love is a feeling./ love is an attitude./ love is an action./ love is a choice./ enlarge your...

Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your defi nition of love may be too narrow./ Love is mor e than a good feeling or romance./ Love motiva tes people to sacrifice for others,/ not expec ting any personal benefit./ Stop thinking self ishly./ Look for the needs of others,/ and the n do your part to meet their needs./ Locate the source of love./ Sympathy a nd compassion are foundations of love/ toward those living in difficult circumstances./ Love may start as an expression of personal gratitu de/ for the blessings you have received/ and y My Stroke of Luck Read aloud Audiovisual supplements Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement I. Read aloud Read the following sentences aloud, making a pause between sense groups. Section Three: Detailed Reading

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Post on 26-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

    Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./         Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow./ Love is more than a good feeling or romance./ Love motivates people to sacrifice for others,/ not expecting any personal benefit./ Stop thinking selfishly./ Look for the needs of others,/ and then do your part to meet their needs./        Locate the source of love./ Sympathy and compassion are foundations of love/ toward those living in difficult circumstances./ Love may start as an expression of personal gratitude/ for the blessings you have received/ and your desire to share those

My Stroke of Luck

Read aloud Audiovisual supplements

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

I. Read aloud

Read the following sentences aloud, making a pause between sense groups.

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Page 2: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

My Stroke of Luck

Read aloud Audiovisual supplements

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section Three:Detailed Reading

blessings./               Express your  love./ Find words and actions of  love  that  are appropriate./ Learn to speak words of blessing rather than criticism./ Share your resources with a needy person./              Accept disappointment./ Not everyone will return your love./ This is not failure./ It is not your goal to make the world love you,/ but for you to love the world./

Page 3: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Read aloud

Audiovisual supplements

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

II. Audiovisual supplements


1.   Why is the girl angry with her mother?2. What would you say to the girl to encourage her?

Film episode: The Horse Whisperer

Answers for reference:

1.  Her mother has high expectation on her and is quite strict with her. And she  feels  that nobody’s going  to  like her without her leg.

2. Open answer.

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section Two: Global Reading

My Stroke of Luck Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Page 4: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Read aloud

Audiovisual supplements

Section One:Pre-reading Activities




Grace? Is everything all right? Did you try riding again?Yeah. Does that mean I’m cured?Nobody’s  trying  to  cure  you.  Look,  I  just  wanted  to  say,  I think it’s great you’re riding again. And I  think I know why you needed to do it alone ...Yeah, you know everything!STOP IT! Why won’t you let me talk to you? Why are you so angry with me? Whatever  I  do,  it’s wrong. Whatever  I  say, it’s wrong.Yeah? Well, now you know how it feels.Look, I ... I know that I’m hard on you sometimes.Right!

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section Two: Global Reading

My Stroke of Luck Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

A young girl  lost her  left  leg below the knee and her best friend as well in a horse-riding accident. Her mother is talking to her.

Page 5: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Read aloud

Audiovisual supplements

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section Two: Global Reading

My Stroke of Luck Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement






I’m sorry if that makes you feel this way. But if I push you, it’s only because …Because if I’m your perfect daughter, that makes you the perfect mother, right?I don’t deserve that. I don’t push for me. I push for you so that you don’t spend half of your life not knowing where you belong.Yeah? Well, you’ve done a great job.Yeah.Who’s ever gonna want me like this? Who’s ever gonna want me like this? Nobody will.I know it sometimes doesn’t seem this way, but I do understand what you’re feeling. When I was your age, and my dad died, I felt like I’d lost everything and I’d be all alone. And … I’ve got you.

Page 6: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Read aloud

Audiovisual supplements

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section Two: Global Reading

My Stroke of Luck Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement



I used to pray every night that you and Dad would have another kid, so I wouldn’t have to be so … special.I know. And I know how — how hard it must be to have lost your best friend and have your part be different from how you’d like it to be. But one day somebody will look at this extraordinary woman that you’re becoming. All they’ll see is how much they love you. That’s all I see.

Page 7: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Read aloud

Audiovisual supplements

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section Two: Global Reading

My Stroke of Luck Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Page 8: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Text analysis Structural analysis

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Cultural background

The  story  is  basically  a  piece  of  narrative writing,  in which the  account  of  the  latest  event  is  interrupted  by  a  number  of flashbacks  (some earlier  events  and experiences).  It begins with the  air  crash,  then  it  goes  back  to  what  had  happened  before. After  this  the  author  resumes  the  narration  of  the  air  crash  and subsequent events.

I. Text analysis

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Page 9: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Text analysis

Structural analysis

Section Two: Global Reading

Cultural background

II. Structural analysis



Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

My Stroke of Luck Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Paragraphs 3 – 4 flashback  —  his  wife’s  intuition  and judgment on previous occasions

Paragraphs 1 – 2 description of the air crash

— Paragraphs 5 – 7 flashback  —  their  romance  and marriage

— Paragraph   8 the  author’s  recovery  from  the  air crash

— Paragraphs 9 – 10 flashback — his wife’s surgery

Page 10: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Text introduction

Structural analysis

Section Two: Global Reading

Cultural background

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

My Stroke of Luck Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

— Paragraphs 11 – 13 flashback  —  his  wife’s  method  to make people move on

— Paragraph  14 the author’s concluding comments

Page 11: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Text analysis

Structural analysis

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Cultural background

III. Cultural backgroundThe  American  character  is  an  interesting  thing.  Theodore 

Roosevelt told a reporter that the grizzly bear should be the symbol of America,  not  the  eagle.  He  likens  America  to  the  grizzly  bear, especially in that it is solitary. He goes on to say that “The world will never  love us. They may  respect us,  they might one day  fear us,  but they will never  love us,  for we have  too much audacity.”  It has been said  that  while  most  empires  turned  complacent  as  they  grew successful, the United States has turned more neurotic and industrious. There  are  a  near  infinite  number  of  reasons  for  this,  but  as  George Carlin pointed out, it can be worthwhile to look at a person’s parents. “The  American  personality  might  be  characterized  as  an  easygoing, sentimental, fair-minded ruthlessness. We tie yellow ribbons round the old  oak  tree  at  the  same  moment  we  dispatch  a  wing  of  B-52s  to carpet-bomb the enemy,” said Tony Blankley.

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

My Stroke of Luck Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Page 12: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

  It  happened  on  the way  home  from  a meeting  in  Fillmore,  40 miles north of Los Angeles. My friend Noel Blanc, a helicopter pilot, offered to give me a ride back to the city. We were 50 feet in the air when we collided with a small plane flown by a flight instructor and his young student. Noel and I survived, but the men in the plane died instantly.

I  don’t  remember  being  pulled  from  the  wreckage  or  the ambulance  trip  to  a  nearby  hospital.  But  I  do  remember  my  wife, Anne,  staring  down  at  me  on  my  gurney.  After  hearing  of  the accident, Anne took a helicopter to reach me. She insisted on moving me  to  our  neighborhood  hospital  in  L.A.,  Cedars-Sinai  Medical Center. Another helicopter ride. Just what I needed!

My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

My Stroke of Luck

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Page 13: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

But  Anne was  right.  In  L.A.  I  could  get  the  best  care  for my spinal  injury  and  start  seeing  psychiatrists  for  my  very  real “survivor’s guilt”. Anne has such good judgment and intuition; she rarely makes a wrong decision. After all, she first saved my life  in 1958, when she refused to let me join film producer Mike Todd on his fatal flight. She saved me again after my stroke in 1995, when I became depressed and suicidal.

Anne’s secret is that she learns from life, then moves on. Born in Hanover,  Germany,  she  fled  to  Belgium  to  escape  fascism  as  a teenager.  She  then  moved  to  Paris,  surviving  the  occupation  by putting  her  linguistic  ability  to  work.  Fluent  in  French,  English, Italian  and  her  native  German,  she  supported  herself  by  placing German subtitles on French films.

My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Page 14: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

We met in 1953 when I was in Paris to star in Act of Love. I was looking for an assistant, and Anne Buydens showed up at my dressing room for an interview. She wore a blue suit with a white collar, and had very delicate wrists and ankles. Quite striking. I explained the position and she politely said, “I don’t think this job’s right for me.” I was miffed. Here I was, an American movie star. I expected her to be eager for the job.

She did accept the position, but only on a temporary basis. And she eventually agreed to go out with me, which had been my first thought anyhow. But that took some doing on my part too. After our first meeting, I called to invite her to supper at Tour d’ Argent, one of Paris’s best restaurants, with fantastic views of the Seine. “No,” she said, “I’m tired. I think I’ll just make myself some eggs and go to bed.” My thought then was, to hell with her.

