kingfisher high school stinger-04/13/2016

Page 2: Photo Staff Changes Page 3: Promenade Pics Page 4: Lady Jacket Golf Page 5: Movie Review Page 6: Game Review Page 7: Track and Field Page 8: Monday Blues Page 9: Rehearsal Pics Page 10: Baseball Pics Page 11: Top 10 Music Vids Page 12: Dissection Pics Page 13: BOE Minutes Page 14: 3rd Qtr. Awards Page 15: Prom Poses Page 16: Prom Dance April 12, 2016 “I may not agree with what you say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it.” Voltaire?

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The KHS Stinger is the only weekly student generated newspaper in the state of Oklahoma.


Page 1: Kingfisher High School Stinger-04/13/2016

Page 2: Photo Staff Changes

Page 3: Promenade Pics

Page 4: Lady Jacket Golf

Page 5: Movie Review

Page 6: Game Review

Page 7: Track and Field

Page 8: Monday Blues

Page 9: Rehearsal Pics

Page 10: Baseball Pics

Page 11: Top 10 Music Vids

Page 12: Dissection Pics

Page 13: BOE Minutes

Page 14: 3rd Qtr. Awards

Page 15: Prom Poses

Page 16: Prom Dance

April 12, 2016

“I may not agree with what

you say, but I shall defend to

the death your right to say it.”


Page 2: Kingfisher High School Stinger-04/13/2016

April 12, 2016

Editor-in-Chief Stephanie Soto

Editor-in-Chief Emeritus Daniel Tautkus Chief Photographer Sam Walter

Chief Photographer Emeritus Sean Borelli

Asst. Chief Photographer Cricket Kaya

Compositing Editor Kaden Baartman

Managing Editor Laryn Schemmer

Advisor Mr. Kurt Kaya

Advisor Emeritus Dr. A.J. Johnson

High School Principal Mr. Todd Overstreet

Superintendent of Schools Mr. Jason Sternberger

Senior Reporters Janelle Hawk, Teresa Rangel, Clairanda Porter, Blanca Barcenas, Logan Hightower,

Reporters: Lisa Baxter, Alma Padilla, Martin Padilla,

Robert Haynes, Alma Atondo, Michael Sutton, Andrea Jimenez, Nicholas Bradford

Photography Staff Regan Henderson, Joey Little, Alex Wilczek,

Jared Hughes Photography Interns Roberto Tafoya, Colton Koska, Blaise Pinkston

Email Address: [email protected]

Policy Statement It is the policy of the Kingfisher School District to provide equal opportunities

without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, qualified handicap, or veteran

status in its educational programs and activities. This includes, but is not limited to,

admissions, educational services, financial aid, and employment.

Inquiries concerning application of this policy may be referred to Jason Sternberger,

Coordinator of Title IX and Section 504 responsibilities, Kingfisher Public Schools, P. O.

Box 29, 11th and Chisholm, Kingfisher, Oklahoma 73750. Telephone 405-375-4194.

Kingfisher Public Schools provide educational opportunities to disabled students

age 0-21. These services are provided in accordance with public law 94-142, which

requires an approved appropriate education for disabled children ages 0-21. Any person

having knowledge of a disabled child and not identified or served, please contact Jason

Sternberger, Superintendent of Schools, 11th and Chisholm, Kingfisher, Oklahoma 73750

or telephone 405-375-4194.

The opinions expressed in THE STINGER are those of the author and do not

necessarily reflect those of THE STINGER staff, its sponsor, the administration or

faculty of the Kingfisher Schools.

Some material courtesy of American Society of Newspaper Editors/MCT Campus High School Newspaper Service.

School Photos Available

To view and order photos from this school year.

Be sure to visit the website at:

KHS Photo Staff Passes

Torch By: Stinger Staff

The award-winning tradition of Kingfisher High School’s

much lauded photography program saw the changing of the guard

last month as graduating Senior and Chief Photographer Sean

Borelli symbolically “passed the torch” of leadership to Sam Wal-

ter, who was selected for the much coveted Chief position for the

2016/17 school year.

Walter, a junior, was chosen to take the mantle of leadership,

previously serving with distinction as a member of the photo staff

and Assistant Chief Photographer .

