lets set up a community wlan

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  • 8/12/2019 Lets Set Up a Community Wlan


    Lets Set Up A Community WLAN !

    An Introduction to Setting up a Neighbourhood BroadbandWireless System

    Nora Wireless Sweden 2001

    Henry Oani "OA

    December 2002#at$ U%&%

    Sick of DSL crap? Lets start our own service

  • 8/12/2019 Lets Set Up a Community Wlan



    List o' Se(tions


    +ission Summary


    -indin* A Site

    A((ess .oint

    AntennaAntenna Perform ance:Antenna Beams:Polar Diagram s:

    #rid*in*he enthusiast approach:

    User /uipmen t

    What you need:

    Weat$er .roo'in*!ed Bloc"

    User Hot Spot

    Settin* up a atewayPractical:#S Windo$s:A Windo$s Internet:%ate$ay Shopping &ist:&inu':Internet (osts:

    Ot$er Seri(es

    S($edule o' as)s


    Autho r: Henry Oani 3 "OABath ) Dec 2002*on+ Sec+ #endip !epeater %roup,eeper: www.wlan.org.uk


  • 8/12/2019 Lets Set Up a Community Wlan


    Lets Set Up A Community WLAN !

    An Introduction to Setting up a Neighbourhood BroadbandWireless System

    #a()*roundhis document has been prepared to pro-ide a general guide to setting up a community basednot.for.profit Broadband Wireless &ocal Area Net$or" in the /+,++

    !ecent national sales promotions in 2001.2 of so called high speed broadband internetaccess3 targeted for potential customers in cities4 profoundly disappoint computer users in ruralareas $hen told it is not for them and that broadband internet access (for profit) will not cometheir way for many years - if at all! #uch modern rural employment depends on ha-ing up.to.date datacomms+ As does countryside economic regeneration thorough successful ruralrelocation of ne$ media and ne$ computer based industries+5

    6conomically acti-e tele$or"ing country.fol" are no$ apparently left $ith no alternati-es but topetition national go-ernment and operators to 7beg 8 plead3 for a broadband ser-ice+ 1 here isho$e-er a -ery lo$ cost 7community self.help3 co.operati-e alternati-e4 promoted for se-eralyears $orld$ide: . http://www.wlan.org.uk/community%20wlan%20promoting%20sites.html

    he community self.help co.operati-e alternati-e as a ne$ concept4 originated in the /+,+ andhas been informally promoted since 199 -ia the $orld $ide amateur radio community and theoriginal $ebsite: . www.wlan.org.uk+ &i"e many ideas first originating here4 the e-entual ta"e.upand building of actual (ommunity W&ANs has been more effecti-ely implemented abroad4 e-enin countries such as Australia $here the go-ernment regulatory regime $as e-en less helpfulthan here+ See: #elbourne Wirelesshttp://melbourne.wireless.org.au/nodes/

    heoretically 7a mass consumer mo-ement3 might liberate the community from the e'cessi-e7tolls32 by $hich modern high.profit.ma'imi;ing telecommunications oligopolies can be seen to7plunder and suffocate3 e-ery aspect of modern non.economic life+ See4 Nor5ert Wieners6-at$er o' Cy5erneti(s7 passionate 189" so(io3politi(al :polemi(;4 3

  • 8/12/2019 Lets Set Up a Community Wlan


    Mission Summary

    he aim is to set up a single community broadband net$or" using l icense e'emptWireless &AN technology+ Also "no$n as W"#$ %&&& '** or Wi-+i $ith simpletried and tested met$ods 4+

    In its simplest manifestation a (ommunity W&AN starts $ith a 7*/B3 . a single strategicallyplaced4 shared $ireless :A((ess .oint; 6A.7 connected to an omni.directional (ommunityantenna located at some common -antage point+ his today allo$s at any one time up to *'computer users with wireless "# transceivers at any line-of-sight visible distance of over *miles$ to interconnectfree of chargeto an **,bsec local area networ. hub

    A 7Wireless 6thernet *ub3 may seem no 7big deal34 but as 7a means to an end3 is an enormouslife bringing and $ealth creating community asset+?

