ly t]w m fiiiiis versailles 1treaty will ‘m m j m m ' iip...

ydiiuiaE 8, NUsiiffiR'cs. •• ' Fiiiiis m m ' J : IIP; - —«•- - ■' ’ •MUlti«-Miiliohairafe-ebnsi(I-" ered a Good Dancer But t ________ Dto^ilgs jtfodem J i . ties to, Advocate on Anni- J .ver^ry. ' (CopyrlRht 133G, >iy UnllPd Prenn) |i . DUmiOlT, Micu:. JuIr SO~Umry t Pord'a pet antipathies oro New Yonr'n v ---------------^.anA.blrtbJayii-------------------- i ----------- « So tod*r. M lio qulolly colcbratcil tbo nbcty-socond onDlveraarV o r ‘Iiln s comlns Inlo tlio world ho vtm dlalir c clined'to tnak« any pnrllculnr com- s mont oa.bualnofia, aucecM, how toatny ti . younR ft' 62. or othor atock mitijccin. "Ncvor folt bettor In my life," ho de- r ------------ •clarwl-in'nujiwcr to -Jngulrr-of—the- o United PniM. “I’ln livlns In todiiy, ti tomorrow, will t&ko carc ol Itacif and u laVoa cam of. Suo no , reaabii ror.any HtatomenL'* HU bIrUiiltiy found-Ford opparrnlty T aa vigon>u^'boflllhy ami nmtiltloim ax • In tho daya of bta yoiitli, nnd IntorcHl- cd In r ih®, relaUvcly nnlmportnnt tbiDxa u woll aa (ho Important thliiicn <| of llfo. . : Rl did pi^jralcaT/'eondiil0R<ao Kolf. Whllo jj bla non. lidaol, ia^onaliierod rather d proficient «a a p>lrer. Ford hlimialf jc never l^aa: taken up thu Ka>n&. llo in keopa in trim by taklnK brink wnlhs qi JQ earir raominit, cbopplns wood hnd doInK fann chorea. Ho never hnn put oi hlmaoir on a dUt. Ua oota modocotu- . . Iy. Dut what, anil when Iio pleascM. »i Ono of tlib favorite rocrnallona of n tho mulU-mlllloDolrb la-danelnK. Hla friend*:, cooalder bim a Kraooful i> dancer.;,,' •Modem <jau dancing doea not. how* , - ever, moot with JTord'a favor. Uo much prefora-tbo old.tlmo polka, quadrille • _________utirf Hmn ny/i Cl cd two^noted jnutars-oM bo old faab* wj loned dluce«,r to> t«acb Um and bia all Carnrlar tl^'ldc* further, Tord b«- Kan''boldtBCi*tfu6Qjr'tbroD^'tlninr'TV * . wo«k *>•» " -ofneJat^gpioSrTiBa DeH«f,'ifiat,ib*i<^ airt‘» « i lbft;.rfr; tb auU ot^Ahr.btitbunt of'Sbnonnal emo- tion led^Ford to attempt, a rojuvona- o tion of tba oil but forsoUon dancoa of o> old. an Ho polnta,to tbo fad tbat no par- ticular . daaoo of Ihu Jais typo had J ' llvvd long, wUllo tbu oli( (Imo nloiu hnd como down throuKh (he flKOa ofliL would cootlnuo to eilat long after Jou wan but a memory. An loloceaaihtt tmpreuUkn ot rordy bonu> loving jiatura mny bo obialnu'l from tho worda of ono. of bla tbroo grandchildren:, . p. “Wlion.papa wont play wlUi mo 1 i^r?*.lBto«ti ul ptraont la iontcr. n- ed around aviation and fanning. He coi vbas not been convlaccd that aviation Ia yat ednmerclally aucceaiful. Ho _ coDalders tbe olrplono In Ita prencnl f,, r form oa nlb«r impracUcablo becauao V oftbegnatltaount of apaeo rcqulred _ In ta k ln g ^ aad-landlng. Ford 4ndleaitea tbat. to him. tho po- , lenttallU»;of UHr ' fllP^tbla . aoomod auperior (b> ihoao of tbo airplane. U*'iriW !«log-bundreda-of thou- aanda ot;ODUan In aircraft dorolop- meat aiuL-i4Mv^ DRliiilSES^^ Bold B o b ^ . in Obi. ' eaffo daoMt Tm>’ D«atiu aad Twi» O o a t e ; __________ (tloty yife; . ^ __ gmd^PftWam Taken aad -Bcott ... !• so.—Working with ud nnriM tntft buu-Qtanirut - MollaabMSjairMir- York-, la oouMe-. :: Uoa ViCh'ittMt :apM tmUr, .imtA. 'oa- - tht - 1 - jrwl*rday.-;'Tl«y.'M«-Aarii*4,‘wlta. , tb« mtinM' of . .Fnaic '• elwk ot Uy^botri. - •• .',T, ; . . W laea aitf'-RalM * to r i’ tntifaMaif ~~7 ta partlel#AliUr ia-tb* . TStr ' it!!? aad M ^IM -.riM ai XlCl C qnt^M l’ . . bieoM o£o«taa,XB«a^Oovt waa . /jA . Versailles 1 -Be-Revised- Ex-Kaiser h WNDON. July 30-Ex;Premlcr Nit- i tl.otfIta(y. ODo of tho frainctu ofjlin Venollloa treaty, forcneca that Itn ru* I iVlBlon wlli:.npm?. I . .. Ho ao wXQte.lbo,ualtcd*Pri'»ii today, roapondlDR to a reqiieat tor hln ro- t nctloii to ulioroncea «f Admiral Von Rebeur' Paacbwlij. cs-KiiUur Wll- u t hhelm'a aldo, wblch abowvd Wlth’clm ii • coavlnc^ tbat tho trcoty ••muMt ho r ’ acrappwl.” . . . 'II z — Om~NtlU,.,eotoutn J6..MeB(iirir, ,jl1. t . CambrldKc. doclarod In no iincvrtaln worda' thnt ll “Ih not Wllhutm who ii abaH tell un whol'to do." It “Wo cnnnot forKol hln rcaiiopnlblt- it lly," wrote Nlttl, rocordlnK • lifn e y thoughts on (hCa. ihu olovantJi niiiil* • i> vernary of tbo flrlnK o.f thc (irAt abot o I "I liave criticized tbo treaty of .Vor- (i I aallloa.” wrote* Nlttl. "Kvvii Cluinen- ceau baa avowed It won concflvod an li . a method of contlnuinu war. To con- p t tinuo wor la nol pvac». a “Tboro wan only ono Al«aco-Ixir- oi . raino, but aftor thn war thoro-<^rn iilx Ir r or-acvenr—Tliuro-wnit'only «nc-Au«- p , irln-llun'Eary. now 'thero oro ulx nr it I Devon. In I , "Wo hnvo one million moro mun lo ' VK\ l'OI.I,KOTOK tJOBH T() t'l I - • .MK.\ICOAl'TKUTAKIM5«(WO AUSTIN. Toxaa, July 30-Ito»|Ufni- I tion wna nmilp today by Governor Miriam A. l-Vrguaan on thn cnvtmor ■ '< : XtflYlfn tni- rntiim to T.-tihi ' H. J. t!:arti'r to nnHwcr a complaint ; charging Hint whllo wiimiy lii5t col- lector ot.Lamb county ho did "unT •« IiU ^lly and framUilently take. ml«- '* o p p l^ ^ l convort to hlH'own uno. cer- Uln piibllo moneys, to-wlt ll.UliU." on Ti or. about Jiily 10. 132r>; wl -Carur wou ruporUd. to tlio kovqi* Jc nor -on belnK^ unitor arrcnl at Santa y( Ilona,^Now-Moxlco. THOUT mVH 1500 PHKT 0 UOWN tJU.>T,CATAIUCT J , FHOM ONE LAKK TO ANOTIIKll • OLACIER PAIUC. MonL, July 30— ta)aaeotad In blgb .walar..pcrlfria.Jiy..a i-. waterfall thal dropa 1600 foot,over a v aboor.wall:aro two . oddly, .alluateti lakea, Ellen Wllaon and' UlUo St. Mai);'a lD Qlaclor Natlonai Park) .Mon- >Xb« uppailakfl'waiajumod^c tba. .. yeara ago aod occaaioaally acboola of . thaw flab aro BMQlumbil&wdown-tbla giant cataract aafoly - making tho “hlgb' dlve" Into tbo .aoethlng water* < of I.IUI0 SL Mary'a. much to the amazement of walcblnx touriaU. Judgfe Has\Refused pj - to Dissolve Boise Joi ^ Project injunction ^ .. an BOISE. July 30.—Podoral JudW F. S. Dolrlch today rofuaejl to dla* {q nOlvo^ nn Injunction grantod''Doliu)' lai ■aiH>T«-hTf- Tiii1n« rinnii P- « BrlDCk of tbo dlalrict court'for Ada ph cQiinty • whoroby tba • reclamaUoa aW aervice i* required to aupply Irri- gation water to Oolao project Mt* Ini tlora rogardloaa of non-pftymont of be' dollnquonl dniiflago chargoa. . Jo FOB V ^ V ... \ • y\ -------- - jpg . tw in : FALLS, ID Treaty Will i-But^oiSy r* S^ys Italy t- under anna llinn before (ho war. 10 "Thore nri< nb»urdltl«n Illtc (ho u* DanziK vorrJilor that cuinoi he maln- Ulned. y, “I bellevo'Ibot a rcvlalun of tho D- treaty will como. I m "Tlicro'win ht no poacu In Kuropo.l I- uxceiil l>y an ontentu between Oer* in mnny'and Franco, Thwe two Krcnl )0 peopk-a tiro CQunlly noceanary to (hoi ' llto of ICurope and lo tho proRrena of: iL U)o-u-ocid------------------------------------------ 1 n "But lL_la.noi Wllholm who nlinlll 10 Iell, un whm (o do. Any lnIorvenlln^.‘ hy him In .dnnccroiin, lie hni> dnno 1- more harm 10 Gcritiany ihaM all ber In enomlna." , (- . Forrnurr I'reniler Polnfare, anolher' >t of Iho framorn of'thu Vernalltea doc- - uai,ttat.-u.l«R«HilH,.l-ili(* UiilU-<|-Hr«»H > from SnmplKiiy, Franco: . I- "Tho ex-Kul8i.T la pillfllcly oifrcafl- ji Inc (h»‘ aecroptbouKlitH of thi> Ini- I- porlnllntH, , Gi-Vuumw rofuncN to dla- arm hccuiiae ahe i^Hhon lo chanco imr - onacern fronilera and to throw.ICuropo X Into cbaoH. Tliv linperlnllKiH wlnh (hu I- penceful-powem-lo-tiinarm lo-prrvonl r Ibolr hilorvunliit; nijainnl (hvni. Such In Ihe aim of their claim <»r revlH- 11 Ion of (lio'Veranlllen Ironty."________ t'ON.STANCK TAI.MAIUJK I8 TJUKI) U OK 1IKI,N« A tiUKHK 1.0.< AN0F.1.RS. Calif.., July 30— n Conalanco Talmlidso, inovic avtrenii. f oniiounced to<lay Ihnt ahe In tired of irheltlK'irurwK_nil'U»i-cailiio mie WIIIIIH ■ . to vo|e nho inlendn id fllo jiapors Im* . iqedlnlcly lo rc«aln her Amorlcan clt- 1 Izonalilp. I Although born nh American, Mlaii ' I TalmndKO bocanto a huIiJocI of Orocce whou aho oloped wlih and ' marrjed ; . JqUk Poiloglu In New York aoverol 1 1 yeara ago. Sho dlvorcrd him .jn 1933. . spee S I nd u iS p m - "IWgdlnihi iad.V^.'nrm'WPcn- -: ( tb r JoiikifiaUierinR of Odd Fi^Itowa aod Robokalia at Filer Fair (IroDBdl. Rev. J. Klllolt'Sllmp. pnalor of (ho Chriatlan church at, KlmboMy, nnd < ProaeoutlnA Attorney J. W. • Taylor < will bo npenkora ot tho day at tho 1 Joint picnic of Odd Fellow* nnd Ro- ‘ bekaba at the Filer fair SToundn next 1 Suaday. There will be an orcheatra t and a lino prosTam ot vocaf numbcra < and rcadlnga. I All ilio lodgea of bolh orBanlzatlona ' IB the diatrlct. componod of Rohl, FI- Iar. Klmborly irn** - porticipato in thin, tho secon^. annual « picnic. .Membora of boih aocletlu o u t-'' afd# tbo diatrlct an» alao fnvltod. j Tboio who bavo no way to-go. are 1 invited tp bo ai.tb« Odd^Fojlma ball l bolwoon l'l:^0 abd 15:50 and traaa- ( Joftaua^ ytn.bp furnil»bod.- . • « 3REVER AND FQREVE ...v V / to ft- f HUM, ■- a X /, -T hw w u ......... \ \ ( . THe HPPl ^ \\\ ■ms stsm;;'.*. ' .-^ s is s s s s s fJl »A X i)ir iiTA(JKH F o rn i nOLDVPSt I’APTUHKII A.M> •K8CAPK8 « r 3IISTAKK F/^ — BAJ4-p;tANOISeOr-Jnly— 3o’=An" F annc<r bandit.augcd four holilupn r in rapid «uccoi«lon. on a down- I town atrMt bere today, waa knock- f [/ od down<ond captured, then rcleaa- I r ed by miaUrio; and oacspol amid a ^ bail of bullata. The bandit atarted by holdinx up a. garage' attendant,. followed wlUi robbery of d man OR tbo atruct cor- nor, three^Cblnrao wbo approached ' tiio acvnc, ntid two uoldomlflud ne- ... KToea. aocurinr aovcral bundrod viollara In cub'aiid Jewoln from hla i,'®- Tiio colorid'^nen knocked the bandit ilowiT'and took nway bla ! ^"ia wo^r'^wi^*^cn!"‘ ortV".S i lhe robber roleti>ied. and the dark- "lcerBinioms^liT^UiiE~toTe"MF ~ *Jl officer dld-«o. A.momont later tlia _ • mlatakc waf'ciiilalnrd and boforo . tho boiidit MX'd n t. QUt cf,night ; (bo ncgroetiyo^^nod. flro on hlii^ 1 wJlh Wa owi»gr))».'-:Ta3)rnb iJrhora .. , led'theobaa«j',a'{i'^ai>oitcQ niioiKiin ^ ' - ||E |O S T S i llONDON;‘‘’jiily;30-BandB of atrik- au — Int; coal m indw ,'o’iil ofi locnl alrlkea *'}’ 11 . In Waloa w ^ fo rlit In iho onrlyhoitnt of of today,an'il.boat'Ked'fl'umeroua. col- nr in>mii m',iiiij"_AmniAii-FftFa"TOiey;II* In ,ai;e.hoi|fa; after miilnlKht, el*;IU t-, cacb four hundred Hirong and armed with .MudRi-onn. III tnnk law into' tb-lr own baiidx nml :<! forced,tho, ■Ji^cty mon".nt Iho Idle ‘d mlnea-to rellro.'-liccordlnK to word *‘1‘ tX from CardlfC. 3. , Ooforo the club-nrmoU mon. tho pp- lice ^ero-powotlriui.- WKf nuch portenilouB-nnwa'ht hnnd ° . Promicr Saldwln becan-aoother <lay'a ■trcnuotia effort to prevant tbo threat* ened July Sl,*coal. lockout throughout the, land. Veor halo and manlfeaUy Urodji^m his Ioqr nnd-oxadlng day - jwti«aMw:*rrlt«t-eWbe-mtoisUv ot labor, MobtajtUfl bouao, at 10 a. W . “ r f to eont|n|io;bia.iuu:o(laUona upon the “y I ' falluw-ror aucceu of which dopenda " I v^ottor^.trcmeij^ua conflict »ihall U'O ---------- 1 bai! J Italy la AslSftd tb" Protect Undesirable put " U. S. Reporter -----All ,0 .W’ASHINOTON. July 30—Tho alato n*>l d dopartmont haa iliked tlio Italian gov- outi ir emmont to accord protection lo Ceo. inc ,0 Holdea. Chjcngo Tribune correnpnnd- tlio >* ont ordorcd oxpp]l«<i from Ualy. eo S ct long aa ho la on Italian aoll. Aclldn fill a by Uio department, taken throURb wlU ■s Ambaaiador Flotcbcr at Romo waa mo prompted by an appoal from (he Trl- Cht I, buno expreaains foar for ita rcpro- Uon I. aeniatlvo'a pbyaical aafoty. . iijtli tt — *>^’r 'T h **" ....... ...... ~ xl opinion, it la gpoerally bollavert In eff<i I- 'Wanblngtoti that tbe action of other pali American eorrrnpondonta In Romo la mot ■0 prote*lln« tbo expulaloa, oa unjuiti- II fled, indicates that tbe Italian gov- I- ommonl bas limited freedom of for- fl olgn preu reprraaotattivoa. 11 ^E R __ _ ^ . j 'B ... _ ... . , ..._t Hm. X - /Y a- a- a-aS' \ . BRoTBEe/ J Il LY T] IJLY 30, 1925 ‘m m im if INiSKl Widow of Commoner Re- quests That Funeral Rites ' Be Veiy SuTiple und No -^M ilitary-Pom i>-or-D isj)!ftjv — SpeciJilSMet By Groat Throng at Station in Gfii)- ital. WASHIKrtoN. July 30-Riirroiuul-, eil’liy Mvlnrr m.iritlinrn nf __ Win'. JcunlnKB llryan retiinivd to Woahlnslon (oday on hln Inni |i!l- grlmnse lo tho i;rnv<^ Tbo fimurnl train wiilch born him from Iho Tennoxnnu iiinuiiinln vlllnRii whero ho died drew Into tiio Uiiluii aUtion 01 7:40 a. m. -'-Thn-Jimmey'n-rnt} w m le off the-last •- (rliimpbnl miircli of'lhi' eiiiiiitioii(;r,’ it» riimarliahUi In Uh (Hbuien (o Uie.fiillcii loader an over he received when ho . nought the popular favor In the vliior , ot hla prime. Approximately onn tliounnnd people crowdcd'llui'TaXt eitwmmie of the **l aUllon to bid thr> body hall .md fAro- well.' A larcn deinll of police pnirol- cd tho alallun and 11 mniinled Kiiiiml- ron kept the exit cleur for lliegiirive- A n Tho funer.iljrtinrty_ won-nwifc-l'y hll on- inrormnl r ^ p T T W ‘?omtnlltee. V/W Incluillnc U<m O, l3avln; (oriner nee- _ retury to tho emiimonnr; flliarleii r fVmk. vi'prpnetKlitlJ. unofficial, ibo P alntn ilepiirimnnl which llryati hrnd- L ml for two yenr*: RoprcHculalivo W. e. Upidiaw or a<K>r»ia. nnd Mr. and Mr». Han Cr. McDIo. clonp friondn of tho liryann. Mm. llrynn letl tho-train nnd liro- coodod to her hntol hoforo tho body WON borne from tho ftmonil car., Slio PniK wn* cnrrlod to tho ronr pintfonn. Ar plonod In a witoci chair and rolvml Th by' uabora. The botly waa not movo<I unlll nil cE Uto poaaengem from Hid' (rnln to which' tbo funoral cor .waa ntlacbtd cow. bad. been cloarc<l from tho pint- to-In ,[^ b ' crowd' Ih ’U io‘«lfecDiinMi',grtw atbndlly in- number hnd ropoa- were ^ put 'up na pooplo preaaed forward to tj, view Uto caakrt nn ll rolled on Itn amall truck through t h e . pavllllnn. All clnanen ot llfo were ropreannied notlcflnbly clorgymnn. Many wore outgoing travolorn wito riike<l mlix- ing n trnln for a Innt gllmp»D of ,, Uio commoner. chief Scoren of floral plocea, eooiiRh lo fill a neptiralo boarno worn recolved with Uio coflin. Somn woro anor- mou»r aomo trom the KnowH'e „Z,\ Cha'mhnr of Commorco. boar a qunlo- , lion of Brynn'B. "1 havo onoucb ro- ,« ,.i llalon (o llvo by .and dlo by." ^nvei Titnl nl y ihn effflct of bor nnrmw. Her fnSrWinr polo and lined. Sho . woro* deep mourning nnd a thick black veil, ------------------------ ' iiKly DIETRICH HOLDS 1 ; tenperg I it ^ EXtRritCEiti V.' bam* " . ■' ful h QDcalloD of n'bethrr Ordlnanl-Stai- wouli .utM rrovldlnif Pi*nalty for Fnre- modfii dnaant AppIIra ta Tarry Acl Ca»e« *cn la Aanwcml In (he Wrtrallve. nnd < ) --------- jftnd (Specia) to Tho Tlmea). . eontli ' BOISE. July 30-rJudao F. a DIol- niunli ricb.latajtaterday held in.thfl.faae of aJmof cxtra*l6 per cent''penally In ease of ^ rcdcDipUon Bfur a sale for n)ortwe ^ , ■doea not apply to aalea undor Uia^r- ey act Tho vloWto thia effect n ^ e by Attorney T. K. Haekmaa to bciaif of Babcock waa adopted by tbe cpurt. ' m I g"-* demptloti as pro»ld*l Ui« ijunJiaaed Potm aball aaalga tba e«tlf*ca*»tt» 0>a land dep»r ff •old. latereat. coau aad fUed charge*" eaWti and 10 p*r e«at additional, la the dW^^ll Carey aet atatuto tba naaUoa ot-JO wIk per eeat.i*-ooiJtted. .M Bmy: Brook* , v maa. wbo boogbt tba cttrtmettatn tbla rta am: clalmad fbae U » M’m « « a t waa tiA i- laelBded^ laplicaUoi^ tefewflia*! iha-tamlaf-of U>» rsat._J^^P»atelA beM that- alnca not spoelflc»l|y' men- moA ti<meil1t-wartfarlBttetfcarae-tbe-iaw tn rr toonltlL , ■ . ) . . . . dairy •minMg& i U aad adM ^ tSS ^ j^ »!ir^^.la)arrt.:^^v w m Pretty Peggy ' ? . A.’ Will" . sh S bSk S w h s HHHHB m " Doric >Htru( • »" mil)-' This ta tbB time of m e whon tho lo' nl beauty «ont««t flourUboa. bo h«ra'B nn •' tho result of anolhor. Thi* on'n In U1«L>- Cowwell. tho pretUfJt rii'il. girl tn Olyfcipln. WoBh. . |i». I ______________ _ m IiiiU BEHER IHi OIL WELLSJS CLAIMgn •niKperlty Khiiwu Wltrreier C owh Aro .Milked and KK]><>rt Awiea . R Thnl t'owH Mi'iin ' ( ir e n l e r . 1‘roK- Ij 1* Cllwrtt» rroof. « CRDAll POLNT, ,0„ ,July 30,- Mllk wella,'», aupplled by ihn dairy ow.-aro of far grealor Importanco - 3-Inimanlty than nil the "oll.wiilln" ^Vo f .lhe • world.. If >}pu . wlab-n..briaf dBr* roniKtrlty. • nook oll. If .you, wlnii jra \ permanent proHperily, .nook milk, modi Thin placing of Iho dairy cow on bem. rojiporlly'* iMKtnnlnl tui a Krenler Inien <'rmanvnl monny maker thnn the prene rofllx to bo KiilnHd from ibo oil from i:iii*hern” woji cnnlalnnd In 11 talk Schin i:idn born.lodiiy beforo tho Nnliofini life n< luy aiinorlnlloit by .M. Ixmc, nchue lilef of fiiritt nnrvlre df tlie Dliin phaiii: olloj- rr'e:imery Innllluto. 'who do- given lared thnt nn greater mlnfortuno liront nuld befall an ngrlcultiirnl com- Marie mtiliy Hum to Imvo il dlneovor oll. who " wn (leo whnt It would mean Tli< ) your oommiinlty If oil wert* d(n- lowcil nvered.", mild Mr. I^nng. "Tbero f|f'^">i' oiU tbn iiiornie nml moraln .of the jmmunlly would l>e lowpred. Tho I f || iUDlr)-aiilo would lie rovored wltb | | | | icly derrlekn.nnd unnlgbtly nlinekx. ’ few people would bocomo - rich. ^ lie greal nvcrnRO nf Uio commun- 1/ y would nol lw nny boUor off than JJ afore. In n few yearn Iho Innt drop r oll would bn pumped out of tho ml well, nnd thero would bo nn (odun'of tho oil cbaiern. "Now. look, nl tbo olbcr plcluro. intend of tho oil gtiabcr ynu haro _ >a..dalry.,, cow----- Zho___countfxalda ould bo marked wllh ntately nlloa. pidn covered wKh wnving cropn ot '“ ‘"‘'J orn. aifnlfn and cloror. bis rwl ‘®“; * imn on ox-ery bllKop. ond bonuU- »»{?« ll homes. Tho discovery 'of milk , ould enune no ono (o l>ecomo Im- i® |rr odfnicly rich, bul ibo nvemgo ciU- •n would be Independent, happy id contonted. In n few }fon tbo ,n, md would bo richer nnd would «. intlnno to got richer unUl the com'! „ . ”J] unity would aupitort a. popolaUoa a„pi„ moaC,.«4Ual lo.that-of.a clly. Os I t n tO' Ohio. Mleblgan. Wisconsin boya vl Minnesota, and you will se« tbe i^is s her picture. -Tb« “An Ides of wiint the dairy cow idenU m done for prospority may bo Newb ilood by a'fe,w specific Instances? wbo 1 )re;tX stricken. Her Mils were A 1 )plpt^. ber people j»oor-Tb*m Wiled LUW" tba ii i<,iy >.u> . Toihcp Deo- waa c thn rifhptf cmintor-act tpiU lo tbo world. Tbe cow at w Pnspenas BMaaae af IjflP Cowa... 'K K rta'aur own cotatry two fanera- iU -ago. WIsQoaain waa baakrapL liSraalrT cow wAa broogUita this' la .TO tifl' amwc ^uw— im sw t s— : dry^itaU la th* miloiL.' H«Ttama V eerarad-wia flst'flaMa et al« C. : ' Ua. eere;- aB4:«law .';;Sl3. .b«a« M a»a: ; r, - ^ r---------!6AH0*TrnXTIIEII ^ . l-'ulr and iiiodertitejy .\\nrm loiil«:ht ^ml i'rlday. OLD VOU. XIlfTNO. 55. £iIHIlME_ M S NORTH TEMTODAy Little Damage Done By ' EiiHh Ti'onior Whicii Lasts for Thirty Seconds — AlL.,0 .vp'r I^^nhn^dlp nf Texas, and . Into Other St;U,e8; Wakes People Up. , A.MAItllJ.O. Texan, July .10-Two" dlntJnct enrtti ircimirM «book, ilio pou* hiuulli' neclloi) of TexoH. Nr«- ,\Iexleo. tWHnhotirmnd' Kmikiu ' ejTTy—unity.' u'iiiinui iitaterlnl dumruie. Slioi'I;n wereTi-lt at (.'lari'niUiii. Tex- nii .al r,;ii.', a. m. and C:lo a. m.. hoili nr sjinn cliirniloii, .Mluml. Te.^an, re- liorird a lriiin<irat C:lf» wlilio Ciiiiyoii full a Kliiik.' al 7r:0. The liiidulallun . mruek Amniillo nt C:l^. uoilcealilo ______ ’lialtiu.T'tnr (tniviiiiljwii bijlliHnKn. Till' In'inur van riiiom: eiioUKli (i> . i«alii'ii liiiiidrt-ilii Ilf jirrxomi liui thn iilly nl^ii riT iiaiiii' wax ri'ported by a- oral Inr'iiraim' cninpaiiy wblch wroto Ul eiulhtinnhe lliHUiaiine jiollry tor a ■Ih^it nil liiiiir ufier Ihe (luaiio bail -iililnl windiiwii. piiiH nud pnnn. I’nin- i». IIIkkIiim and llnrcford nlm> woro . ilialini. A;i fill- earn a» ClilckaKlift aud Uw* oil. oii.ljibujuu,,.Ua' Abiuikii wero re- r. T j: fi'hnfrer at (’lih'li.inba nald ho- <•11 tlm jihtn'U very dlHllnclly. Ihal hln H'll liniililid. pletureK tin Ihe wall ■iiltlc'd ami llial th<' unll««ir hln room way.'d at Uratu uu Inrh nud n lialf. I.llicral ami Klkbnrt. btxh norlh of.- lere. lu KapHan. aim) fell the tremor. m iM ET JEEIINEHOyES-^ VERliifKL: Wedneaday ovontng (be Baptist Sub- ar»pJiooi;oobiact;*t3tb**o«rM’¥ni.-„- m Wynn for Ihelr renlar ooolbly noctltng. Beside tbe cabiaet - mcBt- cni. aevorol young people wbo aro iiterenied ln l.Infleld college wero renent. There were n'presoalaUon* rom Filer, Buhl and Knull. Professor chlnuuh of Unfield college talked of Ife mlvaniftKes and poasibliitloa of the chuol. iipoechea on the dlfforont ' haiK-fl nf tho college's activlUes wero hen by Oeorgo Warberg. Sblrley ronnock. Wllnon Jackson, l<oe King.' larle ;^'elnon and Clnronco Owenby, . . rho aro nil ntudonin at Llnfleld. The cabinet bunlnesa meollng fol> )wcd. Al (ho clone of (he ovonlng ro- renitmi niK wero nerved to tbo .fifty- BOYSFOfcIN COLO. m c H CANON CriT. Col^; iu1r Sti—Rob- ; Frr^iTas-nirmotrvoaUvanted for tbo tiling of Walter Slaoo. 24, and Ull- •, IB. St. his brotbrr. (oliowlas iaveatt- aUons by. offlolals bero today.. . j Tho body otWaUer- waa'touad-’yaa- ' rrday in D«sd Man'a gplcb aaar bera. rtor a search- of several daya. Tbe »dy of Milton wa* -ft»uad oarly la ID WMlC Tho two youUi* dlsappoated Aug- «t 23. 1323, having left the booie ot n aunt In Puoblo. to go to Colorado prlngs. • They each bad 160 and d w a „ , ■ n •»ntome*^-'The'atrtemebll*-baa------- ^ Jrha-akalUabdWodWt.b6llL.of »ys bad beea hit 00 tbo b«ad, ofOo* Ja said. . . . J.' . The bodies.bare- been .porttJwlr . leattfled by >tr*. W. O; Wllklawa. of . J ewtoo. Kansas. aUtar of U »> aW ^ - ho left with'tbo, remalBS loday, for - ^ nf tt,,!,- „drmetr tn that eltT. X Uieory - tbat . tha boya-bad b ^ ., - « mod aad robbed S o a ^ wifa ai tanra te.t>>;>^tli;^-,-- - M*'

