louisiana democrat (alexandria, la. : 1845) (alexandria...

P organizntl for the -Campa gn. e u h h ai d.eh lb rosut, We LETTER FROM NEW ORLEiASI .. . .mis t nu t S. .ne glect c a fa ir npp ort e i / - - We recntly pLtihl te] addrless , , ths n, width is presonted to nus at EW On ,AN, June 2Stl, 1S70. SE '-- ----- iT ,f the State Demc atic C ittin Coin- thIe election next fall. Sinc the lprcs- Erd A,.takfli' nrstuing brezrfloat lenud, .. BOSAT........ T teeset ng to ,th t e neces ity f atStategovernmentwas elected the And fl oar can with chedlfal rustltng ALEXASNDRIA LA.. t rogo nrgk, onoan of the party for Dcarnoeraey ha carriled the State, alnd, enI s-nee tudu's In , . Nith nppfrooH!rhg election in Novembi bu y pI'ror exertions, It call carry it IS lv a e thg In wgie- WEDESDA,..- ...--- -Ar, . ol90 next. We cannot too forcibly co0l- again by h still larger majority. Nor I An-lik rinbow leaves that n ,,d its noutenS, to the enr-ful p ltc- Ictany one be deterred from doing his avIl sline i av S" MASS MIETING sal of every Conservative citizen of duty by fears that the moans devised Awld a fore"astn of peasant flsilde hoursa .O THE CITIZENB O Lnolisiianl. A convention of tihe party by the ladical Legisatre fo preveut- sto, us tin glowi,•g Aiegust'a sowera It DE S PA, I 8i I [i called to meet at t' i e city of New ng a .fir election will prove success- CiIT CHAT. WILT, aE AsItD I. Orleans on the 2ath day of September fu. The Conservative people arc de- Although we are deserted by man) AliSe at bhe on trday ietfor th cpunrposeofnom rntingcan- termined that B fair election shall he of our fair ladies of fashion and the Alilia, t t faut 1a, l B Iiddates for the omes of Auditor nd el ield. If they elect their enndidates, Bea Itn nmmells are renewing their SEFErMi3EB 8, 18"'O Treasurer, and for the purposA of an- let no one fAn that they will be again delapidated bodies somewhere out of o er the ppan of organiist the naouncing the principles on whiell the swindled out of their offices town, for anotlieT wintgr's camlmgle IEMOCRHATi PARTY far the tie a- compuigni is to be conducted. Wheth- In view of to importance of the next in it, still our principle strts present ln of Deir legactie t he Pin craiO eor the dclegates to the State conven- election it is gratifying to know tliat quite a gay appearance. Stte Conentionl to be held in New tion from eaok Congressional district there is only one opinion as to tho par- . Whoa tile gloamin begins to W ~ l Irleaws on time 12t of September 170- shall slso nominato a Congressional ty by wllicl a successful issue can be and our eyes are refUeshed, and our And nlsoDlegates to theCoDgresBoln- tandidate for that district, or whether a roughl about. W are not wedded to hearts ar gladdened, by the sig h t of a centi canddat f " or the 4 i lo separate district convention shallbo names. WVe aro not for the name of many splendid tnilelts and beautifl Co eonl strte called for tiho purpose, is amntterfor tloe party whidh, shall overturn radi- fatees * alpertainig tuo tlicm "cantget" An Conservative citizena, and all the parisheB in their primary meftin'gs calism in Louisiaa. Wnwouldhceel- or" doll't want to go" aways at iet opposed to bte present Radical Party to determine. A call for a mnss meet- tll joinl to-.ay anyparty which should fagt improving and very heialty CreC- atre invited to attend, ing of tble Democracy of Rapides at hold out a ramonable proapeet of suc- cent City, and we are somfonrted that A-im.~ fsfe. Alerandrison tie SOai fScpt emb er, cese. Bt no candid man will dutit we arc notnt lt quite alone. appears i another column. Tihe call tlattheiroeinnyothervitalConservative bnEu Go0*na. We te ll arcle f is got up in the most liberal and Cath- organization in Amarica titan the Dem - What a pzzle mus. it be to many Wtke v te fol er-oowing article ~lic spirit and Is intended to embroce ocratic party. It has life enough to ladies, the iumnmbr and variety of ma- the Lofui stl of whier we reona l every one who is opposed to the cor- carry Connecticut in the far North teials, and theiroften verylittlepoint ncarm l pral of which e uptios of thI Radical party which East and Oregon in the far North West, of difeml uce, in drti good; of thi EVenr to or rteveryls:e avebrought tIe State to the verge ot I nnmbers its 90,001) majority in Now proesnt day. Lincn, grass linen, pur, El tyDmooatevery Cd to flatle, bnkruptcy- Every opn who has the York, a great Northern State, and its linen, linen lawns. lawnso-eambriae shoull perst thepote for te aal- intrests oft he State at heart i cor- 80,000 in Kentucky, a great Southern percales, York cloth, Lonoeloth, dbtis. ao ld cas their Otea or thl nis dially invited and earneatly entreated State. It triumplied in Louisianan 1 and the thousand nd one olther cloths ee of ty hey owe to thei fanit, an toae present, to unite his voice and a large majority at the last olection with their endless varietica; and wha their oaynE. ito evident that afew exert hls influence with thoe wlio held before the people. It is time only apt and rleative memoriesa do the; moire yeas Io RdIcal rule will prove would rescue the State from the ruin National party on the continent, and force upon our dealers in dry goods Siaoretr to every seeainand every which threatensit on alt sides. We de- tihe prospect is a brilliant one that it Many new Snnimet materials have heel inetrest e now is that sire to see a grand itn•s mootingefthe will prove itaselat thonext election the introduced ills Reason irreproachadbl, ithe Dencrat rty wi come into conservative people, and we can con- largest party In tho United States. in style and genniune i quality, whiel tpower. Wear told by the Demo t- ldently predict in advance that wis- By it, and through ib aloce, will tle deserve, and uo doubt will hIave pron Spor Weareintheir addre to the do, irmony, an ngood feeling will preentRadlial dynastybooverthrown. inenco and daration, among Snmme i Conen el, ifr auracterize their deliberations- Shall we, then, throw up this organ- and Spring or Fall toilettes. Amterim people th a f w e se t ru e t The criBis is a most momentousne e iation on the eve of aicontest, and en- nursesS warewllhv an mjorityi theocri c and the next election isthie most im- dcaevr to form a new party out of the are mnAe pretty much as last month Hwewofllaeo nes Coidgresy , a i, portant that ever was held in tihe disorganized mana t It would he as with perhaps a greater tendency t twHoye ofats next ongrtrolthe si whole history of the State. In former inasn a step, asifa general, just as 'open bodinas and loose or flowin twe. Is not su acons aton worth days we pased through many an x- lio was going into battle, shaould dis- steers. Walking dresses of whit a t agge I there any sacrifce that citing political campaign, and nthL- band hisi splendidly organi r ed army, pque or of" sa i ne" cloth, bre nma tr sggl sero n aain cha siatica tumporator prediated thist lnd aud bid all lis companies to fight -s ,dolwireiand wom .