kp4 pipelines template

8/21/2019 Kp4 Pipelines Template 1/15 KP4: Ageing and Life Extension - Inspection Template – Pipeline Systems INSTALLATION or DUT!OLDE" DATES#S$ I%T and INSPE&TO"#S$ Key Persons interviewed Company Position S'mmary of Inspection Tra(c Lig)ts "ed Am* er +ree n , . / 0 1 2 3 Section A4 Ageing and Life Extension #ALE$ - Policy Section 54 ALE - Organising Section &4 ALE - Planning and Implementing Section D4 ALE - %eas'ring Performance Section E4 ALE - A'diting and "e6ie7ing Performance S'mmary of Inspection 8indings4   August 2011 V1.0 Page 1 of 15

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KP4: Ageing and Life Extension - Inspection Template – PipelineSystems



Key Personsinterviewed

Company Position

S'mmary of Inspection Tra(c Lig)ts"ed




. / 0 1 2 3

Section A4 Ageing and Life Extension #ALE$ -

PolicySection 54 ALE - Organising

Section &4 ALE - Planning and Implementing

Section D4 ALE - %eas'ring Performance

Section E4 ALE - A'diting and "e6ie7ingPerformance

S'mmary of Inspection 8indings4

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KP4: Ageing and Life Extension - Inspection Template – PipelineSystems!SE Action ta9en4

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KP4: Ageing and Life Extension - Inspection Template – PipelineSystems

Section A: Ageing & Life Extension – Policy and Leadership

Principal Questions:

1. Describe the policies that senior management have put in place for

integrity management of safety critical elements and in particular ageingand life extension issues.

2. To what extent are senior managers aware of the performance of thesystems designed to maintain the integrity of safetycritical assets! andwhat is their commitment to ensuring that such assets remain fit forservice at all times"

#enchmar$s sought in replies:

• Expliit reognition of t!e signifiane of ageing issues

• "nderstanding of t!e !allenges to A#E

•  Ageing and life extension $A#E% poliy owned &y senior management

• 'enior management !as responsi&ility for implementing A#E poliy

• 'enior management support for e(uipment)system replaement

•  Asset *ntegrity +anagement $A*+% addresses A#E

• ,itness for purpose demonstrations are desri&ed

• -eferenes to odes standards / guidane for example

o ' *nfo s!eet 3)2004

o Plant Ageing 6'E -- 504

o Energy *nstitute 7,ramewor8 for monitoring t!e management of ageing

effets on safety ritial elements9

Pipeline %upplementary Questions:

:!e duty !older s!all demonstrate t!e existene of a lear and appropriate orporatepoliy on A#E.

 A;1. *s t!e orporate poliy on A#E suffiient in its sope and &readt! and overpipelines wit!in its fous<

 A;2. :o w!at extent is t!e orporate A#E poliy em&edded wit!in t!e pipelinesafety)integrity management poliies and systems<

 A;=. 6ow do pipeline A#E issues ontri&ute to t!e safety ase :!oroug! -eviewproess<

:!e duty !older s!all demonstrate general understanding of pipeline related A#E issues

and t!at t!ey form an essential omponent of t!e pipeline integrity management system$P*+'%.

 A;3. esri&e t!e P*+' poliy approa! to managing and assessing t!e ageingproesses and t!e need to lin8 inspetion re(uirements to t!ese<

 A;5. 6ow does t!e P*+' poliy address pipeline life;extension<

 A;>. ?!at A#E responsi&ilities)involvement do senior managers !ave in t!e poliy<

:!e duty !older s!all demonstrate t!at t!e pipeline P*+' is fit;for;purpose for A#E andadopts a ylial proess omprising planning implementation and evaluation.

