legacy and vision newsletter fall 2010

& I T WAS A HAPPENING! For Anne and me it was fun to see so many long-time colleagues, old pals and make new friends. Special thanks go to the entire staff who worked tirelessly to make everything run so smoothly. I have some great news to report, thanks to our friend of many, many years, Josie Abplanalp. Her late husband Bob was one of RN’s dearest and closest friends. The last photo taken of RN — only a few days before he passed — shows him smiling at Marie Abplanalp, a beautiful bride being led down the aisle by her proud dad. When Bob passed away, he wanted the Library to have a property he owned adjacent to our campus. And thanks to Josie that is now going to happen. We can’t thank Josie and the Abplanalp family enough for their continuing support, generosity and friendship. Our thanks, too, to Bill Griffin who was a friend and attorney to both Bob and RN for many years. This nearly one acre addition couldn’t come at a better time. There are so many possible ideas for the property’s best use in the future. Here’s some more good news: we’re going to create a new Nixon Alumni Association for all the men and women who worked for RN as Congressman, Senator, VP and President and who held positions in his many campaigns. There is more information inside about the Alumni Association’s purpose and plans, and about how to join. I hope that all who qualify will sign up! And, yes, we plan on publishing an Alumni Directory. LeacFALL 2010 Published for friends and supporters of The Richard Nixon Foundation V ISION R I C H A R D N I X O N F O U N D A T I O N Ronald H. Walker President, The Nixon Foundation ANNE AND I ARE ENTERING ANOTHER CHAPTER OF OUR LIVES AND OUR COMMITMENT TO PRESIDENT AND MRS. NIXON A HAPPY BIRTHDAY Indeed! PAYING RESPECTS TO AMERICA’S 37th PRESIDENT Navy Commander Everett Alvarez Jr., with young Sea Cadets at military attention, spoke fondly of RN at the wreath laying, calling him a man of superior intellect, vision, foresight, patience and courage. “During his 81 years, he changed America and he changed the world.” 2 R I C H A R D N I X O N L I B R A R Y & B I R T H P L A C E AnniversarCelebrating President Nixon’s Life & Legacy 1990 2010 When I signed on as President of the Richard Nixon Foundation, I set several major goals for the year ahead. The first was to honor the Nixon Administration’s remarkably underappreciated domestic record and achievements with a series of Nixon Legacy Forums featuring the men and women who made it happen. Thanks to C-SPAN the record is permanently documented. Second, was to invigorate the Foundation’s online presence. And the third was to strengthen our relationship with the National Archives. Now that the Nixon Library is part of the family of official presidential institutions, it is vitally important to have a productive working relationship between the Foundation and NARA. When I flunked retirement and signed up for a year as President of the Richard Nixon Foundation, September 2010 seemed like a distant date. But it’s true that time flies when you’re having fun, because suddenly, it’s here. Until the anniversary, Anne and I thought we were leaving and going back into retirement, but the Foundation board has asked me to serve as Chairman. So Anne and I are entering another chapter of our lives and another commitment to President and Mrs. Nixon. I’m proud to be chair and look forward to working with all of you in furthering, communicating and strengthening the legacy of America’s 37th President. Here in Yorba Linda we’re still basking in the glow of our recent 20th Anniversary celebrations. A nniversary guests came from all over the nation to gather in reunion in the name of the leader who brought them together as a candidate and office holder. That leader, America’s 37th President was beautifully represented by his daughter Tricia Nixon Cox who warmly greeted old family friends and thanked them for their service. All who attended the three days of festivities in Yorba Linda took home memorable snapshots of magical moments, including: Tricia laying a red, white and blue wreath at her parents memorials. Pianist to the Presidents Roger Williams, now 85 and feeling he is playing better than ever, telling his audience “Pat Nixon was a wonderful, elegant and charming First Lady and dearly loved.” A fascinating Nixon Legacy discussion on how Richard Nixon will be remembered by six senior officials from RN’s White House. Gavin and Ninetta Herbert graciously greeting guests as they arrived at their home, La Casa Pacifica. Ninetta took a nostalgic Tricia to see her old bedroom. Ron Walker and former RN special assistant Frank Gannon telling stories both serious and humorous on the bus to La Casa Pacifica. Special tours of the new National Archives building now housing some 44 million White House documents, with several guests finding papers from their work in the White House. RN’s younger brother Edward appearing at every event and playing host to Wyatt Earp star Hugh O’Brian and also to the family of President Herbert Hoover. Ben Stein receiving ovations for his Saturday night keynote address. C-SPAN was there, too, covering Ben Stein’s compelling RN tribute, and the Nixon Legacy Forum, How Will Richard Nixon be Remembered: The Legacy of the 37th President. The 20th Anniversary weekend was exciting indeed, and now the Foundation moves to planning the centennial of Pat Nixon in 2012 and the President in 2013. So stay tuned! A Weekend Full Of Memories