- thee of courso o we hold not ma to attthat diro calamity would befall the disorganled mob. made with tiglt fitting bodies, high o debla s ole f t N end orla.t pol ifte op te party sholils n- Then lot all Conservative people of tha neek,.nd generally with a jachl DTh prte peold o tho Northa, EattltB c t the election. But every re- asionsaa organiz for tieapproaching leeve wideeough at thn haud to ad Wst wanrd . y to th rolled o fleti ng .n know in )is lieat that campnign under the banner of bthe ,it . linen and a cuff to be won tadad. Now York ha rolled up 87, there could rally be but little differ- Democratic party. With success at Lighter and more dreny matoriaia a 000a a Demo.ratic majority, and ase oeco between any twopolitieal parties tlie late clectio, it cannot be reasonf- made with Stuaro, round or V bodil nupecye the Kentacky Demooracy to that were national in their principles bly asked or expected that the Democ- and are worn with a lace chimesett show no sign offIttrig now. Ifany d national in their organization. roy should give up its organiation. thie abhap of which varies ancording I bolter, independent, or acl cai.l- The country need not necessarily P With no material to operate upon, it the slalpe ofthe dareabodioewlth whic date should eo elected, it wold tO destruction because the Whig, the cannot be expected that aiy other or- t i worn. Islmed over the wires ol Mondy Dey ttic or tio Am.rican party hap- ganitlo culd o pmreed with a oruld . Armare t r is hmnnr tn Dihi oa bporitend Bills e C0 .HDRE N . night of Agnst the let to althe d- pen"e for the mn bei g, to o in the hope oil succt aganlstonur formidable Nothing i so becoming or pretty ed atinghoulds that they bad ganedr cn eveermer men te the oaicesl Imefithi pruet m ilenstroot en hOal t at ey fc en d y hB topree hi nt. Those, therefore who, whirmeaslin overasolid color, bid vtory t an nomain ees of the othe one party nht inet r wih claiming to be Coiaorvatile, array pitk &o. Wabhing dresose, ale .s tUh Dem rati party Io d been defeae, thoe pvste asp o e raton of the andit- themselves iu opposition to the Demo- ought to he in the asiendant for chi A botr or independent now is wnrse tih . em bers of then other. to ai arty, will 'Iat th iola he men, antd WaRvx ae mar ton I thai Ra l. Let the people be- poeroti of th oercri o party, r ill plce thea olvso In &n ann pige are mc, ncr. e, te hun L thempeope they But ntruothe. .i . 1ial crr differ- th attitude ot disnorganiers, will con- boys tilm suits differ nocordnt g to ag w are iof them, iand the a om hey a t . Iastoad of two great nationrl would a postmleoe. a ttcs eonteding together in Ihonor tribute t tthe auccers of tihe Eadienle from foan to ten knlkerTbokers, ar SThla--t week is a of d rivalry for ow er e lave tie and will be held to a strict accountao- idones. Cap t . 1n. T. Walshl, No. I STnhe pash wer fom oe t fo State governments at the Sooth vio_ billty in cas. they should scnre the Canal Street, has made arr.ngemn diusntircly too muh for thgood lently plac by th power fthFed- perptuaLion ofthpraontcorruptad- tohave this Fall one of thilargt at of th ctton rp d ruin on ral government i tho aendsr of fa•et oFd ninistration. With anDemoeatloog most sclct assortments ofboye good of tho ton cp d rema f- thies, vagabonds aBnd adventurers, iature to tndo the infamous legbsla- suits, hirts, underelothiing &o., Ov itirp-Uting. However, as yet we hear heon ti ahao Radical, and a D"mocraic brou e t toti d Iscity, bth bor ou ofti seriousl injuryvtothe cotto i n plant, whose avowed purpose is t o plunder fonof tha ¢ala anda D ora h ioghtotclisity lhenr inte owhich nole i f repor time t of, the Bopl of their hard oarns to fill Auditor and Treasumre to hold the ae, Capt. Wnlshas repntntion a whe wfins l report tas .ie fnt ofn the pockets of thie rep ntatieof P strings while tihe good work is ronnoisenr of dhirts, neo k ties, &m thDr sunnd weather ism eod freT a party, whoeg whae atractola is bas- performing. thero wold bea a prospect extends thronghouao ti o ronma ry. I Drewatnn, wic t in fine opdnie and ro on meannst nl a b red and alignilty of ti h e dawn of a better edy on tie afs styles are always the larest, tho We good picg. Ais r t.he. .o tapi tlae Tme menr us ne d lace thial Party in f it ted peopl of Louisiana. Let bar- thn neatest and meet durable and t odr n t"o ae thrc power would digraco the niost tyramo - niny and teod feeling, t.en, mark i al pies always reasonable. wto bteil toBel tie they ar at alte o leal govement-on at rtlh. Thoe it ti e dehhnrantionsp O the Cronsrvative• roxtrs, to. lat, hion s aos oa a overy l, of the arty When in u ower wo ud iein their prinmary mn, icne, and in tli s. o-iT fats they are pretty mucl all o neRa, oylrmos Tmeh canet tha t ry Convention soon to operate at New and the same thing andnre rcmaeab fine, promisi'g amich better tho. last disa the memnost band or ttieve thaUt ever joined together to hive off Orleans. fimlar this umme In trimmtng a year. rotmres c geeral stile, There acorns to he resu ---- of otr pel's lab. Sinking SlOWy leaning toward making both batds a tA,ouamnman who carrited .ol- Tho particular reasonwhylyoniiana -- bonnets larger than they formally we lcuion plate, in servicc, before tarti.ng uhonid be crsed with a wori o govern- Dis.ca.oa Lhat prognes rnpully to n -om.thing to cover tim h]ead inteoaK took fon IIhis pocket a five-centpiece, meat tlanm aiy of th other - llfou cralis Se nottlho onlyonce to beo drend- the little nothing aso long worn. as ie suppoe, put it on the plate and cre.tions of this infiamous party, has R, Canker or dry rot doesa not blast B .OULI GA O. Rmfir . then pasaaed it round amongs the con ne-er bee n D atufaetnrily explained. a tree as suddenly aa a troke of light- Asall garments fIhlionaUy made grceation, ,lhich Included nmany yong Parhaps it l becausen lier people e nin.g, but unles aurested, it destroyst be oworn out ordorw have reference girls. Ti• girl, as they looked at il moeo generons and chivalrous, aid cAs ttaimnly; and i linkenmannor oh ron- slui,tthero aro few luaate sReaoraha plato, all seemed astonishedand am - theiorefore the butter subjects onwhi h in lebiity, although it does not kill worn, as each t door suit forms cdi, and tie yonung man, taking aglanee a malignant organlization should do- witl the sviftneo of yellow fcvor, is comploto coatume. at the Ilatel, found tlhat instead ofa light to operateL. Perhaps it is be- ies aurto to lap thO spring. ofIn, ownt- OLOV.S. nickel five-cent pico ie had a con- cause saho has Ue reputation of being cally as anyoontndijsea-iofnotehbek- Thne fshionable nruiclo Is tim I verastlon lozenge, nith the words richer the. her neighbors, and, thiere- ed by invigornt.lng medication. Thoro ove. We oecaslonally have a p " Will yon marny roe in Tred letters, fore,that therewaabrighiterpropoetOof Is nomnthing inexprecasibly tounching i at a pretty Iand through a daintly h staring everybody rght in the f•ce, robbery on the prt of thoe adventnrcrs the spectacle of prmmatnre decay.- mitt, bu so seldom thatwo look Ar ou too e exhangs ho hv gathered togother on he LangUOtr, pallor, emaciation, dcepr o- the we. e a ither oldtlh.ion.d f this •no r we find Demreas soil wever this mayb w ar re in of spirits, and a diaetn for oet- unfanslnmablo, orboth, but admIre Ah m we h eet that none of or sister States have nn, are its ordinary symptom, and none tie le s for it. Young Ameor•a whica, we have sc bon cursed with such rulers as bare they should be promptly met by toaleT cdmi alltheoth ssnt enttogorus. Thieves . the tatmet. The bt invg t and The deth of ,altes Dion child's magaines we have ever n.-- _ni,.rm o a Mlanor TGninral. thinves i ,a.-*e.... T ,h. , hl I.s ,tR,, ,m II anifurat ~ ~ ~ ~ aofoo groa interestInwil inve Isis wItig thn IldIubs It not only instruct as pleases, in the executive chair, thieves clot hd lnt keeps from itecolmnne all abanrdi- i the judicial eamin, thieves in front ties which are likely to disturb the of u, thiivcs behind ha , thieves all nind of a child, ouch as gost stonries, around a-sunch is a short epitome of Bar-y tolea, &e. We hope the publish- le history of the govcrnment in Lou- r, wll oitntinui In this, as lhe l.s Iong Aisa•a from the time when onr beloved dlone, and not follow them way of most stniewai handedover1,bonndhand and chlllren'. az o. A i IV. foot, to'the tonder mercics of tho lad- Jcnnctemraennruni ca at.Lgiltr ffrn hi Jenninpi Damoresn., Mo BriuIV-IF, Nvw York. ir Th is ugenie's latest dinner toilette-A plain tail.tan, whit, over R white taficti; notbing but rucho and flounce for ornament. In e hr1' a Iunchl of white lillies of the valley, avith fsw blacik and red horriii-a nosi st-rilukigconibirlou for a llode -. So. Dr. Angell Surgeon Dcntist, of New Orleans, line arrived and will Open an office in our Town, and offers his professional isrvices to the people of Rapides. 