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You can find Financial Freedom

New Ways



What does Freedom mean to you?


Dale Gerke

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You Can Find Financial Freedom

What does Freedom mean to you?


Dale Gerke


Imagine making more MONEY than you ever thought possible, but with the TIME to enjoy it and the SECURITY of knowing that even if you were sick, injured or retired, you would still get an income. You can have all this, if you develop a PASSIVE INCOME. Dr Dale Gerke has five tertiary degrees and originally thought he could have money, time and security by establishing a professional career. However, he found he was wrong. So he diversified into other traditional businesses, but they only generated active income. So they did not achieve the results he wanted either. Then he discovered NEW WAYS TO SUCCEED. After five years, he and his family achieved financial freedom. This book explains how you can obtain the financial SUCCESS you want.

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This book is dedicated to the readers who want to make a change in their lives,

but have never had the chance.

May you enjoy the success you deserve.

New Ways to Succeed You Can Find Financial Freedom

By Dale Gerke

© 2007, Success Alliance Pty Ltd

Contact: [email protected]

All rights are reserved under international copyright convention.

Written permission must be obtained from the author

to use or reproduce any part of this book except for

brief quotations of no more than one paragraph in length.

First printed in 1998

Reprinted 1999

New edition 2001

Fourth edition, 2006

e-book edition 2007

For additional copies contact:

Success Alliance Pty Ltd

60 Seventh Ave, St Peters. South Australia, 5069

Fax +61 8 8362 1842 (International)

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Email: [email protected]

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The information in this book could change your life on both a personal level and from a business point of view. The questions you need to ask yourself revolve around three primary issues.

Money • Time • Security Ask yourself these questions...

Do you have all the money you want, to enable you to have the lifestyle you desire?

Do you have enough time to enjoy yourself?

Do you have any real security with either your job or for your retirement?

What does “freedom” mean to you?


The word freedom will generate different images for different people. What does freedom mean to you?

Does it mean freedom from financial pressures because you have developed a large income?

Does it mean that you are free to do what you desire because you have an abundance of time?

Does it mean freedom to choose what you want to do in your retirement?

Does it mean that you are free from worries about short-term security and the problems that may engulf you if you became ill, or lost your job, or had an accident?

Does it mean being healthy so that you can enjoy life to the full?

Imagine For YOURSELF... What Does Freedom Mean To You?

What if this book could change your life? Because it can! But will you read it, because many will not? BUT … when you do read this book, you may need to change some of your preconceived ideas.

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For example:

What if you could earn an income from your very own business?

What if that business was easy to establish, and even allowed you to continue working in your present job?

What if that business gave you control of your life?

What if that business cost very little to start up, but still allowed you to be your own boss?

What if it was a business that had the flexibility to let you work full-time or part-time, and allowed you to learn as you went?

What if that business provided you with an income while you were learning?

What if it was a business where you could earn what you thought you were really worth?

What if it involved very low overheads and had a proven marketing and training system?

What if that business initially enabled people to make good incomes but could later generate wealth beyond their dreams?

There is a way for you to do all this! This book will explain how.


If you want to make a change in your life, then you have to make a change in your life. After all, what will change in your life, if you do not make a change?

Why and How

So why would you be interested in looking at a business for yourself? Think about this …

Five years ago, what was your life like?

How much money did you have?

How much money did your family have?

How much time did you have for yourself and your family?

How much short-term and long-term security did you have?

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Compare your life now (today) to five years ago. Has anything changed? No… frightening isn't it! But what is more frightening is this: What will change in the next five years, if you do not make a change in your life today?


This book is about an opportunity for you to change your life, by offering you a way to change your life. Knowledge is power, and this book will give you the knowledge and therefore the power to make a change. Think about it. What do you want to change in your life? Would you like to make changes that would give you the choices and options to do the things that you would like to do?

Ask yourself:

Can you buy another house?

Can you buy your present house?

Can you buy another car?

Can you buy whatever car you like?

Can you go on a trip to far away places?

Can you educate yourself or your children in any way that you want?

Can you buy the clothes that you want?

Have you the time to relax, to get fit and to be healthy?

Can you donate money to any cause you choose? Now ask yourself this. Why can't you have these things? Probably because you have no way to make the money you need to give you what you have dreamed about for years?

Success Plan

Every successful person will tell you that in order to achieve success; you must have an action plan. You must plan success or else, if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. The key ingredient for success is to identify a way to become successful, devise a method or plan of achieving it and then to carry out that plan with consistency and persistency. Evaluate your results and then modify your methods until you perfect a way to achieve your objectives.