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Richard Nixon Foundation Newsletter


Page 1: Legacy and Vision Newsletter Fall 2010

&I T WAS A HAPPENING! For Anne and me it was fun to see so

many long-time colleagues, old pals and make new friends. Specialthanks go to the entire staff who worked tirelessly to make everything

run so smoothly.I have some great

news to report, thanksto our friend of many, many years,Josie Abplanalp. Her latehusband Bob was one of RN’sdearest and closest friends. Thelast photo taken of RN —only a few days before hepassed — shows himsmiling at MarieAbplanalp, a beautiful bride being led downthe aisle by her proud dad. When Bob passed

away, he wanted the Library to have a property he ownedadjacent to our campus. And thanks to Josie that is now going to happen.

We can’t thank Josie and the Abplanalp family enough for theircontinuing support, generosity and friendship. Our thanks, too, to BillGriffin who was a friend and attorney to both Bob and RN for many years.

This nearly one acre addition couldn’t come at a better time. There are somany possible ideas for the property’s best use in the future.

Here’s some more good news: we’re going to create a new NixonAlumni Association for all the men and women who worked for RN asCongressman, Senator, VP and President and who held positions in his manycampaigns. There is more information inside about the Alumni Association’spurpose and plans, and about how to join. I hope that all who qualify willsign up! And, yes, we plan on publishing an Alumni Directory.

Le�ac�FALL 2010

Published for friends and supporters of

The Richard Nixon Foundation


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Ronald H. Walker • President, The Nixon Foundation

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PAYING RESPECTS TO AMERICA’S 37th PRESIDENT Navy Commander Everett Alvarez Jr., withyoung Sea Cadets at military attention, spoke fondly of RN at the wreath laying, callinghim a man of superior intellect, vision, foresight, patience and courage. “During his 81years, he changed America and he changed the world.”


Anniversar�Celebrating President Nixon’s Life & Legacy

1990 � 2010

When I signed on as President of the Richard Nixon Foundation, I setseveral major goals for the year ahead. The first was to honor the NixonAdministration’s remarkably underappreciated domestic record andachievements with a series of Nixon Legacy Forums featuring the men andwomen who made it happen. Thanks to C-SPAN the record is permanentlydocumented.

Second, was to invigorate the Foundation’s online presence. And the third was to strengthen our relationship with the National

Archives. Now that the Nixon Library is part of the family of officialpresidential institutions, it is vitally important to have a productive workingrelationship between the Foundation and NARA.

When I flunked retirement and signed up for a year as President of theRichard Nixon Foundation, September 2010 seemed like a distant date. Butit’s true that time flies when you’re having fun, because suddenly, it’s here.

Until the anniversary, Anne and I thought we were leaving and goingback into retirement, but the Foundation board has asked me to serve asChairman. So Anne and I are entering another chapter of our lives andanother commitment to President and Mrs. Nixon.

I’m proud to be chair and look forward to working with all of you infurthering, communicating and strengthening the legacy of America’s 37thPresident. �

Here in Yorba Linda we’re still basking in the glow of our recent 20th Anniversary celebrations.

A nniversary guests came from all over the nation to gather in reunion inthe name of the leader who brought them together as a candidate andoffice holder. That leader, America’s 37th President was beautifully

represented by his daughter Tricia Nixon Cox who warmly greeted old familyfriends and thanked them for their service. All who attended the three days offestivities in Yorba Linda took home memorable snapshots of magical moments,including:

� Tricia laying a red, white and blue wreath at her parents memorials.

� Pianist to the Presidents Roger Williams, now 85 and feeling he is playing betterthan ever, telling his audience “Pat Nixon was a wonderful, elegant and charmingFirst Lady and dearly loved.”

� A fascinating Nixon Legacy discussion on how Richard Nixon will beremembered by six senior officials from RN’s White House.

� Gavin and Ninetta Herbert graciously greeting guests as they arrived at theirhome, La Casa Pacifica. Ninetta took a nostalgic Tricia to see her old bedroom.

� Ron Walker and former RN special assistant Frank Gannon telling stories bothserious and humorous on the bus to La Casa Pacifica.

� Special tours of the new National Archives building now housing some 44million White House documents, with several guests finding papers from theirwork in the White House.

� RN’s younger brother Edward appearing at every event and playing host toWyatt Earp star Hugh O’Brian and also to the family of President HerbertHoover.

� Ben Stein receiving ovations for his Saturday night keynote address.

� C-SPAN was there, too, covering Ben Stein’s compelling RN tribute, and theNixon Legacy Forum, How Will Richard Nixon be Remembered: The Legacy of the37th President.

The 20th Anniversary weekend was exciting indeed, and now the Foundationmoves to planning the centennial of Pat Nixon in 2012 and the President in2013. So stay tuned!

