ksu pipeline magazine - fall 2014

PIPELINE Magazine Kennesaw State University | Department of Communication | Fall 2014 | Issue No. 3 Second Annual Communication Colloquium Draws Nearly 300 Students Learning to Evolve: MAIGC Student Pens Book about K-12 Education in China Journalism Program Builds Partnership with University in the UK KSU Communication MAJORS epare to be World-Ready Communicators

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Pipeline is an electronic magazine designed and written by Kennesaw State University Communication students. The purpose of our magazine is to offer a high-quality, multi-platform publication that informs, educates and connects readers to communication-related topics in the classroom and beyond. We hope you enjoy reading our recent edition. Connect with us online via Facebook: facebook.com/KSUPipeline and Twitter: @KSUPipeline


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Kennesaw State University | Department of Communication | Fall 2014 | Issue No. 3

Second Annual

Communication Colloquium

Draws Nearly 300 Students

Learning to Evolve:

MAIGC Student Pens Book

about K-12 Education in China

Journalism Program Builds

Partnership with University

in the UK

KSU Communication MAJORS Prepare to be World-Ready Communicators

Page 2: KSU Pipeline Magazine - Fall 2014

Rachel Baines, Copy Editor/WriterKristen Camp, Art Director/DesignerLisa Ding, Marketing Specialist/DesignerBecca Duvall, Social Media Specialist/DesignerHilary Rowser, Features Design Manager/Designer

WRITERSSam ButgereitEmily DanielCyrus HallPaymon KashaniRachel LewisCorey Ware

DESIGNERSAlexa GallowayAlex Mathis-PorterMary O’NeillKristen Smith

ADVISORSProfessor Thomas GrayProfessor Sarah Johnson



Pipeline Magazine is written and designed by Kennesaw State University Communication students. The purpose of our magazine is to offer a high-quality, multi-platform publication that informs, educates and connects readers to communication-related topics in the classroom and beyond. We hope you enjoy reading our recent edition.

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3FALL 2014








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letter from thedepartment chair

Kennesaw State University and the Department of Communication are making many changes to better serve our growing student population. We want you to have access to strong academic

programs, a high-quality learning environment, and rewarding co-curricular activities to prepare you for a successful future as a potential leader, employee, and citizen. We are working together as full-time and part-time faculty to offer as many course sections as possible and at differing days and times. We have expanded the number of hybrid and online courses that are available. Until the university is in a position to hire more faculty and have additional classroom spaces available, we must work within our current resources. To achieve strategic goals within our department, we are pursuing separate majors in Public Relations, Journalism & Emerging Media, Media Studies, and Organizational Communication in a future School of Communication & Media. The new Public Relations major will be in place in fall 2015. We have established a new gated admissions process that requires students to meet GPA and writing test standards before being admitted as a major. The department is also looking forward to celebrating our 25th anniversary in academic year 2015-16. I encourage you to use this moment in time, while you are pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree, to actively prepare yourself for your future. Don’t be passive, just putting in the time waiting for graduation. Look at every activity, whether a class or a student organization meeting, as a chance to add to your knowledge and skills. Approach every class session by asking, “What can I take away from this class that will benefit my life or career?”



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Dr. Barbara S. GaineyChair, Department of CommunicationAssociate Professor of Communication

1. What major change is occurring

at KSU in 2015?

2. How many students are expected to attend Kennesaw State University in the

fall 2015 semester?

3. In fall 2015, KSU will rank in the top ____ universities in the nation in

student enrollment.

4. How many students are majoring in

Communication this fall (2014)?

5. The number of Communication majors at KSU has grown ____ percent in the

past five years.

6. What program graduated the largest number of students at KSU in 2013?

How well did you do?

What Do You Know About Your University

And The Department Of Communication

See how many of the items below you can answer correctly.

The answers are (1) consolidation with SPSU; (2) 30,000; (3) 50; (4) about 1,500; (5) 57;

(6) Communication.

5FALL 2014

Consider yourself an entrepreneur, working for yourself, to improve your prospects for a more rewarding position or a happier life. Take ownership of your academic career. According to an article in Forbes magazine, “Entrepreneurial spirit is a mindset. It’s an attitude and approach to thinking that actively seeks out change, rather than waiting to adapt to change. It’s a mindset that embraces critical questioning, innovation, service and continuous improvement” (J. Smith, 10/22/2013). What do you want to accomplish today? I hope you will make your studies a top priority this year and seek out opportunities to grow and develop. Peter Senge in The Fifth Discipline echoes the truism that “the journey is the reward.” Senge goes on to say that personal mastery “is not something you possess. It is a process. It is a lifelong discipline” (1990, p.142).

Enjoy your academic journey with us!

Page 6: KSU Pipeline Magazine - Fall 2014

SLEEP CYCLEWith busy schedules, communication professionals can ensure they always get enough sleep with Sleep Cycle. Cost: $0.99

EVERNOTEUse Evernote to capture everything you need to remember, from photos to memos to reminders. Cost: Free

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FEEDLYFeedly keeps all of your favorite RSS feeds and news sites in one convenient location. Cost: Free

POCKET Save your favorite articles for offline reading on-the-go with Pocket, completely with Feedly integration. Cost: Free

GOOGLE DRIVECollaboratively edit documents, spreadsheets and presentations from your mobile device with Google Drive. Cost: Free

HOOTSUITEUse Hootsuite to manage all of your social media accounts and schedule posts in advance. Cost: Free

AP STYLEBOOK MOBILENever make an AP style error again with the convenience of the AP Stylebook app. Cost: $24.99

MINTMint manages all of your finances for you; budgeting has never been easier. Cost: Free











By: Becca Duvall

Photographed (from left to right) are: Dr. Jake McNeill, senior lecturer of Communication; Dr. Amber Hutchins, assistant professor of Communication; Virginia Rogers, certificate recipient; Sherelle Glenn, certificate recipient; Dr. Josh Azriel, associate professor of Communication; Dr. Buddy Mayo, professor of Communication and director of the Master of Arts in Integrated Global Communication program.

First Graduate Certificates in Digital & Social Media AwardedThe Department of Communication recently awarded the first Graduate Certificates in Digital & Social Media. The completely online program blends theory, strategic program management and technique application.



