laser diagnostics applied to combustion systems

Twentieth Symposium (International) on Combustion/The Combustion Institute, 1984/pp. 1149-1176 LASER DIAGNOSTICS APPLIED TO COMBUSTION SYSTEMS* S. S. PENNER, C. P. WANG** AND M. Y. BAHADORI Energy Center and Department of Applied Mechanics and Engineering Sciences University of California/San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093 Laser-diagnostic techniques have been successfully applied to combustion systems. Optical- penetration problems occur with heavy particulate loadings unless lasers at long wavelengths (~5 Ixm) are employed. We present summary tables showing laser techniques that have been or may be applied for measurements of population temperatures, mean hydrostatic pressure, partial densities in gas mixtures, species concentrations, density gradients, velocity components, particle sizes, flow visualization, and velocity-density correlations. 1. Introduction We have published a description of nonintrusive diagnostics for measurements on coal-combustion systems. 1 For heavy particulate loadings, micro- wave and acoustic techniques show the best pen- etration capabilities, while long-wavelength infrared lasers may be less generally useful but are prefer- able to lasers operating at shorter wavelengths. X- ray holography is suitable for development aimed at particle sizing in coal combustors. Applications have been made of prompt 3'-ray emission with neutron excitation in order to determine atomic constituents. Emphasis here is on measurements of molecular parameters with good spatial resolution that pro- vide insight into rates and mechanisms of combus- tion reactions. In Table I, we present a compilation of selected lasers that were readily available as of January 1984. It should be noted that advanced de- velopments are contemplated leading to much higher laser powers (e.g., ~-10 MW instead of 5 kW for HF at a beam divergence of -10 -6 instead of 10-3 rad). For very large laser-power densities, non- linear effects, which we neglect in this paper, will become dominant. Power outputs of cw gas lasers are seen to range from -10 -1 to -2 • 104 W with *Preliminary versions of this paper were pre- sented at the 1983 Fall Meeting of the American Physical Society, San Francisco, CA, November 1983, and the June 1984 laser meeting of the AIAA, Snowmass, CO. **Also Aerophysics Laboratory, Aerospace Cor- poration, E1 Segundo, CA 90045. beam divergence angle of ~-i mrad at discrete wavelengths between 325 and 10,600 nm. Pulsed gas lasers with energies between 10-2 and 104 J were also in use in the long ultraviolet, visible and in- frared (near 10 Ixm). Tunable and semiconductor lasers have been widely applied in the visible, ul- traviolet and infrared. Detector data are listed in Table II. The laser intensities are generally so high that detector per- formance is not a limiting factor, although excep- tions have been noted and small signal-to-noise ra- tios may become a problem. For laser diagnostics, the construction of array detectors with many de- tector elements (100 • 100 and larger photodiode arrays) have begun to play an important role. Ide- ally, a laser measurement would have the following features: (a) a pulsed laser illumination system of ns duration to produce measurable signals for "fro- zen" combustion systems; (b) short times (~-10-r s) of measurement (e.g., with multi-wavelength CARS or LIF 21 with short fluorescence lifetimes); (c) a technique for repeating the observations at high pulse-repetition rates (e.g., ~10 ~ s-I); (d) use of a detector array for three-dimensional observation, imaging and data storage of the entire multiphase, reacting flow field. These facilities will permit si- multaneous measurements of important physical variables as functions of time. The growth of applications to combustion sys- tems is exemplified by the data of Fig. 1, which show that ~20% of papers at recent symposia have involved laser diagnostics. The literature on the use of lasers in flame measurements is more extensive by about a factor of 6 and includes other combus- tion journals and journals dealing with optics, ap- plied spectroscopy, quantum electronics, fluid me- chanics, plasma physics, etc. 1149

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Page 1: Laser diagnostics applied to combustion systems

Twentieth Symposium (International) on Combustion/The Combustion Institute, 1984/pp. 1149-1176


S. S. PENNER, C. P. WANG** AND M. Y. BAHADORI Energy Center and

Department of Applied Mechanics and Engineering Sciences University of California/San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093

Laser-diagnostic techniques have been successfully applied to combustion systems. Optical- penetration problems occur with heavy particulate loadings unless lasers at long wavelengths (~5 Ixm) are employed.

We present summary tables showing laser techniques that have been or may be applied for measurements of population temperatures, mean hydrostatic pressure, partial densities in gas mixtures, species concentrations, density gradients, velocity components, particle sizes, flow visualization, and velocity-density correlations.

1. Introduction

We have published a description of nonintrusive diagnostics for measurements on coal-combustion systems. 1 For heavy particulate loadings, micro- wave and acoustic techniques show the best pen- etration capabilities, while long-wavelength infrared lasers may be less generally useful but are prefer- able to lasers operating at shorter wavelengths. X- ray holography is suitable for development aimed at particle sizing in coal combustors. Applications have been made of prompt 3'-ray emission with neutron excitation in order to determine atomic constituents.

Emphasis here is on measurements of molecular parameters with good spatial resolution that pro- vide insight into rates and mechanisms of combus- tion reactions. In Table I, we present a compilation of selected lasers that were readily available as of January 1984. It should be noted that advanced de- velopments are contemplated leading to much higher laser powers (e.g., ~-10 MW instead of 5 kW for HF at a beam divergence of - 1 0 -6 instead of 10 -3 rad). For very large laser-power densities, non- linear effects, which we neglect in this paper, will become dominant. Power outputs of cw gas lasers are seen to range from -10 -1 to - 2 • 104 W with

*Preliminary versions of this paper were pre- sented at the 1983 Fall Meeting of the American Physical Society, San Francisco, CA, November 1983, and the June 1984 laser meeting of the AIAA, Snowmass, CO.

**Also Aerophysics Laboratory, Aerospace Cor- poration, E1 Segundo, CA 90045.

beam divergence angle of ~-i mrad at discrete wavelengths between 325 and 10,600 nm. Pulsed gas lasers with energies between 10 -2 and 104 J were also in use in the long ultraviolet, visible and in- frared (near 10 Ixm). Tunable and semiconductor lasers have been widely applied in the visible, ul- traviolet and infrared.

Detector data are listed in Table II. The laser intensities are generally so high that detector per- formance is not a limiting factor, although excep- tions have been noted and small signal-to-noise ra- tios may become a problem. For laser diagnostics, the construction of array detectors with many de- tector elements (100 • 100 and larger photodiode arrays) have begun to play an important role. Ide- ally, a laser measurement would have the following features: (a) a pulsed laser illumination system of ns duration to produce measurable signals for "fro- zen" combustion systems; (b) short times (~-10 -r s) of measurement (e.g., with multi-wavelength CARS or LIF 21 with short fluorescence lifetimes); (c) a technique for repeating the observations at high pulse-repetition rates (e.g., ~10 ~ s-I); (d) use of a detector array for three-dimensional observation, imaging and data storage of the entire multiphase, reacting flow field. These facilities will permit si- multaneous measurements of important physical variables as functions of time.

The growth of applications to combustion sys- tems is exemplified by the data of Fig. 1, which show that ~20% of papers at recent symposia have involved laser diagnostics. The literature on the use of lasers in flame measurements is more extensive by about a factor of 6 and includes other combus- tion journals and journals dealing with optics, ap- plied spectroscopy, quantum electronics, fluid me- chanics, plasma physics, etc.


Page 2: Laser diagnostics applied to combustion systems


TABLE I Survey of representative available lasers (January 1984)

Laser type






Semi- conductor


Wave- length,*


HeCd 325; 442 HeNe 633; 3,392 HeXe 3,508 Ar 448; 514 Kr 647 C02 10,600 CO 4,800-8,500 HF 2,600-3,600

Cu-vapor 510 Au-vapor 628 N2 337 CO2 10,600 KrF 249 XeCI 308 XeF 351

Ruby 694 YAG 1,060 Glass 1,060 Alex-

andfite 700-818

Dye 340-1,200 Dye 340-1,200 FEL 400-10,000

GaAs 830-910 Lead

salt 3,000~30,000

Power output,


0.1 0.1 0.1

40 10

20,000 10,000 5,000




Pulse energy,**


0.015 0.010 0.1

10,000 100 100 100




400 650


Beam Beam Pulse divergence, diameter, rate,**

mrad mm pps

0.8 1 1.0 1 1.0 2 0.6 2 0.6 2 1.0 66


2 3 4

5 ,6 6 7 8 9

- - 80 6,000 10 - - 80 6,000 10 - - 10 20 11 0.3 350 single 12 4.0 100 single 13 5.0 100 single 14 5.0 100 single 14

single 15 10 16

1 15

1 17

1.0 5 20 11 1.0 2 - - 6 - - - - - - 18

*Harmonics, especial ly doub l ed frequencies , are usual ly obtainable.

**Simultaneous peak values of pulse energy and pulse rate are not usual ly obta inable .

2. Summary Tables on Diagnostics Applied to Combustion Systems

Papers on laser diagnostics and laser interactions in the Combustion Symposia z3-zs are summarized in Table III. Summary tables showing measured variables, physical parameters used, laser proce- dures employed, measurement characterization, special features, and performance characteristics are presented in Tables IV to XII.

Abbreviations have been used in the tables. The following are some of the symbols employed in Ta- bles IV to XII: p = mean hydrostatic pressure = Yipi, Pi = partial pressure of species i, Tel = elec- tronic temperature defined by the equilibrium pop- ulations in electronic energy levels, Trot = rota- tional temperature determined from equilibrium populations in rotational energy levels, Tvib = vi- brational temperature determined from equilibrium

populations in vibrational energy levels, b = rotational temperature determined from equilib- rium populations in rotational energy levels for a particular vibrational energy level. Abbreviations in Table III and column (3) of Tables IV to XII: MS = Mie scattering, RS = Rayleigh scattering, LRS = laser Rayleigh scattering, SRS = spontaneous Raman spectroscopy, SRRS = spontaneous reso- nant-Raman spectroscopy, SRGS = stimulated Ra- man gain spectroscopy, IRS = inverse Raman spec- troscopy, LA = laser absorption, LRA = laser resonance-absorption, LRA-DS = laser (near-) res- onance-absorption derivative spectroscopy, CRS = coherent Raman spectroscopy [o~s = detected out- put frequency, to1 and toe (<to1) are input fre- quencies], CSRS = coherent Stokes Raman spec- troscopy (to s = 2~o2 - to1), CARS = coherent anti- Stokes Raman spectroscopy (cos = 2tOl - 002), HORSES -= high-order Stokes effect spectroscopy

Page 3: Laser diagnostics applied to combustion systems


TABLE II Photo-detector performance data ~



0 .3 -1 Ixm

0.5 ~m (photo-multi- plier)

1 - 51~m

3 Ixm (In As, 77 K)

5 p.m and longer

10.6 I~m (Hg Cd Te, 77 K)

Photon-Noise Limited Region

Theoretical NEP, Actual NEP,



10 -18 for 1 Hz 10 -17 for 1 t lz

Amplifier-Noise Limited Region

Theoretical Actual D*, cm- D*, crn- Actual NEP,

Hzl/2-W - I Hzl/2-W -1 W

(4kT/RA) l/z

2 • 1012 7 • 1011 1.7 • 10 - lz for 1 Hz and I cm z

Background-Noise Limited Region

Theoretical Actual D*, cm- D*, cm- Actual NEP,

Hzl/2-W -1 Hzl/2-W -1 W

(4Pl3hv /'q) 1/2

5 • 101~ 2 • 101~ 5 • 10 -1] for

1 Hz and 1 cm 2

NEP = noise equivalent power (W), A = detector area (cm2), B = detector bandwidth (Hz), h = Planck constant, v = light frequency, ~q = quantum efficiency, k = Boltzmann constant, T = detector temperature, R = load resistance, P8 = background radiation power per unit area, D* = (A • B)I/2/NEP cm-Hzl/~-W 1.