11o comes into our anidst, lighly recommended. ,aLTw hales of Dew cotton, crop of 1870, were received in New Orleans, on aie 36th ult. They wer consigned to the 'ioums of I. E.. Wohous., No 143 G•avier Street. They were raised in Texas, on the glio Granmde. 5M rlu PizEm Sron.--The Little Cor- poral Magnainae o<iras his sue fur I ]>ize tory. Those ietlria(lc can dted 1telvce entv Io the lije, , S Ii & Miller, flicag", i111. fr tire Anginl nnnbier of the Mniapnle, "hich .givei ll palt icn latrs. (r River risinlg again; big rise oler inrneI reimlvitl fronm alove. T[ hiAse bII too 11dool reIch hhre beal tarty. Lieislators offrcril their votes in the market place, at auction to the highest bidder, swellingthe debt of the Sta•o to banAkrpt fignre, and then leavlug their scat. to go .- oud the country itaing to buy splendid moianion o andrfie plantationt, at fAta- loIas prices, witl their ill-gotten gaina -sua l is the spectacino presented in a Stale 1i wliih a seat i theo LTglha- ture vas foIrmerly thieiucans of inmpov eislhlent instrenad ofenrimtmeit, Thei wenile wDiglhid duwn onder theu [fil or an oppressiro tanation, witi the p r e B o n t remnolertil, rates of labor all going into the cofferm of th Stite to find their way into the pockts of IAdioeal thimes-s-n I l is tho dilterenco heoticn uadicml ritb iuni thim good old Democratic t.ime when lie taxes for time support of the gvernioent wore hardl. flt by on ill- dutrioua, andi cot entced, beoen ise wcll-goeBared, people. It •mlst bo evihlcnt to all that this Cimlimg Ihas gonlo far tlialtitmnust eithen h sltoipped, or lhe e nry mnan wlho ina a,n regard for tihe wrillare of hia fimn- 'ly inutat Itlev the State. No lPeopl anit stauld Iluvh wholmsal.e i'th'm throuolm 'intlhur Itadieal adnlnimlra- tioi. lHigh and Iho, lrih and f0er, black and white, 11 atio Intercsted in I chi ange e, gove:iamnnil r .mid nli moust "ilt tlfir ihfiulstI-;, ti lhie weel to lin a case of this kind is Hoatotter's Stom- alh BEitteo. The stimulating principle of the preparation rouses the dormant energies of the sysatem, anid the strength- ening and regulating properties give a permanent nnd healthful impnlos to the vital forces thus brought into play. Tho failing apletito ia re-awakened, tho proces of digestion and asimilua- liet are quickened, the quality of the blood is improved, the secrctione be- come more natutal, and every organ that colntiblus to the nourilhment oi the body undergoes saltary cohang. Hly theae mea.s tIe repair of the pilys- ihal structnre is effected and its health and vigor reustorld. In rDO claa of lie- oeases halis the bcunifieenL opration of thIe Bitters been more marl(ed and striliing thain in those characterized by geurnal debiliy and nervous progra tion. Ladics affected with these ail- iments find in thls most wholome of all tonics and corctives the anfeataond surost m.ans of relief. It is strong to restore andil powerleass to iinjure. Suet is the unifonrm teatimony of "clouds o wi (ieaecs." i"' Our weekly thanks are duo, fir late pap rs, to tlie clerkts of tho Luto l' , Ea, No. 9, Era No. 12, Bndial Johnson and B",. I Hoge No. S2. r TIh regular nd reliable B. L Hiijgr No. 2, Captain John Iiam, i slill in nur trade and punctual as v'.r She lea•is tolany at 12 M for New Or ]enns. UTTON ONIONS, FORil PLANTINO, ,it 11. ,ST. JOUN'i act or hur bhn lI o B b o * r Iawakened great interest in Ihis writings the sale of which, Iam informed by James A. GreoaamrNo. S9 Camp street I book-mellor aid statitoner baa greatly increased. Mr. Gresham i ihs anl tme latic publieationa, with nir as ortment ofrmedical, law, schooel and miw ca- neot worki emitcient to supplyall ordrem He hisa 6 polite corps ofasia- tants, with whiomi it I no tolublo to sldow goods, and our country fliends who visit the city will find hie store a pleasant place to vialt. Yours Truly, TIM LINKINWATER. PCEGCEAM-a Tiu PenTTIaEs WoT .. I. NEW YTOi.-t-Mi K., well known in our fashionable society for hlera slingce ap- poarance and beautiful complexion, as once a sallow, rough-skinned girl, chagrined at her red, freeked cee. She pitched into Hiagan's Magnolia Balm, and is now as pretty in complexion as Sshe ia cbarmiegln manners. Thila ar- ticle overcomes froekle, tan, ellow- ness, moth-patehe, ring-mark; eta., and makes ono ook ton years ynuesr than they are. Magnolia Balm for a transparent cotplexion, and Lyon's Kathairou to make the hair plentiful, luxuriant, soft and delicate, have no rival,s The Kathairon provents the. hlit from turning gray, eradicates dai i dre and is the beast end hcehmt Sdresing in thoworld. STRAWBEURY PANTS FOR .1. _ &T.JOKK. TEW \ORLEANS (A1KES 4; at JULIUS LEVIN'S ad neve Mt and that he as fll, y as despotic a monarh an the Car f asbil.; all poweris centralized i erlin, ostensively in the Parinment aut King William has on more than no oc.casion proyed himslf master. ThaUnital'StatlMbi ya.similar pro- eas of ig•aringe the Oonr.nitution of he conny, has been cdangea by i; Adiucal rulera into a mcenti.ed dlepotiem and all ower lodged IB 3ongrese. Thare is grenet imlri- y in the action ofL King Wlliam ad that of the Radical party, but I do not think it wise in Forney to juetify the tyranny o King William by ilening it to the action ohf is party fieads, aspcidlly as the people of the ecountry wil in the l•odead tone rebuke the corruption, illainies of Badisliuin next all Thi bJohn W. Forney well know, - he is too shrwd a politician not to ee the signs of the times, but he whlstles to keep his courage up ia the finoiring manner. " The inghitaet rd BEo publifcan sh be •i tutulty o. al to their returning presairatav fters a long aid arduous fession. e"wol dnon good and fithaib mtr mnutal" Well, cheek i. a greet bl aing in this world and is moat Ta- bl, hat he brass that can write seh stff an the bove is womethy of al praise. Formey take rank 0 mon mthe chekiest oFthisb a•ue. Th $6,000,00oo0 which Congr. plaoed is Genewr Grant's hands to ry onut the peae policy with regard to teh Indians, will it is thought hbae tl Ffect of atihsfig the lira bl crrying oat evdsting trtcaea a prevent the r which emed o imh minen.t shormt Ed taimee. Reo .lod and Spotted Tael are Tey ac te in their efforts for ea Wl the settling of the ualries of th Genermoal and ietenant-doenora line any effed in promoting jMe or in other words, ill we iave B rnmors of war as we did ave whil the qetion of t py W Aen g? have always thought t there wn an iutimat eonneotion botweeu th duty, a ea iimler W pe n t the Sam L , V- Penta of are y to te e nyraig nt ea w d s any niS reinidi the n o litical mpen that . _ they a ot entit i to p l mi relatin to the war, t wais 'e Afotber circular from M. Wivwer 'W3 ca pon i ishota t o ti prarse toh p a V- F rnce, Mer.nbus b r ! l11bMt emlvasit ei a the M w wilu, n m , 41n4. t at l i p. |i of inos who I Wldslnfl - toot hbttlese .nlbthe destiniesaofa pedB. M % S Wg lg At th tie oa " heroic myion na is - o ge s .If m ankt God to blt alor- timar noil-wlr ath derablepace may qickly filow t tt t-™ Intrigue ian ria and ttly in p M*ek view of the pTr ahl e Preach c a vellh p Al tiil rayw-g h di ss to ao Ini w. si.t , 4ta, aU m t- oreedtat Shdinnger, otM m h QM ar- if uia•tr e iedlels _eton s. - o- l g ot new ii -- eothei t na to e - t nt b - toei a tol to tie iflaibli thath f t a eiaP , innkder t ithr t pu t e[ia tte 6a - reBaed at Belebbr, sinling the M ewst- * Vt tB.B wi & i tro elae soillae. - w t nillrwai UIs feflieadleasua.m a. oracatod WeiaarbIlhg, and t iim, by to &Imedpdtadeda by - barenttwo sqadronJ of avhyat pagam t anreve. 