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What Alternative Do You Have?

This book will outline a success plan to you. You can succeed! What is outlined may take you by surprise. It may be an action plan you have never thought of. Indeed you may not even know about it. However, the method outlined in this book really works and it is relatively easy. As you analyse what is said, you should always ask the important question, “What alternative do I have?” If you are looking for a way to change your life and a way to make more money, what other practical method do you have as an alternative? Keep this in mind while you continue to read the rest of this book. What is discussed in this book may be your last and only chance. Grasp it and work with it!

What Is Stopping You From Succeeding? Is It The Lack Of A Chance?

This book will outline a chance to you, but it will only work if you are willing to grasp it and you are prepared to work to achieve your dreams. Having said that, I must make it clear that this is not about a game of chance. There is no gamble. It is not a lottery. It is a proven fact that you can achieve the income, and the time, and the security that you desire by getting involved with what is discussed in this book. However, it will not happen if you procrastinate and do nothing … or if you are not prepared to work at changing your circumstances.

Are You A Victim Or Volunteer?

Do you choose to remain a volunteer to your circumstances, rather than a victim? Think about it. Are you a victim, or are you a volunteer because you won't make a change? I encourage you to read this book seriously. Right now! Find out how you can change your life and the lives of all your family.

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Paul’s Story

Paul had been involved with a number of business ventures during his life. He had some money, but in his later life, Paul had been involved with several business failures. Therefore he was certainly not financially secure in his retirement. At the age of sixty-nine, after being involved with many businesses, Paul decided to look at a relatively new marketing company. He investigated it thoroughly and decided to get started. Within three years (when he was seventy-two) he was making in the vicinity of $30,000 per month. This was an income he had never dreamed of in his entire life. After approximately five years (at seventy-four), Paul was making more than $500,000 per year from his business network and has continued to do so for many years. He now owns whatever luxury car he wants. He has toured the world extensively, and he is having a fantastic time in his retirement. To make it even better, and to add even more purpose to his life, he has been able to donate to many charities of his choice.

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Money allows you the means to buy what you want, when you want it. Money gives you choices and options. In fact many a rich person has been known to say that they have had both money and no money. And of the two, they would rather have money.

Do you know that approximately 95% of people who retire at the age of sixty-five have very little savings? Probably less than $5000 to $10,000 in the bank. These figures have remained the same for many years. Do you know that approximately 39% of people are below the poverty line of $15,000 income, and another 50% (a total of 89%) are below an income of $50,000? On that income, imagine how hard it is for them to buy a house of their own, to buy a new car or give their children a good education. Do you know that most people owe more money than they have income? In fact the latest statistics indicate that many people spend more than they make. Do you know that true financial security is said to be above the level of $100,000 per year? But very few are in that income bracket. Probably less than half a percent.

What Are You Worth?

Do you believe you are worth more than what you get? But what possibility do you have of getting what you are really worth? If you look at traditional ways of making more money, then here are your options....

You could get another job.

You could buy a business of your own, possibly a small business.

You could buy a franchise. You could win the lottery.

You could get a further education, and become your own boss (or get another job).

The reality is that all of these options are unlikely to get you the money that you feel that you are really worth.

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If you feel that you are worth more, and you are prepared to do something about it, then you have to grasp the chance when it is presented to you. It is a distinct possibility that you may only get one or two real opportunities to change your life in your entire lifetime.

This book presents you with an outline of such a chance. It is proven and it works. Whether you will make something out of it depends on you. You must want the opportunity and you must be prepared to take it when it is offered to you. You must then do something to make it work. It is said that when the student is ready, the teacher appears. If you are ready, then this book will teach you how to become financially free and how to obtain financial security. This book can teach you how to make more money than you have ever made, yet have the time to enjoy it. This is truly the most fascinating business opportunity in the history of the world and yet it is one of the simplest. However, you must be open and ready to receive and understand the knowledge that is detailed in these pages. This business requires lateral and innovative thinking. You can have no preconceived ideas because it is so different. It looks too good to be true. But the irony is, it is true and it really works!

So What Is This Book About?

Basically it is about franchising, but in a different form to many traditional franchises. Most readers would know about the McDonald's hamburger franchise “chain”. This is where everyone who wants to buy a franchise pays a large amount of money (let's say $500,000 or more) to the McDonald's company. The company then allows you to use their name, their products, their ideas, their equipment, their marketing and advertising, and their training. So you can make money from a proven marketing and distribution idea that McDonald's developed many decades ago. However, you will probably have to spend 60 to 80 hours per week working in your franchise. Now imagine the same concept but with no large capital outlay (maybe around $200 to $500), with no equipment or real estate requirements, low overheads (maybe 5% to 15% of gross) and with variable working hours (at your pace, time and convenience). Yet with the potential to make more money than you probably ever could in your traditional job or even in your own traditional business.