(e.g., cos = 3co2 - 2col), HORAS = higher-order anti-Stokes spectroscopy (e.g., cos = 3601 - 2co2), RIKES = Raman-induced Kerr-effect spectroscopy (to1 - co2 = tOm, COrn = molecular frequency), OHD- RIKES = optical heterodyne detection RIKES, LIF = laser-induced fluorescence, FT-IR-L = Fourier



g 2 0

i ~o


P. .


/ " (161)





1972 1974 1976 19r8 1980 1982


FIG. 1. Number of papers on laser diagnostics ap- plied to combustion systems (solid curve) and the corresponding percentages (dashed curve) as a func- tion of time for the 14th (1972) to 19th (1982) Com- bustion Symposia; z~-2s numbers in parentheses cor- respond to the total number of papers presented at each symposium.

transform infrared absorption measurements using lasers, OSMS = optical Stark modulation spectros- copy, LIC = laser-induced chemiluminescence, LMS = laser micro-schlieren measurements, LS = laser shadowgraphs, LMI = laser-Moir6 interfero- metry, LDA (or LDV) = laser-Doppler anemo- metry (laser-Doppler velocimetry), E-LIB = emis- sion from atomic ions following laser - induced breakdown. Symbols used in column (4) of Tables IV to XII: * = the technique has been applied to flames, av = a technique that yields data averaged over the line of sight, c = a conventional proce- dure, c f = a conventional procedure that may be facilitated by the use of lasers, co = a technique that requires the coherence properties of lasers, cp = a conventional procedure, in principle, but that is really only made possible in practice by using lasers, sp = a technique that yields data with high spatial resolution.

The ultimate in achievable sensitivity in laser di- agnostics is probably attainable by using intracavity modulation. A first step in this direction has been made with the introduction of ICLAS (intracavity laser absorption spectroscopy) and the development of gasdynamic lasers. Similarly, adaptive optics may play a useful role in future diagnostics.

The utilization of any technique that has not been previously applied successfully to flames can be ex- pected to represent a challenging research prob-

Page 4: Laser diagnostics applied to combustion systems


P a p e r s o n l a s e r d i a g n o s t i c s a n d l a s e r i n t e r a c t i o n s p u b l i s h e d in t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o m b u s t i o n

S y m p o s i a z~-~

Page Number in the Symposium

14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th

(Holographic) inter- ferometry 53, 217, 1503 799 821, 1183, 1211 1213 787, 1511

LMS, LS 177, 211, 1119, 655, 731, 857, 747, 777, 1725 245, 267, 563, 1755 359 1365 903, 1503 1283

LMI 303

LDA, LDV 699 553, 573 79, 105, 411, 569, 619, 777, 1747

315, 327, 467, 945, 1201, 1295

81, 579, 921, 931, 961, 993, 1021, 1031, 1041, 1117, 1543, 1837, 1949

245, 259, 349, 359, 375, 403, 413, 423, 433, 477, 1077

Miscellaneous, e.g., lasers used to monitor the feed rate, trigger a spark, measure the burning rate, etc. 99, 189, 367 351 195, 1385, 1871 503

LA, LRA 857 671, 819, 997 543 415, 425, 801, 89, 449 811, 853, 1767

Laser light scatter- 941 1415, 1427 245, 619, 663, 155, 279, 985, 921, 961, 1021, 311, 359, 423, ing/extinction, 681, 695, 1365, 1383 1091, 1117, 459, 477, LRS, MS 1711, 1193 1127, 1137, 487, 691,

1471, 1489, 1359, 1395, 1501 1413

Laser beam attenua- 1333 1193 563, 611, 1017, 1149, 1257 655 tion 1375

LIF 871 497, 505, 647, 23, 485, 1471, 11, 73, I07, 797, 867, 1511, 1559, 311, 1359 957 1567

Pyrolysis, photolysis, chemilumines- cence 1317 1459 299 11, 73, 107

SRS 307, 993 1471, 1521, 459 1533, 1583, 1703

CARS 789 975 1471, 1533 259

SRGS, IRS 1471, 1533

Tomography 1041, 1501

Optoacoustic mea- surements 797

Laser technology. 203 935

Hilbert transform cinematography 489

Laser ignition 1297, 1401 21, 489 747 1183 1709

Page 5: Laser diagnostics applied to combustion systems

L A S E R D I A G N O S T I C S A P P L I E D T O C O M B U S T I O N S Y S T E M S 1153


M e a s u r e m e n t s o f ( p o p u l a t i o n ) t e m p e r a t u r e s


Measure- ments of

Population tem- peratures (Trot, T~,~, Tr~vib, Tro-v~b-el, etc.)




Physical parameters


Equilibrium pop- ulation distri- butions assum- ing LTE

LA, LRA, LRA-DS; SAS (saturated ab- sorption spectros- copY)

SRS, SRRS; yields best detectivity 33

(4) Measurement

character- ization

cf, ac,* for LA and LRA; cf, sp,* for SAS

cp,sp,* for SRS

Special features

Tunable lasers are used In for LRA and laser-de- rivative spectroscopy. LRA and LRA-DS in- crease detection sensi- tivity by factors of 103 to 106 for particular en- ergy levels above the values obtainable with correlation spectros- copy. SAS is a variant of Doppler-free spec- troscopy and yields spatial resolution, z9

Generally used to measure In Tro.vtb.el for the elec- tronic ground state. The overall efficiency for production of tl~e spontaneously emitted Raman frequency is -10 -8 for SRS and -10 -2 for SRRS. The flow-field is recon- structed with ramanog- raphy (multiehannel, pulsed SRS with 20 ns excitation). 34 The de- sign and performance of a photon-counting, two-channel spectro- scopic system is de- scribed in Ref. 35; the system is capable of si- multaneous dynamic measurements of either the concentrations of two gas species in cold flows or of the temper- ature and concentration of a single gas species (e.g., N2) in a flame. The observed signals were 103 times stronger than those typically observed from the N z Q-branch using a 1-W cw laser; see also Ref. 36.

Representative performance


shock-tube studies 3~ on Na, 02, N~O, and Kr mixtures, (NO) = (0.7- 2.3) • 10 -8 mole/cm 3 for t -< 250 p.s and 2384 -< T -< 3850 K. In studies of reaction between OH and vi- brationafly excited CO in a fast-flow discharge reactor, 31 LRA mea- surements yielded "I'~ -< 2000 K with Trot = Ttr = 298 K; for a re- view, see Ref. 32.

SRS, the measured temperatures (e.g., for Nz) were T <- 2800 K (2400 --- T, K -< 2800 data are doubtful) for Hz/air diffusion flames; 37 T -< 2000 K for CH4/air and C3H8/ air flames 38 with an ac- curacy of _+50 K. Prob- ability density functions and correlations of T and concentrations were measured in tur- bulent diffusion flames 39'4~ for vibra- tional Raman spectra. Pulsed (using a cavity- dumped Ar+-ion laser) spontaneous Raman- scattering measure- ments were reported 41 in high-temperature (-2500 K), arc-heated Ng. Even when the flow was seeded with 100-p.m diameter glass beads, S/N was suffi- ciently large for mea- surements. Using the Stokes Q-branch of N~, the temperature was measured (900-1450 K) in a diluted exhaust stream of a CH4-burn- ing eombustor, when seeded with 5-tzm di- ameter fly-ash particles (<-6000 era-3). 42 No

laser-induced interfer- ence was detected. End-gas temperatures were measured 43 at the center of an engine- type combustion cham- ber with SRS for both knocking and non- knocking operation with stoichiometric n-bu- tane/air (600-1470 K).

Page 6: Laser diagnostics applied to combustion systems


TABLE IV (continued) Measurements of (population) temperatures


Measure- ments of

(2) Physical

parameters used

Four-wave mixing spectroscopy (yields 33 better

S/N than SRS)



Non-linear optical techniques that generate CRS: CARS, ASTERISK RIKES, OHD- RIKES; also SRGS and IRS. Single- pulse measure- ments ( - 1 0 -8 sec

resolution) are made in CARS us- ing a broad-band dye laser to excite many Raman reso- nances. A nearly frequency-indepen- dent, non-resonant background signal limits CARS in temperature deter- minations.

(4) Measurement

character- ization

co,sp,* for CARS

Special features

In CRS, the stable molec- ular states have the same parity. Generally, four laser frequencies are involved: two laser frequencies (VLl and yr.3) causing induced absorption, one laser frequency (vL~) for in- duced emission, and a spontaneously emitted, phase-coherent fre- quency vs = 1)LI + PL;~ -- Vt2. Signal strength is greatly enhanced at resonance when vs cor- responds to a molecular frequency. Phase- matched frequencies are involved in CARS

with VLl = VL3; im- proved background suppression is obtained

when ~PLI ~g" PL3 > PL2 as in ASTERISK, RIKES, OHD-RIKES, for which phase match- ing is replaced by the use of polarized laser beams. Using reso- nance CARS, the de- tection sensitivities were improved by fac- tors of 10 ~ to 10 s, de-

pending on the reso- nance conditions; 44 CARS detectivity is of the order of 1015 cm -3.

A CARS instrument was used in Ref. 45 to measure instantaneous properties at 20 Hz in temporally-fluctuating media; the instrument was remotely operated. Reflected, broadband CARS (RBBCARS) was used in simultaneous multimode, pressure-in- duced, frequency-shift measurements in shock- compressed (up to 1.53 GPa) organic liquid mixtures; ~ the method has the potential of yielding changes in molecular structure and constituent species identities in chemically- reacting, shock-com- pressed materials.

Representative performance


Temperatures of 800- 2000 K were obtained with CARS on N2 in stabilized, lean, 2-D, laminar, premixed CH4/air flames. 47 Res- olutions of - 1 . 2 5 cm -1 in CARS on heated N2 and - 2 . 7 cm I in col-

linear, phase-matched CARS on flame N 2 were obtained in a sin- gle 10-ns pulse and showed good agree- ment with computer- generated predictions. 4s

Temperatures (900 2000 K) were measured in a jet-engine exhaust using CARS. 45 With

CARS on N2 in an in- ternal combustion en- gine, 49 655-2600 K

were measured. High- resolution, cw CARS spectra of the vl Q- branch of CH4 were obtained in an under- expanded supersonic (M -< 8.2) jet below 31.5 K and 2 torr; ~~ in the interaction volume (<10 -8 era3), < 3 x

1019 molecules contrib- uted to the signal for a single rotational line. A space- ( - 0 . 1 mm) and time- ( - 1 0 ns) resolved CARS measurement is described in Ref. 51. Continuum resonance CARS excitation in a gas (lz) was reported in Ref. 52. CARS and resonant-CARS from C z produced by laser abla- tion of soot particles (RECLAS) were used 53

for simultaneous soot- particle and gas-tem- perature measurements; the ratio of the Q(3)/ Q(5) Hz lines in a lam- inar HC/a i r diffusion flame yielded 2150 K. RIKES has been ap- plied to organic liquids for a single dye-laser pulse. 54 CARS was

used to detect O and O e in Hz/O~ and CH4/ 02 flames, s5 Saturation

of the molecular CARS signal (due to stimu-

Page 7: Laser diagnostics applied to combustion systems


TABLE IV (continued) Measurements of (population) temperatures


Measure- ments of

(3) (2) Physical

parameters used

Other techniques


SRGS and IRS are nearly unaffected by luminescence, scale linearly with species density and pump-laser power; resolution is lim- ited by the laser line-width; probe- laser amplitude fluctuation yields shot noise in cw operation but {he laser line-width resolution is ob- tained in quasi-cw tests.

LIF; P (planar) LIF maybe used for flow- field reconstmction.

(4) Measurement

character- ization

cp,sp;* for IRS

cp,sp,*; collisional quenching inter- feres with fluores- cence at elevated pressures 21

Special features

Unlike CARS, phase matching of incident and generated fields is not required; ultra-high spectral resolution (-0.002 cm 1) is ob- tained with the direct production of l~man spectra; there is less background fluores- cence with IRS (anti- Stokes-shifted probe) than with SRGS (Stokes-shifted probe) because the probe-laser frequency is greater than the high-power pump-laser frequency in IRS, whereas the reverse is true for SRGS. In an IRS study of the N2 vibrational Q-branch at 10 atm, S / N ~ 71; S/N = 450 when the scattered light was measured for a dye laser and the cw laser was blocked. ~

Temperatures are prefera- bly measured by using seed materials with transitions having strong, known tempera- ture dependence (e.g., In, Ga, Tl, Pb, Ba, 12, OH, NO) and employ- ing two or more reso- nance laser wave- lengths.

