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Localization of class-related mu-rhythm desynchronization in motorimagery based Brain-Computer Interface sessions

Stefan Haufe*, Ryota Tomioka, Thorsten Dickhaus, Claudia Sannelli,Benjamin Blankertz, Guido Nolte and Klaus-Robert Muller

Abstract— We localize the sources of class-dependent event-related desynchronisation (ERD) of the mu-rhythm related todifferent types of motor imagery in Brain-Computer Interfacing(BCI) sessions. Our approach is based on localization of single-trial Fourier coefficients using sparse basis field expansions (S-FLEX). The analysis reveals focal sources in the sensorimotorcortices, a finding which can be regarded as a proof for theexpected neurophysiological origin of the BCI control signal.As a technical contribution, we extend S-FLEX to the multiplemeasurement case in a way that the activity of differentfrequency bins within the mu-band is coherently localized.

I. INTRODUCTIONBrain-computer interfacing aims at providing paralyzed

patients a communication device that “reads thoughts” andthereby obviates the need of using the usual motor pathway.A particularly successful approach to BCI is motor imagery,i.e., a system is controlled by a user deliberately switchingbetween movement imaginations of certain limbs. It is knownthat for most people the associated contralateral sensorimotorcortex becomes active already during imagination of a move-ment. This leads to attenuation of local sensorimotor rhythms(predominantly in the mu-range) detectable by electroen-cephalography (EEG); a phenomenon which is also knownas event-related desynchronization (ERD) [1].

Using state-of-the-art machine learning and signal process-ing techniques, BCI performance has increased considerablyover the last years compared to the conventional approachof extensive subject training [2]. A key ingredient for thissuccess has been the development of algorithms that auto-matically adapt to the subject’s individual physiology andeven his/her mental strategy of performing the task (e.g. [3],[4], [5], [6]). The downside of the increased flexibility is,however, that the experimenter can no longer fully control onwhich features the BCI is trained. A careful examination ofthe extracted EEG signatures is thus required in order to drawconclusions about the physiological basis underlying a goodBCI performance. Source reconstruction methods facilitatethis validation as they link predictive features to the actualanatomy.

This work was supported in part by BMBF grant No. 01GQ0850, DFGgrant No. MU 987/3-1 and the FP7-ICT Programme of the EuropeanCommunity, under the PASCAL2 Network of Excellence, ICT-216886.

S. Haufe, T. Dickhaus, C. Sannelli, B. Blankertz and K.-R. Muller arewith Berlin Institute of Technology, Franklinstr. 28/29, D-10587 Berlin,Germany

R. Tomioka is with the University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku,Tokyo 113-8656, Japan.

G. Nolte is with Fraunhofer Institute FIRST, Kekulestr. 7, D-12489Berlin, Germany.

* [email protected]

In this paper we localize the discriminative part of theERD occuring during different types of motor imagery,which is used as a control signal by the Berlin Brain-Computer Interface. Our approach is based on localizing rawFourier coefficients in single trials. We deploy the recentlypublished source reconstruction method S-FLEX [7], whichis extended to deal with multiple interrelated EEG scalppatterns. This is used to co-localize all frequency patternsin the subjects’ individual mu ranges, and has a noise-suppressing effect.


A. Multiple Measurement Sparse Basis Field Expansions

Assume that the EEG activity is comprised in a singlevector z = (z1, . . . , zM )> ∈ CM containing the responsesof M EEG time-series to a temporal filter. Responses areassumed to take complex values here. Let B ⊂ R3 be thevolume covered by the brain (i.e. white and gray matter).The current density is a vector field y : B → C3 assigninga (complex) vectorial current source to each location in thebrain. Considering a discrete sample of locations (voxels) andsource currents (xn,y(xn) =: yn), n = 1, . . . , N , we denoteby Y = (y>1 , . . . ,y

>N )> the N × 3 matrix of sources and by

vec (Y ) a column vector containing the stacked transposedrows of Y . Instead of estimating the currents yn directly,it was proposed to model the current density as a linearcombination of (potentially many) spatial basis fields, thecoefficients of which are to be estimated. We here consideran expansion into Gaussians

bn,s(x) =(√




2‖x− xn‖22 σ


), (1)

which are smooth, but also well localized due to exponen-tially decaying tails. Using a redundant dictionary containingGaussians at different centers xn an of different widths s,it has been shown that sources with arbitrary shape canbe reconstructed by selecting the appropriate basis element.The respective method has been coined localization throughsparse basis field expansions (S-FLEX) [7].