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What makes you different? That is the question Mart Martin from Jackson Spalding posed at the “Branding Yourself Online for Your Career” workshop

at this year’s Second Annual Communication Colloquium. The speakers were Stephen Brown, executive vice president, managing director at Cohn & Wolfe; Drew Hawkins, senior digital strategist at DeMoss PR; and Katrina Blauvelt, senior director associate communications at The Home Depot. Mart Martin served as the mediator. Martin is also on KSU’s Department of Communication National Advisory Board. Blauvelt first stated that the most important thing to remember is to “think of yourself as a product. Make your view and that of others coincide with each other. Don’t box yourself in because things (including you) will evolve over your career.” Brown made interesting points that seemed to resonate well with the audience. He focused on how to conduct one’s self when going on a job hunt. He told the audience that there are three superpowers that will make one’s personal brand come to life. These “superpowers” are purpose, peers and power of the pen. Purpose is what you stand for; who are you? What are your values and beliefs? Peers are those you associate yourself with; make sure to surround yourself with people who will boost you up and who mirror your purpose. The power of the pen is your passion for writing. Almost all of communication is about good writing! The most important thing to remember is to know yourself. Martin reminded the students that having a LinkedIn profile is crucial. No matter how much experience you have, EVERYONE needs to be on LinkedIn. Hawkins talked about what one’s online presence should entail. Having a blog is always a plus, and being active on Twitter is as well. This doesn’t necessarily mean that students should be constantly dumping information on all social media outlets, as being obnoxious can reflect even more negatively than being absent. The fact that potential employers can see that a person is active online and seeking out information is just as important. Brown pointed out that young professionals should always be intentional in everything they do. Not over thinking one’s online profiles and keeping things simple should always be at the forefront of a person’s mind. He told students to think of their resumé as a cause and effect relationship. “What have you done in your career, and what has it done for you?” Martin asked speakers to discuss positive and negative things that automatically grab their attention when seeking out possible employees. The biggest problem they see is typos, which are “90 percent of why people don’t even get a second look,” said Brown. Other negative aspects include outdated blogs, broken links, incomplete LinkedIn profiles and videos/photos that may reflect badly on the candidate. Hawkins reiterated that having an “annoying online presence will steer employers away every time.” Blauvelt told the students that an “awesome story about yourself on your cover letter is one of the best things” that captures her attention. Using an analogy about a discipline/passion in one’s life shows potential employers how well one qualifies and can highlight the most interesting attributes and abilities. “We want to know what you’re doing when you’re not working or at school,” she told the students. The most important thing the speakers discussed was to make sure that who you are online is who you are in real life. Networking is key, and if people see a disconnect in your online personality and “real-life” one, they may be turned off completely. Making your personal brand come to life involves being honest with yourself and exemplifying your personality while still being professional.


Get ConnectedBy: Rachel Lewis

Social media has become a major player in the way that information is retrieved. A transition

from traditional emailing to utilizing social media platforms in order to reach students has been made by the Department of Communication. Students now have access to information regarding internships, deadlines, general announcements and events through Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest along with a display of pictures, videos and important links to other webpages. According to the Department of Communication’s Administrative Assistant Alyssa Smith, this transition has proved to be very successful to both the department and students. “Utilizing social media has become a requirement. You have to have it to get in touch with students,” said Smith. A lot of student interaction is involved with the Department of Communication’s social media. Smith gets a lot of the information used on the sites from Communication students. Members of KSU News Now, PRSSA and SPJ email her with important updates and information that she then posts on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. The sites also allow students to provide feedback on these sites and as soon as they do so, it comes straight to her email prompting a quick response. Students can find the links to the social media sites on the home page of the Department of Communication’s website. Facebook and Twitter are updated 3-4 times a week and Pinterest is updated every time the department has an event. Students are encouraged to start following the department on social media as soon as they become interested in the field of Communication, especially now that it is a gated program. The best time to check for updates is midday on Wednesdays. Social media is crucial to Communication students. “It’s huge. It’s going to be a part of your job when you leave college and get out into the workforce,” said Smith. Students should learn to use social media for more than connecting with friends and for professional and business-related tasks as well. By connecting with the Department of Communication while still a student, there is an opportunity to begin this process. This also allows students to feel more in tune with their degree program and stay up to date with pertinent deadlines, leading to academic and personal success.


Get connected with the DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATION ]

FALL 2014

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Whether students are navigating the media-rich culture as critical thinkers, learning to write and produce news and feature stories as journalists or gaining hands-on experience drafting news releases as practitioners in the deadline-

driven world of public relations, Kennesaw State’s Bachelor of Science in Communication offers opportunities to explore a broad range of Communication interests. As the most popular major among KSU’s 25,000 students, the Department of Communication is proud to offer great opportunities to enterprising and successful students, as well as provide instruction from faculty members who have extensive experience in their specific disciplines.

By Rachel Baines

Preparing World-Ready Communicators

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Creative CoursesThose interested in the art and design aspect of Communication have the chance to take technology-based courses that offer exposure to Cloud computing, Adobe Creative Suite and high-definition media equipment. Communication courses such as Organizational Publications (4405) and Digital Media Production (3340) give students the experience required to start out in some of the most exciting Communication fields such as design and movie and television production.

Communication ColloquiumStudents pursuing a degree in Communication at KSU also have numerous opportunities to network with leading executives in the Metro Atlanta area. The National Advisory Board supports students’ scholarly interests and holds networking events such as the Fall Communication Colloquium.

Internships KSU’s Department of Communication offers one of the state’s most diverse internship programs that connects students with local, national and international organizations. In fact, communication students have completed internships all over the nation, from New York to Los Angeles.

Student OrganizationsKSU’s Department of Communication

is also the proud home of several active student organizations, including the Public

Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA), the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) as well as Lamda Pi Eta, the nationally recognized Communication Honor Society. These organizations provide students with ample opportunities for networking with top professionals in the industry and give them an additional edge on their resumés.

Graduate SchoolFor those Communication students who wish to continue their education after receiving their bachelor’s degree, Kennesaw State offers a unique graduate program that prepares students to become leaders in globally integrated organizations. The Master of Arts in Integrated Global Communication (MAIGC) is an innovative and contemporary program designed for Communication professionals who appreciate how economically interdependent and socially interconnected the world is today.

COM Goesglobal

9FALL 2014


PRSSA students pose for a picture

at the 2014 PRSSA National Conference in Washington D.C.

Dr. Jake McNeill, senior lecturer of

Communication, helps Advanced Video

Production students prepare to record

their newscast and video packages.



Communication student Amy Cromer

learns how to plan special events

like this silent auction during her

internship at The Fox Theatre.