 A;@. ive a &rief overview of t!e 8ey poliies systems proesses and douments

overing t!e overall Pipeline *ntegrity +anagement framewor8 and !ow t!eyspeifially fous on A#E eg P*+' +AP

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KP4: Ageing and Life Extension - Inspection Template – PipelineSystems

Section A: Ageing & Life Extension – Policy and Leadership

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KP4: Ageing and Life Extension - Inspection Template – PipelineSystems

Section A: Ageing & Life Extension – Policy and Leadership

ns!ore +anagement

ffs!ore perations

6'E Comments

6'E Ation ta8en

 Tra(c Lig)t Score'E-*"'












EnforementBotie 'erved


#etter /!anges madeto intervention




Ver&al advie


Bo findings

1 0

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KP4: Ageing and Life Extension - Inspection Template – PipelineSystems

Section B: Ageing & Life – Organisation

Principal Questions:

1. &hat management processes are in place to ensure delivery of the '()


2. *ow does the leadership team $now that the people involved arecompetent to perform the duties that the leadership team expect them toperform"

#enchmar$s sought in replies:

• -oles and responsi&ilities are defined

• efined responsi&ility for ondition assessments / life extension studies

• +anagement / development of personnel ompeteny

• +anagement of ontrator and =rd party ompeteny

• -etention of orporate 8nowledge

• oumentation management $asset registers ) drawings%

• +anagement of !ange

Pipeline %upplementary Questions:

:!e duty !older s!all demonstrate t!at an effetive management struture is in plaefor delivering t!e pipeline ageing / life;extension $A#E% poliy.

;1. *s t!ere ade(uate desription of t!e P*+' organisation struture and 8ey roleswit!in t!e poliy doumentation< *s t!ere speifi A#E fous<

;2. ?!at use of internal speialist s8ills)8nowledge on A#E issues for pipelines and!ow is t!is managed<

;=. :o w!at extent are ontrators involved and !ow are t!ey seleted andassessed for ompeteny and monitored for performane<

;3. *s t!e pipeline A#E poliy underpinned &y staff involvement and partiipation< *st!ere an ongoing me!anism in plae for staff feed&a8<

;5. ?!at provisions are in plae to retain operational and maintenane reords< *st!ere a plan in plae to onvert paper reords to digital reords<

:!e duty !older s!all demonstrate t!at t!e need for ompeteny in A#E and pipelineintegrity management $P*+% is reognised and inorporated wit!in t!e A#E poliy.

;>. 6ow does t!e duty !older identify and maintain suffiient and appropriateompetenies to identify ageing me!anisms evaluate t!e extent of ageingand implement mitigation measures for pipelines<

;@. 6ow do t!ose responsi&le for managing inspeting / maintaining pipelinesensure ade(uate understanding of A#E issues and remain aware of t!e 8eyindiators signs and symptoms to s!ow t!at a plant is ageing<

;D. 6ow are 8ey pipeline issues signs or symptoms ommuniated to operations or maintenane personnel so t!ey are aware of w!at to &e alert to as indiators ofageing plant<

;4. ?!o is responsi&le for onduting)approving pipeline ondition assessmentsand !ow is t!eir ongoing ompeteny reviewed)validated<

;10. ?!o is responsi&le for approving pipeline life;extension studies and fordetermining)approving any limitations on future use< Are t!ere definedompeteny standards for t!is role< Any evidene of review<

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KP4: Ageing and Life Extension - Inspection Template – PipelineSystems

Section B: Ageing & Life – Organisation

ns!ore +anagement

ffs!ore perations

6'E Comments

6'E Ation ta8en

 Tra(c Lig)t Score'E-*"'












EnforementBotie 'erved


#etter /!anges madeto intervention




Ver&al advie


Bo findings

1 0

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KP4: Ageing and Life Extension - Inspection Template – PipelineSystems

Section C: Ageing & Life Extension – Planning andImplementation

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KP4: Ageing and Life Extension - Inspection Template – PipelineSystems

Principal Questions:

1. &hat steps are being ta$en to ensure the implementation of the '()policy"

2. )xplain how the +ntegrity ,anagement %ystem captures ageing issues.

#enchmar$s sought in replies:

• Explanation of !ow e(uipment su&et to ageing is seleted and identified

• -eview of t!e suita&ility of t!e performane standards

•  Assessment of operation &eyond design life

• Evaluation of wear deterioration and damage in servie

• -eview for operation outside of design limits and for !anged design


• &solesene identified and managed

• Plans for replaement and provision of spares

• :argeted inspetion and maintenane inluding diffiult to aess e(uipment

• #ife extension studies and fitness for purpose demonstrations

Pipeline %upplementary Questions:

:!e duty !older s!all demonstrate t!at an effetive inspetion and maintenane planis in plae.