Retiring this year due to graduation is senior Chief Sports

Photographer Regan Henderson. Rounding out the photo staff for

next year is Walter, Cricket Kaya, Joey Little, Alex Wilczek and

Jared Hughes, along with interns Roberto Tafoya, Colton Koska

and Blaise Pinkston.

The entire KHS Photography Staff along with select students

from Dr. Johnson’s photography elective class will travel tonight

to the annual Oklahoma Camera Club Youth Photo Contest in

Oklahoma City. After a quick stop for dinner and activities at

Gattitown , the entire contingent, chaperoned by Dr. Johnson and

Mr. Kaya, will represent the program at the only statewide pho-

tography competition for high schools students in Oklahoma.

STUCO Attends Districts


By: Laryn Schemmer/kk

Kingfisher High School’s Student Council recently attended

the 2016 Spring Semester District Conference at Enid High School.

The Yellowjacket chapter ran for District Vice President of District 2

and won in a double-tie competition with Guthrie. Both schools were

required to perform a campaign skit for the entire conference in at-

tendance. The subsequent voting resulted in a tie. The tie was broken

by a lip-sync battle.

Two KHS freshmen, Madison McKesson and Roberto

Tafoya, stole the show by lip-syncing Beyonce’s, Single Ladies.

‘Thanks to those two, KHS STUCO is now Vice President

of District 2.

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April 12, 2016

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April 12, 2016

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April 12, 2016

24 Hr. Roadside & Emergency Service Alignments

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School Photos Available

Movie Review:Hardcore Henry

By: Martin Padilla/kk

Billed as the first ever film to be shot entirely in first person point of view, the long

awaited film brought to us by STX Entertainment lives up to it’s title. But could be the start of

a new film gimmick?

Paranormal Activity, Cloverfield, As Above So Below, The Blair Witch Project, these

are films that made use of what is called the “Found Footage” genre (more specifically used

in horror movies). The basic concept of this is to shoot a film with a handheld camera and

have the camera be continuously filmed for a course of the film. Some shots may be cut and/

or cut short but then left for a person to later find.

Hardcore Henry is introducing a film that has a first-person shooter experience that

puts you in the protagonist’s position. This is the first ever full-length film to ever do that, but

can this one fantastic film spawn a whole genre like the found-footage genre?

The movie itself is a nonstop thrill ride that keeps you at the edge of your seat, with

only a budget of $2 million dollars and amazing visual effects! This by far the most interest-

ing movie of 2016 I’ve seen so far. The film follows the POV of the protagonist, Henry. The

first 15 minutes of the film are a little tough to follow due to the fact that the camera shakes

continuously, but after the introduction you fall right into the shoes of Henry.

There’s only one problem I had with this movie and it’s a little bit after the introduc-

tion where Henry is looking for a specific character to explain why these events are occurring.

It’s a scene that I feel was only put in the film for the sole purpose of making the film longer,

or adding more scenes that kind of showcase the first person point of view experience.

Overall the film is a great experience. Keep in mind there’s a lot of shaky camera moves in

the film, which may nauseate some viewers, but they definitely put the perspective to good


When I saw the trailer for this I had a lot of questions myself. Was the whole film

going to be in first person? Is this supposed to feel like a video game? Almost the entirety of

the film is shown in first person and it felt a lot like you’re playing a video game. After seeing

this film I wondered if this film would have the same effect at home as it did in a movie

theatre, I hate to say this for you people who like your Friday night Redbox movie rentals, this

is one for the movie theatre.

I had a lot of fun watching this movie but there are a few questionable things in it. The

conclusion feels a little lazy but overall great immersive experience. I give this film a B. For

more information about this film you can check out my youtube channel and watch my video

review for it as well!

My Days Without

Social Media By: Andrea Jimenez/ls

Lent ended on March 26th, which was

also the day I could use social media once

again. As I had written on one of my previ-

ous articles, I gave up social media and pop

for this year’s lent. I admit I accidentally

drank pop twice but I did keep up with my

no social media sacrifice.

At first, I thought I would go crazy

without my daily supply of Facebook, In-

stagram, Snapchat, etc. However, things

were not as bad as I had imagined.