My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Page 15: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

But it was just that poignant style that made me fall in love. During the following months, while I was filming Ulysses in Italy, Anne often met  up  with  me.  In  1954,  when  our  next  jobs  threatened  to  keep  us apart for months at a time, I realized I didn’t want to lose her and asked her to marry me. We slipped away to Las Vegas to tie the knot.

Forty-seven years of marriage is quite a journey. Anne has kept me going  through  some  of  the  hardest  times,  which  hasn’t  always  been easy, given  that  I’m sometimes an actor wrapped up  in his ego. After the crash, I couldn’t sit without extreme pain. When we went out, Anne would  put me  in  the  rear  of  the  station wagon, where  I  could  stretch out. At  dinner with  friends,  she’d  set  a  place  for me  as  if  it were  the most natural thing in the world to eat lying on the couch. She consoled me  during  my  survivor’s  anguish,  but  what  she  wouldn’t  tolerate — and here’s the important thing — was me feeling sorry for myself.

My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Page 16: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Then  again,  I’ve  never  seen  her  feel  sorry  for  herself  either. Thirty years ago Anne underwent diagnostic surgery after finding a lump  in  her  breast.  Her  doctor  reported  the  tumor  was  malignant, and it was spreading. He encouraged me to authorize him to remove Anne’s breast then and there. I did.

After,  I  felt  guilty  having  made  that  choice  while  she  lay unconscious.  Anne  assured  me  that  I’d  done  the  right  thing.  She dealt with the cancer, from which she has fully recovered, by helping others —  talking  to  groups  about  her  experiences,  and  establishing Research for Women’s Cancers with six  fellow survivors. Over  the years they’ve raised $9 million to help finance a research facility at Cedars-Sinai. Anne recently read an article about the deplorable state of school playgrounds in L.A., and started a program to rebuild and beautify them.

My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Page 17: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

That’s my wife’s method, finding ways her life can help others. I’ve been the beneficiary of that practice many times. The afternoon I had my stroke, Anne was playing bridge with Barbara Sonata, and I was home getting a manicure. When my speech  started  to  slur,  the manicurist, a former nurse, immediately phoned Anne. My wife was home within ten minutes and had me at the hospital within an hour.

Although  she  was  my  rescuer,    Anne,  who  believes  in  tough love, wasn’t about to let me just lie around. During my recovery, she kicked  me  out  of  bed  each  morning  to  get  me  working  with  my speech  therapist. She  taught me exercises  that helped her when she was learning to speak English, like putting a / d / before a / j / to say “just”. My  therapist was  impressed. One  day,  feeling  proud  of my progress,  I  said,  “I  think  as  a  treat,  tomorrow  I’d  like  to  have breakfast in bed”.

Page 18: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Anne  looked  at  me  and  said,  “You’d  like  breakfast  in  bed?  I think  you’d  better  sleep  in  the  kitchen!”  The  most  difficult consequence of my stroke was the depression I suffered. While I was going  through  it,  Anne  endured my moods  but  didn’t  allow me  to complain.

In the midst of writing my latest book, My Stroke of Luck, I had an epiphany, inspired by my wife. How to handle a stroke is how to handle  life. The world  is  filled with people who have  suffered one misfortune or another. What sets the survivors apart from the others is the willingness to move on, and to help others move on too. Anne has been doing that for as long as I’ve known her.

1,276 words

Page 19: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

  It  happened  on  the way  home  from  a meeting  in  Fillmore,  40 miles north of Los Angeles. My friend Noel Blanc, a helicopter pilot, offered to give me a ride back to the city. We were 50 feet in the air when we collided with a small plane flown by a flight instructor and his young student. Noel and I survived, but the men in the plane died instantly.

I  don’t  remember  being  pulled  from  the  wreckage  or  the ambulance  trip  to  a  nearby  hospital.  But  I  do  remember  my  wife, Anne,  staring  down  at  me  on  my  gurney.  After  hearing  of  the accident, Anne took a helicopter to reach me. She insisted on moving me  to  our  neighborhood  hospital  in  L.A.,  Cedars-Sinai  Medical Center. Another helicopter ride. Just what I needed!

My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

My Stroke of Luck

Page 20: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

But  Anne was  right.  In  L.A.  I  could  get  the  best  care  for my spinal  injury  and  start  seeing  psychiatrists  for  my  very  real “survivor’s guilt”. Anne has such good judgment and intuition; she rarely makes a wrong decision. After all, she first saved my life  in 1958, when she refused to let me join film producer Mike Todd on his fatal flight. She saved me again after my stroke in 1995, when I became depressed and suicidal.

Anne’s secret is that she learns from life, then moves on. Born in Hanover,  Germany,  she  fled  to  Belgium  to  escape  fascism  as  a teenager.  She  then  moved  to  Paris,  surviving  the  occupation  by putting  her  linguistic  ability  to  work.  Fluent  in  French,  English, Italian  and  her  native  German,  she  supported  herself  by  placing German subtitles on French films.

Page 21: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

We met in 1953 when I was in Paris to star in Act of Love. I was looking for an assistant, and Anne Buydens showed up at my dressing room for an interview. She wore a blue suit with a white collar, and had very delicate wrists and ankles. Quite striking. I explained the position and she politely said, “I don’t think this job’s right for me.” I was miffed. Here I was, an American movie star. I expected her to be eager for the job.

She did accept the position, but only on a temporary basis. And she eventually agreed to go out with me, which had been my first thought anyhow. But that took some doing on my part too. After our first meeting, I called to invite her to supper at Tour d’ Argent, one of Paris’s best restaurants, with fantastic views of the Seine. “No,” she said, “I’m tired. I think I’ll just make myself some eggs and go to bed.” My thought then was, to hell with her.

My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Page 22: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

But it was just that poignant style that made me fall in love. During the following months, while I was filming Ulysses in Italy, Anne often met  up  with  me.  In  1954,  when  our  next  jobs  threatened  to  keep  us apart for months at a time, I realized I didn’t want to lose her and asked her to marry me. We slipped away to Las Vegas to tie the knot.

Forty-seven years of marriage is quite a journey. Anne has kept me going  through  some  of  the  hardest  times,  which  hasn’t  always  been easy, given  that  I’m sometimes an actor wrapped up  in his ego. After the crash, I couldn’t sit without extreme pain. When we went out, Anne would  put me  in  the  rear  of  the  station wagon, where  I  could  stretch out. At  dinner with  friends,  she’d  set  a  place  for me  as  if  it were  the most natural thing in the world to eat lying on the couch. She consoled me  during  my  survivor’s  anguish,  but  what  she  wouldn’t  tolerate — and here’s the important thing — was me feeling sorry for myself.

Page 23: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Then  again,  I’ve  never  seen  her  feel  sorry  for  herself  either. Thirty years ago Anne underwent diagnostic surgery after finding a lump  in  her  breast.  Her  doctor  reported  the  tumor  was  malignant, and it was spreading. He encouraged me to authorize him to remove Anne’s breast then and there. I did.

After,  I  felt  guilty  having  made  that  choice  while  she  lay unconscious.  Anne  assured  me  that  I’d  done  the  right  thing.  She dealt with the cancer, from which she has fully recovered, by helping others —  talking  to  groups  about  her  experiences,  and  establishing Research for Women’s Cancers with six  fellow survivors. Over  the years they’ve raised $9 million to help finance a research facility at Cedars-Sinai. Anne recently read an article about the deplorable state of school playgrounds in L.A., and started a program to rebuild and beautify them.

My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Page 24: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

That’s my wife’s method, finding ways her life can help others. I’ve been the beneficiary of that practice many times. The afternoon I had my stroke, Anne was playing bridge with Barbara Sonata, and I was home getting a manicure. When my speech  started  to  slur,  the manicurist, a former nurse, immediately phoned Anne. My wife was home within ten minutes and had me at the hospital within an hour.

Although  she  was  my  rescuer,    Anne,  who  believes  in  tough love, wasn’t about to let me just lie around. During my recovery, she kicked  me  out  of  bed  each  morning  to  get  me  working  with  my speech  therapist. She  taught me exercises  that helped her when she was learning to speak English, like putting a / d / before a / j / to say “just”. My  therapist was  impressed. One  day,  feeling  proud  of my progress,  I  said,  “I  think  as  a  treat,  tomorrow  I’d  like  to  have breakfast in bed”.

Page 25: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Anne  looked  at  me  and  said,  “You’d  like  breakfast  in  bed?  I think  you’d  better  sleep  in  the  kitchen!”  The  most  difficult consequence of my stroke was the depression I suffered. While I was going  through  it,  Anne  endured my moods  but  didn’t  allow me  to complain.