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Page 1: LY T]w m Fiiiiis Versailles 1Treaty Will ‘m m J m m ' IIP · nctloii to ulioroncea «f Admiral Von Rebeur' Paacbwlij. cs-KiiUur

ydiiuiaE 8, NUsiiffiR'cs. •• '

F i i i i i sm m 'J : IIP ;

■ • - —«•- - ■' ’ •MUlti«-Miiliohairafe-ebnsi(I-"

ered a Good Dancer But t ________ Dto^ilgs jtfodem J

i . tie s to, Advocate on Anni- J .ver^ry. '(CopyrlRht 133G, >iy UnllPd Prenn) |i

. DUmiOlT, Micu:. JuIr SO~Umry t Pord'a pet antipathies oro New Yonr'n v

---------------^ .anA .blrtbJayii-------------------- i----------- «So tod*r. M lio qulolly colcbratcil

tbo nbcty-socond onDlveraarV o r ‘ Iiln s com lns Inlo tlio w orld ho vtm dlalir c c lin e d 'to tnak« any pn rllcu lnr com- s m ont oa.bualnofia, aucecM, how toa tny ti

. younR f t ' 62. o r othor atock mitijccin. "Ncvor fo lt be tto r In my life," ho de- r

------------•c larw l-in 'nu jiw cr to -Jngulrr-o f— the- oU nited PniM . “ I’ln liv lns In todiiy, ti tomorrow, will t&ko carc o l Itacif and u ycaCerdw .la laVoa c am of. Suo no , reaabii ro r.a n y HtatomenL'*

HU bIrUiiltiy found-Ford opparrnlty T aa vigon>u^'boflllhy ami nmtiltloim ax • In tho daya of bta yoiitli, nnd IntorcHl- cd In r ih®, relaUvcly nnlmportnnt tbiDxa u woll aa (ho Important thliiicn <| of llfo. . : • Rl

did pi^jralcaT/'eondiil0R<ao Kolf. Whllo jj bla non. lidaol, ia^onaliie rod ra the r d proficien t «a a p>lrer. Ford hlimialf jc never l^aa: taken up thu Ka>n&. llo in keopa in tr im by taklnK brink w nlhs qi JQ e a r i r raominit, cbopplns wood hnd doInK fan n chorea. Ho never hnn p u t oi h lm aoir on a dU t. U a oota modocotu- . . Iy. Dut w hat, anil w hen Iio pleascM. »i

Ono of tlib favorite rocrnallona of n tho mulU-mlllloDolrb la-danelnK. Hla friend*:, cooalder bim a Kraooful i> dancer.;,,'

•Modem <jau dancing doea no t. how* ,- ever, moot w ith JTord'a favor. U o much

p refo ra -tbo o ld .tlm o polka, quadrille •_________utirf Hmn ny/i Cl

cd two^noted jn u ta rs -o M b o old faab* wj loned dluce«,r to> t«acb Um and bia all

• C a rn r la r t l ^ 'l d c * further, T o rd b«- Kan''boldtBCi*tfu6Qjr'tbroD 'tlninr'TV * . wo«k *>•»

" -ofneJat^gpioSrTiBaD eH «f,'ifiat,ib*i<^ airt‘» « i lbft;.rfr; tb

auU ot^Ahr.btitbunt o f'Sbnonnal emo-tion led^Ford to a ttem pt, a rojuvona- o tion o f tb a o il but forsoUon dancoa o f o>

• old. anHo p o ln ta ,to tbo f a d tbat no par­

ticu la r . daaoo of Ihu Ja is typo had J ' llvvd long, wUllo tbu oli( (Imo nloiu

hnd como down throuKh (he flKOa ofliL w ould cootlnuo to e ila t long after J o u wan bu t a memory.

An loloceaaihtt tmpreuUkn o t r o rd y bonu> loving j ia tu ra m ny bo obialnu'l from th o worda of ono. of bla tbroo g ran d c h ild ren :, . p.

“W lion.papa wont play wlUi mo 1

— i ^ r ? * . l Bt o « t i u l p trao n t la io n tc r . n - ed a round aviation and fanning. He coi

vb a s n o t been convlaccd th a t aviation Ia y a t ednm erclally aucceaiful. Ho _ coDalders tb e olrplono In Ita prencnl f ,,

r • form oa n lb « r impracUcablo becauao Vo f t b e g n a t l t a o u n t of apaeo rcqulred _ In t a k l n g ^ aad-landlng.

Ford 4ndleaitea tb a t. to him. tho po- , le n tta llU » ;o f UHr ' fllP^tbla . aoomod auperio r (b> ihoao of tbo airplane.■ U * 'ir iW !« lo g -b u n d re d a -o f thou-

aanda o t;O D U an In a irc ra f t dorolop- m eat a iu L - i4 M v ^

D R l i i i l S E S ^ ^

Bold B o b ^ . in Obi. 'eaffo daoMt Tm>’ D«atiu aad Twi» O o a t e ;

__________ (tlo ty y i f e ; . ^ _ _

gmd^PftWam Taken aad -Bcott . . . !•so.—W orking w ith

u d n n r i M tntft b u u -Q ta n iru t -

M o llaa b M S ja irM ir- York-, l a oouM e-. :: Uoa ViCh'ittMt :apMtmUr, .imtA. 'oa-

- t h t - 1- jrw l* rd a y .- ; 'T l« y .'M « -A a r ii* 4 ,‘w lta . , tb « m tinM ' o f . .F n a ic '•e lw k o t U y ^ b o tr i. - •• .',T, ; . .

W la e a a itf '-R a lM * t o r i ’ tntifaM aif ~~7 t a partlel#A liUr ia - t b * .

• T S t r ' it!!?a ad M ^ I M - . r iM a i X lC l C q n t ^ M l ’ . . b ie o M o £ o « ta a ,X B « a ^ O o v t w aa .

/ j A .

Versailles 1 -Be-Revised- E x-K a iser

h WNDON. July 30-Ex;Prem lcr Nit- i tl.otfIta(y. ODo of tho frainctu o fjlin V enollloa treaty, forcneca that Itn ru* I iVlBlon wlli:.npm?. I

. .. Ho ao wXQte.lbo,ualtcd*Pri'»ii today, roapondlDR to a reqiieat tor hln ro- t nctloii to ulioroncea « f Admiral Von Rebeur' Paacbwlij. cs-KiiUur Wll- u

t hhelm'a aldo, wblch abowvd Wlth’clm ii • coavlnc^ tbat tho trcoty ••muMt ho r ’ acrappwl.” . . . ' I Iz — Om~NtlU,.,eotoutn J6..MeB(iirir, ,jl1. t . CambrldKc. doclarod In no iincvrtaln

worda' thnt ll “Ih not Wllhutm who ii abaH tell un w hol'to do." It

“Wo cnnnot forKol hln rcaiiopnlblt- it lly," wrote Nlttl, rocordlnK • lifn e

y thoughts on (hCa. ihu olovantJi niiiil* • i> vernary of tbo flrlnK o.f thc (irAt abot o

I "I liave criticized tbo treaty of .Vor- (i I aallloa.” wrote* Nlttl. "Kvvii Cluinen-

ceau baa avowed It won concflvod an li. a method of contlnuinu war. To con- pt tinuo wor la no l pvac». a

“Tboro wan only ono Al«aco-Ixir- oi. raino, but aftor thn war thoro-<^rn iilx Irr or-acvenr—Tliuro-wnit'only «nc-Au«- p, irln-llun'Eary. now 'thero oro ulx nr itI Devon. InI , "Wo hnvo one million moro mun lo

' V K \ l'OI.I,KOTOK tJOBH T() t'lI - • .M K.\ICOAl'TKUTAKIM 5«(W O

AUSTIN. Toxaa, Ju ly 30-Ito»|Ufni- I tion wna nmilp today by Governor

Miriam A. l-Vrguaan on thn c n v tm o r ■'<: XtflYlfn tni- rntiim to T.-tihi' H. J. t!:arti'r to nnHwcr a complaint ; charging Hint whllo wiimiy lii5t col-

lector ot.Lam b county ho did "unT •« IiU ^ lly and framUilently take. ml«- '* o p p l^ ^ l convort to hlH'own uno. cer- U ln piibllo moneys, to-wlt ll.UliU." on Ti or. about Jiily 10. 132r>; wl■ -Carur wou ruporUd. to tlio kovqi* Jc nor -on belnK unitor arrcnl at Santa y( Ilona,^Now-Moxlco.



• OLACIER PAIUC. MonL, July 30— ta)aaeotad In blgb .walar..pcrlfria.Jiy. .a i - . waterfall thal dropa 1600 foot,over a v aboor.w all:aro two . oddly, .alluateti lakea, E llen Wllaon and' U lU o St. Mai);'a lD Qlaclor Natlonai Park) .Mon- ■

>Xb« u p p a ila k fl'w a ia ju m o d ^ c tb a . ..

yeara ago aod occaaioaally acboola of . th aw flab aro BMQlumbil&wdown-tbla • giant cataract aafoly - making tho “hlgb' dlve" Into tbo .aoethlng water* < of I.IUI0 SL Mary'a. much to the amazement of walcblnx touriaU.

Judgfe H as\R efused pj - to Dissolve Boise Joi

P ro jec t in junc tion ^.. an

BOISE. July 30.— Podoral JudW F. S. Dolrlch today rofuaejl to dla* {q nOlvo nn Injunction grantod''Doliu)' lai

■aiH>T«-hTf- Tiii1n« rinnii P - « BrlDCk of tbo dlalrict court'for Ada ph cQiinty • whoroby tba • reclamaUoa aW aervice i* required to aupply Irri­gation water to Oolao project Mt* Ini tlora rogardloaa of non-pftymont of be' dollnquonl dniiflago chargoa. . Jo


V ^V ... \ •

y \

-------- - — jpg

. t w i n : FALLS, I D

Treaty W ill i-B u t^ o iS y r* S ^ ys Italyt- under anna llinn before (ho war.10 "Thore nri< nb»urdltl«n Illtc (ho u* DanziK vorrJilor that cuinoi he maln-

Ulned.y, “I bellevo'Ibot a rcvlalun of tho D- treaty will como. Im "Tlicro'win ht no poacu In Kuropo.l I- uxceiil l>y an ontentu between Oer* in mnny'and Franco, Thw e two Krcnl )0 peopk-a tiro CQunlly noceanary to (hoi ' llto of ICurope and lo tho proRrena of:

iL U)o-u-ocid------------------------------------------ 1n "But lL_la.noi Wllholm who nlinlll10 Iell, un whm (o do. Any lnIorvenlln^.‘

hy him In .dnnccroiin, l ie hni> dnno1- more harm 10 Gcritiany ihaM all ber In enomlna." ,(- . Forrnurr I'reniler Polnfare, anolher' >t of Iho framorn of'thu Vernalltea doc-- uai,ttat.-u.l«R«HilH,.l-ili(* UiilU-<|-Hr«»H > from SnmplKiiy, Franco: .I- "Tho ex-Kul8i.T la pillfllcly oifrcafl- ji Inc (h»‘ aecroptbouKlitH of thi> Ini- I- porlnllntH, , Gi-Vuumw rofuncN to dla-

arm hccuiiae ahe i^Hhon lo chanco imr- onacern fronilera and to throw.ICuropo X Into cbaoH. Tliv linperlnllKiH wlnh (hu I- penceful-powem-lo-tiinarm lo-prrvonl r Ibolr hilorvunliit; nijainnl (hvni. Such

In Ihe aim of their claim <»r revlH-11 Ion of (lio'Veranlllen Ironty."________


’ 1.0.< AN0F.1.RS. Calif.., July 30— n Conalanco Talmlidso, inovic avtrenii. f oniiounced to<lay Ihnt ahe In tired of irheltlK'irurwK_nil'U»i-cailiio mie WIIIIIH ■ . to vo|e nho inlendn id fllo jiapors Im*. iqedlnlcly lo rc«aln he r Amorlcan clt- 1 Izonalilp. • • I

Although born nh American, Mlaii ' I TalmndKO bocanto a huIiJocI of Orocce

whou aho oloped w lih and ' m arrjed ; . JqUk Poiloglu In New Y ork aoverol 1 1 yeara ago. Sho dlvorcrd him .jn 1933.

. speeS I ndu i S p m -

"IWgdlnihi i a d . V ^ . 'n r m ' W P c n - -: (u k f .a t tb r JoiikifiaUierinR of Odd

Fi^Itowa aod Robokalia at Filer Fair (IroDBdl.

Rev. J. K lllolt'Sllm p. pnalor of (hoChriatlan church at, KlmboMy, nnd <ProaeoutlnA Attorney J. W. • Taylor <will bo npenkora ot tho day at tho 1Joint picnic of Odd Fellow* nnd Ro- ‘bekaba at the Filer fair SToundn next 1Suaday. There will be an orcheatra tand a lino prosTam ot vocaf numbcra <and rcadlnga. I

All ilio lodgea of bolh orBanlzatlona 'IB the diatrlct. componod o f Rohl, FI- ‘Iar. Klmborly irn** -porticipato in thin, tho secon^. annual « picnic. .Membora of boih aocletlu o u t - ''afd# tbo diatrlct an» alao fnvltod. j

Tboio w ho bavo no way to-go. are 1invited tp bo ai.tb« Odd^Fojlma ball lbolwoon l'l:^0 abd 15:50 and traaa- (Joftaua^ y tn .b p furnil»bod.- . • «


. . . v V ■ / t oft- f HUM,

■ - a X • / , -T h w w u

......... \ \ ( . THe HPPl^ \ \ \ ■ m s

stsm;;'.*. ' .- s i s s s s s s

f J l »AXi)ir iiTA(JKH Forn i nOLDVPSt I’APTUHKII A.M>


F /^ — BAJ4-p;tANOISeOr-Jnly— 3o’=An" “ F annc<r bandit.augcd four holilupn r

in rapid «uccoi«lon. on a down- I town atrMt bere today, waa knock- f

[ / od down<ond captured, then rcleaa- I r ed by miaUrio; and oacspol amid a ^

bail of bullata.The bandit atarted by holdinx up

a. garage' attendant,. followed wlUi robbery o f d man OR tbo atruct cor- nor, three^Cblnrao wbo approached

' tiio acvnc, ntid two uoldomlflud ne- . . . KToea. aocurinr aovcral bundrod

viollara In c u b 'a iid Jewoln from hla

i,'®- Tiio colorid'^nen knocked the bandit ilowiT'and took nway bla

! ^ " i a w o ^ r '^ w i^ * ^ c n ! " ‘ ortV ".Si lhe robber roleti>ied. and the dark-

" lc e rB in io m s^ liT ^ U iiE ~ to T e " M F ~*Jl officer dld-«o. A.momont later tlia_ • mlatakc w af'ciiila ln rd and boforo

. tho boiidit MX'd n t . QUt cf,n ight; (bo ncgroetiyo^^nod. flro on hlii^

■ 1 wJlh Wa owi»gr))».'-:Ta3)rnb iJrhora. . , led'theobaa«j',a'{ i'^ai>oitcQ niioiKiin

^ ' - | | E | O S T S illONDON;‘‘’jiily ;30-B and B of atrik- au

— Int; coal m indw ,'o’iil ofi locnl alrlkea *'}’ 11. In Waloa w ^ f o r l i t In iho onrlyhoitntof of today,an'il.boat'Ked'fl'umeroua. col-nr in>mii m',iiiij"_AmniAii-FftFa"TOiey;—II* In ,ai;e.hoi|fa; after miilnlKht, el*;IU t-, cacb four hundred

Hirong and armed with .MudRi-onn.III tnnk law into' tb-lr own baiidx nml :<! forced,tho, ■Ji^cty m on".nt Iho Idle ‘d m lnea-to rellro.'-liccordlnK to word *‘1‘ tX from CardlfC.3. , Ooforo the club-nrmoU mon. tho pp-

lice ^ero-powotlriui.- WKf nuch portenilouB-nnwa'ht hnnd ° .

Promicr Saldwln becan-aoother <lay'a ■trcnuotia e ffort to prevant tbo threat* ened July Sl,*coal. lockout throughout the, land. Veor halo and manlfeaUy Urodji^m his Ioqr nnd-oxadlng day

- jw t i« a M w :* r r lt« t-e W b e -m to isU vo t labor, MobtajtUfl bouao, a t 10 a. W . “ r

f to eont|n|io;bia.iuu:o(laU ona upon th e “y I ' falluw -ror a u cc eu of which dopenda "I v ^ o tto r^ .tr cm e ij^ u a conflict »ihall U'O

----------1 bai!

J I ta ly la AslSftd tb"P ro tec t U ndesirable put

" U. S. R eporter-----— All

,0 .W’ASHINOTON. July 30—Tho alato n*>l d dopartmont haa iliked tlio Italian gov- outi ir emm ont to accord protection lo Ceo. inc ,0 Holdea. Chjcngo Tribune correnpnnd- tlio >* ont ordorcd oxpp]l«<i from Ualy. eo S ct long aa ho la on Italian aoll. Aclldn fill a by Uio department, taken throURb wlU ■s Ambaaiador Flotcbcr at Romo waa mo

prompted by an appoal from (he Trl- Cht I, buno expreaains foar for ita rcpro- Uon I. aeniatlvo'a pbyaical aafoty. . iijtlitt — *> ’r'Th **" ....... ...... ~xl opinion, it la gpoerally bollavert In eff<i I- 'Wanblngtoti that tbe action of other pali

American eorrrnpondonta In Romo la mot ■0 prote*lln« tbo expulaloa, oa unjuiti-II fled, indicates that tbe Italian gov-I- ommonl bas limited freedom of for- f l

olgn p reu reprraaotattivoa. 1 1

^ E R _ _ _ ■ ^ . j


... _... . , ..._t Hm.

X • ■ -/ Y a-a-a-aS ' \ .

B R o T B E e / JIl

LY T]IJLY 30, 1925 •

‘m mi m i fI N i S K lW i d o w o f C o m m o n e r R e ­

q u e s t s T h a t F u n e r a l R it e s ' B e V e i y SuTiple u n d N o

- ^ M i l i t a r y - P o m i> - o r - D is j ) ! f t j v — S p e c i J i l S M e t B y G r o a t T h r o n g a t S t a t i o n in Gfii)- i t a l .