Given a set (dictionary) of basis functions bl, l = 1, . . . , LThe forward mapping from the sources Y to the measure-ments z can be written in matrix form as

z = F vec (BC) , (2)

using the known lead field matrix F ∈ RM×3N . SolvingEq. (2) for C does not yield a unique solution if thenumber of coefficients is larger than the number of electrodes

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M , which is the common situation. The ambiguity can beovercome by assuming that, for an appropriately chosendictionary, the current density can be well approximated by asmall number of basis fields, i.e., the coefficients are sparse.A natural choice for vectorial quantities is the so-called `1,2-norm penalty which minimizes the (sparsity inducing) `1-norm of the current vector amplitudes. The coefficients aresought which provide the best compromise between sparsityand model error, i.e.

C = arg minCL(C) = ‖z−Γ vec (C) ‖22 +λ


‖cl‖2 (3)

where the first and second terms are the quadratic lossfunction and the sparsity-inducing regularizer, respectively,Γ ≡ FW (B ⊗ I(3×3)) ∈ RM×3SN and λ is a positiveconstant controlling the tradeoff between loss function andregularization. Given the coefficients the estimated currentdensity at node xn is defined by

yn = Wn


clbl(xn) . (4)

While Eq. (3) considers only single field patterns, wewould now like to extend S-FLEX to the localization ofmultiple measurements z(t). Let Z = (z(1), . . . , z(T )) ∈CM×T and cl(t) ∈ C3 be the coefficient vector describingthe contribution of the l-th basis field to the t-th pat-tern. Defining cl = (cl(1)>, . . . , cl(T )>)> ∈ R3T , C =(c1, . . . , cSN )> ∈ RSN×3T and rearranging

C =

c1(1) . . . cl(T )...

. . ....

cSN (1) . . . cSN (T )

∈ R3SN×T , (5)

we propose to estimate

C = arg minC


‖cl‖2 + λ∥∥∥vec

(Z − ΓC



which is equivalent to Eq. (3) for T = 1. However, forT > 1 it is not equivalent to solving T problems oftype Eq. (3) separately, as in our case the 3T coefficientsbelonging to a certain basis function are tied under a common`2-norm penalty and can only be pruned to zero at thesame time. Thus, the selection of basis functions whichcontribute coherently to several patterns is facilitated, whileat the same time orientations, amplitudes and phases of thecorresponding fields are allowed to differ per pattern.

Minimizing the objective function Eq. (6) is a convexproblem. Similar problems have been solved using second-order cone programming [8], [9], [10], [11] or iterativelyreweighted least squares [12]. We here deploy a novelapproach based on augmented Lagrangians, which has beenproven to work for very large-scale instances [13].

1) Effect of Joint Localization: To illustrate the effectof co-localization, we performed the following simple ex-periment. A single dipolar source was placed in a corticalregion of the brain and the resulting field pattern was

computed. Ten different phase-shifted versions of the patternwere constructed by multiplication with a random unit-length complex number exp(iφ). Each resulting pattern wasthen superimposed by equal amounts of measurement andbiological noise (signal-to-noise ratio = 1.5). Note that in thisscenario, the SNR cannot be increased by averaging, sinceboth signal and noise are zero-mean complex quantities.Source localization was carried out using both the single-and multiple-measurement variants of S-FLEX, where theregularization constant was set using knowledge of the exactSNR. The source estimates of all patterns were combined toyield the estimated mean dipole amplitude.

B. Localizing mu-rhythm ERD during Motor Imagery

We consider real data from experiments recently con-ducted within the Berlin BCI project. These experimentsoriginally had the purpose of screening subjects with respectto BCI aptitude. The experimental protocol is describedin detail in our preceding publication [14], but we hererecapitulate the parts that are important for the currentinvestigation.