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Even better, after a while, you can generate a passive income from royalties paid by the company you are associated with. You do this by helping your sub-franchisees to develop their businesses (and incomes) and by encouraging them to succeed (perhaps to become even more successful than you). How do you do this? You join a company that allows you to use their name, their products, their ideas and their training. But all of this is at a very low cost – perhaps less than $100 to register your trading name, $150 for training “tools” (CDs and books), $200 for marketing information (websites/CDs/online files) and $200 for some products. You also get the right to “pass on” the same franchise to your friends, relatives, work mates, acquaintances and even people that you may meet in the future – provided those people want the opportunity to make some additional income and are prepared to work for it. For the want of a better name, I shall call it multilevel franchising. This is a franchise where members (agents or distributors) are able to “enrol” other people into their franchise team. However those respective people do not have to negotiate directly with the parent company because each agent is given the right to negotiate an “agency” for or on behalf of the company. Payment is made by a “trailing commission” system that is unique to this type of franchise.

It Works

This concept has been proven to be very successful by many people in many situations. However, as with any job or business, it is essential to choose the right company. There are numerous examples of success in this industry, but there are also many examples of failure. For this reason, you should investigate the concept as carefully as you would any traditional business.

Look For This

Here is why you need to be careful: Eighty per cent of small businesses fail in their first two years. Eighty per cent of those that remain in business will not make it past year five, and 80% of those will not make it to their 10th anniversary. Think about the traditional franchising industry. This has become an enormously successful industry, but there are also many examples of failure.

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Therefore it is vitally important to evaluate several critical points carefully and ensure that they meet the best standards available today.

The company must be financially sound, must have good cash flow, and preferably should be debt free. It must be ethical. It must have credibility, and a proven performance.

The company must also have proven products, which people re-purchase spontaneously. Approximately 80% of distributors should renew their membership every year. The reason for this is obvious. You get paid only on the amount of product that people buy or sell. However, this is not a business of pressure selling or intimidating tactics. Therefore the only way you can be successful is to be associated with a company with great products that everyone wants and will re-purchase on a regular basis.

The payment plan (sometimes known as marketing plan or compensation plan) must make it truly worthwhile being involved with that company (from a remuneration point of view). There is no point being involved with a good company that produces good products, if you don't get paid. You must receive a “fair reward for reasonable effort”.

Why Is Multilevel Franchising So Different?

Most people get their income from active participation (what we usually call work). We could term this as active income. This means that when you turn up to work, or to your business, then you work for a day and get a day's pay. The problem with active income is that it does not allow participants to get much time for themselves. As well, active income has no short-term security, and it does not allow you to plan substantially for your retirement. In other words, you may or may not get substantial money from your job. But the chances of having time and security as well are remote. Alternatively, with an active income source, you may have a great deal of time because you are not working much. However, you will not get much money because of your limited involvement and again your security will be limited. Therefore, the disadvantage of an active income source is that you can rarely get the three major ingredients of success: money, time and security. Multilevel franchising can generate a passive income (after an initial period of active participation). It allows you to generate a great deal of money (possibly more than you have ever had before) and it allows you the time to enjoy that money. It can also give you both short term and long term security.

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Let Me Tell You What This Concept Is Not

It is not an illegal “pyramid”. Chain letters and “scam” lotteries or stacking games (in which people make money by recruiting people) are illegal. Multilevel franchising pays royalties only on products that are bought, sold or distributed by the franchisees. Therefore multilevel franchising is totally legal and has been approved by all appropriate government authorities in the Western and Eastern world.

It will not be responsible for distributing all goods and services throughout the world in the next five to twenty years. That is an unrealistic expectation. However, it is becoming more and more prominent in the distribution of many products (from many companies). This trend is continuing to grow at a fast rate.

It is not a “get rich quick” scheme. Everyone who makes an exceptional income in multilevel franchising has had to work for their income. Each one has taken the time to establish their income by developing a large franchise.

Twenty per cent of all millionaires have not come from multilevel franchising. Perhaps they will in the future, but certainly that number has not come from this industry yet.

Multilevel franchising is not just for sales people. In fact, professional sales people do not necessarily make the best franchisees.

Harvard and Stanford business schools do not teach courses about this industry, at least not at the moment. This is an inaccurate claim by some people in the industry.

