legasea prologue

The Matriarch Legasea: Prologue By fraulineTaube (originally posted on the Exchange) The secrets of the deeps . . . revealed. Who is Oceania Legasea?

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Page 1: Legasea Prologue

The Matriarch Legasea: PrologueBy fraulineTaube (originally posted on the Exchange)

The secrets of the deeps . . . revealed. Who is Oceania Legasea?

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People around the world have always told stories about mermaids and mysterious creatures of the deeps. From the Apsara of Indian folklore to the strange tales surrounding the Sirens and Tritons of the Greeks, people have been fascinated with the idea of human-like creatures living underwater.

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Most of these tales are pure fiction though: stories concocted by ancient poets or strange visions beheld by sailors who have been too long at sea. Most of these tales, I say, for there is a truth to them.

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At the bottom of the ocean, in the deepest trenches where no human has ever been, there is in truth a kingdom of merpeople. A vast kingdom, but a secret one - no merperson has ever before ventured far from home.

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That all changed however, when a young mermaid named Oceania Legasea went out swimming to collect coral. She left the borders of the kingdom and never came back. Oceania was soon to be married off to a suitor that her father had picked for her. He was kind enough, but she did not love him.

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Rather, Oceania loved only freedom and independence. As she swam further and further away from her home at the bottom of the ocean, she promised herself that she would never marry, and that she would raise all of her descendents to likewise be independent.

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Oceania swam a long way and then found herself approaching an archipelago. She made her way cautiously to the surface. Like all merpeople, she could breath air as well as water, but she did feel a little clumsy getting around on land.

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The sun was dazzlingly bright, but Oceania fell in love with what she saw. She had found three rocky islands, and upon further exploration, she realized that this was indeed Sirenum Scopuli, the home of the ancient Sirens.

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However, it seemed abandoned. "Hello? Is anyone around?" Oceania called to the shoreline, waving her arms. There was no answer.

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Oceania had been told tales in her youth about all of the mystical sea-creatures and even - wonder of all wonders - nautically-inclined humans that had inhabited these islands. She wondered if anyone still lived here, and if she would ever see a human.

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Before long, Oceania met and got to know some of the natives. Sirenum Scopuli was not nearly as abandoned as she had first imagined, although the mystical half-bird, half-woman Sirens had long ago left. Still, there were all manner of creatures here with whom Oceania could associate.

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Oceania gazed around her in a state of wonder. She resolved to live here and raise her descendents, creating the first above-sea colony of merpeople, but she still held fast to her promise never to marry.

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She immediately purchased an enormous beachside property on the largest of the three islands on which to make her multi-generational home.

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Oceania was so caught up in her grand plans, it was too late before she realized she now had no way to set herself up comfortably. She reluctantly parted with her pearl and coral jewelry, which she was able to trade for the barest collection of amenities, just enough to make life possible. Oceania wasn't worried about her poverty though. Rather, she was excited about the life that lay ahead of her. And so begins the Matriarchy of Legasea . . .

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This has been the prologue to The Matriarch Legasea, a joint legacy between thinmintsim and yours truly, fraulineTaube. Chapter one will be written by the talented thinmintsim, chapter two by me, and so on. If you'd like to ask questions, make new friends, or bring us cookies, please join us over at www.boolprop.com! A big thank-you goes to mitinkitten, creator of the Matriarch Legacy Challenge for the great idea. She also writes her own wonderful matriarchy - Miyazaki's Art. Hopefully you have enjoyed this little teaser chapter. Please check back soon on thinmintsim's page for the beginning of the Matriarch Legasea.

Happy swimming!