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n Sept. 25, 2014 hundreds of Kennesaw State’s students and alumni gathered in the lobby

of the Social Sciences building to attend the University’s Second Annual Communication Colloquium. After the success of the first Communication Colloquium, the Department of Communication expanded this year’s event with more breakout sessions as well as a panel of all-stars who are all proud to say they

graduated from Kennesaw State. To open the event, Dr. Barbara Gainey, chair of the Department of Communication, welcomed all attendees and thanked the National Advisory Board Members whose support made the Colloquium possible once again. Many of the National Advisory Board Members went on to moderate the panels included as the breakout sessions. Dr. Robin Dorff, the dean of the

College of Humanities and Social Sciences, expressed how pleased he is with the growth and development of the Communication Department, announcing that the department educates more than 1,500 majors. As a whole, Dean Dorff could not be more pleased with the performance of the department and the promise it holds for the future of Kennesaw State University.

2014 colloquium

Second Annual Colloquium is a huge Success



Click here to see A video of this year’s event

By: Rachel Baines


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“Ninety-five percent of the world’s consumers live outside of this country. If you aren’t looking at your company from a global perspective, then you’re not even keeping up.” This advice was given to Communication students and faculty from Peggy Gardner, director of public relations at UPS. In today’s world, graduates are not just competing with others from around the country, but they are engaged in a worldwide competition for a select number of career positions. Employers are looking for leaders who can help them stand out from the rest of their competitors and rise to the occasion. Gardner and some other very well-equipped professionals spoke about these critical issues. Daniel Rutz, communications specialist for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, talked about the importance of being able to effectively communicate; reminding everyone that, “Communication bridges the gap between people.” Oftentimes, people get so caught up in the financial aspects of their jobs, that they forget the importance of actually doing something that they love; making them never truly work a day in their lives. By involving yourself in a profession that evokes passion and sincerity, a natural edge is provided that others may not possess. As stated by Rutz, when interviewing for a position, it sounds much better saying, “this is a dream job and here is why,” rather than just saying, “You should hire me because.” By doing this, employers are shown an eagerness to not only work for their company, but to be immersed in the actual field of Communication. A key point that Fleishman Hillard’s Senior Vice President and Senior Partner Paul Dusseault stated was to always “show, don’t tell.” As we have all been taught over the years, actions speak volumes more than

statements that can just be conjured up to say. Employees are constantly onstage and should use every possible moment as a chance to showcase the best of their skills and abilities. An audience member at the colloquium made a remark of some women having a difficult time branding themselves in a manner that is not only heard, but respected and accepted by their male counterparts as well. Ximena Juncosta of ADP, one of the world’s largest business processing providers, gave very valuable insight, stressing the importance of being bold no matter who

is around and never being ashamed of sharing well-deserved accomplishments with others. Gardner stressed the importance of possessing the ability of thinking beyond oneself and never being too afraid to step out of the box. She added that minds are extravagant gifts that should never be restricted, especially

by one’s own imprisonment. Good quality work will over-rule any possible stigma and bring down any discriminatory thoughts that others may have had. Juncosta said one of the most important things to do, whether male or female, is to “be genuine and communicate who you are. Let people see who you are behind the curtain.” Employers do not hire machines, they hire people and each person has a unique personality and skillset that they bring to the table. This is what employers want to see from potential employees. They can hire anyone, but why should they hire you?

making connections

11FALL 2014

In today’s world, graduates are not just competing with others from around the country, but they are engaged in a worldwide competition for a select number of career positions.

Branding Yourself Globally By: Rachel Lewis


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The colloquium breakout session titled “The Future of Journalism” featured three female professionals from Atlanta’s top ten U.S. media market. Students heard from Jodie Fleischer, investigative reporter for WSB-TV Action News, Angela Tuck, education assignment editor for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and Rebecca Burns, deputy editor and digital strategist for Atlanta Magazine. They covered a variety of topics from how to get into the field to the direction they believe journalism is headed. As they addressed the main topic of the evening, it seemed that a general consensus was to focus on the future of online journalism. Not that it was the breaking news we had all come to hear, but it was the truth. More specifically, was how people can drive traffic to their news outlets. Tuck noted that the changing benefits to this challenge are multiple platforms, which offer opportunities to find new readers. One thing that will never die, however, is to be able to communicate with people. Fleischer said that there is a growing fear of the digital age and that face-to-face contact is being left by the wayside. All three panelists were in agreement that being able to report and have rapport with audiences is essential to the job. The panel reiterated the basics of how to get into the journalism field. Writers need to start blogging. It was suggested that multiple blogs a day are becoming a new standard. Make sure the writing is in AP Style format. Trends are also starting to lean towards having a digital portfolio that contains deadlines and freelance work. Doing multiple internships was a suggested route and to pick a field that could differentiate resumés from the masses. Job seekers should apply with confidence and not have any typos on their resumés. Burns recalled an instance of how one of the top candidates for an open position at Atlanta Magazine wasn’t even acknowledged because of a typo on the envelope of their resumé letter.

Future of JournalismKSUCOMMUNICATION ALL-STARS Panelists consisted of Knox Bardeen, writer and editor for Fox Sports South; Haley Kilpatrick, Girl Talk founder and CEO; Miguel Sepulveda, vice president at Cohn & Wolfe; and Lindsey Tulkoff, office manager at Secop, Inc. All four panelists are KSU Department of Communication graduates. NAB President Tanjuria Willis hosted the panel and directed comments on a variety of topics. All of the panelists stressed the importance of good writing and interpersonal skills, and the ability to utilize data skills in the workplace. Each panelist offered a lasting thought for students. Bardeen advised students to do as many internships as they can. He added, “It is important to know as many people in your field that you can.” Sepulveda encouraged students to network and suggested they begin doing so with professors and students in their classes. Tulkoff gave this advice, “Be ready to hire. Be flexible. Show what you’re interested in,” and Kilpatrick told students, “Be coachable. Have great mentors. Allow yourself to grow.” As the panel concluded, students were able to network and visit with the speakers.

2014 colloquium

By: Emily Daniel

By: Cyrus Hall

Speakers (from left to right) included Angela Tuck, education assignment editor for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution; Jodie Fleischer, investigative reporter for WSB-TV Action News; and Rebecca Burns, deputy editor and digital strategist for Atlanta Magazine.