Multilevel franchising does not require a full-time commitment. Although some people make it a full-time career, the vast majority run a part-time business from their own home, particularly in the initial stages.

The concept is not just for men. In fact some of the best people in the business are women.

Multilevel franchising is a concept that is very much misunderstood. It has been known by many other terms such as networking, or multilevel marketing (MLM). Some people who have a bad impression of the industry have probably either heard about a negative experience from one of their friends, or they may have experienced “pressure” behaviour from an agent within the industry. This type of negative behaviour is not the norm and is actively discouraged. As has been said, “There is nothing wrong with the principle of MLM, just with the way some people work with it.”

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So Let's Discuss How This Concept Works

This explanation assumes that you are involved with a company that:

1. Is excellent

2. Has great products

3. Has an exceptional payment plan.

The Seven Step Program

1. Make a list of names of people you know or have come across (or may come across in the future). There are various strategies to find names of people who may be interested in listening to some information. Contact these people and ask them if they would be interested in some information about a marketing franchise, which would allow them to make some extra money.

2. Hand out, post out or email a file/book/e-book/website /CD-ROM, with a personal explanation or with a letter. It may be business information or information about products that your company offers.

3. Do a follow up. The company, or group that you are associated with, should be able to show you how to do this. Possibly they will help you do the first few.

4. If there is any interest from the person you have sent information to, then send them some more. This would probably be in the form of written information (like this book), video/DVD and/or CDs. Alternatively, it might be better to have a cup of coffee with them and personally explain the concept in more detail.

5. Do another follow up. Follow the method taught by the leaders in your group.

6. If your contacts are interested in the information you have sent them, then have a cup of coffee with them and register them with your company. Discuss the various options available to them. The main options are either just to buy the products at reduced prices, or to build an extra income by participating in the business opportunity.

7. If your contacts just want to buy the products, help them get information about the products. If your contacts want to build an income, help them get some marketing tools such as CDs, online files, emails, websites, videos/DVDs, books, and some training aids. Inform them about training workshops that are available. Then sit down and show them these seven steps so that they can duplicate what you have done.

It really is that simple.

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It Depends On…

In a two to five year period, you can be making a substantial income in your own part time, multilevel franchise. How much you make will depend on:

What company you are involved with.

What products are available.

What your company pays to its distributors.

How much you do.

How quickly you duplicate your results by teaching others to do the same as you.

Please note: It is always better to be involved with a group of people (franchisees) who have up to date and progressive marketing ideas, who are prepared to help you, and who have a team spirit.

Important Factors to Investigate Before You Start…

What sort of group of people or franchisees will you be involved with? Investigate them fully. Are successful, friendly people available to help you directly?

Do they have an easy system (or any system at all) of doing multilevel franchising?

Do they (or does the company) have CDs, books, websites and seminars to train the franchisees?

Are these CDs, books, and seminars part of a non-profit training system? Training that is available to you should not be associated with profiteering. Be sure to evaluate this before you get started!

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Judy & Glyndon’s Story

Glyndon and Judy were farmers and had made very little money in their last 15 years on the farm. They had worked hard and long hours, but due to the economic circumstances surrounding farming, they made very little money. For this reason they looked at alternative ways of making money. They invested in a News agency, but after five years, they realised that they were only breaking even (possibly losing money). They sold that business at a loss. Then they joined a marketing company. In the first twelve months, they managed to create quite a reasonable income. In particular, they sold some products to a variety of customers and generated quick profitability. However, in the second year, for a number of reasons, their income did not sustain itself. However with the help of their upline partners, they started to learn and study more about the business. They found out how to duplicate and teach others about how to replicate the effort that they were putting in. Multilevel franchising was very different for these two people, so it took some time for them to learn how to go about it. However, they persisted and after three years of being involved, they were making around $1500 to $2000 per month. After four years they had increased that amount to $3000 a month, and had a new car. The money that they now make (which is a six figure income each year), more than replaced the income that they made from their farm. They have now sold their farm and they run their continually expanding and increasingly profitable marketing business together.

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What Is Multilevel Franchising?

It is totally legal. It is a very ethical business that is recognised and accepted in all major countries throughout the world.

Multilevel franchising is one of the easiest and fairest ways of distributing goods throughout the community. The income generated in this industry is enormous (billions of dollars per annum). However the potential for the future is even greater.

It is available to anyone; regardless of their education, their race, their religion, their previous experience, their sex, or their social or economic standing.

You can run your own franchising business (usually from your own home). You are your own boss and you are a volunteer. You are not obliged to do anything for anyone. You control your own level of involvement.