'They ar. aeeftn t e ^ b . aB7d that Its p ItO 4ln the sTiw l r a yty unt 61 fil i ll 11 liB nlia"l 0 to violation -y -- CBandastl w tl an, it m A@ m iean. wawmw anti sl fed r mealdifs PA.s, yd Sa-drimnd Abet tare wi*4eti,- [Wtsifi agtw lTi'st h t~H rout l.f St Cl1 A Ufl -tAD*4--T"S" 4 U- ' I i- a 0* -. e ,1 Ii I a .e Empr essJst te'e eths departue.-- tthita lpthrIeethrug il0#* The mztle do Soir renists ujpe db a en A týmvd; emat »* - -I . . tboeime di - t, 'mwastofirg Vaopd- a anpi.: The Am•pie ssr thesa dei * E ror appeared qmie well. As ti train left, tUe £luperor fad - to thIe crowd, "A Aint ODAWATEB- Adilidors rote transmited to t hat JUtI.CUS -ylVc. .J".ml WASIIIIiNGT*N CORRESPONDENCE, redction of Sherman's and Shedi- thecir ritv oG. .n.-.t. ne. *-- n's alaries and t reports f h tl . .•le WaSIImsGTon, CT, Jnly 20th, 1870. (sdians making war; ifothOeoiM alla MtwenFraaoadI . Ha conrem, beving adjArnied, AfnA hi no indian war. Mr. 'downaSia . c c Sin Onthad.cie g the President being ing.ad is ham Iot yet otnle tlnt. ISo lr Iay ee toy malisen- kn ad peeking up his trp, lnMuding hoer- Use m'nont gagi Istbno capital a ugumpt Op hi be net all Ads td the a emR h, prpaato b.a 1y tha l to taking himself off to Long Brands bt Id e 't eth ik there need e v twbmle where he hopes be will remain inn- feing, but I at it e o disturbed poseslon of peace and b y apli n ae A the s •i-. aet Sthat he may rereat in urig vbe of his hm- t t rh S emmer except when he may be dent stru t Maachs - ,The caled rpon .by him friends to galltini prwatabl. a havy blmow when %= re- arwod to vow, tho dlights of noh- ulted his brother Snob. Motl y, broken n;M tafie a, to V to ag todo, and a the Cabinet will home; Sumner was taken a-bk t'he n•te dirolve itselfAi dienernt direction that he had nt power, inthe Exn- AIO e gmv very oon as thei weather ias "hotas lire which oeaBned. his ncin to France la r redwerl - a ntf love in Imrverst being 100 in the ansewato his nme, andhis namois of Dmk's rty. -, shado, there is of course nothing unrecorded among the votes-three oThe ý sis ty ld i stirring osoleted by yon of a polti- in number, which sontained the n- a Notui Oato - Victorie. cBl chiracter. The w.a in Europe American Minitr as Grant cal o J•The s is the solo topie of interest; those him. Vioe-Adainrl Porter, in , lw ite l tt who disconrse upon tho suajeet Wary of the ituation betweenrce ofand thoe Balc, and expect. het aest Smuo in their viow a does Po i m, wants that we shoud lt ov willbe t ecl oalse otoa- France mad Pirai It is generall 14,000 man immediately n o ay -ed s ra aomceded that the. war will be of o geaog5ig T t82 a. nmber, thaen trat t ." aiortduration, unlefa it should be- be fitted out Iris t at aLl ira- ocametofttt 4 %aut come general. Seretary Boutwell probable that France, p oripa n sh o uld i No S .Bit knw.. thinks that jst in proportion to .e engage in the presot war. wolda w o se France aie- t hea" extent anR datAion of the war wil neize O dba, Aid ass e wo d es- sr t te we be benefitted by the increase of ly allow tht, at least ndeia DImo- my a ng eamStmý Y pe the roedit of onr bond. abroad. crBtic Adninidstratimn we hoddet reral rla4ters at Uet Jalo he th B. frOe.ditibi to p.e.t any m STh resrildent wan right for oncei in a o dodl to prevent "ny H ldail i me take fl. .Wd..t Salling the attention of Cpogr•eto attempt on i pat of e yoear bed, ~4ow4ea f l ee• th a o t the conditi6fs of o shipping and •r ell i war and t cr i he untry. Yoaus am s Snoneree at thisa jmcture and do- takes a haiidit. TRiEBLA- eobntoBroatriot e r e a. pection in fu E T UTB. or TU * airing them to take .mine -at.on in -. - T- .o-r -t a a.hq leM. o r Sthe mastr. Aom tradu i milhips, go wo, Ow ia li e that we could buy foreign built rea- prss, July -. Then Jourwnal O- Bho itiye ttd ritfth rh els and have thii registerd as ciel baa an article thii amoring oathe B plac e witlh efi r Amkrueam shipj, Would in the event re•retnt tre nty o p b h-U ibn a.d IslasUtttrAmkLD Softhis war contiuding give Aa te h e oanlTimr, o If t oba- is bd a t h f ie f.dMo a the OpPOrtni An to- a Ean r em acqMnit of byO an Iu Yen.11H Ams, I wja t Muial opporthni to regain Wl theatw lot Fralgine no1 Fposithe nion of le nrneh .a is able to shar te rebit ongland h one SM. of South Gon with the wben aO.edae trimaste.rs o ohare with England the carrying orth Germa Confederatton. mintaieir* Iy B sline a Strade of Erope daring the continu- The article says that aftr ahaty ited a by . I nf . W on of hostilities; but Congrsn at o •e. i ev al S rd w ay tab*o ouk fa h the bidding ot the high tariff nop- Yon B and the Frh A- out tera ill oial Solists snubbed the resident for hil bassadoon ihe nelt ofalltce. tworh 1 of ato. n sggeion. It is thought that our some of the inas d, a tA the All *i - a.f Ite t wore t..n adý, betside it t mail will baveh to be Bent to Europe French Government never ni any .140 i< Son the British Steamers, the Ger- knowldg a the prjeoct described w lm e man Steamers have beon notified not weredo, a rib at tem terT i ow whihe Sto sail I shoulad not be surprisd ý i mentioned, the Em`eror rjectvdl them. a n SGeneral ernt did not m an extro ' The Joaurnla md It canepe the heet F Seion within two weeks in order to nh pr oft thate Ldis pbat ime s a - s i try and se il it is not possible for ei..ed merely to influene publi.c s, sS our Radieal incompotents to undr- opimon in EnglAd. ea stand the exigcios of the tae. It BltnL x Jnly 7.-n the oresy e- dtithe b If tn wetines o t h ire the r Am .ith e m r flml a f t =•no " 'i " Swawors bthan rimincalto pUrtti t:atyoffred by B French mperor hEo Y to is-L d opportrity to pan of ibnefltist to B ismarok, Amene t1 T e o, malmost extinct merca nt maine;in it commen si the Cýr ll ndaoe'O thc poldcy Cif $ang . r an yet it is what the imbecile. : sa that tothe £mpvror wcdtie ahl l am"- 2t it ynd ptoitirtn tEo fdmran untifcatiinonn par.n tI e m denmagoges who rule rs will do. Fradw Wpoftsear ro, theet po ts u *at tal i S$.dal . d FIomey in one of his damies, the tion of Bclgihn. G<Oldhltlurd,,ltrSdml .C 0 Whington Chronicle, ays of the o The minutes of the proposed treatiy, - w Yo, Ju.lt h p . XI s - between Fnnc and Pns to Count dtti bt , . Bad a 8 low Sta e w o urwme t l id ,preserved pthe W ar Offi'tat Berninn - t di14 id that "Amtricans nMately symp- Befor the warA of t18, between held at fIl e, thise with Germany in the present Pereosa mead oAftria, tspoleon ht d God ti ao,.n a l . l b r coteht and that the United States 0,offered toaidt pu oI npot Wi nbe•ltW Sand the North erman inedi a- tria, ianm alet forwi te oa -- ---- n tiobothreprefent the prinoiple all Parnl e of fritl the left f g lo t tak Sindividual freeor, ado organi kof the h. o e WBatmrdahra Pt, Pis- i unity. In lboth e theýkg Bre tlat the - S•r T le at hle up of the delicae prob o h eriously proposed by Franc, ult State GovmnmentT of tho eparation I Empror hasa given o hera to oa. Tin Le mm assassnt ne of general and local inroion." treat prisoners wit the utmBlt hutimaan- Utio pis:e •to tbe teotwt - ly Byrdwhich theroedotablte I. W. F. fttyi , . fe MbI OC nrt s iy a ewteWa . tribl- m eand s that fer-y by the despotic fE•r•,i nise r bOder•er t Cort t 5w•ale ae- action of King Wlliaon in riding mAotion mnem.o nnop or a~drtir. thar ;lkroetw t orrationa for e av h ow and has w"ed outti, pd .ft. na MiAe doBa ouelbBhd ra-ten- of ller Stateh aas ift they . mf uasog »IcA a m, R. Uof- a