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Future of Journalism

making connections

Communication Advice from Sports ProsSpeakers on the Colloquium’s sports panel were Garin Narain, vice president of communications for the Atlanta Hawks; Traci Messier, public relations professional with Jackson Spalding; Kevin Clayton, CEO of Jump Ball Corporation; and Ray Cox, senior editor of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Each provided attendees with advice about professional life and sports that they learned along the way in their respective career paths. All speakers discussed how internships helped them advance in their careers and stressed the importance of internship experience for new hires. Those with several internships are the ones that usually make it to the top of the stack, Cox said. “What I am looking for is enthusiasm. I am looking for curiosity, and I am looking for the ability to

work hard.” Cox added, “Always be willing to continue to learn.” When discussing interviews Clayton said, “Know what you bring based on your life experiences.” He went further into detail about his first job interview. He didn’t know where he would start, saying the company decided to place him in sales because they figured that was best for him. He reassured students who don’t know exactly what they want to do with their degree that he really had no clue that was where he would be today. Narain talked about his journey to becoming VP of public relations for the Atlanta Hawks. He advised students to keep in touch with contacts and to always be nice. When discussing the workforce and what skills were required for their field, Clayton said these

messages must cross several different cultures. Furthermore, Narain said students must be able to tell their organization’s story. Narain discussed how he had to write the Atlanta Hawks story and then give it to the media. After that he could not control how the newspaper would report it; however, he must be able to try and control the message as much as possible. Narain said the biggest change to his work is social media. Social media has changed the field a great deal since information must be provided much quicker now. With much less planning time there is more pressure to give as much information to followers as possible, but to also make sure all of the information is accurate.

By: Paymon Kashani

The 2014 Fall Colloquium attracted approximately 300 students who had the opportunity to listen to industry leading experts, network with fellow students and faculty members and enjoy dinner courtesy of Chick-fil-A.

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With Kennesaw State University's football season approaching, The KSU Sentinel has already begun writing numerous articles about the football team and regularly attends events related to pigskin happenings. The Sentinel runs a story on the team every week in a section titled “1st&365.” Chris Raimondi, sports editor of The Sentinel, said, “The title plays off the football jargon of 1st and 10. The team is a year away from games so 1st down and a year to go.” A reporter for the Sentinel attends team practices on a weekly basis. The stories written by The Sentinel are all by students; however, when they wish to cover a sporting event, Raimondi said, “We are treated the same as any other media. For example, when we go to cover a basketball game, we notify the sports information director for the team and tell them that we would like to attend the game. They put the writer on the media list.” Raimondi continued, “It's fun to be part of a student paper, but it's even cooler when you write for the sports section and get real experience by going to press conferences, sit next to guys from the AJC on press row and organize interviews just like professional media outlets do.” The Sentinel currently live tweets as many games for KSU's sports teams as possible and hopes in the future students read The Sentinel for all of KSU's sports coverage. To increase student involvement, they are thinking about having a “fan photo of the week” so students can participate. The Sentinel also encourages students to write articles themselves and submit them. This allows them to have the chance to become a published writer and use the clip in a hiring portfolio. At the beginning of each semester, sports writers meet and discuss which sports a particular writer will cover according to their knowledge of the sport, schedule, experience and any other factors that could help with coverage. Raimondi mentioned that in order to keep up with coverage and demands, The Sentinel is even thinking about creating an entirely new position for feature stories involving all sports.

1st & 365FOotball &KSU media


By: Paymon Kashani


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With Kennesaw State University's first football season rapidly approaching, Owl Radio has also

begun planning communication of the team's activities throughout KSU.

Owl Radio's sports team currently broadcasts the basketball, baseball and volleyball games and is hoping to

broadcast the football games as well. Owl Radio is first making sure its schedule can support a live broadcast of games and then will be

creating a pitch letter for the organization. Terrence McNair, promotions manager at Owl Radio, said to increase the team's involvement with the student body, Owl Radio would not shy away for an opportunity for a live “Q&A” broadcast. This would allow students to tweet or message the studio asking questions as Owl Radio hosts a show with the coaches and/or team members. McNair said, “I believe the best way to incorporate student involvement is to invite constructive criticism to our style of broadcasting and offer them a chance to broadcast with us.” McNair said Owl Radio plans on promoting coverage via social media and the station’s promotional events. Owl Radio will tailgate each home game and have a booth set up outside the stadium playing a wide variety of music and, if permitted, give away prizes, apparel and free tickets. Each semester, Owl Radio hires new students to work. Those interested in Owl Radio's sports team are briefed on what the team's responsibility is. Owl Radio streams online and promotes teams during their individual progress.

Owl Radio Kicks Off

By: Corey WareInside the Owl’s Nest

Tasty chicken wings and sports are two things that pretty much belong together. So it’s not surprising that Al Barba, director of athletics communications at KSU, hosts a monthly live sports Internet show at Buffalo Wild Wings Grill & Bar on Barrett Parkway called “Inside the Owl’s Nest.” The one-hour show premiered in the spring of 2014 and had its fall debut in August. It airs on Wednesdays and is co-hosted by Brian Katrek and Art Eckman. Katrek is KSU’s basketball play-by-play announcer and the lead play-by-play anchor for the PGA TOUR Network on Sirius/XM Satellite Radio. Eckman, former ESPN Supercross and Motocross broadcaster, is special assistant in the Department of Athletics at KSU. He was also the sports director for Atlanta’s WXIA-TV for 13 years. The guests of the show feature selected student athletes and coaches from various sports. They discuss the current happenings of their respective sports programs. The program also profiles student athletes and gives insight to their personalities and lives. The live shows can also be viewed on demand at www.ksuowls.com. There you will also find information about upcoming show times. All KSU fans are invited to “Inside the Owl’s Nest,” and live tweets can be found @KSUOwlNation.

By: Paymon Kashani

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Documentary Films i n t h e M a k i n g a t k e n n e s a w s t a t ehe entertainment industry has been growing over the last few years, and so have the opportunities for Kennesaw State students to become involved in local productions. With

the creation of the Documentary Filmmaking course (COM 4300) at KSU, students interested in audio-visual production now have the option to gain experience in the digital media field. This course will greatly impact the future of Kennesaw State students who wish to

take advantage of the impact of local entertainment productions and pursue careers as directorsand producers. In the spring of 2014, Dr. Jennifer Leifheit-Little, a Kennesaw State Department

of Communication alumna, began working with Communication professors Dr. Erin Ryan, Dr. Josh Azriel, and Dr. Jake McNeill to create the Documentary Filmmaking course. These Communication professors