If you choose to make it a professional, full-time career, you can do so. However it should be understood that the majority of people who get involved with this industry, do so on a part-time basis (at least initially).

It costs you little money, and takes very little time to set up your own business.

There is no need for any experience in sales or marketing. There is no need to use high pressure, manipulative techniques.

Most importantly, it is a business where you have freedom. The freedom to do what you want, when and where you want. It allows you to control your own business and your own life.

Multilevel franchising is simply an extension of the well-known and accepted “franchising” concept. The difference is that only a very low set up cost is required. Also unlike a franchisee in the traditional sense (where you will not usually be able to establish a residual income), multilevel franchising allows you to establish an ongoing royalty income from the distribution of products that is carried out by your sub-franchisees.

Multilevel franchising is a business that creates a “win-win” for all who are involved.

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The History Of The Industry

Multilevel franchising was established in about 1940. However, it took some decades to develop to a significant stage. Unfortunately the concept was easily abused and during the 1960s and 1970s illegal “pyramid scams” started to develop. In America in the 1970s, the United States Federal Trade Commission fully investigated and prosecuted companies involved in this industry. After a very long and costly battle, the industry won the day, when the courts ruled that multilevel franchising was not an illegal pyramid. Unfortunately, to this day, there still are illegal pyramid scams that come and go. In every country, authorities constantly investigate companies that are suspected of pyramid scams. If you are in doubt as to whether you are evaluating a legitimate company, it is always worth contacting these authorities or your local Consumer Affairs Commission. Ask their opinion of the company you are looking at. All this emphasises the very important need to investigate the company that you are evaluating before you become involved with this industry. Multilevel franchising works. It has been highly successful over the years and there is a great deal of money being made from the industry. The potential to make money is huge BUT it is absolutely essential you choose the right company. That company must have desirable products. Their payment plan (sometimes known as marketing plan or compensation plan) must be worthwhile and proven. There are very few companies worth considering as a legitimate and profitable business venture. It is also important to evaluate the group of people who you may join, should you want to become involved. They must use up to date and viable technology, using ideas that will allow you to leverage your time and your efforts to the maximum. It is no longer acceptable, tolerable or reasonable for a company to expect you to spend an enormous number of hours every night, every week, every month of every year talking to people in their homes about the company, the products and the compensation plan. Technology has advanced so dramatically in the last ten years that more efficient and effective ways of conveying information now exist. These new technologies allow you to extend your franchising business throughout your country and indeed, the world, without wasting your time. Be sure to investigate availability of these marketing techniques fully before you make any decision.

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What Do You Need In Multilevel Franchising?

One of the important aspects of this industry is that you need to have products that really work. Repeat sales and customer loyalty are critical. Members/customers of the company must want to re-order the product when the time comes to do so. As a general rule, it is reasonable to say that in this particular industry, the better the products, the more successful you will be. And the more desirable the products, the more successful your business will be. If you can put all this together, and join it with a very generous payment plan, you will have the best of all things in multilevel franchising.

What Are The Principles For Establishing A Successful Multilevel Franchising Business?


Use the products for yourself. You become your own best customer.


Recommend the products to people you come across and people you know (or meet) on a regular basis. If you have chosen a company that has extremely remarkable products, that really work, then you will be very confident recommending these products. “Spread the word” about these products and the benefits they have given you. Most proper and ethical companies will have a money back guarantee for their products. So you should never hesitate to buy some to evaluate them for yourself.


Invite people to be a part of the franchising business with you. Do this by talking to them or use some of the modern technologies available to show what you have to offer (eg email/websites/CD-ROM). Depending on your preference, this third principle may be reversed with number two above.


Duplicate what you have done in steps one, two and three. In other words, once you have somebody interested in either making money from the franchise or using the products, explain things in more detail and encourage them to do the same as you do.

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In General The Concept Works Like This:

Let's say you purchase $300 worth of products. Then let's say you introduce five people who do the same thing. In other words you have duplicated your efforts five times. Your total group product sales volume will now be in the vicinity of $1800. With the right company, you could get 8% to 12% royalty commissions on your overall group volume (average 10%). This means that you could expect about $200 commission for having introduced five people to the concept and the products. Now if you teach or show those five people how to duplicate your efforts, and they each introduce five people, you will have 25 more people doing the same thing. In this case your overall group product volume will have jumped from $1800 to over $9000, and you could expect a commission of about $1000. If you teach the same principles to the people you have introduced, and to the people they have introduced, your bonus commissions can increase to between $2000 and $3000. The final amount will depend on the company that you are involved with. Remember that once you have other franchisees involved, the income that you get is not solely dependent on the work that you do. Because you are sharing the workload with others, you get a “time leveraging” effect. Once your people have been trained and they understand the principles involved, you can create an enormous leveraging effect. You may have tens, or hundreds, or even thousands of people doing the same amount of work that you do each day, or week, or month. When this happens, the total amount of time being worked in your business far exceeds the available hours per week that you could put in on your own, even if you went without sleeping or eating. In fact, it is possible for the hours worked by the people in your group in just one month to exceed the number of hours you could ever physically work in your entire lifetime.