    @nce the basic net$or" 7hub3 is set up4 the aim $i ll be to e'tend i ts co-erage byadding more identical nodes and connect ing $i th 7peering arrangements3 to anyother similar neighbouring groups+ All facil i t ies normally a-ailable to users of a7$ired3 net$or" and especially broadband internet gateways to the outside $orld4neighbouring community networ.s 4 multiple video conferencing nodes$ independentcommunity /0 1 2adio webcasting and file servers may 5e added in due (ourseon an ad hoc and possibly commerc ia l sponsored or subscripti on paying bas is f rom

    AN point on a ne$ly created alterna ti -e net$or"+


    A Community Wireless &ocal Area Net$or" differs from commercial alternati-es4 inits primacy of core consumer -alues+ raditional (o.operati-e structures preser-e aneighbourly community sharing ethos4 fair disposal of collecti-e profits and long.term strategic benefits+

    A genu ine pioneering commu nity init iati -e $il l ha-e conside rable practicaladvantages o-er any purely business approach+ Cor e'ample: any legit imate /,(ommer(ial operator must pay %BP

  • 8/12/2019 Lets Set Up a Community Wlan


    to an organi;ation holding considerable assets and running large turno-ers such asa regional or national co.operati-e internet band$idth 7bul". buying co.op3+ Cor asingle -i llage or neigbourhood4 a simple community club st ructure = $il l besufficient and such a const itut ion may be essent ial simply to a-oid the l iabi li ty of7commercial regulation3+

    he /+,+ *am !adio community has in depth e'perience o-er 2= years of operating'un(t ional ly simi lar lo(al *roups $hich manage st rict ly profi t. f ree 7 localcommuni ty digi ta l radio repeater insta ll at ions3 o ften -ery modest home.constructed DI instal lat ions at peppercorn rent on shared commercial si tes+

    Affiliation to the !S%B F as an 7Amateur !epeater %roup regardless of $hether or not thecommunity W&AN installation itself is actually 7Amateur &icenced3 or not is highlyrecommended in so far as establishing the groups bona.fide status+ o be a openly 7bona.fidelocal community group3 may 5e essential to :win;a se(ure and rent3'ree siteon top of thelocal hospital4 $ater to$er4 school or local go-ernment offices++

    -indin* a Site

    When starting out4 a secure site for the community antenna and hub seems relati-elyunimportant4 but as the technical options and limitations are rapidly o-ercome4 site permissionactually seems to become t$e main o5sta(le%

    he simple reHuirement is that a community W&AN hub antenna site should be -isible from therooftops of all or most of the potential users5 A prime pu5li( site wit$ mains power andlon* term rent 'ree se(urity is a pri(eless asset% Places li"e -alleys in Wales and Scotland E

    are ad-antaged by nature since they can often locate masts on buildings on the side of hills$hich are clearly -isible to 9=> of the potential users homes and offices in a small -illage orhamlet and if placed on an occupied site4 not reHuire e'pensi-e $ind and solar electric po$ersystems or unattended security features+ @nce many local users ha-e scre$ed their antennato a fa-ourable rooftop point and ha-e carefully 7loc"ed them off3 for best signal4 mo-ing the(ommunity AP mast to a completely ne$ location $ill not be popular+

    Startin* wit$ a se(ure pu5li( site and *ien antenna polarisation 'rom t$e outset? doesseem most important4 $hereas $hich eHuipment to use for a basic 7hub3 is far less so and anycheap "3 will probably do to start off with

    Public buildings such as (ommunity (entres4 Cire Stations4 &ibraries4 (ouncil offices and6ducational 6stablishments seem ideal but $hen permission can be obtained from a singleindi-idual it is a lot easier5 @ther sites such a 7he illage Post @ffice3 or 7he &ocal Pub3 maytherefore in practice be more accessible+