In the midst of writing my latest book, My Stroke of Luck, I had an epiphany, inspired by my wife. How to handle a stroke is how to handle  life. The world  is  filled with people who have  suffered one misfortune or another. What sets the survivors apart from the others is the willingness to move on, and to help others move on too. Anne has been doing that for as long as I’ve known her.

1,276 words

Page 26: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

In 1995, I had a stroke and my wife helped me out of depression, which sometimes could lead to one’s suicide.

My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

She saved me again after my stroke in 1995, when I became depressed and suicidal.

Section One:Pre-reading Activities


Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


Page 27: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

I was in Paris to star in Act of Love.


I was in Paris to play a leading role in Act of Love.


Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


Act of Love is a film produced in 1953, in which Kirk Douglas and Dany Robin played the roles of hero and heroine.

Page 28: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

I was miffed. Here I was, an American movie star. I expected her to be eager for the job.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


I got angry, because  I was a  famous American movie star, and expected Anne to accept the job with eagerness.


Page 29: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

But that took some doing on my part too. 


But I also made some efforts to adjust myself.


Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Page 30: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

My thought then was, to hell with her.


“to hell with sb.” is a curse. Here the author is cursing “her” under his breath.


Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Page 31: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

We slipped away to Las Vegas to tie the knot.


We went quietly to Las Vegas to get married.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


Page 32: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

… which hasn’t always been easy, given that I’m sometimes an actor wrapped up in his ego.


… which hasn’t always been easy, because I am sometimes too proud of myself as an actor.


Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

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My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

She consoled me during my survivor’s anguish.


When  I  suffered  an  aftermath  fear  of  the  disaster  and was  in times of sadness, my wife gave me comfort.


Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


Survivor’s anguish is a kind of depression in which the survivor suffers a aftermath fear of disaster and uncertainty about what would happen to him/ her in the future.

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Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Anne, who believes in tough love ...


Anne believes  that you  should be a bit  tough with your  loved ones  in  order  to  get  them  back  to  normal  life  as  quickly  as possible.


Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

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My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

offer v. 1) willing to give someone something, or to hold something out to 

them so that they can take it

2)  willing to pay a particular amount of money

3)  willing to do something 

4)   to provide something that people need or want 

e.g. They offered him a very good job but he turned it down.

e.g. They’ve offered us $750,000 for the house.

Collocation:offer sth. to sb.offer (sb.) sth. foroffer to do sth.have sth. to offer (to sb.)

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

e.g. I don’t need any help, but it was nice of you to offer.

e.g. He offered no explanation for his actions.

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Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities


Translate the following sentences into English:1) 我爸爸表示愿意开车来接我们。

2) 端些咖啡给客人。

3) 参议员先生的讲话不会对破产的商人有多大安慰。

My dad has offered to pick us up.

Offer some coffee to the guests.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Mr. Senator’s speech will have offered little comfort to bankrupt businessmen.

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My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

collide v.

1) to hit each other accidentally; to clash

2) to have an argument with a person or group, especially on a     particular subject

e.g. Two supertankers collided in the rough sea.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

e.g. The president has again collided with Congress over his budget plans.

Derivation:collision  n.

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Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities


Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Fill in the blanks with proper forms of collide.1) Environmentalists and loggers are on a                course, with     no compromise in sight.

2) Donna swerved to avoid                 with a taxi. 

2) The school bus was involved in a                with a truck.

collision _______

colliding ________

collision _______

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Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

survive v.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

1) to continue to live after an accident, a war or an illness

2) to continue to exist in spite of many difficulties and dangers

3) to continue to live or exist after the death or cessation of someone else

e.g. Only 12 of the 140 passengers survived.

e.g. A few pages of the original manuscript still survive.


survive sthsurvive on

e.g. Harry survived his wife by three months.

Derivation:survivor  n.

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Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


Fill in the blanks with proper forms of survive.1) There are concerns that the refugees may not               the winter. 

2) I don’t know how you all manage to                on Jeremy’s salary. 

3) Major Hawkins was the lone                of the crash.

survive ______

survive _______

survivor _______

Page 41: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

1) the remains of something that is destroyed

2) the destruction of someone’s relationships, hopes, plans etc.

My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

wreckage  n.

e.g. search the wreckage for survivors

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

e.g. the wreckage of a once-promising career

Derivation: wreck v. wrecked adj. wrecker n.

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Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


Fill in the blanks with proper forms of wreckage.1) the seabed where the             lies

2) The train                 at the crossing. 

3) a boy growing up in the                    of a broken marriage 

4)                  sailors/goods 

5) a home                             

wrecked _______

wreckage ________

wrecked _______

wreck _____

wrecker _______

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Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

stare  v.

to look at sth. for a long time without moving one’s eyese.g. Stop staring out of the window and do some work!

What are you staring at?


stare outstare atstare afterstare sb. down

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

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My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


Fill in the blanks with after, at, down, and out.1) The time and place were unsuitable for an argument, but at least 

I could express my opposition to the woman by staring her         .

2)  Children enjoy a silly competition in which they try to stare each other            .

3)  When the country boy visited the big city for the first time, all he could do was to stare        the tall buildings in wonder. 

4)  She stared            him as he left her, tears blinding her eyes.     

down _____

at ___

out ___

after ____

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Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

 insist on 

1) to lay emphasis in assertion

2) to urge; to strongly demand (something or doing something)

e.g. Throughout the trial, the prisoner insisted on his innocence.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

e.g. I must insist on paying for my share of the meal.


Translate the following sentences into English: 1) 对不起 , 我坚持马上把我的书还给我。

2)  不要让他们告诉你他们想怎样,坚持你自己的权利。I’m sorry that I have to insist on the return of my book at once.

Don’t let them tell you what they want, insist on your rights.

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1) very dangerous; causing death

2) having a very bad effect, especially making someone fail or stop     what they are doing 


My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

fatal  adj.e.g. Meningitis is a serious illness, fatal in some cases.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


e.g. It’s always fatal to stay up late before an exam.

fatality  n.fatally  adv. 


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My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

1) fatal accident/illness/injury etc.

2) prove fatal(=be fatal)

3) it is fatal to do sth4) fatal mistake/error


e.g. a fatal climbing accident

e.g. If it is not treated correctly, the condition can prove fatal.

e.g. Graf made a fatal mistake halfway through the match.

Practice:Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the word fatal.1) There was one           flaw in his argument. 2) New drugs have reduced the               of the disease. 3) Two officers were             injured in the explosion.

fatality ______fatal ____

fatally _____

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Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

1) (informal) to arrive

2) to (cause to ) be easily seen

3) (of a fault) to (cause to ) be uncovered or made clear

4) to make clear the truth, usu. unfavorable about (someone)

Only thirty members showed up for the yearly general meeting.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

show up


The lines on her face show up in the pale spring light.e.g.

The faults in the recording will show up on this expensive record-player.


Performing by herself showed her up as a rather poor singer.e.g.

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Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


Translate the following sentences into English: 1) 明亮的阳光让墙上的裂缝清晰可见。

2) 这种斗争使得任何性格缺陷都暴露无遗。

3) 他草率对待部下的行为表明了他的为人。

The bright sunlight shows up the cracks in the walls.

A struggle of this nature shows up any weaknesses of character.

His thoughtless treatment of people below him in the firm shows him up for what he really is.

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strong; clumsy; crude; harsh; robust; healthy; straightforward; tactless

My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

delicate  adj.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

1) made skillfully and with attention to the smallest details

2) easily damaged or broken

3) needing to be dealt with carefully or sensitively in order to avoid     problems or failure

4) used to modify a part of the body that is attractive and graceful

5) used to modify a taste, smell, or color that is pleasant and not    strong

a delicate pattern of butterflies and leavese.g.

a delicate bubble of Venetian glasse.g.

The negotiations are at a delicate stage.e.g.

He looked down at his long white delicate fingers.


a delicate shade of bluee.g. Antonyms:

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My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

1) delicacy  n.

2) delicately  adv.3) indelicate  adj.


e.g. Snails are considered a delicacy in France.

e.g. He made an indelicate remark at the dinner table.

Practice:Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the word delicate.1) You will have to be very               in your handling of the    situation. 2) the                of the china 3)                porcelain  4) The plate had a                    designed pattern of leaves. 

delicacy _______

delicate _______

delicate _______delicately ________

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My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

temporary  adj.

lasting only for a limited period of time

e.g. A lot of work now is temporary or part-time.The council have placed us in temporary accommodation.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


temporariness  n.temporarily   adv.