Representative performance


lated Raman scattering) may limit sensitivity. For pulse widths of 6- 7 ns, the combined de- tection e~cieney of the photomultiplier and dispersing optics was 0.01 at an S/N of ~ i 0 wbeta T~ib.o2 = 2980 -+ 110 K(Tadiabatic = 3074 K) for an H2/O2 flame and Tvib.O2 = 3300 • 150 K (Tadiabatic = 2916 K) for a C H 4 /

02 flame.

In experilnerrts on super- sonic velocities in ni- trogen flows using IRS, 57 velocity uncer- tainties were less than 5% and uncertainties of temperature and den- sity about 10~; mea- sured temperatures were 175 and 300 K. Flow velocities of 145 • 30 m/s were mea- sured in subsonic mo- lecular nitrogen flows using SRGS. s8 VMues of S/N c( Ppump x

1/2 Pprobe AI)-I/2 ~ 100

should be attainable in combustion environ- ments. 56 Representative IRS studies? a 2 MW pump laser, 6 ns expo- sure, 10 pulses per sec with 300 mW probe laser; sensitivity was improved by -104 when quasi-cw rather than cw operation was used. ~ Fully resolved spectra of N2 were ob- tained in a CH4/air flame using IRS; c'~ the Q(18) line of the Ne (v = O t o y = 1 band) yielded 1800 K.

A typical value of OH density, obtained from the signal intensity at ffroi)ort = 1300 K, was 6 • 1013 cm 3 in

H202 decomposition at 40 tort. 61 Using a rapid-scanning, fre- quency-doubled ring dye laserfi 2 T = 1930 • 100 K was obtained

Page 8: Laser diagnostics applied to combustion systems


TABLE IV (cont inued) Measurements of (population) temperatures


Measure- ments of

(2) Physical

parameters used



(4) Measurement

character- ization

Special features


OA (optoacoustic) and OLD (optoacoustic laser-beam deflec- tion method)

cf, av or sp with in- version,*

cf, a,,*

; Systems with heavy par- ticulate loading may be studied by using suffi- ciently long wave- lengths. Small particles (100/~ to 100 p,m di- ameter) produce noisy, slowly-varying, back- ground absorption. ~ Particle luminosity does not interfere as in SRS, LIF or LA. The spec- tra of CO, NO, CO2, SO2, C2H2, and C2H4 were well resolved but higher resolution is needed for HzO.

Probe laser(s) are used to monitor the OA signal produced by a strong, pulsed laser input (e.g., Nd: YAG laser). The sound speed (i.e., mean molecular weight and heat capacity) must be known.

Representative performance


in OH fluorescence measurements; laser tuning rates of -20,000 c m - l / s permitted sin- gle sweep lineshape measurements in less than 100 ~.s. The large scanning range (5 cm -1) covered several adjacent spectral lines. The use of 1900 ppm of NO in a CHa/air flame 63 yielded T within -+10% at a spa- tial resolution of 0.8 mm x 0.8 mm • 0.2 mm. Use of an XeC1 excimer laser on a CH4/air flame with 50 Ixg of In /ml yielded 2150 K (-+200 K) 64 whereas CARS gave 2125 + 75 K for the same system. XeCI will excite some OH lines directly. 2L~

This is a preferred method for large parti- cle loadings. The FT spectrometer ~ had a frequency range of 3500 cm -1, 0.88 cm -1 resolution, 0.03 em -1 frequency repeatability, single scan rate of 300 cm-1/s, S/N = I0,000. The S/N ratio was degraded by a fac- tor of 1.25 for HC/air flames relative to a static gas sample; it was further degraded by a factor of 5 for coal/gaseous fuel/air flames, Rotational tem- peratures of CO2 = 1546.5 -+ 47.1 K in coal combustion. 67 Us- ing absorption, a partial pressure of 9.3 x 10 -2 atm (with -+30% uncer- tainty) was obtained for CO2 in coal combus- tion. 67

T = 100 to 2000 ~ C were measured in a C3H8/ air flame with a spatial resolution of 1 em x 0.15 cm x 0.01 cm. 68

Page 9: Laser diagnostics applied to combustion systems


TABLE IV (continued) Measurements of (population) temperatures


Measure- ments of

(~) Physical

parameters used




(4) Measurement

character- ization

ef, rp, *; temperatures are obtained from absolute values of Rayleigh-scattered signals.

Special features

See Table VI for details.

Representative performance


1550 ~ T, K ~ 1850 were measured in LRS in lean C~H4/air flames with traces of organic peroxides or inhibi- tors, 6~ The effects of atoms and free radicals were neglected, For turbulent, premixed, cn4/air flames (6 = 0.61) and turbulent-jet diffusion-flames (38% CH4 + H~), concentra- tions and temperatures were measured 104 times per see with fre- quency-response mea- surements of 15 kHz; TM

Tmea. -< 2000 K with rms fluctuations 2475 K, Mie scattering and flame luminescence were sources of error.

lem. For the benefit of readers who are not con- versant with laser diagnostics, we show in Figs. 2- 9 diagrams defining measurement principles for se- lected procedures.

Fig. 2. Laser-Resonance Absorption Spectroscopy, LRA (cp,av,*)

LRA improves on correlation spectroscopy. Las- ers must be closely matched to line-absorption peaks. With frequency scanning, more sensitive line-cen-

ter derivative spectroscopy may be employed. The following frequency shifting was used in Ref. 86 for line-center absorption measurements on NO:

pu lsed ha rmon ic pu lsed dye Nd; YAG l ase r separa to r 532 nm, 220 mJ laser 1

J R a m e n 280 nm, 13 mJ f requency 560 nm, 60 mJ ~ h i f t e r doub le r

226 nm, 60 ~J absorp t ion measurements in the ( 0 ,O ) -band �9

of the NO A 2 ~ X 2 ~ t r ans i t ion


Measurements of

Mean hydrostatic pressure p and partial pressures Pi for the species present in the flame

Table V Measurements of mean hydrostatic and partial

Physical parameters


Measurements with tun- able lasers of spectral line profiles, combined with temperature mea- surements. Optical col- lision cross-sections must be known for all species present.

Doppler-free saturation and other two-photon saturation spectroscopy to probe spectral line shapes.




Doppler-free, high-resolu- tion, two-photon spec- troscopy or other satu- rated absorption spectroscopy.

(4) Measure-

ment character-


c f , a v

c p , s p

) r e s s u r e s

Special features

Measurements of this type have not been made and would not be expected to be accurate in regions of active com- bustion because optical collision cross- sections involving atoms and radicals are not generally known.

Since Doppler broadening is eliminated or modified, the collision-broadened line profiles and line-center absorption are more readily determined and will yield pressure estimates,

Page 10: Laser diagnostics applied to combustion systems


TABLE VI M e a s u r e m e n t s o f partial and total spec i e s d e n s i t i e s


Measure- ments of

Partial densities of chemical species and total density


Physical parameters


Partial densities are ob- tained from species- concentration measure- ments, provided the temperature and pres- sure are known. If the concentrations are known, the total den- sity may be measured directly by using Ray- leigh scattering, pro- vided Rayleigh scatter- ing cross sections are available for each spe- cies,


Pro- cedures


(4) Measure-

ment character-


cf, sp,*

Special features

While many Rayleigh-scat- tering cross sections are available for stable species, these are not generally known for atoms and free radicals. Hence, density mea- surements with Ray- leigb scattering cannot be made very accu- rately in regions of ac- tive combustion. Sys- tematic measurements of Rayleigh-scattering cross sections are needed for these spe- cies and may be read- ily obtained from shock-tube studies.

Representative performance


In premixed H2-air combustion in a heated turbulent boundary layer, 71

C~0'~/0~ -< 9~ and ~/0= = 0.25-1.0. LRS was used 7~ for simultaneous measure- ments of density at two points in stabilized, V- shaped, premixed, turbulent C2H4/air flames (d~ = 0.6); densities normalized with respect to the unburnt gas were 0.25 to 1.5. Density fluctuations were measured TM in the heat-re- lease zone of a rod-stabi- lized C2Ha/air flame propa- gating into a grid-induced turbulent flow field (r = 0.5-0.75, upstream velocity = 250-684 cm/s); the pho- tomultiplier output was am- plified by an electrometer with a band-pass from dc to 1.9 kHz (3 db corner fre- quency); 5000 samples were acquired at each h~ation at a constant rate of 4000 or 2000 s -1. An imaged Ray- leigh scattering technique was used to measure turbu- lent flame thickness in an operating engine; TM spatial resolution = 0.1 mm and time resolution = 0.01 ~s

. (using a multi-element de- tector and a pulsed laser); probability distributions were employed to describe variations in flame thick- ness; see also Refs. 75 and 76.


Measure- ments of

Species concen- trations

TABLE VII Measurements of species concentrations (compare Table Iu


Physical parameters


Species concentration measurements are gen- erally performed on the assumption that equi- librium population dis- tributions obtain at LTE. Without this as- sumption, absolute in- tensity measurements must be performed and


Pro- cedures


(4) Measure-

ment character-


cf, ac,*; cf, sp, * with SAS

Special features

LRA (with tunable lasers) is an improvement over correlation spectros- copy; with derivative LA near the line cen- ter, ppb can be mea- sured; LA is especially useful for shock-tube studies (e.g., Ref. 30).

Representative performance


In atmospheric, premixed, laminar CH4/air flames, 77 Xolt = 3 x 10 -4 to 4 x 10 -3 for d~ = 0.86. Abso- lute vibrational populations of CO were found to be ~1014 to ~1012 cm -3 for v = 1 to 4, using IR reso- nance absorption measure- ments; 31 see also Ref. 32.

Page 11: Laser diagnostics applied to combustion systems


TABLE VII (continued) Measurements of species concentrations (compare Table IV)


Measure- ments of


Pro- cedures



Physical parameters


data reduction requires knowledge of (a) transi- tion probabilities and (b) spectral line shapes. An exception occurs for CARS because the shape of the spectrum depends on concentra- tions (~0.5 to 30%).


SRGS, IRS cp,sp

LIF; P cp,sp,* (planar) LIF

(4) Measure-

ment character-


cp,sp,* for SRS

co,sp,* for CARS

Special features

Theoretical quantum-limit detectivities have been compared for CARS, IRS and SRS and show that the CRS methods tend to be greatly su- perior in luminous en- vironments or when high resolution is re- quired, 3'3 CARS is pre- ferred at high p while IRS is better at low p because of deactivation by quenching. 3a See the explanatory remarks made in connection with temperture mea- surements For species- concentration determi- nations, it is sufficient to monitor outputs from individual spectral lines, although mea- surements on many lines are needed to verify LTE

LIF is especially useful for measurements of trace concentrations (e.g.. NH, OH, CH, Cz). Rotational and vi- brational relaxation as well as total emitted radiation following exci- tation of a rovibrational band, which yield spontaneous emission rates (only at very low p) and concurrent quenching rates (at higher p), are measur- able

Multiple LIF emissions are useful for complete flow-field visualization; spatial resolution re-

Representative performance


cry2 -< 36 x 10-6, cltg -- 10 x 10 -6 and CH20 ~ 3 X 10 -6 mole/em 3 for Hvai r diffu- sion flames. 37 Using single- laser shot excitation in 20 ns, major species were de- tected simultaneously in different parts of flames us- ing multichannel pulsed Ra- man spectroscopy; a4 the ap- paratus had a resolution of about 300 spectral and 10 spatial elements. See Ref~ 78 for engine studies using SRS and probes.

In a CARS experiment, ~ the C2 radicals formed in a mi- crowave discharge and in an acetylene welding torch were detected under triple- resonance conditions. C 2 concentrations were ~5 x 106 cm-3 in the discharge and ~1 • 10 It cm -3 in the flame; the detection sensitivity was ~10 s em-3; see Ref. 45 for CARS con- centration measurements in augmented jet-engine ex- hausts. Highly sooting flames 48 showed coherent spectral interference in electronic resonance CARS on C2, produced by laser- induced vaporization of soot; CO was difficult to detect below the 1-2% levek

See Refs. 58, 60 and 79.

