lesson plan folk tale

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  • 8/8/2019 Lesson Plan Folk tale



     A. Students and Setting:

    Students: Male and female students in their early teens, mostly Spanish and a few Romanian. 2nd year

    Middle School. Most of them have studied English since childhood, though with different outcomes. Most

    of them are Pre-ntermediate. ! heterogeneous group in terms of learning styles and capacities. Some ofthem seem not to "e interested in English. Some have not ac#uired any English so far. $hese students

    with little or no interest feel the same a"out all the su"%ects. $hey all get along as they have "een

    classmates for as long as they can remem"er. &esides, they are neigh"ours and friends outside school.

    Setting: Pu"lic school, located in a middle-si'ed town in the north of Spain. $here are 2( students of

    them. )lass meets * times a wee+, -minute-long lesson each. e are meeting on a $hursday and will

    not meet until Monday. $he language la" is only availa"le once a wee+, which means having class in an

    old-fashioned classroom the rest of the wee+. $he teacher would ta+e a )/ player in for every lesson.

    $oday, we will "e in an ordinary classroom with no sound system or computer. Students sit in pairs, facing

    their "ac+s in three "loc+s. $he least interested students would sit at the "ac+. $he classroom has

    different posters with classroom language on the walls for the teacher to sign so as to prevent studentsfrom spea+ing Spanish.

    B. Lesson Background:

    $he lesson is part of the module on the e0pression of past actions and memories from childhood.

    Students have "een presented with past simple ver" to "e, regular and irregular ver"s. e have also

    included ad%ectives related to feelings. $his lesson is meant to e0pand on the e0pression of the past "y

    including 1$here was, there were. e have seen this structure throughout previous lessons, "ut not in a

    detailed fashion.

     !fter this lesson, students will write a tale "ased on this one as the writing practice from this module. e

    have "een tal+ing a"out our childhood memories, our favourite childhood toy 3which they will "ring in toclass4. !s an e0tension activity, we will also deal with their own favourite childhood tale.

    C. Learning Objectives/Expected Results:

    Students are e0pected to master the use of There + was/ were in the affirmative and negative while

    descri"ing past events. $hey will "e a"le to understand the general conte0t in a past tense narration.

    $hey will also "e a"le to compose a fairy tale with some guidance.

    . !aterials and Sources:.

    Materials: e will use the Ethiopian fol+ story called 1$he &ird and $he Elephant from the curriculume0tra section in our course "oo+.

    will need to prepare some images on the characters of the fol+ story. will print out colour pictures

    "eforehand 3an elephant, a "ird, a "ird hunter4

    will give them a characters grid to complete the plot.

    will play some "ac+ground music.


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  • 8/8/2019 Lesson Plan Folk tale


    The Bird and the elephant  /67E7, Sheila. 325*4 English Plus 2. Oxford. p52.

    Spirit Animal Totems. Retrieved from: http:88spirit-animals.com8wp-content8uploads8252898Elephant2.%pg

    Naia. !om. Retrieved from: http:88www.ynai%a.com8wp-content8uploads825*88&ird.%pg

    !an Stoc" #hoto $ csp %&'()*%. ,etrie-ed from: http:88comps.canstoc+photo.com8can-stoc+-



    hat did you have for dinner 

    last night> as it tasty>/id you watch $? while

    having dinner>

    as there anything

    interesting on $?> as it


    6ood morning teacher,

    @es, didA 7o, didnBt.

    had some fish, an egg, etc.

    @es, it wasA 7o, it wasnBt.@es, didA 7o, didnBt.

    @es, there wasA 7o, there wasnBt.

    $here was a movie, a series, a

    contest, etc.


    /id you watch $? "efore

    going to "ed when you were


    /id your parents read talesto you at "edtime>

    /id you li+e them>

    hat was your favourite


    write the following

    sentences on the oard.

    as there a monster in it>

    $here was a monster or

    there were some monsters.

    as there a princess in it>

    ere there any animals>

    will listen to all of their


    @es, didA 7o, didnBt

    @es, they didA 7o, they didnBt.

    @es, didA 7o, didnBt.

    CREE !7SER

    @es, there was. 7o, there wasnBt.

    CREE !7SER



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  • 8/8/2019 Lesson Plan Folk tale


    So let us read a"out a fol+

    tale today.

    show them the pictures of

    the elephant0 ird and

    hunter.$hese are the characters

    from the story we are now

    going to read.

    am going to as+ you to get

    in groups of ( or * people as

    say your names.

    get them in &s or )s mixing

    a reticent student with a

    dominant student and one or 

    two a-erage ones. There

    will e 1 groups.