Atlanta Communication Execs Weigh in on Entertainment Communication

At this year’s Colloquium, entertainment industry leaders Gina McKenzie, vice president of public relations at Turner Broadcasting; James Andrews, founder of Social People; and Jim Dudukovich, senior marketing on digital and social media counsel at The Coca-Cola Company weighed in on the field of entertainment communication. What was made abundantly

clear during the session: do not assume anything, be ready to make mistakes, and listen. Knowing what you do not know is as important a virtue as hard work. “Know when to say ‘oops,’” said Gina McKenzie, with full agreement of her co-speakers. “Don’t assume you will never slip up. You will, but the important thing is adapting

By: Rachel Baines

By: Sam Butgereit


16 Entertainment

Picture Provided by: Georgia D

eparment of Econom

ic Developm


Page 17: KSU Pipeline Magazine - Fall 2014

Documentary Films i n t h e M a k i n g a t k e n n e s a w s t a t estrived to develop a class that would be of value in the Communication offerings, as well take advantage of Leifheit-Little’s previous education and experience as a filmmaker and producer. Students begin the semester discussing the history and different types of documentary film including how technological advances impacted the genre. Then, each student goes on to create his or her own documentary that is presented to the class at the end of the semester. “We view examples of each type of documentary to identify techniques and visual storytelling methods,” said Liefheit-Little. “This provides students with the information to build upon the skills provided in the Digital Media Production prerequisite classes, and later to develop their own documentary from concept to completion.” This course is unique to other Communication courses in that students work alone in order to complete their documentaries, rather than working in groups like most

capstone classes. Rather than only gaining experience in production, students develop one documentary

project throughout the course of the semester. This structure allows students to experience all the

aspects of the production timeline” from pre-production, then filming and production to postproduction. An integral part of this course involves students completing this work on their own, without relying on the help of group members or other students. The growth of the local entertainment industry has greatly impacted the creation of this class as

well as other courses at Kennesaw State. Aspiring directors who wish to complete

this course have the chance to add another impressive piece to their portfolio. While this

is only the first semester that the course has been offered, expectations for those who complete the course are high. Leifheit-Little says she has no doubt that her students will go on to become involved in some great projects, especially since they have some great opportunities in the Metro Atlanta area.

Structure allows students

to experience all the aspects.

Atlanta Communication Execs Weigh in on Entertainment Communication


and learning from it”. McKenzie discussed the importance of volunteering for things that are unfamiliar to people to people to help to find their expertise. She said that a major hurdle for young people is pigeon-holing themselves and limiting their own possibilities. The result of the advent of social media is a landscape consisting of an increase in transparency, accountability, and

market awareness. “Learn the space,” added Jim Dudukovich. “Be wildly curious.” He elaborated on his experiences of colleagues fearing to even learn about social media and the developing environment. By taking the time to learn about what is new, Dudukovich stands out in the field as a reliable, relevant source. Thriving in entertainment communication can be simplified

to effectively relaying a message to a given audience. It may seem obvious the most productive route to communicate is to utilize every channel in disseminating an idea. James Andrews highlights the necessity of cultural sensitivity and understanding how people move before making a business decision. Social People is the company he created that integrates digital strategy and

content development. According to its website, the company is all about connecting people and ideas. “It has never been easier to start a company,” he said. He should know. Over the summer he and his 12-year-old daughter started a company in 36 hours. Anyone can succeed if the motivation, dignity and boldness are provided in the endeavors.

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Internships Growing In Numbers and LocationsThere is little argument when it comes to discussing the value of internships. By now most students

realize an internship or two can go a long way toward helping them become established on a meaningful career path. Depending on timing and needs, more and more hard-working students are being offered jobs or incentives by internship providers. One of the great aspects about internships is that they offer significant value to both students and employers. Internships offer students great opportunities to learn and network, while prospective employers review the performance of interns to determine if they are good candidates to become part of their future workforces. Most students do their internships in the Atlanta metro area, but that doesn’t have to be the case. A growing number of students are doing internships elsewhere. The requirements to earn academic credit for internships focus

mainly on GPA, hours completed toward graduation and work-related responsibilities. In the past few years Department of Communication majors have done internships throughout Georgia and the rest of the U.S. Opportunities have spread from 18 PIPELINE MAGAZINE


Los Angeles




Page 19: KSU Pipeline Magazine - Fall 2014

Internships Growing In Numbers and LocationsNew York City to Los Angeles, and eastern Washington to Miami. Students may even go beyond U.S. borders to do academic internships so long as the requirements of the program are met. Recent examples where undergraduate students have gone internationally include, Paris, France and Bogota, Colombia. If students act quickly there is still time to line up internships for spring semester 2015. Going beyond Georgia’s borders for a learning experience may be a little difficult in this time span, but there is still plenty of time to line up a more distant opportunity for summer semester. Information about how to earn academic credit for internships and what is involved in the process may be found on the Department of Communication website at http://communication.hss.kennesaw.edu/resources/internships/ or by contacting Professor Tom Gray at [email protected]. Internships give many students an edge when it comes to finding employment after graduation. Students are encouraged to take a big step in their career journey by doing internships as undergraduates. More than likely it will put them on the right path.

60%of paid internships turn

into job offers.(Forbes.com)

Communication internships

since 2009.


Some KSU

students chose

to branch out

beyond the

U.S. and work


internships in

locations like

Paris, France

and Bogota,


19FALL 2014

New York City

Washington D.C.





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We Demand 2 Taughtbe

you’ll never be exactly theway you were before you stepped out of your comfort zone.


Learning 2 Evolve

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Integrated Global Communication student Kecia Jones’ upcoming book

titled “We Demand 2 Be Taught: The Student Revolution and Your Role in it!” focuses on her travels abroad to China and the emphasis for change in K-12 education systems. Her research of the Chinese education system allowed her to create the first International Student Success event with American and Chinese students. “For the first time ever, Chinese and American students collaborated on change from their perspectives,” said Jones of her experience. While in Shanghai, China, Jones’ students worked together to share their beliefs and enthusiasm about change in the school systems. They were able to explore the possibilities of what education could become in the future. Jones discovered that despite their differences, all students want the same thing—freedom. “Freedom from tests that don’t prepare them for life, freedom from stress, freedom from labels, freedom to learn in the way that serves them best,” explained Jones of her involvement with the children.

Students were free to voice their opinions and ideas about their vision for the future of education. Freedom in this sense means that students could learn in a way that is most beneficial to them, in a more expressive and purposeful way. Both American and Chinese students thanked her for being their voice and providing hope that change in both countries can become a reality. Jones’ travels to China taught her that “we are more alike than we are different.” She believes that people should celebrate their differences as well as similarities, always remembering that diversity is what makes people unique. Jones considers differences a global necessity, and her travels abroad have helped to shape these values.