    5A !adio Society of %reat Britain !S%B appro-ed model constitution for an Amateur radio

    W&AN (lub may be do$nloaded at: . http:JJ$$$+$lan+org+u"J$gKrulesK1+htm

    6he 7!S%B3 represent the interests of amateur radio 7repeater3 enthusiasts to go-ernment andha-e other useful ser-ices such as affordable insurance for non.commercial4 not for profit 7clubscale3 radio site operators++

    7See: . Wireless broadband I( choicesforhill 8 -alley communitiesin Scotland 8 Waleshttp://www.wlan.org.uk/ict_choices_1.htm

    8 6lectricity consumption for a stand alone access point can be as lo$ as /S LF per year+


  • 8/12/2019 Lets Set Up a Community Wlan


    -i*% 2 WLAN Site at Uniersity o' #at$

    If the antenna is to be placed far from indoor shelter and a source of po$er4 it is desirable thatthe co.a'ial antenna cables should not e'ceed = )10 metres so the Access Point must bemounted and $eather.proofed near the antenna $ith its feeds for po$er4 !S2?2 and 76thernet/P cable3 run up to it from the location pro-ided for laptop node 7Administration Area3 $herethe po$er outlet and transformer po$er supply and /PSJbattery pac" are "ept5 If long cable isuna-oidable then a t$o.$ay masthead amplifier must be used55possibly offset in cost bypermitting the o-erall use of much lo$er grade and ine'pensi-e cable+

    People in authority such as a manager4 -icar4 headteacher or chief librarian can often agree animmediate Mtemporary or trialM installation to see $hat it loo"s li"e and $hat it in-ol-es+++ $hereasfull.blo$n permanent permission necessitates legal agreements and all sorts of implied rights4liabilities and duties $hich are difficult to e'pect on a freebie basis+ 9

    he physical intrusion is to mount a piece of 2 inch dia+ 9mm scaffolding pole -ertically on agable end or chimneystac" etc+ he ma'imum length is 20.ft F# but anything from 2 metresup$ard should be sufficient to mount a dish and omnidirectional community ser-er antenna+*ea-y Duty antenna brac"ets and e'panding bolts are typically used for this costing about%BP

  • 8/12/2019 Lets Set Up a Community Wlan


    A((ess .oint

    o start a local group4 the basic shared community W&AN eHuipment is the antenna and aW&AN A((ess .oint AP+ S$itched on and set up this creates and an in-isible 11#bJsec6thernet */B connecting all computers fitted $ith adapters $ithin its line of sight service areatoconnect as if they are on the same $ired net$or"+

    Anything today calling itself a Wi.Ci 7Access Point3 $ill at least $or" as a 7plain hub3+ Someearly products $ere limited to as fe$ as ?2 users+ he main feature to loo" for in alternati-esfrom other -endors is the ability to 7daisy chain3 a string a chain of compatible free.standing

    Access Points4 interlin"ing (ommunity W&ANs across a region and filling in 7local co-eragegaps35+

    -i*% @

  • 8/12/2019 Lets Set Up a Community Wlan


    -i*% 9 :"OA 5i3 uad 'ed Satel li te =is$; 'or 2%9H,%he abo-e Cig+ is a lo$ cost Astra satellite dish $ith a home constructed feed 12

    A 7W&AN 6arly Adopter 3 $il l $ant rotat in g "it li"e this at roof height to see $ha t ishappening locally and help ne$comers get set up $hen there is no 7(ommunal#ast3 yet a-ailable+

