lifecycle of a star

Lifecycl e of a Star

Upload: gilead

Post on 07-Jan-2016




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Lifecycle of a Star. /Act One/. The Life of a Small to Medium Mass Star. Nebula - cloud of gas & dust. Protostar. Small Protostar…. Brown Dwarf Too small to create enough heat to start fusion. or. Main Sequence Star. The protostar gains enough mass to begin fusion. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Lifecycle of a Star

Lifecycle of a Star

Page 2: Lifecycle of a Star

/Act One/

The Life of a Small to Medium Mass Star

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Nebula- cloud of gas & dust

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Small Protostar…

Brown DwarfToo small to create enough heat to start fusion

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Main Sequence Star

The protostar gains enough mass to begin fusion.All main sequence stars fuse hydrogen

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Red Giant

Small to medium main sequence star runs out of hydrogen & begins fusing helium

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Planetary Nebula

A Red Giant completely stops fusing & the outer layers of the star are driven away

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White Dwarf

The left over core of a star.

A white dwarf may only be the size of Earth, but it has a mass equal to ½ of the Sun.

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Black Dwarf

A white dwarf cools off over trillions of yearsuntil it no longer emits light

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/Act Two/

The Life of aHigh Mass Star

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Nebula- cloud of gas & dust

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Massive Main Sequence Star

Massive main sequence stars fuse hydrogenmuch faster than small or medium stars

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Red Supergiant

Massive main sequence star runs out of hydrogen & beginsfusing helium, carbon, oxygen, etc.

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Fusion stops. The star collapses & creates a huge explosion.

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Neutron Star

Super dense core of a star left over after a supernova.

Only 5 to 15 MILES in diameter, but have a mass 1.5 – 2 timesthat of the Sun.

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Black Hole

Stars with masses of 25 to 50 times of the Sunform black holes after a supernova.

The leftover core of the star is so dense that it causes gravitational collapse.

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