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organizntl for the -Campa gn. e u h h ai d.eh lb rosut, We LETTER FROM NEW ORLEiASI

. . . .mis t nu t S. .ne glect c a fa ir npp ort e i / - -

We recntly pLtihl te] addrless , , ths n, width is presonted to nus at EW On ,AN, June 2Stl, 1S70.

SE '-- ----- iT ,f the State Demc atic C ittin Coin- thIe election next fall. Sinc the lprcs- Erd A,.takfli' nrstuing brezrfloat lenud,

.. BOSAT........ T teeset ng to ,tht e neces ity

f atStategovernmentwas elected the And fl oar can with chedlfal rustltng

ALEXASNDRIA LA.. t rogo nrgk, onoan of the party for Dcarnoeraey ha carriled the State, alnd, enI s-nee tudu's In , .

Nith nppfrooH!rhg election in Novembi bu y pI'ror exertions, It call carry it IS lv a e thg In wgie-

WEDESDA,..- ...--- -Ar, .ol90 next. We cannot too forcibly co0l- again by h still larger majority. Nor I An-lik rinbow leaves thatn ,,d its noutenS, to the enr-ful p ltc- Ictany one be deterred from doing his avIl sline i av

S" MASS MIETING sal of every Conservative citizen of duty by fears that the moans devised Awld a fore"astn of peasant flsilde hoursa

.O THE CITIZENB O Lnolisiianl. A convention of tihe party by the ladical Legisatre fo preveut- sto, us tin glowi,•g Aiegust'a sowera

It DE S PA, I 8i I [i called to meet at t'i

e city of New ng a .fir election will prove success- CiIT CHAT.

WILT, aE AsItD I. Orleans on the 2ath day of September fu. The Conservative people arc de- Although we are deserted by man)

AliSe at bhe on trday ietfor th cpunrposeofnom rntingcan- termined that B fair election shall he of our fair ladies of fashion and theAlilia, t t faut 1a, l B Iiddates for the omes of Auditor nd el ield. If they elect their enndidates, Bea Itn nmmells are renewing their

SEFErMi3EB 8, 18"'O Treasurer, and for the purposA of an- let no one fAn that they will be again delapidated bodies somewhere out of

o er the ppan of organiist the naouncing the principles on whiell the swindled out of their offices town, for anotlieT wintgr's camlmgleIEMOCRHATi PARTY far the tie a- compuigni is to be conducted. Wheth- In view of to importance of the next in it, still our principle strts present

ln of Deir legactie t he Pin craiO eor the dclegates to the State conven- election it is gratifying to know tliat quite a gay appearance.Stte Conentionl to be held in New tion from eaok Congressional district there is only one opinion as to tho par- . Whoa tile gloamin begins to

W~ l

Irleaws on time 12t of September 170- shall slso nominato a Congressional ty by wllicl a successful issue can be and our eyes are refUeshed, and our

And nlsoDlegates to theCoDgresBoln- tandidate for that district, or whether a roughl about. W are not wedded to hearts ar gladdened, by the sig ht ofa centi canddat f " or the 4i lo separate district convention shallbo names. WVe aro not for the name of many splendid tnilelts and beautiflCo eonl strte called for tiho purpose, is amntterfor tloe party whidh, shall overturn radi- fatees * alpertainig tuo tlicm "cantget"

An Conservative citizena, and all the parisheB in their primary meftin'gs calism in Louisiaa. Wnwouldhceel- or" doll't want to go" aways at iet

opposed to bte present Radical Party to determine. A call for a mnss meet- tll joinl to-.ay anyparty which should fagt improving and very heialty CreC-atre invited to attend, ing of tble Democracy of Rapides at hold out a ramonable proapeet of suc- cent City, and we are somfonrted that

A-im.~ fsfe. Alerandrison tie SOai fScpt emb er, cese. Bt no candid man will dutit we arc notnt lt quite alone.appears i another column. Tihe call tlattheiroeinnyothervitalConservative bnEu Go0*na.

We te ll arcle f is got up in the most liberal and Cath- organization in Amarica titan the Dem - What a pzzle mus. it be to manyWtke v te fol er-oowing article ~lic spirit and Is intended to embroce ocratic party. It has life enough to ladies, the iumnmbr and variety of ma-

the Lofui stl of whier we reonal every one who is opposed to the cor- carry Connecticut in the far North teials, and theiroften verylittlepointncarm l pral of which e uptios of thI Radical party which East and Oregon in the far North West, of difeml uce, in drti good; of thi

EVenr to or rteveryls:e avebrought tIe State to the verge ot I nnmbers its 90,001) majority in Now proesnt day. Lincn, grass linen, pur,El tyDmooatevery Cd to flatle, bnkruptcy- Every opn who has the York, a great Northern State, and its linen, linen lawns. lawnso-eambriae

shoull perst thepote for te aal- intrests oft h e State at heart i cor- 80,000 in Kentucky, a great Southern percales, York cloth, Lonoeloth, dbtis.ao ld cas their Otea or thl nis dially invited and earneatly entreated State. It triumplied in Louisianan 1 and the thousand nd one olther cloths

ee of ty hey owe to thei fanit, an toae present, to unite his voice and a large majority at the last olection with their endless varietica; and whatheir oaynE. ito evident that afew exert hls influence with thoe wlio held before the people. It is time only apt and rleative memoriesa do the;

moire yeas Io RdIcal rule will prove would rescue the State from the ruin National party on the continent, and force upon our dealers in dry goodsSiaoretr to every seeainand every which threatensit on alt sides. We de- tihe prospect is a brilliant one that it Many new Snnimet materials have heelinetrest e now is that sire to see a grand itn•s mootingefthe will prove itaselat thonext election the introduced ills Reason irreproachadbl,ithe Dencrat rty wi come into conservative people, and we can con- largest party In tho United States. in style and genniune i quality, whieltpower. Wear told by the Demo t- ldently predict in advance that wis- By it, and through ib aloce, will tle deserve, and uo doubt will hIave pron

Spor Weareintheir addre to the do, irmony, an ngood feeling will preentRadlial dynastybooverthrown. inenco and daration, among Snmmei Conen el, ifr auracterize their deliberations- Shall we, then, throw up this organ- and Spring or Fall toilettes.Amterim people tha f w e se t ru e t The criBis is a most momentousne e iation on the eve of aicontest, and en- nursesSwarewllhv an mjorityi theocri c and the next election isthie most im- dcaevr to form a new party out of the are mnAe pretty much as last monthHwewofllaeo nes Coidgresy , a i, portant that ever was held in tihe disorganized mana t It would he as with perhaps a greater tendency ttwHoye ofats next ongrtrolthe si whole history of the State. In former inasn a step, asifa general, just as 'open bodinas and loose or flowintwe. Is not su acons aton worth days we pased through many an x- lio was going into battle, shaould dis- steers. Walking dresses of whita t agge I there any sacrifce that citing political campaign, and nthL- band hisi splendidly organir ed army, pque or of" sai ne" cloth, bre nma

tr sggl sero n aain cha siatica tumporator prediated thist lnd aud bid all lis companies to fight -s ,dolwireiand wom .-thee of courso owe hold not ma to attthat diro calamity would befall the disorganled mob. made with tiglt fitting bodies, high o

debla s ole f t N end orla.t pol ifte op te party sholils n- Then lot all Conservative people of tha neek,.nd generally with a jachlDTh prte peold o tho Northa, EattltB c t the election. But every re- asionsaa organiz for tieapproaching leeve wideeough at thn haud to ad

Wst wanrd . y to th rolled o fleti ng .n know in )is lieat that campnign under the banner of bthe ,it . linen and a cuff to be wontadad. Now York ha rolled up 87, there could rally be but little differ- Democratic party. With success at Lighter and more dreny matoriaia a