WASHIKr t o N. July 30-Riirroiuul-,ei l ’liy Mvlnrr m.irit lin rn n f _ _Win'. JcunlnKB llryan retiinivd to Woahlnslon (oday on hln Inni |i!l- grlmnse lo tho i;rnv<^

Tbo fimurnl train wiilch born him from Iho Tennoxnnu iiinuiiinln vlllnRii whero ho died drew Into tiio Uiiluii aUtion 01 7:40 a. m.-'-Thn-Jimmey'n-rnt} w m le off the-last •- (rliimpbnl miircli of'lh i' eiiiiiitioii(;r,’ it» riimarliahUi In Uh (Hbuien (o Uie.fiillcii loader an over he received when ho . nought the popular favor In the vliior , ot hla prime.

Approximately onn tliounnnd people crowdcd'llui'TaXt eitwm mie of the **l aUllon to bid thr> body hall .md fAro- well.' A larcn deinll o f police pnirol- cd tho alallun and 11 mniinled Kiiiiml- ron kept the exit cleur for lliegiirive- A n

Tho funer.iljrtinrty_ won-nwifc-l'y h l l on- inrormnl r ^ p T T W ‘?omtnlltee. V/W Incluillnc U<m O, l3avln; (oriner nee- _ retury to tho emiimonnr; flliarleii r fVmk. vi'prpnetKlitlJ. unofficial, ibo P alntn ilepiirimnnl which llryati hrnd- L ml for two yenr*: RoprcHculalivo W. e . Upidiaw or a<K>r»ia. nnd Mr. and Mr». Han Cr. McDIo. clonp friondn of tho liryann.

Mm. llrynn letl tho-train nnd liro- coodod to her hntol hoforo tho body WON borne from tho ftmonil car., Slio PniK wn* cnrrlod to tho ronr pintfonn. Ar plonod In a witoci chair and rolvml Th

by' uabora.The botly waa not movo<I unlll nil cE

Uto poaaengem from Hid' (rnln to which' tbo funoral cor .waa ntlacbtd cow. bad. been cloarc<l from tho pint- to-In

, [ ^ b' crowd' Ih ’U io‘«lfecDiinMi',grtw atbndlly in- number hnd ropoa- were put 'up na pooplo preaaed forward to tj, view Uto caakrt nn ll rolled on Itn amall truck through t h e . pavllllnn.All clnanen ot llfo were ropreannied notlcflnbly clorgymnn. Many wore outgoing travolorn wito riike<l mlix- ing n trnln for a Innt gllmp»D of , ,Uio commoner. chief

Scoren of floral plocea, eooiiRh lo fill a neptiralo boarno worn recolved with Uio coflin. Somn woro anor- m ou»r aomo trom th e Know H'e „ Z , \ Cha'mhnr of Commorco. boar a qunlo- , lion of Brynn'B. "1 havo onoucb ro- ,« ,.i llalon (o llvo by .and dlo by." ^nvei

— Titnl nl y ihn effflct o f bor nnrmw. H er fnSrW inr polo and lined. Sho . woro* deep m ourning nnd a thick black veil,

------------------------ ' iiKly

DIETRICH HOLDS 1 ;t e n p e r g I i t ^E X t R r i t C E i t i

V.' bam* " . ■ ' ful h

QDcalloD of n'bethrr Ordlnanl-Stai- wouli .utM rrovldlnif Pi*nalty for Fnre- modfii dnaant AppIIra ta Tarry A cl Ca»e« *cn la Aanwcml In (he Wrtrallve. nnd <

) --------- • jftnd(Specia) to Tho Tlm ea). . eontli

' BOISE. July 30-rJudao F. a DIol- niunli ricb .latajtaterday held in.thfl.faae of aJmof

cxtra*l6 per cent''penally In ease of ^ rcdcDipUon Bfur a sa le f o r n )o r tw e ^ , ■doea not apply to aalea undor U ia ^ r - ey a c t Tho vloW to thia effect n ^ e ‘ by Attorney T. K. Haekmaa to bciaif of Babcock waa adopted by tbe cpurt. '

mI g " - *demptloti as pro»ld*l Ui« ijunJiaaed Potm aball aaalga tba e«tlf*ca*»tt» 0>a land dep»r

f f

•old. latereat. coau aad fUed charge*" eaWti and 10 p*r e«at additional, la the dW ll Carey aet atatuto tba naaU oa ot-JO w Ik per eeat.i*-ooiJtted. .M B m y: Brook* , v maa. wbo boogbt tba cttrtm ettatn tbla rta a m : clalmad fbae U » M ’m « « a t waa t iA i- la e lB d e d ^ laplicaUoi^ te fe w flia * ! iha-tamlaf-of U>» r sa t._ J ^ ^ P » a te lA beM that- alnca not spoelflc»l|y' men- moA ti<meil1t-w artfarlBttetfcarae-tbe-iaw t n r r t o o n l t lL , ■ . ) . . . . dairy

•m in M g & i

U aad a d M ^t S S ^ j ^ » ! ir ^ ^ .l a ) a r r t . : ^ ^ v

w mPretty Peggy ' ?

. A.’

Will". sh

S b Sk S w h s H H H H B m "■ Doric


• » " mil)-'This ta tbB time of m e whon tho lo' nlbeauty «ont««t flourUboa. bo h«ra'B nn •' tho result o f anolhor. Thi* on'n InU1«L>- Cowwell. tho pretUfJt rii'il.

girl tn Olyfcipln. WoBh. . |i». I______________ _ mIiiiU


•niKperlty Khiiwu Wltrreier C’owh Aro .Milked and KK]><>rt A w iea . R Thnl t'owH Mi'iin ' (iren ler . 1‘roK- Ij

1* Cllwrtt» rroof.« ■

CRDAll POLNT, ,0 „ ,July 3 0 ,- Mllk wella,'», aupplled by ihn dairyow .-aro of far grealor Importanco - 3 -Inimanlty than nil the "oll.wiilln" ^Vof .lh e • w orld.. If >}pu . w lab-n..briaf dBr*roniKtrlty. • nook o ll. If .you, wlnii jra \

permanent proHperily, .nook milk, modiThin placing of Iho dairy cow on bem.rojiporlly'* iMKtnnlnl tui a Krenler Inien<'rmanvnl monny maker thnn the prenerofllx to bo KiilnHd from ibo oil fromi:iii*hern” woji cnnlalnnd In 11 talk Schini:idn born.lodiiy beforo tho Nnliofini life n<luy aiinorlnlloit by .M. Ixmc, nchuelilef of fiiritt nnrvlre df tlie Dliin phaiii:olloj- rr'e:imery Innllluto. 'who do- givenlared thnt nn greater mlnfortuno lirontnuld befall an ngrlcultiirnl com- Mariemtiliy Hum to Imvo i l dlneovor oll. who" wn (leo whnt It would mean Tli<

) your oommiinlty If oil wert* d(n- lowcilnvered.", mild Mr. I^nng. "Tbero f|f' ">i'

oiU tbn iiiornie nml moraln .of the jmmunlly would l>e lowpred. Tho I f | | iUDlr)-aiilo would lie rovored wltb | | | | icly derrlekn.nnd unnlgbtly nlinekx.’ few people would bocomo - rich. ^ lie greal nvcrnRO nf Uio commun- 1 / y would nol lw nny boUor off than J J afore. In n few yearn Iho Innt drop r o ll would bn pumped out of tho ml w ell, nnd thero would bo nn (odun'of tho oil cbaiern. ■"Now. look, nl tbo olbcr plcluro. intend of tho o il gtiabcr ynu haro _>a..dalry.,, cow----- Zho___countfxaldaould bo marked wllh ntately nlloa. pidn covered wKh wnving cropn ot '“ ‘"‘'J orn. aifnlfn and cloror. b is rwl ‘®“; * im n on ox-ery bllKop. ond bonuU- »»{?« ll homes. Tho discovery 'of m ilk , ould enune no ono (o l>ecomo Im- i® |r r odfnicly rich, bul ibo nvemgo ciU- •n would be Independent, happy id contonted. In n few } f o n tbo ,n , md would bo richer nnd would «. intlnno to got richer unUl the com'! „ .”J] unity would aupitort a . popolaUoa a„pi„ moaC,.«4Ual lo . t h a t - o f .a c lly . Os

Itn tO' Ohio. Mleblgan. W isconsin boya vl Minnesota, and you will se« tbe i^is s her picture. ■ -Tb«“An Ides o f wiint the dairy cow idenU m done for prospority may bo Newb ilood by a'fe,w specific Instances? wbo 1

)re;tX stricken. Her M ils were A 1 )p lp t^ . ber people j » o o r - T b * m Wiled LUW" tba iii<,iy >.u>. Toihcp Deo- waa c a r k thn rifhptf c m in to r -a c t tpiU lo tbo world. Tbe cow a t w

P n s p e n a s BMaaae a f I j f l P Cowa... ■ ' K K

r ta 'a u r own co ta try tw o fanera- iU - a g o . WIsQoaain waa baakrapL liSraalrT cow wAa b r o o g U ita this'

la .T O t if l ' a m w c ^ u w — i m s w t s— :dry^itaU la th* miloiL.' H « T ta m a V e er a ra d -w ia f ls t 'f la M a e t al« C. : ' Ua. eere;- a B 4 : « la w .' ; ; S l3 . .b « a «M a » a : ; r, -

^ — r---------!6AH0*TrnXTIIEII ^. l-'ulr and iiiodertitejy

■ .\\nrm loiil«:ht ^ml i'rlday .



Little Damage Done By •' EiiHh Ti'onior Whicii

Lasts for Thirty Seconds — AlL.,0 .vp'r I^^nhn^dlp nf

Texas, and . Into Other St;U,e8; Wakes People Up.

, A.MAItllJ.O. Texan, Ju ly .10-Two" dlntJnct enrtti ircimirM «book, ilio pou* hiuulli' neclloi) of TexoH. Nr«- ,\Iexleo. tW Hnhotirmnd' Kmikiu ' ejTTy— unity.' u'iiiinui iitaterlnl dumruie.

Slioi'I;n w ereTi-lt at (.'lari'niUiii. Tex- nii .al r,;ii.', a. m. and C:lo a. m.. hoili nr s jinn cliirniloii, .Mluml. Te.^an, re- liorird a lriiin<irat C:lf» wlilio Ciiiiyoii full a Kliiik.' al 7r:0. The liiidulallun .mruek Amniillo nt C:l^. uoilce a l i l o ______’lialtiu.T'tnr (tniviiiiljwii bijlliHnKn.

Till' In 'inur van riiiom: eiioUKli (i> . i«alii'ii liiiiidrt-ilii Ilf jirrxomi liui thn iilly nl^ii riT iiaiiii' wax ri'ported by a- o ral Inr'iiraim ' cninpaiiy wblch wroto Ul eiulhtinnhe lliHUiaiine jiollry to r a ■Ih^it nil liiiiir u fier Ihe (luaiio bail -iililnl windiiwii. piiiH nud pnnn. I’nin- i». IIIkkIiim and llnrcford nlm> woro . ilialini.

A;i fill- earn a» ClilckaKlift aud U w * oil. oii.ljibujuu,,.Ua' Abiuikii wero re -

r . Tj: fi'hnfrer a t (’lih'li.inba nald ho- <•11 tlm jihtn'U very dlHllnclly. Ihal hln H'll lin iilil id . pletureK tin Ihe wall ■iiltlc'd ami llial th<' unll««ir hln room way.'d a t Uratu uu Inrh nud n lialf.

I.llicral ami Klkbnrt. btxh norlh of.- lere. lu KapHan. aim) fell the trem or.

m i M E TJ E E IIN E H O y E S -^

V E R l i i f K L :Wedneaday ovontng (be Baptist S ub-

ar»pJiooi;oobiact;*t3tb**o«rM ’¥ni.-„- — m Wynn for Ihelr r e n la r o o o lb ly noctltng. Beside tbe cabiaet - mcBt- cni. aevorol young people wbo aro ■ iiterenied ln l.Infleld college wero renent. There were n'presoalaUon* rom Filer, Buhl and Knull. Professor chlnuuh of U nfield college talked of Ife mlvaniftKes and poasibliitloa of the chuol. iipoechea on the dlfforont ' haiK-fl nf tho college's activlUes wero h e n by Oeorgo Warberg. Sblrley ronnock. Wllnon Jackson, l<oe King.' larle ; 'elnon and Clnronco Owenby, . . rho aro nil ntudonin at Llnfleld.The cabinet bunlnesa m eollng fol>

)wcd. A l (ho clone of (he ovonlng ro- renitmi niK wero nerved to tbo .fifty-

B O Y S F O fcIN COLO. m c H

CANON C riT . Col^; iu1r Sti— Rob- ; Frr^iTas-nirmotrvoaUvanted for tbo tiling of Walter Slaoo. 24, and U ll- •,IB. St. his brotbrr. (oliow las iaveatt- aUons by. offlolals bero today.. . jTho body otW aUer- waa'touad-’yaa- ' rrday in D«sd Man'a gplcb aaar bera. rtor a search- o f several daya. Tbe »dy o f Milton wa* -ft»uad oarly la ID WMlCTho tw o youUi* dlsappoated Aug- «t 23. 1323, having left the booie o t n aunt In Puoblo. to go t o Colorado prlngs. • They each bad 160 and d w a „ , ■ n •»n tom e*^ -'T h e 'a trtem eb ll* -b aa------- ^

Jrha-akalU abdW odW t.b6llL .of »ys bad b eea hit 00 tbo b«ad, ofOo*Ja said. . . . J.' .T he bod ies.bare- been .porttJwlr . leattfled by >tr*. W. O; W llklaw a. o f . J ewtoo. Kansas. aUtar of U » > a W ^ - ho left with'tbo, remalBS loday, for - ^

nf tt,,!,- „drmetr tn th a t eltT.X Uieory - tbat . tha boya-bad b ^ . , - «

mod aad robbed

S o a ^ w ifa a i tanra te.t>>;>^tli;^-,--

- M*'

Page 2: LY T]w m Fiiiiis Versailles 1Treaty Will ‘m m J m m ' IIP · nctloii to ulioroncea «f Admiral Von Rebeur' Paacbwlij. cs-KiiUur

/• -

■ T W O , ■ ■

I SOCIETYAH enjoyable law n pnrly ' ‘"n* kIv

l u l vvcnlns I>y MInih-h U i'lly M Mooro antf A urara Mu(t o l ftie J.

■ u ttrn ilo l Ijy 25 youni: lody Euv»itn. T law n wan llulitvd w lih Japiiiu-xu .la tflrm . JaDdtKKO roKim coiiHilltiU-d t (lecoratlonv. nml lliv e ihhIh woru contumo, t \ l h u t ilir wliulo wm ust bloaiilivi;. The ovi'rilni: wnH.«pu In ipl«niiln(C Hlvcriilonii. I'm icli' »i vaforH w«r<* iiu rw l.

. j H onorlnR MIah l^ u lxn N'nuli-. MIK atborlno Flel<l aiKl'-MiKR llentrl M cDonalil-or Uolno, M lu Ool<IIo ni

• JDorolby Pealrn onlcitttlnw l a t brid on'TucnU ay cvciilnir. Tho KiicaU | eluded mombcM of K appa Kapi

'> a om m a lo ro rlly nnd MIm M areuorlKlnch, Paulino W ore, Holon Kliihc

'■■r; M a rn e r l to T hom pti, Hdzcl P a r r l i. ' M arxuerllo Scllley, Valcno llowborr

_____________ AiHtrey Ilrown. Imoicune Em ory, Ma;■ , *~= N ag H B ttn n m B C0iit»»0f-Zun»»-Sh»

! «n6ar«er and Mra. nan l'iow o t'U cdo• ■ do.UBach, Calif. MIm W are w on il ! .'priKc fo r hlxh ncorc and MIm Farrli

llre t.conH lu tlon .. Mins Jc rom a Ki YaMk so n s a croup of sonics befo tha. i^otrtfihmenis w hich w ere iicrvi uyJBU flofcexfOA zuid~^fMs o r p b i .Va

t ' . . • •Mlsii llu th Van- Auadoln kavo

• p a rty a t ho r bomn laxt cvonlUK wblch tbo follow lns b sd a m ost ei Joynblo tlm o: Irene .H urst, -BemJi

__________ ^ Hoynos. Itobyn Klncfc Ralirl Doc!w luT R u'U i ro r io r ' ‘ K alJilM n "TIub

. Josophlno Dush. RoraIo Jenk ins, licin io r , ' M artha Jobuson, Ueulah 8d< and E dith T aylor. \ . . .

I ' ' P E R S O N A L ^

. . • n . B. McVlcVen, w ife find fnm lly I > . 'St y T lm o n .d l l . . arrlvw J loilay to vin

1 DWo som e ye a rs ugo and PUHnlawl to Imck to dKnIn sen tl

Vn. a. W .Va^naeo and baby dnucl o r A neeloi. a ro he ro tl

C<tV*U of D r . - a W. W iillnco cost i ! • T w in F a lla.- - —

• : . ..Mrs. T urnbull of F i le r transact)tfdilnosa la (h i t d i r todar. .

Mi«:>dannan Is expected hom o (ro: ! D r l fO loday. •2 • Miss M yrtle A ndorsott U hbm o (ro ; * j l s i t In D m ver., T « m o n Ja rm an and E thol Novall i

8411 L ake City a re guosta a t th e bon

i :Mr. and Mra. W illiam Sim pson AI. ; ■ expected homo th is aflem oon fro;

! P o rtlan d a ad Seoslcle.|U ra . TIoroDce R . W rlsb t ro tu m i

i f on T uesday from P o rtland a flo r-------- ,— tn onlh-apenU la -ihe .R oac Cl|y..BU(>ni

i i h al^o th e coB T ontlpn-erA o Paclf I Coast. A asoclatloit of N urserym en.

. . . 'M Isa A lb irtino Ik 'n o ll accom panliMr. a n d Mrs. 11. J . Dcnolt homo (roi Portland .

V Mr. and Mrs. O laf Nolson and fan ity a n d Mr. and M rs. J . C. A rn b a r t ai

' _ back from tbo m ountains..Mr. and Mrs. K. P . D unlap and (oji

iiy a r« back from P e tit Lakct.Mrs. F . W. Dolcn Is hero from Wicl

I Ito. III.,-tbe ffuest oC h e r Hlstor, MrL. H. llcnion, a fte r a t r ip 'to l ^ s Ai Itelrfi.

Mr. and Mm. TadRctt of l^ n j : Iloai s topped tliJ* week on iJji-Jr way M issouri to cnll on old friends wlioi tboy knew w hile llvlne here . ,

Ow«n liuchanai; w as In lloRcrsc T rslrnlB v HUlmUt.UIng ns n s rn t fo r A th u r Dawley, who .was uuro in TT h u rs la ry case as a witness.

.Misses Stella H artley and Pcnrl Wo n s r Of M ount P leasan t, Iow a, har sone to Iho Pnclflc coast a f te r a >la lo Iho l i W. Collins bomo.

.Miss ].oulse Nanlo. K atliorlne Pie) and liea lrice .McDonald front llolsi- ai houso K ursls of .MarKsrei .McAteo.


' Dan McCook Circle Nn. .1. I.n<llpn < < Iho G. A. IL. will iiic<-l In Iho I. O. <

K. ba ll on Hnturtlny. Aiisiisl I | ai• . p. m.

I Invttntlons nre o u i^ Ib r n law' pa rty In the cUy pa rk for 't u g l i

HELPED THROUGf■ ^ .n f l n u u U r T j n

T o o k L ^ E P in k h a m ’.V egI eteUa Compound during

- . H us Critical Time*— -------------------Benefited (yeady-----

^Ij I b a d ^

^ ^ ^ ^ M a l o n c h B d t r t e d ^ w hich dfa


Kftar ta k ls c a b o ^ S B l K 9 5 £ S i r « I t U t ta r , I d k

n o t • t e w itb «M b o tt i^ b o t took i< a ^ a n

- S m w e r t b s o H i d t t Ib M them,

M i i M d dM M m t o a O « » .

■ nors lind inviiiborH oC ibu crn / roll nf llio. ItapdR l, c^liurrli, w

thiilr itiolliers from 3:3D uiitU (• p. m. on Kridny, Ju ly 31. t b e

• purlntenilciUn, Mrs. W ynn nnd M Tiicl(ur liiivci chiirKc.

iiJ iix K r .ir .sK .s u o im m i.s.Mno (Continued ironi pane 1.)J, c .

• T he |t(-Ycn and tnn thousand, dollnrn.I .lan- Hlatn'n A ttorney Crown proinlid th o It tr ip le linnitlnii; ns nn ohjocl lesi" to crim inals, whosn Imld ilcprc' lions hr»vn Klvon Chlcaiso the nn

spen t Qf cnpltol of the worl«nu -w n ’ll Bot M ullenbncb w IthIV

hours." ' Crowo said.Miss queiitlonwl Iliisso ll. Rc

\tr lc e twice itlven elovenlh liou r reprlu { nnd I'n^KltiK for m urdor. to s<iiirldiio ^horo Is nny connection* liclwH |n« Russoll. h is bro ther nob o rT n n illappa n rnho linndlts. A n unm nlled- polorlio Pnrd. signed "H. Sco tt." wns foiIsher, In W ilson's pockei. Wllnon snldrrlsb , does nol know Bcott and thn t ilerry. su it ho woro liolonRs to M ullM ary l)scli. •a i m , . Thn m rssngn nn the card fo\lpt edon- " n i l ly - ^ o u r lo ite r Ju s t—rTTeoTvB Ulo PS y e t your siiltcn;ie hns not nrrlv.rrlsn H ad n lo ite r (rom M illor tho ot!

K ll- iIbj-. He Is n t homo In D elroll, 1eforo I hhve forK'otton tho mldress.

thoug lit It '^ u i h l o th a t you lintl

no t a rr iv e d .. You hnd . be ttor (I ' nut nhoiit it. 1..AI m o h ear fn

® “ you whon you get to ChlcnRo. c m - a . BCOTT.’I on- jifliice nro Inclined lo th ink tl

l lo b e r t Scott, n fH*lllve. nnd M lonbach ln ,the .J)rako~)>oldupl«nH

T* .h whisky n in n ln c nnd th a t Sc S d ck ** som ew here orountl Detroit.

‘ cm CAOO,-’jH ly a o -U r ln k - rniti th e buhRllhR of tho D rake hotel n h erj^ Jack Wo<Kl8. 30. v e teran of I

t w o r n war. chef,, w aiter and m u s ) bout ruefully told pollen todny In c(

“ * fpsslHR to h is p a rt In th o affnlr.. , " i r wo had laid of( thn drink

of could hnve carried tho Job Ihrou v isit niJlotly.” Woods snld. “ n u t th e b(

n th o „p to alKJUt an hour bcforn wo sla f<l thb .Job. -J .

lUKb- ,- t carried a shot u in nnd. I Ji U‘0 muck Up some QUll£./<lerka whllo i

o thor boys did tho lr John."Old Tex C ourt w as p re ily drui

u rtcd i( wo h ad n 't KOl sb mnd and star) sliootfnit, we'd have been a ll rIslK. £

front T ex Rot.mad a t 'o n e o(<tho c lerks I slammlDK tho d o o r . 'nnd he nl

(roro th roiu th It, and ho Rot mnddor a ,, . n ttd d e r and tho f irs t thInR I hear

III of ano ther shot. I ruoss It w as tb e nl Homo (h a t km «d F rank . Itodkoy.-------------tn ’Twat II t ti-ltif' Are nnd f d i over my shot Run andflt w< (rom off. It blow off one Qf m y (InRC

Dut I Rot In tho car with the otbi imed and two o f us-roI away. Mollenchii r « (tbo last of the bandlu) had all i tend- jnonoy.. no..Bn»e ma my abaro, |I8»cl(Ic and wfrifciiiaratcd. : -------, .......

, -. “ .My band sta rted hurtlnR p re tty I) »*>»«> and I w en t to a jo stn u cn n t man ‘ro«n. knew and asked him to c \ l a doct

H e asked m e for a liu n d l iV t mon fam - fjn ii and I «nve hlm IICOO."I a re x h o physician cnllptl by the , resti

ran t ow ner sen t Woods lo ihe Jeff< ■un- non K ospltal w boro tho a rren t occi

red.Woods sa id ho had served o s ' -

Mrs. cnRineer In tbn Canadian an n y durl ‘ An- II,A w orld w ar. T hreo w<>eks oro

. c^mo to Chlcaco nnd took a Joli ai leach w nllor In an exclusivo no rth side I 'y *o I f l Wo«M sa w he wiut invlUt} I’hom laite j u r t in the D rako robbery.