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Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


Translate the following sentences into English:1) 图书馆暂时关闭 , 以便维修。

2) 这只是暂时解决问题的方法。

3) 他把爆了的车胎临时补了一下。

The library is temporarily closed for repairs.

He made a temporary repair to his burst tyre.

This is only a temporary solution to the problem.

Page 54: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

1) keen or strong in mental appeal

2) sharply distressing or painful to the feelings

3) to the point; cutting or piercing

My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

poignant  adj.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

e.g. a poignant subject

e.g. I was struck by the poignant contrast between his lively mind and his old frail body.

e.g. poignant wit

poignancy n.poignance n.poignantly  adv.


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Translate the following sentences into English:1) 切肤之痛

2) 辛酸的回忆

3) 绝顶的美丽

4) 辛辣的讽刺

My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


poignant agonies

poignant beauty

poignant memories

poignant satire

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My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

extreme  adj.

1) very great in degree

2) farthest, utmost, or very far in any direction

3) extreme opinions, beliefs, or organizations, especially political     ones, are considered by most people to be unacceptable and     unreasonable

4) very unusual and severe

e.g. Extreme poverty still exists in many rural areas.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

e.g. extreme southextreme limit

e.g. extreme right-wing nationalists

e.g. Her ideas about raising kids have always been a little extreme.

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My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


an extreme example/casebe driven to extremesgo to extremes/take sth. to extremesgo to the opposite extreme/go from one extreme to the otherin the extreme

extremity  n. extremism  n. extremist  n. extremely adv.


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My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


Translate the following sentences into English:1) 尽头

2) 社工人员被这一极其残酷的案例惊呆了。

3) 政府被动乱逼到了极端 , 决定下午六点开始实行宵禁。

4) 给你添了麻烦 , 我极为抱歉。

5) 委员会因该建议过于极端而感到不安。

the extreme end

Social workers were horrified by this extreme case of cruelty.

Driven to extremes by the rioting, the government imposed a six pm curfew.

I’m extremely sorry to have troubled you.

The committee was uncomfortable about the extremity of the proposal.

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My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

stretch out

1) to lie down, usually in order to sleep or rest

2) to put out your hand, foot etc. in order to reach something

3) to (cause to ) lengthen in time

e.g. I’m just going to stretch out on the couch for ten minutes.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

e.g. Jimmy stretched out his hand for the candy.

e.g. The years ahead seemed to stretch out for ever.Comparison:

put out

spread out

space out

e.g. Put your hand out, I have a surprise for you.

e.g. The whole valley was spread out before his eyes.

e.g. We should space out our visits sensibly, so that she doesn’t miss us for too long at a time.

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Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities


1) 你伸出手就能感觉到下雨了。

2) 在太阳下躺着真舒服。

3) 有些成员想把会议拖长。

You can feel the rain if you stretch out your hand.

It’s so pleasant to stretch out in the sun.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Translate the following sentences into English:

Some of the members tried to stretch the meeting out.

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My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

console  v.

to give comfort to (someone) in times of sadness

e.g. No one could console her when Peter died.Console yourself with the thought that no one was injured!

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


console sb. with


consolation  nconsolatory  adj

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Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities


Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the word console.1) She could not                the weeping child. 

2) You are a                      to me at such a sad time.

3) a gesture                      to the injured pride 

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

console ______

consolation __________

consolatory __________

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My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

diagnostic  a.

of or for diagnosinge.g. diagnostic tests

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


diagnosis n.diagnose v.

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Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the word diagnostic.1) The illness was                    as mumps. 

2) An exact                  can only be made by obtaining a blood     sample. 

3) He is a                    radiologist. 

diagnosed _________

diagnosis ________

diagnostic _________

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Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

authorize v.

to give permission fore.g. I am not authorized to answer your questions.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


authorize sb. to do sth.


authorization  n.

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Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities


Translate the following sentences into English:1) 在此停车要有特别的许可。

2) 本词典确认此词可有两种拼法。

3) 我决不允许我的孩子有半点傲气。

You need special authorization to park here.

The dictionary authorizes two spellings for this word.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

I would on no account authorize in my child the smallest degree of arrogance.

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Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

deal with

1) to take action about (something or someone, usu. troublesome)

2) to be concerned with; to treat (a subject)

3) to have a relationship with (someone); to have talks with

4) to punish (someone)

e.g. The Head Office deals with all complaints.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


   treat of: to deal with a subject in speech or writing; discoursee.g. This article treats of the dangers facing certain groups of wild


e.g. Tom’s latest book deals with police methods.

e.g. Why is she refusing to deal with our new neighbour?

e.g. I’ll deal with the boy when he comes home!

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Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


Fill in the blanks with proper words.1) I’ve always dealt         Mrs. Brown the dressmaker. 

2) I’ve been dealing      Brown’s for twenty years. 

3) Mr. Sharp has always been dealt fairly      me. 

4) This shop deals       woolen goods. 

5) The children felt that the teacher had been unfair in dealing      the punishment to the whole class. 

at __

by __ 

in __

with ____

out ___

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Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

deplorable  a.

very regrettable

e.g. Conditions in the prison were deplorable.a deplorable waste of tax-payers’ money

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


deplore v.deplorably adv.deplorableness  n.

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Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities


Translate the following sentences or phrases into English:1)  “ ”联合国谴责这次侵略行为 违反了国际法 。

2) 肮脏的贫民窟

3) 该受谴责的行动

The UN deplored the invasion as a “violation of international law”.

a deplorable slum

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

a deplorable action

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Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

beneficiary  n.

the receiver of a benefit (cf. benefactor )

The rich were the main beneficiaries of the tax cuts.He was the chief beneficiary of his father’s will.


Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


beneficial  adj.benefit  v.beneficially adv.

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Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the word beneficiary.1) an agreement that will be                   to both parties 

2) an aid program that has brought lasting               to the region 

3) Those children are                       of the new kindergarten. 

4) I can see the advantages of this for you, but how will I             ? 

benefits _______

beneficiaries ___________

beneficial _________

benefit ______

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to pronounce unclearly

My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

slur  v.

e.g. He was obviously drunk and slurring his words.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Collocation:slur over


slurred adj.

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Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities


Translate the following sentences into English:1) 他的口齿不清

2) 回避责任 

3) 她因晚餐喝了酒说话有点含糊不清。

the slur in his voice

slur over one’s duties

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Her speech slurred slightly from dinner wine.

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1)  my treat

2)  go down a treat 

3)  look/work a treatThe sports ground looked a treat, with all the flags flying.

1) something special that you give someone or do for them because you know they will enjoy it

2)  an unexpected event that gives sb. a lot of pleasure

My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

treat  n.

e.g. Steven took his son to the zoo as a birthday treat.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


e.g. I really miss everyone, and getting a letter from home is a big treat.

e.g. Let’s go out for dinner— my treat this time.

e.g. Brightly colored building blocks always go down a treat with toddlers.


Page 76: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


Translate the following sentences into English:1) 她带一群孤儿去动物园 , 作为假日款待。

2) 你过访寒舍总令我们高兴不已。

3) 这台机器工作得非常出色。

She took a party of little orphans on a holiday treat to a zoo.

It’s always such a real treat when you stop by. 

The machine works a treat.

Page 77: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

1) to bear; to suffer something painful or deal with a very      unpleasant situation for a long time with strength and patience

2)  to remain alive or continue to exist

My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

endure v.

e.g. There are limits to what the human body can endure.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

e.g. a city built to endure


endurance  n.endurable adj.endurability n.endurably adv.

Page 78: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the word endure.1) The marathon really tested his                    . 

2) Bosnians have now                several years of war. 

3) Do you think it is                   for another three months to have     nothing to eat ? 

endurable _________

endured _______

endurance _________

Page 79: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

1) a comprehension or perception of reality by means of a       sudden intuitive realization2)   Epiphany;  a Christian festival held on January 6,       commemorating in the Western Church the manifestation        of Christ to the Magi  (主显节 )

My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

epiphany  n.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Derivation:epiphanic  adj.

Page 80: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

1) to give someone the idea for a story, painting, poem etc.

2) to encourage someone by making them feel confident and eager to achieve something great

3) to make someone have a particular feeling or react in a particular way

My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

inspire v.

e.g. The story was inspired by a chance meeting with an old Russian duke.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

e.g. We need a new captain — someone who can inspire the team.

e.g. Gandhi’s quiet dignity inspired respect even among his enemies.

Derivation:inspiration  n.inspiring adj.

Page 81: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

My Stroke of Luck

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

1) inspire sb. to sth

2) not inspire confidence


e.g. I hope this success will inspire you to greater efforts.

e.g. His driving hardly inspires confidence.


Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the word inspire.1) The seascapes of Cape Cod were her                     . 