By: Corey Ware

“ We are more alikethan wearedifferent.”

the Back 2 Basics

Kecia Jones explores future education possibilities with students in Shanghai, China.


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The most exciting part about traveling abroad for Jones is the adventure and excitement of discovering something new. “You know in that moment you’re growing; you’re evolving,” she said. “Your consciousness and awareness are expanding and you’ll never be exactly the way you were before you stepped out of your comfort zone.” While enjoying the thrill, she feels that forgetting one’s beliefs and traditions are the most difficult to deal with when traveling abroad. She believes that, “When you let that go, you can truly explore the diversity and beauty within humanity.” Jones’ book focuses on these experiences, and she concentrates on the success of the current generation. “I’m interested in how we are becoming the greatest global change agents,” she said. Although Jones’ upcoming travels abroad are tentative, her work, purpose and message are certain to keep her busy. Her plans for the future are to “empower and create the world we keep dreaming about!”

“When you let that go, you can truly explore the diversity and beauty

withiN humanity.”

Learning 2 Evolve

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WHEREBy Emily Daniel

Stacy Peery graduated from KSU in 1997 with a degree in Communication, a concentration in organizational communication and a minor in English writing. Today, she works at the Georgia State Capitol as the director of senate

staffing. Her daily routine includes an assortment of responsibilities that change daily. “My title is director of staffing, but I actually have three distinctly different jobs that I do at the Capitol,” Peery said. Peery works as the director of the intern program for the senate, where she does recruiting, reviews applications and conducts interviews. She also works as the director of staffing, where she manages the administrative assistants that work at the Capitol. On top of that, she works in senate receptions, where she entertains, briefs and guides people who come to be recognized with a senate resolution. “A typical day is completely different every day,” Peery said.

For Peery, one rewarding aspect of her career is the ability to see so many students succeed and accomplish their goals. “I love working with the students because I feel like we’re training the future leaders of the state and it’s so important to have a good start. I’ve really loved that about my job: giving college students a start in politics. It’s so exciting to watch it,” Peery said. In her work in senate receptions, Peery has had the opportunity to meet famous athletes, musicians and other well-known figures. “Last year Tom Glavine came to be recognized. He’s the nicest man. He sat and had coffee with me in the morning and his wife was with him and they were just lovely people,” Peery said. While at KSU, Peery had a great interest in public speaking. “I went to school for organizational communication, but I had this really strong interest in public speaking.

23FALL 2014

Pipeline checks in with a few Communication alums who are reaching new heights in the professional world.

are they now

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A zy Kashani graduated from Kennesaw State University in 2006 with a degree in Communication and a concentration in journalism.

Since graduation, Kashani has worked diligently to achieve success in the professional world of network television. Kashani works in Los Angeles as an advertising planner for The Food Network. Working as an advertising planner means operating alongside the marketing and public relations teams to come up with new ideas, analyze

research, and create advertising campaigns. “Some days I’m just typing numbers and putting puzzle pieces together to

make numbers work with a set budget, and other days it’s like a scene straight out of Mad Men, where I’m brainstorming ideas about how our clients can leverage the most by aligning with our program and our brand,” Kashani said.


I saw how powerful a really good speaker could be,” Peery said. She interned as a speech writer for then Gov. Zell Miller. During this time she wrote the speech for Dr. Martin Luther King

Jr. Day, and was able to stand in the rotunda of the capitol and watch the governor deliver it. Peery gives credit to several courses at KSU for sharpening her skills as director of staffing including interviewing. She put together a public speaking training project for the Cobb YWCA for her senior project, where she trained many of their speakers. “I do a lot of training. I think learning how to do that training program through the process of writing it has helped me a lot,” Peery said. She also recognizes public speaking classes for being a vital factor in improving interviewing and everyday communication. “I loved the public speaking classes. I thought those were also key. One of the things about public speaking classes is when you learn the process of public speaking you can use that in everyday life. I think learning the process of writing a speech teaches

you how to formulate in your mind how to answer a question,” Peery Said. Peery offers advice to current communication majors at KSU saying, “Learn as much as you can, ask questions, go to class and absorb it all. There is so much out there that your professors are teaching you. Pay attention, listen and learn it.”

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K nox Bardeen graduated from KSU in 2012. He is a sports writer for Fox Sports South. He covers major sports teams all over the Southeast including the Braves, the Hawks, the Falcons, the Titans, and

everything related to the ACC and SEC conferences. About 80 percent of his job has to do with writing, but it also includes other tasks. “At this day and age, you have to do all of it: writing, radio, TV,” Bardeen said. Bardeen also conducts short videos of game analysis for Fox Sports 1 as well as co-hosts the Falcons Power Hour on Radio 92.9 The Game. “I love the radio. I am starting to like the TV side of it more and more,” Bardeen said. Bardeen most certainly did not take the traditional route to starting his career. He was working for Sprint in Asheville, N.C. when he was relocated to Atlanta to open up retail stores in 2000. Sprint’s plans soon changed, and he was asked to return to North Carolina. His love for Atlanta caused him to take a risk and leave the company to be able to stay in the city. During this time, Bardeen started an online fantasy baseball blog. He was an early adopter of Twitter, where he gained attention for his blog. “I found a way to get everyone’s major league line-up a couple hours prior to the first pitch. It doesn’t seem like much now, but at the time, it was hard to do,” Bardeen said. After that success, his Twitter followers skyrocketed within a week.

After writing a column for Fanball.com, Bardeen was approached by an editor for AOL sports about a position to write fantasy sports. He was soon promoted to NFL football, and in 2009, he was put on the Braves and Falcons’ beat. At his first Falcons game, Bardeen realized he was

in need of AP Style knowledge and training. This encouraged him to take an AP Style

course with Professor Tom Gray at KSU. During his time in this

class, he made the decision to go back to school to earn his degree in Communication. While he was a student, Bardeen also worked as a writer, covering college sports with Comcast Sports Southeast (CSS), and the Falcons with CBS Sports. As of July 1, 2014,

Bardeen has been writing for Fox Sports South. He

believes Fox has opened up doors for him in many ways;

however, his most memorable moment as a writer so far is with

CSS, when he was covering the Iron Bowl 2013, calling it “the best finish to a

college football game.” Bardeen offers advice for current KSU students saying, “You don’t have to wait until you graduate to get into the field you want to get into. Do something small at first. The more people you can meet in your industry, the better.”