" I d idn 't w an t to c o i in on 11. I •rson ijnjy to i j n,o I woa ‘yellow ' ho.I hsrcr A r- tn IwI liiiT — -----

- I.'OR 8A L t;-M en 'B llsh t well •’ OF- h n rv e it shoes, cloHlitE ll.S ti. Ilorl M v e s iio o Co.> lslt ________________

A aatlsfled customer u aa aaaei n e ld lo t an aarertis las laedlum .'• a ro - —<“■— I TTiii il R e x ^ ^ j j t a ^

1 ^ ____________c n lr s s t e f th e hsrdiI l a • ■ yet « laastlT «l aiJ

» iinrTpyed. TTIK. ' w■ ' bapjJ, B k la x « t w

•• h o r» e * - I Y«» Ws he.V ' ■ hanRerrd 4or ■ nata* skaro his denlBloa

the ITlldsI S e a call


S —M OM "N-POP--------ownkeen - • • ■■!s?* (

g g s r i i s g sM d T X o O M T V = S

-a a w tw i y

*or- - FROM O / * ^ —

S I - S S .£ t o | SOFAR.*^an. HA&eeS4iU i \ iw a w w c c D

E ' i . _ — -

s ih ill III il».s ||i—A hfi.avy hallI Ilod thn raiiKO In StioNlmnu, ■ Tuustlny iifti-rnoon but <lld no

....... . —oinlmJ .JesHon g,„.hiin. li(-ud nurw> nl

•prciii- iioHpital. Is buck from :i tr ip tc

lilij/24 ]i„-y ijorii Tiidiiy~A »(m wns to Mr. -and Mrs. H urry Slradb

scn il, Jerom e, a l 7C2 Beroiid nvuniio'’win'Tf Ji'>y =>®- ■clw een iH rs ,,!! fjik .* -T hom wml toe IJoy,I „n,i „(nrted ovo

yeslerilny for Sull I.4il{e CUy. ' found ijijy will visit Mrs. IJoyd 's hr<

nid ho Dr. E rn st. J • nt the ^ - - - • •JuUon- (j„pH f„ l>„rnuTl«—C. A. Swu;

. . d l i l r l r l jnniiuRcr nf Ihn Mfltunl i\]pw s; In surance conipnny. wont to ! ■eoT'fci1rilolIo“ l< m ai'r-n c cn m p n n lr tl-^ > rrlved. family tn a ttend a m eelins of

o the r Kollers tbere. o •It, but ______ _______ ,

The KIwanlfl club m ot TU' h f u y . «leht-nn_U i<i. Inwn n t. U iO iD n ** , ? Dr. Goode n n d 'I t .K . Dllllnshn:

f“ " ^ beInK n poM uek nffnlr.

■ S lnnc for Trafnf- Brj-oks—\ .V . M llcholl. It. C. ForRUSnn, H. K.

K th n t T . y . W oods, J . .K. Ilohorts. C.W '" ' *nnd R. I* D eerlns have Iteen

ttnsaso w iihin-tho-pasl-ffW -dnyH for-vlol Scolt of one or o the r aectlnn of the t

ordlnnnen In iho police cou rt I) JudRO J . I.. Mee.

raitsnd -------------------------)l rob- Hero nn I.esnl Iliis lne*s-D . II of Ihe e iln of Hnzelton nnd h is nttnm ey •«usln ' -a. Haddock woro tb ls c lly n con- on leKnl husiness.

ilk wo . Sliidy W i-nl W ork-C om m lss irnu;;h M clnlyre nnd Weed Inspector .Me0 boys nh woro over W ednesdoy. afle.(;i

b m ee looWnB-over t1i> weed’sliuallon-

s lo r t- Larne<l reRnHllns reKnlls w llh cii bisulfide and tbo bent molhod lo t

1 Just It.110 th e -------------------------

H ere nn Visit—l-:clncer Dan / drunk. Accompanied by his family, .Is ita rted v lil lln s (rom San DieRO, where 1 It. Dgt a mem ber of tbn c ity onslnm k s for forco. H e w as for a llmo cily '

sh o t neer of Tw in Foils, Tho Alien* : and ru tum ln it lo tho California city lear Is v l i lu In ChlenRO and MIchlRnn IU shot nro now Rueais a t th e John Sum

llim cd .:________ — ..J- ' ,___:t w ent M a rrlo^_on Mcdnesday—Itoyi Insers. I>Iloy "W nlkor-and-AIIco Mnrlo o thers to ll w ore m nrrled .W ednesday n i c h u c k ------- . , ' t~111 Iho ■- ■■■■■ I i m , _ '

-estau* .Jeffei^ ' M H |2 S | | | j B ^ B |


t s '- « n . hdurlnR 's .

li a s A lie hr>-

blitj I

-Harbor |l H ^ ^

n F i l

_i_JCoalPrices ni'l

j S i -h lsh —DELI^ ! TA KE for t

J by puU lns^ ' ply of CI.EN.

------ } Mined by ih

S a S —iim »# - ---------------------------------

' wHd * ■ T . J . Doug]h e a r t

ata to lon o*

[£• ■

• l .C A N T S e tV A S m M P - l^ r /^ I 'M S mB60V T U W 6 /J / « w Hp s .

J # . ^ B E r

j S H H

■ A . ' •

■ ':.iTW INFAlj:.S DAILY” U noon by Uev. A . 0 . Peursoa, poj ^ D of the P rosbytorlan .church, n l V V B homo o ( tho brldo’a ren ts ,. J n nnd Mrs. Alfred^ IU’ U lstell,

I|'ourtb nvonue cast.

Slncins I s .S p e u k e r^ a u n ty Ai liall vlH- to r c . C. SiKKlna will speiik a t 10 basin nunuiil mectinR of tho s la te ni not h ll to m iii Coeur d'A lene, whigh c

^lon. Ilo 111 'chalrm nn of tb e loi s- Anns- Inllvo commltleo nnd .w ill tiilk

n t tho tho niclussU icatlon of eouiitios J to tb e tb e butt loglslnluro. •

AN«iicinli‘H n l lh A lexander — ,ns liorn J lu rry E. Uimb hns arrived h ndley o( from GoodluR w l lh ‘ b is tiimlly^ i uo c iist, w lir herenftflr bo assncinted . v

Dr. I). U A loxaudor. llo has h ; pracllctnK lu GoodlnR ahd Weni

mnn J. slnco 1009. Tho I>nmbs w ill m. overland th e ir homo a t 130S Pop lar aven ^ w horo —hrolhor. Off fo r Ilnn t—Undotered by

fnct th a t ho camo ,to tJilof wl rid ln s in an aulo .driV en hy Jnr

iwenlRer, A. Crom over n woek nco. Dr. uni U fo n . W enver hns ntnrtod on n (tsh0 Pocn- t r ip n t tho bond o( a . p a rty •« -hy— hla .nnumi n t W llllnm and OeorRc .

o( iMjirt hor. V'oll* PInMino nqd Jofin-ao: son. L nst Wednesday, whllo rid w llh Crom in tho.'.Pflvon Do'

T uesday country . •InspcctlnR mfninc prnpei S n t tix« mnchlne *“ [■.ham . It j i jg , o „ was repnl:

n t Wolsor. Crom ia no t In. — W, J . P"rty th a t le ft today..

C Pond IJnnios Show Comlnit—Those, w m fined .rnvnd bccapso tho r» were no anlm ^?olatloii w ith Bella b ro thers, w ill bav_oJi chai e traffic «<> m iIfy~ lh"cir"dM 1»~ rn p ro b iic r t S o " o n of tho Juncle ipbaW tants. 'l ^ ndvortlslnR c a r of B arnes' anJmal <

cus (;omo In today. It'com oa Aus.

ley n*Ms ■ H old All A j t e n l s - ^ i w h o 'ln i lv today wny s ip i In connection w lib tho s

o f In su S n c e a re U ^ l» - to p v »cei u nder th e law . i tV a a held by P

ilssioner ha te Judge J . I,. H odftn, In tha Wo .McGow- miin ease. AltlmuRb t auUiorljwl texnoon. ilra ft applications, thoutih h« did i on-- nnd Is su e lh* ' (wlWles. Mobrman.'sras.lT ..ITr' " ' i . t o h ave' teihnW ally vlolntcd th e let1 chrbon ^oTT hm rtattite-^blch-le-draum — la, to ann ly fitrinRent m anner. Flgal.JudRmnnt10 appiy dnnooDCfd Momlay

w hich tim e the penalty will bo affix

Is^ hero OHs Vacallon—W lllls Vouiiff' ro lie Is this* city and district manager InecWiicr t>io Capllal U to Jnaurooco coropa ty engl- has been Invited by Bis corapaay ens are como 'to Denvor foriia tea days i ty from cation nt Ihelr urpenso. H e ' a (An and Mrti.-Younir will iea t« tomorrbw ei ummora nlng for 'tb o city n .'mlle bi«b .1

n r e s t Mr. Young/Mntes h^' did

rlo Dls- p a n y invited him t i l 'b e Ihcir su< ir_ n f tc r - on . g .TACotlon trip.';*^

i l l Y o u r ■11 B in N o w ynrn low—Q U A U T T is3L1VEIIY Is sure; PIIE - , .<r th e cold days to comeIB In your w in ter’s sup- ' • ':i.EA R CIIKSK o r CAS- I'-' ' 'T E TOftl now. : _ j

ih e l i u h Fael Cow paar .>>'G eneral O flloest v

iglas C oal CompanirPhooe 811 ' ‘ , ,

: 1__

.Y T IM E S . ■ : , - :pnator #■ ■ ■ i —

tSi'Srt . . . A T T H E . . .T H B A t B E S . ,

A udi- ----------a t Uio • --------- ^

I, "con-’ OHPJIBUJL» _ a ea « IJ fn nn tbn Amorlenn n ra lrlo vlt

loeU - from an en tirely d ifferen t an Illk ou I" ll 'o prom ise held fo rth by VI Ios by P ra ir ie Wife," a Motro-Ooldw

which com es to the O rpheum n lro Saturday, ono doy.

— D r. Many p ic tu res hnvo sbow a J hefo dlscovcry of tho w e s t th e cross: ly^ and of tho p lains, a n d - th e strusR iea 1 . w ith c lea r ll of savnsoa, bu t B allln abo s been thu struRRles, no loss noblo bu t : VTendell ko spectacu lar, in dbvoloplnic

moke land ond roclaimlnB i t from ivenuo. w IM omoss (n h is plcturo, ‘"1

P ra irie Wlfo." by th e with -a Rrcot deal' o f drnm a, *

While f t - vein of comody k n it tbroURh Jnm os n a iiin hna filmed A rthu r StrlnRt P ’V, ” • novol of n cu ltu red cas to m i (ishinR who m arrloii a younK cnR ^oor t ' BOOS to JIvo W ith. hliji *ln h i# pral^ O h n - home; ' / .

■a- i E c O nli ony S j j W :10 sa lo . >41 :Ilcensr. . ^

i |J ] Always;

I f R p o i n ^ y ■ : f l , N u p ^

Ig Packer’s 1L i . K sallia 'I 4 for 25c

I t 4 f » 2 5 o

W . __ __ W H jr I j n d h o r B t T oU ej

f - " ' '

1 H ' e .4; . l i j [ , i2 for ........a

‘ - ■ - ^ . i S ^ Z i . 9 c 3

' ^ ^ E w ' M ? 4


^OKTUBTOlf S a r ivM(r*TeM£


^ c o n ’ AitK{Continued (roro p^ a 1)

ba ttle tbfougb the s th ia ls o f 'I 7 fasblonablo n o r th s ld o 'd la tr lc t

. H olm es w as' cap lu red in th e ho kllcbon- nnd ' W llsbn wna nrrosi

____ ; tills m o m ln g ' when ho applied' ^ a hospltdt fo r tr e a tm e n t Ono

bis ( In g o n wo* sh o t off when

i r T b e l o w u aConsIdOTnblo of Uio loot hns be

recdvorod, police 'sold. Hotel ol inR exam ple of the- value of I d a iry cow.- l l Is Stoola coun

' « •» Minnesota. Crops hnd failed. T -ossloR WAS deplolod. Conditions c r I ra to w o rs e 'u n t il tho bankers >hnd a b show n tap claim to tho land tbnn th e m u t n o t who lived on I t Ono day n fam f 5“ 0 lo borrow s o m o ‘m ore mon T» tn o Ho w anted to buy doiry cows. 1

"T 2m banker dem urrod, b u t finally le t i fa rm er -have the money. T be co

I, a n d Were ' purchnaod. - Tbo ' loan v Rb It, soon p a id .. T h o -so il bORon t o ' i InRor'a prove. Then* a n o th e r farm er <I fflrl tlio iam o thInR and s ti ll m ore fa r ir a ad ers. T b r^o .y eo ra .a g o -I lonm ed p ra irie .tbo pro sperity (h a t - oamo to t t

the sm allest cqun ty ln MlnnesQ

irsJSaK at Uie Schramm;

e ia n , O liv e O il, j fed I r o n o . .

j M i ^ l e . . 3{

iitibiA T o o th p Q i

Tar Soap . . 1 8c Pliysidons and Surgeons-

. Soap • 4 fo r . . . . . .28c

. 12 f b r ...............79c.260 V ■ ■ ' J


I I I ™ ® ™3 8 o :

1 9 s

. 4 3 0 C h^pa B n u d T o i le t '

■ t f l e

■ 3 7 o | | s s r ? : ; r i . . . . . . . . . s s o i i

3 T E S i .* r . . 'r r : .......19 dJ4 7 ^

II in B i j i '*“ *'* *• * ^ 5 T l j

. ' - T n T n t a g r ? ~ m T T f l ; ^ s

hnvlng onl^ hn orea ' OC. 438 square I m iles nn fl. n populatlcta of IS.OfiO.--------- T holr bank deppslt*.’ -w ere nboutDf the 1400 por c ap ltn ..; .Tboy hod .18,000

cowa on SOO farm s,'o i* 'ten ', cows for ) hotel each (nrm. one row foi* M cb inbnb* rrested Itnn t ond tboso cows produced 6,000,: led to 000 pdunds of b u tte r annually . T his )no of b u tte r brouBht .Into th e county $3,- len ba COO.OOO or.: on nverago iTof alm ost » 1IIH..1 <140 fo r each m an. I w oman' l.and

B iinnn reached sovon million . dollara and 1 offi. Increased'at .the rato, of .jniiro tlma nr i L <I»<»'t«r or ayinllllon dollar* r'eacb Sunty* e ltJ it 7 ^ - : ; ,

I » ew I***, A- J.' Postrr—Foot Rpeclallsi— a bet- 222 Shoahona 8 t west- adr.

faiTOor FO R ' SAI^B—Won'a d ress' nhoos. money. ahoH loU, valuea |B.SO, c ioslnc for s. The lJ*irber Shoe Co.

^ i a l s I f f g

im^oiuison Stores. nis 3 lfo r 2 ^ ? p , pinls . 49e ^ ;

; . - 7 3 c ;?K ^

2 S f f 3 t f t p i t l .

> w d c r , :23^M

L8c 3 l o r 5 d e ; H "; ^ £ p . . . . : i 9 c 3 8 c : ^ ®

.;.!33C ' B 8'>C IuMsmb** P a io t . ’ '

B ari* r ........................ Kb I ’'

^ H in k le 's P i lfa , 0 9 a E 9 “ ........................ - C B^ iy d l a WWthato'a V e g ^ M J — ^ * i ^eUUe DOn E g ]d Compound . i S H ' Pbenolox - I P a - b Wi W atoB .............., I « P B B — .

a G e ( a - U Com 0 7 a . ■ 9 .■ - R e m e d y ............... - I j j l


• | ; S ^ Z Z C : v : . 8 3 f M ■

l j «

' f i W P ^

Page 3: LY T]w m Fiiiiis Versailles 1Treaty Will ‘m m J m m ' IIP · nctloii to ulioroncea «f Admiral Von Rebeur' Paacbwlij. cs-KiiUur

-=-------^ T I T O S p A Y r i r o i j f ; 3 0 , - W ^ ^ — :

- i i p K S p


Twico tho AtUcUcs Eavo Been Dn , Near .the Exploding Point but

Didn't, Explode; W bia-«'■ , . p«w: Indicate They. May Flay

in-tije World 'Series. • S)---------,---- 1-i-i---- 1_1---------- ------------------- 1

.1 ' n v HENRY L. rA R R E L U I NEW YORK. Ju ly 30—Mnny »m art *

bnncball m en faro rcd (Iio choihplon WoBlilnBton'ScQatoni In n-l>alLle w llh

-----------tho-PW tw iplphfa-A thleHcB becnuge-of Fl'ltho youth oC C ouM 'M ooV a noplrinR p it

.te a m , . J •!I t WOB ri|tun«t 'i i ia t In a h o l’ in n - Wll

n u t raeK.'^^^blch ^& y oxtcfid t» -(bo vory ioitr.d&r-Df tbo aoAion, Iho {.•x-> ; po rlen ro of th e v e lo n n p layers on tbo

' AVanhlnStion club w ould keep them on' • >.the gronSiJ'iw d“ n m n R F 7 o u n B 7 in i7 "Sir

• lotica w ouW bo 'In danftcr o rb low loB Nbt , up. ,■ ( -■ ' • . B

Twico l^hti'aoMo'n tho A thletics woro Ho; no c lo a o ^ .- t h e oxpIo<llnR. po in t Ilmt

' tho crUicB.WArncd " thoro Uicy ko—. didn’t r .lo U ^ o ii l” D ut Uicy dldnK 8o. Cl*

fon ouh* oc<ltalon thoy rccovorcil Juet aa thoy m r o roIdi; down nnd cu n o ^ back wJlU ft ruBh. ,

Thoj;'«ro<JUBt now* o u t o t tlic lr occ* ond io'rlbUi^Muinp a n d thoy a ro mov- . Inu ttw4y. fr6h» tbo-W aahlnirton cimm- „«*?

_____ ;p lonB wlth'-eo ifn ich 'a toam tlfilt thort*----------- aiTTllUTnia-TVTiKPur t 'a lu u l li woH.lT

aortoa In 'P h llndo lp lila . Thoro havo n« . bcon w orld'a jwrlcB gw ncs boforo In P h lladflphfft^m ony o f them , and ox- • pcrlonccd fM « know th a t 11 Is -n o t ,VfL

^wlBO to fclttliri the pcnnilnt u n til I t « m p . , . 'bo .w orltc tj o u t w ith j)«ncll ond paper, j,

^ v j p n a t o n i * 'T U c h e n T ^ o n o fo I’lecc*. S ? '’ ; ^ l t loo lu -.iibw-.ii* I f tho Sonntora “ •liftvo' craekW . ^ T b o i p l t c h ln * hn* x : sono to , p le i^ . m om entarily ond If R ogor -Podkla'a Jogs dq/.ftot Ebld up

~ ^ 'M * r J c ; J S K a -great«jfilpib -of Juck 'When tj«r?pl<«ed jQld.i;)aclc. QuSnn of

■the l B M l ^ 7‘^ » o , ,V ’ aili-TrotortttJ “ ®;.I h*« o lw « « t& « n k n o ^ . f i a - A '^ m a t •??'

■prlng ■pttAluir b u t : novor 800m «l

;innrk«t'-aiiiLTtio'.J)D'e w iu ttrd . to koop f ~ ” Wm g u t 'O j;|lho. p ilnor loftguM liu t . Mock.; ; |lq qaCbod h lm ;fo i\,tho walv- , « r prlco jin d ,ho''hiui won ovory snmo bo Btnrt^d - io r tho A thlotit* . —' Tho 'm L ^ jh o ld th o ,Bomo. you*' CI voraua-/ox^QrlorfcO In ' tho N ational I’liiii lonituo yf^om t{io .w lnnlne P lttB bursh «b'f« r iro tw i liftdi l t ‘ -hftnd-to-linnil w ith fo r. ' Iho b n tU » r^ frre .l nnd orporlcncod I*"* i Now Y o rk .» ln a t« , A t tho p w ie n t 27, 1

, llmo l t , ! o d » ’ na If Uio OlantB‘w ould ‘‘" 'I ' , Wow nnfl^.tho - ri ro to B • koch Iho ^

ground .. TTio'P lratoii m ny hnvo dono ,«1J t h o l r . W l n B in tho n r« t T w w crlia n f lho«^ Boaion . whnn

'r • HLUJ' ‘w«<uK- u p fii Devon clubsfrom tho ,^o»or. CO

^ oitst League„ -. ■■■/ ' I " ” -’B a^ram cnto..,.________ ______ n . i g -e r n

. BMt I^» k o .-i....... ...................... 23 s r l e d 2. lln tto rlto^ ,K oftllng , B. Sboa and rounc W a c h fe M i^ ln g le to n . Mulcnhy, HuJ* y a n .

- ' Portlaad-: • , V'!- JfI in t to r lo n /H iu ly n o d .D a ly ; M ar- Mn

<ln. Moek«C'>nd llaaaah . , claosi ' - ,b o b -c

h 9 7 f ;.8 « i rV o B cU fO ----------_____ lO .W 1 , .

. -V oraon,.‘- : i « ^ . _ _____ '.______1 a 5and .A gnow ;. u

l^^yotlo.-^plujM n, LudoJph and WWt->

. i d e r , r |iM W < «»d-*8«adbo rs; K o i^ 'taiea ,l> o lftny* ji ^ ^ i ; r . lU a A _ ;; u

OF THE iW m A M B ]! _______________________________ _ !

NATIONAL I,KA«(il5.'■ ' . R.-H.1!.

Now York ................................... lu ! • „CIllcflRO .............. ....................... 2 10 1 •!"

H!ittorlt!ii: Scott nnO Qowdy; Alex- nnder. Jonon, nm l lln n n e lt. • • \

Oowdy h it homor f irs t 2d. {

a ,Drooklyn .................................. .. oOO—0 . . .S t Loi.ln .................................... OOO-O ^. D ntlorlos:' lluhboll atnl T aylor; R ylnhnrdt nnd O’Parrc ll.

■ ih(Mo

Boston .... - ...........- .................... R 11 -12 buiPiltBlnirRh ...... ........................... 1, 8 1 lo

’.n..n,.uHrl. „p,t n il,.,nn. nc^AlilrlilRO. Shoclmn am! Sm llli. nli

R um s Wt homor flrHt ntli. ' of----- ^ (VI

; • • n . II. 13, f''.*.F)lllft.k.Il>l.t*-V,mcr— w m rrr -a -R -S ^ - l - f apin<51nnntl • ................... 0 12 0 }}U

.BattorlOK:, .Slllcl|o ll. KnlKht. nnd ,W ilson; Rlxoy pnd. JinrBrnvii. < „jJ,

Nbw Y o rk -------------------------... n -10 '2 j , ^. Balterlos: Onalan ond HnrBrivvei,' nin Hoyt nod Scliong. ___________ ^ J coV

At B ralon ; R . l l .E , ‘f'f,

V'S i !” i;;;

Ouckcyo h it hom er tlrn t C1I 1.