C;1. ?!at is t!e &asis of t!e inspetion plan $e.g. ris8;&ased or time;&ased%< 6ast!e regime !anged to ris8;&ased sine t!e plant was onstruted<

C;2. 6as any part of a pipeline experiened reurring defets or inreasing trendsof unplanned wor8 and &rea8downs< Evidene to manage t!ese aspets<

C;=.  Are t!ere arrangements in plae to identify plant / e(uipment t!at is

approa!ing or !as exeeded its original design life<

C;3. oes t!e duty !older utilise a t!ird;party integrity management organisation<*f so to w!at extent is t!e duty !older involved wit! t!e inspetion planningand implementation proess<

C;5. *s t!ere a lear system in plae &y w!i! t!e inspetion plan is implementedwit! me!anisms to !andle deviations from t!e inspetion plan<

:!e duty !older s!all demonstrate t!at plant / e(uipment t!at is diffiult to inspet ormaintain !as &een identified.

C;>.  Any evidene of measures introdued to manage diffiult to inspet ormaintain strutural plant / e(uipment< eg non;pigga&le riser in aisson et

C;@. Evidene of out;of;date or o&solesent e(uipment identified and managed<

:!e duty !older s!all demonstrate Ageing and #ife Extension issues in pratie andt!at life extension) fitness;for;purpose evaluations are suffiiently detailed.

C;D.  Any evidene of pipeline life extension life proposed or implemented< 6as itfollowed formal proedures and &een formally reorded<

C;4.  Any evidene of damage or ageing)deterioration to ritial plant e(uipment or omponents &eing identified and remedial measures put in plae<

C;10. 6as t!ere &een a !ange;of;use t!at violates t!e original design or previousintegrity assessment< 6ow !as t!at &een assessed)managed)reorded<

%ection -: 'geing (ife )xtension / Planning and +mplementation

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KP4: Ageing and Life Extension - Inspection Template – PipelineSystems

ns!ore +anagement

ffs!ore perations

6'E Comments

6'E Ation ta8en

 Tra(c Lig)t Score'E-*"'












EnforementBotie 'erved


#etter /!anges madeto intervention




Ver&al advie


Bo findings

1 0

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KP4: Ageing and Life Extension - Inspection Template – PipelineSystems

Section : Ageing & Life Extension – !eas"ring Performance

Principal Questions:

1. *ow does senior management $now that the ris$s arising from '() are

being effectively controlled"

2. Describe the performance indicators used to demonstrate the currentcondition of the installation plant and e0uipment.

#enchmar$s sought in replies:

• #eading and lagging KP*s to monitor impat of A#E are defined

• +anagement reviews KP*s and ats

• Contrator and =rd party maintenane findings reviewed

• Proedures in plae to detet ageing

•  Ageing proesses monitored

• ,ailure trends identified

eneric %upplementary Questions:

:!e duty !older s!all demonstrate an ade(uate understanding and 8nowledge as to t!eurrent status of integrity of pipelines / assoiated e(uipment.

;1. ?!at system)proesses does t!e duty !older adopt to review anddemonstrate pipeline urrent ondition<

;2. :o w!at extent does t!is review proess relate to pipeline design)servie lifeand ontri&ute to an assessment of remaining life<

:!e duty !older demonstrates an ade(uate system &y w!i! performane is measured.

;=. ?!at speifi 8ey performane indiators $KP*s% Ftraffi lig!tsF or similar areused to review pipeline ondition< Can t!e duty !older demonstrateadoption of appropriate leading and lagging indiators<

;3. esri&e !ow t!e inspetion te!ni(ues are determined to &e appropriatefor t!e detetion of ageing or deteriorating pipeline performane<

;5. o maintenane proedures)KP*9s onsider or identify t!e need for a moredetailed inspetion if a period of life extension is to &e ustified or ifdeterioration from an ageing me!anism is identified<

;>. Evidene of evaluation of revised)new odes standards guidelines et.and adapting inspetion and maintenane et. w!ere neessary<

;@. 6ow do lessons learned from inidents and pipeline related failure trendsfeed into t!e proess<

:!e duty !older s!all demonstrate t!at a proess is in plae to monitor deterioration