    A con-entiona l dish antenn a li"e this $ith a home. made bi. Huad feed andmicro$a-e coa'ial cable and sil-erJgold.plated connectors is ideal for the radioenthusiast and serious e'perimenter $ho $ants to attach standard connectors and7pig.tails3 to W&AN eHuipment or use signal analy;ers4 signal generators4 po$er

    meters amplif iers and other test eHuipment+ Wit$ t$e introdu(tion o' t$e :red5lo(); 6see 5elow7 su($ :(lassi(al; te($ni(al approa($es are not now aserious proposition 'or widespread ordinary use%

    12Ne$ %BP

  • 8/12/2019 Lets Set Up a Community Wlan


    Antenna .er'orman(e4

    A theoretical plain radio emitter sends radio $a-es in all directions eHually strong+ his is called7Isotropic3 radiation+ It corresponds to a pure optical 7point source3 emitter but has no 7real$orld3 eHui-alent+

    arious techniHues are used by radio engineers to gather and focus normal antenna radiantenergy into a single direction called a beam5 %i-en a fi'ed measure or a-erage total a-ailablepo$er4 the greater the concentration of po$er the thinner the cross.section of the beamaperture must be+ With dish reflectors the intensity of this 7collimated3 or 7concentrated .pencil beam3 is directly related to its effecti-e range magnification5

    he physics of this4 means that to Huadruple the intensity at one point4 its surface area must beHuartered the diameter hal-ed and thus radio energy $or"s at t$ice the distance+ he smallerthe angular 5eamwidt$ the more intense the point of the beam is+ *o$ much concentrationmay be obtained4 depends on the ratio of the dish diameter to the $a-elength of the radio $a-e+

    At the $a-elength of a 2+%*; W&AN 12cm4 a 2+ #etre ft dish $ill ha-e a beam$idth ofQust a fe$ degrees but $ithin the beam offer at ?FdBi some 000 times po$er gain++

    -i*%B Antenna #eams

    Cor broadcasting in all directions4 an omnidirectional antenna achie-es its all round co-erage byflattening out the radiated po$er intensity li"e a flat dis" rather than a pencil5+

    All seriously made antenna $ill ha-e a polar diagram $hich maps the antennas gain responseon a ?F0 degree s$eep+ /nless other$ise stated all antenna can be assumed to ha-e the samegain in both transmit and recei-e modes+

  • 8/12/2019 Lets Set Up a Community Wlan



    -i*% D

    -i*s% E D .olar .lots 'or :1d#i Hori,ontally .olarised Omni;

    he abo-e t$o 7polar3 plots Cigs+ F 8 E display the same measured gain and a;imuth data butare represented differently+ Cig+ F corresponds to the shape of the ser-ice area 7footprint3 on aperfectly flat terrain by $hate-er method the 7fringe3 is defined but is on a logarithmic polarscale++

    he four parameters of most interest regarding an antenna are its operatin* 'reuen(y?


  • 8/12/2019 Lets Set Up a Community Wlan


    5andwidt$? polarisation? 5eamwidt$ and *ain+ 3olarisationdescribes the orientation of thecomponent electrical field and may be hori;ontal preferred4 -ertical or circular right or circularleft+ eamwidthis the sector angle o-er $hich the po$er falls to the half.po$er points ?dBdefining the 7edge of the beam3+ =ainin dB is the 7relati-e po$er magnification3 on a geometricdecibel scale+ he use of dBi is $ith an 7isotropic antenna3 as a reference5 ule o' t$um5: .6ach FdB Huadrupling of po$er change at a distance corresponds in 7free space3 to aneffecti-e doubling or hal-ing of that distance++ ++ When using dish antenna doubling dishdiameter$ doubles range @n -ery long paths 7atmospheric attenuation3 comes into play so that0+2dB of loss per "ilometre of 7hea-y rain3 can Huic"ly curtail the hard $on ad-antages in po$er4lo$ loss feeder 8 antennas5+ =0 "ilometers of solid rain can reduce range by 10dB4 di-idingeffecti-e po$er 6I!P by 10 and range by ?+