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Micko’s Story

Micko worked for the Government for several years and considered himself to be average middle class, living comfortably in a small house and driving an average car. He was looking to get out of the “mortgage trap” but, although he tried a few things, he could never quite get things to work as he wanted.

One day his accountant introduced Micko and his wife Beth to a new multilevel franchising company. Because of their previous bitter experience, they were reluctant to give the industry another chance. However, they eventually did. Their original goal was about $200 per month and they achieved that very quickly and were making approximately $5000 per month within a year.

Within a reasonable period of time Micko was able to retire. Unfortunately Beth became very ill and passed away. During this very emotional and difficult time, Micko and his family were able to survive financially (and with minimal physical input into their business) because of the leveraged time he and Beth had established and the royalty income that their marketing business produced.

Over recent years, Micko has been able to get his life back together. He has travelled extensively with his two sons and friends. He has been able to provide a wonderful and secure lifestyle for his family. He has now expanded his horizons to many different projects which he enjoys. He has also been able buy many of the “big boy toys” that he always wanted.

A lot of people told Micko that it could not work – but it did. It is simple and anyone can do it. Micko just had a dream and did the work, and now he has financial freedom and time flexibility.

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Which Company?

The importance of choosing the right company cannot be emphasised enough. In the last 50 years or more, there have been thousands of companies that have started in this industry. Unfortunately, only about 50 have lasted more than ten years. It is critical to choose a company that is stable and well run, and preferably is debt free.

Which Products?

The product range of the company that you choose is almost as important as choosing the right company. The products must be beneficial for people. Repeat buying is critical. Clearly, if you have products that generate only 20% repeat buying, it will be harder to build a marketing business than if you have products with 80% spontaneous repeat buying. Therefore, all products need to be “cutting edge” technology and different to products available from other sources. It is very difficult to build a multilevel franchising business with the same or similar products that people can buy at the supermarket (and probably at a cheaper price).

The products should be unique, beneficial, well accepted, desirable, but relatively unavailable to the general community except through the company that you deal with.


Irrespective of how good the company is, and how good the products are, if people are not paid well for distributing products, then ultimately your franchise business will fail. It is important to analyse the payment plan (or marketing plan or compensation) plan) of the company before you become involved. The practical reality of multilevel franchising is simple. If the distributors (or agents) are not paid well, they will not continue to work their franchise. Neither should they, and neither should you expect them to. This indicates the critical importance of the payment plan. There are different plans available, ranging from uni-level to binary, to breakaway, to matrix. Excellent reviews of these plans are in the books, Wave Three by Richard Poe and You Can Get Rich … Starting Now by Dale Gerke and Richard Baker.

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To date, the breakaway plan has proven to be the most generous and successful in multilevel franchising. Uni-level plans are easier to “work” but have not produced good long-term results. Matrix plans have not produced good results either. Some binary plans have been outlawed under Anti-Pyramid legislation in the US. Their future in the industry may be uncertain. A more recent marketing plan has proven to be very successful. This is a “hybrid” plan, which is a blend of the uni-level and breakaway plans. It is complex to implement but, once established, gives extremely high payment. It offers probably the best “reward for reasonable effort” for distributors in the industry today. Any payment plan should allow distributors to get well over 50% from the wholesale dollar price. In other words, at least 50% to 60% of the company income (from the wholesale price of the products) should be paid back to the distributors. Most companies cannot afford to do this because of their product selection. Indeed very few companies pay this much. However there are some companies that pay these high percentages to their distributors. Be sure to seek out and fully investigate these companies. You should review the retail and wholesale price of the products that the company is offering. Clearly it is difficult to be successful in a business where products are excessively priced. Some companies' products have a wholesale price that is greater than the retail price of equivalent products from other companies. When choosing a company, gather all the information and make an informed decision to choose the right company.