A Weekend Full Of Memories

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• A roundtable discussion of U.S. relations with key Asianallies Japan and South Korea after the North Koreansinking of the South Korean naval corvette Cheonan.

• A briefing on the U.S.-Russia summit.

• A small off-the-record dinner with Russian Ambassador toNATO Dmitry Rogozin, who discussed Russia’s perspectiveon European security and NATO.

• A conversation with Deputy Secretary of State JamesSteinberg about the Obama administration’s Asia policyand his perspective of current trends in the U.S.-Chinarelationship.

• A talk by Russian Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanovon possible U.S.-Russian economic cooperation in space,nuclear power, and other high-tech areas. JamesSchlesinger, former Secretary of Defense and Secretary ofEnergy, introduced Mr. Ivanov.

• A discussion with Qubad Talabani, Representative of theKurdistan Regional Government to the United States andson of Iraqi President Jalal Talabani. Mr. Talabanidiscussed the March 2010 parliamentary elections in Iraq,the implications of the prolonged struggle to form agoverning coalition, and the prospects for stability andprosperity in Iraq.

• An off-the-record meeting with U.S. Chief of NavalOperations Admiral Gary Roughead on U.S.-Chinamilitary-to-military ties.

• A high-level panel on the Obama administration’s nuclearstrategy, including arms control, missile defense, and theNuclear Posture Review.

• A small high-level dinner for the new Chinese Ambassadorto the United States, H.E. Zhang Yesui. AmbassadorZhang spoke about his priorities for US-China relationsduring his tenure in Washington.

• A discussion with David Sandalow, Assistant Secretary ofEnergy for Policy and International Affairs. Mr.Sandalow gave his perspective on U.S.-China cooperationon energy security, clean energy and climate change.

• A conversation with two distinguished former U.S.Ambassadors to Israel, Martin Indyk of the BrookingsInstitution and Samuel Lewis of the American Academy ofDiplomacy, to discuss differences between the United Statesand Israel.

• A workshop on “Asia’s Growing Role in the Middle East”organized by Geoffrey Kemp at the Rockefeller ConferenceCenter in Bellagio, Italy. Participants came from the UnitedStates, Europe, Russia, the Middle East, China, Japan, andIndia. �


T he Nixon Center is the publisher of The National Interest, ahighly regarded bi-monthly journal of international affairsand diplomacy. To subscribe, go to


Here is what’s featured in the July/August Issue of The NationalInterest:

• Author of the best seller The Rise and Fall of Great Powers Paul Kennedy on the History of Appeasement

• Former Ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker on the war and what’s ahead for Baghdad

• World-renowned historian Benny Morris on the founding of Israel

• Past IMF chief economist Raghuram Rajan on the future of the Western financial system

• Author of The Strongest Tribe and authority on Afghanistan Bing West on thedisintegrating relationship with Karzai �

THE NATIONAL INTERESTWith encouragement from friends

and colleagues, President Nixonfounded The Nixon Center in1994 as a forward-looking,

activist institution designed notjust to study and talk, but to make

a difference in shaping U.S. foreign policy. Led by Dimitri Simes — who was appointed by

President Nixon himself — the Center continues to be an often-quoted voice in America’s foreignpolicy deliberations. Today, the Center is publisherof the highly regarded The National Interest, a bi-monthly journal of international affairs anddiplomacy. �


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WASHINGTON—Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger assessed the state of the world in a wide-ranging conversation with Washington Post Contributing Editor Jim Hoagland during a majorconference co-sponsored by The Nixon Center and The Richard Nixon Foundation on May 18 and19 at Washington’s Renaissance Mayflower Hotel. The conference marked The Nixon Center’sfifteenth anniversary.

In addition to Kissinger, conference guests enjoyed remarks by Assistant to the President andDeputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism John Brennan,interviewed on-stage by David Ignatius, also of the Washington Post. Senate Republican Whip JonKyl, Senator John McCain, and former Secretary of Defense and Secretary of Energy JamesSchlesinger made major speeches at the event; Sen. Kyl and Schlesinger discussed arms controland American nuclear strategy, while Sen. McCain called for a greater role for human rights inthe Obama Administration’s foreign policy.

Panels during the conference included remarks by former senior officials and leading thinkersand writers on America’s international challenges. Former National Security Advisor BrentScowcroft led a session on the changing world order, while Center Chairman Maurice Greenbergmoderated an important panel on the U.S. role in the world economy. Gen. Charles Boyd (USAF,Ret.)—The Nixon Center’s new Starr Distinguished National Security Fellow—chaired a panel onAfghanistan and Iraq. Other panels focused on Iran and the politics of American foreign policy.

The highly successful conference was covered extensively in national media. For furtherinformation on the conference, please visit The Nixon Center’s web site at www.nixoncenter.org.Video recordings of many of the sessions are available on the Nixon Foundation’s YouTube channel. �





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COLLEGE CAMPUS TOUR BY THE NIXONFOUNDATION AND THE NIXON CENTEROCTOBER 13 AND 14, 2010 • Free and open to students, faculty and the general public.

