liturgical ministry training

Service at the table of the Lord A training for lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Our Lady of the Presentation Parish Liturgical Ministry Training Winter OT 2013

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Training for lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Quick presentation on Theology.rhythm of liturgy.


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Service at the table of the Lord

A training for lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Our Lady of the Presentation Parish Liturgical Ministry Training Winter OT 2013

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Giving thanks….

In our lives, how do we show thanks?› What words do we use?› Facial expressions, body language?› Actions?› Thoughts, feelings?

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Means “to give thanks”As we gather for the celebration, each to his/her proper role, enters fully into the Mass, because it is both the right and duty of the baptized person to do so.

Full, active participation in Mass is a right because the Eucharist,

provides the nourishment and grace we need to live out our baptismal call.

It is a duty because without the Eucharist, we cannot fully live the life to which God calls us.

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Liturgy in the Roman Catholic Church

The Constitution on Sacred Liturgy (Sacrosanctum Concilium) is the Vatican II document that legislates liturgy: the public, ritual, communal prayer of the Church.

The Roman Missal outlines the rubrics, ritual prayers, gestures and postures of the Church when gathered for ritual prayer.

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Liturgy is WORSHIP

Worship was the first area to be considered at the Second Vatican Council.› Worship is the way in which we praise and

give glory to God.› Worship is foundational to all the work of

the Church; it is the MOST important action of the Church. Everything else flows from and toward worship.

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Four ideals from Vatican II

The Christian life is to be lived with vigor

The Church needs to change to meet the needs of the world – The Church brings Christ to all people, all times, all cultures

The Church is not united, but unity is desired

The Church has much to offer the world

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is source and summit of Christian living – source, because we receive the grace we need to live the life to which God calls us, and summit because at Mass we have the most intimate connection with Christ that is possible in this life.

It is a sign and instrument of unity.

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Christ is truly present at Mass in four ways:

The gathered assembly The Word proclaimed The person of the Priest The consecrated bread and wine

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Structure of Mass

Liturgy of Word Liturgy of Eucharist

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Liturgy of the Word Gathering Rites

› Coming from our individual lives, bound by our common baptism, we form the Body of Christ, the Assembly.

› Penitential Rite acknowledges individual responsibility to the community.

› Share the stories of faith: First Reading Psalm Second Reading Gospel Homily

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Liturgy of the Word In Scripture, it is God who speaks

directly to us, individually and as a community

Dei Verbum (Constitution on Divine Revelation) defines Catholic understanding of Scripture.

Three-year cycle for Sunday Lectionary (2 year-cycle for daily readings)

Homily opens Scriptures for the gathered assembly.

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Recitation of Creed Prayers of the Faithful

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Liturgy of Eucharist

Collection of gifts Presentation of gifts

› Early Church practices contained in current prayers and gestures

› We place ourselves, along with the bread and wine, on the altar, asking that we, too, be transformed.

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Liturgy of Eucharist

Eucharistic Prayer Our Father Sign of Peace Sharing in meal: we become what we

consume: Real Presence of Christ Sending to bring Christ to the world, to

do the essential work of the laity: to make the world holy.

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Why do we….

At tables, surface questions -

› WHY do we do…. at Mass?› WHY don’t we do……at


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Tips for Ministers

Appropriate Dress Three- year cycle Commitment Learning/knowledge Flexibility