Measurements in C2H2/O2 and C2Ha/NaO flames yielded (Ref. 80): (CH) = 103 -+ 50 and (CH) = 380 -+ 150 ppm; NO fluores- cence saturation was not observed. In H2/N2/O2 flames (4/1/6) containing Xs (as H2S) of -<1.0 mole %, number densities were: 81 (OH) -< fl • 10 II, (SO) -< 1016 , (SOz) -< 2 x 1016, (SH) -< 3 x 10 Is, and (S~) -< 6 x 10 Is cm -3. In trace sodium fluorescence measurements (Na < l0 II era-3), 82 interference from particle scattering was sup- pressed (10,000:1) by pumping the D2 line and monitoring DI; the flames were turbulent, free-jet,

Page 12: Laser diagnostics applied to combustion systems


TABLE VII (continued) Measurements of species concentrations (compare Table IV)


Measure- ments of


Physical parameters



Pro- cedures

(4) Measure-

ment character-




c p , s p , *


Special features

quires Abel inversions.

Ionic emission is a sensi- tive tool for monitoring elemental compositions. The high power densi- ties achievable with lasers are useful in producing breakdown. The LTE assumption may become inapplic- able.

Frequency-dependent ab- sorption of laser radia- tion with a probe laser

Representative performance


C3H s-diffusion flames. A tunable dye laser was used

to excite OH in a flame thickness of 0.5 mm and showed 700 ppm of OI1 us- ing absolute emission mea- surements, a3 (OH) = (0.3- 3.8) • 1021 m -3 in an

O2--C31t8 flame study, s'l Relative CH concentration profiles were obtained at 20 torr in a CH4/O2 flame (~b = 1.06) using LIF from the [A2&(v ' = O) --'* X 2 ~ l ( v " =

0)] band; ~ quenching of the AeA excited state, its pressure dependence, and effective quenching cross section of 6 ~,2 were ob- tained. For an H 2 / N 2 0 flame study, see Ref. 86. For an OH concentration measurement in boundary- layer combustion of a lean H J a i r mixture (~b = 0.2) flowing over a heated (1170 K) platinum plate, see Ref. 87. For a review of LIF, see Ref. 88. Applications of picosecond laser spectros- copy to the measurement of collisional quenching rates by time-resolved LIF in flames were reported in Ref. 89; the measured colli- sional quenching lifetime following excitation of the R2(4)A2~,+(v ' = 0) *-- X21](v" = 0) OH transition was 1.8 ns in the burned gas region of an atmo- spheric pressure, premixed CH4/air flame. LIF mea- surements for triatomie gases have been performed recently.

See Ref. 90 for an overview and cited references, which show the following results: less than 1 ~g of Na and K were detected in a coal gasifier; 91 detection limits (in ppm) for elements in air were: ~ CI (20), F (40), P (1.2), S (200), Be (0.0006), As (0.5), and Na (0.006); see also Refs. 93-95.

A narrow-bandwidth (cw) phase-fluctuation laser-het- erodyne interferometer was

Page 13: Laser diagnostics applied to combustion systems


TABLE VII (continued) Measurements of species concentrations (compare Table IV)

(1) (2)

Physical Measure- parameters ments of used


Pro- cedures



Resonant multipho- ton opto- galvanic detection

(4) Measure-

ment character-



Special features

was performed, while optical Stark modula- tion was produced by a strong laser field (e.g., in Na, Nz, H2).

Concentration measure- ments in chemilumi- nescence require abso- lute calibrations since the assumption of LTE becomes inapplicable.

Representative performance


used in Ref. 96; sensitivities of 10 -8 cm -1 were ob- tained. The detection limit was 5 ppb NH3 in air. Stark-modulated IR absorp- tion spectroscopy was used to obtain spatially-resolved measurements of gas-species densities; 97 the deteetivity decreases with increasing gas density. Quantitative, single-shot ( -10-30 ns) measurements were made; concentrations of free radi- cals were of the order of tens of ppm Spatially-re- solved OSMS was applied to combustors by monitor- ing transitions between electronic energy levels; 9s a detectivity of ~300 ppm was estimated for OH and - 4 ppm for band-integrated OH fluorescence measure- ments in a sooting flame; Na of -0 .1 ppm was re- ported; see also Refs. 99 and 100.

cf, av or sp with The same requirements See the corresponding entries inversion tech- apply as for tempera- in Table IV. niques ture measurements.

co,sp,* This technique differs que from E-LIB through the use of resonant multi-photon transitions and may be applied for measurements of H and 0 in flames. See Ref. 101.

Resonant 2-photon excitation was followed by 1-photon ionization and detection of H in an atmospheric Hz/air flame by observing the ion- ization signal as a function of dye-laser wavelength.l~

Gas and glass lasers have been used for LRA be- fore, e.g., the Br2 continua were studied with the 6328 ,~ line from an He-Ne laser (Ref. 148), bound- free transitions in C12 (Ref. 149) and in NOC1 (Ref. 150) with a frequency-doubled ruby laser at 3471 /~, CH4 at 3.392 txm with an He-Ne laser (Ref. 151) and CH20 at 3.508 Ixm with an He-Xe laser (Ref. 4). General procedures and attainable precision are discussed in Ref. 152.

Fig. 3. Spontaneous Raman Scattering, SRS (cp,sp,* )

A schematic diagram illustrating the principles involved in SRS is shown.

Inelastic collision between a photon of energy hVL and a molecule populates the virtual energy level hvL above the ground state. In elastic Rayleigh scattering, emission occurs at VL. In Raman (R.)

Page 14: Laser diagnostics applied to combustion systems



Measure- ments of

Density gradients


Physical parameters


! Changes in index of re- fraction with density al- : low identification of density gradients

TABLE VIII Measurements of density gradients

(3) (4) Measure-

ment Pro- character-

cedures ization

LMS cf, av,*

LS cf, av,*

LM1 l ef, av,*

Special features

Pulsed LMS systems are useful for making time- dependent measure- ments.

I The use of lasers yields shadowgraphs with very sharp definition be- cause the light inten- sity varies at constant h, which makes use of achromatic lenses un- necessary.

When a laser light source is used with two paral- lel gratings that are ro- tated while maintaining a constant relative an- gle, the Moir~ pattern consists of straight fringes. Prior beam passage through a flame modhqes the Moird pattern accord- ing to the gradients in index of refraction en- countered by the laser radiation.

Representative performance


The schlieren method has been applied to studies of flame structure in an engine 1~ and to interac- tions in turbulent 1~ com- bustion.

For applications of sha- dowgraphs to spark ignition engines, including the use of double passes, see Refs. 105-110.

Temperature maps (300 to 1700 K) were obtained TM

for axially symmetric, pre- mixed CH4/air flames (mole ratio of CH4 to air = 1:3). Measured density gradients were -<2,77 x 10 -4 g/em 4 in flow over a 2-D diamond airfoil in a supersonic wind tunnel. 112 Deflection map- ping of a candle flame with a resolution of 5 • 10 -s rad and lens mapping with a resolution of 10 -2 rad were demonstrated in Ref. 113. Temperatures of a pre- mixed HJO2 flame were mapped by Moir*! defiectometry 114 (T = 300 1600 K for a typical radial temperature profile).

TABLE IX Measurements of velocity components


Measure- ments of

Velocity compo- nents

Physical parameters


Doppler effect and optical mixing spectroscopy


Pro- cedures


(4) Measure-

ment character-


CO, sp, *

Special features

Experimental implementa- tion may involve any one of the following procedures: (i) local os- cillator-heterodyne ar- rangement; (it) dual- beam optical arrange- ment, (iii) symmetrical heterodyne arrange- ment. The sign of the velocity component is obtained, for example, by using an acousto- or electro-optical modula- tor to pre-shift one of

Representative performance


Velocities have been measured from a few mm/s to M - 2; typical spatial resolution 2100 V-m; typical frequency bandwidth 210 kHz.

In an LDA experiment, It5 both agglomerate and gas velocities were measured with a burst counter by eliminating either large or small amplitude pedestal signals. A carbon agglomer- ate stream (10-75 ~m) was injected along the center- line of a fiat-flame burner

Page 15: Laser diagnostics applied to combustion systems



Measure- ments of


Physical parameters


Time of flight between two or more spatial points

Emission from Doppler- shifted spectral lines

Doppler-shifted Raman spectroscopy

TABLE IX (continued) Measurements of velocity components

(3) (4) Measure-

ment Pro- character-

cedures ization I

LDA co,sp.*

cp,sp LIF

IRS cp,sp

Special features

the incident frequen- cies. The beat signal for a positive value of v then corresponds to fe + fD and, for a neg- ative v, to fp - fD, where fe = preshifted frequency and fD = Doppler-frequency shift. The frequency bandwidth is higher than the bandwidth used in the time-of- flight technique (cf. the next entry); for high particle concentrations, this procedure is pref- erable to the time-of- flight technique.

Transit times of tracer particles are measured between two focused laser spots. Correlation functions are used for high particle number densities. This two-spot technique is the Four- ier transform of the dual-beam technique in LDA and is the pre- ferred procedure for low particle concentra- tions.

Doppler-shifted absorption was used (to eliminate the need for an un- shifted reference signal) with L1F detection. Two sets of counter- propagating beams were used to measure LIF in a two-dimen- sional subsonic flow, for spectral lines of known shape. Na is a suitable species for LIF at high and 12 at low temperatures. A narrow bandwidth laser is fre- quency-tuned across a spectral line, causes measurable changes in spectral fluorescence, and thereby defines the lineshape and Doppler broadening.

IRS absorption lines are frequency-shifted by the Doppler effect.

Representative performance


in the presence of a com- bustible gas mixture (C/H mass ratio = 2.96-3.10) doped with 0,3-p,m AI203 particles. Average errors for agglomerate-velocity defects were 10%; the gas veloci- ties were 1,47 to 1,54 m/s; see also Ref. 116,

Velocities have been measured for M < 1; typical spatial resolution =100 p,m; typical frequency bandwidth =100 Hz; see Ref. 117 for a pro- posed experiment using a laser time-of-flight veloci- meter (LTV) operating on the principle of laser-reso- nance fluorescence (LRF); see also Ref. 118.

Doppler-shifted absorption with LIF detection of 12, excited with an Ar+-ion laser at 514.5 nm, was used in an iodine-seeded, under- expanded jet flow. Fluores- cence was detected at 10,000 points in the super- sonic flow with a 100 • 100 element photodiode ar- ray camera. The accuracy was =-+5 m/s and was de- termined by the 12 line width. 119 For a survey, see Ref. 21. The fluorescence was detected lz~ as in Ref. 119. Velocities were de- rived from four frames. The measured mean velocities of 5-50 m/s agree with other velocity data.

Supersonic molecular-flow ve- locities were measured for N2 in a wind tunnel; 57 v = 471 -+ 13 m/s, with uncer- tainties of <5%.

Page 16: Laser diagnostics applied to combustion systems


TABLE X Measurements of mean particle sizes and particle-size distributions


Measure- ments of

Mean particle size and particle-size distributions


Physical parameters


Mie theory for spherical particles, assuming known optical proper- ties, Nearly all of the published studies in- volve the assumption that the particles are monodisperse. Absorp- tion (extinction) must be used in addition to scattering if number densities are to be ob- tained.



Angle-dependent light scattering

Laser near-forward scattering for sin- gle-particle moni- toring

Laser-Fraunhofer dif- fraction measure- ments are used in commercial instru- ments and require corrections for multiple scattering, beam steering and variable detectiv- ity,

Sizing with a variable- frequency grid

(4) Measure-

ment character-






Special features

This simple procedure is preferred for di- lute, monodisperse particulate systems. Combined particle- size and number- density determina- tions require the use of both light- scattering and light-attenuation measurements.

Near-forward scatter- ing is favored as an experimental technique because these scattered in- tensities are only weakly dependent on particle shape and refractive in- dex. Single particle counting (SPC) be- comes readily fea- sible in dilute par- ticulate systems. To obtain ensem- ble averages from SPC, it is neces- sary that the inter- particle distance ~4 x particle di- ameter and num- ber densities :~ 101~ s em -3

(with d in /~m).

The far-held Fraunho- fer diffraction pat- tern is superim- posed on the geometrical image. The light-energy distribution in the focal plane is used to determine parti- cle sizes. Only particles ~-2.5 h are measurable.

The particle image is scanned across a variable-frequency grid. The visibility becomes vanish- ingly small when the particle diame- ter approaches the local grid spacing.

