living the life of abundance

Abundant Mentality The Belief followed by Action Demonstrating a Surplus of Everything Contact [email protected] /

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Post on 08-May-2015



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Page 1: Living the life of abundance

Abundant MentalityThe Belief followed by

Action Demonstrating a Surplus of Everything

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Dave’s law of Abundance for Home Business states

Simply that you have Access to more Leads, Prospects, and Money than is Required for Success!

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Look for the symptoms of a Scarcity mentality. 

I Cant do it… Because I don’t have access to enough

Leads, Prospects, and Money Required for Success!

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- Abundant mentalityThe Belief followed by Action—

demonstrating a Surplus of EverythingFocus on the abundance, not on the

lack. What you focus on, you will see in your world.

Positive mentality (Optimistic) Negative mentality (Pessimistic)

Mentality ShiftThis will allow you to see the abundance in

your world that you may be missing right now.

Story of the Pennies

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Appreciate. One quick way to revert from the pretty normal habit of thinking about what you don’t have is simply to appreciate.

Appreciate your food, life, your home, your friends and family and so on. This can not only turn a negative mood into a more positive one within minutes.

It can also help you notice opportunities you have missed or forgotten about. And it'll create a Positive Spirit within you, an emotion or Characteristic that makes it easier to focus on Your abundance.

Abundance Drill… I am thankful that I have an Abundance of :

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Get organized.

1. When you don't feel abundant or good about yourself or life in general, that can mean you are simply not in order.

2. Have your home clean, your clothes folded, your digital files in place, and your finances organized.

3. Have some order and discipline, and you'll start seeing results.

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Garbage in = Garbage Out!

Get an abundance vibe from other people. 

Since you get a scarcity mentality from advertising and media.

Write it the Leave it alone!

Change your input to change your mentality.

Cut down on watching the news.

Record your favorite shows and skip the commercials.

Or just cut down on your TV and media consumption, period.

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Share the wealth. One very good way to acknowledge how much you have is to share it. Do you feel like you're not making enough money? Give some away. Not enough love? Give some away. Not enough validation, appreciation, recognition? Give it all away. It's hard for something to feel scarce when you're giving it away.

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Replace the scarcity vibe you get from that input. How do you do that? “Hang out” with people that have an abundance mentality.

Read, listen to and watch personal development material. Besides reading your favorite personal development blogs, read success stories in books and magazines. 

Have a positive attitude to the abundance and success of your friends, family and co-workers.

Hang out with people in real life who have more of an abundance mentality and less of a scarcity mentality.

Be selective with what you put into your mind.

Create your own environment of abundance.

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Create win-win situations. 

People with a scarcity mentality tend to see every relationship is win-lose, as in: "It's either you or me, buddy, and I want it to be me."

People with an abundance mentality, on the other hand, try to create mutually beneficial relationships in which both parties can win.

Instead of winning an argument, for example, try to Agree that you both can be happy with. Instead of Competing …. Collaborate!

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Remind yourself. It’s very easy to slip back into your old thought patterns. You just forget about what you should be thinking about.

A useful tool to keep yourself from slipping is to use external reminders.

You can, for example, use written notes posted at places you can’t avoid seeing several times each day – your workspace, fridge and mirrors – or put a bracelet on your wrist.

Seeing words or quotes that remind you of your new abundance mentality can help your mind snap back into the right Mindset once again.

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When the feeling of scarcity is strong, remember previous times when you had an abundance. Realize that you can recreate similar circumstances once again.

Learn to face the reality of living within your means.

Many people have the habit of copying and envying others with greater means.

Doing so can ruin your day or your life.

It's therefore important to live within your resources while looking for ways to improve them. You will be free from stress and undue competition without any satisfaction.

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Warning :

Don't get so carried away with an abundance mentality that you become a people pleaser who lets people take advantage of your generosity.

Remember to surround yourself with people who also have an abundance mentality, who give as much as they take, or else "parasites" will drain you and eventually leave you with a scarcity mentality.

Be sure also to not reach a point where you find yourself coasting through life with no goal or purpose for yourself. Remember to "seize the day".

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Abundance MentalityVictory means success that brings mutually beneficial results to all involved.Recognizes unlimited opportunities for positive growth and development.Realizes that there are three ways to do things, my way, your way and a better way.Appreciates the uniqueness of others.

Scarcity MentalityVictory means success at the expense of someone else.Difficulty showing happiness for the success of others including family, friends and business associates.Difficulty sharing credit, recognition, power and profit.Difficulty being a team player because differences in opinion are perceived as disloyalty.

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"Do you know anyone who spends a lot of time and energy competing with others or putting people down verbally because they fear that that person is better than they are?

Are you the type of person who battles their weight, but insists on eating every last morsel of food on your plate because you don't want to waste?

Or perhaps you can think of someone who has a relationship conflict of some type, and is struggling for an answer of what is the right thing to do.

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Having an "Abundance Mentality" mindset will help overcome the challenges that many of us are faced with on a regular basis.

An Abundance Mentality basically means being of the mindset that there is plenty out there for everyone. There are many benefits to having a mentality that is secure and confident that there is plenty for all

What would our lives be like if we changed our thinking to be in sync with a mentality of abundance?

If we could develop this mentality, we would free ourselves from fear, we would be immune to criticism, and we would experience ultimate freedom in our minds and in our hearts.Our lives will change for the better if we adopt this mentality, and our behavior will be more in line with achieving our own definition of success.

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The Scarcity Mentality is limiting.

It may seem like a good plan at first, but over time too much energy is wasted on conflict, negative thinking, and stifled creativity.

On the other hand, the Abundance Mentality is beyond one's ego. It's fearless, it's free, and it's immune to criticism. It is beneath no one and superior to no one. It is full of magic.

What are the benefits of an Abundance Mentality? When it comes to human interaction, characteristics of integrity, maturity, and an Abundance Mentality have the ability to create Win/Win situations for all parties involved.

Win/Win is a thought process of both the mind and the heart that continuously seeks mutual benefit in human interaction. With a Win/Win frame of mind, all parties involved feel good about the solutions, agreements, and decisions because they are mutually beneficial for everyone involved.

In this way of thinking, emphasis is put upon cooperation, not competition.”

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Are You Searching? Searching for Success? In Life?In Business? I am here, Ready to Serve You!

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