let witco-made products help make your product better

let HELP MAK PRODUCT BET Wteo's long line of basic materials for the ehemical industry can be more valuable than ever, now that short- ages are prevalent. Why not look over this wide varietv of Witco products? There's a good chance that—like other manufactur- ers— you will find some of Witco's available materials can replace hard- lo-pet items in your formulation. And belter still—your product might he improved because of the change. Put Witco's technical service to work for you. Write or call u> today. ι*- I t r Î «fcîSi* t ~^Cl| Ί "Cr \ * > *Ηί-3£ ^ ^ ** jV ^3*£N^ il' Los Angeles · Boston · Chicago · Houston · Cleveland San Francisco · Akron · London and Manchester, England Investigate these Wiico-EScde products Aluminum Octoate Asphalt Asphalt Specialties Automobile Undercoatings Rust Preventives Sound Deadeners Vibration Dampeners Carbon Blacks Copper Oleate Copper Naphthenate Driers Naphthenic Acid Driers Lead · Cobalï » Calcium Manganese · Iron · Zinc Octoic Acid Driers Lead · Cobalt · Calcium Manganese · Zinc Witall Driers (Tall Oil) Lead · Cobalt · Manganese Lead Resinate Lead Oleate Manganese Oleate Metallic Stéarates Aluminum Barium r- ι · v^uumiui ii Calcium Lead Lithium Magnesium Strontium Zinc M. R. (Hard Hydrocarbon) Monty Wax Rubber Compounding Ingredients Sunolite (Anti-Sunchecking Wax) Vinyl Stabilizers Witcarbs Witcotes **•* ^ * ;>*??-<; bf^M $£?rJISs^^ WM Mill If if 3 ! 3 ! iilft^ llf Hfiiif^fc HELP MAKE YOUR PRODUCT BETTER WITCO CHEMICAL COMPANY 2^5IAadison Avenue, New York 17, N.Y.

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Post on 12-Feb-2017




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Wteo ' s long line of basic materials for t he ehemical industry can be more valuable than ever, now that short­ages are prevalent.

Why not look over this wide varietv of Wi tco products? There 's a good chance that—like other manufactur­ers— you will find some of Witco's available materials can replace hard-lo-pet items in your formulation. And belter still—your product might he improved because of the change.

Put Witco 's technical service to work for you . Write or call u> today.

ι*- Itr Î «fcîSi* t ~^Cl| Ί "Cr \ * > *Ηί-3£ ^ ^ ** j V

^3*£N^ il'

Los Angeles · Boston · Chicago · Houston · Cleveland San Francisco · Akron · London and Manchester, England iû

Investigate these Wiico-EScde products

Aluminum Octoate Asphalt Asphalt Specialties

Automobile Undercoatings Rust Preventives Sound Deadeners Vibration Dampeners

Carbon Blacks Copper Oleate Copper Naphthenate Driers

Naphthenic Acid Driers Lead · Cobalï » Calcium Manganese · Iron · Zinc

Octoic Acid Driers Lead · Cobalt · Calcium Manganese · Zinc

Wital l Driers (Tall Oil) Lead · Cobalt · Manganese

Lead Resinate Lead Oleate Manganese Oleate Metallic Stéarates

Aluminum Barium r- ι · v^uumiu i i i Calcium Lead Lithium Magnesium Strontium Zinc

M. R. (Hard Hydrocarbon) Monty W a x Rubber Compounding Ingredients Sunolite (Anti-Sunchecking W a x ) Vinyl Stabilizers Witcarbs Witcotes

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WITCO CHEMICAL COMPANY 2^5IAadison Avenue, New York 17, N.Y.