Lent began on February 10th, which

was Ash Wednesday, and it lasted about 40

days. My days without social media, sur-

prisingly, went well. However, I realized

that I needed to do something else to keep

me occupied, so I downloaded games on

my phone.

That was practically the only thing I

used my phone for. By the way, Angry

Birds Pop is a pretty fun game. I also inter-

acted more with my friends and family and

had real face-to-face conversations. That

part was nice.

Sometimes, we all get so occupied on

our phones that we forget what its like to

have a real conversation. I didn’t regret one

bit giving up my social media one bit.

It was actually a good experience and

will probably give it up for next years lent.

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April 12, 2016


Larry Adams & Nancy Moyeda 800-227-5439

Game Review:

Quantum Break

By Nick Bradford/kk

Quantum Break is a distinct shooter, with

a compelling plot and great combat play ac-

tion. This game was made by Remedy Enter-

tainment. This team of people also made Max

Payne and Alan Wake which was also great

games. This game has you play as a guy

named Jack Joyce whose got some weird time


I have played a lot of this game when it

first came out and I love it. The story is great,

the combat was great. The Team at Remedy

Entertainment really surprised me with this

game with its great graphics and smooth game

play and a good story. I feel like I’m in the

game when I play it.

The game has a spectacular time-stutter

effects (time stops and slow down for every

one but you) and excellent performance. But

the game action will start later in the game

which I can see most people will stop playing

by then because of the lack of action in the

first of the game. But it makes it up with the

great plot and stuff. The powers are fun to use

when you are going against a large group of

enemies. It helps you clear them much better.

Taking a balloon to

Space By: Logan Hightower/kk

A Spanish company named Zero2infinity

has created a balloon that will take you to

space. You can now go to space for a whop-

ping $75,000! They have created a little shut-

tle that is carried up by a balloon that is the

size of a football field. It will fly up to 100,000

feet in the sky. It can hold 6 passengers, and 2

crew members at a time, and it takes about 2

hours to get to the max flight limit.

After the shuttle hits the max altitude, it

will ponder on the top of it for about 2 hours,

so you can get an amazing view. Once it’s

finished, it will start descending, which will

take 2-3 hours to get to the ground. Helium

will be vented into the balloon on descent, to

make the balloon not rush down to earth, pos-

sible, crash landing. The weather has to be

perfect to do this, so it’s only done in the

spring or early summer, when it’s not too hot,

and there are no clouds.

There has been over a thousand people to

try this experience, and people are really excit-

ed to try this once the prices lower.

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April 12, 2016

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April 12, 2016

Coleadera and Jaripeo

Season Arrives

By: Alma Padilla/kk

My favorite time of the year is almost here!!

Coleadera and Jaripeo season! Every year starting around

the middle of March, The Coleadero’s (Mexican rodeos)

start. Coleaderos are fun family events that happen on

Sundays. These events happen at El Rancho La Herradura

in Piedmont, El Rancho Bajio in Noble or at the Lazy E

Arena in Guthrie.

Many fun things happen at the Coleaderas.

They usually start around 11 in the morning and end at

midnight or later. You get to see Charros Coleando, Flo-

reando and Riding bulls while the banda is playing music.

What a Charro does when he tries to Colear is

to knock down or trip a bull by its tail with the help of his

horse. For every bull he trips he gets a small ribbon pinned

to his Charro suit. My favorite thing to watch the Charros

do is Florear.

Florear is when they do cool tricks with their

ropes almost as if they were dancing. There is also me-

chanical bulls for kids to enjoy. Food and drinks stands are

everywhere for the adults to enjoy some of their own as


As it gets later the Main event gets ready to

start. Famous Bandas come to play and entertain people.

Everybody gathers around to find dance partners to dance.

All you see is friends and families enjoying themselves

into the night. If you’re looking for fun, I would recom-

mend you to go to these events. You won’t regret it.

Monday Madness

By: Alma Atondo/kk

Every body highly dislikes Mondays. My alarm rings and I struggle

to get out of bed. I know it is going to be a busy day because it is Monday. I

reach over to hit the snooze button on my alarm, and not wanting to get out of

bed because I know what the day is to bring.

