learning skills for distance learners

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  • 8/9/2019 Learning Skills for Distance Learners


    Learning Skills for Distance Learners:

     Providing 21st Century Learning Support

    Sara Al-OrainiDep. Curricula & Teaching Methods

    College of Education, King Saud University


    One of the ain goals of open and distance education !ODE" prograes is to ensure

    that #no$ledge and s#ills gained positively affect perforance or %ehavior. part fro

    that, ODE prograes should also ensure learners e'tend their e'isting learning s#ills

    into ne$ directions. (o$ever, it has al$ays %een a challenge for open and distance

    learners to cope $ith learning varying degrees of s#ills as they lac# face)to)face

    interactions $hen copared to traditional learners. s such, learning s#ills are essential if 

    students are to develop as independent, lifelong learners in the inforation age. The

    teaching and learning environent of open and distance education has %een transfored

     %y the independent learning opportunities that technologies have provided. (o$ever, the

    ass of inforation availa%le as $ell as the gro$ing educational deands has created

    ne$ sets of pro%les for students in anaging and using inforation effectively to %uild

    their o$n #no$ledge and future careers. Due to this, ost distance education institutions

    have developed their o$n learning s#ills progras in order to prepare their students for 

    open and distance education environent. *n this paper, $e $ill share findings on Open

    University Malaysia+s  Learning Skills for Open and Distance Learners  course

    !OUM(-". /uestionnaire of 01 2i#ert)type stateents and three open)ended

    /uestions $as designed and used to gather data fro students. 3uestionnaires $ere

    distri%uted to students randoly through the $e%. - students copleted the

    /uestionnaires and uploaded the to the $e%. *t can %e concluded that students are

    satisfied $ith the OUM(- course and there are no a4or differences in course

    attitudes. (o$ever, one copounding finding is related to application of search s#ills and

    also discernent of inforation to accoplish course goals. The paper $ill provide

    suggestions on $ays and eans to circuvent this issue.

     Dr. Sara Al-Oraini

  • 8/9/2019 Learning Skills for Distance Learners



    The teaching and learning environent of the Open University Malaysia !OUM" has

     %een transfored %y independent learning opportunities provided %y the OUM 2earning

    Manageent Syste !y2MS" and supported %y the 2earning S#ills for Open and

    Distance 2earners course !OUM(-" $hich provides learners $ith the re/uired s#illsand #no$ledge $hile operating in a technology)rich environent. /uestionnaire of 01

    2i#ert)type stateents and three open)ended /uestions $as designed using %oth

    /ualitative and /uantitative research ethodologies to gather data fro students ainly

    fro the second and third acadeic years. 3uestionnaires $ere distri%uted to students

    randoly through the $e% and participants $ere infored %y the University 5esearch

    Departent to guarantee their confidence. -1 students copleted the /uestionnaire and

    uploaded the to the $e%. The feed%ac# fro students is essential and helpful to

    underline the necessary odifications and iproveents to the course.

    Studies have docuented %oth favora%le and unfavora%le students+ perceptions in

    distance education. 6revious studies have found significant differences in distance

    learning attitudes, otivation, or e'periences %ased on features such as age, gender ,

    ethnicity, self)confidence in using online learning technology, type of institution and

    copetence of the online environent. The confidence in utili7ing online learning

    technology is a developed e'perience fro 8not using these technologies9 to %eing

    8coforta%le $ith online learning technologies9.

    Scenario of Learners in OUM - ODL Environment

    Close to :-; of Open University Malaysia are adult $or#ing students. Their average age

    is a%out - years and a%out :- ; of OUM students had left school for ore than -

    years. Soe had #ept up $ith the learning environent in the for of attending$or#shops and training sessions.

  • 8/9/2019 Learning Skills for Distance Learners


    classes at any one of the 1 OUM 2earning Centres closest to the. These classes are

    norally conducted once every fortnight for 1 ties a seester during the $ee#end in a

    > $ee# seester. OUM students are also given further learning support online, using a

    2earning anageent Syste called y2MS. (ere, the students get to do$nload all

    relevant learning resources and participate in online discussions as $ell as do online

    /ui77es. OUM students are also provided $ith specially designed learning odules to

    cater to self)anaged learning activities. *n a nutshell, the OUM students are ta'ed

    inially %y the institution in ters of their availa%le foral learning tie, due to their 

    other coitents as a $or#ing adult and house)holder. This does not ean the OUM is

    coproising on student learning tie, ho$ever OUM %elieves in the fle'i%ility

     philosophy? OUM provides the support, students anage their tie according to their 

    needs and fle'i%ility. @urther deli%erations on support has OUM to conclude that the

     profile of OUM learners indicate they need support in learning s#ills.