2) The book was                by his travels in the Far East. 

3) King, 27 years old, was a great orator and an                  leader.inspiring ________

inspired _______

inspiration __________

Page 82: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

My Stroke of Luck

Vocabulary analysis Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Vocabulary analysis

1. Word comparison 

2. Word derivation

3. Collocation practiceExercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Listening exercises

Writing practice

Page 83: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Word comparison

Group 1:  A. turn up   B. take part in   C. attend   


Turn up  means  (not  formal)  to  arrive  or  to  be  found,  often unexpectedly.


B. Take part in means to join or act in (an activity).

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Writing practice

e.g. Only 7 people attended the meeting.

Attend means to go to an event such as a meeting or a class.C.

e.g. Guess who turned up at Mary’s wedding?

e.g. The whole school will take part in the concert.

Page 84: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities


A.e.g. The storm occurred expectedly so we had to stay at home.

Finally means  after  a  long  time  or  as  the  last  of  a  series  of things.


e.g. After several delays we finally took off at six o’clock.

Group 2:  A. expectedly   B. finally   C. successfully   D. completely

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Expectedly means having been looked forward to or regarded as likely to happen.

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Writing practice

Completely means in every way; totally.D.

Successfully means having the effect or result one intends.C.e.g. The meeting was held successfully.

e.g. I completely forgot that it was his birthday yesterday.

Page 85: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Writing practice

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck


A.e.g. Her fingers darted effortlessly over the keys.

Easily means without problems or difficulties.B.

e.g. This recipe can be made quickly and easily.

Group 3:  A. effortlessly   B easily   C. immediately   D. finally

Effortlessly means with much ease.

Finally means after a long time or as the last of a series of things.


Immediately means without delay.C.e.g. Cook the mixture for ten minutes and serve immediately.

e.g. And finally, I’d like to thank the crew.

Page 86: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Writing practice

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck


A.e.g. She held him tightly, wiping away his tears.

Help  means  to  make  it  possible  or  easier  for  someone  to  do something  by  doing  part  of  their  work  or  by  giving  them something they need.


e.g. If there’s anything I can do to help, just give me a call.

Group 4:  A. hold   B. help   C. take care of    D. treat

Hold  means  to  put  your  arms  around  someone  in  order  to comfort them, or to show that you love them etc.

Treat means to behave towards someone in a particular way.D.

Take care of  means  to  look  after  someone  or something.

C.e.g. Who’s taking care of the dog while you’re away?

e.g. She treats me like one of the family.

Page 87: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Writing practice

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Group 5:  A. run away   B. leave quietly   C. tiptoe

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck


A.e.g. Don’t run away, I want to talk to you.

Run away means to go away, as by running; to leave; to escape.

Tiptoe means to walk quietly and carefully on one’s toes.C.

Leave quietly  means  to  go  away  from  a  place  or  a  person without being noticed.


e.g. He left the room quietly, I don’t know exactly when he left.

e.g. He tiptoed across the hall and followed her into the kitchen.

Page 88: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Word derivation

1. insist

1) 坚决主张守时an insistence on punctuality

2) 由于父亲的坚持 , 她和他们一起喝了一杯酒。At her father’s insistence, she joined them for a drink.

3) 她坚持要大家聚在一起吃晚饭。She was insistent that they should all meet for dinner.

4) 坚持彬彬有礼的态度be insistent on good manners

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Derivatives of insist: insistent; insistence; insistently

Chinese-English translation 

Page 89: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

2. depress 

Derivatives of depress: depressed; depressing; depression; depressive; depressingly

1) 她感到孤独和沮丧。She felt lonely and depressed.

Chinese-English translation

2) 患病期间 , 某些荷尔蒙水平低于一般水平。During the illness certain hormone levels are depressed.

3) 我觉得这整个经历非常令人沮丧。I found the whole experience very depressing.

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

4) 这是个令人沮丧的想法。It’s a depressing thought.

Page 90: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

5) 一个令人忧伤而熟悉的故事a depressingly familiar story

6) 她抑郁得不能自已。She was overcome by depression.

7) 多年的经济萧条

the long years of economic depression

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

8) 她很抑郁。She is depressive.

9) 她是个抑郁症患者。She is a depressive.

Page 91: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

3. console

Derivatives of console: consolatory; consolation

1) 知道自己仅以 2%之差而失利也算是一种安慰。It was some consolation for me to know that I had only failed by 2%.

Chinese-English translation

2) 冠军以下的十位优胜者每人得到一件 T恤衫作为安慰奖。

Ten runners-up each received a T-shirt as a consolation prize.

3) 慰问信a consolatory letter

4) 慰问的言词consolatory words

5) 对受伤害的自尊心抚慰的表示a gesture consolatory to the injured pride

Page 92: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

4. inspireDerivatives of inspire: inspired; inspiring; inspiration; inspirational

1) 我还没有开始写那篇文章 , 我还在等待灵感。I haven’t started writing the article yet—I’m still waiting for inspiration.

Chinese-English translation

2) 事实证明 ,琼斯是威尔士橄榄球运动中能鼓舞人心的人物。Jones proved an inspirational figure in Welsh rugby.

3) 卓越的领导人an inspired leader

4) 华兹华斯极富灵感的诗Wordsworth’s most inspired poems

5) 激励人心的音乐inspiring music5) 他脸上的每道皱纹都包含着一个故事 ,对画家来说 , 那是多

么 有启发性。Every line on his face tells a story. It’s so inspiring for an artist.

Page 93: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

5. collide

Derivatives of collide: collision; collisional

1) 列车相撞事件a railway collision

Chinese-English translation

2) 利益冲突a collision of interests

3) 车上的擦痕是碰撞引起的。The trace on the car is collisional.

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Page 94: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Collocation practice1. to tie the knot


1) Diane and Bill tied the knot yesterday. ( Bill tied the knot to       Diane.)


(informal) to get married

2)  The minister tied the knot for Diane and Bill yesterday.



Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Page 95: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

2. given that


1) Given that there was so little time, I think they’ve done a good job.

考虑到没有多少时间 , 我认为他们算是做得不错了。

if one takes into account

2) Given the circumstances, you’ve coped well.

考虑到各种情况 , 你已经算是处理得很好了。

Examples: Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Page 96: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

3. then and there


1) I had expected to have to wait a few days, but they issued the     passport then and there.

我原以为得等上几天时间 ,  但他们当场就发给了我护照。

at that time and place, esp. without any delay



他说他要我马上把一毛钱还他 ,  因此我不得不给他。

3) He said he wanted his dime back then and there, so I had to give     it to him.

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

2) I decided to do it then and there.

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Page 97: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

4. in the midst of

Explanation: when

Examples: Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

1) They departed in the midst of a heavy rain.



冷战期间3) in the midst of the Cold War

2) In the midst of a pleasant dream, I was aroused by the thunder.

Page 98: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Oral activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

5. set apartExplanation:

1) It is man’s ability to think that sets him apart from other animals.



2) Her special gifts set her apart from her fellow students.



为什么我总是觉得自己和周围的人格格不入 ?

3) Why do I always feel set apart from any group that I’m in?

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Page 99: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

I. Negative sentences

II. Of-structure

III. As if and After allExercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Grammar exercises

Page 100: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

      Negative sentences are made by putting not after an auxiliary verb, if there is one in the clause (e.g. is not, have not, cannot). In an informal style, contracted negatives are common (e.g. isn’t , haven’t , can’t).      When there is no auxiliary verb in the clause, do is used with not to form negatives. Other words besides not can give a sentence a negative meaning: never, seldom, rarely, scarcely ever, hardly ever, nowhere, in no circumstances, etc.      When verbs like think, believe, suppose, imagine are used to introduce negative ideas, it is generally the first verb (introducing verb) (think, etc) that is made negative.      Double negatives are possible in standard English, but then both negative words have their full meaning. e.g. Don’t just say nothing. (=Don’t be silent; say something.)

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Negative sentences

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Page 101: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Insert the negative word given. Make other changes if necessary.Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities


1. I hope it will rain. (not)

Explanation:Negative sentences are made by putting not after an auxiliary verb, if there is one in the clause.

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Key: I hope it will not rain.

2. She has been so successful before. (seldom)

Explanation:Seldom can give a sentence a negative meaning.

Key: She has seldom been so successful before. / Seldom has she been so successful before.

Page 102: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

3. You will find gold in Iceland. (nowhere)

Explanation:Nowhere can give a sentence a negative meaning.Exercises for integrated


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Key: You will find gold nowhere in Iceland./ Nowhere in Iceland will you find gold.