Representative performance


For C3H8/O2 and C 2 H J O g flames, 121 the soot number densities, particle sizes, and concentrations were (3-75) • 109 cm a, 6-27 nm, and (0.7-11.0) • I0 -8 g/cm 3, re- spectively; see also Refs. 122-125.

Individual particles in the size range 0.25-100 p.m at number densities up to 106 em -3 were measured; lz6 see also Refs. 127 and 128.

An accuracy of about 2% was obtained for the Rosin-Ra- mmler size param- eter and +O. 1 for the exponent in a study of droplet- size distribution; 129 measured sizes were 5-500 ~m.

This imaging tech- nique is best suited for 10 Ixm and larger parti- cles. 127 Velocities and their correla- tions were ob- tained by measur- ing incandescent particle transit times through the entire grid.

Page 17: Laser diagnostics applied to combustion systems


TABLE X Measurements of mean particle sizes and particle-size distributions



Measure- ments of


Physical parameters

used Procedure

Diffusion-brnadening spectroscopy in which the Brown- tan motion is used to obtain velocities and hence diame- ters. In the Ray- leigh limit of Mie theory, the scat- tered light distri- bution is indepen- dent of optical properties and par- ticle size and, therefore, scatter- ing will not yield useful sizing.


(4) Measure-

ment character-




Special features

Optical properties are not needed for monodisperse sys- tems. The tech- nique is only ap- plicable to particles smaller than about 0.5 p,m. This tech- nique has been used to measure the two parameters that are needed to characterize a log- normal distribu- tion.

When soot particles are heated, the observed CARS in- tensities of C2 de- pend on particle- size range; the CARS signals are electronically en- hanced at selected dye-laser frequen- cies.

Representative performance


Particles "~23 nm were observed in CH4/O2 flames, 5 mm above the burner; they grew to 60-120 nm, de- pending on the equivalence ratio, 14 mm above the burner; la~ see also Ref. 131.

Theoretically, CARS intensities of C2 depend on laser- incidence angle and on particle size. 132

TABLE XI Flow-visualization techniques


Measure- ments of

Flow-field visualiza- tion and mapping of species concen- trations, density gradients, tempera- tures, etc.


Physical parameters


Changes in flow velocities, ! densities (as measured, e.g., by Rayleigh scat- tering), species concen- trations (~ measured by LA or LRA), popu- lation temperatures (as measured by LA, LRA, L1F, light emission, etc.). Spatial variations are determined by em- ploying appropriate in- version procedures for measurements that yield averages over the line of sight,




Rayleigh scattering

(4) Measure-

ment character-



ef, sp,*

Special features

While complete field reconstruction is tedious, a great deal of useful in- formation is ob- tainable.

The elastically scat- tered light mea- sures densities di- rectly in the Rayleigh limit.

Representative performance


Holographic interfero- metry has been used to obtain the temperature 13,3,134

and fuel-vapor con- centration distribu- tions; TM visual rec- ords were obtained for events in bitu- minous coal burn- ing. 135

For C2H4/air mix- tures (~ = 0.35) in reacting turbulent boundary layers, 1~

(O - Pb)l(Po - Oh )

and rms [15/(0o - Pb)] densities were <-1.2 and (-0.05)

Page 18: Laser diagnostics applied to combustion systems


TABLE XI (continued) Flow-visualization techniques


Measure- ments of


Physical parameters




Mie scattering


Speckle velocimetry

(4) Measure-

ment character-


cf, sp,*



Special features

With uniform particu- late distributions, the digitized scat- tered signals may be used to monitor gas concentrations directly provided the particle num- ber density mea- sures the local density directly.

Species concentra- tions, velocities, and temperatures may be measured directly. Useful ex- cited species are 12, OH, NO. See Refs. 21, 83, 88, 119, and 138-140.

A double-pulsed light source and sequen- tial recording are used to obtain se- quential images. Image processing involves laser illu- mination of a pho- tograph, which produces Young's fringes in the back focal plane. A camera is finally used to record a Fourier transform of the illuminated region,

Representative performance


-0.4, respectively,

using Pb/Po = 0.225 (from Ray- leigh scattering), where Po = free- stream density and Pb = average den- sit),.

Gas densities were measured for ducted, premixed combustion in spark-ignited C3Hs/air mix- tures.136 The pdf for scattered light yielded t~" c"/~Uo -< 0.1~6 and ~ / ~ _< is .

2-D measurements of flame temperatures were obtained us- ing two-fine LIF on OH, TM which is applicable to Tvi b ~- 1800 K; the signal levels were too low at lower temperatures. A twice Q-switcked (At = 40 to 180 Ixs) Nd:YAG laser was used to pump a dye laser, which was frequency-dou- bled and to~ed to an OH absorption line in a planar flame region, The OH LIF was ob- served and pro- vided irff, ormation about small-scale turbulent flame structure. 139

2-D velocity fields were used as an approximation. 141 Time delays be- tween successive pulses were 150 Ixs and the maximum displacement was ~200 ~m; veloci- ties exceeding 100 m/s could be probed.

Page 19: Laser diagnostics applied to combustion systems


TABLE XI (continued) Flow-visualization techniques

1 1 6 7


Measure- ments of

Flow fields, etc.


Physical parameters


Density changes, etc.

Gradients of index of re- fraction produced by temperature gradients.



Laser tomography


(4) Measure-

ment character-



cf, sp.*

Special features

LA or LRA is used to make many mea- surements. Inver- sion yields a two- dimensional prop- erty field. Line-in- tensity ratios and line profiles may be used to obtain temperature and concentration fields.

Rays from a colli- mated light source are deflected by gradients in index of refraction.

Representative performance


Local and instanta- neous velocities of the flame front were obtained 142

in turbulent, pre- mixed flames of

C3Hs/air diluted with Nz (e.g., 6 = 0.9). The spectral density of the flame velocity = 0 to 0.4 (max) to 0.1 cmZ/s for v = O to 3 to 13 Hz. Droplet sizes and concentrations were measured 143

in axisymmetric sprays of kerosene. Cumulative size distributions were obtained for diam- eters <-160 i~m.

The experimental pro- cedure is the same as in Ref. 111 and was applied to an H2--O~ flame. Temperature pro- files were con- structed from LMI. TM

scattering, we observe either the Stokes line at VL- - (AE/h) or the anti-Stokes line at VL + (AE/h). If AE is a rotational, vibrational or ro-vi- brational energy, the rotational, vibrational or ro- vibrational R. spectrum is observed. If Vu is dif- ferent from AE/h, non-resonant R. scattering

occurs and the line intensity is I l oc [VL ---+ (AE/h)]4NIP~I, where Ni is the number density of molecules in the lower (l) energy level and P2u l is the transition probability (related to cross section) for energy change between upper (u) and l energy levels. At equilibrium, level populations are given

TABLE XII Measurements of correlations in turbulent flows


Measure- ments of

Velocity-density corre- lations in turbulent , flows, etc.


Physical parameters


Simultaneous mea- surements are needed of two or more of the parameters listed in the preceding tables.



As appropriate, for each of the param- eters involved.

(4) Measure-

ment character-


As specified, for each of the parameters involved.

Special features

Each correlation mea- surement requires separate discussion because experi- mental problems are likely to be encountered that are not involved in individual mea- surements.

Representative performance


For representative ex- periments, see Refs. 104 and 144- 147.

Page 20: Laser diagnostics applied to combustion systems


v i r tua l leve~ w i th .ne rgy hY L

]1 f

v i r tua l level w i th energy hVL+AE

energy level ~E above ground level

ground mo lecu la r energy level

by the Boltzmann equation. Since the Nl are pro- portional to |l, measurements of intensity ratios yield (equilibrium) population ratios and hence temper- atures. Absolute It and known transition probabili- ties or cross sections are needed to determine ab- solute number densities. Because ground populations are much greater than those in excited levels, R. Stokes lines are much more intense than anti-Stokes lines. Intensity ratios of R. Stokes to anti-Stokes lines may be used to measure temperatures. For inci- dent intensity Io at low and moderate tempera-

- 3 - 4 tures, IRayleigh sca t te r ing/ Io ~ 10 to 10 ~ (105 to 10 ~) • I . . . . . . . . . . t R . . . . t t e r i ng / Io . If VL -- AE/h, resonant R. scattering occurs at intensities that are larger by ~103 than for non-resonant R. scattering. For applications of SRS, see Refs. 36, 41, and 153- 157.

Fig. 4. Coherent Raman Scattering, CRS (co,sp,*)

The diagrams illustrate the difference between spontaneous and coherent R. scattering. The stable (c and d) and excited (e) electronic molecular states have the same and opposite parity, respectively.

l . . . . . ! ...... l !


Nonlinear optical techniques that generate co- herent R. radiation are represented by the four-wave mixing processes involving phase-matched laser fre- quencies VEt (induced absorptions from c to the virtual state vt), YEa (induced absorptions from d to v2), and vu2 (induced emission from vt to d). t~aA59 In general, Vs = rE1 + VL3 -- VLZ. For phase- matched input frequencies, the field at Vs is always phase-coherent with the incident fields at VEt, rE2, and VL3. However, the coherent R. intensity at vs is greatly enhanced at resonance when rE3 -- VLZ

= v~.. For vL1 = rE3, coherent anti-Stokes R. scat- tering (CARS) obtains. 16~ Scattered intensities with CRS are ~109 greater than with SRS. t~3 Sev- eral CARS configurations t~ have been used. Im- proved sensitivity in CARS may result by using in- ternal referencing.

Fig. 5. Stimulated Raman Gain Spectroscopy, SRGS, and Inverse Raman Spectroscopy, IRS (co,w,*)

These techniques, unlike CRS techniques, in- volve the use of a pump laser with much higher power output than the probe laser. The pump laser is tunable while the probe laser is at a fixed fre- quency. In both SRGS and IRS, resonances are ob- served at the larger pump or probe frequency di- minished by the characteristic frequency (Av) of the Raman-active medium. In SRGS, the tunable pump laser is at higher frequency than the probe laser. The observed intensities at Vprobe as a function of pump frequency show stimulated gain for Vp,mp -- Vprobe = AV. In IRS, the tunable pump laser is at lower frequency than the probe laser. The ob- served intensities at Vprobe as a function of pump frequency then show decreases when stimulated gain o c c u r s for Vprob e - - Vpump = AV. A l t h o u g h four-wave mixing processes are involved, it is not uncommon to represent SRGS and IRS by showing only the first three frequency changes. Compared with CARS,

T I ' 1Ji)u m p t"p umo

~Pr~ ( . . . . . . . ) ( . . . . . . . ) yp . . . . ! ~

IRS [ For SRGS Vprob e and Vpump

lipump (tunable) are interchanged]

SRGS 58Ae~ and IRS ~,57,59,6~ have the advan- tages that phase matching of incident and gener- ated fields is not required, ultra-high spectral res- olution (0.002 cm -t) results and R. spectra rather than complex quadratures of the spectra are pro- duced. There is less observed background fluores- cence in IRS than in SRGS because, in IRS, the probe-laser frequency is greater than the frequency of the pump laser, whereas the reverse is true for SRGS.

Fig. 6. Velocity Measurements (co,sp,* )

Laser-Doppler anemometry (LDA) or velocime- try (LDV) depend on the influence of the Doppler effect of scattering centers on optical mixing spec-

167 169 170 troscopy. - Three arrangements are shown.

Page 21: Laser diagnostics applied to combustion systems


For turbulent flows, the signs of velocity compo- nents are needed and an acousto- or electro-optical modulator is used to pre-shift the beat signal such that positive v correspond to fp + fD while nega- tive v correspond to f e - f o , where fp is the pre- shifted frequency and fD is the measured Doppler

fl~,a . o .

.p . , , . , . t2 ,

T . , . ym~o. ,c . I h~

shift. In speckle velocimetry (CO,Sp), 141'171 the dou- ble-pulsed output (B) from a 30-nsec ruby laser with a delay time of ~150 Ixsec illuminates the diag- nostic region, after passage through spherical (L1) and cylindrical (L2) lenses. A converging lens (L3) focuses the image region on a recording camera. The double exposure produces sequential images (spec- kles) on the photographic receiver, which is then processed by laser illumination of the photograph to produce Young's fringes in the back focal plane. A camera is focused on the plane, where the Four- ier transform of the illuminated region (0.5 mm in diameter) is located. Speckle velocimetry has been applied to low-velocity latex flows with some mea- sure of success. It will be dimcult to use in com- bustion systems, where signal-to-noise ratios may be too small for velocity mapping.