Multilevel Franchising Today

Multilevel franchising is definitely one of the most efficient and effective ways of distributing goods from a manufacturer to the community. The industry is enjoying tremendous growth and it is likely that more companies will turn to multilevel franchising in order to distribute their products in the future. Quite simply, it is more logical, it is fairer, it is more economical, and it has none of the high overheads associated with traditional distribution. Multilevel franchising is operating successfully in dozens of countries around the world. In particular, in major countries including; America, Australia, United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, many European countries (including the old eastern sector), and almost all of Asia.

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It was not long ago that franchising was first introduced to the western world. Initially people questioned its credibility and viability yet franchising is now well established in every part of the world. Many businesses see franchising as a worthwhile and sensible approach to increasing their sales around the globe. The real difference between multilevel franchising and traditional franchising is the initial set up cost and the amount of time that you need to spend getting your business to grow and be profitable.


It is because of all these advantages that the potential income from multilevel franchising is probably greater than a traditional franchise. Part of the reason for this is that in franchising you are unable to leverage your time, whereas in multilevel franchising you can. As well, a very healthy residual income can be produced from multilevel franchising. This residual income can be higher than in any traditional business. Another advantage of multilevel franchising is that there is no sex discrimination. This gives women, who often have less opportunity in the traditional work place, the ability and potential to make more money than they could in a job. In fact it may be the only way some women can generate a large income, since it allows them to develop their true potential which may not be possible in their traditional workplace. Certainly it is not uncommon for a “housewife” to generate more income (from her multilevel franchise) than her husband does from his traditional job. Multilevel franchising is one of the few areas of business where a person’s potential and worth can be translated into earned income – in spite of prejudices that may exist in the community.

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Robyn and Dale’s Story

Dale had been a dentist for a number of years, during which time he earned 5 different tertiary degrees in the fields of science and dentistry. After about fifteen years of being a private practitioner, he realised that at no stage could he leverage his time. As well, his short and long term security was always limited. So he branched into various other ways of making money ... computers, real estate and boats ... mostly successful, but prohibitively time consuming. Remaining in dentistry seemed more logical, until he came across the concept of multilevel franchising and was immediately impressed. However, he did not investigate the company that he joined and after four years, he realised he had been wasting his time. In fact, rather than making money, he had run that business at a net loss. Nevertheless, he was impressed with the concept of multilevel franchising and he investigated the industry extensively in search of a better company. Dale found a different company and started to build a business again. Robyn was very hesitant about the concept initially, considering their previous venture into the industry. However, after about two to three years, they reached a high level of income. After five years, their net income was well into six figures, which was a much higher return than Dale’s income from dentistry.

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At about this time, Dale suffered a severe back injury and had to decrease his involvement with his dental practice. Although he had to sell his practice, he continued to work in the area of dentistry as best he could. Thankfully, because of their involvement in multilevel franchising, they now have a wonderful, secure and rewarding life. They enjoy many holidays interstate and overseas each year. They have fully paid for their three children’s tertiary education. They have provided new imported cars for all members of the family and have extensively renovated their house.

If health and retirement security is an issue for you, or simply a better lifestyle is what you want, then Robyn and Dale are real examples of what multilevel franchising can do for you.

The Truth

The truth is that, in multilevel franchising, it is entirely possible to earn between $50 to $50,000 per month within two to five years (working part time). This is fact and has been proven. Before you start saying money is not everything, let me point out that it may not be everything, but it certainly is something. If you had an unexpected $1000 debt, would you be able to cope?

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For example:

What if your refrigerator or washing machine broke down, or

The water heater exploded, or

One of your children had their front tooth knocked out in a sporting injury, or

You needed four new tyres for your car, or

Your car engine blew up?

The reality is that many people have very little money set aside for such emergencies. In fact, a large number of people have absolutely no money in reserve for such life crises.

The Reality

The fact is that multilevel franchising is well over a $20 billion a year industry (some estimates put it at about $50 billion). The vast majority of the population buys some products from a multilevel company each year. Multilevel franchising has a proven track record. It is a very clever way for a manufacturer to distribute products quickly and easily to those who wish to buy them. Multilevel franchising is also a very effective way to earn extra money for those who want to participate.

The Future

It is true to say that the “baby boomers” of today are going to be the older generation of tomorrow. Many of those “baby boomers” simply have not, and will not be able to cater for their future financial needs. The burden of keeping this section of the population on welfare (or pensions) in their old age will be very onerous for the government and all the community. For this reason, no-one can reasonably assume that even the pathetically low pension that exists today will be available tomorrow. Wouldn't it be better to protect your own future by doing something for yourself?

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Your Purpose

What do you really want from life? What is your purpose? There are some key points for you to ponder on.