4. Donald had imagined that this strange incident would help him to     find a job. (never)

Explanation:Never can give a sentence a negative meaning.

Key: Donald had never imagined that this strange incident would help him to find a job./ Never had Donald imagined that this strange incident would help him to find a job.

Page 103: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

5. He had time to pack his suitcase. (scarcely)

Explanation:Scarcely can give a sentence a negative meaning.

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Key: He scarcely had time to pack his suitcase./ Scarcely had he time to pack his suitcase.

6. You must tell him this secret. (in no circumstances)

Explanation:In no circumstances can give a sentence a negative meaning.

Key: In no circumstances must you tell him this secret.

Page 104: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Practice: Insert an appropriate expression of quantity from the box below.

ear of; blade of; head of; lump of; piece of; flash of

1. The teacher wrote the words with a                chalk.2. I need a                 sugar for my coffee.3. There wasn’t a(n)             corn left in the vegetable garden.4. Last night we saw a                lightning in the sky.5. She cut up a                lettuce for the salad.6. He pulled out a                grass from the garden.

lump of_______ear of_____

flash of_______head of_______

piece of_______

blade of_______

We usually use the of-structure with words like piece, bit, slice, lump, which mean “a certain quantity”.

Page 105: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

After as if, we  often  use  past  tenses  for  a  present meaning,  to show that a comparison is “unreal”. e.g. You look as if you’d seen a ghost.  (The  person  has  probably  not  seen  a  ghost,  but  just  looks shocked.) In ‘unreal’ comparisons, were can be used instead of was. e.g. She looks almost as if she were drunk.

After all has two meanings:1.  “in  spite of what was  said before” or  “contrary  to what was 

expected”. e.g. I’m sorry. I can’t come after all. With this meaning, after all usually comes at the end of a clause.

2.  “we  mustn’t  forget  that  …”  This  is  used  to  introduce  an important argument, or a good reason, about which the person who is  listening  seems  to  have  forgotten. e.g.  It’s  not  surprising  you’re tired. After all, you were up until three last night!

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

As if and After all

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Page 106: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Make  sentences  of  your  own  after  the  sentence  given  below, keeping the underlined parts in your sentence.


1. At dinner with friends, she’d set a place for me as if it were the most natural thing in the world to eat lying on the couch.


After as if, we often use past tenses for a present meaning, to show that a comparison is ‘unreal’.

Key: Why is she looking at me as if she knew me? I’ve never seen her before in my life.

Page 107: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

2. After all, she first saved my life in 1958, when she refused to let     me join film producer Mike Todd on his fatal flight.


Here, after all is used to introduce an important argument, or a good reason, about which the person who is listening seems to have forgotten.

Key: I think we should let Sylvia go camping with her boy-friend. After all, she’s a big girl now.

Page 108: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Translation exercisesTranslate  each  of  the  following  sentences  into  English,  using  the word or phrase given in the bracket. Inflect the word or phrase where necessary.

1.  中东地区的人民大都信奉伊斯兰教。 (believe in )

Most people in the Middle East believe in Islam.

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Believe means  to  be  sure  that  something  is  true  or  that  someone  is telling  the  truth.  e.g.  You  shouldn’t  believe  everything  you  read. Believe  in  means  to  be  sure  that  someone  exists;  to  support  or approve  of  something  because  you  think  it  is  good  or  right;  to  be confident that someone can be trusted.


Page 109: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

1)  基督徒信奉上帝和耶稣。Christians believe in God and Jesus.

2)  真令人吃惊,有那么多人相信有鬼魂。It’s amazing how many people believe in ghosts.

Chinese-English translation

3)  你必须相信自己,否则你永远不会成功。You’ve got to believe in yourself, or you’ll never succeed.

Page 110: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

1)  女人的直觉women’s intuition

2)  想像力和直觉对于科学研究是至关重要的。Imagination and intuition are vital to scientific researches.

More … than  is  used  to  emphasize  that  one  thing  is  truer,  more important etc. than another. e.g. Don’t be too hard on him. He’s more misled than stupid.

He relied more on intuition than logic in solving the case.

Chinese-English translation

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

2.  在破解这一案件的时候,他更依赖直觉,而不是逻辑。 (intuition)

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck


3)  他凭直觉感到要出乱子。He had an intuition that there was trouble brewing.

Page 111: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

She used to go through her husband’s pockets while he was asleep, looking for letters from other women.

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

3.  地震后这个国家正经历着一个非常困难的时期。 (go through)

Other  phrases  and words  that  can  also  be  employed  are undergo, experience, pass through etc.,  as  in pass through/undergo various difficulties and hardships, experience personally.  Go through means  to  pass  or  complete  (a  stage),  or  to  suffer  (something);  to search (something) as well.The  country  is  going  through  a  very  difficult  period,  after  the earthquake.

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck


1)  你的建议要经历几个阶段。Your suggestion has to go through several stages.

2) 妻子去世后他没少受罪。He has gone through such a lot since his wife died.

Chinese-English translation

3)  她常常在丈夫睡觉时搜他口袋,想找到其他女人写给他的信。

Page 112: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

4.  上星期董事会授权安装一套新的电脑系统。 (authorize)

Passive voice can also be used in this sentence.

Last week the board of directors authorized the installation of a new computer system.


1) 我没有得到授权来回答你的问题。I’m not authorized to answer your questions.

2) 授权发表下列声明be authorized to issue the following statement

Chinese-English translation

3)  受委托代表丈夫行事be authorized to act for one’s husband

Page 113: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

5. 尽管警方不相信他的话,他仍然坚持说他说的是实话。( insist)

What can be used  to  introduce a nominal clause  that functions as an object or a subject.

He  insisted  that what  he  said was  true,  even  though  the  police refused to believe him.


1) 比尔坚持认为自己是正确的。Bill insisted that he was right.

2) 她父母坚持要和女校长谈话。Her parents insisted on speaking to the headmistress.

Chinese-English translation

3)  你一定要留下来吃晚饭!Stay for supper — I insist!

Page 114: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

        Love means       (1)             a responsibility toward the person I love. This  responsibility does  not  involve  my doing        (2) you what you are capable     (3)     doing for yourself; nor does it mean that I run    (4)          life for you. It does imply acknowledging             (5)        what I am and what I do affects you,     (6)     that I am directly involved in your happiness and your misery. A lover does       (7)          the capacity to hurt or neglect the loved one, and      (8)                  this  sense  I  see that love  involves  an  acceptance of some        (9)                                       for the impact my way of being has       (10)         you.          

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Fill  in each blank  in  the passage below with ONE word you  think appropriate.



have____ in __


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck





Page 115: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

        Love means     (11)               a commitment to the person I love. This commitment does not involve giving     (12)      our total selves to each other; nor does it imply that     (13)          relationship is necessarily permanent. It  does  involve a  willingness to stay     (14)         each other in times of pain, uncertainty, struggle, and despair, as      (15)          as in times of calm and enjoyment.




Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck


Page 116: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Explanation:Having  is a gerund, i.e., a noun in the form of a present participle which  describes  an  action  or  experience.  It  is  also  called  verbal noun. 


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Page 117: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Explanation:If  you  do  something  for  someone,  you  do  it  instead  of  them  in order to help them.


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Page 118: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Explanation:Capable of (doing) sth. is a phrase meaning having the skills, power, intelligence etc. needed to do something.


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Page 119: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Explanation:Run sb’s life means to keep telling someone what they should do all the time, in a way that they find annoying. e.g. Don’t try to run my life!


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Page 120: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Explanation:That is used here to introduce an objective clause.


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Page 121: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Explanation:So that  is used here  to  say  that  something happens as  a  result of something else.


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Page 122: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Explanation:If  you  have  a  particular  capacity,  you  are  capable  of  doing something.


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Page 123: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Explanation:In a sense/in one sense/in some sense etc. means in one particular way, but without considering all the other facts or possibilities.


Page 124: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Explanation:Responsibility means a duty to take charge of or look after, so that one makes decisions and can be blamed if something bad happens. To accept responsibility for sth. is a usual collocation.


Page 125: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Explanation:To have an impact (on) means to have the effect or influence (that an event, situation etc. has) on someone or something.


Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Page 126: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Explanation:To make a commitment  is a usual collocation. And here, a present participle is needed after the transitive verb.


Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Page 127: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Explanation:To give up  means  to  stop  doing  something  or  having  something, especially something that you do regularly.


Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Page 128: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Explanation:The  is used to refer  to a particular  thing or person when everyone knows which thing or person you are talking about, or because only one such person or thing exists. Our is the possessive form of we.


Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Page 129: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Explanation:To stay with sb. here means to accompany someone.


Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Page 130: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Explanation:As well as means “in addition to something else” as in the sentence: They own a house in Provence as well as a villa in Spain.


Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Page 131: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Oral activities

Organize yourselves into groups of five or six and discuss the following issues.

Exercises for integrated skills

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

1.  Love is meant to be a spirit that works in adversity as well as in  happiness.  We  can  endure  hard  times,  because  we remember what we had  together  in  the past, and because we know what we will have together in the future. Do you agree? Give your reasons.

       I agree to this idea. Love means the parties in love stay with each other  in  all  kinds  of  times.  They  share  pain  and  happiness,  find support from each other and enjoy every detail of life.


Page 132: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

2. Real  love  does  not  imply  “I  love  you  only  when  you  are perfect” or “when you are what I expect you to be”. Real love is unconditional.

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

               I think love is conditional. I love you because something in you  attracts  me.  If  this  thing  disappears,  love  naturally  will  go away.


Page 133: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

To define is to distinguish an entity from other things for the purpose of being able to recognize it or to understand it.Methods of definition: analysis (analytical definition): to tell readers what the subject looks,                                                   smells, sounds, tastes like.synthesis (synthetic definition): to relate one thing to something else                                                   which is already familiar to the reader.negative definition: to define a thing by making clear what it is not.exemplification (exemplary definition): to use examples in the                                                                        definition.synonyms (synonymous definition): to use synonyms to define                                                                 something.

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Writing practice

Additional informationDefinition

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Page 134: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Organization of a definition essay:

I. Introduction   A. Attention getter        (1) You may want to include the traditional or dictionary                    definition here to provide a basis for your personal                definition.        (2)  You may want to open with a image contradictory to what 

                  would be your image to illustrate that definition.   B. Thesis: State how you define the term. If you can write the          definition using specific points, you will find it        easier to follow when writing the paper.

Page 135: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

II. Body    A. Background information:         (1) Often unnecessary in this type of paper.        (2) However, you may need to provide some background                  about the term or the connection with the term.    B. Point one        (1) The first part of your definition of the term.        (2) Example to illustrate that point.        (3) Analysis of how the example illustrates the point.    C. Point two        (1) The second part of the definition of the term.        (2) Example to illustrate that point.        (3) Analysis of how the example illustrates the point.

Page 136: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

     D. Point three         (1) The third part of the definition (if there is one).         (2) Example to illustrate that point.         (3) Analysis of how the example illustrates the point.      E. Point four, etc.III. Conclusion      A. Review the main points of your definition      B. Closing attention-getter          (1) Sometimes a reference back to the opening attention-                 getter is a good way of unifying the entire essay.          (2) You may want to close with an explanation of how 

your                definition has affected you.

Page 137: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

On  happiness,  every  one  has  his  or  her  own  opinion.  In  my opinion,  happiness  is  that  you  feel  good  about  yourself  and  your life.  If you can do what you want  to do and say what you want  to say,  you  are  in  happiness.  On  the  other  hand,  you  will  not  feel happy if you are always not satisfied or you hate the people around you.  And  you’ll  feel  miserable  and  depressed  if  you  have  to  do things you don’t want to do or to face the people you don’t like to see.

To be happy, firstly you have to find out what you want and try to fulfill your desire. It may take you some time to know who you are and what you want. As the saying goes: “It’s wise to know the other  people  and  it’s wiser  to  know  yourself.” You  have  to work hard to get what you want. During the process to pursue your goal, you may find happiness is with you.

HappinessSample writing

Page 138: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Secondly,  try  to  keep  a  peaceful  mind  while  learning  to compromise with the environment. In fact, you can not get all you want and there is always something to trouble you. You have to live with  it.  Try  to  accept  the  world  as  it  is.  To  keep  a  harmonious relationship with yourself and the world around you, you may feel somewhat happy.

In  a word,  happiness  is  something  in  everyone’s  heart.  Try  to catch it. Just feel it. And you are in happiness now.

Page 139: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Listening exercises

Fond of Flying

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

You are going to hear a female journalist talking about flying.

A. Pre-listening exercises.    1. Have you ever traveled by plane? If so, what do you like         and dislike about flying?    2. For long journeys, do you prefer traveling by bus, train           or car? Why?


Page 140: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

B. Listen to Section 1 carefully and answer the questions.

1. Do you think the journalist travels a lot?

                                                                       2. What does she particularly like about flying?                                                                     3. According to the journalist what do other people say about     flying?

                                                                      4. What doesn’t she like doing? Why?

Yes. (The interviewer says so, and she obviously knows a lot about flying.)


The excitement of it, particularly the takeoff._____________________________________

That it’s “mundane”— it’s so ordinary now that it isn’t exciting any more._____________________________________________________________

She doesn’t like waiting around at airports when planes are delayed, because the airports are crowded, and she doesn’t know how long she’ll have to wait.



Page 141: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

1. Which does she prefer — long flights or short flights? Why?

                                                                            2.  In general,  there are  three  things  she dislikes about very  long 

flights. What are they?

                                                                           3. What does she like to do on very long flights?

4. Why do the cabin staff wake passengers up?Travel in darkness, so she can get to sleep.

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck


C. Listen to Section 2 carefully and answer the questions. 

She prefers long flights, because on short flights you don’t have time to enjoy the flight, have a meal, etc._________________________________________________________________________________________

They’re tiring, it’s difficult to get to sleep, and the change in time zones makes you disorientated.

Because they think the passengers are bored, or because it’s time for another meal._____________________________________________________________________



Page 142: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

       Oh yes, I absolutely love traveling. I love going from place to place, and however much I travel I never get sick of it. I’m always excited, particularly when I get on a plane, because I very much like flying.  I don’t know why, because people nowadays  say  that  it’s  a very mundane way to  travel, but I don’t find it so. I  think flying is very exciting indeed. You get on the plane, there’s the noises at the airport, and I’m crazy about the whole thing, when it ... the engines start, and it starts to go down the runway, and there’s a great thrill as it goes down the runway — this is the only real thrill about flying — the  sense of  speed as you go down a  runway. And  I  enjoy all  that enormously.

You travel a great deal. Do you enjoy it?

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Section 1

Page 143: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

               Mind you, I don’t like everything about flying. I  like it once you’re  in  the  aircraft  but  I  don’t  like  sitting  around  airports, particularly if the plane’s delayed. I absolutely hate it then, because the airport’s crowded with people, nobody knows what’s happening, and  I  hate  people  not  telling  me  what’s  happening —  so  I  don’t know whether I’m going to wait for an hour, I don’t know whether I’m going to wait for about four hours.

Page 144: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

       Oh yes, I absolutely love traveling. I love going from place to place, and however much I travel I never get sick of it. I’m always excited, particularly when I get on a plane, because I very much like flying.  I don’t know why, because people nowadays  say  that  it’s  a very mundane way to  travel, but I don’t find it so. I  think flying is very exciting indeed. You get on the plane, there’s the noises at the airport, and I’m crazy about the whole thing, when it ... the engines start, and it starts to go down the runway, and there’s a great thrill as it goes down the runway — this is the only real thrill about flying — the  sense of  speed as you go down a  runway. And  I  enjoy all  that enormously.

You travel a great deal. Do you enjoy it?

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Section 1

Page 145: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

               Mind you, I don’t like everything about flying. I  like it once you’re  in  the  aircraft  but  I  don’t  like  sitting  around  airports, particularly if the plane’s delayed. I absolutely hate it then, because the airport’s crowded with people, nobody knows what’s happening, and  I  hate  people  not  telling  me  what’s  happening —  so  I  don’t know whether I’m going to wait for an hour, I don’t know whether I’m going to wait for about four hours.

Page 146: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Grammar exercises


             The  trouble  is  that  today many aircrafts have got so  fast  that short  flights  are very  short  and you don’t  really have  time  to  even get a drink, or a meal, and all  the things they do. So I much prefer going on long flights to short flights. Perhaps not too long, but long enough to enjoy it. When you get to really long flights, say 24 hours, I’m not so fond of those, because it’s very tiring, and it’s difficult to get to sleep, and you get very disorientated because of the difference in  time and  I don’t  like  that very much at  all. But  there are  things you can do to make a long flight easier to deal with, and what I like to do is, if possible, it’s easier if you can fly wherever you’re going when it’s mostly dark, because then there’s a fair chance of getting to  sleep. What  I  like  to  do  for  my  ideal  long-distance  flight  is  to have a long enough spell that you could go to sleep.