    Learning Skills

    siple definition of learning s#ills is, all the s#ills that are provided to a learner to

    e/uip hiAher $ith the necessary #no$ledge to function efficiently as an OD2 learner.

    ccording to Schua#er and Sheldon ! :B1", these are 8 techni/ues, principles, or rules

    $hich ena%le a student to learn to solve pro%les and coplete tas#s independently9 !in

    ordon, ::>". hy are learning s#ills iportant 5esearch sho$s that learning s#illsaffect acadeic achieveent $here%y they e'pect an increase in acadeic s#ills and

     perforance. The iportance of learning s#ills is also anifested in the any

    instruents that have evolved. s /uoted %y ordon, eight different instruents $ere

    identified that assess general study strategies for use $ith college students. These are? !a"

    the Study (a%its *nventory !renn, :, :>"F !%" the Study (a%its *nventory, revised

    edition !renn, :>"F !c" the Study (a%its *nventory !1"F !d" the

    Survey of Study (a%its and ttitudes !

  • 8/9/2019 Learning Skills for Distance Learners


    The Survey of (a%its and ttitudes ) @or C and the 2earning and Study Strategies

    *nventory, are currently %eing used at institutions of higher learning in U.S. as a screening

    and diagnostic tool for students, and as evaluation instruents for classes $hich teach

    study strategies.

    t the OUM, the OUM( - course  Learning Skills for Open Distance Learners  is

     %eing offered to students to e/uip the $ith ade/uate #no$ledge and s#ills to function as

    efficient OD2 learners capa%le of a'ii7ing the different learning odes.

  • 8/9/2019 Learning Skills for Distance Learners


    traditional classroo and deliver instruction and training to geographically diverse

    audiences locally, nationally, and even internationally. lso, distance education affords

    educators the opportunity to e'tend their educational offerings. These advanceents in

    telecounications and rapid gro$th in distance education progras have led to a

    foral definition of distance education as %eing Jthe ac/uisition of #no$ledge and s#ills

    through ediated inforation and instruction, encopassing all technologies and other 

    fors of learning at a distanceJ !United States Distance 2earning ssociation ::B". The

    integration of telecounications technologies into a distance teaching and learning

     process reflects a shift in the classroo)%ased paradig that educators have used for 

    any years.

    Distance education provides advantages and %enefits especially for students $ho don+t

    have the chance to eet their instructors in a face)to)face environent. Distance

    education connects the learner and teacher to resources that are difficult to access

    other$ise. @urtherore, distance education helps save oney in ters of accoodation

    and travel e'penses !". Over the last couple of decades there

    has %een an e'plosion of interest and activity surrounding distance learning $hich have

    evolved together $ith counication technology.

    ll technologies such as the telephone, the television, coputer technology and internetare reflected in the evaluation of distance learning, fro correspondence courses to

    interactive video and virtual learning environents. Digital and net$or#ed technologies,

    in particular, have had great effects on the educational aterials, and practices. *t proved

    saving tie and iproving cost)efficient, and delivery. Digital and net$or#ed has %een a

     particularly iportant developent in a#ing it possi%le for instructors and students to

    access a $ealth of inforation and each other /uic#ly, easily, and interactively in %oth

    face)to)face and reote education settings .

    The goal of open and distance education should %e learning or #no$ledge gain that

     positively affects student+s perforance or %ehavior. Distance learning, as a learning

    ethodology, is increasing in use and investent throughout the education spectru.

    Distance learning effectiveness, as easured %y learning and student preference, has

    i'ed results !nderson, 0--1F Cappel & (ayen, 0-->F Esch, 0--F allaher, 0--0F

     Dr. Sara Al-Oraini 1

  • 8/9/2019 Learning Skills for Distance Learners


    reengard, Connolly, & Saunders, 0--". Distance learning and classroo are often

    copared to deterine $hich is ore effective !Chapan, 0--1F (ylton, 0--GF

    Mc@arland & (ailton, 0--1". These studies have confounded results and report

    arginal differences %et$een ethodologies.