Fourty healthy BCI-naive subjects (33.6 ± 13.1 years old,22 female) participated in the study. During the experiment,they sat in a comfortable chair with arms and legs restingconveniently. EEG was acquired from 119 Ag/AgCl elec-trodes. In a calibration session, arrows pointing left, right ordown were presented on a screen and had to be responded byfive seconds of left hand, right hand or foot motor imagery,respectively. Each arrow was presented 75 times. Trials con-taining artifacts were discarded, as well as trials containingreal limb movements (as detected by EMG). Using heuristics,well-discriminating contiguous post-stimulus time-intervalsand frequency bands were identified [6].

The locations of mu-ERD generators in hand- and footareas of the sensorimotor cortex are well known from the lit-erature (e.g., [15], [16]). These results obtained by functionalMagnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) serve as a hypothesishere to be confirmed by source localization. Since reliablesource localization can only be expected from clean EEGsignals, we restrict ourselves to cases in which EEG tracesare clearly separable. That is, for each subject we are onlyinterested in the two motor imagery classes showing bestclassifiability, and consider only those subjects who achievedvery good BCI performance (error rates below 10%) in boththe calibration and the online session. Ten subjects fell intothat category. For nine of them, discriminability was foundin the mu-band, as expected. A tenth subject, that achievedbest BCI control using a broad band covering β- and γ-range,was excluded from the present investigation.

We apply S-FLEX to complex Fourier coefficients, whichare calculated for each trial in the preselected band andpre-stimulus time interval by means of an FFT. Within theselected frequency band, five equidistantly-sampled Fouriercoefficients are taken for each subject. Localization is con-ducted in the standard head model [17] using a source grid ofN = 6 249 dipoles (7mm inter-dipole distance). We considerbasis functions with widths σ1 = 0.75 cm, σ2 = 1 cm, σ3 =

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1.25 cm and σ4 = 1.5 cm. The regularization parameter λis selected by means of five-fold cross-validation, i.e. bymaximizing the estimated generalization performance withrespect to fitting the EEG. We use a multiple-measurementvariant of S-FLEX, where all Fourier-coefficient patterns ofa trial are co-localized.


A. Effect of Joint Localization

Results regarding the effect of joint- as compared tosingle-pattern localization are shown in Figure 1. It is ap-parent that, while both estimated source distributions peaksimilarly close to the true source location (indicated by ared cross-hair), the multiple-measurement approach has theadvantage of being less spread-out. This shows that jointlocalization effectively removes the noise-induced spatialinstability seen in single-trial estimates.





Fig. 3. Comparison of individual (SINGLE) and joint localization of ten simulatednoisy measurements. The location of the true simulated source is indicated by a redcross-hair.


Fig. 1. Comparison of individual (SINGLE) and joint localization of tensimulated noisy measurements. The location of the true simulated source isindicated by a red cross-hair.

B. Localizing mu-rhythm ERD during Motor Imagery

The preprocessing steps performed prior to source lo-calization are subject-specific, i.e., include filtering in in-dividual frequency bands, the selection of individual timeintervals and class combinations, and so on. Table I lists theheuristically-chosen frequency-bands, time-intervals and theoptimal class combinations for all subjects.


js 10.0 – 13.0 Hz 1000 – 4250 ms LEFT/RIGHTkp 8.0 – 12.5 Hz 1000 – 4500 ms LEFT/RIGHTks 8.5 – 12.5 Hz 770 – 3950 ms LEFT/RIGHTkg 8.5 – 13.5 Hz 830 – 3440 ms LEFT/FOOTjj 8.5 – 13.5 Hz 1170 – 3970 ms LEFT/FOOTjl 9.5 – 13.5 Hz 1150 – 4160 ms LEFT/FOOTjy 7.5 – 11.5 Hz 1240 – 4070 ms LEFT/FOOTkc 9.5 – 13.5 Hz 1270 – 4000 ms LEFT/FOOTkd 9.5 – 13.5 Hz 1340 – 4110 ms LEFT/FOOT