Section 2

Page 147: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

        What I don’t like is the habit they have on long-distance flights of  constantly waking  you  up,  because  they  think  that  you may  be bored, when of course really all you want to do is sleep. And I’m not at all fond of it — I hate it when they come along and say to me “Oh it’s  time  for  your  meal  now.”  or  it’s  “Would  you  like  another drink?” — I just can’t stand that because all I want to do is to go to sleep.

Page 148: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Lead-in questions Supplementary reading

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Lead-in questions



Have you  ever written  thank-you notes  to  someone who cares about you?Do  you  think  thank-you  notes  can  express  your  gratitude  to others?

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Page 149: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

        One of the nice things about having grown children is that I no longer have to bug them about writing thank-you notes. When they were little, all three would dictate thank-yous that I would include with drawings they’d made of their presents. By the time Eleanor, Sarah and Drew were old enough to write their own thank-you notes, however, they would do so only with much prodding.       “Have you written to Grandy for the book yet?” I’d ask. “What did you say to Aunt Dorothy about that toy?” I’d be met with mumbles and shrugs.        One year, in the days following Christmas, I’d grown weary of nagging. The children had become mother-deaf. Frustrated, I declared that no one would be allowed to play with a new toy or wear a new outfit until the appropriate thank-you notes had been mailed. Still they procrastinated and grumbled.

Lead-in questions

Supplementary reading

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Memorable quotes

A New Attitude to Gratitude

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Andrews Bedford

Page 150: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

        Something snapped. “Everyone into the car,” I said.        “Where are we going?” Sarah asked, bewildered.        “To buy a Christmas present.”        “But it’s after Christmas,” she protested.        “No arguing,” I said in a tone that meant exactly that.        The kids piled into the car. “You’re going to see just how much time those who care about you spend when they give you a present,” I told them, handing Drew a pad of paper and a pencil, I said, “please mark down the time we left home.”        When we reached town, Drew noted our arrival time. The children helped me select presents for my sisters at a local shop. Then we turned round and drove home.        Bursting free the confines of the car, the children headed for their yard toys. “Not so fast,” I said. “We’ve got to wrap the presents.” The kids slouched inside.

Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Supplementary reading

Page 151: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

       “Drew,” I asked, “did you note the time we got home?” He nodded. “OK, please time the girls while they wrap the presents.”       When they’d tied the last bow, they looked up expectantly. “How long did this all take?” I asked Drew.       Glancing at his notes, he said, “It took us 28 minutes to get to town and 15 minutes to buy the presents. Then it was 38 minutes to get home because we had to buy petrol.”        “And how long did it take us to wrap the boxes?” Eleanor asked.        “Each of you did one present in two minutes,” Drew said.        “And how many minutes will it take to mail these presents?” I asked.        “Fifty-six minutes, round trip,” Drew reckoned.        “But you forgot standing-in-line time,” said Sarah.        “OK,” Drew said, “We need to add about 15 minutes for mailing.”

Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Supplementary reading

Page 152: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

       “So, what’s the total time we’d spend to give someone a present?”       Drew worked out the arithmetic. “Two hours and 34 minutes,” he said.       I laid some stationery, a pen and an envelope beside each child. “Now please write a thank-you note. Be sure to mention the present by name and tell what fun you’ll have using it.”       Silence reigned as the children gathered their thoughts; soft pen scratchings followed. “Done,” said Eleanor, pressing her envelope closed.        “Me too,” echoed Sarah.        “That took us three minutes,” Drew said, sealing his letter.        “Is three minutes too much to thank someone for a thoughtful gift that may have taken two and a half hours to choose and send to you?” I asked.        The children looked down at the table and shook their heads.

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Supplementary reading

Page 153: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

       “It’s a good idea to get into the habit now. In time you’ll want to write thank-you notes for many things.”        Drew groaned. “Like what?”        “Like dinners or lunches. Or weekends at someone’s home or the time someone takes to give you advice on university applications or careers.”        “Did you have to write thank-yous when you were a kid?”        “Absolutely.”        “What did you say?” he asked. I could tell he was formulating the rest of his thank-you notes.         “It was a long time ago,” I said.        Then I remembered Uncle Arthur, my great-grandfather’s youngest brother. I’d never met him, yet every Christmas he sent me a gift. He was blind and lived far away. His niece Becca, who lived next door, sat down with him and wrote out $5 cheques to his

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Supplementary reading

Page 154: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Supplementary reading

great-and-great-great-grand nieces and nephews. I always wrote, telling him what I’d spent his cheque on.       Years later, I had the chance to visit Uncle Arthur. As we chatted, he told me he’d always enjoyed my notes.       “You remember them?” I asked.       “Yes,” he replied. “I’ve saved some of my favorites.” He waved towards a stand by the window. “Would you get the packet of letters out of the top drawer? It’s wrapped in ribbon.”        I found an old letter with my handwriting and read aloud: “Dear Uncle Arthur, I am writing this to you as I sit under the hair dryer at the beauty salon. Tonight is the Holiday Ball at the high school and I am spending your Christmas cheque having my hair done for the party. Thank you so much. I know I’ll have a wonderful time, in part because of your thoughtful gift. Love, Faith.”        “And did you?” he asked.

Page 155: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

       I thought back to that wonderful evening so many years ago. “Definitely,” I answered with a smile that I wished Uncle Arthur could see.       Sarah’s tug at my sleeve pulled me back to the present. “What are you smiling at?” she asked.       I told the children about Uncle Arthur’s gifts and how glad I was that I’d written a note each year. They obviously meant a lot to him.       “And did you look beautiful?” asked Sarah.       “My date thought I did.”       “Who did you go to the ball with? What did you wear?” asked Eleanor.       “I think I have a photo of that evening,” I said, going to the bookshelves and pulling down a scrapbook. I opened it to a photo of me standing in front of my parents’ fireplace. I’m wearing a black velvet evening dress, and my hair is done in an elaborate French twist. 

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Supplementary reading

Page 156: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Supplementary reading

Beside me, a handsome young man beams as he hands me a corsage.       “But that’s Daddy!” Eleanor said in surprise.       I nodded and smiled.As the children settled down to finish the rest of their notes, I stroked the faded petals of the faded gardenia pasted next to the photo.              Last  Christmas,  Bob  and  I  celebrated  our  thirty-sixth wedding anniversary. Thank you, Uncle Arthur.

                                                                                               1,084 words

Page 157: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

...  however,  they  would  do  so  only  with  much  prodding          ... however, they would not do it before I urged them again and again.       In this structure, “only” can also be placed in front of the verb, especially  in  informal  English.  For  example:  He  would  only  go there  with  his  girlfriend.  (=He  would  go  there  only  with  his girlfriend.)

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Supplementary reading

Page 158: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

    ...  become  mother-deaf            …refused  to  pay  attention  to  what Mother said.                Notice  the  rule  of  word  formation  here:  noun  +  adjective. Common  examples  include  “fire-proof”,  “water-resistant”,  and “environment-friendly”, etc. Here the author combines “mother” and “deaf” together in order to achieve a humorous effect.

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Supplementary reading

Page 159: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

 Something snapped.           Suddenly I got an idea.

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Supplementary reading

Page 160: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Bursting free the confines of the car, the children headed for their yard  toys.                  The  children  impatiently  rushed  out  of  the  car which had limited their freedom for a while and ran towards their yard toys.

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Supplementary reading

Page 161: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Silence reigned as the children gathered their  thoughts  ...                   No one uttered a sound as the children were thinking about what to write.

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Supplementary reading

Page 162: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

In time you’ll ...             in the future (or: Eventually) you’ll

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Supplementary reading

Page 163: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Lead-in questions

Memorable quotes

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Questions for discussion:

What did the author ask her children to do to express their gratitude?What’s new about the attitude to gratitude?What’s your way to express your gratitude?How do you  think we  should appreciate what others have done  for us?

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Supplementary reading

Answers for reference:



The author asked her children to write thank-you notes to express their gratitude.Open to discussion.Open to discussion.Open to discussion.

Page 164: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Lead-in questions

Supplementary reading

Memorable quotes

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Memorable quotes

Please  paraphrase  the  following quotes:The  greatest  object  in  the  universe,  says  a  certain philosopher,  is  a  good  man  struggling  with adversity;  yet  there  is  still  a  greater,  which  is  the good man that comes to relieve it.                                                                                     — Oliver Goldsmith

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck

Page 165: Love is a feeling./ Love is an attitude./ Love is an action./ Love is a choice./ Enlarge your understanding./ Your definition of love may be too narrow

Lead-in questions

Supplementary reading

Memorable quotes

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Luck is not chance —It’s Toil — Fortune’s expensive smile Is earned —.

 — Emily Dickinson

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

My Stroke of Luck