learning in numeracy

Learning In Numeracy Susan Arians

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Learning In Numeracy

Susan Arians

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What is Numeracy?

Numeracy is a life skill. Being numerate goes beyond simply 'doing sums'; it means having the confidence and competence to use numbers and think mathematically in everyday life…

Being numerate is about appreciating relationships and interpreting answers,

and not just about doing calculations.

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• The essential mathematical skills and knowledge in Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability are the content areas that are still developed within the Mathematics curriculum.

• Recently in the development of the Australian Curriculum there is a greater emphasis and importance on developing mathematical thinking and reasoning.

• It focuses on developing sophisticated and refined mathematical understanding, fluency with processes, logical reasoning, analytical thinking and problem-solving skills.

• This is to enable students to make connections and transfer skills when presented in a new context or across another curriculum area.

• To assist students in making informed decisions and to solve problems efficiently.

Teaching & Learning of Numeracy

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Numeracy Learning at Corpus Christi

AusVELS (developmental curriculum framework) F- 6 is used to plan mathematical learning, assess student progress and report to parents.

F- 6 Mathematical Learning Intentions: A statement(s) which describes clearly to students what they need to know, understand and be able to do.

Teaching and learning in Numeracy lessons usually takes the format of ‘Whole, Small, Whole’

Whole: Tuning in students to the Maths concept to be investigated or developed.

Small: Teacher focus group and various small group activities designed to practise and apply knowledge and skills.

Whole: Shared discussion, about the mathematical learning that took place, strategies they used and how efficient were they? Making links to previously learnt concepts (e.g. repeated addition with skip counting and multiplication).

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F- 2 Hundred Days of School: Everyday students are immersed and develop skills, knowledge and language related to Number.

Classroom Maths Wall: A visible resource/reference which highlights strategies, mathematical language, terms and symbols related to a concept that is being or has been taught.

Family Maths Nights: Making Maths fun by working together to solve problems. Initiates conversations about Maths in a positive way.

Maths Challenge Days: Students work collaboratively in groups to complete or solve a range of math challenges.

Maths Wall

Hundred Days of School

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What you can do as Parents to Develop Numeracy Skills.

A child’s early experiences with maths can affect how they feel about maths throughout their lives.

The most important thing is to help your child to feel positive about maths and have fun with it whenever possible.

• Do talk about the maths in everyday life, and ask your child how they work out problems or questions.

• Do praise your child for effort, rather than talent. 

• Do use time at home to practice practical maths like shopping or cooking.

• Do talk about maths in a positive way. Avoid saying things like ‘I can’t do maths’ or ‘I hated maths at school’… your child might start to think like that themselves…

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Children best learn maths through activities and tasks where they have to make choices in order to solve a problem or a puzzle and where they can explore and talk about their ideas and approach to the problem.

The more variety they experience with maths, the more comfortable they will feel.

It is essential to give your child the opportunity to use and talk about maths every day. This will help them to become a mathematical problem solver, and develop lifelong skills such as:

• Sorting – into groups, into order, and comparing

• Measuring

• Calculating:– adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing

• Organising and understanding information

• Looking for patterns and relationships between numbers

• Making sense of and checking information – learning to ask ‘is this answer sensible? reasonable?

• Communicating (verbalising) and presenting information

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Numeracy all Around Us• Counting collections: number of doors, windows, lights etc.

• Reading number plates and counting on or back by 1s, count from the number by 2s, 5s, 10s. Discuss patterns they noticed.

• Name the number that comes before/after, the number 1, 10 or 100 more/less on a number plate seen. What digit do you need to look at to work it out?

• Discuss if the number is odd or even? Why?

• Using the digits to see who can make the smallest/largest number.

• Finding the total of digits.

• Reading numbers on the odometer? What will the number be if I travel another 1, 5, or 10 kilometres? How did you work it out?

• If I was travelling at 110 kilometres an hour and I was driving for 6 hours what distance would I have travelled?

• How likely is it to see a white car? How likely is it to see a pink car? Which colour car are you more to see? Why?

• “I Spy” for different shapes in or outside the car. How did you recognise that it was that shape? Features/attributes?

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Resources to help support your Child’s Learning in Numeracy

• Number Zone on myclasses. Access through school website.

• Studyladder Educational website: interactive activities, worksheets, instructional videos.

• Class Maths Bags

• Conversations with your child’s class teacher, Rina Polastri (Numeracy Leader) Susan Arians (Number Intervention)

• Games: board games, cards, die, dominoes, construction toys such as lego, manipulative tools such as play dough.

• Books, Calendar, Charts

• Rhymes, chants, Raps

• Handouts, Newsletter