    I hope that my practice of al$ays Huoting the 7free space range magnification3 of a W&AN de-icee+g+ ' 1F rather than Qust 72dBi3 ma"es things easier for non.radio engineers+

    -i*% " Hyperain H291BU

    *igh Performance 1= dBi @mnidirectional Antenna+ 7features an impressive *> di gain for long-range multipoint applications in the < =6? %9, band features a lightweight fibreglassradome for durability and aesthetics %t@s mounting system features two heavy duty eAtrudedaluminium brac.ets and stainless steel B-olts for superior strength in all-weather conditionshttp://www.h!perlinktech.com

    A top of the range 1=dBi @mnidirectional antenna li"e the *ypergain sho$n is Cig+ E is suitablefor a short range community $ireless hub4 has a po$er gain of about 0 times for a rangeincrease of about ' =+ At /S L190 it is relati-ely lo$ cost and has a lo$ potential -isual impact$ith regard mounting in sensiti-e areas such as off a church steeple5++ As a -erticallypolarised antenna4 it $ill not deli-er the best results o-er -ery long DR or obstructed anddiffracted paths unless a pair are used mounted $ori,ontally at 90 degrees as a flat 7-ee3+Cor ultimate performance my more e'pensi-e hori;ontal omnidirectional solutions $ill al$ayshold s$ay5++ http://www.wlan.org.uk/hot#2"spot#2"16#2"page.htm

    he distant user or 7client3 $ho is licenced4 $ould typically ha-e an outdoor parabolic dishantenna of F0cms 2ft dia+ 1?

    13At 2+%*; $ith a dish of this si;e the po$er in the single focussed beam is intensified byappro'imately 2=F times gi-ing an appro'imately ' 1F range increase in range 55++ (ombined$ith the ' = 7magnification3 at the 7ser-er3 a total impro-ement Qust $ith high performanceantennas of ' 90 range $hich $ill e'tend the normal e'treme operating radius of I666 02+11


  • 8/12/2019 Lets Set Up a Community Wlan



    All "no$n Access points $ill pro-ide a basic 7local neighbourhood hub3 to $hich at least one7gate$ay3 may be attached+ he maQority WI&& N@ accomplish a 7full $ireless bridging3

    connection betweenother stand.alone Access Points $hilst maintaining a local $ireless net$or"+1 Cull bridging3 of 7free standing3 APs is necessary to enable e'tending the net$or" as and$here reHuired from any$here in its e'isting ser-ice area by casually 7tac"ing.on3 only additionalfree standing 7APs3 rather than ha-ing to add full.time routing and bridging computers+

    I am reluctant to recommend the li"es of multinationals such as

  • 8/12/2019 Lets Set Up a Community Wlan


    User /uipment

    What you need:

    he basic usereHuipment reHuired for connecting to the 7$ireless hub3 AP is a micro$a-eradio modem 7W&AN ranscei-er3 called a Wireless or Net$or" Interface Adapter NIA and an

    antenna if located more than say 1,m -isual line.of.site from the nearest Access Pointassuming the AP has a good outdoor antenna+

    Whereas the choice of Access Points for later net$or" building is important and restricted toperhaps a fe$4 all the basic user NIA products seem to $or" fairly $ell4 though some card typescan ne-er seem to $or" $ith certain P( #otherboard ypes and configurations++

    -i*% 8 =3Lin) Wireless LAN rans(eier

    6'perience $ith /ser P(s suggests /SB au'iliaries are the easiest to fit4 install and 7hot3 s$ap+It is much the case also $ith 7W&AN ranscei-ers3 $here the /SB -ersion ha-e pro-en to be theeasiest to install on a number of different domestic and portable P(s+ /SB cannot be used $ith

    a lead length longer than = metres so e'tension cables are used $hich ha-e self.po$ered built.incable repeaters+ It is possible to source these moulded into a single length+ Whate-er lengththey are4 the reHuired /SB cables $ill be cheaper than the se-erely lossy eHui-alent lengths ofco.a'ial cable+

