lessom plan 7 klein natalia

TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE Alumno Residente: Klein, Natalia Soledad Período de la Práctica: Nivel Secundario. Institución Educativa: Cem 24 Dirección: Calle Cerezos s/n, Colonia J. Echarren. Río Colorado, Río Negro. Año: 1ro. Cantidad de alumnos: 20 Nivel linguistico del curso: Elemental/básico. Tipo de Planificación: Clase. Unidad Temática: Muebles y Preposiciones. Clase N°: 7 Fecha: 26/06/15. Hora: 8.10 a 8.50. Duración de la clase: 40 minutos. Fecha de primer entrega: 19/06/15 Teaching Points Revision of the structure “there is/there are” (positive-negative-interrogative) The introduction of vocabulary related to places furniture. The introduction of the prepositions of place. Learning Aims During the lesson, learners will be able to:

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Alumno Residente: Klein, Natalia SoledadPeríodo de la Práctica: Nivel Secundario.Institución Educativa: Cem 24Dirección: Calle Cerezos s/n, Colonia J. Echarren. Río Colorado, Río Negro.Año: 1ro.Cantidad de alumnos: 20Nivel linguistico del curso: Elemental/básico. Tipo de Planificación: Clase. Unidad Temática: Muebles y Preposiciones.Clase N°: 7Fecha: 26/06/15.Hora: 8.10 a 8.50.Duración de la clase: 40 minutos.Fecha de primer entrega: 19/06/15

Teaching Points

Revision of the structure “there is/there are” (positive-negative-interrogative)

The introduction of vocabulary related to places furniture. The introduction of the prepositions of place.

Learning Aims

During the lesson, learners will be able to:

Develop their reading skills by working on a description of a bedroom. Develop their listening skills by reading the sentences aloud. Develop their speaking skills by answering about furniture in their


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Language Focus


REV Answering questions about the furniture in their houses.

There is/ there are.(positive-negative-interrogative)

There is a door.There isn´t a door.

There are doors.There aren´t doors.

Are there doors?Yes, there are/No, there aren´t.

Is there any door?Yes, there is/ NO, there isn´t.

Difference between the pronunciation between “there are”/ there aren´t”- “there is/ there isn´t”.

NEW Answering about the position of the furniture.

Furniture: door, chair, window, wardrobe, lamp, bed.

Prepositions: under, in, on, in front of, next to.

The lamp is next to the bed.

There are lamps next to the bed.

The difference in the pronunciation of the vowels paying special attention to the words: chair/bed, window/wardrobe.In front of/ next to.

Teaching Approach: CLT

Integration of Skills: the reading and speaking skills are integrated through the descriptions of the furniture and the description of a bedroom, using the new structure orally. Also, the students practice

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their speaking skills while they are reading the sentences or the description.

Pedagogical use of ICT in class: the use of the web for the following class. Materials: worksheets with exercises for each student, board, marker and flashcards related to the topic.

Seating arrangement: The students will sit in pairs and semi-circle. The semi—circle seating will encourage communication.

Cooperative work: working in pairs may help the students better interact and communicate with one each other in order to exchange ideas and opinions.

Possible problems and possible solutions: the most important problem could be timing but there are only 2 activities in order to make the students finish them.

Assessment: The assessment will be focused on observation in order to gather information about the development of language skills. Also, the students will correct themselves through the reading of the sentences making a self-Correction.

Routine (2 minute)

T: Hello Students! You are welcome to our class. How are you?

Ss: Fine! And you?

T: Right! I´m fine, too! Please, let´s sit in a semi-circle.

Ss: Ok!

T: Well, let´s start the class!

Transition: let´s start with some flashcards….

Presentation (15 minutes)

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T: My friends have beautiful furniture! I will stick some flashcards with pictures of them! Let´s see the following flashcards.

This is a white window

This is a black bed

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This is brown desk

This is a blue chair

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This is a grey lamp

This is brown and black wardrobe

T: ok! I´m very curious! Are there windows in your homes?

Ss: Yes, there are.

T: Is there any desk in your bedrooms?

Ss: yes, there is!

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T: Right! (I will choose two students) Please, can you ask her about their wardrobes in her bathroom?

Ss: Yes. Are there wardrobes in your bathroom?

Ss: No, there aren´t.

T: Correct! Who else wants to ask?

Ss: (two students offer themselves) Is there any bed in your kitchen?

Ss: NO, there isn´t.

T: Very good!!!! The last pair! Who wants to start asking?

Ss: (one of the students offers himself to ask) Are there chairs in your living room?

Ss: (one of the students offers herself to answer) Yes, there are.

T: Well done!! Please, continuing sitting in a semi-circle.

Ss: Ok!

Transition! Let´s see the position of the furniture!

Pre- Reading activity (10 minutes)

Activity 1

T: I have lots of friends and they gave me some photos of their bedrooms. I will stick 6 flashcards with photos of the furniture of my friend´s bedrooms. Pay special attention to the descriptions below each photo because it indicates the position of them! The words which indicate the position of the object are in red and they are called Prepositions of Place.

Let´s look and please read the sentences aloud!

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T: Well, are there any of these furniture in our classroom?

Ss. Yes!

T: Can you name them?

Ss: The chair, window, desk.

T: What else?

Ss: Lamp!

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T: Right!!! Where is that chair? (I will stand next to a chair I will point to the chair while I am asking)

Ss: The chair is under the desk.

T: Perfect! And, Where is the window? (Standing and pointing to the window)

Ss: The window is next to the door.

T: Well done! (I will put some books on the chair) And, where are the books? (Pointing to the books)

Ss: They are on the chair.

T: Good!!!

Transition: I will show you my bedroom!

While-Reading Activity (12 minutes)

Activity 2

T: Please, sit in pairs! Let´s read the description of my bedroom! I have a huge and nice bedroom. I will give you a worksheet with a photo and a description of my bedroom. You will notice that there are two prepositions in the same sentence. Both options are in red. While you are reading, you will have to choose the correct preposition looking at the picture. When you finish, you will read the answers aloud.

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This is my bedroom. It is red and white. There is a big window. My bed is in front of/next to the wardrobe. There is a desk in/between the wardrobe, and there is a chair in front of/under the desk. There is a lamp on/in another desk and it is next to/in front of the bed.

T: Well, let´s check the activity! Who wants to start reading?

Ss: Me! (One of the students offers himself and read the first sentence)

T: Correct! Who wants to read the second one?

Ss: Another student offers herself to read the following sentence aloud.

(The rest of the students continue doing the same procedure with the rest of the sentences).

Transition: let´s finish our class!

Closure (4 minutes)

T: Well students, we are finishing our class!

Please, bring some photos of furniture for next class. You could take them from magazines or explore on the web. Is it clear?

Ss: Yes!

T: Ok! See you next class! Enjoy your weekend! Bye!

Ss: Bye!