000a a Demo.ratic majority, and ase oeco between any twopolitieal parties tlie late clectio, it cannot be reasonf- made with Stuaro, round or V bodilnupecye the Kentacky Demooracy to that were national in their principles bly asked or expected that the Democ- and are worn with a lace chimesettshow no sign offIttrig now. Ifany d national in their organization. roy should give up its organiation. thie abhap of which varies ancording Ibolter, independent, or acl cai.l- The country need not necessarily P With no material to operate upon, it the slalpe ofthe dareabodioewlth whicdate should eo elected, it wold tO destruction because the Whig, the cannot be expected that aiy other or- t i worn.Islmed over the wires ol Mondy Dey ttic or tio Am.rican party hap- ganitlo culd o pmreed with a

oruld . Armare t r is hmnnr tn Di hi oa bporitend Bills e C0 .HDRE N .night of Agnst the let to althe d- pen"e for the mn bei g, to o in the hope oil succt aganlstonur formidable Nothing i so becoming or pretty

ed atinghoulds that they bad ganedr cn eveermer men te the oaicesl Imefithi pruetmilenstroot en hOal t at ey fc en d y hB topree hi nt. Those, therefore who, whirmeaslin overasolid color, bid

vtory t an nomain ees of the othe one party nht inet r wih claiming to be Coiaorvatile, array pitk &o. Wabhing dresose, ale .s tUhDem rati party Io d been defeae, thoe pvste asp o e raton of the andit- themselves iu opposition to the Demo- ought to he in the asiendant for chiA botr or independent now is wnrse tih . em bers of then other. to ai arty, will 'Iat th iola he men, antd WaRvx ae mar ton I

thai Ra l. Let the people be- poeroti of th oercri o party, r ill plce thea olvso In &n ann pige are mc, ncr. e,

te hun L thempeope they But ntruothe. .i . 1ial crr differ- th attitude ot disnorganiers, will con- boys tilm suits differ nocordnt g to agw are iof them, iand the a om hey a t . Iastoad of two great nationrlwould a postmleoe. a ttcs eonteding together in Ihonor tribute t tthe auccers of tihe Eadienle from foan to ten knlkerTbokers, ar

SThla--t week is a of d rivalry for ow er e lave tie and will be held to a strict accountao- idones. Cap t. 1n. T. Walshl, No. ISTnhe pash wer fom oe t fo State governments at the Sooth vio_ billty in cas. they should scnre the Canal Street, has made arr.ngemn

diusntircly too muh for thgood lently plac by th power fthFed- perptuaLion ofthpraontcorruptad- tohave this Fall one of thilargt atof th ctton rp d ruin on ral government i tho aendsr of fa•et oFd ninistration. With anDemoeatloog most sclct assortments ofboye good

of tho ton cp d rema f- thies, vagabonds aBnd adventurers, iature to tndo the infamous legbsla- suits, hirts, underelothiing &o., Ovitirp-Uting. However, as yet we hear heon ti ahao Radical, and a D"mocraic brou e t toti d Iscity, bth bor ouofti seriousl injuryvtothe cotto i

n plant, whose avowed purpose is t o plunder fonof tha ¢ala anda D ora h ioghtotclisity lhenr inteowhich nole i f repor time t of, the Bopl of their hard oarns to fill Auditor and Treasumre to hold the ae, Capt. Wnlshas repntntion awhe wfins l report tas .ie fnt ofn the pockets of thie rep ntatieof P strings while tihe good work is ronnoisenr of dhirts, neo k ties, &mthDr sunnd weather ism eod freT a party, whoeg whae atractola is bas- performing. thero wold bea a prospect extends thronghouao ti o ronma ry. IDrewatnn, wic t in fine opdnie and ro on meannst nl a b red and alignilty of tih e dawn of a better edy on tie afs styles are always the larest, tho Wegood picg. Ais r t.he. .o tapi tlae Tme menr us ne d lace thial Party in f it ted peopl of Louisiana. Let bar- thn neatest and meet durable and t

odr n t"o ae thrc power would digraco the niost tyramo - niny and teod feeling, t.en, mark i al pies always reasonable.wto bteil toBel tie they ar at alte o leal govement-on at rtlh. Thoe it ti e dehhnrantionsp O the Cronsrvative• roxtrs,to. lat, hion s aos oa a overy l, of the arty When in u ower wo ud iein their prinmary mn, icne, and in tli s. o-iT fats they are pretty mucl all o

neRa, oylrmos Tmeh canet tha t ry Convention soon to operate at New and the same thing andnre rcmaeabfine, promisi'g amich better tho. last disa the memnost band or ttieve

thaUt ever joined together to hive off Orleans. fimlar this umme In trimmtng ayear. rotmres c geeral stile, There acorns to he

resu ---- of otr pel's lab. Sinking SlOWy leaning toward making both batds a

tA,ouamnman who carrited .ol- Tho particular reasonwhylyoniiana -- bonnets larger than they formally welcuion plate, in servicc, before tarti.ng uhonid be crsed with a wori o govern- Dis.ca.oa Lhat prognes rnpully to n -om.thing to cover tim h]ead inteoaKtook fon IIhis pocket a five-centpiece, meat tlanm aiy of th other - llfou cralis Se nottlho onlyonce to beo drend- the little nothing aso long worn.as ie suppoe, put it on the plate and cre.tions of this infiamous party, has R, Canker or dry rot doesa not blast B .OULI GA O. Rmfir .then pasaaed it round amongs the con ne-er bee n D atufaetnrily explained. a tree as suddenly aa a troke of light- Asall garments fIhlionaUy madegrceation, ,lhich Included nmany yong Parhaps it l becausen lier people e nin.g, but unles aurested, it destroyst be oworn out ordorw have reference

girls. Ti• girl, as they looked at il moeo generons and chivalrous, aid cAs ttaimnly; and i linkenmannor oh ron- slui,tthero aro few luaate sReaoraha

plato, all seemed astonishedand am - theiorefore the butter subjects onwhi h in lebiity, although it does not kill worn, as each t door suit formscdi, and tie yonung man, taking aglanee a malignant organlization should do- witl the sviftneo of yellow fcvor, is comploto coatume.at the Ilatel, found tlhat instead ofa light to operateL. Perhaps it is be- ies aurto to lap thO spring. ofIn, ownt- OLOV.S.nickel five-cent pico ie had a con- cause saho has Ue reputation of being cally as anyoontndijsea-iofnotehbek- Thne fshionable nruiclo Is tim Iverastlon lozenge, nith the words richer the. her neighbors, and, thiere- ed by invigornt.lng medication. Thoro ove. We oecaslonally have a p" Will yon marny roe in Tred letters, fore,that therewaabrighiterpropoetOof Is nomnthing inexprecasibly tounching i at a pretty Iand through a daintly hstaring everybody rght in the f•ce, robbery on the prt of thoe adventnrcrs the spectacle of prmmatnre decay.- mitt, bu so seldom thatwo look

Ar ou too e exhangs ho hv gathered togother on he LangUOtr, pallor, emaciation, dcepr o- the we. e a ither oldtlh.ion.d

f this •no r we find Demreas soil wever this mayb w ar re in of spirits, and a diaetn for oet- unfanslnmablo, orboth, but admIreAh m we h eet that none of or sister States have nn, are its ordinary symptom, and none tie le s for it.

Young Ameor•a whica, we have sc bon cursed with such rulers as bare they should be promptly met by toaleTcdmi alltheoth ssnt enttogorus. Thieves . the tatmet. The bt invg t and The deth of ,altes Dion

child's magaines we have ever n.-- _ni,.rm o a Mlanor TGninral. thinves i ,a.-*e.... T ,h. , hl I.s ,tR,, ,m IIanifurat ~ ~ ~ ~ aofoo groa interestInwil inve Isis wItig thn IldIubsIt not only instruct as pleases, in the executive chair, thieves clot hdlnt keeps from itecolmnne all abanrdi- i the judicial eamin, thieves in frontties which are likely to disturb the of u, thiivcs behind ha , thieves allnind of a child, ouch as gost stonries, around a-sunch is a short epitome ofBar-y tolea, &e. We hope the publish- le history of the govcrnment in Lou-r, wll oitntinui In this, as lhe l.s Iong Aisa•a from the time when onr beloved

dlone, and not follow them way of most stniewai handedover1,bonndhand andchlllren'. az o. A i IV. foot, to'the tonder mercics of tho lad-

Jcnnctemraennruni ca at.Lgiltr ffrn hiJenninpi Damoresn., Mo BriuIV-IF,Nvw York.

ir Th is ugenie's latest dinnertoilette-A plain tail.tan, whit, overR white taficti; notbing but rucho andflounce for ornament. In e hr1' aIunchl of white lillies of the valley,

avith fsw blacik and red horriii-anosi st-rilukigconibirlou for a llode -.

So. Dr. Angell Surgeon Dcntist, of

New Orleans, line arrived and will

Open an office in our Town, and offers

his professional isrvices to the peopleof Rapides. 11o comes into our anidst,lighly recommended.

,aLTw hales of Dew cotton, crop of1870, were received in New Orleans,on aie 36th ult. They wer consigned

to the 'ioums of I. E.. Wohous., No143 G•avier Street. They were raisedin Texas, on the glio Granmde.