    As computer processor speed creeps up$ards abo-e 2%*;4 there are (ompellin* /+Cte($ni(al reasonsfor "eeping 7$ireless de-ices3 as far from the computer as possibleUWireless &AN ranscei-ers Wireless Interface Adapter . WIA such as a =3Lin) =WL3120Cig+9sho$n $ith dipole antenna -ertically polarised connect t$o computers up to ?00 metres $ithout$ires 5 his product apparently no$ has a redesigned case+

    !ange e'tending antenna are legal to sell or self.build since these $or" on the amateur 1?cm

    band4 e+g+ using an old satellite parabolic dish and a fe$ pounds $orth of metal and othermaterials but are generally illegal for non.licenced use+


  • 8/12/2019 Lets Set Up a Community Wlan


    Weat$er .roo'in*

    In Cig+ 10 is sho$n the concept Pat+ App+ for of the 7!ed Bloc"3 W&AN ranscei-er $here the/SB adapter is fitted into a $eatherproof outdoor mounting on a plane reflector a 2=0mm dia+metal plate 1mm a$ay his can be used as a stand alone rooftop 7W&AN ranscei-er3 $ithabout 10dBi %ain ' ? range or for long.range mounted on a standard satellite dish the reHuired

    si;e ' ?0 range for a 1+2 #etre J ft ?0dBi dish+

    -i*% 10 S($emati( o' US# :ed #lo(); W

  • 8/12/2019 Lets Set Up a Community Wlan


    the acti-e element dipole+ Note that as sho$n4 the assembly is for -ertical polarisation5

    A small dry sponge foam arch cut li"e an 7Arc de riomphe3 2mm high can be used formounting the director o-er the acti-e element+ I ha-e stuc" these $ith super.glue4 hot glue andstic"y.pads++

    o ma"e the set up totally $eatherproof4 once e-erything $or"s $ell4 the ca-ity edges should beentirely 7sealed for life3 $ith polyurethane foam+ A more professional and e'perimental solutionis to use a $eather proof4 radio transparent plastic housing but unless micro$a-e."itchen.$aree-en a budget gas"et sealed polycarbonate bo' and good multi$ay connectors $ill cost manytimes more than the $ireless net$or" adapter itself5

    All dish pole and $all mounts allo$ do$n$ard adQustment to ;ero ele-ation hori;on as this islogically the lo$est possible setting+ he fi'ing trunnion fitted to the rear of the 7!ed Bloc"3 suitsthe arrangement of all satellite dishes today $hich ha-e a standard 1+= inch diameter circularfi'ing collar holding the regular 11%*; &o$ Noise Bloc" &NB+ @/! 2+%*; MW&ANranscei-er !ed Bloc"M are designed to replace the standard &NB5 *a-ing a different centrethe point of focus a fe$ cm off a'is $ill account for a -ery marginal loss of performance say 0+= dB but enable the beam to depress more do$n$ards to$ards the hori;ontal+

    he red bloc" li"e all dish feeds can be used as a 7stand.alone3 12dBi gain antenna+++ ' range e'tension or used $ith a -ariety of standard si;ed satellite dishes 1=+

    With a portable computer and using eHuipment no more sophisticated than a D.&in" DW&.120mounted li"e this on a 2ft F0cms satellite dish4 !adio Amateur &icenced @perator %0P hasconnected 2,m appro'+ 1=#iles line of sight to the Bath /ni-ersity W&AN+

    he ordinary user may do li"e$ise $ith a DW&.120 mounted on a rooftop dish $ith a chain of =metre long /SB repeater cables going do$n to hisJher computers /SB port+ 1F

    A local W&AN clubJ small business entrepreneur can assemble4 distribute and install eHuipmentof the abo-e sort in order to raise funds5+

    User Hot Spot

    15 CD !atio 0+E2 @n inspection !ichard Banbury reports great -ariation bet$een different socalled standard dishes calling for designed feed gains of bet$een ) 1dBi+