    One coon attri%ute of distance learning progras is they are predoinantly te't

     %ased. Success in te't)%ased courses is dependent on several s#illsF one of $hich

    is reading s#ills. Distance learners need to have different levels of reading s#ill

    and preferences $ith online learning aterials. The gap %et$een student

    studying s#ills and course re/uireents $ill affect student coprehension. So,

    there has %een great responsi%ility on course designers, su%4ect atter e'perts and

     progra adinistrators to ensure that students are prepared $ith the appropriate

    studying s#ills for the distance education progras. Unli#e a traditional course,online students cannot passively listen to a lecture $hile ta#ing notes. Study s#ills

    are essential if students are to develop as independent learners in the inforation


    The ass of inforation availa%le and the ease $ith $hich this can %e accessed and

    do$nloaded has created ne$ sets of pro%les for students in anaging and using

    this inforation effectively. ithout the foundational s#ills and a%ilities

    associated $ith the different curriculu, students are unli#ely to %enefit fro the

    instruction provided in that curriculu.

    hat does an online course deand that traditional class does not Online learning

    re/uires self)discipline and a greater aount of $or# than a traditional course. Students

    ust deonstrate a high degree of independence and otivation. Online discussion is a

    uni/ue $ay for students to deonstrate #no$ledge through their interactions. Essential

    to online interactions are hands)on pro4ects, reports, and goal)directed searching for 

    inforation rather than reading a huge aount of articles part of it unrelated.

    Many researchers had identified that successful distance learners deonstrate good

    reading and $riting s#ills, $hich are essential for ac/uiring ost of the course

    inforation, and are sufficient to aster the copetencies.

     Dr. Sara Al-Oraini G

  • 8/9/2019 Learning Skills for Distance Learners


    Educational institutions that provide foral distance learning tends to %uild preparation

    resources that help students to Jta#e a courseJ, $hile *nforal learning is learning that

    occurs independently and often $ithout direction. 5egardless to the forality, %asic

    coputer and *nternet s#ill, anaging learning, note) ta#ing and a#ing, presenting

    inforation, coping $ith assessents, inforation gathering process including searching,

    retrieval, and evaluating are a ust for all distance education students. These are

    foundational s#ills that ust %e developed in students %efore learning can occur. The

    ain resources to prepare for this type of learning are availa%le in for of a core course

    for prepare students $ith the needed s#ills for open & distance education. T OUM, this

    course is OUM( -? Learning Skills for Open Distance Learners

    Aims of the stud!

    Importance of the stud!

    Limitations of the stud!

    The survey /uestionnaires $ere uploaded and distri%uted aong the students 4ust one

    $ee# %efore the final e'aination %ecause there $as a tie constrain for one of theresearchers to stay in Malaysia. s a result of students+ coitent to final

    e'ainations, the response rates fro populations to the surveys $ere lo$er than

    e'pected. 5esearchers sent reainders $ithin a onth. The conclusions %ased on the

    results derived fro the sall saple si7e cannot %e generali7ed to a $ider population.

    (o$ever, the results are very helpful in the developent process of the learning s#ills




    The saple of the study consists of - students of the Open University of Malaysia $ho

    copleted the OUM( -? 2earning S#ills for Open Distance 2earners course at any

    one of the 1 OUM 2earning Centers.

     Dr. Sara Al-Oraini =

  • 8/9/2019 Learning Skills for Distance Learners


    "esearch instrument!

    The t$o ain research ethodologies? /ualitative and /uantitative $ere utili7ed to

    design a survey to get an idea of the suita%ility of the contents of OUM(- in

     preparing students $ith re/uired study s#ills.

    *n defining perceptions of students in distance education preparation aterials, a

    /uestionnaire $as used to gather data fro the student+s population using ultiple

    techni/ues. The population $as chosen fro the second and third acadeic years at the


    6articipants $ere infored a%out the research via OUM online announceent %oard and

    eail %efore /uestionnaires $ere distri%uted on)line. The /uestionnaires $ere attached

    $ith a cover letter %y the university research departent to %uild a sort of confidence and

    to create a voluntary relationship %et$een participant and researchers. 3uestionnaires

    $ere distri%uted randoly to students. 3uestionnaires include t$enty)five 2i#ert)type

    stateents and three open)ended /uestions. 