Fig. 7. Particle Sizing Using Light Scattering or Light Extinction (c,sp,* )

Light scattering by uniform spherical particles has been inte~reted according to the Mie theory for many years 172 to obtain particle radii from theoret- ical curves for the angular distribution of scattered laser radiation by inferring the ratio of particle ra- dius (a) to laser wavelength (h).173

Ang~tar d i l t r i b u l i o n o f scattorld laser *htensiliml Us. of �9 , , r i , ba . - t , eQ~l . ey

Sizing of individual particles may be performed with a variable frequency grid (CO,$p). 127'174'175 AS

the particle image (for d -> 10 Ixm) is scanned, the intensity of the transmitted signal shows variable visibility. The visibility becomes vanishingly small when the particle diameter approximates the local grid spacing. The technique was calibrated at room temperature with alumina and pulverized coal par- ticles against a commercial off-line analyzer. For in- dividual hot, incandescent particles, better S/N may be obtainable in emission than with a laser back- ground. For dense particulate loadings, interfer- ence from particles and gaseous emitters near the center of the diagnostic region will degrade the ac- curacy of particle sizing.

Laser-Fraunhofer-diffraction for particle sizing 129 (co,sp,*) is accomplished by using a parallel beam of light to illuminate a cylindrical, particle-laden re- gion. Each particle deflects some of the incident ra- diation. The far-field Fraunhofer diffraction pattern is superimposed on the geometrical image. A lens of focal length f focuses undeflected light on the axis in the focal plane, while the diffracted light surrounds the central spot. Particle movements do not move the diffraction pattern. For a small par- ticle deflection s, the angle of deflection is s/f . The diffraction patterns formed by rectangular apertures or circular discs are inversely proportional to the characteristic lengths involved, provided these are much larger than h. The system functions as a Fourier transform lens for multi-variate droplet or particle sizes. The light energy (not the intensity) distribution was used in the focal plane to deter- mine particle sizes. Measurable particle-size limits are ~ 2.5 h; multiple scattering, non-uniform par- ticle shapes, poor S/N for partially transparent par- ticles and for particle-size distributions are problem areas.

11" for 1 Fm beam par t l c fe par t ic les expander f i e l ~ ~

para l le l J mono- F o u r i e r chromatic t ransform detector in the Hght lens focal p lane

of the lens

L a s e r - F r a u n h o f e r - d i f f r a c t i o n for p a r t i c l e s i z i n g ,

Fig. 8. Laser Diffusion-Broadening Spectroscopy 1 3 0 1 3 1 1 7 6 1 7 9 for Particle Sizing ' ' -

The experimental arrangements are shown for homodyne (either the beam along kl or the beam

incident p//~- ks - k2 beam ~" ~ detector

Page 22: Laser diagnostics applied to combustion systems


/~2 is blocked off) and for heterodyne spectroscopy (both beams are present). The scattering angle is 0. Homodyne spectroscopy has been the preferred technique for sizing small (-<0.5 Izm) particles in flames. The scattered laser radiation is shifted by the Brownian motion of small scattering centers. The observed spectral distribution of the scattered laser radiation is analyzed to determine particle sizes. For monodisperse particles, the optical properties of the scattering centers do not need to be known; for polydisperse particulate distributions, these physi- cal data are needed. A combination of scattering and transmission measurements is generally required to determine particle-size distributions and number densities of the scattering centers. 179 For the small particle sizes for which diffusion-broadening spec- troscopy is most suitable, the relation between par- ticle diffusion coefficient and particle diameter is well approximated by the Epstein limit of kinetic the- ory.

Fig. 9. Flow Visualization

Density gradients may be measured with a (pulsed) laser-micro-schlieren system (cp,sp,*). loa The 10-mm laser beam was expanded, recollimated and imaged on a translucent screen, where it was recorded with a polaroid camera during a single pulse.

o f f c e n t e r s p a r k p lug

�9 J~ collimated camera recollimating enlarging J-l. laser beam

t r a n s l u c e n t a p e r t u r e f l a m e s c r e e n f r o n t

Laser micro-schl ieren optical s y s t e m �9

Moir~ deflectometry (cp,sp) may be used for flow visualization. TM The experimental arrangement u4 (C.B., collimated beam; f, flame; G1, G2, gratings; S, mat screen; T.V.C., vidicon camera; M, video monitor; T.V.L.S., TV line selector; OSC, oscillo- scope) involves a light source and two parallel grat-


ings (Ronchi rulings) that are rotated with a con- stant angle 0 relative to each other. The resultant Moir~ pattern consists of straight fringes. If the beam passes through the flame and is distorted before en- tering the gratings, the Moir~ pattern will be mod- ified. Gradients of the index of refraction may then be evaluated from deformations of fringe patterns. High mechanical stability is not required. The fringe spacing and contrast are adjusted by changing 0.

Quantitative, simultaneous, multiple-point mea- surements of species concentrations, velocities and temperatures are made by using planar laser-in- duced fluorescence (LIF). 63'137'180 Temperatures are obtained for strong transitions. Seed materials are 12, OH and NO (e.g., 1900 ppm of NO in a pre- mixed CH4-air flame63). The spatial resolution was 0.8 mm x 0.8 mm x 0.2 mm. NO was measured to 30 ppm in individual exposures, e3

3. Comments on Selected Developing Procedures*

Laser diagnostics are a rapidly developing field of research. Any new application is likely to rep- resent a challenge and difficulty in execution.

While total gas densities have been measured successfully with Rayleigh scattering, 181 Mie scat- tering from particles interferes if LDV measure- ments are made simultaneously. Velocity-density correlations in turbulent flows are accordingly ob- tainable only with some difficulty 1~ and ap- plications to large-scale turbulent flames may re- quire improved techniques.

CARS has been developed as a powerful analyt- ical tool. 44,Sz,53,158-16~ Flame applications are described especially in Refs. 44, 182 and 183. Res- onance CARS 44,52,SaAs6-19z with greatly increased detectivity has not yet been applied to flames. Ap- plications to particle-laden flames may be facilitated by developing long wavelength IR-IR CARS, which

*For elaboration of this discussion, see a forth- coming article by the present authors in the Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Trans- fer.

2 2 5 n m burner beam WEX dump


Q u a n t a - R a y laser system Ret'conl c a m e r a

C = cy l i nd r i ca l tens

F = f i l ter

V i s u a l i z a t i o n of c o m b u s t i o n s p e c i e s .





F G 1 G 2


M o i r e d e f l e c t o m e t r y .

Page 23: Laser diagnostics applied to combustion systems


represents a challenging experimental program. Long-wavelength infrared holography has been

applied in Tokamak devices 193 and will be facili- tated by the use of a Schottky diode detector ar- ray. 194 With fast thermoplastic recording materials, electro-optical detectors, and digital electronic cam- eras, 19 it should yield greatly improved opportuni- ties for flame visualization.


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33. RAHN, L. A., MATi'ERN, P. L., AND FARROW, R. L.: Eighteenth Symposium (International) on Combustion, pp. 1533-1540, The Com- bustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, 1981.

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35. YANEY, P. P., BECKER, R. J., DANSET, P. T., GALLIS, M. R., AND PEREZ, J. I.: "The Appli- cation of Rotational Raman Spectroscopy to Dynamic Measurements in Gas Flowfields," paper presented at the 9th International Col- loquium on Dynamics of Explosions and Re- active Systems, Poitiers, France, July 1983.

36. YANEY, P. P., BECKEB, R. J., MAGILL, P. D., AND DANSET, P.: Temperature: Its Measure- ment and Control in Science and Industry, Vol. 5, pp. 639-648, Published by Am. Inst. Phys., N.Y., 1982.

37. DRAKE, M. C., LAPP, M., PENNEY, C. M., WARSHAW, S., AND GERHOLD, B. W.: Eigh- teenth Symposium (International) on Combus- tion, pp. 1521-1531, The Combustion Insti- tute, Pittsburgh, PA, 1981.

38. STEPHENSON, D. A.: Seventeenth Symposium (International) on Combustion, pp. 993-.999, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, 1979.

39. DRAKE, M. C., LAPP, M., PENNEY, C. M., WARSHAW, S., AND GERHOLD, B. W.: "Proba-

Page 24: Laser diagnostics applied to combustion systems


bility Density Functions and Correlations of Temperature and Molecular Concentrations in Turbulent Diffusion Flames," Paper AIAA-81- 0103.

40. LONG, M. B., FOURGUETrE, D. C., ESCODA, M. C., AND LAYNE, C. B.: Opt. Lett. 8, 244 (1983).

41. AESCHL1MAN, D. P. AND FLOWER, W. L.: "Pulsed Spontaneous Raman-Scattering Mea- surements in a Highly Luminous Flow," Re- port SAND 78-8263, Sandia National Labo- ratories, Livermore, CA 94550, August 1978.

42. FLOWER, W. L.: "Raman Scattering Gas Tem- perature Measurements in Part icle-Laden Flows," Report SAND 81-8608, Sandia Na- tional Laboratories, Livermore, CA 94550, July 1981.

43. GREEN, R. M. AND SMITh, J. R.: "An Experi- mental Study of Engine Knock," Report SAND 84-8630, Sandia National Laboratories, Liver- more, CA 94550, March 1984.

44. AIq'AL, B.: "Trace Species Analysis of Flames by Resonance CARS," paper presented at the 9th International Colloquium on Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Poitiers, France, July 4-8, 1983.

45. DORRS, G. M., STUFFLEBEAM, J, H., ECK- BRETH, A. C., AND TELLEX, P. A.: "CARS In- strument for Practical Combustion Measure- ments," paper presented at the 9th Inter- national Colloquium on Dynamics of Explo- sions and Reactive Systems, Poitiers, France, July 1983; Eckbreth, A. C., Dobbs, G. M., Stufflebeam, J. H., and Tellex, P. A.: "CARS Temperature and Species Measurements in Augmented Jet Engine Exhausts," Paper AIAA- 83-1294, presented at the AIAA/ASME/SAE 19th Joint Propulsion Conference, Seattle, Washington, June 1983.

46. MOORE, D. S., SCHMIDT, S. C., AND SHANER, J. W.: Phys. Rev. Lett. 50, 1819 (1983).

47. RIMAI, L., MARCO, K. A., AND KLICH, D.: Nineteenth Symposium (International) on Combustion, pp. 259-265, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, 1982.

48. ECKBRETH, A. C.: Seventeenth Symposium (In- ternational) on Combustion, pp. 975-983, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, 1979.

49. RAHN, L. A., JOHNSTON, S. C., FARROW, R. L., AND MA'V!rERN, P. L.: Temperature: Its Mea- surement and Control in Science and Indus- try, Vol. 5, pp. 609-613, Published by Amer- ican Institute of Physics, N.Y., 1982.

50. GUSTAFSON, E. K., MCDANIEL, J. C., AND BYER, R. L. : Opt. Lett. 7, 434 (1982).

51. MARKO, K. A. AND RIMAI, L.: Opt. Lett., 4, 211 (1979).

52. BECKMANN, A., FIETZ, H., BAIREL, P., AND KIEFER, W.: Chem. Phys. Lett. 86, 140 (1982).

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55. TEE'IS, R. E. AND BECHTEL, J. H.: Opt. Lett. 6, 458 (1981).

56. For discussion of a time-resolved IRS tech- nique, see Rahn, LA.: Opt. Lett. 7, 66 (1982).

57. For the first supersonic molecular flow veloc- ity measurements using IRS, see Herring, G. C., Lee, S. A., and She, C. Y.: Opt. Lett. 8, 214 (1983).

58. For subsonic speed measurements using SRGS, see Herring, G. C., Fairbank, Jr., W. M., and She, C. Y.: IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE- 17, 1975 (1981).