    Cree standing M!ed Bloc"M 10dB range '?With 1 inch Dish 20 dB range '10With ft dish ?0dB range '?0

    16he BI% ID6A of the M!ed Bloc"M is that by not physically and electrically connecting an7e'ternal antenna3 such as by connecting a 7pig.tail3 or soc"et to compromise the (6 #ar"integrity long range is achie-ed entirely without internal modification or electrical connectionand therefore stands outside con-entional notional limitations on electrically attaching illegal highgain antenna+5+Also as a self.assembly hobby item it is specifically e'empt from normal 6/commercial product type appro-al regulations+ In the M!ed Bloc"M N@ physical antennaconnection is made to an NIA 5impro-ement is entirely serendipitous li"e mo-ing around in alocation in order to get a good signal on your cellphone+ phasing effects cause o-er 20dB J 100times4 -ariation in signal as you mo-e around in a multipath en-ironment


  • 8/12/2019 Lets Set Up a Community Wlan


    -i*% 11 A ypi(al HO Spot 6#at$ WLAN 20027

    Cigure 11 sho$s a typical rural setting for an omnidirectional mast at a distance of F00 metresfrom the pub beer garden sho$n in the foreground+ he distant mast has a 1+2 #etre footdiameter dish and horn feed belo$ the tree line pointing a$ay from here4 gi-ing long rangeinterlin"ing to another node at the (ity of Bath some 1,m distance5 See footnote 1E

    his set up enables use of laptop computers and hand.held PDAs around the -icinity forming alocal 7*@ Spot3 of $ireless connecti-ity of at least F00 metres radius+

    If necessary the Intel 2011B but not 2011 can regulate the transmitted po$er to $ithin the limitsof icence &Aempt 8ompliant Bse+ See footnote1

    hese access points pro-ides Intels o$n 7W&AP3 protocol for 7plug in and go3 self organisingnet$or" interconnecti-ity bet$een a string and $eb li"e meshing of local nodes+

    Settin* up a ateway

    /sers of the basic community W&AN hubs proposed here can -ideophone4 net phone4 s$ap filesand play net$or" games at hitherto incredible speeds but at present4 connection to the internetissee as a priority reHuirement+

    (onnections to the internet al$ays cost money today4 ho$e-er the cost ad-antage of 7collecti-ebul" buying3 is e'ceptionally good $ith internet band$idth4 such that a basic ADS& ser-iceband$idth eHui-alent to the basic domestic ser-ice on offer today from B for G28%88 permont$ can be pro-ided for F00 collecti-ely united (omm /nity users the same band$idth for

    17$o antenna connect to the

  • 8/12/2019 Lets Set Up a Community Wlan


    appro'+ %B 80 pen(e per mont$18+

    Cor startup4 most 7Sysops3 amateur system operators $ill start $ith the cheapest single.userF0:1 contended TDS& connection $hich they then share through a W&AN gate$ay+ Whilstperfectly acceptable for setting up and testing the eHuipment and long range operation throughmultiple nodes4 from the point of -ie$ of a 7single.user ser-ice tariff3 this is not at all agreeableto the supplier and can lead to sanctions+ 20

    When mo-ing on to multiuser ser-ice4 7bul" buying3 and distributing internet access incommercial -olume4 these petty single.user limitations disappear but raises another problem$hich is that under the present /, go-ernment regulatory regime See footnote 21 it isnot possible for a SIN%&6 organi;ation to set up an I666 02+11 Wi.Ci net$or" AN=supply 7bul" purchased3 internet connections $i thout a elecommunications@perators &icence ,b is about right for a single'**b G**,bG channel) /his % thin. is * times faster than >F and (assumeduncontended ;:*) which is where % get the ; number from 64/

    2"See: 8able companies crac.ing down of Wi-+i:http://news.com.com/21""&1"33&42323.html'tag(f%_le%e