A l rh llado lph ln : ' R /H .l i . Detroit , _____ __________ ___ 0 10 .0 The

Bottorlcn: Mllchell, WpIIb. und „od Dojalor. Woodnll ; P ra y nnd Cochrnne. t

A l -W nshlnBton-End 0th. R, nifW nshlnKton. ----- ---------ooo 000-0 IChlcaKO---------------------------110 200—0 thn

BnU crlra: ThifrHton. and Croiuio: k< 1 CoiTlcBklo^ arceff,', M nrborry ond ofr Ruol. 21

U 1>. S. I'LAVS BAirriHTS ; j!'.'!, TO NIO nT AT IINCOLN n™

“T ! !" " . rouTbo .apoclal • gomo botw oon' tho -C

JapUBU euid tb'o B. to a in 'w ll l TCHoko pInco tonight a t L incoln field, " t I 10 mwxi»g«r o f t t o t . D. a te am haa C no ion tod to U Ddomer and Oodo " i'o Ditrandor pinylrig w i th . tho." Bhp- •*"»

v ^ S i S ^ iCINCINNATJ, O .- I i i I ,C l in , H o o'” I

'hllllos WortrfMday B lo 5. P e te Don- ondl hifo Bcorfd hla 20lh a tra lgh t viclory and ir.C Jnc lpna tl over Phtladolphla. ]In • Q

.*® Phllllc* alncu Aug/ Thoi 7. 1921. snrl a ll told ho liaa won 22 Knlg nd lost 3 to thn t club alnco becomlnK ^ — Rotl In mlilsooflon of 1521. H o hait

illcd to finish onlyitwo gamoa ho bait nrtod again st Philadelphia ond bsH


COLU&IBUS. O .-U sin g n doul>lo I f la t tock and lion'a BCosaoni, Rudy ' I Ulk. tba N ebnuka glnnt, pinned Pnul o rtm jion. Chicago grnpplcl to tho i o t In tw enty m inute*. HolU w rest- 1 r s wcro gullly of Blugglog. ;

CHANUTE. Knn*H—Ed SmlUi floor-'I M att Broeko twico In a fa s t te a ' unds. .Sm ith m oou H orry .O rob In u isaa City -next Tuoeday n ig h t , , ,

FOK S A i® -W om on’# p u m p T ^ n i 7 / rforda. v ^ u n t o | ^ . c l o a ^ r t c v

........... ...............— » fUT&tr» H arm on la oxporleaeod' In a ll uaoa of beauty cultUro; m arcel and / b -curl, 7SC. 403 w ea t Mato. I’h onJ f

, V io l in W m d :VJollaa a ra made r t anyk lad o f hard » d . .T li* top* o f tra o n d * of. - I r«co^ bncka and aldei of mflpl^«by Ragor wood, U ll ploc^ oad.pagi,t- tb a r« ry -a o r a lt m aog-tirttiTfTwy r 7 ~

e. SoB doada tJoIIm generally eort UB epe bnndred dollara op to # a j M o A ,' • ' .T

n e ^ T i i ^ to iBwqpaiaa. t o t ' e m _ v

W^it^nd SDBCi^ Z.-:v ^

f ^ i f ^ a S E T B a r n M M r m l o r r i i r ^ l ^ capogltTt w u t* e u m a l : I W S lW t . 'i j

. ^ n e -— :— ----------- ~ $ 4 8 . 0 0 l i l ;M eo-lb.


■ -- ' ,TWIN"F:

S P O R T \O j * —4

FHKNIUl'u B n l lim in i; In llie Fifth Innlnir „ CniiieN Kiiiilt (ll f.iiMc finini- lly (hie . Sleled Spori'j Kiirh Tcnm lind h n i r ))

lIllH nnd H m n' SIoihI Twu tn One ! Until liAKt Inning. jJJ

In a ono Kidud cnnu' on l.incnln riolO i v la st 6vciiliig llic U D. 8. bnxi-linll tinn>look II decided victory frani thn Kuull * nlno by hard hitllni: and fmit Mi'ldlni:. I^ucaa lu r pitched n Kood game np loIh c ,fir th nnd held ihu hnnl liliiiiiK „M ormons lo two ncorea nml four h its *,hu t In the fiftli InnlnK they koI next ^lo him nnd h it nlm ort ni will. They Jj

nliiK. Tills.score Indlcatex tho iilrmiKth of U o Mqrmons oii compared wlili tho ^ cVlior tcsoiB or ihu Ji-;ikii(' and imll- f- cniCK loo tltfit viiry fow of tho oiiiur " lohmB AVill mnkL- It. Intcrp.iMnL- for Iho}* tto.IooE.aa they pl«>‘ llie jireiiolit llnoup. p . •

Jarm aii/Jjltch'rid the f irs t tlin-o In- ^ nlngn :for-tti’U:t.. D; S. and , ''n iir ' n it- ®' (om ,-who'li'ad been cntehlng, look up Ihu/inoimd wnrk nnd Jnnnoii cnuitht. 1

■Clayson led off for the I.. D. 8 . nnd g o t .0 h lt.B ra tt-n .w aa .thE ow h-O u t-a t 9 firs t. “Slim"' Hammond got n h ll, ll.

in ilto re woiiU)irown out n t firs t. R. V' n iitcn i KOI a Blngle, W llkens h lt 'an d

.Co'w]ca.wau Uirown out a t flm t n'fUT. — Clayoon nnd llnm mond iicurcd. , .• M ncunlor koI n h ll whon he led off

fo r K null nml liilor licon-d. W. Thomp­son W05 put out In li<i flvlO. (’npjiiOl h it, Dnsoford fanned nnd Rife nlruck out. . ' ”

Jlovbcrry 'fdnncd, Jannno wiui out <11 firs t, nud Clayuoii niriick out. ni

Cannon rotlrod on nn Infield fly. m Thompson got n slnK lc. und wnn j," throw n uu t u l BPCond*mirt'Holiitiin-fait- *•* nod.

Urcm-n fllod in le ft ricld. Ilniiimond h it on Inflold fly to »i-cond. nnd U: 01 B itte rs h ll lo _ e '

Bcnnetl h it n grounder ond wnn c( th row n oul a t flriil. 1.AncnNter filed . 10 second nnd W. Th<I>^|Ann was cut off n t f i r s t ' f'l

I t U ltiors goi .on w llh Tin c r n ^ nt at a b o r t W llkcna fllud lo center. Cowleu • wnlkod. RovJherry wns th row n 'ou t a t flm i, and Ja rm an wonl by tho Rumo' nl routo; at-‘Connell grounded tn necond.- Qoss-

.fonl ground ed •|o ^ l o l i e f a h ‘d " f a rred- ^ n t f i r s t and Rlfo Btruok oul. dt

Cloyaon>blt an Infield fly to sh o ru 81 Drown- h it a .iKft-'bajTRor. llnm mond a Blngled, U m r i le r a got n h i t R. Bit;- te ra slni«le.l, W llkcns got on wlOi a • la g te ’ ^ w lc f l tB o lr:frr8 t;b )4 * 4 ir^o r ot a t- th ird ; llow berry h it-a 's in g le .-Jn r^ bt m an alam m ed a throo bagger, Cinyson > n ird to contcr.. Brown took first oh ah • o rro r. Ham mond h it n ’sirfKlo. B. m t- p l t e n go t on w iib a b i t R. BiUora took sli f lrat on a Mingle, W llkcns to o k 'f i rs l on on e rro r and C ow ks struck out, ending a (IreadfuL ortleah of 10, hlia lb m d 12 ru M in one Inning. f

C uanon-.w aa th row n ou t n t f i r s t <- riioinpson grounded to second, 'and ho Cn igb t batting for Holm an fanned. be

Cliicken Season (]- . W c C a n T e l l Y o n W j i

1 \ 'N o w

iSOur S tock Is ;Cimplelei-

! * ' A € i ^ m a t i c s v '..BEdWOTNi? 12; . . "

, ; « BBOWKIMa leT • ‘ -EEraKaTON 12 :• ,

*X Pulmp C iaik ; >WUrOHESTBB '*

. '. ? - - m a n w ^ T o y '. .: ..v ."- — = ? = ^ = 8 r a V E N 8 ~ ' - -

, .jiuunjK • •.: L-

V j v — L O ^ i ^ s :' W1HCHE8TER‘‘' : atT E E

F A IX S 'P a iE Y TIMES ^

WORLD {a : ’

" I ' i~i' Ktor

Youni; SICKins umpired Ilie Kiimc lu |<aKi tho niiMHfiiciiim of nil.

■ ___ _ . -ba—

) J l o w t h e C l u b s S t a n d« !__________________ ___________ 1 ('11

A )ii:» iC A x 'm ;A(j i i : " f iI., r c t .

I JVj//nflHpJi/n ...............CI ;!:• .csf!, WnHlilnKtoii ....... .......... CO a t .035. ciiicjiKo .......... ... .........'nn 15IDctrolI ......__— ........ -in IK .ClTilil. I^mlii ....... ................ .JS- .1!! .111!; I’r'iV

.tcU 'V elnnd ..................... Ifi fi2 .iO-v tlon' .N«w Yiirk ____- ........... 10 fiS .121 Tayl.“ lluflion ................ . 2« OS’ . .292 di-iifI --------- ohar; N .m o x A i, r . i iA u n :

W. I„ Pel. Se; P l tu liu rK h .......... ......... 5C :ir. .liir. eour

Now Yuilc ___ ___r.5 :!;» .fiSE caiw. iriiiclnmill ............ -IH 11 .G22 Woo

llrfM>l(lyii ...-.................... 45 n .ClfC lofoi, wnTtnisrpiTUTT:::.'......-iii— '-it— r n : m ?, s t Ululii .... ................ 11 fjO .•lOH ij(>nf

(:iiioili;o ............. ......... -II Gl! .'Ml tho ;. UUHIOII ............ ........... 3S 6S .aO;i „|,.ni


. Snu l-'ranciitco ........ . 72 :is ' .05^

. Salt Uiho ..................... 68 -I.-; XDS ,, S i-lm le ....... ........- ......... fil no . .fiCo " "

I.OH AngfltH .... - ....... . B'J Oi .022 ,,Portland ________ ___ r.l (il .-IHCOaltliind ____ ;;;___ -19 Oil .-i;!7

• vinirmiivcnto'-.:::.:;:..,.:.' - i f '- 'c s —V ernnji....... .......... ....... U 73 -300

^ --------------- • i • Yh— stitii

W atching the •I Scoreboard i'i«

•' • ' ' ■ ' grap

YoHlcrtfn>>‘ hero—i;rnl(i Jolinoon. suhKlUrilb HhortBt(i[i fo r tho Ynnkcos, dullvfrcd n homo ru n 'In ihe iwelfiii ' j „ inning nnd defcntvd iho Urowiiii. H to

T liirtten 'Tigoi'ii "'.•ro left iilrnndod on Uio' ImscH wheii Slim H urrls iI.kIiI- «'‘" tl ennil In the pinchi-> nnd the A thletics glov(copi>i-'<l ognln, 10 111 2. asalz

'Se%'en nu is iicon-d.on n rn l|y In the ^ fifth liinluR off CcKHiey gavo ilio I 'fr- a les an U to.C victory over the Bravvo.

Four runs scorH in Ibo olghlh in- . - nlng off Heed l-*alM r onnhlod tho Sun- atora to bent the U'hlio Sox S lo C.

doll bu t they lo st li> iho Curds iO lo 3. Sherdell wnn tho risb th nouUipaw In . a row to p itch ag.-iluBt tbe Robins.

Qobby llo r ln e tt his his 23ri^ bomnr ot tho soason soU h e lp c d * ^ a ?*U i b e d r th o C in f iU 4 lo 2 .

I ^oi.M iller held Ihc Red Sox UiO . wl

pinches nnd led tho .oltack wiih ib rw , re singles, tho Imllanlii w in n ln g ap to C. » i

Tfio Rods knoi-keir’C orlson-out ol 61 Ibo bM ..aud hcnl PIills 0 to C. j or

, •' r i a i i . 'hose.jjflpr n g b t W a i ^ ^ ^

■ ‘ T ' ■ ' ■ J ' 'c i

Opens |/jie re lO) Fii)^1r1iem J ’

B u y ^ l ^ t (iun .W hile:r

jdiiuble B arre ls ^

i j ^ I S T E V E N S ,V;-:'-; E N B ^ . ■ . , Lu

j g ^ I e ' B ajre ls

^ ' VC ; . '

^ i iK j r ^

r iifeiassr:


• Bnek from M urkeN —Miin.-incr W. I Al Vlll) Engeicu of Ihe Golden Iti'ilo I Rtoro rolurnod todny a fic r n month j J i‘|>eiil In tiio g roat markelK of Ihu i-uKl InyUiK In « iilock (if murclinn-J lilsu for Ihu cninlu): in-amiii, u-hicli|lift 1... i f i . j ___niivH llllll lh im ;ii'u ro lu flnit n iio , iiiiillUi lil th e ou st

('iiHot A re Iti^mlrioed—Till’ charKc, nf iH'tly lu rcrny flli-d aKaliinl W li-:Unm .n in e s , Joe f.VillinH und J . W, TIhlion hy J . III. I’imnocrk (or ul- eKcd m ldng nf boiiih tw o by fonri'.I cuupl>' of liilin lind t>dnu' liuckois. wivi dli*mliinnd Ibln ntturiioon by I'roliiili) JinU ii J. I., llodulu oil nui*:ton of I’rosoeiillUK A uorucy J. W. Taylor, w lio -n ta li-d th a t lliu ovi- rii-iice w ould mil nualuln tho .'harj:eii.

Sets .Now rri iir ll ile —Tho supreme ;oitrl in I liii i 's la to th is 'w oi-k lu iho i-niwi o t W. n. W all aaaiuHl T . J . : kVoods establliihed a. principle Iiore-, ofore undefined tn th is stale* whon-,,i (.Tnnliil " Iho 'n io ird il iit lli irry ' j:-; — Ili'noii. n tlornoy fnr W all. In nm ko;;bo njtpeilnnl In t.ho nuni ni'cuiro new j • dKnors t» tho ’ iiupiirxudonn hom l: yh»ro for nnv rcnson llio noe.urlly . _ _ m tiie sinno ’hnd hecnmo intuifticl" 1 •nt; tu this, thn cou rt ilvparted ' rom Ihe Cnllforniii rule, wliloii or- llnnrlly prnvallii In. Mnho. nud idojitnd- thu principle of Iho mnjor- ly nf prcci'ilontii. T w enty dayi* voro Klven to furnisb Iho nuw boiiil..

A lb a tro tm a h d SaUorsT he nllm tross isirocnrdcd wllli super-

ititioua reverenco hy siiUucL-ivlio liu^' ilovc thn t dentil Ib su re .to follow the Killing of one of Iheni. Colcridco lu' liU "Illuic of tlio .A n d e n t Murliier" Braplilciilb* rcetfilK tills belief. .

O ld -T im e “ / / o n d o u t ”In .llio o lder days lu l-:nglnnd Jiiilges

«fnni foridddcn to wenr gloves im thelend r fur fpfli^oH>rll><*4M»iug-drrBipud, ___nio them.' llpnce the custom of pro- lentlng a Jud^c w llh u pn ir o t wliiie ;loves when ho haa' no cases to try nl isslzes.

A n adTorUseroeot w orlb looklnn vb r. is a o v cr ovorlookod—ta th lS L |^ ^ g ow spapor. ___________ __

TheVanitRogerson Hote.

' '^ U k ': ttnd .'T O llon l cropo;’ coIorB:. whllo, {grconK opricot, c rab o p p lo ;- . regiilnr ' ' , ■ • 'Q A a :> 1.25 __ ______ ____v W

6il)c m essiillno; good line o t col­o rs ; flntunlny only, H A

; 'v e r y spociiU .............. « M « . U v

'.O ingham plnldn. strlpcB : plnin ’.•coior*,' good Quality; regular

......... ;...20c.P e rc a le , ijKht ' " 1 9 C

Crotoniio,' regu la r ‘ , 2 0 C

' tio itbn suiting, chocks O C a on’d p laids ____________

. s . r - . ; ___ 3 5 ( g .P lain co lor Po tor P a n C A avoiles, fn s t color ------

•D rapoH es:. now .b r ig h t* colors:- . Bilk o r cotton— i".;' , •

O urtnln n e ts ; da in ty p a t l im s ; wblto o r ecru—

SOc 80cLuxite s tlk .fcoilerr— •' ' '

$t.25 .0 $2.10

O no lo t o^ a l l w o o l a u iU ; Sn taj U ip ic ira it« aro «i>lcDdid r i l u c s j

ipe ^ t ______ ____

-M tn'a ;d n a a - ib l t i ; i l f i t / M t i ' W ' ; i i e ln


R O S T O ^M J S H O E S ^ O l


R e a d y t o S e■ w ith th(

^ N e w ^ ^ i rSciiiii! iiicii In iy ' slidi's on look.

' " _ n i : 's r,i ii.- liiiy .Vn |.r io c . T iui

will) jiiHt Im.v “ sli iio s ." itu t

■ Il'iKUiiiiiitiH liii.v liiiilis llllll fi

i-vo]-_v |>;iir. 1,'ih iIc n l lliosu hIi

o v o r .vmii’T n i.l uluiju— y m r n : :

c n ir li-u tlio r^ r« > r'lo .i|{ « nm l W'

' ■ $ 7.5 0 .,, ■$;

Try S I N C L A•• IT P A Y

ItrShop-^.' '"'i lid*

. , knick'

• //y M .Isb thlY\7 X t ' p rice-

” ” ......^bUC«-

.......... i w . y ’" C • ■ ^^ ‘t r l r

' i'' . \ \

; ,t i . L ^ ' . U d ie s- o t ton

$ 12;S0ta n , brow n, n a v y , p o iro t, trjootino'

iw ; J iow ia t h e t im e to . take ^ v a n t a j


N I A N Q ;OR M EN i J

l l f m

?erve You ; ■t h e . . ■

r Styles ^iioUh ; Minii: im y on

T l ia r i» r i l i ' ' ! 'e ’ ltu?ll----- ;---------- .

itut nil'll w lio liiiy . I -

I f il nud wc-ar in

! h1iik-.s— lliu ir lll llll- ■ ' .

•rc sun: o f fit . K id t ; .1

I wftir— . * .

$ 1 0 . 0 0

First : ■ :. Y S " ,

R eady-to-W earim lsoles; sllgblly (oUod-O N B- . . OURTH OFT. • ' - .nyon silk nllps; a ll | ^ 2 « 9 5

n ' w o o l'tw e d d ’ Jtniac«Ki;";^tadjf" \

r"L iT .r_ -is . , . ...................... ^ Z i p O ; ; ■dds ond ends ot khaki toga: klriii, coa ts .'• middles, dreaaoa: -- > rlenh u plbls stock ire ott«r> icm at c o s t ' '

)iIo dresses; prolty models >a- • isiul sliades, laco trlm m od:,.you. ill neod on extra droia to fl»-II tho'noason; vaiuoB-to 112.60.

men dresBos';.- orebld. ’groen.- «y.. bluo, - brown; largo .'

‘" $ 4 . 5 0 « W i f t Oig llib -brootleloth ^roaaMS ii^ a U i'!

n g d M onjblflrWiM . t a i i f W n V ' rim p.'rod— -

$ 4 . 5 0 „ . « 6 . 0 »\V 'd foM if^or'''tn lf^ «ir itR 't^ ^ w‘ iotl; •M golttf' I I W S - a a le . ‘ > •

'vIntent crapo d rM aaa '

dies’ ouU nc. aklrU . , rtoo aolaotto______* V W o y V l - y .

w in d Brollil . ' - a i i l i - J; v . , ; g lUgo ot mi* WUMiiMi'

p iJ O -' '’' fy - V .

Page 4: LY T]w m Fiiiiis Versailles 1Treaty Will ‘m m J m m ' IIP · nctloii to ulioroncea «f Admiral Von Rebeur' Paacbwlij. cs-KiiUur

, f

' potm

TWIN FALLSDrabUthfd nrvx SrsaloK Bxcopt 8i

I<( ' Companr. Twin :

B n tm d nt Utt Twin F>Ila PMtottlc ■ PUir Pnb lleaU ^ .



The speech' of Senator ' tra tes .the danger of even the

; “ ram bling talks” w ithout chccl) . in § to fau lty recollection. Th(

r W ilson waa le t o u t o f tiie secrei ' h is 14 poin ts had been voted c

~— ■ ^ o ira h 'd c a y iy h a d n o iis iT D fth ' h e w ould n o t have said that. ‘ (

r a u m b e r for.U iey d id not a ll .n

'o th e r . 18,” ■.■' • O ne o f the 14 p o in b was t

Sufely th a t w as riot voted o u t o f Prance. I f Senator Borah c

__wJ_jfl..ewicuated»,heJs..a_inighty_n : w hen h e th inks she i s down. J •of A lsace-Lorraine to France, t h a t C lem enceau-w as 80 altrui h an d in g these provinces back i<

^ i^ to ra t io n o f P oland. The• ly^jcstored, despite th e implied . ^ h , o f course, there is tiie 'L (

by the D em ocratic p latform o f 1 'W ar speech, •for the distribution

/. ress voted g rea t appropriations. \ Then an o th er po in t was th

^ ; the Germans, which of course, i A utonom y wjls also g ran t

' H ungary.‘.•.j... . T h a t m akes one-half o f the . - e d o u t” • *

.• . .. ; A ll b u t one o f the others . **^tae o f them largely, some' b ut i

____y . ' **OlVfin cnvenfinta npenly ai• a s thei V ersailles conferenc '■ ed, b u t the res t o f the dem and:! in ternational understandings,

provision Qf,the,.Ie;ague,for fili ntjThQ^acts T O tfo itt by W ebb M

m ented Satu rday w ere obtaine ta lity . ' Reduction o f armameni League covenant, b u t i t is natur

. • ' the League s ta rts to ge t busy, s . . . . .a m ih s t o th er nations a n d - th a ts

d i territo riial claim s in an im] .. ?pme su cce^ , .through m andate!

cd quite bad ly in a num ber of tp g n ty o f I ta ly has been restore • ■■ S ena to r Borah says th a t L

cusMon o f freedom of thc seas ’ — * ilie way to EwOp.e and thtrt ia v>

. isn ’t .true an d illuBtrates thc dj ' In^responsc to aa .in q u iry of Uk : fo re 'th e arm istice, thc allies : favored the 14 points, th ey all , accepting th isb a s ia e x c ep tjjw tr

seas in regard to w hich thoy “ rc plete freedom .” T h is-po in t w

:; dropped an d w as la te r specifit , d en t W ilson as inconsistent wit!

*• o f nations. T he distinguished a tions,-John-Eugene-Ha!^ey,-in-h

‘ * thp New In ternational Lfiw,” ta• son, whom he quotes as saying ' question o f the freedom of the

it never struck him th a t there• th a t consequently the question r ; arise.”

— ---------- ^Paul-S.-Mowror says, ih-a i

son saw a t Paris, in connectior 'T-.peaa, th a t there should hencefoi

■ N oting e.xceptions,-regardii esiiecially the exception-of Sou

. thim whom there is no b e tte r : . law in Europe, an d who is a fo

nf Fnrf>i|rn Pnliry,** sn however, the decisions w ere i

’ The t 4 t d f I 51~ s ^ e i. ■ na tiona lity ju ste r th an th a t whic

“Rem oval o f economic bai a m ild degree. I t is one th ing

*not; w anted by the A m erican F —.^ - J ^ ic h r ig h tlv 'b o asts th a t i t dei * ; Uons, a n d by . o ther tru s t ouTie

th e sen a to r in s tirrin g up hatred '"SKKe3*tlre~BHtish~5elf% overni

- - B ritish foreigp office a n d got t - 4 - J ^ m M y , w hirh they haye-oftei j . o f E S n s ^ d , the sen ato r sa id E r

reland is In a n d is votini ' I ' E ^ l a i f d h as seven. -

' .. B e c ^ ise the U n ited S ta te s : I : linff ta lk s th e L eague is n o t fund I r a n d dem agogues in a ll lan d s a ! i rm e anotheTrliuC the covenan t is I ■ ^ th e p rm d p lS W th e ‘14 po in ts £ i t h e f )e d a ra tid n o f Independence

P A I l Y T l M E S l tSnndaj U>* TIdm PnbUililBS

n r»IU , Idalio,. ^

ttlcs u Second Clua U ttU r M n s, AprU U, lfl«. j;______ .