5M rlu PizEm Sron.--The Little Cor-

poral Magnainae o<iras his sue fur I

]>ize tory. Those ietlria(lc can dted1telvce entv Io the lije, , S Ii& Miller, flicag", i111. fr tire Anginl

nnnbier of the Mniapnle, "hich .givei

ll palt icn latrs.

(r River risinlg again; big rise oler

inrneI reimlvitl fronm alove. T[ hiAse bII

too 11dool reIch hhre

beal tarty. Lieislators offrcril theirvotes in the market place, at auctionto the highest bidder, swellingthe debtof the Sta•o to banAkrpt fignre, andthen leavlug their scat. to go .- oudthe country itaing to buy splendidmoianion o andrfie plantationt, at fAta-

loIas prices, witl their ill-gotten gaina-sua l is the spectacino presented in a

Stale 1i wliih a seat i theo LTglha-ture vas foIrmerly thieiucans of inmpoveislhlent instrenad ofenrimtmeit, Thei

wenile wDiglhid duwn onder theu [fil

or an oppressiro tanation, witi thep r e B o n t remnolertil, rates oflabor all going into the cofferm of thStite to find their way into thepockts of IAdioeal thimes-s-n I l

is tho dilterenco heoticn uadicml ritbiuni thim good old Democratic t.imewhen lie taxes for time support of the

gvernioent wore hardl. flt by on ill-

dutrioua, andi cot entced, beoen isewcll-goeBared, people.

It •mlst bo evihlcnt to all that thisCimlimg Ihas gonlo far tlialtitmnust eithen

h sltoipped, or lhe e nry mnan wlho ina

a,n regard for tihe wrillare of hia fimn-'ly inutat Itlev the State. No lPeoplanit stauld Iluvh wholmsal.e i'th'm

throuolm 'intlhur Itadieal adnlnimlra-

tioi. lHigh and Iho, lrih and f0er,

black and white, 11 atio Intercsted in

I chi ange e, gove:iamnnil r .mid nli moust

"ilt tlfir ihfiulstI-;, ti lhie weel to lin

a case of this kind is Hoatotter's Stom-alh BEitteo. The stimulating principleof the preparation rouses the dormantenergies of the sysatem, anid the strength-ening and regulating properties give apermanent nnd healthful impnlos tothe vital forces thus brought into play.Tho failing apletito ia re-awakened,tho proces of digestion and asimilua-

liet are quickened, the quality of theblood is improved, the secrctione be-come more natutal, and every organthat colntiblus to the nourilhment oithe body undergoes saltary cohang.Hly theae mea.s tIe repair of the pilys-ihal structnre is effected and its healthand vigor reustorld. In rDO claa of lie-oeases halis the bcunifieenL opration of

thIe Bitters been more marl(ed andstriliing thain in those characterized bygeurnal debiliy and nervous progration. Ladics affected with these ail-

iments find in thls most wholome ofall tonics and corctives the anfeataondsurost m.ans of relief. It is strong torestore andil powerleass to iinjure. Suetis the unifonrm teatimony of "clouds owi (ieaecs."

i"' Our weekly thanks are duo, firlate pap rs, to tlie clerkts of tho Luto

l' , Ea, No. 9, Era No. 12, Bndial

Johnson and B",. I Hoge No. S2.

r TIh regular nd reliable B. LHiijgr No. 2, Captain John Iiam, i

slill in nur trade and punctual as v'.r

She lea•is tolany at 12 M for New Or]enns.


,it 11. ,ST. JOUN'i









Iawakened great interest in Ihis writingsthe sale of which, Iam informed byJames A. GreoaamrNo. S9 Camp street Ibook-mellor aid statitoner baa greatlyincreased. Mr. Gresham i ihs anl tmelatic publieationa, with nir as ortmentofrmedical, law, schooel and miw ca-neot worki emitcient to supplyallordrem He hisa 6 polite corps ofasia-

tants, with whiomi it I no tolublo to

sldow goods, and our country fliendswho visit the city will find hie store apleasant place to vialt.

Yours Truly,



Tiu PenTTIaEs WoT .. I. NEW

YTOi.-t-Mi K., well known in ourfashionable society for hlera slingce ap-poarance and beautiful complexion,

as once a sallow, rough-skinned girl,chagrined at her red, freeked cee. Shepitched into Hiagan's Magnolia Balm,and is now as pretty in complexion as

Sshe ia cbarmiegln manners. Thila ar-ticle overcomes froekle, tan, ellow-ness, moth-patehe, ring-mark; eta.,

and makes ono ook ton years ynuesrthan they are. Magnolia Balm for atransparent cotplexion, and Lyon'sKathairou to make the hair plentiful,luxuriant, soft and delicate, have norival,s The Kathairon provents the.hlit from turning gray, eradicatesdai idre and is the beast end hcehmt

Sdresing in thoworld.



ad neve Mt and that he as fll,y as despotic a monarh an the Carf asbil.; all poweris centralized ierlin, ostensively in the Parinment

aut King William has on more thanno oc.casion proyed himslf master.ThaUnital'StatlMbi ya.similar pro-eas of ig•aringe the Oonr.nitution ofhe conny, has been cdangea byi; Adiucal rulera into a mcenti.eddlepotiem and all ower lodged IB3ongrese. Thare is grenet imlri-y in the action ofL King Wlliam adthat of the Radical party, but I do

not think it wise in Forney to juetifythe tyranny o King William byilening it to the action ohf is partyfieads, aspcidlly as the people ofthe ecountry wil in the l•odead tonerebuke the corruption, illainies ofBadisliuin next all Thi bJohn W.Forney well know, - he is too

shrwd a politician not to ee thesigns of the times, but he whlstles tokeep his courage up ia the finoiringmanner. " The inghitaet rd BEopublifcan sh be •i tutulty o. alto their returning presairatav

fters a long aid arduous fession.e"wol dnon good and fithaib mtrmnutal" Well, cheek i. a greet bl

aing in this world and is moat Ta-bl, hat he brass that can write sehstff an the bove is womethy of alpraise. Formey take rank 0mon

mthe chekiest oFthisb a•ue. Th$6,000,00oo0 which Congr. plaoed isGenewr Grant's hands to ry onutthe peae policy with regard to tehIndians, will it is thought hbae tl

Ffect of atihsfig the lira blcrrying oat evdsting trtcaea aprevent the r which emed o imhminen.t shormt Ed taimee. Reo

.lod and Spotted Tael are Tey acte in their efforts for ea Wlthe settling of the ualries of thGenermoal and ietenant-doenoraline any effed in promoting jMe

or in other words, ill we iave Brnmors of war as we did ave whilthe qetion of t py W Aen g?have always thought t there wnan iutimat eonneotion botweeu th

duty, a ea iimler W pe n t the Sam L , V-Penta of are y to te e nyraig nt ea w d s any niS

reinidi the n o litical mpen that . _they a ot entit i to p l mirelatin to the war, t wais 'e

Afotber circular from M. Wivwer 'W3ca pon i ishota t o tiprarse toh p a V- F rnce, Mer.nbus b r ! l11bMt emlvasitei .ý a the M w wilu,

n m , 41n4. t at l i p. |i of

inos who I Wldslnfl - toothbttlese .nlbthe destiniesaofa pedB. M % S Wg lgAt th tie oa " heroic myion na is - o ge s .If

m ankt God to blt alor- timar noil-wlr ath

derablepace may qickly filow t tt t-™

Intrigue ian ria and ttly in p M*ekview of the pTr ahl e Preach c a vellh p Al tiilrayw-g h di ss to ao Ini w. si.t , 4ta, aU m

t- oreedtat Shdinnger, otM m h QM ar- if uia•tr e iedlels_eton s. -o- l g ot new ii --

eothei t na to e - t nt b -

toei a tol to tie iflaibli thath f t a

eiaP , innkder t ithr t pu t e[ia tte 6a

- reBaed at Belebbr, sinling the M ewst- * Vt tB.B wi & i tro elae

soillae. - w t nillrwai UIs feflieadleasua.ma. oracatod WeiaarbIlhg, and t iim, by to &Imedpdtadeda by

- barenttwo sqadronJ of avhyat pagam tanreve. 'They ar. aeeftn t e ^ b . aB7d

that Its p ItO 4ln the sTiw l r a yty unt 61 fil i ll

11 liB nlia"l 0 to violation -y -- CBandastl w tl an, it m A@m iean. wawmw anti sl fed r mealdifs

PA.s, yd Sa-drimnd Abet tare wi*4eti,- [Wtsifi agtw

lTi'st h t~H rout l.f St Cl1 A Ufl -tAD*4--T"S" 4 U- '




Empr essJst te'e eths departue.-- tthita lpthrIeethrug il0#*The mztle do Soir renists ujpe db a en A týmvd; emat »* -

-I . . tboeime di - t, 'mwastofirg Vaopd- a

anpi.: The Am•pie ssr thesa dei *E ror appeared qmie well.