T he Nixon Foundation will present discussions on RN’s foreign policy andhow it continues to influence decisions today in a series of on-campus

Legacy Forums. Speakers will include analysts from the Nixon Center in Washington, D.C. who are expertson the Middle East, Russia, and China.

The series begins on October 13 at USC with panelists and USC faculty exploring the opening of China,jointly sponsored by the University of Southern California’s US/China Institute, the Los Angeles World AffairsCouncil, the Nixon Center and the Nixon Foundation.

On October 14, the campus tour moves to Orange County with a presentation at Chapman University.Details and ticket information will be available soon at nixonfoundation.org.


S ave the date for this spectacular evening with the former Secretary of Defense, whobegan his nearly 50 years of public service in the Nixon Administration. He was

Director of the Office of Economic Opportunity, Assistant to the President, Counselorto the President, Director of the Economic Stabilization Program and U.S. Ambassadorto NATO. From there, he went on to serve several Presidents as a trusted advisor andofficial. Dinner co-chairs are Ambassador George L. Argyros and former Nixon WhiteHouse official Larry Higby, both Foundation board members. Details and ticketinformation will be available soon on nixonfoundation.org or call 714.364.1191.

REMEMBERING 9/1111:00 am • SATURDAY • SEPTEMBER 11, 2010Event is free and open to the public

J oin us as we mark the 9th anniversary of one of history’s most tragicdays. Featured remarks by Sheriff Sandra Hutchens, Bruce

Herschensohn and Cong. Gary Miller. Musical presentations by theOrange High School Concert Choir and Chamber Singers and the VillaPark High School Concert Band. Special presentation of the Bronze Star by U.S. Marines to the family ofMarine Cpl. Claudio Patiño IV of Yorba Linda, killed in action June 22, 2010 in Afghanistan.

RICHARD NIXON LEGACY FORUMSThe Peaceful Desegregation of Southern Schools7:00 pm • THURSDAY • SEPTEMBER 23, 2010 • Panel is free and open to the public.

L isten as panelists discuss the successful, but little noted efforts byPresident Nixon to bring about a dramatic transition to integration, a

major step in civil rights and an important story of American history.Speakers include the Nixon Administration’s J. Stanley Pottinger, Directorof the HEW Office of Civil Rights and Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights; James B. Clawson of theWhite House Domestic Council and Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Treasury; and John Ford Evans,Assistant Director of the Domestic Council and Assistant to the Secretary of Commerce.

Creating Opportunities for Spanish-Speaking Americans1:30 pm • MONDAY • OCTOBER 11, 2010 • Panel is free and open to the public.

W atch as a panel of experts from RN’s White House and campaignteam discuss how the 37th President provided opportunities for

Spanish-speaking Americans. The forum will explore the President’spioneering programs for minority enterprise, the unprecedented decision toinclude Mexican-Americans in the U.S. Census, and the appointment ofLatinos to high level government positions.


D aniel Patrick Moynihan was President Nixon’s Counselor forUrban Affairs from 1969 to 1971 and helped shape many policies

of the administration. The complex interplay between Richard Nixon,who grew up in rural Southern California, and Pat Moynihan, who grewup in Hell’s Kitchen in New York City, is the stuff of novels. Both detested bureaucracies—but believedgovernment programs could be re-designed to deliver far better services. The Foundation and Library aresponsoring a reunion of the bright young staff that Moynihan had assembled for a panel discussion inWashington, D.C.




VETERANS DAY • THURSDAY • NOVEMBER 11, 2010Free Library admission all day.1:00 pm: SPECIAL VETS DAYPROGRAM

Lecture and booksigning in the EastRoom featuring Davidand Julie NixonEisenhower launchingtheir new book, set forrelease by Simon & Schuster,Going Home to Glory: A Memoir of Life WithDwight D. Eisenhower, 1961-1969.

It’s a warm and intimate look at the life ofPresident Eisenhower, one of the mostaccomplished and respected figures in Americanhistory. Focusing on President Eisenhower after heleft the White House, the story is told by David,his grandson, and David’s wife Julie, daughter ofPresident and Mrs. Nixon.

Author of Can’t Wait Till Christmas!SUNDAY • NOVEMBER 28, 20108:00 pm Lecture followed by book signing.


If you can’t attend these author events, but want anautographed book as a gift, or for your home or office library,order now at www.nixonfoundation.org or phone 1-800-USA-8865 and we’ll mail your signed copy immediately after theauthor’s appearance. Prices include shipping.


H ost of Huckabee on the Fox NewsChannel, Gov. Huckabee tells ahilarious and heartwarming story

meant to teach children about patience as avirtue. It’s sure to be a holiday best seller, anda perfect gift for every youngster on your list.Ticket price includes a First Editionautographed copy of Can’t Wait Till Christmas!