— u


eiD. W m 'IiA N ) cl

W . E. BoraK a t ' F ile r illus- ® he greatest* in in d u l^ n g in oi•eking up on fac ts o r in trust- ’he senator said, “Wl?en Mr. ^ re t conference, all b u t one of i ou t o f existence.” S enato r •• th e . l4~ p o in tsin -h is 'm in d ro r -jj ■ O f course, i t “w ent” with a «i .rem em ber them eitfjer, and * pngiin n f .Nat.inns and lo s tli ia .i,,

■ Cl

6 the evacuation of Belgium! ^ L it A nother w as evacuation n I docs .not know th a t France _m can jm an_ toJum p o n _ h er .S#

A n o th er is the transference ». W ill the senato r contend {•• ruistic th a t he insisted on g, : io G erm any? A nother was p,' le Poles seem to be thorough- }d denial of the senator. A nd st* League of Nations, pledged f 191(> arid by the president’s ow on of which in Europe cong- wb fis. • ■the evacuation of Russia by

;, was carried o u t ’n ted the jieople of Austria- mi

h e 14, adopted and n o t "vot- ot

rs were partially ad o p ted ; toi I t slightly. ' •a rrived nt,” was r^jactedjSQ S >

nee procedure was concern- o»t 1; the abolishm ent'of private ^, w as mostly covered by the . • tiling of treaties a t Geneva. Millet'on'-\\Oii(fli Borah W hii -S.' ned through this jnstrum en- r«i ents is provided fo r in the Rurally a slow process. W hen , somebody begins ram bling u* t slows i t more. A djustm ent m partial way has m et vvith m" tes, though it. has been abus- of instances. Territorial in- ired. 10, Lloyd Gebrge fo rbade dis- JJ*' LS while the iiresident w’ju; on jnj h^ hy4t >ytta-<Iro}>tH:di W iiicli danger «f “ ram bling ta lk .”

the German governm ent be- • • ‘s hcsitles the U nited States 11 united in an identic note

•regard tu the freedom of the me ‘reserved to theniselves com- w:us a t that time virtually fically repudiated by Presi- m» ith the.pnncip les’o f a league i au thority on the.Iaw o f na- jnl 1-hia-^‘League-of-Nations and takes the sam e view as W il- ig th at “when he placed the f;! le seas am ong the 14 .points • e would be no neutra ls and ’ n o f neutra l righte would not

a recen t notable work, “O ur ^ "wouid-'be; a s^ re a id e n t-W il- ion with the freedom o f the g,'; forth be no neutrals.” ,d ing self-determ ination, and , outh Tyrol, G ilbert M urray, • r au thority on interiiational foe o f imperialism , in hfs says.^Un Europe_aaLa_ajH>lg. .au * made on \V ilsonian prin- le m e n rr IS on principles of hich preceded i t ” milam e rs .” Oh no, except in Ig necessary, and one th ing „

Profcctive T a riff League, ciu Lefeoted the le a g u e o f I jla ; *•“ ned organizations* th a t l ie lp ■ed. A f te r President W ilson m. m ing“ c0 0Trics■ ag a in st the ^ I them representation in the ot t(m jised .t< ith5®rLthfi4 i]ans ^ E ngland h ad six votes. Now ing aga inst London h e says <»i

lils s tayed out ow ing to ram h- nctioning as w ell a s i t m i^ht, tw : a re s tirring people against is a s n ea r the realization o f te t

s a s the Constitution w as to ice, b efo re the B ill o f R ights, ^



Assistant Treasury Sccrctar) ' ' j m ^ a t n o r F a i o T - T w i r -

' N Sucoessful Men.

Men e a n a o t'Iw 'a x p ^ d to cobUodi to work, dak .attor ^ajr. IncreanloK tKi prodocUVooma of (bU coontrr and bonoOtlaic oUtwa. It tlior know Utal OO'death tbe n a jor portion of.l^etr <TaiDlon win b« diaatpalei) Id Federal e au t« aod atUa lidierUanco Uxoa. do clarea Cbarlos 8. Dowbr. Aaalatant

. 8ecreta*7 o t . tlM Treaaary; In U)< lin ortcas Baakeni jtsaoe/a^on Joctr oaL Ha sara; *

*T am co la s to n la la n^Cabla Itt la m a of nMdarn biMlnoaa. eandltiooR .John ‘lle n tr 'u sd W aller B n w n wen a ^ i ^ t v e . hard^orktojT si<in,' nn) aaeh had atan«d baalnoan tor falmnqll

. ^ A t . U m .lhna^ thto_ Watao: opon5_ John non'rr-bad joat dlod, learlnR ht» enUro.estota lo h ls aon, John Hnarjr J r . and.had appolatM) hla «ld friend Walter Drown, an oxocalor. Prior tr>

-tiis-^oath-;<>tin-Heafr*bad-maT*d-to- Catlfomla.' IcnWos h is bnalnoaa In tbr banda dC hla aoa vndar whom l l hat) eonllnned to make excellent boadwa; The father had bMn dolnjc a IIUU> «pectilatln« In otL TOU Tontoro h#«' oot prored aneceMfnl aod he waa In

.'debted4n.tbo.aom .ot.tS00.000.______'‘Rzoeator Watbor Brown,' on exami

nation of the eataitn, (annd the follow Inc altaatlon: , ' .CkpIUI nork of Vtmrr * Co..

Ido., a Klentvui*'"'**'Parantuil debm dtM bank........... t»O.W'

'’Walter Brewn aoon mado the on SlnaMnt dIacoTorjr that In addition to the penonal lodobtedneaa ot fSOO.OOO and admlnlfllratlon expennea of |SCO. 000. (ho followlnc death d u dei must Utpald: ------- .

MIohiKUi InhnfltkDN ................ . in,OB<■ Tout .............. '.7;..'.......... . . . .I I .s4s,S(K

**Ailded 10 the penonal debt and ad(nlnlAlnlloD expenaaa, UtSa made a •rrnnd total llabllltr of VUEC.ZOO Tho rear waa m o . Moner waa Ilsbt Other fflanuraeturtiic companlea In the lamo Uae which a tc h t harw Jo leroated In a porebaM had Bo mone^ .] lor esteDBlooa nor wera tbe banks In' t a poalllon to handle a loan et'th la- t typ«. -U«r« Waa n n»a t anoceaatoi'

4>nalneaa^llt_niu<BKiUJnBkU-teclfe!! .[ alnita .hr ooe man aniTenrrled on to; { Curther nooeaaert>7 bla eon. abont to- ■ be placed> nnder tbe bkmmer. - '- “Ia there apy }aatlce In taxatloo that' . mar foroa'a 'sa n u d hta tamOr. to' , .loa» .thel»U a o( b i iU titln UttfaIat>or,,'; \ and p ero lf o th en to benefltT Aa a laai* ( reaort, llenrr. Jr.. waa fo ro d Into ± <

;bond litaae. ■ A -Ioan, 'to ^ a t ^ t aobta,'admlolatratlon expeoaea and’ death dallee.'.of It.aU.OOO waa neco-.; i llated. Qpon tba toUowlsc baals: I '

> ^ 0 captlkl atock' .ot tho companr w a .le t t a t IS.000.000 rapredentcd br.' aharoa.' p in t mm^cace 8 per'

c e n t bonda wer« . oflTered the poblle with a bonaa ot twe aharea of etoek' with each fl.000 .bond. The ^ankor," to protect- bU bond vcaatomera. kept- 10.000,-abarea to aeanre control. o(' mananinment, and John JTenrr. Jr.. r*-' eetvfld tho balasee o f ‘IB.EOO aharea ' JolnL,Bft«..hftl-a piad >flh,air, cnnnral, naoBKer of hU father't old eomPaar, bat they de* not par him T e ^ mneh,

■ ~Now w e w nft retnm • lo WaHnr Rrown. exeenlor ot John Henrr, :Sr; Walter had a\wara kept cloae to bta nwn Riannfacturln|( bgitneaa. Th» more be conildered hla own altaatlea.■ ho more cloaeir It aeemed to him lo roRomble that ot bla old friend.-

"He lljnmfore ca lW a tawyer and made a complete achednle of hla aa- teta.'TequMttnt that an ea ltnate of tdmlolafrattlon expenaei and death dntlAa be made. Tbe Mhedole of aa-

CatiltBl (tnrk, W*ll>r Itrown Co- cniirrimiA fmI .................

TnUt ........................................ M.6ea.»ftft*'WltblQ a few ik y t Mr. Rrtmo’a

lawyer made tba fe»ow lnc report:

iltm ll ltlB'rl|»rK« «.'m Cnln. lnli»rltiinc«laa;.V---- tT W

Toi»l dutl—.............. . . . ..l.««.7e>To<.J »x'p«i*i>..............................**On thia ba«la tbe eatato aaffered a

r««doetlon from $5,600,000- to approxi­mately ll.S74.000. tbaa wlplnc o s t all u a e ia except the' corporate atock aod alaelBg a he«TT loan on that. . Mr. nrown bad one aon aod. aa be thoniht 3f John -HttBOr. J u-^auU U nja i j ■Jlli. little hope oc opportunlly he-detar- mined that he woald aot iab}eet hla own aon to the aame trlbnUttoaa.

-Ooam tlmea havlnc coma, ther* waa no dlfflenlty ob ta ln ln c'a PB chaaer for Walter Brxnm t t Co., and the Calllomla nmX estate waa aold at'

'atrood pploe -.-Hiejihola waa .InTntat ta tax-exempt bends whItA yielded a Ttry aafe retnrn of abovt per oast.

-«aUar-Browa_thca_fflOTBA^l_)«xaL 'reaU1«-nce to the more trleadty climate ot F lorida where atate tfiherlunc* end tpcome. taxee ara torbldden.

affort which Walter Brown n lch th a re m atlnaed to azpesd nnder a suire l » telUcent aywtsB o f ta n ila n . Wa nnat reform the tax ayatea Is wnch a way that baaineaa aad tndaatiT' sbaD sot. he batat>ersd, W e .nnat a a k * w r* that Amerfcas ctttsans.ahall n e t - > desrtved o f the tnceaOr* ta.worfc and a c c s f l s s u t e '^ (hat this e e v t i r ahaS aoC c*as» to*te a tau) e ( utipestunlty.A ta x A iy « en which. aiaoMffCW li^ tlaUva cannot be the n c b t ■yatam tar


~E X E R C lSE H l N t

s ' •[ > ______^ ________

“* \ / •

•IkWnt . .V ' \ ,

" ) " < nr> / / / < / •tl ■ / ■ / /II . / / . ' / '5___ ________ J J l — / — t----- -------- -

1 / J A 'XI / v ' ’’ •

!*■ t t

J. i ' :<c) Hi- i : . : r . s r r v-..-r.iii.i-.nI' .' ■, Thta la a Mrrnuo.i* ..x .tc Im nn.l

Bhould only l>o prAWlwiI t>r itie ~ —brirlnnoi“ W lh-thtr*frrr~rriitlnB ' on '~ ” ' Iho floor. ' A* th t jiirrnitih In- r 'creajica ono can pu t Uia wulitht on

th e fe«L , . ■

' Head Tlmea Ads. ' '

‘ One Thm Woman ; Gained Pounds i:

j in 20l-;Days j;I, Skinny M en C an ■■> tile Sam e^ Tlia t’s ROlMK s o m ^ b i i t aklnny men,

women and cliKdnui ^ust c iui't help ' pu ttln c on good.fh«nllliy fluah when »• they take McCoy-< Co<l U v cr OllCom- i. pound Tablcta. ' i' Aa chock fu llii^ .v ltam ln es aa tho^ .pM jr.iighyJagU sfet^Q ^^)< bu t these a u en r-o o a i^ , laatelcas ial>-

lets nro aa easy to .lake a s candy and w on't upsK the BMinAch.

Ono w om an-R alM d tcn^pounda lu ‘l tw enty-tw o day» .-,\^x ty tableU ; sixty\] *0» jl It Compound Tahleii*. , LIrocilons and ! form ula on oacli box. - - '!• -O el McCoy’s, iIie'.orlBlnal nnd Kcn- . ulne Cod Liver 011 Tnblcu"

V TWO D A IS O Srar-T O D A T AWD I e TOMOBEOW(' ni(t Dnnble K d a tu re 'S h o n .

T h e ' Eight; ^ b s o n i . -----— .. Giitla ,.

MrKICAI.-BEVUE •. A DIb T im e A tfrartlon -of Music r . Konft mi4 llance

In roaJnncllnn . V lth Uie F l n t I Natlunnl Fnleplay A ttraction


I- Ak funoj a i? a basMnlf heau—luo many laoRha. . .ri for nn^onc (e m iss. |

■ \ cornea a s M c r Bar.

,^eTpt7«Be Irfre*.*''


! j A » o w ~ T ^ D e trt y M l U 3 n « | |: -4xkxse tuatm ix-, T he F k m c a S a tu « n jr C n s b t r

-PMt f t la r r 3 f » la r b t e n a


“Sing-Song" ‘ '

ColK M M * S B - >nl B M W 1

' .ed

r t o :

'SUIw itWn

• -;h ^ : ' A-• - ■ ' hon


Thor jMwciy tiMj-iy Dum«0 a iow»•*w thta mn 'dhti la a Chlnwe 'Viiia-KiiK'Kiri.- Mvsng tn ta« Cht* n«i*« luwo. «r OiiayunK, tn lluiwh": prvvingv Iiur adrntrvrg gvi -ln a ’0«h«. upML.« UIIII' •'>»! «>ora»d IVO huuMB. .Now Hexina aild Bhnn«hal want uuni* aim danoe for

____________them_____________TIm'ca Want Ads Pets itcaulia, . m

Jo e -iC S a y s :

Flee from resppnibility• ASMISSIOMSt _

; Stallnev____ > 10c aud-SOfl ; I” EienlnK ------- _10c annUfT

' ' ■ '



- wiUi a giuig of ftm-znokers A N N E OORNWAL:

■ ___________ TtnTtW RT n f t r nE . J . EA TO LIPFE

--- ------ --------------liE E -SH U M W A Y - 1W A D E BOTELEE

I f M a n t i n g

I n P a r i s a n d t h e S v

- o n t h e p e a k o f t h i_______ = jw ith e a

e v e r s e e n , ^ elid in g ' l i l a n c h e o f O T b w h a

T h> I i t n u U a i i l H i w ^ B u r

T h e Im m p ir tr f-**-AlM'kwa Um


N, FILER M S si. S i'

KILER, Idnlm-—Tbo K nl«hta - o t Kim Columbus of Buhl, F iler and Tw in F a lls held nn oIM ay picnic. In the F l ie r fn lr .u rounds’ Sundny. A ball

WMO ’ furnfslied'* the people. AJ! re - po rted tbe day woll openU ;

A Infuo. num ber of pooplo a tten d - ed tho free matlnoo Snturday nlto r- n o o n . ' TliO' free matlneca hnvo boon ru h n ln c (or somo tim o .a n d expect . f . t o ^continue until an Indeflnllo tim e. - a ^ c r t a l n l y ia n tr e a t fo r tho .chIU

H : H. Schlldman ro tum cd SunUay eveninK a lto r n w cok'a visit 2 '» l th friends nnd rolnUroa i a W alln W nlla. W ash. , —

A picnic dinner w as jrtfCn n t Iho home o f Mr, nnd Mrs, D. M. Kon- ■. U kel .Sunday In honor of M ra;-L . 0 . W

Make 30% Within 9

This Is TOUR OFFORTDKITT, to bi . loealed. wllhin 6 m lle s’ ot Twin

- . CKOrS, IITK STOCK. rOOLTB mediate poMMSsIon, nnd tho prico' nftcr yon bare narkeled -the a

— «n-lhU -alfh ty„U n^B_M C _?9_ner}!aj alfalfa 0 acre* I9 grain, 6 acres

' 1 acre In orchard (ho balance unv>, lOcclher w llb m eomplete ' necessary for Ha eptm U on. * Frio |IS,0004>0 w llh U benla te r a i.

ITby wait nhilf fnli.^iod «’

nearly * p « " c e n t * ? f .S o enljro.

Claar Beals &Telephone 209. , •<

ity and rewards, flee from

1 , .

B B b P

I’Sff r '

e r s inc ltid iD g | | J T *1 '

^ - J l /

r a M

■“ ” 1 ^ | > n g K t n i i . ^ I ' ,

Swiss ______ ________the “.craziest" ipountain i

ig in a thrilljng, breath oalls—^iight intp J i e arms- i i i - * X T E A ' - S P I c r U L — — >—

Ihinriiw 'th , iTOteUoii H M >t ni® '8mb« of 'l - T ^ H pn ilW ilU aI h . w t e ' i k . ' i s i 6 o j a ^ n i B i ? i r i t

■FniDAT^ JULY-ro,

LeaverUiA'fl'birthday. The cueals! prcaonSftJ-heW 'W tli' 3«t -batWker- .

Mr. and Mra. .^u lleo .;m d family ,ot Klmborly,.Mr. nnd tlrt.'O oM oas and family. Mr.^ond M h .-U a l le Stroud . nnd dauthtor. M rV u id . Mrs. Lee Smith and dauchter,. Mr. ahd' Mrs.J. T. ■ GrMt>wo«t _______

Learerton arid aon. ■ A -T « ry -en jo y ftblb tlm e.w aa bad-bi.-M L ''-''^• H r ; and Mra: H arftT W oilld b ' and family v o spondlnB-.» p leu an t. .va­cation At tho Asbestos^ m ln e ^ o a r tbo -yollowatono National p ark .'

• -----fl" ■■ ’•FOR SA L B -O ne aaaortment o fch ll-

dren’fl pumpe and oxfords, slxea 8% to 2. values to $8.60. c lo sln s for » U 6.Barber Sboo O a.

. u r n want a . . p r o « | ^ ;« tw i- - pap«ff cat THe

^ o f - C o s t • 9 0 D a y s _

-ricot -'. Yen w in demand, m o « e cropv nuidilneiT>es slanted to beans, i s n e m ' law Tn eorn,-4T 5cw tf la - p o t a t o e p r -----------nee Ja: seeded to blttir'iimas ele onUlt «r atock and .naeU aerr Priced for Im m ^ t ® i d # . ■ •«I. - .ro > h e n yon can bay W a . ow -. srTMt lhat w ill yield' for Ure. pnrchase price o l 'Uie In iL -

& CompanyUS IDilii A m o a E ail. ■

im you. ' iEhi ;"’s^hat!,.

•snow T lM Ti,' •• .; HaUaee!-:!:^ and S iM .R .'K - - g T imtBe ± T.:7'-andylHV q i « ^ ^ -----------

LIGHTeS i NG!M iU G H iN tl

/ - l o F .


% y ) I T S

' y

. — A X £ 0 ^ - ‘ 1:

A OoinriT Wwr*^-’ ■

1 in; t h e ^ ; ; ^ r >I . c h a s e f ' ith-taldng'- ava- . m s i o f 'T o m a B c s .

.V ■

. . ,yiam- J.:Bry{ui j

Page 5: LY T]w m Fiiiiis Versailles 1Treaty Will ‘m m J m m ' IIP · nctloii to ulioroncea «f Admiral Von Rebeur' Paacbwlij. cs-KiiUur

J ,


Basinet Diirertoir

'. ';;Atteroeyt.'' '-PORTBR^-W nUJka.

C lw Book .'atort.

0. g H A L tr-O w r OlM Boo*9USU — Orr Cba

^BOTHWBU,.; A . CHAPHAW W oodi Bldi^ R o o m 6. 6. 7. 8.

* e W B B llB r ^ '■ 8 W B B b B Y -^ tU• r t n i ■StUbttMl B ank BnltaiJ


U>«rf; Prop;- U O Snd BC. W o. * 1M ’carry n e w rtoM .

_____ TraniferOROZIBR T R A N ^ S m .COMPi

Paona 8<g. 8tor> io tn d crat' l S i H % S r T O X N S ^ 7 I ~ i

■ • •r .^ q B “^C0i-0»rlJ««* hiuled•■ ‘ P h o n o 'm ' :_______________

' W A R S K a a .i' iu N sr a R a btoi■ C O ^ t o r o fo rnnd ip eoU i a - »h]pnieBti to 0»lltonU*.-Phon'

Chiitopractori .'--------------- — r*— ' • • ORr a r c . -WTATT—

■■ ChlroprMtor , ' I t f «rd ATO. No. Otflco Pbon

• . . D R . - C . BA-Wnitt O fUop^tUo PliyBtetu

enlU 1 tpd S. 0«n BuDldli _________ ,___• .■hooo mo-iy , - • 3

' P a in u a - R o o f i^1, P A i in n f t s s i7 m . iB 8

.Vo« G ill. 'Ifa

, . u d T ^ o w 1'tfooste . . t

MucellftneomCARPENTtert'^ AND' CONTIU

1 “ nnd ropi()r>worlc Jn'CulliUnj;, :CbM. PlBhor. : u 3rd avenuo I

^ Phoao eSCW. ______ __

HBAR-DAN’8>l>LACn. -'aOS '8.• •^ii^ono, , ' ^ j j . c M l j jM d , « l l

SADUI,E nORSES Flrat . cliiM ■«ddl«A tioritt

' nome#* Homo b»m . 3od «v< ' MuUi. Pionfr « 8 J . .

. BYB BPO JlAiliaT—b n ' W D ' ' oo1d«.:'>30Sb.?Next door lo G

---------- — ••'■■''• -• ‘ • :. A PARMBRS* WASHINO, 8o por p

' Whito o«lct(L]|Sooach:..coIU i i w eb . yokoDkiBK Lanndrr# 14y J >, • avonuo‘w oit. Phono JIT.

m iV . ARMOTO'* '^JR^ABT » b fA T Iw i

. f M ala.,8onth,.T w Ja S M t F I; .1MB aad 1074: S o o I u M o r o

tor oroun, poullrr or » o o b a o . o u t ' tfU r touc, pq Opea aatnrday nlgiita nnti o'clock ., I ChM. • Underwood.

Piano TuninsR . T . I.OQAN

Artli^tlc p l ^ o r and piano « o i; Box S31.__________________ Phon.

■ r . i a a HULL80 yearn* Experience.

---------- - P f c w '«*■ <>■ Bo* 181

T y p e w r i t e r s

Wo te ll 'em. R eal 'oco. F lx ~ . BOTAL i n i t a k n COI

POBTABLE ABDINQ KACHl 818 Maltt 8 t Tw la Falli

■ For Saie-MiscenaneEarly applea aro now ripo. •

*, ihern yoaraelf and brlnjr eontal - I* -* c -p e r lb. f f . W .:R iedem aa,,4 i

' aouth, H caat o t aoutb pnd Mala

---------------: -T 0R “SALE=3C» I'm oi'.food abe; • cheap.- Royal fiboe _ _ _

FOR SALB-Cbemea oa.tho u•r >niloa «aat o t Twtn on .-Klal

Road—SmaH troaa. Phoaa^asur VOR SALB-W o im n . a Bsmb.

.. aaooBd liaad B tw las auflhlBM Bt rMMoablo prloai vbfla' they -

!• 8owta» Maohtoa Oo, U l :

------------------r - m i f n a T T n n 'a a i' i i in; O. U a ik lvk BJaoknaMk fb o » I t i

, £ avaBBo..w«rt. Wwtta m w . •

V “ O T W t r n r o B OROWN FS

_ ! ________ ■> B a ^ a b p t

* km* t u i^ '

>' -BL

■ r . ^ s ? t o s g s s » s ¥ a s

_V• Wo aro_ UeoBMd a d ^ BONl REAUrOK8!«M4aatr« tn W«C •

*** ^ ^ O V S E t E S - j r t a - Taloplia B » -j y -;Alj8:.MHn„4Ta. B

^ • •" F b R -S A X S -O U m< t8Btea'w«rit>as a a y 1100 aa^b tM

*’■ ■■

s=a= ■ ^ ^ = s =

3 iHINGlJ! I ~

"'>k Btoro. ' *•.____1

^aDffiaa' ~IAN ,

8. I , 11

W lomaja ''''”’1 1 3 3 ^Udiay a P ^ j i j

L _ Wm T . \BC -*aJt. _____ \ l i t P l

= i i ^: BTOli* ................... OlA ^ 1 7 • ^

T o im a s

5 Trtw2Hii5I For Sale-Miscellan(a ,----------------- ^ ^ ----------- --— _

tdlnr 5AU}-^Q fool Mllwaukcoa. 1M0>] condition. Knciuire

£ r ~ KOR SALIS—2 larc^ ti-athur ( Call a{-378 Van Bureu St.

i f a r o M FOit SALI.>-rib ciicrrlcM, Ic BoppUea. trocfl. Will dullv'cr 100 Ibn. or dfl. Plate ttt 3c H). 4 mlloii wiiNt, 1 boh tl Pa»«-. w ait ot South Pnrk Grocery.

■ coani.;____________^ ______FOR SAIJl>-No. 3 Cone tnllk <

________ C3S Second avonuo wOHt. Photic

JnjfTjnc! FOR SALI>-Fumllur<* fronTfl uo flouih room houno Including ptano imil

Iniston typowrltor. Wilt boII It — noxt ton dayn. 301 4(U nvcnuo

•8 .' Sho- — r r < T : ; - r r ; ------------------,lo lls on FOR 8 A p ^ : 0 loraupowcr I . ninun oDKtno, doublii-Hlinplo. In

- running order. C. C. Sinall. lOttliO. or cnll 14 Filer, Idaho.

• . For RentFOR RENT—5 room fun

houie In sood condition. See ow) ' Proititaca. 310 6tli Avu. North.

Ooldeo , — I I— I i i~ — - — ________ - F OR R E W —N icely tumiahpd

ria«I*°Sc‘ f o r SAlM S-M aimooai aronz< 148 3rd injya from prlio w innlns atock

8. L. Malty. Rogeraoo, Idaho.

:0N—88’4 'F O R -SA I® OR’ tfOR RfiNT^ Fhoaea dent room las hoiiaa. 328 8th •

»• ( F anlabod hoaaek«epln< ..a |ppnltry. n e a tk ' OaaU- B o a o , 408 Uata

intll 10 Woat.. Phoaa 87L ■

' FOR RENT — 3 room fun________ apartment, reaaonabla. .Bon

Apta. 6th atreet and Second awork. _______________ ____

POR RENT—HouMkeepIo* ' ' menta, competely fumfabed tor

houaekeeplnc. ona. two. and rootne Oloaa In. and low raU

' woek or m o a n . 'iUa' u iiu m Main N.__________ .

