latest research & technologies of paper packaging

Current Research & Technologies of Paper Packaging

Upload: nasonex91

Post on 19-Aug-2015




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Latest Research & Technologies of Paper Packaging. It's a simple presentation on latest technologies of packaging of food using paper. It was my presentation in my uni. Humbly share it here. Thanks


Current Research & Technologies of Paper PackagingCurrent Research & TechnologiesGreaseproof and grease-resistant papers are one of the common packaging materials use in food industry to package and protect all types of greasy food.Current Research & TechnologiesHow these paper achieve grease resistanceReduce the surface tension!ut how to reduce surface tensionAdding additivesCurrent Research & Technologies"luorochemicalsPer#uorooctanoic $cid %P"&$' ( )yproduct of production of #uorochemicals*tay in human )ody for a long period of time*tudies in la) & Human - risk of getting tumors & cancers+igration of #uorochemicals from packaging into foodCurrent Research & Technologies"luorochemical-"ree,P"&$-"ree Greaseproof paperCurrent Research & Technologies -ine in paper-)ased )ottle %made from ./0 pre-consumer corrugated waste-recycling rate of 1203 car)on footprint is cut 450 & transportation footprint is 2.0 more e6cientProduces 7raft Paper wrap that provides moisture )arrier & composta)ilityCurrent Research & Technologies8otus-like paper packaging with nano-modi9ed overprint varnishResearches found contaminants migrated from recycle paper & paper)oard.*olutions are still under research to reduce the migration )y a factor of 2//.Reference http:,,,products,Portal;ata,2,Resources,productsA:=3 =.?-=1 http:,,,cancer,cancercauses,othercarcinogens,athome,te#on-and-per#uorooctanoic-acid--pfoa http:,,,en,+edia,Releases,Press-Releases,>/2>,$hlstrom-launches-Coralpack-BG-a-P"&$-free-#eCi)le-packaging-paper-for-greasy-food-products, http:,,,C2>A54.A//=4$4D1,$$C??5!4DD.?4455C2>A5!4;//21/D?.,E"F8D,clariant-launches-truly-pfoa-free-cartaguard-khi-for-greaseproof-and-safer-food-packaging-papers