25FALL 2014

Her efforts have not gone unnoticed. Kashani was awarded the Food Network and Cooking Channel Planner of the Year award in 2012. This is one of the highest awards presented by the network. This is significant in that only one person is chosen from all of the Food Network’s major offices across the nation. Speaking about her favorite part of her job, Kashani said, “It’s challenging. It is stressful and so much detail goes into it. It is a big puzzle. When your advertiser comes to you and they’re happy, the end result is so fulfilling.”

After graduation, Kashani did not have the easiest time finding the job. “It was kind of hard to get a job straight out of college because I worked full time and I wasn’t able to do an internship or anything, which is really crucial to your career,” Kashani said. However, she made it her

goal to get involved on campus as much as she could. She began writing for The Sentinel at KSU, and created the campus calendar. Kashani applied for a position at The Discovery Network after graduation, but the position went to someone else. However, in a pleasant turn of events, The Food Network contacted The Discovery Network in search of someone to fill an assistant planner position. Since she had such an impressive interview, her Discovery contacts recommended her to The Food Network, where she was then hired. Kashani plans to continue working in media and she hopes to expand on what she is doing now. “I definitely want to expand more on what I’m doing now. I’m not sure where exactly, yet, but this is definitely the world I belong in,” she said.

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Real Worldpassion for the profession

KSU has three Communication organizations that students may become involved with in order to learn how to succeed in the real world after graduation: Lambda Pi Eta, the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) and the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ). Each organization is run by eager students who have a true passion for their future profession. They, along with their inspiring advisers, have created innovative and interactive activities for students to participate in throughout the year. Not only does participation in these organizations give students a competitive edge on their resumés, but it also provides valuable skills and experiences that will be useful throughout their careers. Each year, an SPJ delegate is chosen to attend the Excellence in Journalism conference. This year’s national conference took place in Nashville, where SPJ President Ellen Eldridge and faculty adviser Dr. Carolyn Carlson attended. One of the events that SPJ planned was one in which a local Director of Magazines, Mark Maguire, spoke to the eager future journalists. Maguire is employed by the Times-Journal office, which owns the Marietta Daily Journal, Cherokee Tribune, Cobb and Cherokee Life Magazines and the Neighbor Newspapers. He spoke about what it takes to be a freelance writer and getting paid for those talents. PRSSA members had the opportunity to participate in the PRSA of Georgia Shadow Day. Shadow Day allows members to shadow a public relations professional for a day, exposing them to daily operations as well as allowing them a chance to meet other professionals and network. Networking, after all, is the key to success in the Communication field. Like SPJ, PRSSA members participate in an annual national conference. This year’s conference took place in Washington, D.C. During this conference, members were able to attend several break-out sessions where they were coached on pertinent topics and trends within the industry. Lambda Pi Eta members are planning an induction ceremony for all new members in March. Lambda plans on holding sessions regarding graduation and how to prepare for graduate school as well as inviting Communication professionals to speak during organization meetings throughout the year. Whether students choose to get involved with SPJ, PRSSA and/or Lambda Pi Eta, they should definitely get involved in on-campus organizations. Not only will they gain valuable real-world experience, but they will also provide several great networking opportunities.

communication organizations



You Know


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The Omni Hotel was radiating with excitement Oct. 9-14 as PRSSA held its national conference in the nation’s capital. Young PR professionals from more than 50 universities nationwide attended the conference and networked with future peers and senior members. The hotel housed five days of sessions and socials to bring future associates together for this once in a lifetime opportunity to jumpstart their anticipated careers. The sessions included, but were not limited to: surviving the first job, social media marketing, political communication, international public relations, understanding what the media need, entertainment PR; and that was just the first day. The most incredible part of the conference was how willing the speakers were to answer questions and give feedback about their experiences in the field. The PRSSA chapter from KSU was honored to have lunch

with Thomas Hoog, vice chair of training and new business, and senior public affairs counselor at Hill+Knowlton Strategies. Hoog has strong governmental ties, having worked for former President Bill Clinton and the late Senator

Robert F. Kennedy on their political campaigns.

“Mr. Hoog was a wealth of information and shared so much with our chapter,” KSU PRSSA Vice President of Public Relations Lindsey

McNeely said. “That would have never happened if we

had not gone to our national conference.” Other noteworthy speakers included: Pam Jenkins, president of Powell-Tate; Anthony LaFauce, vice president of digital communications group at Porter-Novelli; and Jeff Mason, white house correspondent, Reuters. The overall experience of the conference was an amazing addition to the resumé and, more importantly, an incredible experience with unforgettable people. For more information regarding National Conference 2015, visit PRSSA’s website or contact KSU’s chapter president starting January 2015.

(Above) PRSSA students attend a luncheon with Thomas Hoog, vice chair of training and new business, and senior public affairs counselor at Hill+Knowlton Strategies, at this year’s PRSSA National Conference.

(Above) KSU’s PRSSA Senior Communication student delegates at the Omni Hotel, Washington, D.C. for the PRSSA Conference

“Surviving the first job,

social media marketing,

political communication,

entertainment pr.”

27FALL 2014

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The historical significance of this relic is not understated. Twenty-five years ago, this section of the Berlin Wall was torn down by protestors, many of them college students, in an event that marked the collapse of the Cold War. A quarter century has passed, and time has changed the perception of this artifact. The wall that symbolized tyrannical oppression has been reborn as a symbol of freedom after the reunification of East Germany and West Germany on Oct. 3, 1990. Kennesaw State University was granted this 12 ft., 2.7 ton memorial by former Georgia State Senator Chuck Clay about five years ago. It is located at the side of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences building and sits on a bed of white marble. The battered and graffiti-ridden wall is adorned with a pristine metal plaque. The relic provides a tangible and emotional connection to a pivotal moment in modern history for generations of students who only experience the Cold War through textbooks.





5The wall was 11-13 ft.

high between East and

West Berlin.

It encircled the city

of West Berlin and

stretched 100 miles.

The most famous border

crossing was nicknamed

“Checkpoint Charlie.”

Ida Siekmann was the

first person to try to

cross the wall.

Not much of the wall

remains, cobblestones

mark where the wall stood.



did you know...