Although money may not be your over-riding passion, it is a definite requirement in today's society. Clearly the more money you have, the easier it is to live and buy things like cars, and houses, and trips overseas. So while it may not be your dominating purpose, you would probably want more money than you have now, if you could get it relatively easily and with a reasonable chance of success. Just reflect on what you would buy if you had plenty of money. How would it change your life?


Most people do not get much recognition during their lives. Yet most people would like to be recognised for the good things that they do. Multilevel franchising allows you to obtain recognition and you will be greatly respected for the success you achieve.


Most people would probably like to empower their lives more, as well as the lives of the people around them and the people they meet. This may be in the personal growth area. Things like self-confidence, trust, integrity, loyalty and friendship. After many years of observing people involved in multilevel franchising, it is my firm conclusion that most people involved with this industry, particularly the successful ones, gain enormous personal empowerment as well as the ability to empower others.

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When all is said and done, most people would like to make an extra $5,000 to $100,000 a year. Of course they will always evaluate how hard it is to obtain that sort of income! The following questions come to mind:

Is it legal?

Is it simple?

Can I do it?

Can others do it?

Can I really make money?

Can others make money?

Is it fun?

Who will help me?

Can I get training?

All of these questions have an influence on whether somebody will take up the challenge to do something different in order to generate an extra income.


Let me assure you that multilevel franchising is perfectly legal. There are numerous government authorities that look out for illegal scams every day. All legal authorities have accepted multilevel franchising since about 1970.

Multilevel franchising can be simple, but it depends on the company, the products and your line of sponsorship (the group of people) you are involved with.

You must evaluate for yourself whether it is easy to do and whether it can be readily duplicated. Would you be comfortable doing what people are asking you to do? For example; would you be prepared to hand out a CD to someone, or a DVD, CD-ROM, or some literature (such as this book) or recommend that someone reviews a website)? All these things are simple and easy to do, and they can successfully start your multilevel franchising business. Unfortunately these sorts of tools are not always available to you. It is therefore important for you to consider carefully what is available to you before you start a multilevel franchising business.

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Multilevel franchising is simple, easy to do and easy to duplicate.

You can also have plenty of fun while making money, enjoying good products and helping people.

To decide whether you can make money, you should always ask for verification of income. I cannot emphasise this strongly enough! I recommend that you ask the person who gave you this book (or anyone else who talks to you about multilevel franchising) for verification of income. They should have a way of showing you examples of some incomes being made. They should also be able to introduce you to various people who are making money and can verify this. If they can't (or won't) verify incomes being made, then be careful. Perhaps there is no money being made in their company?

The person who gave you this book can help you get started if you want to. It is therefore important for you to find out whether he or she is prepared to help you in every way possible. Does he or she have a proven system of CDs, books, websites, seminars and counselling that will help train you? Is the training available to you on a not-for-profit basis?

Whether the “time is right” has to be answered by you. You need to evaluate whether you would be better off if you had an extra $5,000 to $100,000 a year coming into your family. Would such an income give you more security (both short and long term) if it was ongoing (residual)? If your answer is, “Yes”, then I would encourage you to get started. Do not procrastinate. Procrastination will kill your dreams. Procrastination is the curse of all underachievers. As such, most successful people quickly evaluate a situation, make a decision and then stick to it. So I recommend that you make a firm decision to get started, irrespective of what others may say.

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Perhaps this poem says it best!

SUCCESS If you think you’re beaten, you are, If you think you dare not, you don't,

If you’d like to win, but think you can't, It’s almost certain you won't.

If you think you will lose, you’ve lost,

For out in the world we find Success begins with a person's will,

It’s all in the state of mind.

Life's battles don't always go To the strongest woman or man.

But sooner or later those who win, Are those who think ... “I can.”


Ultimately Your Questions Are …

Do you want to?

Do you need to?

Will you?

I can assure you that you can, but first you need to start.

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What Next?

To find out more – Contact the person who sent you this book. Or click here to send an email

Or ring 0409 217 692

Ask how you can become involved with this marvellous and profitable business. Seize this opportunity and set yourself no limits. I wish you the success that you truly deserve in the future.

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More Books by the Author

You Can Get Rich … Starting Now

By Richard Baker and Dale Gerke

A detailed explanation of the multilevel franchising industry and includes a comprehensive “hints and tips” section for people wanting to get started. To buy this book in hard copy, click here: [email protected]

How to Pass Exams Easily … And how to get through life more easily

but working smarter not harder.

By Dale Gerke

A quick manual on how to set goals and how to develop proven techniques to pass examinations. To buy this book in hard copy, click here: [email protected]