59. OWYOUNG, A.: Laser Spectroscopy IV (Walther, H. and Rothe, K. W., Eds.), pp. 175-187, Springer, Berlin, 1979.

60. For application of IRS to a flame, see Ow- YOUNG, A. AND RAHN, L. A.: IEEE J. Quan- tum Electron. QE-15, 25D (1979).

61. FAIRCHILD, P. W., SMITH, G. P., AND CROS- LEY, D. R.: Nineteenth Symposium (Interna- tional) on Combustion, pp. 107-115, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, 1982.

62. REA, JR., E. C. AND HANSON, R. K.: "Fully Resolved Absorption/Fluorescence Lineshape Measurements of OH Using a Rapid-Scanning Ring Dye Laser," Paper 83-66, Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, Fall Meeting, October 1983.

63. KNAPP, K., KYCHAKOFF, G., HOWE, R. D., AND HANSON, R. K.: "Flow Visualization in Com- bustion Gases Using Nitric Oxide Fluores- cence," submitted to AIAA J., 1983.

64. ALDI~N, M., GRAFSTROM, P., LUNDBERG, H., AND SVANBERG, S.: Opt. Lett. 8, 241 (1983).

65. KYCHAKOFF, G., HOWE, R. D., HANSON, R. K., DRAKE, M. C., Pffz, R., LAPP, M., AND PEN- NEY, C. M.; "The Visualization of Turbulent Flame Fronts Using Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence," Science (in press), 1984.

66. OTrESEN, D. K. AND THORNE, L. R.: "On the Application of Fourier Transform Infrared (FI'- IR) Spectroscopy to In Situ Studies of Coal Combustion," Report SAND 82-8672, Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA 94550, April 1982.

67. OrrESEN, D. K. AND THORNE, L. R.: Proceed- ings of the 1983 International Conference on Coal Science, pp. 621-623, International En- ergy Agency, Pittsburgh, PA, August 15-19, 1983; also, Thorne, L. R. and Ottesen, D: K, : "Studies of Pulverized Coal Combustion Us- ing Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy," Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA 94550, April 1983.

Page 25: Laser diagnostics applied to combustion systems


68. ZAPKA, W., POKROWSKY, P., AND TAM, A. C.: Opt. Lett. 7, 477 (1982).

69. MOLLER-DETHLEFS, K. AND WEINBERG, F. J.: Seventeenth .Symposium (International) on Combustion, pp. 985-992, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, 1979.

70. DIBBLE, R. W. AND HOLLENBACH, R. E.: Eigh- teenth Symposium (International) on Combus- tion, pp. 1489-1499, The Combustion Insti- tute, Pittsburgh, PA, 1981.

71. CHENG, R. K., BILL, JR., R. G., AND ROBBEN, F.: Eighteenth Symposium (International) on Combustion, pp. 1021-1029, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, 1981.

72. NAMAZIAN, M., TALBOT, L., ROBBEN, F., AND CHENG, R. K.: Nineteenth Symposium (Inter- national) on Combustion, pp. 487-493, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, 1982.

73. BILL, JR., R. G., NAMER, I., TALBOT, L., AND ROBBEN, F.: Combust. Flame 44, 277 (1982).

74. SMITH, J. R.: "'Turbulent Flame Structure in a Homogeneous-Charge Engine," SAE Tech- nical Paper No. 820043, International Con- gress and Exposition, Detroit, Michigan, Feb- ruary 1982.

75. RAJAN, S., SMITH, J. R., AND RAMBACH, G. D.: "Internal Structure of a Premixed Turbulent Flame," Report SAND 82-8865, Sandia Na- tional Laboratories, Livermore, CA 94550, October 1982.

76. DIBBLE, R. W., KOLLMANN, W., and SCHEFER, R. W.: " 'Measurements and Predictions of Scalar Dissipation in Turbulent Jet Flames," Twentieth Symposium (International) on Com- bustion, The Combustion Institute, Pitts- burgh, PA, 1984.

77. TEETS, R. E., AND BECHTEL, J. H.: Eighteenth Symposium (International) on Combustion, pp. 425-432, The Combustion Institute, Pitts- burgh, PA, 1981.

78. JOHNSTON, S. C. AND GREEN, R. M.: "Engine Hydrocarbon Concentration Measurements: A Comparison between a Sampling Probe and Raman Spectroscopy," Report SAND 81-8915, Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA 94550, January 1982.

79. ECKBRETrl, A. C. : Eighteenth Symposium (In- ternational) on Combustion, pp. 1471-1488, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, 1981.

80. VEBDIECK, J. F. AND BONCZYK, P. A.: Eigh- teenth Symposium (International) on Combus- tion, pp. 1559-1566, The Combustion Insti- tute, Pittsburgh, PA, 1981.

81. MULLER III, C. H., SCHOFIELD, K., STEIN- BERG, M., AND BROIDA, H. P.: Seventeenth Symposium (International) on Combustion, pp. 867-879, The Combustion Institute, Pitts- burg[/, PA, 1979.

82. WBOBEL, N. H. AND PRATt, N. H.: Seven- teenth Symposium (International) on Combus- tion, pp. 957-966, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, 1979.

83. DYER, M. J. AND CROSLEY, O. R.: Opt. Lett. 7, 382 (1982).

84. STEPOWSKI, D., PUECHBERTY, D., AND COIq'ER- EAU, M. J.: Eighteenth Symposium (Interna- tional) on Combustion, pp. 1567-1573, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, 1981.

85. CATTOLICA, a. J., STEPOWSKI, D., PUECHBERTY, D., AND COTrEREAU, M.: "Laser Fluorescence Measurements of the CH Radical in a Low- Pressure Flame," Report SAND 82-8615, San- dia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA 94550, April 1982.

86. CATrOLICA, R. J., SMOOKE, M. D., AND DEAN, A. M.: "A Hydrogen-Nitrous Oxide Flame Study," Report SAND 82-8776, Sandia Na- tional Laboratories, Livermore, CA 94550.

87. CATrOLICA, R. J. AND SCHEFER, R. W.: Corn- bust. Sei. Technology 30, 205 (1983).

88. CROSLEY, D. R. AND SMITH, G. P.: Opt. Eng. 22, 545 (1983).

89. BEBGANO, N. S., JAANIMAGI, P. A., SALOUR, M. M., AND BECHTEL, J. H.: "'Pico-second Laser Spectroscopy Measurement of Hydroxyl Flu- orescence Lifetime in Flames," General Mo- tors Research Laboratories publication GMR- 4346, presented to the Opt. Soc. Am., New Orleans, Louisiana, October 1983, and to be published in Opt. Lett.

90. SCHMIEDER, R. W.: "Techniques and Appli- cations of Laser Spark Spectroscopy," Report SAND 83-8618, Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA 94550, March 1983.

91. LOREE, T. R. AND RADZIEMSKI, L. J.: "'Laser- Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy: Detecting Sodium and Potassium in Coal Gasifiers," Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, Report LA-UR-81-1526, 1981.

92. CREMERS, D. A. AND RADZIEMSKI, L. J.: "Di- rect Spectroscopic Detection of Chlorine and Fluorine in Air Using Laser-Induced Break- down Spectroscopy," Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, Report LA-UR- 82-691, 1982.

93. SCHMIEDER, R. W.: "Combustion Applications of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy," Report SAND 81-8886, Sandia National Lab- oratories, Livermore, CA 94550, March 1982.

94. SCHMIEDER, R. W.: J. Appl. Phys. 53, 6096 (1982).

95. SCHMIEDER, R. W.: "'Time-Integrated Images of Linear Strained Filamentary Laser Sparks,'" Report SAND 81-8714, Sandia National Lab- oratories, Livermore, CA 94550, March 1982.

96. CAMPILLO, A. J., LIN, H-B., AND DODGE, C. J.: Opt. Lott. 5, 424 (1980).

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97. FARROW, R. L. AND RAHN, L. A.: Opt. Lett. 6, 108 (1081).

98. GOLDSMrrH, J. E. M. AND FARROW, R. L.: Opt. Latt. 7, 215 (1982).

99. BAHN, L. A., FARROW, R. L., KOSZYKOWSKi, M. L., AND MATI'ERN, P. L. : Phys. Rev. Lett. 45, 620 (1980).

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101. GOLDSMrrH, J. E. M.: "Flame Studies of Atomic Hydrogen and Oxygen Using Resonant Mul- tiphoton Optogalvanic Spectroscopy," Twen- tieth Symposium (International) on Combus- t/on, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, 1984.

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104. NG, T. T., CHENG, R. K., ROBBEN, F., AND TALBOT, L.: Nineteenth Symposium (Interna- tional) on Combustion, pp. 359-366, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, 1982.

105. Wrr'zE, P. O.: "The Effect of Spark Location on Combustion in a Variable-Swirl Engine," Report SAND 81-8726, Sandia National Lab- oratories, Livermore, CA 94550, January 1982.

106. WrrzE, P. O., MARTIN, J. K., AND BORGNAKKE, C. : "Fluid Motion During Flame Propagation in a Spark Ignition Engine," Report SAND 83- 8761, Sandia National Laboratories, Liver- more, CA 94550, January 1984.

107. DYER, T. M. AND FLOWER, W. L.: "A Phe- nomenological Description of Particulate For- mation During Constant Volume Combus- tion," Report SAND 80-8663, Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA 94550, Novem- ber 1980.

108. WrrzE, P. O., MARTIN, J. K., AND BORGNAKKE, C.: "Conditionally-Sampled Velocity and Tur- bulence Measurements in a Spark Ignition Engine," Report SAND 83-8794, Sandia Na- tional Laboratories, Livermore, CA 94550, August 1983.

109. BORGNAKKE, C., MARTIN, J. K., AND WITZE, P. O.: "Turbulent Combustion Rate in a Spark Ignition Eng ine - -Some Comparisons Be- tween Model Predictions and Experiments,'" Report SAND 82-8798, Sandia National Lab- oratories, Livermore, CA 94550, October 1982.

110. WlTZE, P. O., MARTIN, J. K., AND BORGNAKKE, C.: "Measurements and Predictions of the Precombustion Fluid Motion and Combustion Rates in a Spark Ignition Engine," Report SAND 83-8652, Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA 94550, September 1983.

111. BAR-ZIV, E., SGULIM, S., KAFRI, O., AND KEREN, E. : Nineteenth Symposium (International) on Combustion, pp. 303-310, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, 1982.

112. STmCKER, J. AND KAFBI, O.: AIAA J. 20, 820 (1082).

113. KAFm, O.: Opt. Lett. 5, 555 (1980). 114. KEREN, E., B~-ZIv, E,, GLATr, I., AND KAFRI,

O.: Appl. Opt. 20, 4263 (1981). 115. SZEKELY, JR., G. A. AND FAETH, G. M.: Nine-

teenth Symposium (International) on Combus- tion, pp. 1077-1085, The Combustion Insti- tute, Pittsburgh, PA, 1982.

116. MODARRESS, D., TAN, S., AND ELGHOBASHI, S.: "Two-Component LDA Measurements in a Two-Phase Turbulent Jet," paper presented at the AIAA 21st Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, Nevada, January 10-13, 1983.

117. SHE, C. Y., FAIRBANK, JR., W. M., AND BILL- MAN, K. W.: Opt. Lett. 2, 30 (1978).

118. SHE, C. Y., PAN, C. L., PRODAN, J. V., AND FAIRBANK, JR., W. i . : IEEE J. Quant. Elec- tron. QE-15, No. 9, 26D (1979).

119. MCDANIEL, J. C., HILLER, B., AND HANSON, R. K.: Opt. Lett. 8, 51 (1983).

120. HILLER, B., MCDANIEL, J. E., RAE, JR., E. C., AND HANSON, R. K.: Opt. Lett. 8, 474 (1983).

121. BOCKHORN, H., FETTING, F., WANNEMACHER, G., AND WENZ, H. W. : Nineteenth Symposium (International) on Combustion, pp. 1413-1420, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, 1982.

122, BERETrA, F., CAVALIER, A., CIAJOLO, A., D'ALESSIO, A., LANOELLA, C., DI LORENZO, A., AND NOVIELLO, C. : Eighteenth Symposium (In- ternational) on Combustion, pp. 1091-1096, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, 1981.

123, KENT, J. H., JONDER, H., AND WAGNER, H. Gg.: Eighteenth Symposium (International) on Combustion, pp. 1117-1126, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, 1981.

124. PRADO, G., JAGODA, J., NEOH, K., AND LA- HAYE, J.: Eighteenth Symposium (Interna- tional) on Combustion, pp. 1127-1136, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, 1981.