10:30 am • TUESDAY • AUGUST 31, 2010 • Presented by RN’syounger brother, Edward. • Event is free and open to the public

I t’s the last in our summer series, where schoolage youngsters enjoy an educational and fun

opportunity to listen to a President, ask questions,take a photo, and then enjoy punch and cookieswhile coloring scenes from the President’s life.

Upcoming EventsBruce Herschensohn

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� � � � � � � � � � �

More Great Events

PRESIDENT TEDDY ROOSEVELT trained some rookie Rough Riders at the second Meet ThePresidents summer lecture series, which featured a historic lineup of five Presidents andFirst Lady Pat Nixon.

TALK RADIO SUPERSTAR LAURA INGRAHAM returned to the East Room podium for hernewest book, The Obama Diaries, which reached #1 on The New York Timesbest seller list the day she spoke.

THE FIFTH NIXON LEGACY FORUM, The Origins of Welfare Reform, was co-sponsored at the GeorgeWashington University’s School of Media and Public Affairs in Washington DC. Panel participantsincluded Paul O’Neill, former Treasury Secretary; John R. Price, Special Assistant for Urban Affairs; BobPatricelli, Deputy Undersecretary of HEW; and Jodie T. Allen, who served HEW’s Assistant Secretaryfor Planning and Evaluation. Moderator was Lee Huebner, Professor of Communications at GW.

THE NATIVE SONS OF THE GOLDEN WEST gathered onMemorial Day at RN’s Birthplace to dedicate aplaque praising his lifetime of public service. Hewas a member since early in his career.

FOX NEWS COMMENTATOR DICK MORRIS packed the EastRoom when he returned to discuss and sign his 9thbestseller, 2010: Take Back America.

MORE THAN $500,000 RAISED at Move America Forward’s 8-hourTroopathon, held this year in the East Room to fund care packagesfor U.S. troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Left to right: Blogger Andrew Breitbart, Tea Party leader MarkWilliams, talk show personality Melanie Morgan

MYSTERIES OF WATERGATE, the fourth Nixon Legacy forum, washeld in the Library’s theater where former White HouseDomestic Council official Geoff Shepard explored Watergate’smost noted scenarios, including the role of John Dean.

Performing Arts Center for Public AffairsThe Foundation’s

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COLLEAGUESGATHER A 20th Anniversary Celebration of the Library and Birthplace Grand Opening

Gala ReunionWeekend

PRESIDENTIAL SPEECHWRITER AND FRIEND KEN KHACHIGIAN Duringpoolside remarks Friday evening, he told fascinating anecdotesand warm stories about life at Casa Pacifica, including the1973 visit of Soviet Premier Leonid Brezhnev.

Tricia Nixon Cox was escorted on stage by Roger Williams, Pianist to the Presidents, after histribute concert to the First Lady. The East Room luncheon featured a toast to Mrs. Nixon by Nixonfamily friend Maureen Nunn, daughter of early Foundation board member Jack Drown, and atoast to the President by Congressman Gary Miller.

REMEMBERING THE YORBA LINDA OF RN’S YOUTH Guestsenjoyed an old-fashioned hometown barbecue inthe Pat Nixon Amphitheater.

BACK HOME AT THE WESTERN WHITE HOUSE Host GavinHerbert welcomed delighted dinner guests to La CasaPacifica on Friday.

JULY 16 – 18

PRESIDENTIAL RELATIVES PresidentNixon’s younger brother EdNixon, and President Hoover’sgreat granddaughter MargaretHoover, traded White Housestories.

HOW WILL NIXON BE REMEMBERED: THE LEGACY OF THE 37TH PRESIDENT The 6th Nixon LegacyForum, and part of the Anniversary’s events. Panelists included Barbara Franklin, WhiteHouse Staff Assistant and later Secretary of Commerce; Tod Hullin, Domestic CouncilAssociate Director for Housing and Community Affairs; Fred Malek, Deputy Director ofthe Office of Management and Budget; Bobbie Kilberg, Domestic Council Associate; andLarry Higby, Assistant White House Chief-of-Staff. Foundation President Ron Walkerwas moderator.

A Lovely Luncheon Honoring Pat Nixon

BEN STEIN PRAISES RN’S ACHIEVEMENTS Economist, commentator and EmmyAward winner, Ben Stein keynoted the Saturday night gala. “In 1972, RNshocked the world by going to China, forcing the Russians into signing anarms limitation treaty, and in the process, lifted millions of Chinese peoplefrom tyranny. On the domestic front, RN was also a peacemaker. His JusticeDepartment fought to desegregate most of the nation’s schools, his signing ofthe Clean Air Act assured improved quality of life for all Americans, and hishealth insurance plan—if passed—would have provided universal coverage. Iwill never turn my back on Richard Nixon, the peacemaker. God bless him,his family, and his lovely wife Pat Nixon.”

