leadership attributes for a new day

Leadership Attributes for a New Day Brandon Espinosa, COO, Practice Makes Perfect 2014 Nonprofit Empowerment Summit Giving It Our All! Katrina Huffman, Director of Programs, Youth, I.N.C.

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Page 1: Leadership Attributes for a New Day

Leadership Attributes for a New Day

Brandon Espinosa, COO, Practice Makes Perfect

2014 Nonprofit Empowerment Summit Giving It Our All!

Katrina Huffman, Director of Programs, Youth, I.N.C.

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Leadership Attributes for a New Day Presented by Mr. Brandon Espinosa and Ms. Katrina Huffman

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Youth I.N.C. strives to improve the lives of youth through a unique venture philanthropy model that empowers, develops, and educates non-profits organizations serving young people.

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Practice Makes Perfect is an innovative education organization that partners with communities to create high quality summer learning opportunities for inner-city youth from elementary school through college matriculation.

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What is Leadership? A process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others, towards the achievement of a goal.

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Timeless Attributes + Listening + Developing People + Risk-taking

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Issacson’s Profiles of Leadership + Hunger + Weight + Speed

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90% Average attendance

310 Students served

6% Average gains in ELA

7% Average gains in Math

300 Donors to date

3 Years running Practice Makes Perfect

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This Works! + Personal + Community + Funders

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Thank you!