    ).a*out nee%ing a +,- licence 4"0 & an!one can now %o this un%er the general authorisation an% %oesnot nee% to notif! -+/ or whoeer *ut there are some things reuire% *! the 9+ suchas a co%e of practice an% a %ispute resolution serice. +he -+ site has a lot more information on it.+here is also some gui%ance at:&http://www.seeonline.net/*roa%*an%/,ommunit!;elf

  • 8/12/2019 Lets Set Up a Community Wlan


    need to be set up based on using a stable 38$ith a high speed Internet connection4 some$herein range of the community net$or"+

    +S Windows4

    Cor beginners and non.enthusiasts4 there are o-er$helming ad-antages in setting up P(s $iththe 7plug.in.and.play3 automatic dri-er and system configuration and a-ailability of standardWindo$s Dri-ers+ he stability of #S Windo$s 9=4 9 earlier precluded it from small ser-erapplications+ he impro-ed reliability of #S Windo$s since the introduction of N 2000.ro'essionalenables a des"top or laptop Windo$s P( to no$ be used as a practical @S for afirst internet gate$ay or bac"up gate$ay ser-ice5

    he Windo$s P( *ost has to be setup to connect to the Internet using a standard broadbandcable4 dial.up or satellite ser-ice+

    he W&AN NIA and then the %ate$ay Soft$are are then set up in this order+

    A Windo$s Internet %ate$ay Shopping &ist:

    1+ A good Huality branded des"top P( computer+ !eliable and Huiet5 A 7Proper Ser-er3 e-en

    better+ Dell do some cheap 7S@*@3 des"top ser-er P(s from %BP

  • 8/12/2019 Lets Set Up a Community Wlan


    he more internet users4 the cheaper the band$idth+ (ompeting $ith the li"es of nationaltelecos should not be difficult: . a 90> discount %BP

  • 8/12/2019 Lets Set Up a Community Wlan


    pounds each++ /nfortunately despi te being bri ll iant ly farsighted net$or"ers andprogrammers they $ere too naY-e to be properly constituted and t$eir a((ountanta fe$ years later sold 7the business3 himself for %BP G@0?000?000 +

    (ontact other local connectable groups for any possible reciprocal peering agreements+

    !un the micro$a-e propagation program http://wlan.org.uk/%ownloa%s/g4Ent&at.FipIs it feasible to connect to any distant community net$or"s or nodesZWhere are good sites to put up a first (ommunity W&AN *ubZ(an enough of the e'isting members all 7see3 the proposed mastZ

    %et site permission+

    !aise funds %rants slo$est++ Ad-anced Subscriptions 2? Huic"est+

    SA!/P N@6S . (*6(,.&IShttp://www.wlan.org.uk/wg_sp_1.htm!S%B #odel (lub (onstitutionhttp://www.wlan.org.uk/wg_rules_1.htmInaugural !esolution documenthttp://www.wlan.org.uk/wg_resole_1.htmPosters templatehttp://www.wlan.org.uk/wg_po_1.htmSA! /P P!6SS !6&6AS6e+g+ http://www.wlan.org.uk/wg_pr_1.htm#embership certificatese+g+ http://www.wlan.org.uk/wg_memcert_1.htmSite @$ners Agreemente+g+ http://www.wlan.org.uk/wg_site_ag_1.htm&A/N(* DA6 P!6SS !6&6AS6e+g+ http://www.wlan.org.uk/wg_pr_2.htm

    23 %f ; members agree to put up a single year@s basic commercial broadband fee(DH; A ;)$ they can at a stro.e buy and permanently own their own localbroadband telecom system and get a * fold performance (>,bsec %nternet "ccesscontended ;:*) and stil l have money in the .itty for eApansion


  • 8/12/2019 Lets Set Up a Community Wlan


  • 8/12/2019 Lets Set Up a Community Wlan