JOHN WAYNE’S YACHT, THE WILD GOOSE The weekendfarewell was a breakfast cruise of Newport Harboraboard Wayne’s luxury yacht, including a look atwhere Wayne lived for years on the shore of Newportharbor.


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Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. BendettiCol. Gene BoyerMrs. Martha Cheney BrooksMrs. Shelley S. BuchananHonorable Patrick J. BuchananDr. and Mrs. James EwingMr. and Mrs. Jerry HarringtonMr. and Mrs. Doy HenleyMr. John C. Herklotz

Honorable R. L. HermanMr. Donald M. KendallAmbassador and Mrs. Lester B. KornMr. and Mrs. Jack LindquistMrs. Mary Ann LockhartMr. and Mrs. Alexander MunroMrs. Mary MuthMr. Rick MuthMrs. Harlyne Norris

Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Odle, Jr.Ms. Ann OestreicherMrs. Ruth B. ShannonMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey SharpeHonorable and Mrs. George P. ShultzMr. and Mrs. William E. Simon, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Leland SmithMr. William J. Usery, Jr.Honorable and Mrs. Ronald H. Walker

Mr. and Mrs. Peter BagnallMr. Michael T. BarryMr. and Mrs. Peter D. BonannoMrs. Ruth BuchananMr. Hugh M. Caldwell Jr.Dr. Lawrence P. ClintonMr. Robert S. CroasdaleMr. Mark D. DeanyMr. and Mrs. Bob Dennerline

Dr. William K. DuncanDr. Emmeleine E. FergusonHonorable Patricia A. GallucciMr. Ronald GravinoMr. William H. Greer, Jr.Dr. Jeanne LinsdellMr. and Mrs. Michael McManusMr. and Mrs. Dean MovroydisMrs. Mary Alice Passman Murphy

Mrs. Lillian Menne PeelerMr. John P. PitchessMr. and Mrs. James W. RoachMs. Goldie RoeMr. and Mrs. Arthur C. SimonianMr. Eugene TavrisMrs. Linda WahlMr. and Mrs. Wayne Whitehill


Mrs. Marjorie AckerMr. Roger AilesMs. Frances AkhaviMr. and Mrs. Paul G. AlbertiniMr. C. Joseph ArbogastMrs. Alice ArmstrongHonorable and Mrs. Roy L. AshMr. and Mrs. John H. BarrMiss Debra BeckDr. and Mrs. John D. BlackmanMr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Brigham, Jr.Honorable Robert J. BrownMrs. Helen Anne BunnMr. and Mrs. S. John ByingtonHonorable and Mrs. John B.T.

CampbellMr. John H. CarleyMr. Kevin CartwrightVice President and Mrs. Richard B.

CheneyMr. Yiu-Tong CheungHonorable William P. Clements, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. W. Dewey ClowerHonorable and Mrs. William R.

CodusMr. Daniel P. CoffmanMr. and Mrs. William CoteMr. and Mrs. Michael CrowHonorable Frederick DentMrs. Carol R. DodsonHonorable Elizabeth DoleRev. and Mrs. Neil R. EdlinMr. and Mrs. Robert J. EichenbergMr. and Mrs. David ElmoreMs. Priscilla-Joy EvertsAmbassador and Mrs. Richard M.

Fairbanks,IIIFarmers & Merchants BankMrs. Caroline FirestoneMrs. Helen F. FollmerMr. Frank Gannon

Mr. and Mrs. William GarveyMiss Loie GauntMr. and Mrs. William L. GoetschMrs. Margaret GreinkeWilliam E. Griffin, Esq.Honorable and Mrs. Edwin HarperMr. and Mrs. Jon HauschMr. Bruce HerschensohnMr. and Mrs. Richard L. HoppingLt. Gen. and Mrs. James D. HughesMr. Eugene JohnsonStephen Jones, Esq.Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. KellerMr. Donald P. KennedyMr. and Mrs. Carl KepnerMr. and Mrs. Kenneth KhachigianMr. and Mrs. William KilbergMr. Christopher T. KlepacMrs. Doris KnauftMr. and Mrs. Tom C. KorologosMs. Beth KrzywickiMr. Louis LaulhereMr. and Mrs. John F. LehmanMs. Vi LoganMr. and Mrs. Robert LyonsMrs. Francine L. MaroneyMiss Anna Claire MauerhanDr. Roger McCarthyMimi’s CaféMr. and Mrs. William MoellerMrs. Esther J. MooreMr. and Mrs. John D. MuirheadMr. and Mrs. Peter MurphyMrs. Alice C. NewsomMrs. Clara Jane NixonMr. and Mrs. John NunnMrs. Zoe Dell NutterMr. and Mrs. Peter OchsMrs. Elizabeth PankeyMr. and Mrs. David ParkerMr. and Mrs. Hubert C. Perry