As I lay in bed, I look up at the ceiling. I think about the day and

start to feel the stress creeping up on me.

I hit the snooze button at least twice before I get out of bed. Once I

get out of bed, I get ready for school and I know how much school is going to

be boring. Then later on that day, I know that after school, I have to go to


Nobody wants to do anything on Mondays. If Monday was a person,

every body would

punch that person in the

face. Mondays suck,

because it is so far from

Friday and it is just the

beginning of the week.

We can not

wait till the weekend

for us to sleep in or go

out and spend time with

our friends. We really

can not do much about

it but just to hope for

the best and survive.

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April 12, 2016

School Photos Available

To view and order photos from this school year.

Be sure to visit the website at:

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April 12, 2016

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April 12, 2016

10 Odd Music Videos Opinion By: Clairanda Porter/kk

If you are anything like me, you like find-

ing odd out of the place music videos or anything

different in the fact. I thought I would be a kind

generous human, which is what I am told I am, and

share my findings. This count-down to my number

one odd music video will have ten wonderful songs

mixed with their unthinkable videos. In the words of

Mario, “Here we go!”

10. The Turntable Turnabout, by Mystery Skull, has taken the slot of

number 10 for the reason that it is not that out of the ordinary, but it is

somewhat comical to see the crew from Ace Attorney sing to you as they

turn into a My Little Pony character and Daft Punk once the beat drops.

9. Mystery Skulls takes another spot on my list of out of this world

song with Ghost. At first it strikes you as just your average animated music

video, but as you continue to watch you get hooked and see that there is

much more going on than what was let on.

8. Here I am once again writing to you, the newspaper readers, about

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu; she takes number 8 on this list with PONPONPON.

If you haven’t already watched this video or at least heard of it, then you

must live under a rock, because this is known throughout all types of people

groups. This video is most likely one of my favorite music videos of KPP.

7. Many humans will hate me for including this video into my list of

misunderstood music videos because it is so addicting and many find this

song annoying. Tight Pants/ Body Rolls, by Leslie Hall, is the wonderful

video I speak of; no other words can be said about this lovely piece.

6. This next song has a special place in my heart because Hayden

Turner showed me this lovely piece in 2014. I fell in love with it right away;

HEYYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA is the fabulous video you will one day have

enough curiosity to look upon.

5. German Sparkle Party takes the cake for number 5. The beat of this

song compels you to dance right with the very harry man and his odd wom-


4. We take a quick visit to Korea as the next music video is, Catallena,

by ORANGA CARAMEL. The theme of this video most likely go right off

most people’s heads, but it is very obvious to me.

3. I have nothing to say about my next entry, other than it is every-

thing. Chick Chick by Wang Rong Rollin has taken my life and given it

light on all things loud and crazy. I truly like this video with all my being.

2. My list has taken us all over the internet as well as the world, and

my next chose is not any different. Tunak Tunak Tun by Daler Muhnai is an

India beauty. With the contagious beat and beckoning smile of Daler all you

can do is smile as you move your hips to this gem.

1. Russia is our last stop on the journey to the weirdest, most lovely

music video out there; I bring to you Chum Drum Bedrum. I absolutely love

this song and video with all, my inner weird, internet junky inside me. I

want to recreate this video; I want to be this video.

Life is Strange: The Game Opinion By: Clairanda Porter/ls

Life is Strange is a 5 part, story based game, the words

you chose to say and the actions you chose affect the game in

every way. I had found the game shortly after it had been

released, but just recently I fell upon some money and bought

the game for myself. I had put the game on a pedestal of un-

touchable adventure, but now that I have the game in my

filthy grubs, I can finally see if the long wait was worth it.

As my journey into Life is Strange has taken a very en-

thusiastic start, as I am already over with part one. The first

chapter is basically an introduction to Max, the main charac-

ter, and the life you will help her chose. What is thought to

only affect her could in reality could affect everyone around

her. You also get to know the characters you will interact

with as you play through the game and flip the tables of time.

Once I finish the game, I will write a full review, so look

out for that if you are interested in the game. I have a feeling

that the game is the very thing I made it out to be and more.