    The on)line survey services found at the follo$ing $e%site ! [email protected]" $ere

    used to distri%ute the /uestionnaires. Different students+ perceptions are represented %y

    four independent varia%les? !a" gender, !%" age, !c" study progra and !d" 2earning

    Centres.  3uestionnaires $ere vetted and validated %y 0 OUM acadeic staff and

    changes $ere ade to the /uestionnaires %efore uploaded on line for data collection. The

    instructions that accopanied the survey $ere edited to clarify and e'plain the purpose of 

    the survey. The survey contained 01 ites and respondents $ere as#ed to rate each one

    of the ites on a L1 2i#ert scale !fro 8strongly agree9 to 8strongly disagree9".

    Moreover, three open)ended /uestions $ere included in order to gather students+ opinions

    and suggestions of ho$ to iprove the course. The survey $as designed so that, as each

    respondent copleted it electronically, the response $as captured into an output file and

     Dr. Sara Al-Oraini B


  • 8/9/2019 Learning Skills for Distance Learners


    iported into S6SS !Statistical 6ac#age for the Social Sciences" $ith an E'cel

    docuent for ore detailed input.

    total of - students

    "esults of the stud

    Section A

    total of - students copleted the /uestionnaireF consisting a total of B1 feales

    !1G;" and >1 !>>;" ales. total of 1 !>G;" of the respondents $ere fro the -)

    : years age group, BG !0G; " fro the >-)>: years age)group, B1 !0G;" fro the 0-)0:

    years age group and 1 !0;" fro the a%ove 1- years age group. 1B; !:0" students

    $ere fro Near 0, 0G; !B1" fro Near , >; !>G" fro Near > and 0; !=" students

    fro Near 1. B; !01" students $ere fro the @aculty of " fro @aculty of *T and Multiedia Counications, 0; !G:" fro @aculty of 

    Education, rts and Social Sciences, :; !0:" fro @aculty of Science, 0; !G" fro

    @aculty of Engineering and Technical Studies and the reainder 1; !=" cannot %e

    identified. 0:; !:G" respondents $ere fro the Central 5egion, 0; !==" fro the

     Iorthern 5egion, 1; !>B" fro the Southern 5egion, 0; !:" fro Sara$a#, ;

    !1" fro Sa%ah, :; !-" fro Eastern 5egion and 0; !1" cannot %e identified.

    The percentage of respondents according to gender, faculty, regions, years of study and

    age represents rather /uite closely to that of OUM on the $hole.

    Section #

     Dr. Sara Al-Oraini :

  • 8/9/2019 Learning Skills for Distance Learners


    @igures )1 sho$ that ost of the students tried to avoid the 8strongly disagree9 and

    8disagree9 options e'cept for stateents 1, B and 0-. s /uestions 1 and 0- $ere

    $orded in the negative, there is no cause for concern. (o$ever, /uestion B is an issue to

    delve into further. 5esponses to the /uestion? I have difficulty to search for inforation

    effectively signifies a situation $hich is open to the follo$ing interpretations?

    . Students still lac# s#ills to effectively search for inforation.

    0. Students do not have proper access to li%rary facilities) $hether online or offline

    The a'iu nu%ers of students $ho selected 8uncertain9 are on stateents G, :

    and 0 respectively. These stateents are a%out ho$ to apply the s#ills they had learnt to

    use the OUM digital li%rary, ho$ to eorise content effectively and ho$ to use scholar

    !acadeic" inforation for assignents. This sho$s that there is concern $ith regards

    application of s#ills to effectively search online resources using the digital li%rary and

    su%se/uently to use such resources to coplete their assignents.

    The ost coon ans$ers are 8agree9, $hich is o%vious, and 8strongly agree9 to soe

    e'tent. @or e'aple? *n the learning to learn s#ills, it $as found that ore than B-; of

    the students indicate that as a result of going through the course, they have %een a%le to

    set their learning goals, use otivational strategies to self)otivate, $rite %etter

    assignents, cite references and they do not plagiari7e.

  • 8/9/2019 Learning Skills for Distance Learners


    searching for inforation and only G; said they used the s#ills learnt to search for

    inforation in Digital 2i%rary.