Mr. and Mrs. C. Gregg PetersmeyerMr. and Mrs. Robert PresleyMr. Theodore F. PreuschMr. Richard RecinielloMr. and Mrs. Carl Rieger, Jr.Honorable and Mrs. Donald RumsfeldMr. and Mrs. Jim SandersMr. and Mrs. John R. SarantakisMr. and Mrs. Karl SatorHonorable James R. SchlesingerMr. and Mrs. Michael S. SchlingerGeneral Brent ScowcroftMr. and Mrs. Geoffrey C. ShepardMr. and Mrs. J. Peter SimonMr. Richard A. SnowdenDr. and Mrs. Samuel V. SpagnoloMr. and Mrs. Joseph Stein, Jr.Mr. Donald StinsonMr. George W. Strake, Jr.Mr. Andy StrouseMr. Kenneth SwensonMrs. Cherie SwensonMrs. Louise TaperDr. and Mrs. Nicholas ThanosHonorable and Mrs. William E.

TimmonsMr. and Mrs. Peter UeberrothMr. and Mrs. Frank A. UrsomarsoMr. Steve VanAukerLt. Col. and Mrs. Thomas M. VetterMr. Henry WedaaMrs. Vivian WeddleMr. J. Bruce WhelihanDr. John WhitakerHonorable John WhiteheadMr. David C. WilliamsMr. Ken WilliamsMr. Vincent W. WongLt. Cdr. and Mrs. H. Eino YostMr. Fred P. Zimmer





WALTER HICKEL(1919–2010)

The two-time AlaskaGovernor went on to servePresident Nixon as Secretaryof the Interior. Just one weekafter RN took office, Hickel

showed exemplary leadership following the explosionof an oil platform, which killed wildlife andblackened the pristine Santa Barbara coastline.Responding with a series of strict offshore drillingregulations, he sought to make oil companies moreresponsible stewards of the environment. “The rightto produce is not the right to pollute,” Hickel said,“America must prove to itself as well to othersworldwide that it has the ability to clean up thegarbage it has left in its wake.”

“Hickel was one of a kind,” said Ron Walker, whowas in charge of organizing his office in the earlydays of the administration, “Anne and I send ourlove and deepest sympathy to his wife, Ermalee andtheir family.”

Individual Membership ($50)� Free admission all year to the Richard Nixon

Presidential Library and Museum� Also receive free admission for yourself to all

National Archives Presidential Libraries� 15% Museum Store discount� Invitations to special events, plus discounts on

tickets� Handsome “RN” lapel pin and bookmark

Family Membership ($100)All of the benefits above plus:� Free admission for up to five guests each visit to the

Nixon Library

Capitol Circle ($200)All of the benefits above plus:� A handsome “Commander in Chief” cap � Pat Nixon: The Untold Story - signed by the

author, Julie Nixon Eisenhower

White House Circle ($500)All of the benefits above plus:� Your personal or corporate name enrolled on the

White House Circle Honor Wall in the MuseumReception Lobby

� Free subscription to The Nixon Center’s quarterlymagazine, The National Interest

President’s Council ($1,000)All of the benefits above plus:� Collectible President’s Council rocks glass tumbler

inspired by the same design found aboard Air ForceOne on RN’s historic trips abroad

� Two complimentary tickets to President’s Council VIPreceptions featuring prominent national andinternational figures

� Exclusive President’s Council lapel pin� American Flag flown over the Richard Nixon

Birthplace� Choice of either 5,000 American Airlines AAdvantage

mileage points or the gift benefits listed above� Your personal or corporate name enrolled on the

President’s Council Honor Wall in the MuseumReception Lobby

President’s Cabinet ($5,000)� Choice of either 25,000 American Airlines

AAdvantage mileage points or the President’sCouncil gift benefits

� Your personal or corporate name enrolled on thePresident’s Cabinet Honor Wall in the MuseumReception Lobby

� Free admission and reserved VIP seating for you anda guest to all Nixon Foundation DistinguishedSpeaker Series Events

Celebrating the life and legacy ofAmerica’s 37th President


Sign up by phone at 714.364.1162 or online at www.nixonfoundation.orgJoin Today!

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YOUR TOP 3 POSITIONS (full or part time) held in the NIXON ADMINISTRATION, VICE PRESIDENCY, CONGRESSIONALCAREER, or CAMPAIGNS 1946, ‘48, ‘50, ‘52, ‘56, ‘60, ‘62, ‘68, ‘72 or POST PRESIDENCY.

Probably the most frequently asked

question during the 20th

Anniversary events was “what ever

happened to so-and-so?”

After decades of campaigns and elected offices,

RN attracted thousands of loyal campaign

volunteers and staff as candidate, Congressman,

Senator, Vice President and President.