This Wall


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The expansion of Kennesaw State’s Communication program is extending overseas beginning February 2015. The department has partnered with Brighton University in England in a foreign exchange program. Leading the program for Kennesaw State is Dr. Josh Azriel. In Brighton, Dr. Gilly Smith, a lecturer in multi-media broadcast journalism, is heading the task. The program calls for KSU to send two students to Brighton. In exchange, Brighton sends three of its students to KSU early spring semester 2015. Dr. Azriel said, “When we came up with this partnership, we did not want this to be a study abroad program where students were basically taking a glorified vacation. This is for students who want to go study journalism in another English-speaking country.” The Brighton University multi-media broadcast journalism program is rated 7th in the United Kingdom. Schools have to be accredited by the broadcast news stations in the UK to be considered for a ranking in that region. This makes for a prestigious opportunity for KSU students to sharpen their skills. Dr. Azriel discussed the intensity of the program in England and how it would benefit KSU students to be exposed to that type of environment. One of the main differences that he says students should be prepared for is how fast-paced and hands-on the journalism projects are at Brighton. He says it’s more like a professional eight-hour day instead of a structured class schedule. The academic coordinator at Brighton, Professor Smith, believes some of the top benefits for her students studying at KSU will be experiencing U.S. college life and atmosphere from this side of the world. While the workload will be challenging, her hope is for Brighton students to leave with a better understanding of American broadcasting and journalism. In early March when Professor Smith visited KSU she was in awe of our student center. She said, “Your student center is an inspiration with its retail and food outlets bringing in choices for the students and rent for the University.” Smith was also impressed with our student radio station (Owl Radio), the Atlanta media hub and the Department of Communication’s internship program. Expanding our borders and furthering our global knowledge should be beneficial to all Communication majors. To find out more about the foreign exchange program with Brighton University visit, www.ksu.studyabroad.com and search keyword: Brighton.


Jumping the PondKSU at Brighton University


(Left) KSU Journalism Director Dr. Josh Azriel at the BBC Southeast studios in Tunbridge Wells, UK. (Above) BBC Southeast anchor Juliette Parkin mentors University of Brighton journalism student Beatrice Stapleford.

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study tours

COMThe Public Relations Study Tour, COM 4495, is a two-week summer course that allows a select number of students the opportunity to visit a few of Atlanta metro area’s top public relations agencies. During this experience, students gain hands-on experience in the PR field, network with respected professionals and explore all of the services that public relations has to offer. The first week of this course is spent in the classroom discussing the fundamental aspects of public relations and the current trends in the industry. In the second week, students visit top agencies for a first-hand look into the world of public relations and all it has to offer. In past years, the tour has taken place both in Atlanta and New York. This year, students had the pleasure of visiting esteemed agencies such as Edelman, Cohn & Wolfe, MSL Group, Jackson Spalding and Porter Novelli. This class will be offered again Maymester 2015.

The Journalism Study Tour, COM 4490, is a Maymester course that offers students the opportunity to gain real-world experience in a “Top Ten” media market. This year marked the first time the class was offered and it proved to be a real learning experience. During the two-week course some of Atlanta’s top media experts shared their real-life experiences and provided extensive knowledge in all aspects of the news gathering process including production and distribution. Most of the first week was spent in the classroom where the focus was on the development and structure of the Atlanta media market. Once outside the classroom students visited CNN World Headquarters, the FOX News Network Southeast Bureau, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Atlanta Magazine, Georgia Public Broadcasting, the Marietta Daily Journal and the Center for Sustainable Journalism. The class will be offered again Maymester 2015.




and the cityBy: Hilary Rowser

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faculty spotlightdR. rYAN

31FALL 2014

Driven by a passion for expanding opportunity for students, Dr. Ryan's return to Kennesaw State University, her alma mater, was not a difficult choice to make.

By: Sam Butgereit

Giving Back

KKennesaw State University will be the second largest university in Georgia in 2015. This milestone serves as a marker for the cumulative efforts of countless individuals over several decades at KSU. Associate Professor Dr. Erin Ryan, a product of the University, now serves as a leader in the evolution of the curriculum. After graduating in 2003 with a degree in Communication, she continued her studies in academia, obtaining a master’s degree in Mass Communication from Georgia State and a Ph.D. in Mass Communication from the University of Georgia. “When I saw an opportunity to come back to KSU to teach in the media studies concentration, I jumped on it!” said Dr. Ryan. Two years ago she became the Concentration Coordinator for Media Studies, advocating innovative curriculum decisions for the benefit of students. As coordinator and assistant chair for

the Department of Communication, Dr. Ryan oversees development of the program to become a stand-alone major in addition to working with Journalism Director Dr. Azriel to create a certificate in Documentary Media Production and a minor in Emerging Media. Not to mention Public Relations and Journalism are in line to be their own majors in the next few years. “I’m currently working on the required documentation to submit to our various campus curriculum committees, but I’m confident that we will succeed.” As the curriculum changes to allow for more majors, it will create possibilities for minors as well. While overseeing the Media Studies program, Dr. Ryan continues her research on children

and adolescents and how they use and/or are impacted by electronic media. In fact, she just submitted two papers to the International Communication Association for

consideration for the 2015 annual conference. She

explained, “One paper is about the Bechdel Test to evaluate children’s movies and the other is about the ability of Thomas the Train to help

children on the Autism spectrum

to learn emotion recognition.” At a national

conference in March, she will present research on adolescent use of Twitter for “tips” on how to live an eating disordered lifestyle. Dr. Ryan is an important part of the Kennesaw State University team that makes the department better for the students tomorrow.

Earlier this year, Dr. Ryan launched

the Department’s Media Studies Academy Journal, which features 100% original student


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Your support funds student scholarships and faculty research, and gives the department flexibility to expand important programs that enrich our educational community.

In 2014, KSU’s Communication Major offered undergraduate programs in Public Relations, Media Studies, Journalism & Citizen Media and Organizational Communication. Minors in Public Relations and Crisis Preparedness and a certificate in Multiplatform News Reporting were also available. At the graduate level, we offered a certificate in Digital and Social Media and an M.A. degree in Integrated Global Communication.

I want to support the KSU Department of Communication with my gift of: $1,000 $500 $250 $100 $50 $25

My gift is unrestricted, to be used where the need is greatest. My gift is reserved for program in the Department of Communication.

support, encourage, impact

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You have an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of our students by supporting and sustaining programs that educate Communication students and prepare them for success as citizens and leaders in our communities. You have an important role to play as we work together to create an innovative program of national significance for our students. Contributions are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.

College of Humanities and Social SciencesDepartment of Communication402 Bartow Ave NW, #5105 Kennesaw, GA 30144-5591

Make check payable to:Kennesaw State University Foundation, with Department of Communication in the memo line.

Please send check to:The KSU Foundation 1000 Chastain Road, MD 9101 Kennesaw, GA 30144-5591


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