;D. ?!at me!anisms are in plae to reord information relating to ageing<

;4. 6ave any pipelines or assoiated e(uipment &een identified as ageing< *f so w!at measures are &eing ta8en to manage t!ese issues<

;10. 6ow is t!e ondition of pipelines and assoiated e(uipment approa!ing or exeeding original design life identified<

;11.  Any evidene of any pipelines or assoiated e(uipment &eing identified from

monitoring w!en approa!ing original design)servie life<

;12. oes t!e duty !older review operation and maintenane !istories t!at

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KP4: Ageing and Life Extension - Inspection Template – PipelineSystems

Section : Ageing & Life Extension – !eas"ring Performance

identify pipelines t!at may !ave &een su&et to ageing proesses<

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KP4: Ageing and Life Extension - Inspection Template – PipelineSystems

Section : Ageing & Life Extension – !eas"ring Performance

ns!ore +anagement

ffs!ore perations

6'E Comments

6'E Ation ta8en

 Tra(c Lig)t Score'E-*"'












EnforementBotie 'erved


#etter /!anges madeto intervention




Ver&al advie


Bo findings

1 0

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KP4: Ageing and Life Extension - Inspection Template – PipelineSystems

%ection ): 'geing (ife )xtension / 'uditing and eviewing Performance

Principal Questions:

1. *ow does the duty holder review the effectiveness of their inspection!

maintenance and repair activities"2. Describe the processes in place to audit the ageing and life extension

aspects of their integrity management system.

3. Describe how the verification system is used to address deteriorationassociated with ageing and life extension issues.

#enchmar$s sought in replies:

• ,ormal audit programme w!i! addresses A#E management proesses

•  Audit findings reviewed &y senior management

• +anagement improvements identified

• 'CE verifiation proess addresses A#E issues

eneric %upplementary Questions:

:!e duty !older s!all demonstrate t!at a proess is in plae to review and audit findingsand to implement ontinuous improvement wit! respet to pipeline ageing.

E;1. 6ow fre(uently are pipeline poliies strategies and douments reviewed andup;dated and &y w!om< eg P*+' +AP Any evidene of reent !anges<

E;2. *s t!ere any evidene of improved standards lessons learned and trends ofinident aident and near;miss data &eing used to improve P*+'< Anyevidene of identifiation and management of o&solesene<

E;=. ?!at is t!e fre(ueny and sope of audits of P*+' inluding A#E issues<?!en was t!e last audit underta8en< ?!at evidene of findings)issues<

E;3. ?!o performs t!e pipeline audits< *nternal or t!ird;party<

:!e duty !older s!all produe a Fpipeline statement of integrityF as produed &y t!ete!nial aut!orities for senior management.

E;5. ?!at involvement do senior managers !ave wit! t!e 7statement of integrity9proess< Are t!ey on t!e distri&ution list< Evidene t!ey9re aware of ondition<

E;>. 6ow are reommendations to senior management made wit! respet to t!elevel of resoures re(uired to maintain integrity<

:!e duty !older s!all demonstrate t!at t!e verifiation proess addresses ade(uatelyt!e potential loss of pipeline integrity arising from deterioration assoiated wit! A#E.

E;@. ?!at referene is made in t!e orporate verifiation s!eme to A#E<

E;D.  Are 'CE performane standards on t!e loss of integrity from deteriorationassoiated wit! pipeline ageing and life extension availa&le<

E;4.  Any evidene t!at t!e verifiation proess !as identified any deterioration fromageing me!anisms or demonstrated t!at integrity !as not &een ompromised&y ageing me!anisms< Any evidene of assoiated improvements<

:!e duty !older s!all demonstrate t!at a proess is in plae to onsider t!ird partypipelines and pipeline areas out wit! t!e 500m Gone

E;10.  Any evidene of ooperation on audit and reviews in t!ese areas< eg w!enonneted to =rd party pipeline systems or pipelines on =rd party installations<

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KP4: Ageing and Life Extension - Inspection Template – PipelineSystems

Section E: Ageing & Life Extension – A"diting and #e$ie%ingPerformance

ns!ore +anagement

ffs!ore perations

6'E Comments

6'E Ation ta8en

 Tra(c Lig)t Score'E-*"'












EnforementBotie 'erved


#etter /!anges madeto intervention




Ver&al advie


Bo findings

1 0

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