    Section $

    *n the open ended /uestions category, referring to Ta%le ''' a total of - coents

    $ere received on the open)ended /uestions and a%out BB; of responses $ere related to

    8no ans$erAno coentAno ideaA, goodAall coveredAagree and not relevant. Data sho$ed

    that the follo$ing areas of concern need ore attention?

    a. 3uality, /ui77es and references L 0.>0;

     %. pplication of s#ills and Digital 2i%rary L 0.>0;

    c. TutorsADelivery ethods ) 0.=;

    Ta%le ?

    Categories No %

    No answer / no comment / no idea 261 79.09

    Good / All are covered / Agree 15 4.55

    Graphics / color 5 1.52

    !alit" / #i$$es / re%erences & 2.42

    'angage ( 0.91

    )ractical / s*ills related / +igital 'i,rar"  & 2.42

    -tor / +eliver" ethods 9 2.7(

    Not relevant 21 6.(6

    Grand Total 330 100.00%


    The follo$ing eerged as a4or findings of the survey?

    . Students have concerns on ho$ to effectively conduct searches ainly using

    online technologies and this could include searches done using the OUM Digital

    2i%rary and using other availa%le data%ases such as oogle, Nahoo and such.

    0. Students also face pro%les on ho$ to discern %et$een selecting the right articles

    to use in the copletion of their assignents.

    . Students sho$ concerns $ith eori7ation of inforation

    The follo$ing are suggestions to iprove the OUM( - course content and

    ipleentation to %etter support learners in the 0st Century?

     Dr. Sara Al-Oraini

  • 8/9/2019 Learning Skills for Distance Learners


    . 6rovide soe applied lessons on the use of the digital li%rary and the a4or


    0. 6rovide a hot line services to assist the OUM( - course students facing


    . @urther study of the intrinsic pro%les in distance education courses $ill help

    overcoe pro%les encountered %y lac# of specific learning s#ills.

    >. @urther research into course developent techni/ues $ill help to understand

    $hich ethods $or# %est in the distance)learning classroo as $ell as $hat its

    re/uired learning s#ills.


    @ro the responses to first stateents, it can %e concluded that students are satisfied $ith

    the OUM(- course. Moreover, it is apparent that there are no differences in attitudes

    regarding the course %et$een genders, age, different learning centers and different

     progras. *t is noticea%le that the course helps learners to ac/uire all the needed s#ills for 

    the open and distance learning. (o$ever, it is necessary to clarify the inforation and

    steps on ho$ to use the university+s digital li%rary and to iprove the applications of the

    Microsoft products.


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  • 8/9/2019 Learning Skills for Distance Learners



    @ig. 5esponses of 8strongly disagree9

    @ig. 0 5esponses of 8disagree9

    @ig. 5esponses of 8uncertain9

     Dr. Sara Al-Oraini G

  • 8/9/2019 Learning Skills for Distance Learners


    @ig. > 5esponses of 8agree9

    @ig. 1 5esponses of 8strongly agree9

    Ta%le 2earning to 2earn S#ills

    SD D U S. %le to set goals










    0. %le to self)otivate !"





    . %le to self)anage tie A3 B"










    >. %le to anage stressful situations A3 : 0










    1. "









    B. %le to $rite %etter assignents A3 =










    :. Kno$ ho$ to ac#no$ledge sources of 

    $or# in $ritten assignent A3 B









    -. Kno$ ho$ to cite references A3 : 0!1"





    . Don+t #no$ learning style A3 0- 0- >: 1 > 0

     Dr. Sara Al-Oraini =

  • 8/9/2019 Learning Skills for Distance Learners


    !G=" !G0" !>B" !>G" !="

    0. Kno$ ho$ to use eori7ation s#ills 0










    . Does not plagiari7e









    6ercentage !Iu%ers"

    Ta%le 0 ? "









    0. %le to use MS E'cel ore effectively 0









    !B". %le to use MS 6o$er)point ore












    6ercentage !Iu%ers"

    Ta%le ? Searching for *nforation

    SD D U S

    . %le to effectively apply y2MS S#ills 0









    0. Can get overvie$ of content










    . Kno$ ho$ to use *nternet 0!="





    >. The course has given s#ills to actively participate in online discussions






    1. Difficulty to search for inforation 0










    G. Use s#ills learnt to access OUM Digital











    6ercentage !Iu%ers"

    Dr Sara Al Oraini B