    7ow that you are sitting, get

    a name for your team.

    write their names on the


    Each of you will have someresponsi"ility.

    Dne will "e The 2ictionar3

    Bo3/ 4irl and loo+ up

    unfamiliar voca"ulary.

     !nother one will ta+e care of

    time. $hatBs the Time Bo3/


     !nother one or two people

    will "e the Scrie Bo3/ 4irl ,

    and so, will complete the

    chart Bm going to give you.

    7ow, open your course "oo+

    on page 52.

    will now give you this

    Students sit on different des+s so

    that they gather with their team


    CREE !7SER: $he =ions, the

    )ool $eens, etc.

    Students assign a role to each.

    Students read the te0t.



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  • 8/8/2019 Lesson Plan Folk tale


    character chart for you to

    complete with your team

    mem"ers. Collow the

    instructions, please.

    @ou only have 52m. =etBs

    see which team finishes first.

    pla3 ad-enture music in the


    gi-e one dictionar3 for each


    The3 can as" theirclassmates or me for

    clarification. monitor and

    encourage students.

    $ime is up 7ow, want you

    to close your "oo+s and put

    them away. Feep the chart

    as a guideline.

    Students close their "oo+s and put

    them away.


    Bm going to as+ you some

    #uestions from our story.

    The Time Bo3/ 4irl  will now

    "e the Spea"er Bo3/ 4irl  and

    only he8 she can answer the

    #uestion out loud. /iscuss

    the answer to each #uestion

    with your team.

    @ou will get 2 points for each

    right answer.

    Spea+ing Spanish will

    deduce 5 point.

    as" 5uestions % $ ) from

    the 6uestion Sheet. gi-e

    them %* seconds to answer


    Students discuss in English and the

    Spea+er says the answer out loud

    while using the pictures to guide his




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  • 8/8/2019 Lesson Plan Folk tale


    7ow, e0tra points to the

    "est moral or lesson we

    have learnt. 6et a moral for

    this story. Cor e0ample:

    Birds and elephants can

    ecome good friends.

    Students wor+ with their teams to

    find a motto.


    7ow, as homewor+ for ne0t

    Monday, imagine that you

    are the "ird. Retell the story

    as if you were the narrator.

    Students write down their



    %. Re&lection ' (eek ):/escri"e how this lesson demonstrates the use of realia and8or authentic materials and pair or group

    wor+. E0plain how this lesson is appropriate to the age8grade level of student you are targeting.

    $his lesson is meant to put together all the previous lessons on the e0pression of the past.

    Realia, first of all, in the form of a fol+ tale ma+es the students interested in learning a"out a

    story with a "eginning, "ody and conclusion. &esides, instead of paying attention to separate

    sentences without any conte0t meaning, students here understand the use of the past tense in a

    meaningful framewor+. have also used some printed out photos that have "een used to introduce the characters, as

    well as a guide for students to develop their answers to the comprehension #uestions.

     !s for the "ac+ground music, although it was not the type of music they would listen, they li+ed

    the softness of the singerBs voice.

    Regarding pair or group wor+, secondly, students have wor+ed in a cooperative and

    colla"orative fashion. $he most reticent students have felt first reluctant to participate in this

    pro%ect, and more importantly, to sit outside their comfort 'one with their friends. &oth most

    capa"le and least capa"le students have wor+ed to get a common goal and have had some fun

    in the meantime.

    Each student has had a function within the group, and the time person has ta+en over during

    the #uestion time as he8 she was the only one allowed to tal+.

    $his lesson has "een appropriate for my studentsB age "ecause, although starting to "ecome

    adults, they still feel a real closeness to animals, especially friendly animals. &esides, the moral

    matches the sort of ethics we, all teachers, want them to ac#uire.

     !s for the level, they have chosen their role inside their group in terms of their a"ilities, so


  • 8/8/2019 Lesson Plan Folk tale


    every"ody has felt comforta"le in their positions.



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  • 8/8/2019 Lesson Plan Folk tale









    Page H

    Characters The (ird The e)ephant The man

    ;ow were they> Oser-ant 7as 8pset N/A

    hat was the


    7as lost 

    ;ow did they solve

    the pro"lem>

    4uided the

    elephant to its


    9ollowed the ird to

    its famil3.Characters The (ird The e)ephant The man;ow were they>

    hat was the


    ;ow did they solve

    the pro"lem>

  • 8/8/2019 Lesson Plan Folk tale



    5. hy was the elephant upset>2. ;ow did the "ird +now where the other elephants were>(. hen did they meet again>*. ;ow did the elephant recogni'e the "ird>

    . Cind a moral or lesson you have learnt from this story. Something li+e: A real friend is

    li"e a treasure.


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