Figure 2 allows in-depth examination of the data of oneprototypical subject (subject kp). In the upper left part ofthe figure, sensor-space spectra and ERD (calculated as

envelopes of the Hilbert-transformed signal) time coursesat electrode C4 are shown. Gray areas mark the selectedfrequency-band and time-interval. Additionally, scalp mapsshowing classwise-averaged Band Amplitudes (BA), as wellas per-channel discriminability between classes, are provided(PATTERN). Band Amplitude is defined as the `2-norm ofthe vector of Fourier-coefficients in the heuristically selectedfrequency band, while discriminability is measured in termsof the signed r2-value, which is defined as the signed squaredbiserial correlation coefficient between class label and BandAmplitude.

Source maps obtained from localizing Fourier coefficientpatterns are presented in the lower part of Figure 2 (LO-CALIZATION). These maps can be regarded as the source-space equivalents of the scalp maps depicted in the panelPATTERN. Voxel-wise Band Amplitude in source space isdefined as in sensor-space, but it is accounted for that insource space three Fourier-coefficients exist per voxel andfrequency. Discriminability in source space is measured interms of a weighted signed r2-value, where the discrim-inability index at each voxel is normalized by the averageBand Amplitude at this voxel (taken over trials of bothclasses). This is done in order to suppress high r2-valuesat locations with negligible estimated activity, which areotherwise observed as a result of the sparsity of the S-FLEXsolution.

The r2 scalp map of subject kp shows strong (oppos-ing) contralateral ERD effects for left and right hand con-ditions, which are maximal around C3 and C4, respec-tively. Classwise-averaged maps of source activity as esti-mated from Fourier coefficients show distinguished blobsin left/right hand areas within the sensorimotor cortex forboth subjects. More such blobs are observed in other corticalregions, in particular in frontal and occipital lobes. However,in accordance with our expectation and the sensor-spaceplots, these sources cancel out as being nondiscriminative,and only hand areas remain in the source r2-maps.

Figure 3 provides source-space discriminablity maps forthe rest of the nine subjects considered. These plots generallyresemble those of either subject kp. For subjects js and ks,having the optimal class combination LEFT vs. RIGHT, thesame opposing contralateral activation of hand areas as insubject kp is observed. The rest of the subjects utilize footimagery, although a clear desynchronization in the centralsomatosensory cortex during that condition is only found insubject jl. In the left hand condition, all these subjects exhibitdesynchronization of both hand areas simultaneously. Thissupports the hypothesis that the foot condition often servesas a pseudo class, and some subjects may effectively achieveone-dimensional BCI control utilizing only the presence orabsence of (left and right) hand-related ERD.


The localization results obtained here confirm that thefeatures that discriminate best between different types ofmotor imagery are spectral differences in corresponding partsof the sensorimotor cortex. This is in agreement with [18]

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10 15 20 25 30 [Hz]









0 0.441 r2

0 2000 4000[ms]












0 0.298 r2 BA



50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130


left right

± r2

−0.2 0 0.2

± r2(L,R)












Fig. 2. Results for subject kp: Event-related desynchronization (ERD)occurring during LEFT and RIGHT hand motor imagery conditions. Upperpart: Average poststimulus amplitude spectrum (SPECTRUM) and timecourse (ENVELOPE) at C4. PATTERN: Average topographical Band Am-plitude plots for single conditions, as well as signed r2 measure of discrim-inability between conditions. LOCALIZATION: S-FLEX estimated sourcedistributions (Band Amplitude) for LEFT and RIGHT hand conditions, aswell as discriminability (DISCR) between conditions.













Fig. 3. S-FLEX source-space discriminability between best (discriminating)conditions for eight subjects. Source estimates are obtained from single-trial localization of Fourier-coefficients. For subjects js and ks the optimalconditions are left and right hand imagery, while for all other subjects theoptimal combination is left hand vs. foot imagery.

and previous fMRI studies. The present study hence servesas a validation of neurophysiological significance of theBerlin BCI feature extraction. The obtained separability insource space raises the question whether source reconstruc-tion methods can also be used to improve BCI accuracy.


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