125. BOCKHORN, H., FETITNG, F., MEYER, U., RECK, R., AND WANNEMACHER, G.: Eighteenth Sym- posium (International) on Combustion, pp. 1137-1147, The Combustion Institute, Pitts- burgh, PA, 1981.

126. HOLVE, D. J. : "'In Situ Particle Counting for Research and Industry," Report SAND 83- 8847, Sandia National Laboratories, Liver- more, CA 94550, October 1983.

127. HOLVE, D. J., TICHENOR, D., WANG, J. F. C., AND HARDESTY, D. R.: Opt. Eng. 20, 529 (1981).

128. HOLVE, D. J. : "'In Situ Optical Particle Counter

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for Submicron Particles," AIAA-82-0237, pa- per presented at the AIAA 20th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, Florida, January 11-14, 1982.

129. SWITHENBANK, J., BEI~R, J. M., TAYLOR, D. S., ABBOT, D., AND McCREATH, G. C.: "A Laser Diagnostic Technique for the Measurement of Droplet and Particle Size Distribution," AIAA Paper No. 76-69, AIAA 14th Aerospace Sci- ences Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 26- 28, 1976.

130. FLOWER, W. L.: "Optical Measurements of Soot Formation in Premixed Flames," Report SAND 82-8812, October 1982; "Measurements of the Diffusion Coetlqcient for Soot Particles in Flames," Report SAND 83-8805, Sandia Na- tional Laboratories, Livermore, CA 94550, September 1983.

131. FLOWER, W. L. AND BOWMAN, C. T.: "Mea- surements of the Structure of Sooting Laminar Diffusion Flames at Variable Pressure," Re- port SAND 83-8776, Sandia National Labo- ratories, Livermore, CA 94550, October 1983.

132. COANEY, J. AND GROSS, A.: Opt. Lett. 7, 218 (1982).

133. KUaOSAKI, Y., ITO, A., AND CHIBA, M.: Sev- enteenth Symposium (International) on Com- bustion, pp. 1211-1220, The Combustion In- stitute, Pittsburgh, PA, 1979.

134. KASHIWAGI, T. AND KASHIWAGI, T.: Nineteenth Symposium (International) on Combustion, pp. 1511-1521, The Combustion Institute, Pitts- burgh, PA, 1982.

135. SEEKER, W. R., SAMUELSON, G. S., HEAP, M. P., AND TROLINGER, J. D.: Eighteenth Sym- posium (International) on Combustion, pp. 1213-1226, The Combustion Institute, Pitts- burgh, PA, 1981.

136. SHEPHERD, I. G., MOSS, J. B., AND BRAY, K. N. C.: Nineteenth Symposium (International) on Combustion, pp. 423-431, The Combus- tion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, 1982.

137. LONG, M. B., CHU, B. T., AND CHANG, R. K.: AIAA J. 19, 1151 (1981).

138. CATrOLICA, R. J. AND STEPHENSON, D. A.: '~l'wo- Dimensional Imaging of Flame Temperature Using Laser Induced Fluorscence," paper submitted to the Proceedings of the 9th In- ternational Colloquium on Dynamics of Ex- plosions and Reactive Systems, Poitiers, France, 1983.

139. DYER, M. J. AND CROSLEY, D. R.: Opt. Lett. 9, 217 (1984).

140. CATTOLICA, R. J. AND VOSEN, S. R.: "Two-Di- mensional Measurements of the [OH] in a Constant Volume Combustion Chamber ," Twentieth Symposium (International) on Com- bustion, The Combustion Institute, Pitts- burgh, PA, 1984.

141. MEYNART, R.: Appl. Opt. 22, 535 (1983). 142. BOYEB, L., CLAVIN, P., AND SABATHIER, F.:

Eighteenth Symposium (International) on Combustion, pp. 1041-1049, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, 1981.

143. YULE, A. J., AH SENG, C., FELTON, P. G., UN- GUT, A., AND CHIGIER, N. A.: Eighteenth Sym- posium (International) on Combustion, pp. 1501-1510, The Combustion Institute, Pitts- burgh, PA, 1981.

144. SCHEFER, R. W. AND DIBBLE, R. W.: "Simul- taneous Measurements of Velocity and Den- sity in a Turbulent Nonpremixed Flame," Re- port SAND 82-8810, Sandia Nat iona l Laboratories, Livermore, CA, July 1983.

145. DIBBLE, R. W., KOLLMANN, W., AND SCHEFER, R. W. : "Conserved Scalar Fluxes Measured in a Turbulent Nonpremixed Flame by Com- bined Laser Doppler Velocimetry and Laser Raman Scattering," Report SAND 82-8827, Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA 94550, March 1983.

146. DRISCOLL, J. F., SCHEFER, R. W., AND DIB- BLE, R. W.: Nineteenth Symposium (Interna- tional) on Combustion, pp. 477-485, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, 1982.

147. JOHNSTON, S. C., DIBBLE, R. W., SCHEFER, R. W., ASHURST, W. T., AND KOLLMANN, W.: "Laser Measurements and Stochastic Simula- tions of Turbulent Reacting Flows," Paper AIAA-84-0543, presented at the AIAA 22nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, Nevada, January 9-12, 1984.

148. PENNER, S. S. AND SULZMANN, K. G. P.: J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 7, 203 (1967); Sulzmann, K. G. P., Bien, F., and Penner, S. S.: J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 7, 969 (1967).

149. SEPUCHA, R. C. AND PENNER, S. S.: Phys. Rev. Lett. 28, 395 (1972); J. Quant. Spectrosc. Ra- diat. Transfer 13, 635 (1973).

150. BERNARD, J. M. AND PENNER, S. S.: J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 15, 357 (1975).

151. HEFFINGTON, W. M., PARKS, G. E., SULZ- MANN, K. G. P., AND PENNER, S. S.: J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 16, 839 (1976).

152. SULZMANN, K. G. P., LOWDER, J. E. L., AND PENNER, S. S. : Combust. Flame 20, 177 (1973).

153. LAPP, M., GOLDMAN, L. M., AND PENNEY, C. M.: Science 175, 1112 (1972).

154. For pollution monitoring applications of SRS, see Chang, R. K. and Fouche, D. G.: Laser Focus, 8, 43 (1972), Hirschfeld, T., Schild- kraut, E. R., Tannenbaum, H., and Tannen- baum, D.: Appl. Phys. Lett. 22, 38 (1973).

155. Gas concentrations using SRS were measured in aerodynamic flows by Widhopf, G. F. and Lederman, S.: AIAA J. 9, 309 (1971); Hartley, D. L.: AIAA J. 10, 688 (1972).

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156. LAPP, M.: Laser Raman Gas Diagnostics (Lapp, M. and Penney, C. M., Eds.), pp. 107-145, Plenum, New York, 1974.

157. SETCHELL, R. E.: Combustion Measurements: Modern Techniques and Instrumentation (Goulard, R., Ed.), pp. 211-233, Hemisphere Publishing, Washington, D.C., 1976.

158. MAKER, P. D. AND TERHUNE, R. W.: Phys. Rev. 137A, 801 (1965).

159. RADO, W. G.: Appl. Phys. Lett. 11, 123 (1967). 160. RI~GNIER, P. R. AND TARAN, J.-P. E.: Appl.

Phys. Lett. 23, 240 (1973). 161. DRUET, S. A. J. AND TARAN, J.-P. E.: Progr.

Quant. Electr. 7, 1 (1981). 162. ECKBRETH, A. C. AND HALL, R. J.: Combust.

Flame 36, 87 (1979). 163. LEVENSON, M. D.: Introduction to Nonlinear

Spectroscopy, 256 pages, Academic Press, New York, 1982.

164. EESLEY, G. L.: J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 22, 507 (1979).

165. SHE, C. Y., FAIRBANK, JR., W. M., AND Ex- TON, R. J.: IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE- 17, 2 (1981).

166. IRS was first reported by Jones, W. J. and Stoicheff, B. P.: Phys. Rev. Lett. 13, 657 (1964).

167. GOLDSTE1N, R. J. AND HAGEN, W. F.: Phys. Fluids 10, 1349 (1967).

168. BIEN, F. AND PENNER, S. S.: Phys. Fluids 13, 1665 (1970); 14, 1305 (1971).

169. DURST, F. AND WHITELAW, J. H.: Opto-elec- tronics 5, 137 (1973); Proc. Roy. Soc. A324, 157 (1971); Progr. Heat and Mass Transfer 4, 311 (1971); Durst , F., Melling, A., and Whitelaw, J. H.: Principles and Practice of Laser Doppler Anemometry, Second Edition, 437 pages, Academic Press, New York, 1981.

170. WANG, C. P.: American Scientist 65, 289 (1977); J. Phys. E-Scientific Instr. 5, 763 (1977).

171. For background information on speckle anal- ysis, see, for example, Khetan, R. P. and Chiang, F. P.: Appl. Opt. 15, 2205 (1976).

172. SENFTLEREN, H. AND BENEDIKT, E.: Annalen- der der Physik 54, 65 (1917).

173. RUEDY, R. : Can. J. Res. 20A, 25 (1942). 174. WANG, J. F. C. AND TIEHENOR, D. A.: Appl.

Opt. 20, 1367 (1981). 175. WANG, J. F. C., KEE, B. F., LINKINS, D. W.,

AND LYNCH, R. W.: "Real-Time Total Mass Analysis of Particulates in the Stack of an In- dustrial Power Plant," Report SAND 82-8892,

Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA 94550, February 1983.

176. PENNER, S. S., BERNARD, J. M., AND JERSKEY, T.: Acta Astronautica, 3, 69 (1976); 3, 93 (1976).

177. BERNARD, J. M. AND PENNER, S. S.: Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, Vol. 53, pp. 411-420, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, New York, 1977.

178. PENNER, 8. S. AND CHANG, P. H. P.: J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 20, 447 (1978).

179. PENNER, S. S. AND CHANG, P. H. P.: Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, Vol. 76, pp. 1-30, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, New York, 1981.

180. ALDEN, M., EDNOR, H., HOLMSTEDT, G., SVANBERG, S., AND HOGBERG, T.: Appl. Opt. 21, 1236 (1982).

181. RORREN, F.: Combustion Measurements: Mod- ern Technique and Instrumentation (Goulard, R., Ed.), pp. 180-196, Hemisphere Press, Washington, D.C., 1976.

182. RI~GNIER, P. R., MOYA, F., AND TARAN, J.-P. E.: AIAA J. 12, 826 (1974).

183. R~GNIER, P. R. AND TAaAN, J.-P. E.: Laser Ra- man Gas Diagnostics (Lapp, M. and Penney, C. M., Eds.), pp. 87-103, Plenum Press, New York, 1974.

184. HAUCHECORNE, G., KERHERVI~, F., AND MAYER, G.: J. Physique 32, 47 (1971).

185. DE MARTINI, F., GUILIANI, G. P., AND SAN- TAMATO, E.: Opt. Comm. 5, 126 (1972).

186. AYrAg, B., SCHNEPP, O. O., AND TAP~N, J.-P. E.: Opt. Comm. 24, 77 (1978).

187. DRUET, S. A. J., AYrAL, B., GUSTAFSON, T. K., AND TA~N, J.-P. E.: Phys. Rev. A 18, 1529 (1978).

188. GROSS, K. P., GUTHALS, D. M., AND NmLER, J. W.: J. Chem. Phys. 70, 4673 (1979).

189. HETHERINGTON III, W. M., KORENOWSKI, G. M., AND EISENTHAL, K. B.: Chem. Phys. Lett. 77, 275 (1981).

190. GUTHALS, D. M., GROSS, K. P., AND NmLER, J. W.: J. Chem. Phys. 70, 2393 (1979).

191. Mc ILWAIN, M. E. AND H1NDMAN, J. E.: J. Chem. Phys. 73, 68 (1980).

192. BARRETt, J. j. AND BEGLEY, R. F.: Appl. Phys. Lett. 27, 129 (1975).

193. LUHMANN, JR., N. C.: Infrared and Millimeter Waves, (Button, K. J., Ed.), Vol. 2, pp. 1- 86, Academic Press, New York, 1979.

194. CHEN, W. S.: Opt. Eng. 20, 574 (1981).