Many suggested we form an official alumni

group, so that’s what we’re going to do. To join

The Richard Nixon Alumni Association, open to

all who held a position, send in the registration

form, and pay $25 dues. We’ll keep track of

everybody and publish an annual directory. So fill

out the registration form, and let’s stay in touch.

We will forward you a copy of the inaugural

first edition Nixon Alumni Directory as soon

as it’s published. As a dues-paying member, at

only $25, you’ll also receive invitations to

special events, briefings, and receptions that

should be of interest to all alumni.

(White House/Dept./Agency/Board/Commission/Campaign) (Position) (Dates of Service)

(White House/Dept./Agency/Board/Commission/Campaign) (Position) (Dates of Service)

(White House/Dept./Agency/Board/Commission/Campaign) (Position) (Dates of Service)


INFORMAL SALUTATION: ________________________ SPOUSE’S NAME: __________________________ STATE IN WHICH YOU VOTE: ________

MAIL YOUR REGISTRATION FORM with an enclosed $25 check to 18001 Yorba Linda Blvd., Yorba Linda, California, 92886. You can also register by calling 714.364.1162 or logging on to nixonfoundation.org

Open to all who served RNcampaigns, elected offices,personal staff or as volunteers.


richard nixon




i Associatio


1946 1972


T he Board of Directors of the RichardNixon Foundation elected a newchairman and three new members at its

meeting July 16 during the Anniversary weekend.Former Nixon Administration official and

White House Assistant Ronald H. Walker,Foundation President for the past year, waselevated to Chairman of the Board.

He succeeds Kris Elftmann, who served since2007 and led the board’s search which recruitedWalker as President. In assuming his new post,Walker said he and the board were grateful forElftmann’s four years of service. “Kris is a manand leader with an abundance of energy andvision, and we thank him for his creative input,direction and board leadership.”

The three new Foundation board membersall knew President Nixon well:

NAVY COMMANDER EVERETTALVAREZ JR., a prisoner of warin North Vietnam for more thaneight years, and was welcomedhome by President Nixon in1973. President Reaganappointed him Deputy Directorof the Peace Corps and laterDeputy Administrator of the Veterans Administration.He received the Foundation’s Great American HeroAward on the President’s birthday, January 9, 2010. Heheads Alvarez & Associates and resides in Potomac,Maryland.

ROBERT J. BROWN, served asSpecial Assistant to PresidentNixon and directed theadministration’s successful effortsto develop and expand minorityenterprise. He is Chairman andCEO of B&C Associates, Inc.,a management consulting,marketing research and public relations firm, with aroster of Fortune 500 clients including the Coca-ColaCompany, Sara Lee Corporation, General Motors,Office Depot and Nissan Corporation. It is the oldestAfrican-American owned public relations firm in theUnited States. He resides in High Point, NorthCarolina.

TOD R. HULLIN, served on theWhite House staff from 1969to 1976, was Associate Directorof the Domestic Council forHousing and CommunityDevelopment, Staff Assistant onthe Domestic Council andExecutive Assistant to theDirector of the Domestic Council. He later served asDeputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs.Since leaving government, Hullin has served in seniorexecutive positions for a number of Fortune 500companies including Interstate General Corp., G.D.Searle & Company, SmithKline Beecham, Time WarnerInc., Seagram Company Ltd., Vivendi Universal, andmost recently, the Boeing Company where he wasSenior Vice President for Public Policy. He resides inWashington, DC. �



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RICHARD NIXON FOUNDATION � 18001 Yorba Linda Boulevard � Yorba Linda, California, 92886 � 714.993.5075 � nixonfoundation.org



By commentator Laura Ingraham.

Autographed � $25

Gi�ts�Here’s a collection ofPresidential gift ideas, allperfect for birthdays,anniversaries and, of course,the upcoming holiday season.



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Bringing back popular editions from the grand opening.


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COMMANDER IN CHIEF CAP � Let’em know who’s boss at home, the office or the golf

course! Adjustable cap in navy or khaki with embroidered letters and Eagle Crest: � $14.95

RN ADJUSTABLE CAPin black: � $14.95




Have your items BEAUTIFULLYWRAPPED in a brightred box and a RichardNixon Library ribbon: � $3 or FREE withorders over $100.


ANN HAND LIBERTY EAGLE PINOne of our most enduring national symbols,our sterling silver eagle is plated in 18kgold with a genuine ruby eye and a 14mmfaux shell-based pearl. � $145.


A best seller this year! � $6.95

A reproduction of the desk used by almost every President that was made from timbers

of the HMS Resolute, an abandoned British ship discovered by an American vessel and

returned to the Queen of England as a token of friendship and goodwill. � $5,999.

The Resolute Desk

ANN HAND FLAG PIN � Designed withgenuine Austrian Swarovski crystals, whitemetal with red and blue enamelingSmall � $75. (1-1/4" x 1-1/2")

Large � $95. (1-3/4" X 2")


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