Life is Strange will most likely be one of my favorite story

based games I will have ever played.


Opinion by: Lisa Baxter/ss

Panic! At the Disco was created in 2004, in Las Ve-

gas, Nevada. There were other members, but Brendon Urie is

currently the only member of the band.

P!ATD is a pop/rock band and the other genre’s are

pop punk, pop, baroque pop, alternative rock, electro-punk,

emo, dance-pop, electro-pop, hip-hop, psychedelic pop, vau-

deville, and finally indie rock. The touring members are Dal-

lon Weekes, Keeneth Harris, and Dan Pawlovich. Brendon’s

labels are DCD2 and Fueled by Ramen. P!ATD’s newest al-

bum is called Death of a Bachelor.

The albums before are a fever you can’t sweat out

(2005) Pretty. Odd. (2008) Vices & virtues (2011) Too Weird

to live, Too Rare to Die! (2013).

Brendon Urie plays - lead vocals, guitar, keyboards,

synthesizer, piano, bass guitar, drums, and percussion. Spen-

cer Smith left the band in 2015 and ever since then it has just

been Brendon in the band and the tour members. My favorite

songs by Panic! At the Disco is Emperor’s new clothes and

Hallelujah and that’s only in the newest album I have lots of


So many that I can’t name them, but what I can tell

you is I have been listening to P!ATD for 6 years and I still

love the music.

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April 12, 2016

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April 12, 2016

School Makes

Me Want To


Opinion by: Janelle Hawk/ls

When we wake up in the morning,

we all feel sleepy and don’t want to get

up for school. Really nobody wants to

even go to school, at least I don’t.

School is fun sometimes, when you’re

not feeling sleepy.

During classes we soon get bored

and doze off. Then you flinch and realize

you’re in class. When you do realize,

you notice you’re really sleepy and just

want to sleep.

Sometimes, I want to just go home,

lay down in my bed, and sleep; however,

I know I can’t go home and sleep. If we

had one free hour during school, I would

most definitely go home and sleep.

I dislike being sleepy sometimes,

because all you want to do is just sleep

all day. When you get out of school all

you think about is going home, laying in

your bed, and just sleeping.

Most people would prefer to stay up

than to go to sleep at night, but not me I

could just sleep all day and all night. I

choose not to sometimes, because then I

wouldn’t be able to go to sleep at night.

Sleep is life always remember that.

Board of Education Report

April 4, 2016

The Kingfisher Board of Education met in regular session at 7PM on Monday, April 4,

2016 with all members present. President Dana Golbek called the meeting to order and minutes

from the previous meeting were approved.

Next came the financial reports presented by Superintendent of Schools Jason Stern-

berger. Mr. Sternberger said the district finances remain solid even with budget cuts from the

state. He said that total revenues were down about $400,000 from this time last year but with

financial savings and taking about $200,000 from the carryover from last year, the district is in

good shape. He added reports from state legislators indicate cuts for next year of less than ex-

pected so no plans are required for any reduc-

tion in force.

The Board routinely approved the

sale of a set of building bonds previously

approved by the patrons and fund raisers for

the Heritage School and the basketball teams.

Under the Superintendent’s Report, Mr.

Sternberger said pre-enrollment for Pre-K

will start this week and because of staff re-

quirements, there may have to be a limit on

the total number of transfers into the district


Supt. Sternberger also said the Mul-

ti-Purpose Building is nearing completion

with anticipated acceptance and occupancy in

June or, perhaps, before. If equipment can be

moved into the building, he said, this will

allow the north gym bleachers to be pushed

back for more seating at commencement.

Mr. Sternberger said about $40,000 remains of the money originally designated for

high school roof repair and the Heritage gym heat and air conditioning. He invited Board mem-

bers to suggest projects adding that one possible project was adding a set of doors at the entrance

to the high school and another would be the construction of display cases in the high school com-


With no new business, the Board entered Executive Session at 7:19 p.m. returning at 7:55

p.m. to accept the resignations of Jacki Sternberger, Vicky Jech and Karen Hubbard.

The Board adjourned at 756pm.

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April 12, 2016