Wanted-Miscellanen U B ■ WANTED—Good homo for a : alia. collie abephcrd doe. 341 Snd a' - i -------- north. Pbono 1S26W .________i e O U 3 WANTED-^Old tlrea om Tl-— ------ Twin Falla Junk Bouae, 1C4 4th1. • Pick South. Phone 78B. _________

WANTED—Ivoan of |M 0 to 8800 ' A « *>*“ '•fo'""sood bonua and 85000 aeeurlty. I ilielTjnR '1^/tf. Cliy 'low ei’i^rculiuuifiiir' - Falla. Idaho. .

r troaT i W A N T E D -H or*« tor A-1 p«i llmbarly Cold aprlnr wator. plenty of abac J2. - por month, fl, Fairchild, 7 ;

aorthwdit of Duhl, Idaha

a t W A N TED -To buy b o a . Caily ; .Twla -paila Shoo Repairing Sha » i » W i WAKTBD FLORIDA PROPER

PUro'<Baaoh county. W ill pay ^ m rtw tt'C iiB pb ell.-U k a-W orth .

ia - 4 U i ***• y 7 ---------------W A N T B D -F or c u h ot t

■ boosahold fn n lto ro . nm sea. ro<a F K in r BepL.. A. H . Tlneent

m ^ S o ^ f e o t h . Pbona 408 U e n a a ' W A N T B D -T o bay oaad Ford. ImBariy p ay caah. ,U o a t ba . cheap. F

tahlea. W A N T E D -^ one* tor caah. b r «a> J M oara. f b m u r w , X R fp r i ^ 0 ^ m M a ^ B .^ _________S«S i W H P B g W ca tO a r J T A ^

- V P iu a a n iW .

”%S3 4 -fMpney to Loan

""TTT tm daya .ft«ai d a u oC a ^ J M u m O’ a : Bchteaoa. . _

: MplUBI 1 0 .LOAW. f IIM .jbi

? S S L h i ^ g t 0 ( ! k l u i t r - P

e a w y j i» j f i ^ . - g b B a a 3 T l l^ . f .


i i n g b p f a t o

OI»S av tNT'k PcATvnt Scnvicc. Im«Cic.i Biium litlil. rnnvnl

WESmeoua For Sale-Real Ei' FOR SALJ^-feo ntfo darr/ t, dro orchard land.' ■ Plionc

• _ \ Cbolce homo in Eant Uvwn 7 ,r ~ od:6p im ruraiihcii;:jiirc.;oui

“>■ Main No. -Vh. 223. ■_________

’ ■ - FOR flALU CHl'iAl—80 a. ic ll). on land near lU xulion In hU h

• cultlvftlion. No bolter la n il'l Boum, « rlvur valley. Mra. H . V Dav

fy- I’hono Eden. Mnho._________ -

---------— VvJ^R 8A U 3-M odem 6 rootZ r ? ^ . ^ » r a 8 e . P ^ n o t.02W,---------;— KOfVBALE-atocTi ranchim a «|lnc- acrea O ^ llc s aoulhweat of R ll"ln tho A. L. R., core Tlmea.nuo woHt. FOR SALE OU TK A D E-K— ------- In.aoutheaalom Khnaas In -ter Ri-ovon with 10 room houae aiV. I?.?®* han>« aad abode. Land Ja do II. I. Uor, t „ saa and o ll. W ill trado I

______ Idaho farm. Addreaa XVZ.--------------Tlmea.____ FOR SALE OR RENT-NIcul

pod and cotnplcfely tcimfaho « Eaaley Sprlnsa oa Wood

, f " “ r Will M or »111■ — tho week. Spend your vaca

hpd room. ”o ^ * f f”Mn°“ 'E' .— I . B tew a^ PhonT iti'i^

S mS Situation 'Want.WANTKD—PoBltfon w llli 11

[inu^Real- droua,. Murtaugb. Idaho.

• WANTED-:Work by the bo" I 743W. _________________

a i a ^ ^ : HBN WANTED tor Detoctli Bxperlenca unneoeaaary. V

■ Oanor,’ former Oovt DotocUfumUbed ______Buntalow W A N TBD -Job on farm b d avanua Wrllo iz. W.. C02 Cth avonuo ■

.p^rt- M i s c e l l a n e o u s

/ ? ' N0T1CE>-Wtf buy old tire* anl r . - iSi tui"'"- Walio Junk llottae.

fy j^ th o^ fla lL orou n .... 153 2~ AJj- F{|(«r« to f lt ati»<M and

in G O U S Keop ber clean and loncthen 1 __ - - - For Pep phona Step, 237W.

, i \v 2 n n ? *2-00 Invoatafl a year aco r d avenue opportunity la yt__- - - - <lay. Writa ua. Dot Vem on C1,1 tubea. N. 18th SU Phlladetpbta. Pa. 4lb Avc. ^ meQUalod to

________ _40 BQuthem Idaho..m to r ^ . i : ---------------------- :--------------------

i ' p i S ; l O U T O U R W A Y

7 u llea . . (4M »A A .'T v4i

____: II tSAliWWSC allU 98. ■ ; \ 9 ' 'P E O P L E .1 I

•; Hj -‘flSMorAB i fl l I oeAowcooi

^ ■: J -. trade. r Imja. etc., I ■"«------TI— Hfw nt Co. - ^ V

■ \ 'wd. 'Will ■ ! ' ' f >


ah. oaad t J \ \a WhSU I . i I \ « M

L F lja a - ^ -------

n. r?>W» y la ____ '

f ' ( IfHEVCR s u eAH O N T lD V M o o t I WOHOER VsfHO LE

e.e oco■X OtH tsiH C M M «'

® O H S o A b d H t c

i . i i

^ ^ A P SEstate For Sale-Autom oby fann antj SAL}!—Toiirlnff fa r Jnono S17R.3 condition, orinlPI"^) wltli miiibbor i-T, Alonilto KreoBtnK MyHlom. Mitii3u ll[ iyr^ l4 -»»• oncg.-CiilLat-lU!i.2ud,avcn'uv

■ >' 1-ofl 8Al,lv-Ovorlnn(l tourlni; Jimt overhauled. Vory iriinni

X t n of for Frod. I’liono S19J1. a In Snako p oU SALE-Aultman-Tnylor. 3avla, R. 1; trnclor. No. C'AuHmnji-Tiiylor 1

Muni Ito *ol(l;at oBcu. - J. }■'. 81) •oom bouae NK eom cr of lUi

• FOR SALE— tractor 10.r----- , flrat o U u ahape. HOO. I^arl Mt___sa;________ FOR SALE—Aui« wlndahloltla-ICO acrea B'ftw®*. headllfht glaaa and wl r ” l d “ Kla«a- Moon’. Pal»t Shop.____

'n S V a ■■ HelpW antefllo for Rood i.». '■ ' I—Z, caro ot I.aille(i dealrlnn ptodiablo l

work, vr llo liinnudlaloly. ot--------------- atamp. United Krrvlce, 20 EantIculy equip, non Blvd.. .ChlcoKo, III.ahod caWa ■■ ' ■ .— ;----------------------ood river. NOTICB TO (’OlfTRACroitIII rent by Soalcd blda will bo rccclvcd ixcatlon at and until 8:30 cVlock p. m. oiitlns In the tbirtloth day of July. 1926. .b;

B. Claud tninteea of Indfl»cndent< School— rW. trlct No. ^ori^aci rman iJlShOTfO

, " cenoral conatrucilon. pliimlilnRn t e C l heating of a onr-Mory and bajit

- brick and conctrio, nix room n t throsblni: bulldlne. accordlni? to the pinni

All blda ahairbo accompanied — '■ cerlitied chock or a biddur’a bondhour. C all cuaraniy that liio accopicd btddoi

oDier into a ronthut /orthw lih . Iho abovQ namod diatrlct for tho T Plotlotf o f thc buiirtinK accoriUi

w rite J . p jjp , apecltlcationH. Thou* c! ecuva. 320 or bonda ahall bo mado payali

Mr*. Jennlo.M. Condlt. Clerk, bv boy ' Chotkii or t>ond» for.ccneral

JO worn ‘r«ict nhairbe-ftfr |600! for hci ,200.00. and for pluml»ln‘ir. |1

. Contractora awkr'ded tho work bo renulred to 41vo a good and i

------, , Itetory auroly bond Jb, Iho aum oano inner ,y p „ cont (COCfe) flC tho amou

Acronn i i , , ebntracL Plana and apcclfica 3 2nd Avo. h«> tfom Uiw arcblifci ‘ from Jomea CbatUrtOT; <tiatrmat:

liid tnicka. on'tho depoalt of |20.00;M a «ua 2 h ir lUtT that tbe peRton Uklng the plaitn in her lUo. .p^ ifjcj^^na wlU aubm lta bid fo

■ - w ork and return plana to tho a0 retnraed (octa wben anld depoalt will bi1 youra ta- turned^1 188d The hoard r«««rvc« the Debt i< L ccpt any, or rrjoct a ll bida aulmi---------r— • JAMES' CttATTERTON.

tor naw» ~ • ChairmanJENNIE M CONDIT. Clc

r - ' ......v -'‘.....'...........

i K E ^ l S 'J V O K T H o R flY /w ^ ^ L .T <3o SAI& TOVmU M E R ^ t l i a / WILLf S OCUVJQ G O O D FOR J B oTI R 6A O TT ' i ' ^B ET teRW OIk ^ .U V < E ;T ft'. OLO- t f j iL M E C « r t « V O CftCK V 1 0 V € l^ .X . 7 1 v ^ o P T P c R e A p r ^ o H - T M E W / \ 3!

/ / > r f!

bUCH ■ c^ o o o tse-b b t CO'SO 't.E' bA .K.e-rA sThcts. Tor^) LEFT \ 0 0 OO> e>A,G MOAMIfHCi A.tlOUT.’'‘O'*. " W B n r k ^ ---------- 'fOOB

--------------- b w t

ffl - v ' ' • S 5 '

i r f■ i

B a 1 1 1 * 1 1 1 1

r B R I N G' ' ----1;-------

rtV tiloQ K O m H OF HHF.RIFF^ HALF U U i i c a KSTATK LNDKlt l>KC------------ OK F0RKC1.0SURB AM) Oil

Jn ««o< O f HAU:, . .1libor» niKl . • ______M.itni Hi'll ^VIIllntn L I’lnyiitnn, P m iiiilff ., 1

Wllllnm Hnopn and Tlilli* iloopn w)f«, DofunilQtilil, ’ '

, Under uu<I l>y virtue of nn Or«l— Siilu and Uiicrco of, KorccloNurc

f lr / 2C-G0 adcd oul of ibo Dlntrlct Court n: or huilur. Klovonth Juiilclal Dlntrlct of Iho ! 8l|>k)-nB. of Idalin, In nnd for tho Count)

■ lliibl. Twin Falla, dulod Ihu L'OIh da------------- May. A D. 1925, In tbo abovc-cu)

10.20 In action, wherein William I„ I'lay I Murray, tho above-named plnlnilff. Obtain

docrco acalnat Wltllain Hoopn ~r,— ;— TJllJo Jloopa; Jjl* wife. drfcnJonUi

‘ho 18lh day of May. A. D. 1!)25. « 1 winaow (locrou was, on tbn Mth dn_________ Mny. A. D. 3925. rtcordiil In JudK5 Hook Ton of nitlti Diatrlct Court.1 commiindcd to noil alt thnt ccrtnli------------ - ploco or parcol o'f land altuatcd ItD bomo- County of Twiti.Falla, Stato of Ii

oiiclono and and dcncrlbcd a» foil ant Jack- to-wlt:

Soutiicnnt Quarter (8E U ) or N<------------- Quarter <N>V'K>. SoctJonrOlW NorlBoant Qitartor (NEW) of 8( ed up to Weat Qiiartur" (SW U ). Section I. on tbo Southweat Quarter (SWW) of St

.by tho caat Quartor (BEK ). Section bool dla- Southeaat Quarlor .(SEV;) of St JTTonhir 'Wi'Bt Quurior (3W%')-. o«etlot»~ >lnK and Southwcat Quarter (flW%>'of 8( bajicment weat Quartor (SW14). Soction m achopl NorUieaat Quarter (NEK) of N< liana nnd woat Quarter (NW%). Scctlon

■«iih6:"‘’- ^ mod by. a In Townahlp 12; South. Rahao 1' )ond, a* 0 a. M.. Twin Kalla County. Idaho, ddor will talning Two Hundred Eiehty ( vlih with ncrea/moro or ieaa. ToKctbor wU tho com- Iho Improvcinenta, privlleROa, nnd >riUnc to purtcnancea tlioreunlo bolonRlnx. N* checka «other wtlh a ll ditch and water rl lyablo to o f every nature, bownver evld(“t k. itae'd on tbo aald land or bcloniiln!rai con- namo .or aald morcsacora.

hcfttlnir. Public notUco ia hereby given, ' 1100.00. on tho 31at day of July. A D. ]

}rk aball a t tbo bour of 3:00 o'clock P . \ ind aatla- aald day. at tlib eaat front doo m ot alx- thn Court Houae of the County mount of Twin Falla, SU to of Idaho, I wil ificailona obcdlonco of aald Order of Salo liecta or nocreo of Foroclonuro.t ^cll tho al

suarant? Ilff'a decreo with Intcrtfi thoreon, latla and gethcr wttb all coaCa chat have id for tho crur4 or may accrue, to tho hie :io archl- bidder for caab. lawful money of I bo ro- United Statea.

Dated thU 8lh day of July. A. bt to ac- l.')26. ulimitlcd. (Signed)3N. . M. E. FINCH. Sheriffman. Dy E. F. I'RATKR,Clcrk. . Dflput

r iL L B tA u u \ / Q O ^ . S t £ .3oT HL'O W MPkl WSiS Y kJOT' l e t H PCUTCR TCU iR

y tV U M W O ^ . 1 'tsl y ^ S e .3 A M tS .T p o s t WSlia> ] Wi. b o v J T NGVW ^ 3 E S 6 t 3 f lM e ^ SH O O r P t t P o u ,

HE. j u s toWt S " — ^ \ CM A Pu*JCH /^ .. K I O S ^ '

f l^ T T T i ■"

BYGEORCOT A. ft»<5MT • ^ S S J U f OO^T 3 riOAM • WHM*O'YOUM CA.tSi ■ ■ ■ ]•V .U C W tN '. , r ^ ' -----,----30R BCNOeO^ S S S / «rt5R "H <?~ r= '— • ---------

cv^AvR.? > I H l n H ^

" 7 ^ = !

K i i i w *


_ ’- \v n K A 'r - J iA » K - s i .u ; i i i ._ it

o i l . . X, CHICAOO, Jti/j- 3n.—sii:irp ■ hr

'I nr iii« avnnlun ot .tho I><mr<l cif tniili-. . ho Slato nctmc- nion.., biul n fLinty. of tlnnnl. nilvnncU'wbllu dlntimt tut'

day of flliMfipt'd. OjiIh wi'»« Jowrr. •oiititled Oonijrnl lltiutilatloii .<iui>rrc(l fir ’layman, w boiit'down ulmrply cnrly but I talnod a rally ciiuiiod by nhort covorlnc n ■pa and of ttio Iomhpb - w*>ri! roKuliicd. D( unla; on o r y 'o f n, million bunlielH. on ' 5. which trncta prrchulod n run up In . I day b f In roaponitn to n TA Jump in U iidKment pool. Biiort cnverlns that lU-vcli :rt, I am nenr th» cloxn wnn ciuiiifd by •tnln lo«. ovPtHold coiuililnn.■d In thu Corn took n ilrnntlc i*l<imp on if Idabo. hcmrtlrldl riiinn Hint vinlti'd tbo n followa, ,,p„ iilKbt.

. . „ OniH rhiinK<'» wore nmnll. r f'ortu- splllnK in dpferrod oi.lionn wc

onod (hn provlBlona »«t.SouUi- .ft-iiK AT-

» o..,,.?,' np«n. niKb. U w . Cl' July ir.8M, .icr.«4 11■ Rr>.,M,: SflPion BTi n ^ . ... ifiivt i c o ^ n

[on®"-!?- J td ? '^ ^ !Z . lOfi'A lOfiM. 10n>A V' N otibl Sept ....... ior.\4 101% Von w : Doc............ Sfi'A 80% S5H 1r Norltf- OATS—CSt.'-all .July '42'4 -42'A ' ’0 17. E. Sept ........ « % - 43 43Uho, con- Dec............... «:.% « \ 4 4R’ (280) 1.JVRD-* iw llh all July ........ nr.0 ..I7r.0 1725 :and np- RIIIS— • • iInjt. 10- Juir Nominal 1 r riBhta R Y F ^Idi'nced. Jnly .... !i<'4 04'A nsui !i^tnK to Sopt ....... sr.^4 . 96% 9BK !

TAV OMAHA. Nob.. July 30 .-C att Rocoipt". <300: marktil atrons: y

V M. of *.50OH.40: Mecm. 87«14«’??«• o[ cown nml bnlfern. 82.26©13

afockflTTi nniJ foi'dera |409.7li;-ca: '2 »3.50O8.r,0: bulla nnd alnita,- 1

alo and wcalcrn raltcnra. $6010.iroea — Itccelpta. 7200;. mni

013X 0; lop. 113.00. , h^ho»t • — CROOj .mnior the «lMdy: yenrllnCT. $9.76»12; w,

era, |7 .50»9.6»: Inmba 814.30016 p. ewea, 8607,60.

■ r n ir A o o r . t s n ORArx.■riff. CHICAGO. July 30 .-N o , 3 hU CniCAaO. July 30.—No. 5 hiiputy. 81X&^01-68: No. 3 hard. 81.6U

“Z I T O at»-N o. 3 whifo. 4 1 « 0 « e ;S tn lB 4 -wblto. 4 0 « © « lc . .......................

^ - C o r S = N 6 n - y « iif lw :- n : t) * o i- .0 i No. 3 yellow, »l.0701,07<5{ No, yellow.' 1.07U; No. 8 yellow. »1

, So. S mixed. 81.06H: No. 3 ml; 8L08H': NO. 6 mlx«<d. 81.03H; ' S w hile 1,06H01.07: No. 3 wh 81.06^01.06% S No. 4 -white. 81.04 No. 6 w hile, 8t,03K.

B a r le y -70083. Ttm olhy-88.760«.W r— Clover—I19028.7C.

----------------------- ftHir.A«M>-PBOT>n m .

celpta; 8tfM: creamery. 41c;, aU arda. 48e: HraU. 40 0 4 0 H e ; aeco: S7089UC.

E m : Reeelptf. 6770; erdlai 38W,e80o: flrata. l lO S t t .

Cbeeaa: Twitu. S25<e: Amerfa 28HC.

;___ l^oU rr: -Rae^pta. * Jf*

0 8 * c ; oprimn? M e ; ’ *»«aa. 1 apringa. l» c : torkay*. 90o; roost

- 14He; broiler*. M ^ p c . .................

! ! POTATOBS.CHICAGO. Joly R ««1pU . •-

carv: Koam s a sd lO w oaH eobbl< 8 8 ^ 9 8 ; Colorado cabblara.

■ iM . •

p * M i r i ° s u a n ^ ^ £ * ITJiM tJ■ 7 coanw tt. M 9 3 -7 I : -e n M r a ;aad:«!

' ' t « a . > f W l . W ; - y-'btUniU: e ia « l


. . . . . . -

IRCEM’MANUS ^X T OC SlU t-f-O A jaO Y . . '

HH. f s c w Cs/r,NlNCL ,OviN Pon, '\T\Z. OPC«,*^-

V, :^ “1 ( f.'

S p i

" S i f f r

UYERS .MARKET REPORTSS'll . t l 0.r.O; n iU a ,. Hnd eomtnnna, al L-U A W u:<.l,;h]ii._fG.r.O^.K: Wftliura. 1607,60

cwcH, cohuiuiii to 'cliDko. 830S.I ■ lOKfflB ------------------------- ,

Ul In n ■ S J ^ k ^ i yoyV X ;?>:

nn con- *h(ir^aktrt can >oolciIn Ju ly -more tntcrritlng (tu n half « j^ rd ,'t U vor- . bathlnK .u iu ____ ,;vcli)ii«d r , • • •

bv nn ; * ' *• *“ y®**’’ ““ O’ < poiiM until tho Ijllla como In. J

I " " . Time It t/i cool rnouah to ileap I f ' I . a im o.t timo to s n UP. ;

, ; mowing your own b o r n 'a l l t t l J i> ; la nil rialit. Out n e w iry .w blow I

. I t to twnt the bond. ^ ' • • j‘

. C1n;o, ? I f there w a a T ^ n ' ’ «-et» n ight • I 167 I there would be no baebelora. ^ ji ico« , Q . _____ .,i J t i 2 _ : Time cure* •verythlBg except;

■ -n te v tm r- to - in a v r--------------- ^ ^ ^i t<Copyrlght, lllf.,N lU ,^ « rv lee , lB0.'>-

* ' . SOTICK FOB B ID S '■

r - ^ D ( S 'K r ; . i . i U s r . « f « s i4Q o ffer fo r aalo to th e 'b ig b e t i uklciti

Iho H eating p lan t w ith a lt a o c m o i 5 •1726 from th o old achooi hulM tnr. '

Dhia will bo accepted by q e r k w ,g,.„ to and u n til A uguai U . 193s78:80f (

[13M, MRS. J P iN lB CONDIT. Clk. • i 9C14 Tlmea W onl Ada O eu Reaulta.

C a tt io ^ A Bow tpaper Ot to a a ta r you r b o a i i: ycnr- la a tltU og piaoa to^ y o a r advattia» 014,40; n e a t . ' .013,60; ‘ ,

i , ' m ; . T W I N F A L L S

w ; m a r k e t s ^ . . :

T^fttuco ..................................... • " i f t i

■ s r „ r . ' : r i ! ! r i = z ± j ;3 Imrd. ueeta, new ■ • -aJ h t«d, Turolpa. n e w __ . . . . ■ a.l,6H tfo RadUhea. bunch

IPappata. Ib. ___________________ M3e; No. £ t« a d ________ ■ - .._ ’ ^.t*

No. 4 P o tk aaoaaga • ' -.’ - f<. 81.04: T-boa» .it«ak ____ _ _ • - 'f c

m U ed, SIrlola ___ • • • ■ -. •.'■•aa.No. R osad a taak '• --

w hile. U m b cbopa . - , . ««H .04H :

___ __ B u i u u pioew '--'--’.',;'SW heat, new ■ .

™>i«»7. °isr .— ■■■lerteoa, r.«w>«- • ' ■ - i -

, . C B 'iu u B B i n o r o w i c ^ ^fowla. B a a y b*"« • "-. . ^

. ISe; LecbocBa ~o o s tc n A nfcnai . ' • •


; SS '.L - e a - ^ - . •:.......n f anffit t a t a a i i W

Page 6: LY T]w m Fiiiiis Versailles 1Treaty Will ‘m m J m m ' IIP · nctloii to ulioroncea «f Admiral Von Rebeur' Paacbwlij. cs-KiiUur

'm '* '

FEED IS PLAN CP U ty A c ro s o f V eg e ta b le s P la n t- [ .^

c d on th e N orU isido W ill B o ^

E x p c c te il to Furniab P roven d er

fo r C a tt le ; W ill P la n t Su d an iai;i

Qm ga a n d C lover Ncact W e ek .

