ksu exchange with université cheikh anta diop dakar, senegal

KSU exchange with Université Cheikh Anta Diop Dakar, Senegal

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KSU exchange with Université Cheikh Anta Diop Dakar, Senegal. Senegal, West Africa. Official languages: Wolof and French 7 major ethnic groups, 22 total groups Peulhs (5%), Toucouleurs (10%), Malinkés (4%), Wolofs (27%), Sérères (17%), Lébous (7%), Diolas (9%) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


KSU exchange with Université Cheikh Anta Diop

Dakar, Senegal

Senegal, West Africa

Official languages: Wolof and French

7 major ethnic groups, 22 total groups Peulhs (5%), Toucouleurs (10%), Malinkés (4%), Wolofs (27%), Sérères (17%), Lébous (7%), Diolas (9%)

Religions: Muslim 88%, Catholic 12% (Official numbers), Animist (75%)

Population: 11,126,832 Capital: Dakar Dominated by French from 1677

to 1960 Independence April 4, 1960 Léopold Sédar Senghor, president

from 1960 to 1980 Currency: CFA Communaute Financiere

Africaine franc , exchange rate 500 CFA/ 1 USD

Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar

Bibliothèque UCAD

KSU and UCAD Partnerships

Dr. Gorgui Dieng at the Women’s Leadership Center created with the help of Dr. Myra Gordon, Associate Provost of Diversity and Dual Career Development at KSU.

Surrounding UCAD

Views of the Atlantic from the University

UCAD Buildings

UCAD Campus

IFAN Museum, central Dakar

Lac Rose

Joal Fadiouthbirth place of Léopold Senghor

Ngeech, Thiès Region, Senegalese Interior

Possibility to complete service projects at the community school

Young women from Ngeech school master’s home built with funding from US governmental grants

Ngeech, students and teachers


Dr. Gorgui Dieng and his uncle Awards ceremony at village school

ToubaHoly Mosque, Muslim pilgrimage site

Ile de Goréecolonial port, slave house, IFAN museum


Gorée Island

Saint Louis colonial capital of Senegal (possibility to take classes in St. Louis)

Saint Louis, University and Langue de Barbarie

Travel Precautions

No visa necessary for U.S. citizens (short term trips). You must have a valid passport.

Recommended Anti-Malarial Medicine (from your physician, by prescription).

Recommended Mosquito repellent, sunscreen, long sleeved shirts and long skirts or pants.

Recommended Yellow Fever vaccine (not required, available at Riley County Health Dept).

Optional Hepatitis A vaccine (2 parts, not required, Riley County Health Dept).

Resources for more information on Senegal

http://www.senegalaisement.com/ http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/g

eos/sg.html http://www.senegalembassy-us.org/ http://www.au-senegal.com/ http://www.senegal-online.com/