leadership challenge

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  • 1. 10/10/2013 GOOD MORNING !

2. By: LOVELEIH G. QUEMADO 10/10/2013 3. THE CHALLENGES AND ACTIVE RESPONSES OF THE YOUNG LEADERS IN THE CONTEMPORARY PERIOD 4. Historically: Leadership has been described as highly romanticized, emotional, powerful and even courageous. 5. Leadership at its best has been demonstrated by: Mahatma Gandhi- Satyagraha, a quest for truth at all costs John F. Kennedy - human beings were both affectionate and hard-minded. Martin Luther King- advancement of civil rights in the United States and around the world, using nonviolent methods 6. The term leadership projects images of: Powerful Dynamic individuals Who command victorious armies, build wealthy and influential empires, or alter the course of nations (Yuki, 1994). 7. In other words, leadership has been regarded as the single most important factor in the success and failure of an organization (Bass, 1990). However, these theoretical perspectives will not be appropriate to face the challenges in the contemporary period. 8. Leadership is not something you do to people, its something you do with people. 9. Challenges for a leader globalization 3 Technology 4 Demographic changes 1 diversity Ethical dilemmas 2 Irwin/McGraw-Hill Copyright The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2001 All Rights Reserved 10. GLOBALIZATION * Set of economic, political, cultural processes whereby national borders recede to be replaced by global distribution of capital, organizations and individuals 11. GLOBALIZATION Inequalities between countries, environmental degradation, commodification of culture Movement of people around the world More mobile workforce Less full time work, more part-time work 12. Diversity It is a key challenge facing the contemporary leaders throughout the world. Age, ethnicity, gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, experience Demographic changes 13. Diversity You learn more from people who are different from you, than ones who are the same. 14. Ethical Dilemma Difficulties emerge when equally attractive options could be justified as right (Duignan & Collins, 2003), and when there are equally unattractive options with undesirable consequences (Kidder, 1995). 15. Ethical Dilemma Right vs wrong situations are less difficult to deal with for honest, ethical persons. 16. Theoretical considerations 10/10/2013 18 17. Maslows hierarchy of needs 10/10/2013 19 This theory represents the persons needs portrayed in the shape of a pyramid with the largest needs at the bottom, and the need for self-actualization at the top. 18. Two Dimensions of leadership style need to be considered: Task behavior- the extent to which the leader spells out the responsibilities of an individual or a group (e.g. What to do, how to do, who is to do it) Relationship behavior- the extent to which the leader engages in two-way or multi-way communication (e.g. Listening, providing, encouragement, coaching) 19. Situational Leadership Model Based on the idea that there is no one best style of leadership Leaders are required to diagnose situations Effective leadership relates to leaders character, beliefs, morals, values, emotions and spirits (Creighton, 1999). 20. Transformational leader- motivate others, inspire them to satisfy their higher needs give equal opportunities to participate open to alternative points of view and care about the way others think 21. Whatever issues that need to be considered,. 10/10/2013 23 expand your creativityfunctional fixness.pptx What is new today, may be obsolete tomorrow. 22. 10/10/2013 24 How can you make a difference? 23. Administer a Moral Community Attempts to understand concepts such as obIigation, virtue, justice, and common good, and to explore the epistemology of moral judgments and the psychology of moral acts Morality involves the total person as a human being it involves the human person living in a community of other moral agents Individual activities, such as telling the truth or giving money to a beggar, or telling a lie or insulting a beggar, have to be seen in the context of an individual and communal way of living and of being 24. If we assume that as a leader promotes a moral way of being, as well as a moral way of thinking, we have to ask ourselves , 25. 1. Autonomy 2. Connectedness 3. Transcendence These are the foundational human qualities for a moral life; it would be impossible for a leader to be moral without developing these qualities. 26. Being autonomous means owning oneself, being ones own person. It does not mean acting in isolation from ones culture, ones socialization into that culture, or from the specific social context in which one finds oneself. Being autonomous means that, once these cultural and contextual influences are taken into account; one takes responsibility for what one does 27. An autonomous leader cannot express his or her autonomy except in relationship with members, to a culture of meanings and traditions in a group, as a male or female in this historical social moment. 28. Connectedness Being connected means being-in- relationship with the other leaders and members or something and accepting the responsibilities implicit in the relationship. A leader is involved in a network of relationships and with obligations and privileges that attend to these relationships. 29. Connectedness Human life implies social living, and social living implies a moral code by which the contingencies of social living are conducted. Every culture has categories that define inhuman treatment of other people as members of the organization. 30. Connectedness Being connected also means being connected to nature and the natural universe. The recognition that humans are members of an e c o - community that brings a sense of obligation toward the environment. Recognizing that we are beneficiaries of a bounteous nature brings a sense of obligation to preserve the integrity of the air, the soil, the water, and the various forms of life. 31. Transcendence Transcendence is what leads us to turn our life toward someone or toward something greater than or beyond ourselves. One form of transcendence is reaching for a form of excellence, whether in athletics, the creative arts, scholarship, professional expertise., the founding of an organization, or a craft. 32. We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.Coffee.ppt 33. Follow-up sessions: The ABC of XYC: Understanding the Global Generations (A discussion of varied characteristics of people from varied generations) Why Transformation Efforts Fail? : Eight Steps to Transforming an Organization (Whats wrong with the organization?)