Tlm l ho InlindH lo pliinl .Smlnii » |1 |] Eraim and cIovit iif.ti u'<'<rk on ]inirl I Ian Oio iior.llinldf umi CO ciirt-H or Itir- A U nIpK lhi’ 'w««'k fiillo^vliiK In l>>‘' iitnlt'- m cn t or J . S. Kot'1. who |k iliilnK » lolo r rarmliiK bn li)» raneJn-.-., Mr. Kci-I ___

, n ip cro|) rrom Ii Ih Rrnlii loml uhlcli Will furnlnli Mnu ciittlo rond. Illn placo whH not imiciioil !»’ (lio ritu 'iit

'Spcaklnr; o ( tlio Krafii< Ji« ilncla'rrd_____lm wnni,I nnu. H... ^n.lnn ■-•niii.i '

. a n d roU clovur mul im lio ovi.iu or a “ " /Kinto froKl would linvn' iw o lorm p ir J'TI noro or tlio flrnl kind oT Krnmi. Tlunllio cloror would coim onl nml wciilii * *■"

‘ would bo kfp t out of llic ticldN._1_____________ Uut

eLovm eH iLD =■ ' . . • . nnniiil


, , luit »

Tbn body of Kdward TvM>', Hip Iwo 'riiotrii 7Pnr old non nr Mr. nml Mni. Frnnk ovi-r I

.Tvrdr. wa« round In-ilin-Intcrnl-mnn' nmmr Ihnn n mllo nnd a 'lin lf bloow liln rlvcd homo, ot 7:30 innt rvrnlnR, almiii iwn >riic liouni nftcr lie dlfiapponri'd.'Tln' liwly Oklnlv wnji cnrrlod down on tlio nurfnro to foimd (ha jMlnl on tlio MlllP.r fnrni wlioro and ll It wnn illnciivm d. ' Un- IjI

Edward, tim yoiinKcnl ot roiir rlill- a y drrn. waji playlni; with twW > oih ir i:i]i<>i| chlidrnn JUBt bororn IiIh ranllicr niliiN- over li od .him. T licr know nothin;; of hln off n whM«alK)ul» . wlipn n.-ik«l nnd - n «outli. ■mrcb of tho Jntoral wnn InMllutcd

- IrarnrtlftlPly. Tho Intcrnl hi nboui toiii- » / „ /M t 4lMp and nmn nwKlI)'.

C oroner P, J , OrmuMtlnn wnn noil- DlU'

tib dccl'arod that nn lnnul*iit bml bi-on w ni ihold to bo unnoconnar>'. It wni

•, ................... ' ■;— so to...................................................................... ” *■?“

■ ■ • Bl’a ^ B B S = ^ s : ^ B s a s s = s s aI Tho q u id contuni, tho nnlm ulcd Y‘pxpriM lon. tho naUnrnetlon - w ith '

' • MtJHiir iTnd w ith K n'(lurrounitlnrn.

;o r crylnu, a rv uninUlaknblu cliftr- fr[nctprlnllca of a h tnltliy Ifaby. to ' Thn u p o c t of tt child 111 III lira llh |U no UlfriTfnt Hint It Miould l>-ttvu . no room for doubt na to ' Iia con-•ditlon. , • . N.• TIk- t’oiillloii ou iin ii'd Iiy tlto I n . ' } i

.f fn n t w hru ll U aiifrtrlni: from any nl , d jv a w U noin.'lliliii: a iiio lhrr m.i»tcarvfully «.-oii»id. r. Whi-ri n child )nIs 111 ihlln, or U fi-v<Tl*>i, tl UKUnlly to

____ townrw nnJ Hiriia ’ nli<inl. i'Vi.ii In ' _ _ j ) 0fi t* »Ic'i.'p. W hrn U U n«uUp ll la ttt

Inalnlint In It* diMro to Im' llCtva s r o u l or ll» Crll). w alk 'll uboul Iho ■ ta room , or pdt Jo>vii »i;atn. ' of

•JTowi-v.r, not lnfr<-<|<ii-nlly. \Urbdtlntitiii; of nculii ill»«'a»- t* pxiitark<tl by n pe rtain form of ro l- orbvpao. In «h lrU th r rlilt.l nmy llo Jo • lu p ld nnd ino tl.n tlv .' fo r houran t n timv. Jn I>roloni;i J tllui-iuca,. r iw h rr t' thp ••xliaujillon U icri-jit. and^ J

' l ln •c \rm ncut<- pondlllonn. th « '! “***’ 'U” " 'd Kr

____ U * - a i n » U i l a s r i J ___ ______________:----------t tt I f n child Atiompts to amumo a - >i‘^ t t l n c po iiun- whll.' 111. It I j ua- ' rlun lly nn rvictm c.' o f dimculty Jn JnibrPAthlnc. probabty n t n ri-iiult o f laenro inftam m atory condition Ot I th e m p lr a to r r tmcL ! I f b child alppp* w llh lln mouth':o p fti. nnd hp«d throw n l>ack. ll la ^ 3UK«'ty” c iia r ho iriajr *»utlcr from , I S W tno c o la rrrtn e n t o f-Ihc to n il lv •

A constant drMrti on the pa rt c f ' ■ ■tt ChUd 10 bury ll»__In a.

nS5TH5r’i ” I ip r “or In tho pllton-, — « ft«n Indlmtp* Irritation from Iho

• rC i^ ta of llffhl In tho ryps. o r r r r nlh « brdSD lnc or oernp Inflammatory 7x7

( D m oolor o f tbp ukln ts frp- Pr:l in e a l ly * doAnllo InOrx to th o '|s tA le o f th e chlM 'a h<-nllh. W h en '

• IbrOletttra somo dIaorOrr of th r llv. r.7— Sbt gan^ttaaaiT.-pr-Trtitrii wunm ca—

la b pratfTTlMt s ^ p to n i .I t tM aU jK of V>p I* of

tita tnh cttoi. U 'io i i- Indicate d r - .fW e a t osfalloft o f th® t.looJ. cp 'lM W «5f_ o f_ O ir • tr .a m o 'p u ia n -lh a — „ td o e a ' w R S o u in o o n l r le o r to tb s •afi^niUlPO. ■ —

W h*n th p dlrpstlo., la d isorder.•ed. th 9 t t la very frcqoenUy a pur- spilah U ot ttrouod th e m ou th Atid ) cyx*..‘. '

. PO R 8A1.B-*0 B" 'aoonrtn ipn t wftnv- r p CB*I n « ir a p rln e and am nm rr ptnnp*. A■wUna* to ItOO. apttBtab. m im a r r M dIdw ^Bm U. S b ^ lot*. PtOttlttS f w _____

- • |X I P .] 'r h A « f Sho* Co. .

H u s b a n d “ ■'■i , W i f e

S S J cMy w i/o bt'lluvcH nho Is nn a rtis t !''«

mil w ant* to movo lo Crcoaw lch VU-.K..-T. s. 0 .

WHAT D9K.S Y O m t W IFH OOI. ••.vail

H e s n e w s y p:- I S - R U n : o ¥ E R - = s

. Hint


)nHpH’ 'lviM‘i r n i r m r K ^ ^ ^ S li SonalFronl nf Cnr >Vlillp 'I'nrnliiB C onu 'r a »:r< From .Vllln ............ oiH-ct

— ___ hlH 'flurlck Uoupi', Tlnu'ii iirwnlioj', 'v.nii nia«n . by nil uiilo n l iho rnrnr^r of .Mnin Tbi v'n«\' nml cnal-.lnislrnlnK, wlJli- rlillni; n blryclc, nnd now »iiiln<'il it iinnibiT of Nnmll brulHiii, its f I wiw uot Hi'rlouiily Injurvd. U l« cUniil Id. tbn l tlK '.drivpr wim nnt tn lilmiic'.KiirlPk, who In I I yn in i nf ni-'o Hnd t non or O. K. llniinp, wnn dollvcrlnK • pprs on bln wliorl, mnl wnn riiniilm: f rnllH with Ih r cnr. Wbon Ibi' rn r • '■ -nM off .Miiln. ItiirlcIc niAn inm i'd .I wnn iinnbli) to vb rrk iho hlryrb 'HI il t.t>l Mn fm n t nf Uip nntn. otriili lioib whrnin nf Iho r .ir pniwi'il , , ' ' ,

riic OrlviT of iliti rn r. whlcli linil nn ‘Inho-m llri-nii-. .................... n il bPmd Ibnt thu boy wnii noi Imdly bun I ibi'n nrrnnKi'd for Ihi' ropiilr of * ,

;I youiiKor h rd tb cr o f Iliirlr.k wn« " Ipil InHi wlntiT w hrn ho wnii run , 1 ■r by un nulo nflur.hi- hnd dioptxil

n .lond of liny on .Mnin ^ivoinic. ________________ S S

U a e h c r a B a c k w a r d P u p i l ■ lluchcc. the Ocrinnn fioncnil, who ^p«)-06rent-.Na|>al<»ui>-ut-^VaUicioa-------1>2»■ a "Inat plnro“ pupil In aehool wna many y cn ri a fte r ho hPBnn lo ■<> to tcbool boforo bo was ablo ts ' '

1„ hUD r a w b a c k t o I n v e n t io n

Hr Jup id ia O iundm IJo»r. fnmoui iidoo Hclvnllsi, biiB Invpiilcd nn In- Fro:Uinent w ith w-bli'h onu cnn »c« cd In Iouch n hpnvy book. V ul mnn; urotc>ks nro no bonvy tbn t II would bu a Wusblluro to bBv.1 to acc ihruuch them mlopc

fA S H T O N DAILYB Y . C H A R L K P . S T E W A R T purpb

‘ Scr\lcp W riter .■ruTAHIIlNOTON — nti«*'u'n J7m* t'

\ V tiOvlrt rcclmp trylnc to noml currciM.i wnrlil wllh iiiirh n delUKO '

................ . ,'Umiiu ifrlin IoO|,(:o.hI for pvrn nn expert '^i;to toll from tho m )l tMInc—Ihnt ii-anl. Kovrrnmonl Illlln‘nod Uink note* v,„u|oprcirn lly will ckikc Io Ik) worth tH'ycmuiiylhlnK? jndivl

•ll Mcm> tike u la n :- ' ontcr-NtvorlhoU-M, lM<i tiliiry roinm frnni im;Kuropo Ihnt Iho novlct folk nrc w ninltpmpllnR lo nil It. wllhn

Tho num lan Informiitlon Ijufpau finii In - WanhlnKton—which tir«(»iu«>. - . Jto l» purely commprclnl. wlihuul T V T

In tf f r t lw iMit l« th p nwif. Yy_ rn t thn mvlet c^vernmunt liax toany th ln s llko dlplomallc repr<'«on< uniuitail<in hort^takcJi cnouch notlco tjhof. tho rcporl to noy It Itin'l tfMC. -Wo

Jiowever. tho hurrnu nilcht be nUiiitpxpoctrd to eay lhal nnywny. true |,iiik_or othrrwlnc. T ha^a ja r t o f Ila - ji ,Jot>. • IThonj

*. * * . p<-rt»!

Tlf^ European vemlon tn lhal - \vIM-i K.ime'o l>e«ii »rolnK on for iktIb.nome lime, nr»t from Pelro. », then from Moscow and now •/T>ir-Trom JCagan-or-blorBonxl. I f a aa^____ l_ ii

rrrteU the.mQntY-a.mndfl-in Imlltt:------------tlon i f the currtsney of the coun- . ...try ll-a Intended to »>« elrculalrd ih j t It's used for tha double I <-m Ii>

Hammockx. full iiljo.........JA M ' Vnl7x7 wnll t.-ni, 10 o t. . >11.75 “

Pprfpcllon oil htovc. Ihrop- '!.!bu rn er ..... .................. #».75 *“

? l In n illrni'^ -p(«-}________ _^ ^ tr r im p ..... ......» U >i _ o jikFolrtlns cam p niovc.

2-»'o>o ...............................■ Oak:- :n lln n w.-iler bnsi>___ 9 1 . ^xi :I jiw n uptlpp. C-foot....... flS^iOT n inv .- 5 <-i n'gTi~ ~ :.:..'..'.~ ~ ' » g .Tg— —egtti

A. H. VINCENT <" lo w O rrrb ra d y m n i

T W O S T O R E S; » t.sw jS l l XolB .SabIIi r b o s e . a i M r ro u

mmwT'COiNSIOIF.-GHiTAyp-I'n ln FiilM CbiMilniiiiim ANnoi-lnllon

l<'>-tH 'i'eli-KHiui Todny SliitliiK Tbnl I'lmioiiM I'n-ni-lii'r U lll Spi-nk ilen - Siiliirdiiy i;*« rilni:. .\iiKUst H,

Ilurton i;, Morm? rocplvwl.n to lrarnm hln forenoon from tlio Klllnon'-Whliii’ ’haiiiun<iuii iixniN'hitlon In I’ortlunil, iln l^ i; tbn l Hilly .Siindnj;, ilii> (aniourt '.V’aiuad ln t un<l Ivclnn-r (vonld niiiii.-:ir lurc on tbn pvonlnc of Anuunt K ou llir T w ill Fnlln uliuuluiiijuii c ircuit,I'blx w ill bp llic Hccoiid irvi-nnlni: of lie chftiitiiiniiitt, nnd will bo u npcclnl iiimbor ovur nnd'. above tho rcKUlar irminim. an iidvprUni'd fur ihu wrcl:.- 'i 'h u - r p n itn r 'l r c tu r p 'in ’bprtutpif-fm------hnt ovi'ninK by Cainnln (•iidniundRbn. bP A rctic i:X|)Inr<T. will ho Klvon In ho nftiTnonn of tbo nnmo day.

lillly Sundny Ik on(- of tliu crnnlciil itnii In iVniurlcn Kxlny nnd ii|>pculH lo

raioru n» \\ llllnm JonnlncK, IJrymi. cnalor i>. < fc. H<- b:i» Krcni miWKnttx nntl wbllo u'oniowhnl

IH-ctncnlnr for u proncliiT yvt bo k'iIk iH ••Htiirf" over lu n Avny tb a l Hur

Tbin niimbtrr will bp ,.nn! '’i 5 ' ^ . . v n H n i • . { ^ ) ^ _ow III Ibn hnnilH or Hip vnrloim hIku- rs fo r illiilrlbiillou. liro Kood ut Hk- ' ImulniKiuii Kato.' '

-• D. S. A uxiliary Groups Plem T heir

A nnual M eets H ereTho annual a tu llta ry c roup nnxom- ly of Ibc U D. B. cbtirPh In Ilu-Tw in (lUn—ntnkr, which iiirptjr^lipru Hnt-* ~ il.iy nmi Rumlny will bp nltoiidcd by nir n dozan kpuphiI u iilhnrlllrii of tlip lurch from ’.'?oll I-nko Clly.Thn convonilon will m ret bolh dnyn I tho bliili .nchool w bcrn nrrmmp- pntii Im vp'bcpn niailo for ibc lr 'kh- rrlHKH In nix clann roomn.I lin flrnl Hi'iuilnii will open Sotur* ly inornlnK l i t in o'clock.T licn i will bu npvclnl proKrnniii fnr indn}' Afternoon and ovrnlnir lo hlch th e public In i^miMi'il.

R i v a r C h a n g e d C o u r t eThn llortnc river In ClUiin hurat Ita ___inkd In lM l nnd clinnse<l » " conmu I aa to flow inlo tbo Q uit of ro-cbl-

M'lHiin. two yonr* Ita mouth hnd lifted ‘J io milca from l u orlBlaal po- lion ..

B e a t t h e M a g te C a r p e tFrom n nclioolboy'n pnnny, nn report-I In lliu no tion T nm ncrlpt: "I.lncoln rote Ibo oddr>>M whllo rldlnK froro uehlogton lo Ocllyaburi; o a oa co- lo p e r______________ ^ ____

y NEWSLETTERurpbno of nnanelnif tho ••ThirdnternutlounleV IniiiKnllulo.lolvr- ■ts In capllnllHtk- r ^ i* > otnd .ul- mntely of dllullna’lh t l r Bi'nulnu urrenclrs Inlo worihli-niornH.

H. lielnir wuKt'd. uluy ruun>- u tut ' ' rfif Inconvenience, lo Kiy ttw

•am. Uvcn counterfelln thni -mildn’l fnol n tuink cashier. If •'yonil dciectliin tjy the nvcmiie.- idlvlduiil nnd nunieroun enounh.iiuld I'lntorrn** Iradu frlahUully Ini-'iKlne how nnnoyinn ll would

e n ivc r to dare lo nc<.f|il n l.lll ’llhnul KuhinllllnB II tu .in e>r«rt

^A S IM N O T O N omrtaln don'l

> -^h e l-'uif)t>ean ■uovtTnment* muentlo' nre. •Tho Frenrh. In larllcu lar. r.ty.

Wo knuw Ihere'a '7n> rnlnlnkp U>iit It,, for iiiTe nn- the I'hnuy Illn, lu m ln s up ilpht olonc.""How clu you ki>«w Ihey'ra

hony If they deceive even c»- <-rt»7" la the iintural query."Well, nil iMil Ihe vary bent ex- -

erlB." tnnlut the Frcnch. • i'"II Inn't Iminsilhlo Iho preret

I'.o. Iw oiMrst'vpt II.,M„ 1 ■,.) If they wnrt. TtvtyK-|i«o (wsni lAAda.; ' _ .

E S S - P I t t ^ -V nlicrnnl rnncp, u l ih

w ilier front . ....... .......

Auto trn l. Ford rIxp.khnlil color . . .... . .„ $ i ; jW

Vnrrh hh.-idfii. «i7»4 ft.. ____

O.ik (Ircimrr. inruo' " m iiro r -- - —

Oak i« rc h nwlnc. C ft__ W J i9x12 felt ba io ruKS___

guTra~nsy-r«gTf -r.r: ~ --C.'W~ —

rCOMPANY ,n i Low Pricp»"

9 S irathoflf fU. m s a c -lOe. m f r s s Uoldca K sle Stor«)


l i y-------- Pore------ ‘------ S ej-O is ir

/ i l k N eedleworl - H o/^ - 7 -Window

ym r •XonuR 4 • ■ Arriv

^ Consisting ( ; cific packaj' A / compet

—^ I Bedspri' C 'oloiiiiil Q ir l

____ jj__________________liy. Irimiiipn i' in x e rlio i^ ]{«gi

i ' - T ' BoUt— ----- ------------- *— T o -m nfpb - rn h

bi-(lsi>rcail. -Ri-ki , J^iioirinl ...;....

Stam ped R' • OE wJiit.i! artilli

niiiinin'tl fo r h! -----------1 ' iiroitliTj". Sizu

• . , n c ir . li.'iu. S |ioc i

' Staxnp<• I j f P illow C

' W . ] '. M ntio o r . •12-int;I i f ^ A ■ tiP titnl tijbh iK

n Ktitolll'ti K('llll6l>J / I n r 1.2r». N ow ..

P»re I S t u p e d S

„ r iiHMw blip dmn a a O T Clnd o r hnnoy«lc

J UCff: Vftlu v a v I —----- ---------

I p

' y . — — ^* itf Corset

I av HmiUI RKsor, L W O front nml Imck In

--------- , ----------- clMLit:; . . l ic iU T --m--------- ----a t o p , - h w i - J u i H i t -

i J t i l . VnlUM iij) *>' 2.') o n ly — n t ........

Parc S ilk C om biy i l k ' O f - n n c x p c llfn t

— — ,-i ------------ i n .. u ovcU y___a iiiitlOflQT Ihcp o r tailorp*\

y iin l $.">.95 valucH .

Silk VeV an RanlLc q u n l

'S j r ntnJ o rc liid c o lo m' Y • K fripe m n tc r ia l .

. $2.riO vaIu(<N

---- 1 . ^ i l k u C o ^I 'O f a p in k c re p c

w ith A bpA utifti . t r im . V alue* u p



ork - ;yy - - - F losses•-Y arns Groc

val of New Arlg of the entire neW; fall lii cage 'and flat stock. We an Detent help' to a.dequate s t

pread StampedIirl J 'n iien i. Coinbinati<iv lu li.o riiji.j.. o „ ,i i„

kwilnr W / a $1 .25 viiliiM .......

, EMBROniER' rnloni»l-<lirl--------- 'PSCKSfiE^Otr......,...$1.10 <

Romperi- tillc ry L-lntli.• Hiihpli* onv- .Sizu 1 y c jir . *loi-inl . . . .4 9 <

oped ' I ['|V(]Cases I ' vAV

-intrit pon li- gihifr. llc m * 3 ;[I6[W. H cku- >w........ $ 1 . 1 9

S te p -i^ , ^d im ity . O r- 'lyitoi- coWn ■ . - c


i o d ePillow s, Biedspreads, ]

^ Corsetf ' . ' One hundred '

If)) • ■, (^ iin is lin K o f nn AM

IiiK-Ic bici!. hti<i o f jiiiil b K j W nip<liiiin fijn iren . R<*


\ \ - • In Im ck Inoc s ly lc . J o i' jiln iti c o u lil . Vnhtcrf

sets Silk GownH sorluiPi't o f o r n " .p in k crepc, c Ini'i* iiikI n il u lu -nu tif iil In iloroi__m odd.s._ lo iv____y - n i .m : a ,n f p in l: - .u u i------- Coe— - -------------- - X —

IJ, 10

L ingelte Bloo]<|iin lity m fitpr

ibinations ro^p . p in k , o r tiiid . iv;n t c tfp o n m l coppnlinK Pii. Itc in fol i l l - i l- .ilho r------PBoli ....................... :..........c .\ t r im , r.4 -

..... Step-Ina and ^V e s t s ' i io v c lfv ivcfivcii, 1

lorn o f n la c p „• .. * •n l. I W u l n f " ............................... -

---------------------------- Large. ibinatioiis ,-Ladies-BloonIW o r p on jrrp O f lin jjctlM t, ' JtUtiPrit if ti l U U orpiI b ro w n ; b la c k , ‘ n a r jup^ t o *.*,9.5 p rftcb . U su a l *1.25

^■..■^.^>2 . 9 8 . . „ c«_______ l-‘...


ochet Cotton - Yalaei

rt Needle Worlline o f Royal Society an dare com plete in a ll de ta ils fi stocks. P ay u s a visit.

ed E m b ro id e ^ F ttions S tn i 'n d n n d

t-’n lorH : trrcen . b V r m i ll ’ [>inlc. b ro w n , o rc liitl. ^ low n t n r w b ito . ' R pki .....I ' \t f o r lOc. Spccial......

S O C I ^ I----------------------------------------

ERV , . x r DtnHT""'-------- Nightgowns*

O r^ n n e x t r a f in o 'q iin o f lontT' c lo tb . Conie> Ih c AViiitc n n d o rc h id

W t. c tb e P r c n c h m o d e l. £y £ • fiiil ...............................% 1.

- . S tam ped' P o rch Dressei

' S r n n j ^ l w o H i n t l c r n i r ni . T n n a n ti b ln o e licckJ ; ' ■ Jiivuiidiir n n d ■wliitoj* i v p i l i i r ■ vn ln o si . Gl jj t ip a t ..... 1..............1.......... 8

— _________ _

-^tam ped B ^ y Dressei

A \ O f n -Rood u f l l i t y . l f lill w liito o n ly . D itii

9 ^ th iu g f o r th e b 'l tb y . '\-TKy. ” I> to $1 .25 . S75c . , i n l ............... ................... ;8MSVt' ' ' - ■ . ■

^ E S R E D U e H D W -

jlsV aofi, Dre»»er S c a r f s

± ClearaiiGci W a r n e r C o r s e t s o f b r o k e

z e s a n d c l o s e o u t s .

C O R S E T S .nM ortn iP iit n f w rnp-nro iu idH , f r o n t I l in k n r b ro cn d c . A ll i ;ood kizch R<*(nilnr vidutw . C lea n u p — tiv r

------------------;----------------- _MC O R S E T S

.In n g h ip n n d in -m cdiiim b n n t. M nd c!< n p to $T>.rK)— 2T) o n ly — a t , ....... „ .$ ia

vns G irls’ Dresses>rod I rim ! ^

____ lai - i i L- a . tfno t i - g r m le , -• y > Q g ___rn ln r Kin Kligm .......

t>omers . 4^itp rin i in

w h ite o r ,

! V e i t l• i « > « « / V f / ,i». l io n - T i / W - n r ncK h, [ \ j f y l__ 9 8 ^ _

omee*----- •;---- -_ .L A \ —tiprjal' in / / J J )la ry a n d / j

T ^m m S D A Y , Jril.7.-!iO,U925,

Store-------- -Ifef ----------

- g . ■....... ■ '

r k , ■ ‘M ::id Pa-3 from .

Flossind In- . , 0 ^

tpKiiTar' ^l. .. ., .l^ ' ’

------- --- _ - : j — --------------

qiinllLy '

ih id in .. ' S pe .>1.00

‘ . ' ' n s . -ses ■■ I tr ■.in s rc -------- - 7 ^ p w•ck or . ' 'o f f 'tC! $ l U ffL V

Glonn ' 1*

i‘ ■ ‘ ■ i - " " ses . . :.PiiltL::; n ' /tlU’ ''Dainty. ’ • '•“ }>.• •nrt-t^e--------- F---------------------------

Spo- ■ . 1 ' *

- S f

ff: iz e -jken V r '

' ^ •

a t Ince, lizCH. fot^-tiventy--M.S5________________ :_______________

ilndp of ' ~ ' T r ' -

— . . m - \ -

1 w ork- | | ^ i'

■ - P i Ir ' ■■

■ i / i l K . ^