B. 79 McDona ld & Son Golf Ball C o 79 M c M a h o n ' s Seed Store 76 MacGrego r Golf, Inc 18-19 Melflex Products C o 71 Metalsalts Corporation 72 O ld Orchard Turf Nurseries 77 Party Guld, The 80 Phelan-Faust Paint Mfg. C o 63 Royer Foundry A Machine Co . 8 Sani-Tread Co. Inc 64 Scott & Sons Co., O. M 59 Sewerage Commission 4 Skinner Irrigation C o 67 Smith, Kenneth 60 Snow-Proof Co., The 74 Spald ing & Bros. Inc., A. G 36-37 Stumpp & Walter C o 67 Sulka, M . J 81 Swift & Company 9 Toro Manufacturing C o 54-55 Tull, Alfred H 78 United States Rubber Co . 27-4th Cover U. S. Rubber Co., Agr i . Chem. Div. 42 Veith Chemical C o 73 Vestal Co., John H - 78 Wagne r Co., Paul G . 57 Whitney Seed C o 78 Wilkinson, Wi l lard G 76 Wi lson Sporting Goods C o 50-51 Worthington Ball C o 41 Worthington Mower Co. 7 Woodruff & Sons, Inc., F. H 71

CCA Vol. 2 0 — No. 3 NBPA G O L F D O M , The Business Journal of Golf. Published monthly, except November and December. Subscription rate—$1.00 per year. Herb Graffis, Editor; Joe Graffis, Advertising and Business Mgr. Publication Offices—407 So. Dearborn St., Ch i cago 5; Phone Harrison 5941. Eastern Representative—Albro Gaylor

20 Vesey St.. New York 7; Phone, Cort land 7-1668. Printed in U. S. A.

Page 7: MAC GREGOR GOLF MOVES TO · MacGregor Golf, Inc., in Dayton since 1897, will move to Cincinnati, Ohio, on April I, where






1. Suggestions for Golf Club


2. Example of Mode l Golf Club


THE AMERICAN GOLF FOUNDATION The George S. M a y Building • 2600 North Shore Avenue