As ti train left, tUe £luperor fad -to thIe crowd, "A Aint ODAWATEB-

Adilidors rote transmited to t hat JUtI.CUS -ylVc.


WASIIIIiNGT*N CORRESPONDENCE, redction of Sherman's and Shedi- thecir ritv oG. .n.-.t. ne.*-- n's alaries and t reports f h tl . .•le

WaSIImsGTon, CT, Jnly 20th, 1870. (sdians making war; ifothOeoiM alla MtwenFraaoadI .Ha

conrem, beving adjArnied, AfnA hi no indian war. Mr. 'downaSia . c c Sin Onthad.cie g

the President being ing.ad is ham Iot yet otnle tlnt. ISo lr Iay ee toy malisen- kn adpeeking up his trp, lnMuding hoer- Use m'nont gagi Istbno capital a

ugumpt Op hi be net all Ads td thea emR h, prpaato b.a 1y tha l

to taking himself off to Long Brands bt Id e 't eth ik there need e v twbmle

where he hopes be will remain inn- feing, but I at it e o

disturbed poseslon of peace and b y apli n ae A the s •i-. aet

Sthat he may rereat in urig vbe of his hm- t

t rh S emmer except when he may be dent stru t Maachs -,Thecaled rpon .by him friends to galltini prwatabl. a havy blmow when %= re-arwod to vow, tho dlights of noh- ulted his brother Snob. Motl y, broken n;M tafie a, to V toag todo, and a the Cabinet will home; Sumner was taken a-bk t'he n•tedirolve itselfAi dienernt direction that he had nt power, inthe Exn- AIO e gmv

very oon as thei weather ias "hotas lire which oeaBned. his ncin to France la r redwerl -a ntf

love in Imrverst being 100 in the ansewato his nme, andhis namois of Dmk's rty. -,

shado, there is of course nothing unrecorded among the votes-three oThe ý sis ty ld istirring osoleted by yon of a polti- in number, which sontained the n- a Notui Oato - Victorie.cBl chiracter. The w.a in Europe American Minitr as Grant cal o J•The sis the solo topie of interest; those him. Vioe-Adainrl Porter, in , lw ite l tt

who disconrse upon tho suajeet Wary of the ituation betweenrce ofand thoe Balc, and expect. het aestSmuo in their viow a does Po i m, wants that we shoud lt ov willbe t ecl oalse otoa-

France mad Pirai It is generall 14,000 man immediately n o ay -ed s raaomceded that the. war will be of o geaog5ig T t82 a. nmber, thaen trat t ."

aiortduration, unlefa it should be- be fitted out Iris t at aLl ira- ocametofttt 4 %aut

come general. Seretary Boutwell probable that France, p oripa n sh ould i No S .Bit knw..thinks that jst in proportion to .e engage in the presot war. wolda w ose France aie- t hea" •

extent anR datAion of the war wil neize O dba, Aid ass e wo d es- sr t te

we be benefitted by the increase of ly allow tht, at least ndeia DImo- my a ng eamStmý Y pe

the roedit of onr bond. abroad. crBtic Adninidstratimn we hoddet reral rla4ters at Uet Jalohe th B. frOe.ditibi to p.e.t any mSTh resrildent wan right for oncei in a o dodl to prevent "ny H ldail i me take fl. .Wd..t

Salling the attention of Cpogr•eto attempt on i pat of e yoear bed, ~4ow4ea f l ee• th a o

t the conditi6fs of o shipping and •r ell i war and t cr i he untry. Yoaus am s

Snoneree at thisa jmcture and do- takes a haiidit. TRiEBLA- eobntoBroatriot e r

e a. pection in fu E T UTB. or TU* airing them to take .mine -at.on in -. - T- .o-r -t a a.hq leM. o rSthe mastr. Aom tradu i milhips, go wo, Ow ia li

e that we could buy foreign built rea- prss, July -. Then Jourwnal O- Bho itiye ttd ritfthrh els and have thii registerd as ciel baa an article thii amoring oathe B plac e witlh efi

r Amkrueam shipj, Would in the event re•retnt tre nty o p b h-U ibn a.d IslasUtttrAmkLD

Softhis war contiuding give Aa te h e oanlTimr, o If t oba- is bd a t hfie f.dMo a the

OpPOrtni An to- a Ean r em acqMnit of byO an Iu Yen.11H Ams, I wja t Muialopporthni to regain Wl theatw lot Fralgine no1 Fposithe nion of le nrneh .a is able to

shar te rebit ongland h one SM. of South Gon with the wben aO.edae trimaste.rso ohare with England the carrying orth Germa Confederatton. mintaieir* Iy B sline aStrade of Erope daring the continu- The article says that aftr ahaty ited a by . I nf . W

on of hostilities; but Congrsn at o •e. i ev al S rd w ay tab*o ouk fah the bidding ot the high tariff nop- Yon B and the Frh A- out tera ill oial

Solists snubbed the resident for hil bassadoon ihe nelt ofalltce. tworh 1 of ato.

n sggeion. It is thought that our some of the inas d, a tA the All *i - a.fIte t wore t..n adý, betside itt mail will baveh to be Bent to Europe French Government never ni any .140 i<Son the British Steamers, the Ger- knowldg a the prjeoct described w l m

e man Steamers have beon notified not weredo, a rib at tem terT i ow whihe

Sto sail I shoulad not be surprisd ý i mentioned, the Em`eror rjectvdl them. a nSGeneral ernt did not m an extro ' The Joaurnla md It canepe the heet

F Seion within two weeks in order to nh pr oft thate Ldis pbat ime s a - si try and se il it is not possible for ei..ed merely to influene publi.c s, sS

our Radieal incompotents to undr- opimon in EnglAd. ea

stand the exigcios of the tae. It BltnL x Jnly 7.-n the oresy e- dtithe b Iftn wetines o t h ire the r Am .ith e m r flml a f t =•no " 'i "

Swawors bthan rimincalto pUrtti t:atyoffred by B French mperor hEo Y to is-Ld opportrity to pan of ibnefltist to B ismarok, Amene t1 T e

o, malmost extinct merca nt maine;in it commen si the Cýr ll ndaoe'O thc poldcy Cif $ang .r an yet it is what the imbecile. : sa that tothe £mpvror wcdtie ahll am"- 2t

it ynd ptoitirtn tEo fdmran untifcatiinonn par.n tI e

m denmagoges who rule rs will do. Fradw Wpoftsear ro, theet po ts u *at tal i S$.dal .

d FIomey in one of his damies, the tion of Bclgihn. G<Oldhltlurd,,ltrSdml .C

0 Whington Chronicle, ays of the o The minutes of the proposed treatiy, - w Yo, Ju.lt h p . XI

s - between Fnnc and Pns to Count dtti bt , . Bad a 8 lowSta e w o urwme t l id ,preserved pthe W ar Offi'tat Berninn - t di14

id that "Amtricans nMately symp- Befor the warA of t18, between held at fIle, thise with Germany in the present Pereosa mead oAftria, tspoleon ht d God ti ao,.na l .l b

r coteht and that the United States 0,offered toaidt pu oI npot Wi nbe•ltWSand the North erman inedi a- tria, ianm alet forwi te oa -- ----

n tiobothreprefent the prinoiple all Parnl e of fritl the left f g lo t takSindividual freeor, ado organi kof the h. o e WBatmrdahra Pt, Pis-

i unity. In lboth e theýkg Bre tlat the - S•r T le at

hle up of the delicae prob o h eriously proposed by Franc, ult

State GovmnmentT of tho eparation I Empror hasa given o hera to oa. Tin Le mm assassntne of general and local inroion." treat prisoners wit the utmBlt hutimaan- Utio pis:e •to tbe teotwt -ly Byrdwhich theroedotablte I. W. F. fttyi , . fe MbI OC nrt s iy a ewteWa . tribl-

m eand s that fer-y by the despotic fE•r•,i nise r bOder•er t Cort t 5w•ale ae-

action of King Wlliaon in riding mAotion mnem.o nnop or a~drtir. thar ;lkroetw torrationa for e

av h ow and has w"ed outti, pd .ft. na MiAe doBa ouelbBhdra-ten- of ller Stateh aas ift they .mf uasog »IcAam, R. Uof- a